Africa's Eden: Mana Pools National Park

Africa's Eden: Mana Pools National Park

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Welcome to mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. on foot with wild dogs hippos, crocodiles about seven or eight years I've been dreaming  of coming here it's been fantastical, ethereal , magical, all the big words you got to keep your wits about you here here there's no ways you can just drive past that after 4 days of traveling from Johannesburg we  have finally made it to Mana Pools national   park right in the north of Zimbabwe our journey  took us through Stockport border poost to spend   a night in Francis Town Botswana before Crossing  into Zimbabwe at Plumtree from there we had nights in   both Bulawayo and Chinhoyi overall the trip was a breeze  but this last stretch to Mana Pools does require   some concentration and level head slow and  steady wins the race. sometimes it's best to just literally   go off the road and let these trucks go past  they are crazy the drive to Nyamepi Camp includes   endless mopane forests which eventually give  way to open dry flood Plains and the famous   woodlands where gigantic Trees lead you to the  mighty Zambezi this is where we'll be camping for   7 nights and the welcome could not have been more  appropriate what a welcome to Mana Pools some of you might   recognize that face we've just checked  in we're on our way to the campsite now and   I'm honestly a little bit speechless  looks beautiful How's this for a campsite on the  Zambezi oh my gosh this is home for the seven next   seven nights yeah that's it hey there's  Zambia on the other side hey Zambia we're all settled in we've got an  amazing spot right on the zambezi   river apparently there are wild dogs  around and some Lions we've already   had a bunch of elephants coming through  Camp so let's see it should be beautiful we got to be on foot with wild dogs in Mana Pools on the very first afternoon what a privilege did   I mention that we are allowed to get out on foot  with these animals as long as it's safe and we   are very careful and uh we abide by the rules we  are allowed to get out and go eye level get that   shot you really want unfortunately we couldn't  spend too much time with them we've got to get   back to camp but it was well worth getting out  to to see them you know you never know they   they might not be around for the next  week and then that's that you know. so let let's call this day one I've gone  East from Camp the sun has just risen there's   just shades of blue through the trees here these  giant ancient trees and there's warm lights coming   through in areas it's just unreal it really feels  like some kind of magical Fantastical madeup place   what I'm doing today is just taking it very slowly  and just kind of I guess doing the exact opposite   of yesterday where uh we were all in a group  we went West and we were kind of rushing to see   the dogs before before closing time and it felt a  little bit anxiety inducing to me at least um so   I just really wanted to make a point of taking it  easy and doing the complete opposite this morning I've just spotted a friend Tabby and Vil have found a gem wow we  had skimmers skimming past oh my word kites   fighting with herons over fish stuff  like that this is next level I might   spend some time here with you guys  so lekker hey, ja you're welcome to this is long pool and there are  hippos crocodiles tons of yellow   billed storks saddle billed storks Kingfishers uh you name it African skimmers which   is an absolute first for me I'm just  hoping to photograph or film them now   I think this is where the magic lies  being on foot with Africa's wildlife I'm a little bit south from any water at  the moment and instantly animals become   scarce so it seems like there's a pretty  big emphasis on animals being near water   here especially this time of the year we  are towards the end of the dry season and   it has been a little bit droughty I guess  uh we're in September so it's super dry   some of the pools are even dried up um  so a lot of the focus will be around Long   poool which we just visited now uh there is  another one a little bit West from from camp   and of course anything near the the actual  zambezi River itself will be quite busy with   things like elephants General game and with that  hopefully some predators over the next week or so evidence of the el nino induced drought  is everywhere for some elephants fallen leaves are a good option at this time of the year for others the vegetation in Camp is irresistible so we're just relaxing at  camp and suddenly there's quite a few elephants   around including this collared boy has just come  down for a drink there's never a dull moment here   and um you can quite easily just spend your whole  day sitting here and appreciating the things that   come and go bird life hippos in the river this  guy's drawing quite a bit of attention here so for many people when Mana pools is  mentioned the picture that comes to mind is   an elephants or elephants dwarfed by Massive trees  with amazing light filtering through those trees   and I think that's an image or at least a scene  that I'm going to be looking for this afternoon there's something so special about that  perfectly straight browse line at the   bottom of the canopy of these trees just gives  it such a a refined perfect look that's pretty   much as high as the antelope can feed so that's  what creates that perfectly straight line all right honestly I would say that that  afternoon was mission successful regardless of   the perfect scene or not everything here seems to  be imperfectly perfect and this afternoon proved   that elephants everywhere amazing different  colors of light everywhere friendly people   everywhere and we got to share that Sunset all  together um just to wrap up a beautiful day this morning we are heading back to Long  pool long pool is the only pool that has   a good amount or decent amount of water in  it at the moment being in the the end of the   dry season and we've decided to all together  go in Convoy and have a a very slow start in   the morning there have a coffee and see what  unfolds in front of us now the the big prize   at least for me would be to photograph  or or get a nice video of the African Skimmer how cool is that hey? Yoh so the elephant bulls have been a little  bit naughty at camp today they flattened someone's   tent they opened a few cooler boxes it's been  quite interesting but this afternoon our main   goal and it's a bit of a long shot is to find  Boswell so Boswell and uh a number of other   Bulls but mostly Boswell himself who's a collared  elephant bull here tends to stand on his hind legs   and reach up towards some of the trees here and  it makes for a very picturesque moment it's one   of those classic mana pools moments but basically  aiming for the stars and will probably end up landing on the moon what these skillful Bulls are going for are the Ana trees these arching   tree trunks lead to delicious seed pods which  are too high for elephants to reach. well, most elephants. we have a reacher not a  stander close but no cigar so last night we had a pretty large hyena just  Milling through our campsite and this morning   as things were just starting to lighten up we had  a massive hippo just strolling through the whole   campsite and came down here back into the water  for the day very intimidating so you got to you   got to keep your wits about you here after hearing  some interesting news about lions hanging around   in a specific spot further west we have decided to  all just Drive West until we can't go west anymore we met up to count both our wins  and losses before calling it a morning unfortunately the first few nights in Camp  were a bit noisy but now we arrived back to Nyamepi in   its true peaceful form I think it's time to just  take a little stroll through here I'm only doing   this now because over the weekend from the day we  arrived here there has been a game Count going on   where a whole bunch of volunteers come and stay  at Nyamepi for free on one condition that they help   the park management count how many animals there  are in this area and I believe it's mainly for   the for the elephants speaking of elephants just  through there as an elephant just feeding away   and uh that has been a common theme here in the  camp you'll see many videos online of people just   relaxing in Camp with elephants walking by it's  quite an experience it is fairly safe as long as   you don't provoke them in any way and and don't  have any fruit lying around in fact do not bring   fruit at all even a walk to the bathroom becomes  an adventure how cool on the topic of ablutions   they are extremely basic and a little bit rundown  to be honest but showers are working toilets are   working just bring your own toilet paper and  all that but otherwise what you can see is a   very very quiet campsite it is large I believe  there's about 30 or so actual sites we are just   over there under that beautiful Shady mahogany  tree overlooking the zambezi and that's number 16   it's almost time to head out for a  short drive then what we're going   to do is meet up at a beautiful Viewpoint  just to the east of Camp, have a nice sundowner right we're going on a walk this morning arguably  the best way to experience the bush this should be fantastic that's Lovemore, our passionate and  knowledgeable guide for the morning this was   the perfect opportunity to experience  Mana pools with all of our senses as he led us South towards long pool so this guy  came out of the river and just never made it back? Yes yeah there seeds oh there  stones I think she thinks   it's the stones those are stones  baba no there's no seeds in here my darling That was so cool we're looking for  those Lions again you know what the thing is you   set out to go looking for something specific  and you end up getting distracted by scenes   like this there's no ways you can just drive  past that yeah champagne problems once again we did it did it once again you look for  something you find something else so I   turned around to slowly start heading back to  camp and I noticed uh a number of game viewers   as well as Francois car parked on the side of  the road and they were empty and I just slowly   went down the road looked through the binos  saw a few people with their their cameras up   and from what looked like a drainage line just  this large trunk just reaching up into the air   in front of them and uh it clicked Boswell he  is just as impressive if not more than they   say and I actually think that collar suits  him very well let's get back to Camp yes it was a very quiet night at Camp especially  compared to the night before we had uh elephants   giving us problems I slept through it pretty  much but Francois had to chase it off with a pot   and pan in his underwear apparently it was  quite a quite a situation as soon as I woke   up this morning the thought of only two  full days left here popped into my mind   and it wasn't a nice feeling so yeah I'm just  going to really try to make the most of these   last few days I've got a slightly earlier  start this morning I'm heading east from   Camp not really to find anything specific  but just to explore an area which I do   think is really beautiful and I haven't  checked it out in the morning just yet it's one of those afternoons where you could  easily just sit and Camp skip the drive and   enjoy everything that's happening around you  but I've got a little bit of fomo after missing   out this morning on an elephant that goes by the  name of Fred Astaire he's another one who who has the   ability to go up onto his hind legs and reach for  the the ana trees uh let's see if we come right We were just driving along off this elephant  sighting in my clutch seems to not really be   working anymore so now uh I think we're going to  have to go find a mechanic What do you think might be wrong there? they found a leak on the hydraulic system I reckon we're going to get off   scot free here okay copy that Francois, we will be  back as quickly as we can okay six hurry ups   just 20 minutes earlier a legendary man named  Givers arrived at Nyamepi despite not even being   on duty yet he was more than ready to help it  goes in this pipe for the breaks then the middle   piece which is this one it goes the clutch got a line that runs in there that controls the  hydraulic pressure to your clutch so that that   pushes the clutch out essentially when you apply  pressure so Givers found a leak on that line there givers was quick  to find a leak coming from the accumulator a   bolt was broken inside this part and had to be  replaced but first he had to remove it we be   turning the bolt then it will come out it seems  it's it's turning can I have a small screwdriver   let's try it is it turning yes it is it is turning  you're coming off so light here there we go Byron   well done for contributing some toilet paper thanks because you never know when you'll need it it this is a proper team effort if I was fitter  this would have been 10 minutes quicker. Hold down hope Byron appreciates that my head is where his  butt sweats keep it down okay strangely enough   I'm grateful this happened it gave us  a chance to experience true Zimbabwean   friendship you know it's a Vegetable oil  yeah that looks really good my car stayed with givers overnight which meant this morning  I'll be riding with Francois and Steph what we found at Sunrise reminded me of  something despite this young elephant   being born like this the patience and  help from the others means that it   still has a good chance at life I've  noticed throughout this journey that   the elephants here much like my new friends are natural born givers.

Byron! Your car's fixed! today is a good day it's  a good day do you think it's safe to   drive to Jo'burg yeah but when you  get there get a new piece Even Boswell was kind enough to stop by one  more time before our final afternoon drive it's pretty crazy to think I decided  one day to take a day trip to Pilanesberg  and film it and see what happens and uh just  a little over a year later I'm in Mana pools   in another country just like living the dream  oh man it's been Fantastical ethereal magical   all the big words my expectations were high and  they've still been exceeded by a mile and that's   quite special considering we haven't seen lion or  leopard we had a brief sighting of wild dogs the   park and General the little moments the elephants  the trees the light the bird life the company the   Zimbabwean people I just want to thank Villiers Steyn  the Safari Expert for inviting me on this journey   and Drive Botswana who actually made this whole  trip possible for all of us and last but not least   to you without you guys this is not possible I  know it's very cliche thing to say but it's true   and if you're new here and you're enjoying this  video and any other videos on the channel then   please subscribe so you don't miss anything  in the future there is so much more to come

2024-10-26 17:11

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