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We. Saw a couple brown bears that were nice. Size but, I don't think we've seen one to fill these prints, this. Is a big bear here. We. Got to go through. Okay. That. Bear my friends there's not afraid of us uh-uh. There. Are people in this world that go looking, for adventure, and then, there are those that live in everyday. Alaska. Outdoors, television. Experience. Alaska. Like never before. Matthew. And I flew out to Bethel, a really. Cool you pick village onalaska's. Kuskokwim delta we, met up with Papa Bear adventures and they flew us out to the connec talked River. Steve. And Karl provide a fantastic service. Out there they, provide everything you need so, I thought hey let's, go do it. 96. I started Papa Bear adventures, and. We primarily focus, on, hauling, do-it-yourself, fishermen, to. About 7 rivers out there. We. Get a lot of people that just date. They know how to camp they know how to fish and they need transportation. To. The river and back ok guys. 4x2, toys back here two doors up front no smoking, time seatbelts all the time fire, scene smoking on my seat pulled up and squeeze handle base fire side to side they want good quality gear, we, work with them throughout, the winter from the moment they book to help them prepare. For the trip where they need to bring what they don't need a brain and then you know it really depends on what time of the year you want to come and what type of fish you're looking to catch and target and all. Those things that you know that's, what I do I help people decide which River would fit them the best based on what they want to do and what their group makeups, like we. Can provide everything but the sleeping bags our fishing poles and the food we've, got all. The gear that. From. Rafts all, the way down to the tables, in tents and kitchen. Gear everything, that you could need. We've got and. It's all been tested stuff because we've we. Do these rivers, ourselves, so we've we run the equipment that everybody, else runs and we know what works and what doesn't. There, may be 34 come back to the river going east with the numbers. We're. In the business to fly half, fishermen, hunters. People. Gear. We. Love the flying piece of it we're, not guides we're, not hunting guys my fishing guides although. We do guide you through the process as your preparation, process, what. We doing what we enjoy is flying these are great airplanes, we're flying some of the most beautiful country in Alaska and. That's, what we our. Passion is. We've got kind of the wrong scenic. Rivers we've got the rivers that focus, on the rainbow fishing, the king salmon, Silver's. And they all have a little bit different flavor and as, we. Get clientele, coming, in we try to feel, them out see whether you'd like to do and pour them to the right River. River. I've done perfectly. Done that River three times. It's. Got all five species of salmon got. Chard Dolly's grayling. The. Neat thing about the Connect talk it's got a lot of gravel, bars is, real, scenic. Great. Fishing, all, right it's such, a great river the. First time I floated I floated I took my three-year-old, my five-year-old and my wife on it and, they we just had a blast. So. There we were two, fishermen, a cameraman two, tire pumps, and hundreds, of miles of river ahead of us this, was our first trip floating the connect TOC and we had heard so many awesome stories, about it we could hardly wait to get on the river, we. Were ready to float but, man this wrath is going to take a while. Good, thing we only have to pump it up once. So. We're gonna, put. A Raj in the boat float downriver little, waves maybe. Five miles or so check. Out the scenery you, couldn't find a nice good camping spot for the evening. We. Don't lose something, dude math, you've been hunting and fishing with me since he'd been old enough to walk, we've hunted caribou on a tack we've done dall sheep and, the Wrangell mountains we. Fished dozens, of rivers across Alaska and in the lower 48 but, this was our first time on the world class connect, talk river getting, a line in the water all. Right start.

Fishing. The. Connect Talk River remote, Alaska, world-class, fishing and, before I knew it Matthews hooking up less, than a minute in the water a big old sock. When Matthews in the zone it's all business. Matthew, versus the fish. The. Whole world comes to a standstill nothing. Matters. Run. I've. Seen Matthew chase a fish in half by how downriver so I wasn't worried he'd. Be back soon. That's, gonna be tasty on the, grill. Tonight. The, connect Talk is a long winding, river, that gives you an opportunity to see some amazing, sights, you, start out you're on this Tundra for miles, to the left and miles to the right it's just really, beautiful but. Today our. Goal is to find a nice gravel, bar set, up camp and get ready to slay some fish we've. Got here about two, o'clock this afternoon and, we've, floated. Until about nine o'clock tonight about, 9:15. Well. As they crow flies we made it about eight miles so, that's that's a pretty good day of floating it. Was the first. Day of floating, we're just about getting. On the water. Experiencing. Some of the beautiful area here and. Getting. Our lines wet, okay, Matt oh yeah. All right won't you hop off whenever you're ready and then. Just drag us in. Let's. Go look, around and see where. We might want to put our tent and where we want to put the raft okay okay. All right. There's. Like a little box or something. What. Do you see whose, friends, are like foxes. Well, no bear print that's good yeah, looks. Almost like a little Martin. But. I'm not sure he's Browns in the area it's, pretty tiny you can see how smaller, it compared to my hand. No. As beavers, around you, look at this one it's all been chewed up by beers. All. Right kiddo, so. We'll, put. Your tent together and make a campfire. Good. Evening. There we go. It spills out. Loading. This river with Mathieu spending, a week out in remote Alaska, reminds. Me of, spending time with my dad when I was a kid and it's. Exciting for me to be able to pass that along to my son and experience. It with him a man. I'd like you to hold that high honey please I in the middle and. Hopefully he's, picking up on some of the tricks of the trade so, someday he, can take his kids out and, share similar experiences with, them passing. On the stone tradition. Camp, stone is good to go, it's. Time to get our burn on on that fresh Alaskan salmon lemons. We're. Gonna put some green apples, a little, bit of garlic salt and lemon. Pepper, on it wrap it up in tinfoil double. It up and then throw it on the coals and just wait for it to cook. The. Sandwich smells really good I'm sure it smells really good too those four bears we thought of they do, in. That usually float it's, really rafted, we've. Loaded. All the way through here. So. We we, have some more bridge to go through before, we get to that confluence. Tomorrow hopefully. We don't render any more of those nasty sweepers, that go all the way across the, river. So. Here's a neat little gadget, that I came across a couple of years ago when I was sheep hunting called, the SteriPEN and you'll. Notice as we were floating down that we've been burning a lot of wood a lot of this wood has been cut down by beavers, and so, the, SteriPEN kills, 99%, of the, bacteria and other.

Nasty Stuff that's in the water to, prevent you from getting Giardia. Which is commonly, referred to as beaver, fever it's. A neat little gadget, you just stick it in there and it. Starts to zap. Everything inside. It's. Lightweight and, I. Carried, on my sheep hunt because I can't carry. A big bulky filter, I don't like carrying the water tablets, so. Neat. Little gadget. Three wacky kids, ten before. We. Were feeling good today Matthew, got his first cast off before I even caught my words in the water didn't. Get to him much better. So. We pull out a camp not. Only a half mile away what. Do we find. Big. Old brownie walking. Right towards our camp. It. Looked like that bear was trying to make a decision there for a couple of seconds is about as. Far as what to do whether. To hold his ground whether. To come forward or whether to retreat but. As. Is, usually the case the bears are, typically, as afraid of us as we are at them he. Decided to take off that's. A good thing. You. Could just hear. It's. Amazing, the amount of wildlife you will find living in as well, as on the connect Hawk River everything, from Alaska state bird the willow ptarmigan to. Alaskan, sized beaver. Everywhere. You look there was something more to see it, was just awesome. As. We. Came around the bend we, startled, two young caribou, crossing, the river, they. Still had the Velvet on their antlers by. Their reaction, to us I'd. Say they hadn't seen very many humans. They. Were magnificent, animal. First. Fish of the day a beautiful rainbow trout one of the more colorful fish, on this river. Make. You think you I don't. Know but these gloves are totally, not waterproof. No. Yes. I. Think. You're gonna pick up a big old bow mat I want to get, a char a char. Yes, yes sure don't my bucket list be nice to get it now on. Your bucket list huh yeah. Seem. Like the further downriver we floated, the more bears we started to see we, need to cover some water we, need to find a campsite but. Where among, the Bears. First, cast fish on its a fighter oh yeah, Alaska. I'll. Let them run down, here. Below. All these branches, and rods. Beautiful. Sock I. Like. That a, quatre. Wow. Attaboy, what a nice-looking sis, these. Sockeye, salmon have. Come, in from Bristol, Bay and and. Up. The coast to, the connec talk and now they're coming up River these. Are Alaskan, sockeye salmon. Dot. One alright, we have a double. So. The connect talk right now is, have. Some sockeye, or red salmon I have. A chum. Or dog salmon, on the on the line right now then, there's rainbow. Grayling. I'm. Caught a lake trout at the top of the connect talk got. One a lot. Of fish in this river the. King salmon are in as well we saw some hopefully. We'll find some more as we, go down river right. On oh that's, a nice one he's a fatty, yeah, this. Is a chum. Salmon. Cific. Another Pacific salmon chum.

Also. Referred. To as dog Shannon by, the local. Alaskans, as it, comes into the river through they start hitting the fresh water it, starts to color up and has these I call. Them tiger stripes really pretty pretty. Fish, yeah. Big boy huh. Nice. Big connect, talk chum. Salmon. Powerful. Bit. Do. You do any rowing on the lake league float I. Can't. Remember so, this might be the first time you've actually. Ordered. A raft uh I. Think. I have warda raft before all. Maybe on the talachulitna river. Yeah, maybe I think. You helped on that one. Up. To this point the connect talk has been fairly easy to float calm, waters, wide, river but. With the braids of protein that's about to change oh we're. Going to have some sweeper action right here. With. Heavily braided alaskan river got. To be on your game. Oh shoot. Does that block, that river walk up there. Okay. I'm. Gonna help you with these rods. How. Are we supposed to do this. You hold on. Matthew. You're gonna have to push us through these trees, Matthew. Okay, push. The street out our way we. Got to go through them. No. Let's. Go over there okay. One. Challenge down another. Awaits us a. Big. Old nasty brown bear. Yeah. That. Bear my friends, is not afraid of us uh, that. Beer hopped it us twice. You. Would not afraid of us man. Lowell haha like that, yeah I I, am zip my code a little bit if, he jumped in the water after ass, that. Gun was coming out but. He. He, definitely gave us one, of these twice, yeah and then he I couldn't, hear him hostile you could just tell by his body that. He was huffing - yeah. Letter. King but. They're kidding right there is it yeah, okay oh oh dude I gotta catch him. What. Go. That way. Oh. Wow. That. Was quite the fight. In. Alaska, when the fishings hot you don't have to wait long, Matthew hooked into a big old king and the chase was on. Gorgeous. Fish. Nice. Fish. Yeah. Big boy huh. Nice. Big connect talk chum. Salmon through, that huh yeah. A. Little-little. Double. Shovel bowl really. Pretty very nice bitch. Okay. Well. That was kind of fun pretty. Fun didn't. Get too much brother. Floating. The Kinect talk with Matthew was priceless. The. Fishy was beyond our expectations. Alaska. Truly is the last frontier.

2020-02-02 04:51

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