A Week of Van Living Around Southern Chile

A Week of Van Living Around Southern Chile

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Hey. Guys we, made it to bomb Isetta and, we. Just got our home for the next week. Look. At this beautiful, camper. It's, got a steering wheel, wheels. A bed. In the back oh. You'll. See a lot more before the week's over someone's. Very excited. Now. Let's, go buy some food. Well. We, just finished our grocery shopping that's gonna be until Thursday, or longer got. Some blankets. First. Night we got to the Kauai campsite. You. Can't see much right now because, it's one night but we'll show you more in the morning. If. You don't get lost five minutes by car you. Can actually walk to the girls store in 15 minutes and it was five thousand a person, at the camp said you have hot showers bathrooms. Kitchen. First. Nice. Yeah. We're gonna sleep in the car and. We'll see how it is. Open. And fully covered both of us yeah. We got some two, little blankets, we purchased out the grocery store and sleep, no, see you tomorrow. Good. Morning. So. We just spent our first night, in, the van. It. Was a little rough I don't know just couldn't really get comfy, but we're, still playing, around with the setup so. Well. We gotta get the light back on one. Second. Oh get, another light. Yeah. So I'm still tweaking the set up a little bit see where the best place for the blank area trying to figure out the pillow situation. And now. Let's go get some breakfast, you ready. Good. Morning. What. A beautiful day. Yeah. Maybe, you can't tell but it's actually raining you can probably hear it if I shut up. When. You first get here you drive your van in or car, or whatever you have through that gate, next. You. Drive it around you park it in the bagging you see your cute little van back there if. You have tents you can put them around for. A night, of camping next. To the left you have the restrooms, and, then, the, dining, area. It's. Not big it's actually really clean comfortable, there's. A little. Area here with. Girls and this. Is the perky campers. I'm gonna hire her. So. We got, clue we passed by the camping, but we wanted to go to the nearest city for your papi, to, get some gas. Because. The roads are, garbage. For. Potholes, more holes more, brain. Well. Now we're on the way to the back. To the campground, so we can just relax. The worst thing you can have dinner and sleep and. Tomorrow we're gonna have some fun and. We can't wait to show you guys after. A long day we finally made it to the campsite. There's. The van a little, precious and. We're right in front of the lake. They. Show you that real quick, it's. Almost time. To go to bed it's getting dark when I've dinner and then go to sleep but we're gonna have this first, thing in, the morning, so. The campsite cost, 5,000. Chilean pesos per per person, and with that we have access to we're. Allowed to put our van here we have access to the lake and. We have bathrooms, that have hot water so we can get ourselves clean, and ready for bed. Okay. So we didn't have lunch today we. Mostly. We always snack all day so. Tonight we're ready for a little. 13. Years. Sorry. Against anything for, a little tortillas. Bon. Appetit. That's. Our bed for the night last. Night we were not well. Prepared now, we are, so. We put two blankets, with, all colors. And. Then, our. Warm. Sleeping. Bag. Hey. Guys so we just had breakfast, what's. The name of the campground last. Tininess, last time he knows the campground we're staying at there's a lot of other ones around here but we'd show up she, chose this one because, it was next to a lake. Really. Cold last night so. Next to the water it. Was not the best idea but the, morning, view is amazing. Like you saw with our breakfast, we also actually saw an otter this morning after we ate breakfast, so that was unexpected. And some people in the review said they've seen dolphins here before because it connects right to the sea, so. The camping, ground itself was not that great we didn't like it that much it was just another couple, here last night. So. He wasn't fooled the showers and bathrooms. Are great those, are clean and there's hot water.

But. There is no real any light anywhere. At night so. Unless, you if you come here look for some tranquility and, a nice view like see behind us then it's perfect, if you want some modernist. Besides. Bathrooms, this, isn't for you there's, not even I haven't seen plugs in the bathrooms, there's. No signal here no signal, no Wi-Fi no charging, stations either so come with an external charge. If you need it. Oh. Yeah, I know yeah bring extra little like head lamps and stuff like, so there's no lights at night, but. I said if you just want your knee in a nice lake to just relax by is if you come during the on season, when it's summer cuz we're here in the fall winter then. It's perfect, but, for us it's way too cold right now also. Bring your own drink steeping. By for each person. Also. Thick. Socks long, pants everything, we're, all our closer for summer so we're having to tough it out but. Besides that it's beautiful, honestly the lake is amazing, and now, we're about to head out to go to see the glacier. It's a little hike to see a glacier and, we'll see. You from there bye, we just actually. Entered. National, Park, now. We're going toward, the vanity, scare Oh Calgon team which is the I, guess. The glacier, around here, you. Have three, options when, you get there so the first option is just to, walk. Ten minutes and then you get to the lake you get the view on the venti, squadron the. Second, option is to do. A walk, that's around. 40. Minutes from what the guard told me and, then the third option is to go, so, that you. Hike up and, it's. They. Say it's a three-hour. Hike. That's. The one we were planning to do I'm not sure we will because, we want, to get to the thermals. This afternoon. So. We'll see oh, and. At the entrance cost, us, five thousand, pesos per person, that's, the price for non. Chilean, people and for, adults. Sandara, Mira Dora so supposedly, two hours and a half. This. Is called the venti. Square Oh Calgon. Tea and it's in the key all at National, Park so, it's a giant glacier. First time I've seen what for me she's I think she's seen one before so, for, me I'm awestruck, so, we're gonna go for the boat at first which go down there on that water but. We. Have tennis that to just go for the hike it's it three hours we get in an hour in 20 minutes so we're gonna probably take, a break have lunch, and.

We'll Catch you guys after cuz we're still not decided what we're going next so Jo. So. We just took two hitchhikers, for the first time. We. Just got this. Hot springs because. We're done with the hike because we're tired. Ventus. Cairo and. We'll. See you in the waters. So. At the thermos, we have there's. Three. Or four different pools one who's filling up we don't know what kind of water it is but there's a cold a medium. And the, hot and then, you can also get in the lake. You. Good. Morning, so, we're in whoo you happy on the fourth day last night was the third. And third night and we slept, that camp being all. Night. So. A little bit about the place it has this you, if you have a van or car something park outside. Outside. The gates they, have a little camping area to put tents inside, they. Have a communal, area with the kitchen and. Clean. Restroom, as well, as Wi-Fi and, their signal in the city because in, the town because you're in a town again. Puh you poppy, after. We woke up and started cleaning up to get ready for breakfast. I really. Saw something odd our. Van is here as. You. Can see and then. Across, the street. You. Can't see it by now don't worry you will in a second her. Hat is sitting, in a tree and. We. Cannot figure out how it got there in, the middle of the night. It. Just. Walked. Itself or I said there's some dogs here so maybe a dog found outside took, in a bird took it and then put on the tree because, I like, to romanticize. But. Besides, the Hat you. Have a nice Lake once again first, thing in the morning here, at this, camping, at home I. So. It's. A place we'd recommend to stop in if you're in pure happy it's. Got, lights and a lot more accommodation, and the one from the, other night. But. If, you want no. Technology nothing, you go down if you like some modernist, with, your pretty. View, then. You come to this one, we. Hope that information helps, you and, we're gonna go eat breakfast, now so we can get on the road so, later. The, little town of kuyou happy, from what we learned this was a German, settlement, back in the 1920's. 1930's, and. All the sure. All the streets around there named after the German people. There's. Not much in this town, you have some hostels. Some. Bed-and-breakfast. Pretty. Cool oh yes. Plaza. The. Vanadate, Ria's. It's. Next to a lake it looks very nice also only one gas station, so. If, you're renting a vehicle I custome around this area stop, and get gas here before you head over wherever. You're going to next then. It's all the information for now. So. We've been out of the gravel, road for probably thirty minutes now and this, is our first stop, it's, called Legolas, Parris and it's. Just on the carretera so you can just stop on the, way it's. So, pretty, but yeah look at the reflection. So. The next liquor stop that is Pedro. Vita. Sagginess, will. Get the name later. Or will put it down below but. Better or something it's. Named after me. How. It's really, nice and also there's no actual way to get to the lake besides, one camping, ground so, we went inside there's, just a man in his house and his little dog and. We asked if we can take pictures it was kind enough to say yes so, we're just really enjoying the view and share, with all of you. Well. For now we're gonna stop it, enjoy, ourselves and, we'll see if there's any more lakes, on the way if now we'll see you in. These. Times I'll remember. Good. Morning from creating, the. Hive. Yeah. We didn't say our usual good night last night because. I forgot, we. Want to give what updates we did to have to get another sleeping, bag one, because, we've been our feet, I've been freezing every single night and also on this side that's supposed to be colder yeah so since, we weren't oh yeah okay which is the capital of the region, we. Went to the store and we got another one yeah and we're trying to see if we can sell them after from. The company. That renders the right hand but. That's, all for now so, last, night we. Stayed in the same camping. We stayed out on Monday, so on Thursday. Yeah. We don't want to see next to a lake again cuz it's even colder, with, the cold. Air coming off the water and. Here. They said they have to clean bathrooms they have a dining. Area they. Have signal, Wi-Fi, anything, you could need for the. 5000. Chilean pesos per person, and. We. Also found out that CAI que is actually quite a big city who he didn't explore it at all the first time yeah wearing, this yesterday, we went around a little bit and yeah, take your time around it when you call them hopefully you get better. Weather, right. Now we Cox. Or. Love rain. That's. The only thing that stinks but we're heading, on the road to go more, south towards. So. We'll, take some videos on the way and we'll catch you guys later. A double. Rainbow. What. Here. Rainbow. Oh. We. Marry oh. Good. Morning from puerto rio. Tranquilo. And. From. The last time we spoke which was actually yesterday we.

Said We look around for a place to make the reservations, for the, marble caves and, we did the, kayaks, were offline because of the weather and. Well. Thank goodness so. We reserved a boat for this morning but. They said because. Of the weather rain, when the, port might be closed so we went I get a chance to see the marble cheese so. We're still waiting for an answer now we message to guy we. Haven't had an answer so we might have to just go there and check yeah, I mean there's a chance you might not get to see it and, with. The time we have left we can't stay one more day. So, you're probably wondering, well. Had an RV this, evening. Because. Like. You said very bad weather the temperature, got like sub-zero. And. Our. It's. Crazy and the van is sleeping but sleeping, bag were not really designed for that lower, temperature. Because, we weren't to expect it to be this cone so. We. Went to a local my. B&B. Then. We got a room the rooms freezing, but luckily they give us like four blankets. And. We, can hear the wind the, rain. We. Can't get the wind the, rain. So. We're. Gonna go get ready and we'll. Let you know if we manage to get to see the moral case to show them to you fingers. Crossed. Bye. So. We're at the place. Our. Tour, was supposed to be at 9:30, they. Pushed it back and. Indefinitely. They, said ten but. It's ten come gone we're. Waiting for. If. There's. A flag above the place. Yeah. One. Second, this. So. If this flag, goes, down and, then they put up the Chilean, flag it will mean that we can go to, the Morgul changers but. Right, now it doesn't look very promising. This is the weather we're getting is really, cold really. Windy, you. Saw, the weather it's raining windy, we're. Just kind of sitting in the warm car wait, here's, some news we're. Gonna wait a little longer if now we're just gonna get, our money back and head back on the road, we. Just really, want to try to be patient because these, are the Morrible caves you, can google them Chilean marble caves. Pablo. Rio, tranquilo it's worth it. He's. Sweet so we think it is. Okay. So you have some good news and bad news the good news is we get to stay warm the bad news is the, port's closed so we can't go on the boat again see the mall okay so it's. Gonna five, hours here five hours back just to sleep somewhere warm tonight. But. The view, on the way was pretty so it's definitely worth it just, hopefully, you get better luck that we hit it so, what this we're gonna hang up, now and we're gonna go in the car ciao. We. Just had our last night in the van, it was cold, again. But. We survived. We, just. Finished packing everything we, give away some of the food extra, food we add that we didn't want to just throw in the trash can and we managed to sell the sleeping bags thanks, to this one. Yeah. So we actually gave. Our. Last thing. Of water and fruits. To to to. A German, couple and. Then. We're talking and, they talked about the fact that because, blankets, but they have no sleeping bags I think am I getting one so. Say. You want to buy us a few guys so, we got rid of those yes. But. You. See it's all empty that was our bed that was our home the last week and. It's. Been. Interesting. We're. Dropping off the van right now it's fully empty the lady's gonna take us in for next door. Anyway, so. Yeah. Yes. Super, cold right now I'm. Ready, for warmer weather honestly. But. It was an awesome week we would definitely come back.

2019-04-23 09:45

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muy hermoso, gracias por conocer nuestro pais, viva chile

He hello.

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