Amalfi Coast Italy

Amalfi Coast Italy

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one of the world's most famous road trips  the amalfi drive is the most beautiful   48 kilometers of coastline in italy   the road cleans high above the Tyrrhenian sea in  a series of breathtaking views cars bounded by   almost vertical mountains rising on one side  and long vertical drawers on the other end the amalfi coast is one of the most renowned  tourist destination in the world of italy it draws   thousands of tourists annually the stretch of  hill coast sits in between Naples and Salerno   the coastline includes some absolute gorgeous town  that hug the mountains there are some magnificent   beaches and jaw dropping sceneries transport to  the Amalfi Coast well developed there is a regular   bus service that travels to the most of the  popular destinations furthermore there is a large   number of high quality hotels and world-class  restaurants if you wish to base yourself here   if you want to visit the amalfi coast you will  find that this region has some picture perfect   towns such as positano ravello and amalfi itself  furthermore there are some absolute fantastic   beaches coastal walks mountainside villas moreover  aside from the coastal towns and mountains the   amazing coast has a selection of interesting  island provides ample opportunity for exploration   one thing to remember if you go by bus go  west to east beginning in Sorrento and try   for a window seat on the right side of the  bus let's have a look at the best thing to do in the Amalfi Coast Sorrento is a town on the  northern arm of the Amalfi Coast sorrento is known for its beautiful  scenery and its range of gorgeous building   and coastal in terms of economy  solent relies heavily on tourism   but it is also known for its  production of human channel so the heart of the town is busy piazza tasso  surrounded by little streets where you will find   shopping and place to eat in its history serato  has been ruled by greeks romans byzantines french   and spanish and it was sacked by the terms you  will see these influences in this architecture furthermore sorrento has two gorgeous  sports marina grande marina piccola full   of fishing and selling boats and a series of  public parks its waterfront has a broad work atmosphere the cathedral of sorrento is beautiful structure  that was first built in the 11th century   this is definitely worth a visit lined by seafood restaurants with  terraces overlooking the water if you step away from the beach and  swimming piers land with sunbather   you'll find a little fishing village toronto really is a gem on  the murphy coast and a trip   to this region would not be complete  without a stop at this historic town mositano is often considered to be one of the most  picturesque town on the murphy court and it's easy   to see why when you look at the beautiful colored  house that lies the mountain side positano is   collection of pastel colored houses hanging to  the slope of a deep narrow valley that lives down   to the mediterranean the picture export is set  amidst garden of oranges lemons and bougainvillia   positano is primarily a vocal zone and  step sets of stairs and facade between   building replace streets there is only one road  through the town that allows vehicle traffic a secluded and trunked place at  that time only accessible by sea the buildings were constructed on the  craig eclipse of capital salt lake   and the coastline has a fuel like save due to this   position become less important and  forgotten place on this rocky coastline seen from the beach the  third room that is decorated   with majulica attacks rise above the closely  packed buildings picture postcard perfect the pink and white buildings look  as though they have been stacked   one on top of the other and appears  from distance like curious faces the small sandy beach in the bay  is packed full of restaurants   whenever one looks the skin area is just beautiful positano was for century a  paradise for poets and dreamers when the true narrow pathways landed  with stores selling local mail products for centuries pacitanoa stations  have produced silk and linen clothing today their workshop continued to supply  the resource high inflation boutiques   that can be found on almost every street head for the church of santa maria  one of positano's most prominent site   it features a majorific dialect dome in  houses 12th century icon of the black meron here nature is a true worth of art always  something new to see extreme curves   fab rock forms and dramatic virtual slopes the coastal road widens along mountain  slopes a dream road between both sea and sky often the road is quite precarious the first  road we built here was started by the bermans in the middle of the 19th century  the ruler of nepal made himself   responsible for the progress  of the region's infrastructure with its central zeal and yellow church the  small village of piano contains much authentic   atmosphere and romance it was founded by law of  wealthy families from amalfi who settled here at each at every turn there  is something new to see for centuries the coast was cut  off and forgotten by the world this wild coastal landscape does not  easily lend itself to human habitation clearly the region has developed  according to its history today a world famous word squeeze  into the mouth of the valley of means stretch out on the beach of piazza  grande at the fourth of the town this this is positano's main beach  and it can get crowded in summer you may find there is more room  on twitter for number beach the beach of positive is  the perfect place of village   and you can find a lot of quality cafes  restaurants and bars on the winding streets so so so from positano get on the hiking train one of  the most popular trail is the path of the boat   a picture x mountain trailer to the village of  pomerano 6 35 meter rainbow sea level walk up to   the mountain across a cave pass herds of sheep  and gourds with dramatic views at every turn do the main town of the amalfi course was once  a medieval time power that today enjoys a   reputation as a coastal resort of outstanding  architectural beauty nestling between the slope   of the latari mountain and the mediterranean  sea is the small coastal town of amalfi one of the most relaxing ways to view the  multicoast is to take an organized boat   furthermore from aboard you can view  the many towns such as amalfi minori   and positano in all their glory  today is a charming resort but   turned the clock back a thousand years  and amalfi was the major maritime center   evidence of amalfi golem is seen in the  striking facade of the cathedral of saint   embryo the cathedral dominates piazza del dumo the  town's main square explore the building's interior   and exterior and observe the mixed architectural  style including mooris gothic byzantine and baruch   enjoy some quiet moments in the  cathedral cluster of paradise   the interior of the dome is a baroque design  this lavish decoration a glided wooden ceiling   numerous oil paintings and colorful marble  walls magnificent art of the early 19th century   a steep staircase of 57 steps lived up to the  cathedral atrium which together with its company   that is located in a small main square his few  narrow streets the crowded of the shop have   adapted themselves well to the needs of modern  day holidaymakers tourism brings in healthy   income here in the middle ages amalfi was also a  major center of paper making take a guided tour of   the peppermill museum housed in the 13th century  peppermint amarfi was one of the first players in   europe to produce paper and the practice continues  to this day cluster of white houses churches and   narrow winding street is the main town of the  amalfi court after which the area is named there is nothing quite like seeing the  multicolored houses rising against the   side of the place and admiring the luscious  green landscape of this beautiful region take in the gorgeous waterfalls of the wild  fairy area the walled elephant area is a   place unique to this world it can be easily  reached on food from a mouth in about an hour throughout this region you can find  some absolutely stunning natural scenery   and there is plenty of hiking and cycling  trails that win through the forest   this protected area is a little travel and you  will not encounter the usual bustle of tourists   found in the busy coastal town of amalfi if you want the best view of the amalfi  coast then you must head to avelo   this town can be found on the top of the  mountain in between amalfi and mayori   navello is much more relaxed and reserved than the  other busy tourist locations a main attraction of   ravello is the villarreal follow this roman villa  offers possibly one of the best views available it is fantastic place to simply relax  enjoy the views bars in the gorgeous sun the piazza central is worth  a visit to see the cathedral   in the raviallo art gallery rebel  also has a range of restaurants   with outdoor terraces that provides  a romantic setting for an aiming male wheel arrow follow the greystone tower  opposite the cathedral is the gear to   available whose garden and terrace views  inspired wagner's magic gardener of klingshore   in parsifal the villa began in the 13th century  as a fortified man of farmhouse and continued   to grow with the successive generation the oldest  part remaining in the 30 meter stone watchtower in   the 18th century a neo-morris cloister was added  and in the 19th century the grounds were made into   romantic gardens most of the buildings are now  in jews which are incorporated as garden features   distorted portions are used for an art exhibition  and the grounds are the scene of concert villa jim ronen garden pass the church of  san francisco which has roman scare coaster   and the church of santa chiara will find  villa cimbrone and avenue runs through its   beautiful park to the belvedere chimbroni  with incomparable views of the amahi coast stray from this walkway to find flower gardens  tucked behind walls and wide-ranging collection   of beads and pieces statue fountains columns  temples and architectural elements that are   brought here from ruins in this area  and beyond these were collected by the   english lord who bought the villain in 1904 and  incorporated into the gardens in distinctive ways   in the midst of the greenery and flowers with  its endless sunshine mediterranean colors   and the landscape gripping drama and breathtaking  beauty the amalfi coast truly is a legendary destination

2021-01-19 16:06

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