Accidental Zen - Tokugawa Garden (Subtitles)

Accidental Zen - Tokugawa Garden (Subtitles)

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And. It's, free three times a year usually it's uh for. Adults. No. State that. Can. Be. What. This place was I, said. What it's why, is it free today King. MD it's kind, of the anniversary, so, let's check it out looks like very pretty place. This. I've. Got the GoPro on, a. Selfie. Stick oh. Wow. And they've got fish they've, got quite or. The very things. Cool. What's. Up. Taking. Photographs. Nut. Hey hey. Hey, hey done. These. Guys. Beautiful. There. It. Catch up with my family I feel it I feel. Beautiful. Please. Talk. About a museum and it's only 300, yen. That. Guy runs low, spent all those which is a great Mexican place if you ever in Nagoya. Community. Watch the Huckle Rudy, to, be defended oh. My. God. Nope. No. Peaceful. Place. Amigo. You see the fish. In, England C the fish you, see the fish. Is. Tadashi. Mota. He, ran away he's, come away why, maybe he's scared of you maybe. He thinks you're. Little. Tea, house over there. It. Looks nice to. See. You it seems to be a walk in that tree. It's. Strange. You. Guys can see that rock in the tree, yeah. Yeah. You. Pump some more we. Wrought with the grandparents, today. Well. Stop. It. That's. Impossible, wait. A little liar jump, jump. Go. Okay, go good what. Is it. Oh. Okay okay not there that's the wrong way shut it the wrong way come on. That's. The wrong way come on. I. Like. These trees. Just, change it over to. High-resolution. Oh applause. Pretty. Let, me get one, yeah. Wow. Okay. To. Picture that. A. Shark. A. Shark. The. Shark I don't think. What. Do you think. You. Like the phone the. Screen. Whoa. Look at that pretty, here. Okay. Let's go. You. Could. Take. Good care of your feet watch your step carefully okay. Hmm. What. Are you doing. The. Restaurant over there oh. Come. On. They feel that dilemma. Yeah. They're. Getting married they're. Getting married over there. You guys go okay, coach chase, after mom. Chase. After mom. Chase. After mom.

Well. I got good alright chaser. Okay. Any. Fish in. My, son. Oh. Holy food hungry, oh. Okay. Foods. So. The museum is not free. Much. Because. It really appreciate it it's just. A bunch of old fuddy-duddy, stuff. Beautiful. Huh look, at that you. Take a good time lapse here. What. We're doing. Hmm. Pretty. Garden. Well. Something. Blossoming, over there all. Right let me go, man. So. Good, so. Quite pink look at all. It's. Really pink it must be Lumina. Okay. Go check it out you go. Across. Over this road. Seshu. Enoch O'Connor paranoia. Plumb. Put. Your shop. That's. Four, bears. A. Little. Bit older, well. What than it. It's. Almost over for these guys. These. Guys are just starting. Left. I. Suppose. I cap here on here a. Little. Bit Campion. Flowers. For. The best Noblet. This. Is a great decoration idea, for. A garden. Look. At that. Okay. Let's. Go. I. Forgot. The good microphone today I. Think. You're getting a decent. Sound oh. Go. Past this line. I. Miss. This whole thing. Huh. I missed, that whole interchange. You. Like worms sorry. You like worms is a huge worm over here I. Missed, this whole exchange that, like. Huge worm my. Wife just saw it and screamed and I thought it was videotaping, the whole thing but I missed it. So. My, son just named it Baba honk oh oh that's. Disgusting my hands off verse 9. Still. Alive. First. Birthday, hey, is that it'll be pretty good cry sometimes yeah good. Point are, you from States yeah, I live here though Oh, 27. Years now. Pretty. Much like I've been here longer than anywhere else how, about you Portugal. Portugal, no. Father put two guess that's all I can say enjoying. It yes. It's really, really. Sweet. Amazing you're lucky yeah I was. Surprised. But okay yeah next. One you're telling one, yes. I was working, for one week in Tokyo. Working. Yeah. Oh. It's. Like one. Hour away from Western. In Tokyo yes. Restaurant, the, nice but can kludge eat. Any. Climb for you no I slept, in Fuji to town all the time. And. Today's. Nagoya, and by. The end of there will travel to Kyoto, in the end how long and. I'm. Not sure I read that it should be at least two days yeah and, I want to go down to Walker, and. Kyushu. Island or, around so time, Wow. Well I I, want. My flight back from Fukuoka, so I know, get there okay it was to force me to go there. So. Yeah. Maybe. I'll just what they get to and leave the other a lot. Of means at least today well yeah I'll. Give you an excuse to come back yeah, precisely, then, I would have seen a small bit of kill, 2 and then a little bit of the Alice I'm more, into like this, sort of nun, urban, setup this, is. Especially. Really pretty in a couple weeks when will they. Block. It in the, southern point will we'll, have the. Starting. Turtle here that's true though the, further, south I go the more likely we'll have to kind of get, one of these gardens but everything, is all ready to blossom luckily a lot of the cities have a decent garden from yeah, but because, I'm living on the 23rd. This. Month yeah. The, next Saturday. Tokyo, 30 about the prettiest stuff yeah so that you next week - that'll, be too late for me, I'll.

Check The hands but it's full of worms okay. That's. A really nice idea look at that, cover. The dreams like with one of these that's real, love. Amazing. Camera. What. Are you doing buddy. Can, drink that water daughter good. Ok. Let's go let's go.

2019-03-30 02:47

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That's a beautiful park :) It's cool that you met someone and don't feel shy to say hi... Normally people just slap me if my icebreaker is "You like worms? There's a huge worm over here!" ;) Also your kids are adorable.


some really nice scenery in this video, thanks for sharing!

Thanks, I enjoyed this vid really much. Now I want to go for a walk and make some picture of blossoms, too (haha :-D)

beautiful, thank you very much

Such a beautiful park - quiet, well kept and zero trash. Good job on the camera work too.


beautiful place, I notice discretely places flood lights around the show pieces, I take it there's evening walks as well?, Its spring time Victor, the birds and the bees are going at it like hammer and tongs, that's most likely the reason you'll find worms on the surface, they're on the randan, you can make a guess as to what that stuff is on your hand :)

Wow. Grosser than I thought. lol.

I learned about those 3 guys from the video game Nioh [仁王]. Really cool game where you play as William Adams, the first British person to arrive to Japan, and who also became an advisor to Ieyasu. But it was really cool to learn about all the history of Japan through the game. There was a lot of real-life characters in the game besides Nobunaga, Ieyasu and Hideyoshi, like Hattori Hanzo, Ishida Mitsunari, Tachibana Muneshige and his wife Ginchiyo. They also added some optional downloadable content which added more areas from later periods, which included even more characters like Masamune Date, Sasuke Sarutobi, Yodogimi (Lady ChaCha) and Yukimura Sanada. I really liked the Yukimura Sanada bit, and how he was portrayed, and how he became to be known as the "Last Great General of the Warring States." Really cool stuff. And people say video games rot your brain. Hah! I learned a lot from this game.

It's funny how when you say things in English to your son he understands you but replies in Japanese nevertheless. I've always wondered, is it really a good idea to speak to your children in two languages to make them bilingual. I might have that dilemma in the foreseeable future and I'm thinking, I would speak to my children according to the native tongue of the country he lives in and his mother uses. Thank you for the video!

+Gimmeabreakman Thanks.

The white power joke was a joke. I don't believe in cultural incompatibility. There is only what you want to accept and what you don't want to accept. But I can see by your comment that you're flexible on that. You're right on what intuition is but intuition cannot exist when there is documented evidence to the contrary. That is why I asked for links. I've never seen or heard of kids being damaged by learning more than one language. BTW...Anyone who's drinking 9% drinks while watching my stuff or typing to me is all right in my book.

+Gimmeabreakman My not so hypothetical kid is going to be half-white and half-...white lol The problem for me is not the race or ethnicity, but cultural incompatibility when we mix people from very different backgrounds. And even then it's okay, as long as we, as parents decide which of the cultural traditions we are going to value as a primary one (And I don't mind to loose mine and blend in the new country). So no worries there, even If I was a sad, white purist fuckwit, which I hope you were not implying. And I know what intuition means - it's the ability to recognize patterns of reality without having the specific knowledge about them, which is what I am good at (I think). Intuition is your liquid intelligence (as opposed to crystallized), also the ability to synthesize large amount of information into simple, general principles, a philosophical mind if you will. In any case, I enjoy your content for some time now and I don't want to observe here any kind of passive-aggressive exchanges of opinions caused by me, so please excuse me if I ever sounded provocative. To my defense, I had a few 9% beers when I wrote the original comment and I was too smarty-pantsy at you. Cheers, next time I'll refrain from preaching my peculiar/risky ideas on this channel.

Yeah, that's not what intuition means, but whatever. Part of me hears, "White power!" lol. All joking aside, I think you underestimate how flexible and amazing the young brain is. 2 or 3 or 4 languages do not tax a brain more than 1. But look at your message. Are you really worried about your future unborn hypothetical kid's ability or society's ability to accept your half-white (or whatever you are) kid? If it's the latter, well that's sad.

+Gimmeabreakman Call it a hunch, as one hell of a copper ones spoke in Die Hard. Just like when you are a child in primary school and you struggle with having too many subjects to cover; should you focus on learning basic biology or history or learn playing piano, or learn another language. Early on, it's up to the parent to guide his/her children to the most optimal path. And it's even more critical for pre-schoolers, in my opinion. I'm not saying, never speak to your children in two languages, because in certain situations, that knowledge might be very beneficial from a point of adaptation. But, bilingual often turns into bi-cultural and that means a split identity for many children of "mixed" parents. So, it's not just a technical matter of learning that second language fast, it's in most cases a matter of some psychological effects as well. And again, undeveloped brain has a limited time of being very plastic and if it doesn't learn some fundamental functions early on, it will have a hard time to do it later. The left part of brain should improve its logical functions so that the kid is smart, not necessarily cloud the logical perception with too many names for the same object. To me, it's common sense, maybe I'm just weird and full of it, but that is my intuition for some time now.

Canis Lupus bi-multilingualism has shown to help not hinder development of certain non language areas of development

For the record, my English ability surpassed most of my peers even at a young age. So it never hurt me. And I still speak and understand Spanish -- even though it's been years since I used it regularly.

+Canis Lupus I've never been that impressed with bilingual abilities or polygots but never heard of OTHER parts of cognitive abilities suffering. Links to anything supporting that? Or just a suspicion?

+Gimmeabreakman For me it's a dilemma because of how the brain has certain limitations, especially in the early development. I want my children to speak at least one language well and develop other much more important functions before they bother learning second language, which in a way is pretty redundant. I know this view is unpopular right now, but knowing what I know about the brain, it seems that if you focus on certain paths, it doesn't develop others as well. You can make your child a polyglot, but often at the price of some important cognitive abilities. Oh well, I'll do my best as a parent, as I'm sure you do as well, Victor-san.

My parents spoke to me in Spanish. My teachers and friends in English. Best of both worlds. Not sure why you would think there's a dilemma.

Is that the Gopro that your son dropped off the roof? It seems cursed.

Thanks for the walk around.

Personally not a fan of the Fisheye, I pretty much keep my GoPro on Linear FOV the entire time.

Love the fisheye, but yeah, a lot of people tell me that.

I'm pretty sure I carried a Mikoshi through this place. Looks way too familiar.EDIT: Can confirm now, I did carry the Mikoshi there. We had a rest stop in the plaza in front of the art museum.

18:21 Lil one running off while grandma chases her :3 Kawaiii

This 'warring states' period is the backdrop for the life of Miyamoto Musashi, the archetypical samurai. For those few followers of yours who have not read up on this period, it is worth spending some time with a few good books to better understand Japan today.

sleepy314 — his followers READ?

I'm curious, how tall are you?

+Japanese For Morons ahh, thanks

TheKnight OfCydonia 5 foot 11

Really enjoyed this one, the smooth start and all. I love your translations on screen and how detailed the subtitles are! ^^ keep it up

Thanks! Took forever! lol

Huh, thought this drunkard moron was going to fall in....

This was a fun video to watch.

I liked it.

@Gimmeabreakman Thanks.

@Gimmeabreakman My not so hypothetical kid is going to be half-white and half-...white lol The problem for me is not the race or ethnicity, but cultural incompatibility when we mix people from very different backgrounds. And even then it's okay, as long as we, as parents decide which of the cultural traditions we are going to value as a primary one (And I don't mind to loose mine and blend in the new country). So no worries there, even If I was a sad, white purist fuckwit, which I hope you were not implying. And I know what intuition means - it's the ability to recognize patterns of reality without having the specific knowledge about them, which is what I am good at (I think). Intuition is your liquid intelligence (as opposed to crystallized), also the ability to synthesize large amount of information into simple, general principles, a philosophical mind if you will. In any case, I enjoy your content for some time now and I don't want to observe here any kind of passive-aggressive exchanges of opinions caused by me, so please excuse me if I ever sounded provocative. To my defense, I had a few 9% beers when I wrote the original comment and I was too smarty-pantsy at you. Cheers, next time I'll refrain from preaching my peculiar/risky ideas on this channel.

@Gimmeabreakman Call it a hunch, as one hell of a copper ones spoke in Die Hard. Just like when you are a child in primary school and you struggle with having too many subjects to cover; should you focus on learning basic biology or history or learn playing piano, or learn another language. Early on, it's up to the parent to guide his/her children to the most optimal path. And it's even more critical for pre-schoolers, in my opinion. I'm not saying, never speak to your children in two languages, because in certain situations, that knowledge might be very beneficial from a point of adaptation. But, bilingual often turns into bi-cultural and that means a split identity for many children of "mixed" parents. So, it's not just a technical matter of learning that second language fast, it's in most cases a matter of some psychological effects as well. And again, undeveloped brain has a limited time of being very plastic and if it doesn't learn some fundamental functions early on, it will have a hard time to do it later. The left part of brain should improve its logical functions so that the kid is smart, not necessarily cloud the logical perception with too many names for the same object. To me, it's common sense, maybe I'm just weird and full of it, but that is my intuition for some time now.

@Canis Lupus I've never been that impressed with bilingual abilities or polygots but never heard of OTHER parts of cognitive abilities suffering. Links to anything supporting that? Or just a suspicion?

@Gimmeabreakman For me it's a dilemma because of how the brain has certain limitations, especially in the early development. I want my children to speak at least one language well and develop other much more important functions before they bother learning second language, which in a way is pretty redundant. I know this view is unpopular right now, but knowing what I know about the brain, it seems that if you focus on certain paths, it doesn't develop others as well. You can make your child a polyglot, but often at the price of some important cognitive abilities. Oh well, I'll do my best as a parent, as I'm sure you do as well, Victor-san.

@Japanese For Morons ahh, thanks

Reminds me of me as a kid, my mom would always yell after me in spanish and I would just ignore her and respond in english, well I still learned spanish so I'm glad she stuck with in and didn't give up.

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