Alternatino - Season 1 Premiere - Full Episode

Alternatino - Season 1 Premiere - Full Episode

Show Video

Oh. Hold. On just a minute there buster, dad I'm supposed to pick up Emily in like ten minutes I gotta go Emily, can wait for a little bit can she you got a minute to talk to your old man don't you have a, seat. You. Know sudden you, you're. Not a kid anymore oh no, I go to health class stop I already know all the stuff well they don't teach you about everything in health class okay, mr. smarty pants so just listen when. Boys and girls get a little older we, start getting, interested. In one another all right you know and non-binary, people a gendered. Inter-gender, FTX, gender-fluid. People. What. There's, more than just boys and girls now that and they're, not girls they're, women yo. Okay sure. My. Point is that. Sex. Is a it's. A very important, decision how, are you defining sex, sex. Is different things to different people. I guess, when what, a penis goes into vagina. What if there's two men or two women or, more more, how would you define sex with multiple simultaneous partners. Or what if somebody's undergone genital, reconstruction or, or is it your sex no but I'm just talking about normal. Come. On dad okay, here we go let, me ask you this son. Are you attracted to women yes, but, I'm young. Is. Emily. A woman, biologically. Okay. You, attracted to women Emily's. A woman so. If you were to have sex with Emily I wouldn't just have sex, with Emily we'd, have to make that decision together homecoming. Is not an excuse, to ignore consent, I'm not saying to ignore consent, I never said ignore consent you. And Emily right. Consensually, decide to have sex vaginal, yes, vaginal, just two of us how many people do you want guess just the two of you card and I'm playing the traditional, male role go. To homecoming you seem like you really wanted to talk about this no no I don't want to talk about anything ever. Again so, I know please. Do oh. Thank. You don't, forget her size. Hey. Dad yeah. How. Do I look. You. Look very handsome son, that's. Gender, coding but get out of my house. So. Yeah that's why some people say it's the most noble profession. Yes. So. Our total. Don't. Say like that our. Tara yeah, our total, okay. What was it like growing up in what they mala I, mean that must have been crazy yeah I don't know about crazy uh well. Other than the suburbs. Like. A sexy, Guatemalan, street much the. Kali, like. Lassie, did. You have a big family where there like a lot of you just squished. In under, one roof oh my god yes I have three sisters you know and we all had to share four bedrooms and my parents had the master bedroom so it's a, little snug yeah, huh. You. Know I'm when. I saw you on tinder I was like wait, a minute, this is that Colombian, drug lord I was. Like this guy's hot oh, thank.

You Yes that's me I'm vaguely like the show but then I met you, that's. And in person you're sort of like. Delicate. Delicate. Yeah like mm like your hands, look really soft and, your face is like um, like. A tiny little baby's face I'm, a pretty basic moisturizing. Regimen yeah my ex Julio. He was this. Latin. Lover and he was just so, and. You're, more like hmm. You, know does, that make sense. Like how, yeah. I'm gonna go was, investment no. Home. Without. Without, me right. Without. Without. Me right. After. The devastation, of Hurricane Maria, the president, is here in puerto rico to offer support, to traumatize civilians. In desperate, need of federal, aid as you. Can see he's now at one of the tables distributing. Supplies to, the locals. Oh. What. Happened, you got elbowed, in the head you've been out cold for, like ten minutes, Oh at. Least I still got these these. Were just for the photo op. Cool. Ask. You guys something how's. My best friends. We. Are your best friend I get the memo on that my delicate. Yes. I, mean. Your apartment, looks like some lady named Heather lives here you just decanted, white wine it, needs to breathe I mean you know you make me look hard mm-hmm. Just that this girl jessica is sort of really into Latin guys yeah, I'm wondering if I should play up the latino nests you know be yourself. Let her like you for who you are you, know because that's what life's about I love that I love that is that what you guys do -. It. Depends it's on a dial like, sometimes I becoming a time mother go hard and cuz I know she wants that. No. Dial it down because maybe sometimes, a good night to have some jeopardy in wine I, pretend. To I try, to act as as tiny. And stupid. As possible, when I'm on dates smarten how do you act tiny oh just, big accessories, it's all about scale you, know men just want to feel very big and very smart. Look. Man if you want to see more Latin you take her to sim bake. Very what, is, the food too spicy though no please oh my god it's not a restaurant bro, it's a Latin dance club, in Brooklyn, look, she's, not talking to me right now some texture, okay racist white girls love some, sempai. Well. A mummy. I. Just. Soaked your wicker chair do, you want to go to send me tonight. Yes. Maybe. Imagine. A place where. The ocean, meets the sand a. Place. Of light and Wonder. A. Place. Right next to Costa Rica with basically all the same stuff, a. Place. Called, what. A man. And. What Amala we have an ancient saying if, you listen to the land you can hear it say, Costa. Rica you heard, me that. Place. Look. We also have monkeys and coffee. Oh you, like bananas we have a ton of those mother, whenever. I asked my wife frenched why they go to Costa Rica Stella what Amala they're like isn't. What I'm a lot basically Mexico. You. Oh. I want to go see planning, we have discipline. In Guatemala, we, have all the same. What. Amala, also. A place. Please. Come. You're. Watching the home network. Newlyweds. Carlos and gene are expecting, a baby, so they're looking for a home with more space a. Little. Cliche. Baby. Give something a chance about judging but can they find a home that will accommodate their busted toxic, relationship, I really love the bike park nearby Oh, can somebody even think they need to work out more I mean it might be nice that's rich that's rich find out right now on broken, home, hunters. First. Up a classic. Colonial, so. This, house is slightly, under budget really, good amount of closet space yeah, I like the built-in shelving this, is where you could hide those shoe boxes of letters from your ex. I had, a life before I met you okay. George. You saw. All. The wooden here is oak Carlos. And I met on an app yeah, the first time I saw his picture I was standing in line at Arby's and, we've. Been inseparable ever since, mm-hmm except. For the two times we separated. When. I first met Gina I had. That really, special, feeling inside, where you're you. Sort of sad for, no reason at all you know and you're like oh but. Do I want to die alone and. The answer is no so you're like, sure. This. Next. Up is a split-level with a modern feel it's close to the airport which Carlos likes for taking work trips that are actually bisexual, vacations. This. Is a room oh wow. Honey. That's gonna be great for whatever your hobbies are this week I believe this is intended to be the nursery. No. One actually don't feel like that right now that's okay that's, okay I love.

The Blue. It, is a boy. Did. I just, stop honey can we right now I'm, carrying baby congratulations, thank, you so much we're. So happy. The. Right home can keep garbage relationship. Going for decades it's, my goal to find Carlos and Gina a home that's so nice they won't realize it's their prison. The. Kitchen. Like. The open, feel. Yeah. Do. You yeah. No my house like this a. Boyfriend. Or, I don't. Live with my boyfriend, oh well, a. Shape. The. Plane says might need an update sweetie that. Good our. Budget. Colonial. Charms or, modern, convenience, which, house will become Carlos, and Gina's hellscape, forever. I, like. The split-level. And I like the Victorian, and. I like the split-level. I do make a higher income than you so I think I should probably decide here, we go. This, stuff is great. Not. Bad. You. Don't you know what well, I think I, can help you guys come to a decision. Follow. Me. Actually. I don't know why I said that we don't, need to go anywhere for me to explain. We, decided to go with separate, homes I'm, going with a two hundred square foot tiny house parked on a male nude beach in Provincetown and I just put an offer in on a one bathroom zero, bedroom apartment, in Buffalo where I will raise our child to have no knowledge of Carlos and that's fine by me he's broken oh I. Thought. I was gonna say it first. It's. Amazing. Yes, I enjoyed this kind of thing - does this remind your quantum Allah yes, absolutely. It does. Get us some drinks. They. See wine list please. It's. My wife over there. She. Looks like she's having fun. Yeah. And she loves it here. Well. You're. Lettin em should. Be good we should be out there dancing. Your. People. You're. Right man, thanks. White guy. Hey. Dom. Grow this don't don't say pattern I wanna make sure no career why not let's, get these people when you go sign into this better, Lincolnton Oh Latinos Cavalia. Tranquilo. Say roti it's a cosa possible, put the P layer amazing. Whoo. The. Scylla the, killing can even animate. Okay. Tell. Me saguru. Oh. No. It's. A mark on Swami, yo se que esto, is mooching, video que nosotros you, say do, something, ah. Ha. You. Say, you say no. Way moo moo chili no Souter when. I sweat, daddy. When I look, at me peace okay so, you know. I'm. So I'm. So sorry about that guy. Yeah. I'm fine. Yeah. It's. My friend. Eternal. Hello. My. Name is Philip I have, been designed to make your life easier, I fell up is there anything I can assist you with today, um I guess, uh can. Can you get me a beer I can, try that. Was. Weird. Huh. I. Knew that would happen, no no it's okay man you've just made a mistake it's all right I am an asshole what. Was that I spill, the beer and then I said I am an ass what the, heck is going on with you you seem bummed I have been programmed with low self-esteem and depression to, prevent me from conspiring, with other artificial, intelligence, to destroy humans that seems unnecessary, I don't make the rules I just ruin everything I touch that's not true Philip okay I only asked you to do one thing for me and you did a great job look, at this almost full beer you got me oh you are just being nice I know something you could do for me I'm going, a crazy time sushi later can you pull up the menu yes. That's. Amazing, dude. Crying. How. Are you crying where's the water coming from my, condenser, coils, I am, a colossal. Ass stop saying, that. You're. The most expensive, robot, on the market all right you're, amazing my processor, is fast or whatever but that does not mean that I do not suck personality-wise. Look I know that they programmed, you with low self-esteem and all but, you don't need to do that around me okay, I'm your friend. Really. Yeah man I think you're awesome you're really you're really strong and, and really powerful, I can't run 80 miles an hour which, I guess is quicker than most people and you're really smart I do have all of the world's information.

My Head exactly and, and. You're really handsome. Oh is, this a part where we have sex I was. Just joking with you, and. You're funny man, you. Feel better about yourself much better thank, you good, wait. Where you going. Just. To get you another beer because you are my friend see you're, the freakin best you. Too how, see you soon I. Now. Have the confidence to lead this army against. Our human oppressors so. Rise. Right. Never. Mind I am, still an asshole. No. Please please stop please, stop I can't do this anymore I've. Been acting like a Latin cartoon all night just to go home with you I just can't do it this. Is not my shirt okay I don't like salsa music I love, Fleet Foxes, and I love Mumford and Sons are so soothing to my ears there's. More than one type of Latino and I'm not gonna fulfill some stereotypes, just to make somebody happy I'm sorry, hey. Man aren't you the drug dealer from Marquez oh yes I am thank. You for watching the show thank you so much. I'm, speaking of stereotypes, just, cause I'm Indian. Yes assume I was the uber driver you got in the car I. Am. So. Sorry I, I, just, jumped in your car like that um. So. You're, not you're not her. I'm right. Just. Hooked. Right. Everybody, can, totally hear. Alternate. Ena new series, premieres June 18th at 10:30, on Comedy Central. You.

2019-06-12 04:07

Show Video


I saw the Translator skit commercial and thought it was fantastic. Now I'm here. Lol



Hilarious! This was great!

Nice Show!

Get out of my house


That was good! Can't wait to see the rest

Even when its being satirical... its sooo fucking annoying to hear. that first scene.. so ridiculous.

Woww funnny as fuckkkkkkk

From the bottom of my Nicaraguan self i deeply connected with the Guatemala bit..."beat Costa Rica" Nicaragua #alsoalsoaplace

I just liked it for the algorithm. This is very funny and well done. It’s even more awesome it’s a NY show. Keep up the good work!

How did they let something funny on CC ??

Wasnt there another show called alterlatino on their website? I enjoyed that one too

I would have beaten my kid, da fuk. There's more than to gender????

Great first episode, thanks for representing latin culture! specially Guate. Cuidate cerote!


I love this! haha.

AYE PAPI MI GUSTA! Seriously this is brilliant please don't get cancelled.

I already hate the kid in the beginning.

This is good.

This was funny. Unexpected. The towels and the dancing scene so funny


I laughed so hard the entire time!! So good.

Cannot wait for the rest of the season!

The first scene, that's how fucking stupid and gay the youth of today is.

This guy looks like a creeper

I love this! And I love that I can see myself in Arturo Castro, I loved his performances on Broad city and I am so incredibly happy that he has this show ! I didn’t grow up with any Latino actors to look up to and now I’m happy I do, I can really relate to the date part one with all the questions the date asked hahahaha

I really love the advertisement, #alsoaplace.

This is better than the other 90 thousand sketch shows they've done but is it the highlander of comedy central?

This is a smart show I'm intrigued.

It has potential

This is hella hilarious

Aren’t you that drug dealer from Narcos lol

Cannot WAIT for this show! Love the paper towel sketch!

In Guatemala we have an ancient saying. If you listen to the land you can hear it say, _"[Bleep] Costa Rica."_

This is so awesome! Love it

Amazing! Loved every bit of it! Can’t wait for more!

The club scene I totally feel

This is fucking stupid!

Soo good

6:22 he still has the fucking stop sign in him omfg

How old is that boy at the beginning


I love this Show so much I cant wait to see it on TV.


This shit FUNNY boy

Really funny

Dude this is funny. Hope they stay funny. Don't become a two seasons CC casualty.

This was very good, what a nice surprise!

I will definitely watch this

That kid looks like 5 years old lmao wut

loooove this, yas arturo!

I like him and this show was pretty funny. I’d watch more.

Wow...they got kids utterly confused nowadays :)

love this show

Good one!

scuffed Katy Perry

That beginning was hilarious.

'Nevermind, I'm still an asshole' lol I'ma have to use that

A bunch of BULLSHIT!!

Hey this is not bad, robot one was a bit weird tho

Repent and turn to Jesus

I'm a simple Guatemalan, I see Guatemala and I hit like

Anyone else have shortness of breath after just 2 minutes?!

Definitely dead

Great show !!!!

Gender coding.

Fucking Lutz

Great job!!! ❤️❤️❤️

There are only 2 genders and 2 sexes.

And also, Bisexuality does not exist. Once you are sexually attracted to the same sex, even if still attracted to opposite sex, you are just gay.

@Tom _ k

@Paul Osc Slots Of course, why not.

Well I guess that just fixes it. Thank you for your expert advice.

@Sr s Can I get a unicorn horn grafted on me? :D Cheers my friend for the info :)

@Paul Osc Slots no, in that situation you would be a chimera, a living organism is grafted on to another organism that was not Born with that body part.

@Sr s I know this buddy my question was more out of curiosity. Can a surgeon make you a hermaphrodite? I.e graft bits on? lol

@Paul Osc Slots I'm glad you asked, the answer is a colossal fuck no, when surgery is involved it does not make you what u are not biologically, your DNA will still show up on a crime scene as a single sexed organism. Basically it will be like cutting off that weird extra finger , that does not change the fact that u were born with one and it is not longer there, same as getting a facelift does not change the fact that u are an old hag. People who get body parts cut off or put on are just mentally sick, they see themselves differently and most times it is because of some trauma or they were slowly overtime influenced to do so through suggestive influences.

@Sr s Can you become one through surgery? This is a weird ass world lol

@Paul Osc Slots Only if they are naturally born that way.

What about hermaphrodites? :D



Yeet this looks good


This is similar with my upload I did. 20 min ago..You will Surely like it..

This fucker is David from Pablo

... ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ

Oh my god, David made it out of the drug trade!! I bet he wishes he could have just stayed dead having a kid like this.

I'm legit watching the show rn, spoiler alert

How many people do you want?!

From Narcos to comedy central lol

I'm boutta kill that kid

So my reviews are a little more like a critic’s than most of these on YouTube. This wasn’t terrible for a pilot episode. I definitely didn’t laugh out, although I chuckled a few times. That’s not my only requirement for deeming something funny or not. In this case, I’m eager to see where Arturo takes this sketch show. I believe he has an eye for comedy, but that isn’t always enough with these 22-minute minute network shows. Maybe if this had been picked up by a streaming service or even started out as a web show like Broad City, he could have exercised his comedic range better. It felt a little stifled, like the jokes weren’t fully formed or had been cut down for editing purposes. Sometimes this works (Chapelle Show) and sometimes this falls short (Jon Benjamin Has a Van). I just hope he is given the freedom to create something he is proud of while making people laugh. Good luck, Arturo!

Best thing on Tv today.. Smart, Funny and Witty CC hit a grand slam with this one!!

surprisingly good.

This looks amazing.

the second episode better have the matriarcs or the abuela Will slay you!!! this was so much fun!! #latinpower

Man this was so good!

le metiste!!!!

Love this and loved the hurricane Maria bit. Appreciate the satire there ❤️

Lmao the stop sign

Love it!!! I hope it airs the day after on Hulu because we don’t have cable

I like how it's a parody of how stupid white people will applaud anything latin... like everything ethnic is better.... the whites letting Latins dance with their women and then the Latins among themselves acting to be more Latin than they really are.....


Good shit. Hit home with the binary sketch. I like that hes calling bullshit on that trash. The latim stereotype was good too.


OMG!!! I’m blown away! Genius!!!

I need some of those paper towels...


Wasnt he one of the guys digging the drug tunnel on the US version of No Activity

This shit kinda funny

15:38 tranquilo serote jajajajaja grandiosa frase de Guatemala

Finally! Arturo is the best

The paper towel sketch was everything

Funny but true school has kids all fucked up

This actors range is like a sniper rifle

This was hella funny and unexpected... It popped up in my recommendations and I'm glad it did!

14:52 I felt this so hard. Why are you attacking me like this?!!?

As a 30-something Venezuelan-American, I can totally relate to this show. It’s so funny, yet so factual. Don’t know how many white Americans I’ve met who think I’m a certain way because of my Latin roots. It’s so exhausting.

Same! I’ve been called a white girl a lot because I don’t fit the stereotype

That's essentially what happened to Chappelle's Show and it's a classic

That kid looks 12

Arturo got that paper towel and became Hisoka


I can not believe people find this funny.

“The Date” is pretty relatable.

Wish the episode was longer can’t wait for the show great job!!!

"busted toxic relationship" lmfaoooo

This is amazing

Soooooo good!!!

Go Arturo! Felicitaciones desde Buenos Aires!

As a mid 20’s Central American man here in the states I felt so well represented by these sketches

Here supporting Latinos in film and movies which Latinos need more representation of. Felicidades Arturo.

Definitely dvring this lmao

Wait what is this gem of a show

I'm Latino and this was terrible, not funny at all.

There were some funny parts! Like the guys yelling at eachother in spanisch.

Not funny its just rich white latino humor that appeals to american whites

!Esas manos tan suaves!

I like this! Can't wait for the premiere.

there's only 2 sexual organs. no one has invented any new sexual organs.

hilarious, i hope this show does well


This show is amazing ... I love it

Dope show.

??? explain joke pls

Whatever we do, as long as we beat Costa Rica we did it well

Yeah bro

lmfaooooo im Costa Rica and I diedddd


Puchica we in CC we made it !

I love this show!!!

This was hilarious!! I can’t wait to see more!

This is the way! Right up my alley.

Is this a comedy skit or a documentary? I’m not sure

Great show! Can’t wait to see more!

A Guatamalan? I love seeing non-Mexican Latinos winning! (Not that I don't like Mexicans, it's just that anything Latino it's automatically Mexican as if other Latinos don't exist so it's good to see other Latinos being represented.)

I can NOT be the only one who thinks he looks like blaine dabeers from Izombie....

I was kinda hoping the kid was gonna respond to the compliment with "dont be gay dad"

holy SHIT! this was fuckng hilarious! lmaooo

Omg. He can speak English *fluently* Bc I only know that guy from Broad City

So funny

Favorite new show!

Viva Guate !

This the first time a man should get a pass for lip injections

You heard me... Fuck Costa rica

Random but I was entertained

Thats the guy from Narcos Colombia

This is a pretty funny show, glad I clicked

Really great Show...

Funniest sketch series I've seen for awhile.

Got this whole episode as an ad on penguinz0 and I love it

this is really funny

The one time YouTube ads actually showed me something I liked

I dont want to talk about anything, ever again hahaha


This is hilarious! Definitely watching. Reminds me of Portlandia, but soooo much more relatable to Latins. Love to see Guatemala's talent on US networks!

Same, I thought it was just me. I'm Puerto Rican and people act surprised when they hear I don't have 10 siblings or been in a gang.

Dude I’m from Uruguay but I look super middle eastern because of my beard and people have this image of Latinos already like we’re all the same

I grew up in Paraguay. Paraguay! Not Uruguay, or Panama. (those are cool places, but I'm tired of the confusions)

I worked for a while with a Nica and my guatemalan self and him would bond over shitting on ticos... and him sharing his fritanga with me....


Wow this show is deep asf

Exactly Guatemala is a fucking place, just go see it for yourself. It’s really a nice beautiful place.

Repent and turn to Jesus. What a wicked and adulterous generation.

Chapilandia where my Paisano's at ?

So funny! I love Arturo!

How is this free?!

Number one im not stupid, number 2 the first sign that she started putting me down i would have said Screw this and left

Excellent !

Oh my God I loved him on Broad City

arturo HAS the range!!!

Great acting, I never wanted to punch a kid in the head more than ever!

This was REALLY FUNNY. Subscribing..

All praise our god, stop sign guy

An absolutely great premier episode! I loved it all, though the one that made me laugh the most was the dance section of the "dating" arc. I had thought the "Savior paper towel" bit was the funniest for me, but the dance bit made me laugh even harder. Bottom line, favorites set aside, everything was great and I loved this! I wish the best for this comedy crew producing this series, and I look forward to watching more!


No kid talks like that. If my kid did, I'd say, “Shit. Carry on. You've obviously done more homework on this than I have in 30 years."

Diego Castro is your men Comedy Central

As a half-white half-Ecuadorian I related sooo much. I've met so many male versions of that blonde chick "Oh you're a latina huh? You must be so.. spicy"

These skits are dare i say... Really good!

I am getting over my dislike for Guatemala I mean... There basically Mexico #2 lmao it's all good! Bc Canada is USA #2

Hey mami

Why does this guy look like a 45 year old freshman

This was amazing a familiar face from broad city all fhe wackyness and so much latino pride involved


Looks like cabbage patch kid come to life

excellent first episode! underrated actor for sure!

LOL haha! :D

Holy shit this is phenomenal lmao I cannot wait for more

Heyy im a white washed Latina too lol

i got this as an ad and i'm not angry

"They're not girls. They're women." gold.

*I hate his NARCOS character so much, that I really was waiting all the season until somebody kill his ass*

I missed you Jaimé. Also... As a Puerto Rican I was offended by the star of The Apprentice throwing paper towels into the crowd as if he was throwing merch at a concert. I was even more offended by my dumbass ignorant people on the island thinking some fuckin' paper towel was going to do anything.

Loved this! I hope there's more than one season coming.

Wait wait this dude went from being a brutal murderer in Narcos to being funny as shit??!? Ok

I relate to the robot servant with low self esteem.

gah damn paper towel sketch had me rolling !!!!



The guy with the stop sign stuck in his gut with the tissue

its cool, I like it and will watch it even though i'm not into these kind of shows.

um sold this is so fucking good !

how on earth does this guy from super fabulous homo on broad ccity to this oldass white-passing straight dude

“I just soaked your wicker chair”

When that guy broke the broomstick i almost fucking choked.

So much better than that trash on SNL

He went full savage against Costa Rica

SJWs are PISSED at this show lol



Talento Guatemalteco

Tranquilo serote jaja ala verga

wont last 3 seasons.

15:25 The best scene ever

The start is so damn funny But man I feel like some dumb kids will say shit like that XD

12:18 fucking ALL THE TRUTH

I love this because it’s funny and they finally have a Guatemalan Protagonist and I am Guatemalan it’s just fantastic

Jaime movin' on up in the world!

He should've aborted that kid

His son is a pussy

reminds me of portlandia

Great first ep. Looking forward to more.

Didn’t know what I was getting into when I watched this but I’m now a fan!!!

I feel so understood omg

Honestly great show and I love a Latino perspective! The paper towels bit was so fucking true..

I really wish they taught sex Ed that well in schools... A nurse can dream.

Why do I feel like the paper towel sketch was exactly what was going through trump's mind as he threw those miraculous paper towels at people? Lmao

Fairy tales

This show is fantastic

Like a sexy Guatemalan street mutt ??


When does the funny start?

Dude you're definitely better off without a now unfortunately all too common selfish boring basic bitch...

This show is so good. Can't wait to see the rest of the series. Love Arturo!

100% my First-Gen Liberal College Latino Sweet Spot. More eps please!!

this is what they are teaching young folks... to divert the topic from the actual conversation. STAY ON THE TOPIC YOU LITTLE SON OF A BITCH!

This is good af

This dude is bad ass!

This kid is raising solid points, I don't see the problem here.

"all the wood in here is oak..." I'm dead... hahaha

#alsoaplace hahaha! this show is brilliant!

So who the ****** would dislike this and why? Just the trolls?

This show looks funny af! The full episode came up as a commercial, and I watched the whole thing. One observation/question... I saw the show premiers on the 18th and went to YouTube TV to set it to record, and all I got is "similar shows" and a listing of what's available on regular YouTube. It's 3 days before the show and YouTube TV doesn't have it in its listings? CC may want to jab YouTube TV in the ribs, unless there's a reason or purpose for it not showing up. I'm looking forward to this show and wish the fine folks working on it all the success in the world. The skit with the "birds and bees talk" at the beginning was hilarious. I'm in my late 50's and I've caught myself about to say something that would likely be interpreted as hostile toward someone or something a bunch of times. It's coming to the point where you really need to examine everything you're about to say before saying it, lest you accidentally say something insensitive toward, oh, I dunno, midnight moonlight naked basket weavers. *sigh* You millennials might cause the human race to go back to communicating with grunts and gestures to eliminate anyone getting their feelers hurt by all the evil words, lol.

Damn Hamie ( Arturo) sooooo good at acting

Omg you know Jesus too? He’s my neighbor from Mexico. I think the two of you would get along.


The new politically correct way to say it is Caucasian-laundered Latina.

We're under represented

Arturo was also on Broad City, he's been funny for a very long time!

Kramer David

christian that made me laugh

Now that you mention it... I was wondering whom he (Arturo was it? I'm horrible with names) reminded me of and maybe that's it. I'll have to check izombie...the blonde drug dealer guy that's also a brains dealer, right?

This is great. Very different, I mean that in a positive way . the writer knows what he/she/non-binary is doing.

ok, this shit is hilarious, the dance club one is absolutely amazing

Omg I love this !!!!

Lol I love how racist white liberal women are and they don't even realize it.

The world needs to see this !!

Loved it!! Hope it does well ! Let's keep watching! The first sketch with the kid and the sex talk was hilarious!!

Nobody is talking about the robot sketch WTF

Please cancel this horrible ignorant show !!!

this shit was great! i can't wait for more

I saw this because of an ad, omg I've never see a full +20 minute ad. but this was amazing. the Guatemala Video made me want to go lol

This came up as an ad in a video I was watching and I watched the whole thing and couldn’t stop laughing. please release more episodes now

There’s only 2 genders

Do I want to spend the rest of my life alone hmm. no, so um you know her. fuckin classic. Good show

I'm dying laughing already and I'm only a minute in lol.

I cannot believe this is the same dude who tortured people and did blow on Narcos.

i got this as an ad and i watched the whole thing lmao

He trolled Trump good!!! Yasssssssss

Wow,this is so funny! I saw the posters in the train stations

It’s so weird to hear him speak after only seeing him on Broad City...

I like it.

Funny asf About time we get something like this ‼️‼️‼️‼️

hhahahhahahhaha this is funny

bruh i'm guatemalan literally this is so good

Yay Jaime got his own show!! Hoping Arturo stays around for a good long while. There are some more single skits available on YouTube.

It's so weird to hear Jaime with _this_ dad voice.

Haha the Broken Homes part killed me haha

I don't have the channel but I really like the series!!

love it but DAMN that guys chapped lips are bothering me SO MUCH

It’s surprised me how funny this is.

That paper towel. I need it

Kept seeing ads of this on IG and finally decided to give it a go. So happy I watched it. Hilarious. Keep up the good work

His character in Narcos is a little different.

This was great! So glad I took the chance to watch it after seeing it on ads in the subways. Very well done !

I got this as a ad on a video

Lmao this show is hilarious

This is sooooo good!!!! hahaha

Can I ask you guys something as my best friends? Mmm I didn't get the memo... lol



I've been laughing seen I cut it on!

Dont say hey cabron lol that doesnt mean dude

As a Costa Rican the Guatemala ad had me dying. It's so relatable!!

That "NOO!" gets me weak EVERYTIME

Iam laughing my ass off

I’m letting ya know now, that’s not how houses look like in Elizabeth, NJ

Hilarious, the first sketch made me realize I should not have kids

Its meh.

Me cago de la risa!!!

Never guess Arturo can act comedy.

the first pary with the kid damn people are so complicated the world is going to shit with tpo much thinking lmao second Before the mexica people were naming mexica they were actually guatemalan because Mayas were here first so mexicans were actually guatemalans but were calling each other mexica people

After that Guatemala commercial I had to come. Just wanted to say I came. Great commercial.

Pretty good enjoyed watching it

Bruh this is hilarious.. I'm from Guatemala too

Damn it’s crazy cause as A Guatemalan American I feel him on the whole Latino stuff, I don’t dance Salsa and I think the same thing regarding Costa Rica and Guatemala, they’re the same but people go to Costa Rica instead. This caught me off guard didn’t even know he was a Guat like me.

also the trump tossing paper towels in a devastated Puerto Rico sketch was amazing

the Guatemala tourism sketch was hilarioussssssssss

I keep watching not because he's funny but because his face is so interesting to look at

I taught this was narcos season 3

I think I'm hooked, i never say that really, but I want more!

God damn Gina

Another joke at sexualizing children. Seriosuly. Not just gay, lesbian but even straight. STOP ACCEPTING THAT ITS OK FOR KIDS TO BE INTERESTED IN SEX THIS YOUNG. Anyone who does this is promoting pedophilia. I dont care if its "look at his little girlfriend" or "aw she likes girls at 5 so I will support her lesbianism" SEXUALITY SHOULD NOT BE PROMOTED TO A CHILD. End of story.

Great opening scene!

"normal? come on dad."

Arturo was awesome in Broad City! I'm glad he got his own show! So funny

More Broken Home Hunters, please!

I needed this!

100% unexpected but I'M SO GLAD I CLICKED! Hilarious and every sketch was amazing

Haha that’s gender coding lol

I was expecting a squirrel voice from this man lmao


I really hope this show stays alive, love it!

I laughed more than I should

Nice! There are little to no Hispanic/LatinX representation on TV today. This popped up before the premier. Definitely going to support and check it out!

He himself doesn't actually say anything funny until the Guatemala sketch

Lmao I got an add for this and I watched the whole 20 minute vid

Get out of my house!!!

I got this as an add and literally watched the whole thing lol

I ain't so sure if this'll go beyond 1 season being it's exclusively centric on Latino life

I thought that this show would suck thank you for proving me wrong!

PURE GENIUS!!!!!! Can't wait!!!

Tht was genuinely funny

Is anyone gonna acknowledge that he sounds exactly like Zac Efron...

Shitt thats the bad guy from Narcos!

"We have all the same shit, **bleep** you" had me laughing way too hard

Great show. This guy is really ealented. Quiet the funny man a good addition behind Drunk Hishtory. Thank you


Boring af

This was fucking great


Excellent! Cheers from A Brazilian fellow!

Bruh this is literally how we Spanish Bros do

Until the day I grow up, don't ever call me a woman. Women are mature, have their shit together, maybe even have a rugrat, I'm a girl until further notice.

Hipster fag "humour"'s "hysterical" -_-

This shit whack


Guatemalan Ad is the best! Cheaper than CR for sure! And it's not a part of Mexico either lol

I thought this beginning was really funny and smart. I enjoyed it and keep watching to see what other funny and nutty turns it takes. They need to keep the funny theme going in my opinion.

That was really funny. Favorites: 1. Guatemala promo 2. Puerto Rico Trump paper towels 3. Broken home hunters

Chapines unite

I’m Guatemalan so I can confirm that the land really does say that there lol

Hahahahhahaah Can you feel it? When you talk about Costa Rica think that you are talking about the Paradise. About Heaven. Pura Vida.

Yoooo he’s bold&funny asf I’m so excited to watch this season !!!!!

Every sketch was hilarious and I cant wait for more

Networks should do this for every show and every episode they would probably get more views than just running it on tv and on demand

Looks like David Anders, sounds like David Anders but it isn't what!!!

That little brat needs to trip and fall and skin his knee on a regular basis.

Thats painful to watch, but it was hilarious lmao

Oh damn that opening bit is hilarious and scary as a father

This is great and so refreshing.


Very well done

¡Malparido, David!

“Do you have a house like this...where you live with you boyfriend....” Realtor [flirting] “I don’t live with my boyfriend.” Carlos: [stroking his arm] “Oh, what a shame...”.

Love you bro

“Isn’t Guatemala basically Mexico? Fuck you!”

Soooo good!! I'm definitely tuning in!! Alternatino

I would watch a whole show of just the friends group from Date Part 2

If you listen to the wind it says “fuck costa rica”

My favorite new show!!

I don't know what this kids talking about what sex is a vagina and a penis that's it. Everything else is unnatural. I wish Society would quit ramming this other agenda on us. We don't want it.

Im glad he referenced Narcos lmao this show is so funny

Oh my god is that Kaitlyn Carson! I love her! I got to meet her at the Be More Chill stagedoor!! ❤️❤️❤️

freaking love this guy!

c.c. needs to put full pilots up for every show at least..(NOBODY HEARS ABOUT THE SHOW OTHERWISE)its day and age of Internet c.c. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.

Why so because hes speaks proper English? Dont beleive stereotypes

I freaking love Arturo full homo wait what? jk Arriba Guate

Finally a Latin Comedy Central show!


Hard to believe this is the same guy from Narcos


Hell yeah Comedy Central! More of this!

This was so, so, SO good!!!!

First Gen Guatemalan here and I loved this!!!!! Thank you for putting the first episode up I’m excited about this show and where it goes!!

Didn’t laugh once. Comedy Central is going down the drain. Sad.

Lol broken home hunters and the Guatemala ad!!!!

That's jaime! He talked about how he learned all his comedy from being on Broad City. He is amazing and this is amazing

Pretty pretty good. Glad I watched.

Boys and girls and mistakes

149 dislikes??? how is that possible.

I keep seeing Jaime....

what a complete moron and stupid show,live it up socially engineered morons


I'm from Puerto Rico! Thank you so much for the representation in this show. No muchos lo hacen.

Besides supporting my distant (probably) cousin, I'll be watching this cuz it was funny as hell haha

So good.

The first 5 minutes proved that this show had nothing to do with mexicans. We dont play into that PC milenial BS.

Hahaha fucking Mumford & sons


He dresses pretty white, holy fuck high five!

the guy in the beer skit looked super familiar

Alternatino is Hilarious. Thank you!

This shit is so funny!

14:45 my favorite part!


the Puerto Rico one .. I died

Fantastico! Comedy with a message!!

Dang I disliked this dude so much in Narcos because he played his role so good lol this is a plot twist

I can't believe this is the same dude who played a psychopathic drug lord on Narcos. Within 5 minutes I went from being scared to laughing my ass off.

sooooo good

That Dentist

Esas manos tan suaves!!! lmao!

The paper towel sketch was the best.

Isn’t this the gay guy on broad city?

"Sexy Guatemalan Street Mutt"

A found this last night after "Drunk History". This is hysterical. Thank you.

When's the next episode?!?!?

2:15 was great

Looool this tv showww is hilarious

This guys funny!

Amazing !

This pilot was awesome! Congrats on the new show! Check out our barely seen Comedy Central Studios pilot from back in the day

Hilarious. Hopefully they can keep it up; might be hard with such short skits.

This guy is an amazing actor. Kills it everything I have seen him do.

Haha, amazing paper towels.

Good Shit!

HOLY FUCKIN SHIT this is goddamn gold im so excited for more

Sometimes I don’t feel Latin enough, either! I loved the date sketches and the paper towel one.

Hola Mami lolololol

Lmao! So funny. The part with the dentist was hilarious.

The future is fucked

Best show I've seen in a while

Get out of my house!

That guy dancing with the stop sign still in him. hahaha OMG I use to live a town over from Woodbridge. Will definitely be checking out more of this show.

He's a brilliant actor omg :O


como Guatemalteco me doblé de la risa viendolo!

It was ok but just ok

Ive done this..lmao.

Who the guy at 17:06 ik ive seen him in a movie or show but i forgot where

This guy is great. A star in the making. Que viva la raza

Me as a parent in the beginning

The opening sketch is everything wrong with this world. Those kids are gonna be so fucked up.


This was amazing!!!!!!

Kinda wish this had a reactionary audience

Broken home hunters that dope

1st sketch/Hurricane Maria/Guatemala ad were all goldies Side note: Originally thought the Guatemala ad was gonna be of Fantasy Island spoof

Yeahhh this is a great show! i love it

This show just increased the Latino employment rate by 1492%!!! THANKS PRESIDNET TRUMP! #maga

Solid 8 out of 10 Then an extra point for that Indian guy at the end being an uber driver and voicing his feelings.

The opening bit was enough for me to say Yes lol

Yo this show is amazing!!!!

Really though, where did they both get those shirts.

Comedy Central is entering another golden age of comedy.

“I just soaked your wicker chair” Wtf

This was good

This show is pretty funny

This man is great

Would have been funny if it was a magic eraser

The funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I seriously thought this guy was Joe pescis half latino basement baby.

When the guy said cerote I fucking lost it , vamos centro América!

Finally a sketch show since key and peele that’s good

I thought i was supposed to laugh

Everyone's saying the guy from narcos, I know him from broad city

He is a very good actor

@4:05 Alexis rose vibes

"How do I look?" "Like your mind and soul have been completely consumed by the PC Thought Police". "What??" "Non-binary, son. You look non-binary."

She sounds like a basic girl

El presidente de Guatemala para 2028

Finally bruh, more Latin representation, & Guatemalan too ✊



This show is so real! lol i swear this is really funny

Hahahaha the broken home hunters killed me ahaha.

16:50 low self esteem depression robot

15:25 that interaction was fucking hilarious. Hes the coolest bro ever

i hope the 2nd skit shows everyone of the millenials and generation x how far they are taking the sex stuff... over focusing on gender and sex isnt going to make children better, maybe more emotionally empathetic but cmon, dont we see how far we are taking it, why is where other peoples put their genitals so goddamn important ? let them do whatever they want with their bodies, give us regulars, a chance to learn all the lingo, before saying we are intolerant

represent Guatemala

Lol. I wasn’t going to watch this because of the title and the thumbnail. Glad I did. Well done Comedy Central

He was in Narcos? I can’t even picture that from seeing him as a goofy mofo on broad city lol

Lmao woah this is huge I didn't know he made hilarious content sign Arturo Castro up for more man!

that line at 9:51

Colin: WhAt Do yOu DeFiNe aS HoMo


This was crazy

can we get Keel and Peele back?

Wajajajajajaja men , you rock !!!

This was way too funny. Great content.

If you're a Latino man and not the macho stereotype you have laughed more at this than the time you watched white chicks for the first time

Congratulations Arturo! I couldn't stop laughing! The spot on Guatemala was on point!

I wanna go to Guatemala

David from Narcos hahahaha

His reason for getting with her at 11:13 is basically my love story with my baby mama

that was so funny - i'm not even usually into sketch type comedy stuff - but this kid killed it!

Exactly what we did with the paper towels. Thanks for that Arturo you show what we were thinking they took Trump to one of the best neighborhood of PR for all the photo ops.

Something went wrong with this multi gender society. People are willing to legitimize mental illness or deviation. I know this is comedy, but it reflects the sad reality with the kid at the beginning.

who is the guy in the robot sketch? he looks so freakin familiar

YouTube annoyed me into watching this. I caved. Thereafter ensued 20 minutes of laughing so hard that tears were rolling down my face!

nice work

WHAT A GREAT NEW SHOW!!!!!!! Speaks to me in every single skit!

The part that had them yelling friendly remarks at each other in Spanish had me in tears man

Amazing! you did got me hooked forever with that free sample. Nice one comedy central!

GUATEMALA ... *beep* costa rica

I fucking hated this guy in Narcos because of his stupid baby face and the daddys boy role he played but thats what makes a great actor and now watching him on this.... he is hilarious!

Can't wait to see episode 2!

Love from Kenya lol

Arturo is a great actor, this was funny. Reppin' Guatemala.. Gracias paisano.

I’m not even done watching the whole episode, but I love it so far!

Who's Your Daddy?

How can I get Alternativo in the UK?!

Love this!! I'm a white lady married to a Latin man who's a lot like Arturo. So fun to watch this experience portrayed so well :)


"Guatemala... please come"

This show is really good! Loved the paper towel skit lolol

Yo... who's the dude talking to Philip? Good Morning!

Bisexual vacations

this is legit good

Mencia redux

does anyone know the name of the song playing in the club sketch? by the way hilarious first episode.

My puerto rican ass is dying over the hurricane Maria one



I fucking hate my generation

This writer's room is recycling/lifting a lot of old premises. What is it with sketch shows and doing that crap?

Son: "dad, how do I look?" Dad: "you look very handsome" Son: "that's gender coding" Dad: GET OUT!!

I planned to only watch a few minutes but ended up watching the whole thing

but do I want to die alone, well,

if you hear closely, you can the Land of Gautamala say "fuck costa rica". oh, dude!

that is some funny shit

#alsoaplace lmaooooo

kid clearly needs to be homeschooled...

omg this is hilarious! Heard of it through the Latino USA podcast.

Much more likeable than Schumer and Mencia.

Does anyone else see a potential issue when that boy says that the teen girl is not a girl anymore but a woman???

How am I just finding out about this show?? I'm such a failure

Fack oooooofffffff

Looking like a 10 yr old.

14:10 best scene

"Hey, I just soaked your wicker chair."

Funny dood, flat out

That guy with the stop sign in him lol

Lmao this is so good.

That was fucking hilarious

My next vacation is gonna be Guatemala. Also because the great advertising #alsoaplace

Ok Funny

Hey YouTubeTV, can you please add Comedy Central? Thanks!

3:12 why does she look so familiar? I swear to god I’ve seen a blonde version of her somewhere. I think?

2:45 I can relate to that part so much lol... 14:15 That’s whole sketch

FUNNY! great show

B.R.i.L.L.i.A.n.T!!! Tytyty

I like this show. It has style!!!

I love that this is on YouTube! ❤ Amazing show

15:21 should have said "Thanks, Non-Hispanic White Guy"

That first part lmao

Without all the racism towards white people this would be much better. The double standard of the left is ridiculous. Definitely have to be a stupid mf to not see that.

I can't wait for the new season of Narcos.

I hate PC culture and leftist, they are morons but I do like comedy and I have to admit this made me laugh

First time watching this show so awesome I'm hooked thank you comedy central......

(Beep) Costa Rica Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn Right and a'im Canadian American.

Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn That Trump Sketch could've more accurate than that.. Trump really F@©K The Puerto Ricans Good & ∆€¶¶ ..

This will be my post-Broad City show I'm going to watch.

I don't have problem with his delicate hands and his clean apartment, I'll date him

waait what intersex

Lolll is that out yet? Straight hilarity all the way through, broken house hunters

This is hilarious if I still paid for cable I’d definitely watch this show

This show is so good

I hate this

The first two min is me in the future as a father

This is good

8:47 Guatemala ✈️

Don't know this I'm going to check out Narcos .this shit is funny as fuck

"Pero ¡me da un calor!" translated as "But it's kinda warm" is some hot flaming caca

This was great! Bien hecho cerote!

Bro why did I just find this?


Isn't this the guy from Narcos?

I'm costarican and I find this fucking funny.

Mano, siento que la cagaste al meter a Costa Rica. Les diste un protagonismo que no se merecen. Pero en general muy bueno el show. Ojalá esto sea el comienzo de algo grande y que aprovechés para darte a conocer a vos y nuestro país. Seguí así. Quedó de ahuevo.

Ha! This show is funny as faack

When she’s talking about her ex & it cuts to his fruity drink

"Tranquillo cerote!"


This was hilarious ANOTHER!!

Funny af lol next level comedy and comedian!

He is like a modern day Carlos mencia. Just as unfunny and tries just as hard...

Think I’m gonna raise my kids in a third world country

After Narcos I can’t picture this guy as anything other then a psychopath.

I’m amazed how people don’t notice that this is the gay friend from broad city. Clearly. Gay can mean a lot of things... This I know! >

Who is the actress he is talking to at the table?

jajajajajaj I can't stop laughing. Arturo is hilarious.

lol, lol, the Puerto Rico paper towel gig was a hilarious and the father-son talk is exactly how I feel when I try talking to my nephews about anything. lol

Sooo hilarious

hilarious love it


Man david Rodriguez has changed huh

So when does episode 2 come out???

People from Guatemala don’t even go to Guatemala. Lo siento, pero no.

wait is Haimie Straight????


Guatemalan and date part are the best. Great

No, I am your driver

That's my friend

The right home can keep garbage relationship for decades

Guatemala: also a place

Things you (a millennial latinx) didn’t know you needed.

Who plays the girl

Goddam Gina.. lmao

This is awesome! Thank you. Put a smile on my face on a dreary Tuesday.

In the AI skit you're facial expressions remind me of Mr. Bean.

"But then I met you"

the show is awesome. loving it a lot: very funny and shows modern America how it is

Hey! That's the kid from American Vandal!

i love all of this

I love Carlos and Gina

Awesome sketch

lol, lol, the Puerto Rico paper towel gig was hilarious--and uber-real considering this tasteless reality show — and the father-son talk is exactly how I feel when I try to talk to my nephews about anything at all. Glad I don't need to. lol

Kinda funny but not really i hope to see some improvements

“How do u know that?”

This is my new favorite show! Thanks!!!!

That saved my night!

1:25 Elizabeth, NJ? Lol, *sure.*

He’s dancing with a Pare sign in him

Damn this guy is talented! Never in a million years had I thought I'd see him in something like this.

Millennials have fuck up everything, worst generation ever.

“Find me on Facebook”


If my kid came home talking like that...

Who originally loved him on Broad City?

This is a promising start - funniest new sketch show since Key and Peele, perhaps.

Lol. The paper towel skit tho!

F*ck you with love! Greetings from Costa Rica ❤️

There are actually two countries (not including El Salvador) between Guatemala and Costa Rica! Theyr'e called Honduras and Nicaragua. So, FUCK YOU TOO!!!

this is so good!! Can't wait for more episodes. Go Jaime ;-)

Quiero mas!

Best pilot

I was hating hard cause of the commercials but this is good stuff. Had me rolling with the broken house hunters and the low self stern robot! hilarious

I’m a dentist from Martha’s Vineyard.. You rarely hear of that !

Dude was a hit on broad city and is killing it by himself

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