Ang Kombatsero

Ang Kombatsero

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[Music] [Music] work as a team and receive a prize work as a team and receive the price once again this is some of the scene that you can witness of the residents that living in here as 75 of their source of living has been relied in the ocean [Music] and most of them are the fishermen that going offshore working hard to make money and every fish they got to provide for their family needs that patiently waiting for them it fears that something might happen while their loved ones working hard at the ocean and if the weather isn't that good they're trying their lap using the fishnet at the shoreline hoping that things will be okay and survive every day [Music] [Applause] and even though isn't that much each of them will receive their shares accordingly [Music] this is joe estrada and what am i about to tell you is the story of the combativo in a simple town hopes underseason palace where you can find beautiful beaches and there's a place that called la paz and most of the residents here are depending from the grace of the ocean living in a simple life at the shoreline enjoying the sounds of the waves and the fresh air [Music] while the fishermen preparing their needs before going fishing [Music] and some of the local residents spend time with your family to smell the fresh air [Music] and swimming of course but the best part of it when the boat is arrived [Music] this kind of boat is loaded with hundreds of kilos of fish in its heavy ass tank so it's necessary to call out more people to land the boat from the water to the shore [Music] and this random people you are seeing right now are the kombacheros men women and even children and elders are working together this character of a filipino is known as [Music] [Applause] [Music] bayanihan just let me go this is a proof of nothing is impossible if everyone are giving their best to make things happen watching them is truly amazing [Music] and after giving their best to push the boat it's time to receive a fish as a payment for the hard work that to give to the fishermen [Music] but who really caught my attention it's a 12 year old kid his name is g-boy better with his friends jeebuy is helping a fisherman to prepare their needs and also pushing the boat and became [Music] according to him enjoying life as a kid is a big waste of time because he can do something better and that is being bacheros [Music] that's their pastime [Music] even though the fishermen didn't ask for their assistance but these kids are very kind they are willing to help as long as they are enjoying it [Music] this pact of ice is used to preserve a fish and this is the least that kids can do after doing the house course jiway will go in to ask his father's permission if he can do akumbachero his father is also a boat captain and appreciate that kind of job [Music] foreign [Music] after a few days of working hard the button while going back to the shore to dispose all the fish they got [Music] ngboy was there willingly wait until the boat come close [Music] and it's really hard for the porcelain to come close to the shore without anyone not going to push it because the boat is made out of wood and it's necessary to avoid big waves that going to destroy [Music] the life of a kombachero isn't just to push the boat and get a fish [Music] the residence here is like a family they have a concern [Music] to all fishermen and being happy seeing them going home safe safe from the unpredictable weather condition in safe or the risk might happen while they are in the ocean and safe to go back to their family [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] no matter how hard is it how heavy is it they need to push the boat and move out into a safe position the waves can't even reach it the hardest part of pushing the boat is when the shore is in slow position [Music] because the boat is loaded it's heavy as tank but as you can see [Music] people here are not going to give up [Music] until they succeed [Music] foreign [Music] and because nothing lasts forever to land the bell into its right position all of them are very tired and needed water [Music] but this is the most exciting part when the fish is being pulled out to partake to each and everyone [Music] we've been [Music] [Music] oh the good thing is [Music] a slice of fish it's a big help for them to eat a fresh fish everyone who received their shares will go home and put it on the fridge while the other one is sufficiently waiting for their chance to be given by the person in charge of distribution [Music] our people [Music] after the distribution cheeboy is happy to go home bring in his share and present it to his parents [Music] okay [Music] once he got home g-boy will go straight to the kitchen to clean the fish he makes sure that the fish will be cleaned well and slice for each of them [Music] accordingly a 12 year old kid without any complain he is willing to help his parents to provide [Music] food edgy boy is amazing kid and he can be an inspiration to anyone and to his family and if you are watching this right now there's nothing wrong with being a kombachero it is fun and truly amazing [Music] foreign [Music] these people blended by that characteristic and the relationship as the neighbor will remain until the next generation where even it's not that much but the smile is real happy for what they have in a simple life like g-boy [Music] an amazing kid that true bus that there's nothing impossible if we are working together [Music] with friends with anyone with our neighbors [Music] you can still dream so high but you must appreciate the life you have right now the waves are unstoppable and so the life [Music] wave pieces [Music] you

2021-02-20 11:19

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