Algarve Weekend Getaway - Hotel Tivoli Carvoeiro, Benagil, Algar Seco

Algarve Weekend Getaway - Hotel Tivoli Carvoeiro, Benagil, Algar Seco

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back my name is john this is my beautiful wife alexandra hello and today we are going on a much deserved weekend getaway so we are in our mazda mx-5 what else what better way is there than to start the weekend getaway in a convertible car and we are on our way to t valley hotel in carvajal algarve in portugal we have seen the pictures the hotel looks amazing we have seen the pictures of the around scenery and it looks astonishing to be honest so let's see if it all lives up to its hype if you'd like to follow us on this romantic weekend please do we would love to have you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's nice simple [Music] that's nice check out the view so the view is of the swimming pool not happy so what are you gonna do you're gonna ask for an upgrade yeah okay okay so alexander wasn't happy with her room uh so we're gonna go see if we can upgrade bloody masks never happy okay so they have agreed to let us check out another room so alexander is going to go and check out the view see if she enjoys this one better than the last let's see how it goes okay so after all it seems like we're both going to check out the room on the fourth floor this time the last one was on the second floor alexander you're gonna like it okay let's see okay so 40 410 it is happy with this one i don't know no let's see okay so separate beds so it means i'm gonna be sleeping well tonight let's check out the view oh yeah i think it's beautiful wow i think it's beautiful is it better than the last one better than last time yeah look at this carvuer tivoli hotel this is nice this is nice okay so we're gonna start unpacking and then we're gonna hit the pool see you in a second [Music] so [Music] wow this is so so beautiful [Music] so what'd you feel that view then fantastic wasn't it okay so now we're gonna get ready uh for dinner we're just gonna get dressed and of course i'm just gonna do her makeup for dinner let's see what i have on the menu [Music] okay so the restaurant is very very chic very nice [Music] we have here some nice options um you can have for example a tasting menu which if you can see here with various plates of food and wine of course let's see what we're going to eat [Music] foreign so that was a very very nice dinner and we're going to call it a day um and we'll be back tomorrow hopefully for more fun stuff see you tomorrow take care good morning good morning with lots of energy as there wasn't much here last night so yesterday's dinner was not bad to be honest the food is not excellent super but it was very very good um what i have to say about this room so the room is actually quite nice it's very spacious as you can see here by the the pictures nice white corridor a very very big bed because we changed the the room as you know as you know before alexander wasn't really content with the view before so we changed and this room had two separate beds so now we would join them together so we have a massive massive massive bet which is nice um we have although a small little problem with the room with the smell the see the bathroom has a sewage smell this is room 410 um and that's a little bit annoying it's not very very strong smell but it does have a little bit of a sewage smell and i'm going to tell the hotel about that although i think they probably already know see if they can sort that out so at this point we are going in for breakfast and i'll film the breakfast table so you can know what there is on the table for you to eat for breakfast if you for some reason decide to come to this hotel today we don't have really anything planned we're just going to see what we can what there is to do i've heard that there's some really nice uh caves along ben agile you can go there by boat it seems like it's really really beautiful and worth doing there's also the beach of curved which also has a very nice view it's also something that i have been told is worth doing so now we're going to go into breakfast and then we'll decide what we're going to do [Music] ta-da [Music] [Music] oh that was a very very nice collection for breakfast i chose to eat um bacon eggs mushrooms with some fruit a couple of fries some fresh special breads here with nuts and carrots stuff like that and alexander chose to eat a bacon an omelette with lots of stuff inside tomato [Music] with peppers and mushrooms looking good nice breakfast so we have decided to go for a little trek to explore the surrounding areas of the hotel i think it makes sense right now i'm just going to show you the beach i showed you yesterday because now we're low tide as you can see a small little private beach as long as it's low tide there is lots of algae however i'm not sure if it's always like that or it's just today so that's very nice if you'd like to come here be careful with these crisps though because you know there's always a risk of erosion here okay so our goal is to go up to the top of that peak over there let me see if i can point over there ding ding ding ding let's get up there and check out the views [Music] so that beach down there is the beach of sentient so it's actually the viewpoint of the hotel of the biehkrishtal hotel that put this little table and chairs um you know so i'm guessing on a lovely moonlit night it's a fantastic place to come and drink your moeshin doll what you think about that oh it's beautiful so we're just going to soak up this view and then we're going to carry on our little stroller [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've been walking for about an hour just over an hour our goal is to reach the lighthouse over there so that's where we're heading lighthouse let's go keep on going so we are almost at the white house and there she is over there so this walk from the hotel tivoli where we are until he is very very beautiful by the way it takes about one and a half hours one hour one hour and a half each way so bring water we didn't bring water and some comfortable shoes along this the this little walk there are loads of these holes here that actually go into the water they were open by of course a natural erosion and actually quite interesting loads and loads of these all along the way unfortunately they're all guided by these defenses here so let's keep on going up to the lighthouse we are almost there oh we can't go any further oh so it seems like we can't go any further at least from here we would have to go all the way around uh so we're not gonna do that okay so this is the lighthouse we have reached the lighthouse yes now another one and a half hours back to the hotel i'm probably going to try and stop somewhere along the way to nick some water from someone's garden hose because i i'm thirsty it's hot and i'm getting very very firstly i still haven't managed to nick some water from a garden hose it's probably about maybe 30 degrees celsius at the moment i'm not sure how much that is in fahrenheit it's about 85 90 something like that maybe a little bit more but it's still a great walk we should just have brought some water it's just so beautiful here so so many beautiful different views oh that was the wrong way around let's go this way you have to be careful around here though because lots of cliffs lots of rocks here just have to be very careful where you put your foot your feet and i would however recommend i did say comfortable footwear but i think hiking boots would be best to um help stabilize your ankle because i'm just using normal trainers here you can see that yeah and on these rocks sometimes my uh ankle twist a little bit haven't hurt myself yet but it is prone to that so that's a nice hiking boot i think would be the better option alexandra let's go almost there amazing really truly amazing so at this point we are still terribly terribly thirsty i think sorry white already and there's a video watching the garden in the garden near the grass so we're gonna see if she can give us a little bit of a hose down let's okay the hose is too small no water no water good intentions though so we can move a little bit further forward there's another lady here with another host if we can get some boards from that house mr yes we were safe i feel so much better so refreshed alexander how that feel that was a lifesaver oh i can take off this i'm feeling fine already oh it's amazing how much difference a little bit of water makes in it yeah okay so let's carry on our walk oh that's so much better if you come on this walk bring some water because you might not be as lucky as we were okay here we go so it's probably another one hour back to the hotel and i think we deserve quite a big swim don't you think okay we are back we made it oh that was fantastic that was a fantastic walk okay so all in all it took us uh about one hour and a half to get to the lighthouse and um an hour and just no just under an hour to get back uh so of course we came much quicker back i'm gonna rate this walk okay so in terms of difficulty from one to ten i'm actually gonna give it an eight okay because although there are sections that are quite easy there are other sections that basically have to go on your hands and knees to overcome it was a fantastic walk fantastic views and so now i think we have deserved a dip in that marvelous pool see in a second [Music] [Music] [Music] so that was a nice lunch as before as with dinner not fantastic but it was good nice time around the pool the water was actually quite nice and so now we're going to explore we're going to hopefully uh go to algarcico which is actually a place that many people take pictures it looks quite nice and then we'll soon see [Music] okay so we have arrived this is the algarve circle we have a nice little concert down there take a dip if you want there you go very nice and there is actually a staircase if you like to go down to go down to the water i said so what do you think about this spot then don't forget to leave your comments below very nice isn't it it's just about a kilometer away from the hotel so it's about a five minute drive to be honest so from here we're gonna go into the little village of um take a look around see you in a second [Music] so [Music] and we are back so there you have it i hope you liked our little tour i think was really really good and so now we're just going to chill out a little bit and get ready for dinner in a while see you in a minute [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] so that was a tomahawk steak for two very very nice and nice and tender lots of fat here [Music] melted into the meat making it very very tasty that was a fantastic meal i think it was probably the best meal we've had at the hotel so far as i said the food is very good alexander what do you think about this steak this is tomahawk yeah so up to now i think as i said it's the best meal the food is not bad it's good not excellent but today i think was actually excellent so that finishes off our last dinner at the tivoli hell hotel kervuedo and tomorrow we are hopefully going to go to the caves of uh benazil yeah to finish our video let's see if we can actually manage to book the caves for tomorrow so keep following because those caves are beautiful see you tomorrow take care rise and shine everybody good morning okay so we have taken our breakfast we have uh checked out of the hotel and now supposedly we were on our way to go and check out the caves of benadryl but unfortunately i left the key inside the my bag my luggage bag and i put the bag inside the trunk without opening the front doors and so now we just got locked out the car so the key is inside the trunk the trunk has been shut locked and um we have no weight x accessed the car so now i'm gonna have to phone a family member to see if someone can come and drop off the spare key so we can get into the car um should i say well done mazda or well done john maybe because possibly we could have brought a second key or otherwise mazda should have some kind of safe safety device that wouldn't allow the trunk to shut lock with a key when it detects a key very very close by the car okay so now we're just gonna have to wait it out but we will be off shortly okay so we have arrived at the benagil beach and no not with the mazda so what we did we just rented an uber um and ask the uber to bring us to the beach so we can do this trip whilst our family member brings the key maybe you're asking how the key stayed inside the the suitcase of the car is because yes i don't know how uh we went out with the with the car and i left the boot of the car open so that's why i entered the car without picking up my key in the first place so the boot was already open so i just shoved my stuff inside the boot of the car shut the boot and hence the key inside the boot okay so this is your beach we're gonna see uh how we're gonna make this trip maybe we're gonna rent a canoe maybe we're gonna rent a boat we do have some personal belongings we have to be careful with and as you can see it's a beautiful beautiful beach and the the cave is over there in the distance where you can see that boat entering there so we're gonna see what we can do uh stick around i think it's gonna be fun okay so we have rented the kayak we're gonna go and see the caves in the kayak it's a little bit windy i think this is gonna make a little wind noise i'm not sure if it's this one or something like that so let's go and see those caves oh yeah okay we are ready let's go ah don't get me wet get me wet how nice is this it's not okay for getting a chauffeured by your wife oh wow look at this this is so so beautiful wow come on wife pull me up right yes that's the way hey that's the way more look at this this is so so beautiful and there's another window over there let's get into the sun here there you go so this is the cave of benazir and yes it is very very worth seeing at least once in your life it's so so beautiful in here it's cool too okay so that's a wrap i hope you enjoyed this cave it's a really beautiful place now we're gonna head on again on our canoe come on let's go that was good it was really good workout so that was the case i hope you enjoyed it let's see what we're going to do so i was actually i said a while ago let's see what we're going to do next but unfortunately our weekend has basically finished so we're just going to eat something here at the benedio beach bar which is up here on this beautiful beach here [Music] there you go so we're just gonna have a sandwich a chicken sandwich um and then head off home don't go yet though because we are going to be giving you the review of the hotel what we thought about the hotel do this canoe ride or you can paddle you can also take a boat that there are many ways to get to that cave and i actually we actually think the canoe was actually great fun and i would really recommend it um so leave your comments below about this cave see what you thought about it and if you come to portugal to the algarve this is really beautiful it's mandatory get your ass here you'll have a fantastic time so we have something to eat in a while we'll be back with a review of the hotel bon appetit so my beautiful sister-in-law has brought us the key of the mud the whole thing she has about 100 kilometers to get here and back so we're off home let's go all is well when things end well and with me everything ends well because i just take the best out of every situation correct you just have to live like that so that was great that was a fantastic good morning um we are on our way home our marvelous weekend has unfortunately finished all the all good things do come to an end of course so now we're just going to give you the evaluation of the hotel of the tivoli hotel good weight okay so i have some aspects here that we're going to evaluate from 1 to 10 okay i'm going to have i'm going to have my wife's help on this so exterior appearance of the hotel what from one to ten what do you think eight okay eight i would actually give it sort of like more or less more a nine nine-ish i'm not going to say was the most beautiful hotel i've ever seen but before the algarve i think was nice and it wasn't very old it's not sort of like it was it's all the hotel but it has been all renovated it used to be from another group another group was the owner of that hotel now exchange group so i would give in uh nine my wife would give an eight yeah okay next um park car parking there was lots of exterior parking i'm not sure if they had any interior parking or not i didn't ask but there was enough there was a lot of park outside you could park on two different levels one of them being a little bit further away but for the most part we always had park near the hotel if the hotel fills up you will have to leave your car a little bit further away but it's sort of like maybe 100 meters walk so uh i would give it sort of like a seven to be to be an eight or a nine it would have to have you know a big park in front of the hotel so you wouldn't have to walk very much so that's the park i would give it a seven for the bug surroundings how would you evaluate the hotel surroundings nine i'll give it a 10. okay my wife's probably more demanding than i am i thought the surroundings were beautiful in portugal as much as i can remember i have never stayed in the state in a hotel which had such beautiful surroundings when you're in the balcony or in the in the pool area or if you want to go for a walker stroll it's really really beautiful so i would give a 10 my wife would give it a 9. okay so next up we have pool area what do you think about the pool area from one to ten [Music] eight eight okay uh me honestly i would give the pool area a little bit less it was nice it was clean it was spacious but it wasn't sort of like luxurious in my opinion it had a rest on there that you could eat it was nice so i think i'm gonna give it sort of like i'm gonna give it a seven i'm gonna give the pool area a seven it was very very nice no criticism very nice but just not as luxurious as other poor areas we have been in okay so next pool water uh did you evaluate the water didn't you really get the taste okay we all know the answer to that one okay the water in my opinion i would give it so like a 10 because it wasn't it didn't didn't have too much chlorine um the water was very very clean it was very very comfortable so i would give the water a 10 very very well taken care of that water okay so next we're going to go to the rooms sorry about the gps noise okay we're trying to get home also uh it makes it all more realistic okay thank you very much so rooms uh we stayed in room five 410 okay that's important because there may be some different rooms um appearance how would you classify the appearance of the room from one to ten seven seven okay i'll agree with that okay i'll agree with that with that because um the room was spacious it was nice but it wasn't sort of like luxurious uh it was all nice all good but we've just been in better rooms that's all it is so yeah i will agree with that one so we're giving it seven yeah seven the room seven okay so we're giving a seven okay bedding uh how would you classify the bedding the bed the comfort of the bed the sheets stuff like that from one two ten nine i had two fantastic nights of sleep so i'm actually gonna give it a 10. okay i think it was one of the best beds that i slept in uh in all the hotels we've been to but bear in mind we do manage to have we did manage to have two uh separate beds joined together so the bed was enormous it was probably around maybe 2 meters and 40 wide and so it was a very very big bed very very comfortable bed the sheets the lining was all they all smelt fresh fresh comfortable high quality so i would give bedding a 10 two fantastic nights of sleep and the pillows are also very very good in my opinion okay alexandra storage the room storage how would you classify that but it was it didn't have enough storage for you to put your stuff in there your clothes accessories yeah 10. okay so for a weekend i would also give it 10 because it was more than enough you had some hangers you had some drawers you had the safe so yeah there's enough storage for probably about a week and you can hang your most of your clothes so yeah i would give it a 10.

great storage next mint amenities amenities which is the shampoo okay sorry cleanness uh next we have cleaners so in from one to ten how would you classify the cleanness of the room ten i would give a ten two very very clean spotless spotless very happy with that so next amenities uh which was the shampoos the creams uh all that stuff 10 yeah the amenities uh are of what's the brand puerto i think it's porto college but don't worry because i have a video to record a video i will play it now um i'll give them a 10. i love those those amenities i think they're very good these and the ritual ones that you usually have in some high-class hotels also so how would you classify the metis the amenities the shampoos the stuff that was there for you ten okay sorry you had the shaving key if you needed it you had the bath cap you had a shoe polish i think so a toothbrush yeah i would give a ten also very very nice uh towels robes and slippers how would you classify those i would also give a ten they were very nice the slippers were very nice they were proper basically proper slippers nice robe nice towels nice big heavy fluffy towels so yes i would agree with my wife ten view view from the room sorry nine nine okay um i would give a ten as i said before i think the view from our room was superb nice and high up fourth floor um very beautiful view of the rocks of the sea of the pool if you look a little bit further down so yes i was very happy with that make-up point alexandra make-up point hi oh damn it well i can't see anything about that but it seems like the make-up point usually um hotels aren't very strong with a makeup desk for four women my wife suggests they should all have a dedicated place maybe on the table of the room with lots of lighting that women can sit down and actually do their makeup so unfortunately guys you're getting a five uh one point i have to refer before we go to food next is food is that our room had as i said before had a small little sewage smell that we weren't really very happy about but with the with this day i also tried to see from the the the laboratory with the two of the laboratory have a video of that i'll put it up now the smell got a little bit better but i think the smell is also coming from other pipes i think that's something the hotel has to work on and also one other problem with this room where we stayed is it's right below the restaurant okay and so the restaurant is where you also have breakfast and in the morning about six in the morning they start preparing the breakfast room and you can hear um you know them pulling and pushing on tables and some chairs it wasn't that bad but now and then you could hear some loud noises of probably trolleys going forwards and backwards quite early in the morning so if you go to the hotel at least if i go back i don't think i'm going to be staying on the fourth floor directly below the the restaurants maybe try to get a room further away but then you'll have such a good view so i'll leave that one up to you if you don't mind getting up with a little bit of noise at six in the morning it wasn't that bad mind you but there was a little bit of noise and it was a little bit disturbing at least my wife did not appreciate that not one little bit alexandra let's get to food breakfast how would you evaluate breakfast wow bear in mind my wife is very very very very very very demanding with breakfast she likes a lot of selection a lot of choice so if my wife is giving breakfast a 10 guys that breakfast was amazing okay so breakfast i would give it a 10 or so it's fantastic there was everything there nothing was missing um although due to covid the employees would serve your food but they would serve whatever quantities you want they would not question anything and so i think they were amazing and regarding employees i think one of the best points of that hotel was actually the employers if i would if i had to write everything and say what i liked most about the hotel were the employees everything was fantastic but the employees were 100 they were super super nice super friendly super kind anytime there was any kind of a problem they would sort out straight away i had some problems not very many problems but we had a little problem with the wine they gave me another bottle it was really really really good so staff 100 kudos to you guys you were fantastic yes uh next lunch how was lunch how would you evaluate your lunch that you had there we had one lunch there eight all right unfortunately for lunch i'm gonna give lunch um a seven okay the food was good but it was not exceptional uh at least in the one lunch that we had so my wife is giving it at eight so okay here's what it is we did have our meal by the pool like as you can see in the video so it was quite a nice setting okay dinner alexandra ate for dinner we had two dinners there eight okay for dinner i would give yeah i think a night would be fair once again the food was not phenomenal it was it was good it was very good it was good and very good and depending on the dishes that we chose um the last meal we had yesterday that that huge tomahawk was very very good although it was a little bit cooked past the point that i asked for but it but nothing you know it was very very good so yes we're giving the rest of the food at the restaurant eight yeah okay so that's our general classification of the tevoli hotel curve i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you enjoyed the workout the work at the weekend and please don't forget to subscribe for more videos because we are going to try and do this more often this is our discover algarve series i'm john this is my beautiful wife alexander take care until next time bye

2021-05-29 06:21

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