Amazing #SHIGMO Celebration, Goa Travel/Tourism. #homkhand #holi - Dangerous & Awesome

Amazing #SHIGMO Celebration, Goa Travel/Tourism. #homkhand #holi - Dangerous & Awesome

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so hello everyone hi this is your buddy SIMPLE  GUY and I have shot this video after the HOLI   celebration festivals in Goa so I actually enjoyed  the festival .... so the festival HOLI when you   think of the festival HOLI google it all you'll  find lots of references to mythology, you'll find   a lot of references to culture tradition then  there's color ,there's water balloons there is   fire and there's a lot of things so from what  i know of the Indian traditions of uh uh there   would be a season of either you know the kharif  crop or the rabi crops they would be chopped or   so that time there would be lighting of fire and  they would that would actually signify the end of   winter..... so that's the festival holy so a huge  fire be lit and a lot of deities are worshipped   you know and then in tradition so be it culture  or religion i think the HOLI is one of the big   festivals in india and especially northern India  southern India so i actually had my brush with the   holi festival celebrations and these were amazing  uh there is okay everyone then you thinks of Goa   if i'm getting drunk we're getting high we're  getting i don't know what not and the beaches and   I don't know the foreigners coming to goa..... and  it's okay goa has its different facets and sides   so i have seen um the holy festival celebration  I have participated last year also but I really   enjoyed the ones so what happens is I ummm now  there was fire walking now the main highlight   fire highlighted and i was asked okay i was asked  whether i should actually fire walk or not......   but well i had done that fire walking  earlier and i wish it would again   okay and then i said well let's go  through it so that was trial by fire   and i did .....see look i'm alive right  and definitely uh I shall show you my feet  

the same t-shirt that i wore with that video so  if you see my feet now oh fish so this is scalded but but well i'm not scared again this is my other  feet other foot oh if you see this has been burnt   burnt badly but here you'll see i have thick  skin on my feet of hands of the skin of hands   and feet are the toughest so you don't have  to worry about it so it was a great experience   again and i went twice okay through it and i had  someone hold up the camera and but in now if you   move on for the further in the video you'll find  me explaining okay what's happening what's not   so there is amazing stuff that keeps going on  okay so stay tuned see i don't know inquisitive   right to see what happens in holi and i really  wanted to show and put this out to youtube there   is a different side of goa the celebrations in  goa but the holy festival celebrated let's move   so initially when i went on from my house  i didn't know what to expect like because i   didn't never saw the function from start to end  but the first time i saw the phone from starter   and then i was hearing firecrackers in my head  so let's go and see what happened next so that   i think the next two parts of the video will  just show you all the you know the fireworks   going through and it's like big celebration it  was at one moment you'd feel that it's diwali   so you can go and see just see the next part so  guys it is the day of holi and everyone is busting   crackers here and there so there is going to  be a lot of things this one happens tonight   so right now i am think there's a ceremony in the  village that we'd be walking on fire so i have to   be very careful uh i have to walk faster and not  stop on the way so i'll be attempting my firewalk   the second time this year last year i had done it  in 2021 and i think that was on 22 again i need   to do the same thing so let's try it out again  let's try to walk on fire today happy holi guys look at the celebration of holi it has been their  first thing that was like crazy that's for you the bursting crackers and here's the fire being burnt  so i think i can zoom in i think uh for the next one a lot of people were gathered  around like you could say almost i think more than   100 because it looking at the crowd and the  kids and all that people waiting outside for   okay people came up and that there was police  protection also because certain times during this   festival okay um uh on this day gently go on most  even people who drink or don't drink it let me   bust you a myth about goa okay right it's not  that everyone drinks in goa in fact you'll find   the percentage of non-drinkers very less than  the drinkers so but there's one truth if anyone   in goa you find person like you know  rolling on the floor after getting drunk   there are the highest chances  he's not a goal he's from some   where outside whether international or local or  maybe uh national he is definitely not from core   because ivory bones uh all the time the small you  know when 5 years old to 85 years old everyone   drinks wine and fenny and URRAK, Niro as medicine  so the for us we have a very high tolerance value   all right so you'll find a lot of there will be  brawls and fights and stuff like that so there   will be police posted around to ensure that  everything is okay people are standing across. huge crowd i'm just capturing everything always people are standing  in line for holy festival   there is policemen also everyone is around so if you see they have decorated the whole  this is the panchayat here okay and they've   decorated the whole place so you'll find  people have already played holi i know holy   as for the calendar dates of last week  but over here it is this week all right   so i'm just going to take a round around  the whole so far you guys get the situation so everyone has partied everyone  is drunk it's going to be fun so there's a tradition where people run  on pole a walk on pole for that matter i'm showing you inside i don't know if the  phone camera is going to work the phone   camera may not work as soon as i go inside  because there's too much of heat so.......... if you go closer the phone camera will say NO.... so this thing is there it's going to be fun to see so i went to the fire and then initially  when people when i think there was no one   around i went inside the pit over there and  in the fields and then i checked the fire   and i tried to understand okay well you know  what it looks like i went around the place i   took videos here and there and try to feel how  the file looks like i'm standing right here it's going to be fun it's going to be exciting this young man because there's already so it's gonna be fun i hope i get some nice slow mo's over here  oh this is good let me try some slo-mo's gonna be fun let's see how it's gonna work so  the initial part of the fire they have already   you know stacked locks over each other but what  happens is once the fire starts burning and coal   starts being generated we need to spread out the  coal across the place so there'll be people in the   sticks trying to you know spread out the coal  if you just check this video further then   spread out the coal across the place trying to  you know level it out so that it spreads out   you cannot put too much for one place because the  person starts walking on it they burn the person   too so they have to spread out so that's what  they're doing see in the next part of beauty this everyone is there lighting the fire let's see what our people are doing  in this case then after that i'll   see what other people are doing and how they're  running after that only i'll come to know   whether i can be able to go through them hey  there's the fire there's the fire let's see if   i can walk it i'll be taking my camera along with  me i can see the fire walk it through all right   see all the best and yes when we started i  started going on the fire i started getting   the heat because you know your phone even my  phone was giving me warnings that man this is   too much of heat so i was like i said my phone  can handle it how am i supposed to handle it   with this and then i try to you know get her mind  comments no this is this you you have to do this   you have to do this you've got to focus and yeah  well if you can focus you can probably wow fire   you can do anything in this world because you  need to have ultimate focus and determination to   this i was mentally programming mother providing  my support well when you got to the secret tools   so the first few minutes were pretty you know more  of mind over matter kind of thing so i experienced   this part over here and this is a very one good  learning of this tradition that you definitely   have mine don't matter and then definitely  you kind of have the belief that all your bad   vibes and things should be gutted into the fire  and you come on clean so that's that's how it is diggity   bye so afterwards i saw the first time runners i said  the first time runners were i think they were   young people so when i saw the  first emeralds they were like okay   i said well yeah this is possible because come  on they were probably slightly younger than   me maybe two or three years ago but i can  probably do this so it's not a big problem   let's let's do this i was like feeling more  confident i can probably run through so that was okay money i walked and very calm with the mind of a ninja meditated so then i went quietly  walking but after that my souls   they definitely heat it up and it was i  felt that i felt the pinch of the fire   and pinch of vanilla burn of the  fire and then when i got off from the   chill like mentally you got to have ninja focus  and don't bother about the fire it's gonna come to   you you have to walk through you're not gonna melt  in the fight it's not as hot as a volcano because   once you go through the fire there's a layer of  ash which should protect your feet there's some   silly people who are like you know kind of coating  their feet with mud and then turning us you your   hands and feet are the toughest right that's not a  big problem so you're putting more part of running   so when i got off the fire i was reading the first  one i was so happy like yes justin [ __ ] this is   how you walk through fire i'm so happy so happy  so happy so amazing it was a sense of achievement and i wish to do this every year it's gonna be fun   even my children also they should participate  in this festival it's amazing it's amazing so this is my brother peter we both  ran on poles but i'm one more time   he ran once but he didn't take his video i  didn't know that he was running okay if you're   running once more just let me know okay i'll be  there i'm standing here early taking some videos for my real king man me everyone figured hey nice and you know if you  i i was with the anastasia   is shocking you know like you know children  children like in the age of five years six years   seven eight young girls and then i was really  shocked to see a woman like she was wearing   salvage and she was running and i asked her  should i take her videos like okay no problem   and then i sent her the video she was so happy her  daughter was shooting the video and her daughter   was herself driving maybe around 9 12 years or  something 12 years and she was actually taking   her video and i said she was like running  fabulous there's nothing you can see in this   video clip i'm going to show you  firefighter earth for my real kingman your eyes you got your fire now your mind  you got that fire now your heart from me   head to meet up you give me that shoes  boy we spin at me when you want me fido nations if you go through my second one video you'll  find something strange like i came out with a   smile on my face like like as well that was like  oh i did burn but yeah i can tolerate it i was   like very happy and what happened like okay then  i realized the people who are actually uh if you   see the video you'll find the people who are  standing with bamboo sticks on either side so   they are considered uh probably the uh  you know the gatekeepers right so we   have tradition like they don't allow anyone  cannot run from any we have to run from that   side when it's one side which is designated  so when you go over there you realize that   people are running this okay by no moving on the  fire they'll guard the fire okay and there is   uh this tradition in india like suppose um you're  worshiping any deity okay so you don't need to put   the western science into it do not do that because  you try to understand indian traditions okay you   have not to have western science in it yes but  if it goes like deeper like human sacrifice   something then then you you've got to stop  that then and then but if you're talking about the worship of deities um whenever we the the  tradition in india i'll tell you very like a   brief thing about india uh when i think of a  deity okay the deity will always be in some form   okay we have deities as elephants so whenever  i find an elephant i i like namaste i prostate   because i this is the animal that we have to show  respect because it reminds me of lord ganesha   then if there's a monkey and trust me if  there's a monkey they're cute they're not   they're cute but it's like they can be  cunning also so whenever we i'm like okay   jai hanuman because harman is the you know  deity who whose face is that of a monkey   so and and not just that this great hanuman is the  all-powerful almighty and one of the most powerful   avatars of uh lord shiva the the adi yogi  right so every um god is worshipped as a   deity now but when you look at now this  perspective like you know there's a local   goddess in the village so they can be it can be  anyone it can be so many goddesses so we worship   a goddess as a woman so so that we know whenever  we have our women in the house we have to give   them suspect as god so similarly it is as a  reciprocation because you'll find the woman   this the imagery or the idols of women goddesses  okay they will be similar to the people in that   region so they will be whatever um features  and the skin tone and everything that will be   almost similar so this is basically to say  because we see ourselves in the god in the   deity because we consider that we have part of  god within us and that is what we're worshiping   so whenever we actually anoint okay we actually  put a tiller called this on the fear we put up   to ourselves because this is the god within us  okay and we worship that higher being within us   so if you try to put the western logic into it or  any sort of external foreign logic into it and all   that you know people understand this because there  is always a dimension that you want to understand   of belief so one of the people within who is  actually lighting the fires we will seem to be   possessed or the it won't be possessed is not the  right word because not every word everything in   the indian culture you can explain by the english  language but you it's more of uh he or she will um what there's a particular word for in  english which will not imbibe the quality   they'll be um like he he or she shall you  know be a representative of the goddess   that that be the goddess of the god okay  and he'll be a representative of the local   god and then people have to listen kind of to  him his instructions so you'll find there's a   person in this videos who's actually lighting the  fires and then definitely the heat may take her   psychological toll but if you try to explain  to that to that person okay why is it taking   psychological toll on you and on and this is so  he has to assume the form of the goddess or the   god it gender doesn't matter this gender because  in many of our older scriptures gender equality   is always there so for me for my understanding  is that that person imbibes the qualities of   the goddess or the god and then in fact there's  certain type places that he actually says that i   want this one to run through the fire or that one  to rather fire but of course he's not he or she   whoever is having that qualities or generally  men only doing their job because it's it's   a heavy work so but if a woman wishes to do it she  can there's no restriction but within one time she   he will be he'll say okay i want this one to run  i want that control i want the children to run   and i want to kind of have them pass through  the fire so she the goddess of the god which   was he's not he or she is not asking  for their sacrifice let me tell you   it's definitely not demonic it's like they  want them to go through the fire and burn off   all the negative energy into the life that is  the main motive of this okay so please so that   is just a significant symbolic significance and  yes it's more of mental conditioning you want   then as you as i have previously mentioned this  video a couple of number of times that do not use   a western logic into it because then you remember  people to understand and do not try to prove   things scientifically non-scientifically like that  you don't fall into it go through the experience   go through it understand it okay all right so  because everyone has their own logic okay but yes   if it goes as far as harming another human being  or an innocent animal or human being or something   then yes then it has to be questioned the  respect of whatever religion caused something if   there should be no harm and listen if it is  against the will of the person but running through   fire was not dangerous at all there was no lives  which were affected nothing and of course this   fused cause of the leg come on it's going to heal  so it's not a big thing okay but okay now you you   it was a beautiful experience they're running  through and after everyone finisher then at the   last if you see there's this person who  actually he was imbibing you know having   representing the goddess he in the end he  runs through it and then he throws the he's   bamboo in the fire he's the last runner and that  signifies the end of it and then he sits down   fell down and then he relax he's like almost  in a trance and then he's given water waking   up and everything those kind of things so it's  beautiful um well now go to the next part you'll   see a lot of drums you'll find a lot of random  people here and then yeah but in the in the end is is is is is is like act like this is so i think this is the end of the  session no one is running anymore up thank now i am glad to be participating in this and then i  have a lot of proof this ash is being worshipped   let's put it on her forehead it's nice and  amazing time to you know look at this is done and not just that you know this   you know police marked as early night of winter  and started heating up things in goa so definitely   but at least now it's a satisfaction that all  uh supposed to signify the end of your miseries throw up all your bad feelings absolutely now oh in the end of this video i would like to mention  okay that there are many such traditions in india   it is not standardized or it's not i believe the  traditions india are not much religious they are   because religion is definitely a foreign concept  to india where they would try to unify the people   under one religion right and at one point of  time yes goa was ruled by the portuguese and   there are a lot of catholics who are  living around uh my area and then i'm very   they're very nice people and very loving people  and i am the people whom i'm encountered very   loving so um what i in uh the message that  i want to keep this to this video is i want   many people many people from all over the world  you visit you visit goa and especially during   the time of holi it may be hot but maybe the  heat is holding it and it gets hotter right   okay so you so you saw how hotter this video got  coming i think it was a very hot hot video so not   in a naughty way but uh it's it was very  good and i wish that many people from all   over the world beat what a part of the world  you come to come to this particular time okay   enjoy the essence of this festival okay walk and  anthony fire walking is practice in many cultures   okay i think the polynesians do it they have  their day in and day out with fire then there   are many other places all over the world they  will practice walking through fire certain places   dunking themselves in cold water like in colder  parts of europe okay or even canada or whatever   so there are traditions all over do not  i mean uh if you try to draw parallels   okay you say okay this is equal to this this is  equal to this because the human mind is meant to   actually compartmentalize things by saying okay  this is religious this is you know political   this is cultures so and people have still not  been able to identify the differences between   religion spirituality and culture they just  put everything one basket and say well this   worship of god is my spirituality my culture  my identity and once you assume the identity   of anything your whole existence will be um you  know fighting to other decisions that you take   will always be there to protect your that that  identity so i believe in our culture i have read   somewhere like my father he told me there's a very  simple line in sanskrit which says um um that's me so when i say the word brahmas so brahman   is basically the universe i am the  universe and the universe is my family okay so we have this thing that vasudeva it  means vasadeva means the whole universe the   whole godliness universe this is my old family  so once you consider that now you'll say okay   i'm a person actually your mind considered family  because family is a human trait a human emotion   you cannot be devoid from it that is we you always  had a mother or a father unless i don't know if   you're somehow genetically engineered in the lab  or you are an actually an ai who's listening to   this video but when we talk about uh this is  going to go in into another rabbit hole and   stuff is going to be said but you have to enjoy  the traditions look around it have fun with it and   it's lovely memory people remember these things  for years to come so next time if anyone wishes   to experience this and goa you can you're  free to contact me in the email down below   and um i would very much guide them and take  them around goa and show them the actual   culture that happens right you know that  that is around here and as long as people   are actually protecting this culture and keeping  it alive with all these traditions and beautiful   arrangements they're doing across every year in  goa i will be there to show you guys around so i   believe ciao or in portuguese sorry in konkani um  sorry it's like like let god do you well god speed   in english and finally i end this video by  saying namaste welcome to india welcome to goal

2022-03-30 18:08

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