Good afternoon, good evening, good morning, wherever you are watching from guys. We are here in Lhasa and we're in the city centre here. We've come to Barkour Old Street, which is basically like the city centre, right? So we've come because we're going to go and check out Jokhang Temple. So we did come here in our very first vlog when we arrived in Tibet, but we kind of only briefly we did the circle, which is the circular walk around the temple. So
we completed that and then we were hungry, we were tired. So now today we're exploring in full. So we're on the old street.
We've got all of the souvenir shops on the left, on the right, We've got all of the locals who are doing, you could call them the Pilgrims, right? Yeah, They're doing the walk around the holy site because it's considered as a good deed. In the first vlog, we just went around, didn't really go inside, but today we get an up close and personal look. see what it's like inside, take you guys with us as well as much as we can because inside the temples you can't really record.
Another beautiful day. The weather's been really kind to us because we were speaking to Nima before we arrived in Tibet. He was saying it was a bit rainy. The rain is on the way out. A few days we've been here already and the weather has behaved every single day so that's really cool. Yeah, we said goodbye to the rain. Have a look at this one.
Ohh, This jacket looks so cool. It's traditional? For winter. Look at the bits inside. This will definitely keep you warm. Whilst rocking the traditional look as well, right? It's got the furry layering on the inside. That is pretty cool.
But we thought that today we would probably show you what Tibet looks like in the evening. So we've come out now, we're going to go and check out Jokhang temple and then we're going to explore the streets of Lhasa in the evening. Exactly. See what it's like at night? Yeah, I have no idea what to expect. Who knows? But I can tell you it's probably going to be great and we're probably going to enjoy it.
another thing is, a misconception, that's linked to Lhasa and Tibet is you need to have somebody with you at all times who's going to accompany you, they're going to take you everywhere, but, that's not the case as you will see later on in the vlog we have Nima with us right now but that's because obviously he's taking us to a temple and he's going to tell us the history, As long as you're a tourist, if you want to see the culture, you want to try the food, you can really go And explore the place on your own without any issues. So as we were saying before, as a foreigner you do have to come with a guide, Tibet Shambala Adventure. Honestly, I would highly, highly recommend they are a locally owned Tibetan agency which is perfect. They have helped us as well as foreigners to get all of our permits.
They did all of the paperwork for us. So honestly we just had to turn up, which was really, really nice. They took the hassle, the stress away they've planned an incredible itinerary so far we've had the best time, so highly highly recommend. Look at this! It's just the colors here that just catch my attention every single time, it is beautiful flowers, fruits, offerings, a lot of artwork, that's all in Tibetan script as Nima was telling us earlier but this is so mesmerizingly beautiful guys. It just looks beautiful. Apparently I've heard, this is a very popular restaurant we haven't tried it so far but hey we can always go down and see what's happening here and that street has caught my attention as well so we will definitely go and check that one out too because it looks like there's a lot of trade a lot of customs going on there so too many things to go and explore but for now let's go and check out the Jokhang temple. Are
we ready? Yes we are. Let's go do it. right welcome to Joking Temple wow look at the size! right so this is inside Jokhang Temple we were here on our first day when we arrived, now I believe if I'm not wrong from everything that I've learned, these are the four guardian kings of the temple because that's what we learned at Potala Palace I might be completely wrong because it might be a different thing for different temples but that is what we heard from our guide Nima he told us At the entrance, there's always 4 guardian kings.
This is what it's like on the inside and this is another thing that we learned in the previous vlog. All that that you see outside here in black, this is all made out of yak hair. It's absolutely fascinating. We're about to go into now a part where we cannot film. So we'll just go through, we'll take a walk, hopefully have a little look.
Nima will explain some more things to us and then we will be able to tell you what it was like when we're out the other side. So come with us, let's go. Wow, that was absolutely insane on the inside. It was stunning. There were so many statues, loads of different paintings to look at. There was also the statue of the 8 year old Buddha, which is super, super important.
And this temple is one of the most important in Tibet as well. But now we are up on the 2nd floor. We can see, oh my god, the views from here, I mean, they're absolutely stunning.
It's 360 degrees mountains! This is all made from yak hair, and then this is the golden roofs up here. Stunning in the sunshine as well. Absolutely incredible. But yeah, inside there was just lots of donations going on as well. And Nima said that we tend to come in the afternoon because in the mornings the temple is super, super busy with the pilgrims coming in daily to do their offerings, to do all of their things together.
So it's better for us to come in the afternoon, but it's 85 yuan to come in, you guys. Honestly, highly recommend it. It's absolutely stunning. What did you think? You're a history lover! Did you like it? Yeah. They've carved in different figurines in the wood. That's from the 7th century.
So that's like from the 600s. So that makes it 1400 years old. Which is insane. And it's still intact, so. Yeah, so the whole building is 7th century, but there was some damage done. So there's parts of it that's been rebuilt. Yeah, but there's quite a bit in there that's still intact from 1400 years ago, which is insane.
And the Buddha statue is from 2500 years ago. Wow! So guys, we just finished at Jokhang Temple and then we decided we walked past Mixue and we could not resist. So I got our Jasmine milk tea and then the best thing was, We got Nima to try it too. Nima
told us he's never had it before. So we were like, you know what Nima, how can you be our guide and you've never had Mixue? So here we go. Nima. Thank you so much. Is it good? Yes, very good. You like it? I like it. Will you have it again? I love it.
See Mixue, we get everyone on it. We tell everyone we love it. You're getting your new customers Mixue. You're welcome. Exactly. I love that. Honestly on a hot, hot, hot day A nice, refreshing Mixue is absolutely perfect.
And now I think we've got Nima loving it as well, so he's going to have to share with all of his friends and family. There you go. Cheers. Perfect. All right, so our main man, Nima, he's left because his shift's done. That's Nima.
I'm talking about, in case if you guys were wondering, he was so happy, With the Mixue, He was like, all right, guys, I'm finished for the day now. But as I was saying earlier during the vlog, the misconception is that you need somebody with you if you want to go out. Oh my day, Little dog, what's up? He made everyone jump! He wants a Mixue as well, I guess.
But yeah, no. As I was saying, the misinception is that people think that you need an escort down here, like you need somebody to accompany you if you're a foreigner. Not really. No, you don't. So we will be going around Lhasa on our own and we're going to show you the nightlife down here and what there is to do.
What's up, boy? He's coming with us, so he will be accompanying us. He was just an animated boy. Let's go around Lhasa, see what there is to do, see what's happening. We have been here before Barkour Street but we want to see the Bazaar side of it as well because you've got so many shops. Hello! Lovely locals yeah we want to see the bazaar side of it as well got musical instruments out here lovely, no shortage of food anywhere! Got some tunes going. Smells so good.
Oh yeah? I could do with some food in a minute because that Mixue got me hungry yeah and all of the walking around and everything so literally five to ten minutes ago it was like beautiful glorious sunshine really hot though, but now, within five minutes, this is what it's like now. We've got cloud cover but hopefully nothing too serious. But that's how quick the weather changes when you're at this altitude, you can have clouds one minute, and the sun's out the next. I've been told there is... hello! thank you tashi dalek means hello! hello and thank you means the bazaar side ohh! so they've got all sorts going on here we've got some grains I think that's probably tofu maybe some cloves on the side On the floor, they're setting up all of their market stalls. Well, they're setting it up now. So it's like a night market? Yeah, it only happens I think after like 6 p.m. Look at this.
It's like all goods made out of copper and silver. I thought this would be quiet right now because it is, in case if you guys are wondering what time it is... That looks beautiful. Beautiful.
the time right now is 7pm. I thought maybe people would start closing, not setting it up. No, I think that this is like a night time street. So people come out in the evening and then they set up what they're going to... Oh, bless you, what they're going to sell.
That was crazy. But look, we've got people all throughout the middle of the street. There's a lot of copper. Yeah. Hello. And there's, I'm not quite sure what it really is.
I think it's a lot of jewellery. Nima was actually telling us about this kind of area where they do start setting up a little later. But honestly, we have no idea what to expect.
Now we're without Nima, so it's a different story. Hello. Hello. Cute. There we go. We've got bracelets.
There's necklaces, there's earrings it looks like. I could do with another bracelet, you know? Yeah? I'm down to one. I was going to say. I could do with another bracelet. I have no idea on prices.
Do you want to take a little look at anything you see? Yeah. I mean, I'm just trying to find out something that catches my eye fast. There was some nice bits, a little bit further back with the... with the other guys, but I think it's getting busier the further down we walk. Okay, so this is the bit that we haven't seen so far. Nope. Ooh, I'm excited to see.
The further we're going down as well, the more people seems to be out. Did you see something you liked? Yeah, I mean, there are people selling bracelets, but I haven't seen anything so far that catches my eye! We'll have to take a little look. So we've got herbs and spices or... Maybe cheese, maybe some nuts, maybe some, yeah, some spices there.
Not sure, but very, very nice. It's a mixture of things going on down here, but it definitely seems to be more jewellery than anything else. So, oh, look, we've got some bracelets on the side as well. Beautiful beads.
Wow. OK, we're going. We're going. Did you see something you like? I think Taz maybe did. I mean, there are a few here. Yeah? I need something that's... Hello! How much for this? Five? or 50? 5 or 50? I'm not sure. I'll give you the calculator, you can write it. Okay, so we just had the hand signal but we don't know if that means five or if that means 50.
Who knows? How much is this? 50. OK, OK. Thank you. Can you do 30? Tell her if she does two. 30? This kid's a good guy. He came over to see us because I think he saw we were struggling.
Oh ohh dear, look, we've now attracted a crowd as well. Hello. Now everybody's coming to see Taz choosing his bracelet. What one are you choosing? There's a lot of choice I like this one. Okay. There's so many different choices down here. You've got a lot of different bits and pieces going on.
I wonder if she's made them herself. Let's see. Let's see. OK, OK, OK, perfect. No problem. Let's pay! Thank you.
Success. Thank you. OK, so now we figure it out. We do some Alipay. Perfect. Or maybe WeChat, actually, I'm not sure. But there we go. That was a successful purchase and quite quick as well. So two bracelets.
Now we're done. Hello. Thank you. I'm okay. Now they're asking me if I want some beads and that I can go and ask them, but we just bought some bracelets so I don't need anymore. Wow! We've got so many people behind us. Thank you! I've got this. Hello! This is very nice. Thank you.
Oh, ohh there's way more! Different colours. Okay listen, I'm very happy with the one that I've got because I've got these two and they're huge. They are actually.
They're big beads. Yeah, you've got quite a collection going on yourself. Have you got them on? Would you like to add to it or you're happy? I'm okay.
This isn't all of them. No, I have one of them that's still at the hotel but it keeps falling off so I don't want to lose it. No, No I'm good with these ones for now.
Guys, let me know what do you think? This seems pretty decent, they're chunky and it was only 30 CNY each. Auntie started asking for 50? Per bracelet, and then we negotiated on 30 CNY per bracelet so I think that's not bad. So we paid 60 CNY, Hello! I thought I've lost you again. This is the worst thing when every time me and Libby come to a market she goes missing every single time. I can't believe how busy this is. Look at what's going on here guys.
Wow. There's all sorts that people are selling here. What is this? Hello! We got some more bracelets.
Bracelets seem to be the thing here. Wow, there are... so many bracelets out here. Right? And loads of beads as well, like the individual ones. Okay, how far does this go? Because I have been to Barkour Square not knowing that literally the road running parallel to it is going to be so busy. So Barkour Square is in that direction there.
And down here, it's 10 times busier than it was at Barkour Square. It is a bit crazy actually, yeah. I'm loving it. Lots of people out there, but this seems to be much more the local side, which is nice to see a bit of like the the local side, like the local market. The market, the bazaar. Yeah.
Hello, my friend. Thank you. I just got this. Thank you. Thank you. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Hello. Thank you. Oh, we got some shoe shining going on as well.
I thought this art was lost a long time ago. Yes, maybe. Maybe mine. The Aunties told me to come over. They're so dirty. Hello. Welcome to Lhasa. Thank you.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Tashi Dalek. We've got somebody taking our video here. Hello. Tashi Dalek. Nice to meet you, my friend. Have a good day, okay? Thank you. Bye bye.
Oh my god. This is the most that someone's actually said hello to us whilst we've been walking down a pedestrian street or a market. All right, let's try and head down this alley.
Seems a bit quieter. This is the quietest place I've seen so far? Right, yeah. This is giving me a Southeast Asia vibes with all the markets, the bags, the jewellery. Hello! Hello baby! The clothing and the friendly, friendly, friendly people. So nice. As I was saying earlier, this has to be top of the list of pedestrian streets where we've been walking along and we've had random people that have just come up to us and have said hello, hello, hello, hello. At one point it was literally all I could hear
was hello, hello. And I'm loving it. I'm all here for it. Hello. Oh, photo. OK, we're going to do a photo.
Let's go do a photo here. Yay. Your turn. Another? It's his turn now. Bye bye.
That's what I mean. It's all about just having a good time. Meet the friendly locals. Exactly. I am getting a bit hungry as well.
Me too actually. Me too. I'm getting hungry. Hello. I love that.
But do you know what? They can speak more English.... Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. They can speak more English than what we can speak in the local language.
Well, sure. So there you go. We can't speak Tibetan or Chinese. So yeah, good on them for being multilingual. Absolutely. Some clothing down here. It looks even like we've got a little bit of designer going on as well. I mean, if this was a bigger size, that would be actually really, really nice.
Do you like it? Yeah. There we go. We'll lose Taz in all of these markets, apparently. Oh, that's for you, not me! So yaks are literally the trademark here in Tibet. They're everywhere. But the best one is this one here. It's got that thing that we were given at the airport when we arrived around its neck.
Look at this. It's a golden yak. Libby for scale. That is a huge yak actually.
Not as big as the real life one. No, it's actually life-size. Do you think? Yeah, I think it's a pretty good-sized one, yeah. Nice and shiny. We are trying to get to our next stop, which I think is food and things as well. They do sell, another thing that's just caught my eye, Oxygen cans here. Red, we've got the white ones.
Not exactly sure what the difference is, but I've seen a lot of people down here who are taking oxygen. But for us, so far, it's been cool. Are you buying more beads? some bracelets, some necklaces. I love it.
I've already got two. I'll be open to buy another one, yeah, why not? Hello. Hello. Thank you. No, thank you. I'm an easy target for sure, because I usually can make some space for some bracelets or some necklaces. I mean, you and me, you're the one that gets more. It's true. I do. Yeah.
I'm normally the person. Hello. It's so sweet, though. All of the locals have been really, really friendly. But now we're joining everybody.
Oh, what is this? This is super busy! it is busy, busy. Let's not get run over. One second. There we go, green man. Now we come. Alright. This is officially our right of way. Again, I don't know what road this is.
We're just going around Lhasa. I'm just taking the views and seeing what's happening here in this bustling city. And this seems to be a very popular intersection. Traffic, people, businesses and another Golden yak! So I think yaks might even be a the national mascot or the local mascot in Lhasa. Probably. I mean they're everywhere aren't they? Well we're yet to see them right this minute but...
I mean not the real ones but yeah the statues are everywhere that's true. It seems busy on the roads here let me just put it that way though because we have been here a few days and this is another thing that we have been seeing that, traffic here in Lhasa it is quite busy and so far, here people have mostly blue number plates which means proper like fuel engines, not your electrics there are a few not many I don't know what I thought Lhasa was going to be like before we got here I was thinking it's going to be a tiny little city yeah really quiet and there won't be a lot to do down here There's cleaners everywhere here as well. That's another great initiative. Yeah, it's super clean. From the city council, right? Is that a restaurant? Ohh No, it's a jewellery shop. That is very, very fancy. Extravagant for jewellery, right? I think this is all jewellers down here.
We're just walking along and we're coming up very close to our next stop but... We have KFC, woohoo! And the Lhasa department store, there we go. Who said Lhasa was quiet, you guys? Who said Lhasa had nothing to do, nothing to see? I disagree. KFC, I'm joking guys, there's actually a lot more historic importance and cultural importance here than just that. But we're walking now.
It'll take a minute and have a look at the traffic Yeah, it's pretty freaking crazy out here right now. Everybody's honking, beeping, it's all happeing! Look at this. All the way down. The busiest roads that we've seen around here. Like busy! And oh, we're going to get run over.
OK, we need to make a move on to the right hand side. And go, go, go, go, go, go. I think we'll choose to walk this side rather than the road bit. Yes, the pavement where all the many, many, many bikes are parked. But yeah, I think we need to cross over. And I think we want to go that side.
But honestly, I don't know. We're going with zero plans tonight, you guys. We're going to absolutely wing it and just see what it's like. So come along with us and find out what Lhasa at night is really like. Look at this.
We've come out to Potala Palace. So if you guys have watched one of our very first vlogs here from Lhasa. You know, we went to see, we went to Potala Palace. Oh my gosh, she's about to poke my eye out with that.
Wow, even more bracelets down here, jewellery! Thank you. Hello. Hello. He said everybody welcomes you to Lhasa. Oh ohh thank you! I was busy chatting with the girls then, but look at this, we made it.
Oh wow, it looks cool right now too. The clouds are a little moody right now up above, but It looks just as beautiful, just as grand as it did when we were climbing it on our first day. I can't believe now that we're looking at it, there's so many steps. Like literally this is crazy! Stairs going up and then that way and then that way and then up. Wow. And we climbed all of this.
That's an achievement. That is wild. I can't believe it. Okay, I knew you would do it because you're a bit of a boss when it comes to fitness and stuff, but honestly, I was really doubting if I'd make it up there because I am one unfit pancake. You have done it. This is where we're going.
See you guys on the other side. Are we ready? Fingers crossed. Let's go. We made it. We found the right entrance.
We just had to queue to go through security. And now get ready for this view in 321. We made it. We came out to Potala Palace.
I think actually it's called Potala Square, but we made it. And look how busy it is. There's so many people in here right now. Everybody wants to get their perfect shot and their perfect picture.
I know it's huge, isn't it? Even though, like we said, we've been there. We still can't believe that we've actually been all the way to the top because we were by the red buildings. Yeah, at the very top.
Yeah, we entered, well, we were around the red and then we went around the back somewhere. Oh, it's absolutely crazy. Wow. I can't believe how busy this is right now, so when we walked to Potala Palace in the morning, very, very, very quiet and this place is even quieter, but now it's buzzing. Everybody's out, probably finished off their day of exploring and now we're all just coming to soak up this view. Get a few pictures just like Taz is about to do. I'm getting ready right now guys.
So would this be the best moment to plug our Instagram because if you haven't checked it out yet go ahead check out our Insta because all of these shots that don't make it into the vlog all end up on Insta. So you guys are missing out if you're not doing that because it is epic. Oh look at the sky right now.
The color is beautiful. Libby was saying earlier, there was nobody here in the square in the morning when we were going in our first vlog if you watched it, you know what I'm talking about. No one here. But we started quite early anyway, but look at that. It's like everyone's out here and here in this row, everyone's got the same idea with that reflection. There we go, that's what I'm talking about.
Some reflection down there. That's gonna make a cool picture. I'm trying to see it, like I'm trying to look.
Like the photo? Yeah. That would look really cool though. It does, I can see it. There's more people here doing exactly the same thing as well.
Is it on the floor or have they brought the mirrow? It's on the floor. Is it? Hi. Hello! Yeah. But that is in the floor? Yeah.
I was thinking people have brought their own mirrors! So did I, I thought people have brought their own mirrors and their own water, but no, it's actually there, look, that looks like it's got water there on the screen, not so much. Okay, I'm missing out! I want to do this as well. Okay, so the screens are already there on the floor. They've just got their own water. There's one here, one there, there's another one just after that as well. Ah Loving it. Yes? It looks good, you can see the the reflection of it.
It looks cute. It's a nice creative photo, right? This is the kind of dedication that I want from you. on the floor! That's our model there, and that is the beautiful Potala Palace.
Ohh Look at that. Very good. I wasn't expecting this to be honest, this is quite quirky.
Now you know why there's so many people about, look at that. Dedication at it's best. Loving it. Let's go. Sorry, us again, but we just made it towards Jokhang Temple and look, It's all lit up, it looks beautiful. It looks completely different at night when it's all lit up. It does, right? It's got a very different vibe to it.
It's still just as busy there too. Loving it, yeah, because pilgrims, they keep coming no matter what time of day it is. Usually we heard it's super busy in the morning because that is when it's cooler as well.
Yeah, and it's probably like before people go to work or something like that. So this is last night at night Barkour Street and we are still out and about hopelessly just going around trying to look for a restaurant. I see quite a few in front of us right now. There's one here.
Look at the size of that dog there. That looks like a rat. So tiny. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but. Wow, I've seen rats bigger than that dog. Excuse me, if you're the owner of that beautiful dog, he is a gem.
We've got restaurants everywhere, guys. All right, this looks like this is Restaurant Street. I would love something yak based. So, ohh OK, we've got bits down here as well. Look at this beautiful street all lit up as far as you can see.
Hello! Hey, my guy. So you guys, if you ever see us in your town, just come give us a high five. OK, I'm lost. I know there's some more the other side as well. Do you want to check them out or do you want to choose? Absolutely. Let's go check it out.
You know, this is Libby's way of taking us to a restaurant that she already has her eye on and she's just pretending like she has no idea. I know all her tricks! All right, which one is it then? I don't mind where we eat. I'm just saying that this is the choice here. This is the choice here. Guys, all right, for real, next time you'll see us from a restaurant. Let's go. We came super late actually.
We were trying to find somewhere that had a view of Potata Palace, but couldn't do it. And then we found there was one and it was hotpot. And we didn't really fancy hotpot, so we decided against it. Now we're in Snowland restaurant, but we have we do have hotpot here too. But it's slightly different though, because they do have another menu as well. So they have loads of yak here.
We've got boiled yak Lhasa style, spicy lamb ribs. Yeah, potato stew. That looks good. What else? Yak vermicelli mushroom. That also looks nice.
Some sizzler. Very nice. I could do with a sizzling yak steak for sure. Then we also have some momos as well.
On the other side of the menu, we've got potato chilli. There's actually so much choice here. Look, we've got, oh, cheese momo, soup momo, spicy salad.
Yak. Oh, spicy sliced yak salad. Sorry. We've got yak noodle soup. If you want yak, you're in luck because there's quite a bit. They've also got like some chow mein here. Looks good too.
And then let me show you what we also actually ordered. They do also have some like Western bits as well, which is nice if you're craving something like that. But honestly, we're not.
We could eat some yak. We can always do yak because we don't get it often enough outside. So we decided we're going to do that. Look what we did. Spicy yak pizza! That is what we're going for. I'm very excited.
I have made our order and hopefully our food's going to be here nice and quick. Yum. Alright, alright. So dinner came out and now I'm very, very, very excited because it smells amazing.
Somebody has started eating it. Listen, it's not the traditional thing. We're going for a pizza tonight, so don't come at us for saying we're not eating anything Chinese. It's fine, guys. I did say, though, that we weren't going to order Western and then I realized actually I ordered us pizza. But never mind.
The pizza, however, has got yak meat on it. Exactly. Happ Days! We're not cheating. This looks amazing. This looks epic. And then we got some cucumber salad as well, which is our favourite, which is starting already.
So we saw that on the menu and we were like, we need to, we have to have it. So we're having some cucumber salad, which is absolutely spicy. Is it? Is it really spicy? Yeah. And then we've got some spicy potatoes. Yeah, chilli potatoes.
This is super popular, actually. We've seen this as a roadside snack everywhere. Spicy potatoes. We've noticed in Lhasa, people like to consume a lot of potatoes and they make them spicy! They do.
And the food we've eaten so far, in Lhasa, every time somebody's asked us, do you want it spicy or they've given us some chilli or something, it has been spicy!!!! They don't mess around with their fiery chilli. But are you going to start? Did you try the potatoes? They good? Yeah, I had the potato. Really good. Yum. Very soft. Cooked to perfection.
Yummy. All right. You've got to have the pizza. Do you want a glove? They gave us gloves, which is cute. I don't really want to wear a glove. I've washed my hands literally just now. So don't.
Just pick it up. I've never eaten a pizza in my life with gloves on. I've eaten chicken with gloves on, but never a pizza. Anyway, here it goes. It looks lovely. And it's done. Lhasa Chinese style. All right. So with some yak.
Smells really good. Smells like cheesy. I wonder if it's yak cheese. Maybe. Right. Great question. OK, taste test it for us and then tell us out of 10. What do we think? 11 out of 10! The cheese and the combination of the yak meat is beautiful. Actually, this might be yak cheese as well.
I like mine a little bit like charcoal. I don't know why, but I'm weird like that. The cheese and the yak meat. Wow. What do you think? That is good. That's really nice. Actually. Sometimes a pizza in Asia is really hit and miss!
This is good. It's spicy as well. The yak's really nice. Like, it's not too big. It's not chewy at all. And there's some Peppers on it as well.
And this is our first time eating a pizza in China. Is it? Yeah. We've never had pizza in China.
Well, then I give this a good... I give it a 10 out of 10 too. Really nice. Really good and spicy.
On top of that, a yak pizza. You know what? We were going around a few places down here and we saw yak pizza like pretty much on everyone, every restaurant's menu. So we were like, we have to, before we leave Tibet, we have to have yak pizza. Oh my gosh. This is mind-blowing, guys. If you haven't tried it, Whenever there's yak available, go ahead, try out this yak pizza. You can thank us later. Yeah,
you will thank us later because it is delicious. Cheers to that. Let's eat. Whoa, that really, really filled us up.
That was amazing. That was such good food. Absolutely enjoyed it, loved it, yak pizza. Guys, what a discovery. Whoever came up with the idea of making yak pizza, you are a genius.
Hello. But, Guess what? As I was saying earlier, when we were looking for restaurants, right, it was Libby's way of just, you know, delaying us. And we ended up going to the restaurant that she wanted to go to. Was it good? Was it? I know all your tricks! All of them. Did you enjoy the food? You did. To be fair, the food was really good. The
night was amazing as well. I chose good ones every time. You do. You do. OK. All right. Don't get too big headed. OK. Not too big. Lhasa has been amazing, guys.
We've had so much fun. And in this vlog, we just showed you that you could do lots on your own without being accompanied by a guide. So there you go. Feel free to come here, guys.
Such an amazing place. You will absolutely love it. It's got so much culture, people, some of the friendliest, food! Oh my gosh. Oh, love it, love it, love it. All right. So if you still stuck around, you know what you are. You're a super legend, mate. We will catch you in the next vlog from somewhere here in China. Let's go!!!!!!
2024-11-17 10:44