A Week in Kazbegi, Georgia (Gergeti Glacier, Juta, Truso and Gveleti)

A Week in Kazbegi, Georgia (Gergeti Glacier, Juta, Truso and Gveleti)

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(Kim) We're in Kazbegi in northern Georgia we're gonna be here for the next few days and we are planning to do some day hikes around the region IF the weather plays ball (Del) We had some cracking sunrise views of Kazbegi mountain this morning although it's clouded over a little bit now Today we're gonna head to Truso Valley It's about 20 kilometres south of the town here and we're gonna do a day hike and hopefully see some colourful mineral springs Donkeys in the bus stop Oh! There's a big Soviet mural Our taxi just dropped us back in Kazbegi and it took us about 8 hours in the end to complete the hike I think it would take most people about 6 though we just spent a LOT of time admiring the scenery taking photos and, well, making this video and it was an excellent hike minimum effort required for maximum scenery reward which is always my favourite kind of hike but it is 22 kilometres, so my feet are killing me now and I need to get a shower and some food in my belly We didn't think we'd be here this morning the weather was due to be absolutely horrendous but we woke up, it was sunny and we decided to quickly jump in a taxi to come here and it's gorgeous, it's really nice If the weather holds out today we're gonna head to a little village called if I remember correctly Tsno? (Tsdo) You pronounce every single letter in Georgian words and they're really hard to get your tongue around but we'll see how it goes It's due to be absolutely pouring down right now and so far it's not so maybe we'll get lucky today Cheers We've got a big day ahead of us we've just started a hike up to Gergeti Glacier it's at 3200m (3300m) so that makes it about a 1500 metre climb (1600 metres) So, quite substantial we're gonna visit the famous Gergeti Church on the hill on the way The hike is supposed to take about 8 hours return but knowing us, it'll take about 12 Kim's pretty happy though becuase we've got 3 trail dogs we picked them up just past the guesthouse This is one of the best days of my life thanks to these dogs Hey Piebald, come on Frank! Move! Move! 14 hours later we're finally back in Kazbegi and at least I've deserved this today Oh my goodness (unintelligible alien noise) We've just left Kazbegi and taken a taxi about 20 kilometres south with the lovely George to Juta Valley this place is a nice place to come just for a day hike from Kazbegi they call it 'the Dolomites of Georgia' the mountains are very nice You can also stay over here though and there's a few guesthouses in town we're gonna stay here for the next few days just to wait out some supposedly bad weather before we cross a pass to a different district the guesthouse that I wanted to stay at was full so we've treated ourselves to somewhere that looks pretty special we need to hike there just now we will show you it very soon and I am very excited I cannot believe this place This is incredible and I didn't even think we were gonna get a view today because supposedly it was meant to be bad weather which is the whole reason we're not walking over this pass but it's worked out perfectly because we're staying here we've got a private bathroom a view of the mountains out of the bed and breakfast included Now, that is usually my side of the bed but I think I might have to insist that I sleep on this side just for the next 3 nights How do you feel about that, Del? (Del) Always when it suits her changing her side of the bed Right, seriously, come and see this view And that's it for our little Kazbegi travel guide hope you've enjoyed it if you want to know more about all the things that you can see and do around Kazbegi we've written up a complete blog post over on the website the link is in the description below so just head on over to check that out For now it's time for us to enjoy one last breakfast here in the Juta Valley before we head up over the Chaukhi Pass tomorrow which is going to be our next video As usual, if you enjoyed the video Like, Subscribe, leave a comment hit that notification bell Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time Cheerio! Right Del, let's get stuck in Absolutely Do you want to taste my pancake? No I want to taste your egg

2021-03-20 04:43

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