A Taste of Paradise - Ep 73 Sailing Luckyfish

A Taste of Paradise - Ep 73 Sailing Luckyfish

Show Video

This. Week on lucky, fish, our. Exploration. Of the exhume, is continues. As we bathe in, the reflected, glow of the super-rich. Find. Out what it feels like to, be on the menu. Check, out the sweet little settlement, of little, farmers, key, before. Saying, our farewells, to Jeannine and Adrian at Barratt, air. With, a flight back to the UK, looming, for our guests, we still had a lot of ground to cover to, reach Georgetown. It. Was another perfect, day for sailing so, we set out on the 23, mile league to, stand yorky. No. Sooner was the anchor down we, were met by this reception, committee, checking, out the new arrival. So, I dream it. God. Is really active is news you, get the feeling is actually you. Know looking for food. If. Georgetown. Is the hub for cruisers, Staniel, key, is the hub for the rich and famous where, they can forget their troubles by. Chartering. A super yacht. Should. Be your lucky fish. We. Took the dinghy ashore, in the morning to refuel, reprovision. And say, hi to the sharks. This. Is a pretty unique experience for. Sure. It. Could be easy to forget that this place is a feeding, station. And who, is boss a few. Months after our visit a Florida. Woman decided, to go swimming with them, mistaking. Her hand for food she ended, up with the shock of her life and a few thousand, more Instagram. Followers. The. Shark chooses. To remain anonymous. Stocked. Up we, lift Staniel for, a change of pace, the peaceful little, farmers, key a. Tour. Boat had just arrived and we were treated, to meeting Stu the. Giant, puffer fish and his, mates. They. Had all been raised by hand by this fellow who was making a simple living here during the tourist season. Little. Farmers, is a place you could want to stay forever, with. A population, of just 60, people we knew the names of a dozen of them within hours of arriving. It's. One of the few keys that actually, produces, fruit and veggies in the Bahamas. After. Turning, down offers as diverses, buying, property, - recovering, the treasure off, a sunken, pirate ship. Yeah. I think. I will fit into that no problem. We. Had to move on. Why. Are we not talking. From. Little farmers, we went back outside so. We could sail the direct, route south, to a sweet, little Anchorage, at least stocking Island. On, this beautiful beach, on. An. Island yeah. Quite. A few trees here we're hoping to get some fresh ones. You. Spider webs around. The, way. Yeah. Another. One. Hit. Hi. Why. Don't we bright up there here we go. It's. A good sign means. That people haven't been in here. Oh. Spiders. Webs every. Another. Sort of mat here. Interesting. Wonder what those are. The. Coconut, there another. It's. Smart. Yeah. You've. Got you spiderweb, remover. No. No I'm some. Sort of. Seed. From that palm a particular sort, of palm. Just, one over there. I'm. Gonna get round this I'm here maybe go round there through there. Yeah. This. One's right by a path so, not, the coconut, to be seen. Okay. We'll hit back out and find some more trees look, I. Can. Hear Adrienne and Jeanine they've gone down along. The beach probably chasing those three. Great. You're half green half brown that one, nice, bit of milk it's not big because it's very dry climate the, coconuts, don't seem to grow very large it's. A good-looking one though. Yeah. Here's. Some lovely coconuts, right, there now. How we gonna get them down things are going to be careful. Won't, my mate really dry maybe they're not. So. Disappointing. Yeah. Lower. Tree I think, the. Coconut trees themselves they, start bearing first from from, seed and three.

Or Four years, because. Trees are only they're higher that agent. Yeah. So it just started to put its root down that's, not such a good sign because that's eating the meat. So. It won't be quite so sweet, all. The. Sugars, get taken by the plant. The. Leaf, leaf. Just starting, is. The root going down. These. Coming up and they're coming out the eyes so, this. One the meat probably been partly consumed. Still. Get a little bit of milk in it. So. Maybe you alright shall we break it and have a look. Yeah. A little bit old but. The. Meats all right look at that beautiful Hey Wow that, part there that's. That's. Some. You. Know I don't know the kernel, part that starts to grow from the middle and the meat and. That's the bit that starts, like the yolk. Coconut. Even. Try. That. And would have expected, by showing. Conscious. And. Sadly. We'd be saying our good-byes today. The. Wind was a bit on the nose for the league down to Georgetown so. We decided to pull into Great Exuma northernmost. Settlement, Barrett. Air and try, to arrange, a taxi. And, with that it was back to the boat and a chance to catch up with a local fisherman anchored. Nearby. Yeah. Yeah. We. Made arrangements, to meet the captain later in the evening, and get, some conch. Back. On lucky fish we had some spare time to, our sky, drian and Janene about their Tiki, 38, build back, in England I mean you've had two weeks on the boat now Adrian. You mentioned that you were prone to seasickness at one one, point yeah and not on the cats but in the, earlier sailing, experience. On. This. We. Bounced around a bit but there's something about it isn't there it's quite so this maybe, it's a sense of security that you get on the boats and that's something that really hit me with a while yes you, feel very safe and I think if you take that anxiety away, the. Seasickness, goes, away as well as I too was, prone to seasickness on, life degree on monohulls, yes. It's. Interesting to hear you just, totally fine on the boat and. As I said I've. Been on I've been in the Thames Estuary. I. Wasn't. Sick so I've got a pretty strong Constitution, but, I was. Grabbing. On for, dear life. Whereas. I don't, feel that at all with them and that's one of the reasons why when Adrian said I want, to build a count that actually, he said Aunt Kate doesn't, heal, over, you, know and you think oh yeah, no. That's that's not scary, where, is actually being like that and I'm, you know I'm you know thinking. Applies. On your mind I am NOT, myself oh. Excuse. Me and wear a lifejacket but. Yeah I didn't feel like that at all. Ah no it's. Like. A it's, a big boat but. It feels like you're sending, a dinghy yeah. Fear. Of the boat and and. What it's doing, I don't, think from. These. Production. Yeah. I. Did not feel, fright. Completely. Underlined nice bullets I know exactly, what you mean and it's not until you sail on one that you actually feel there you, have to do it yourself go through that process we. Recorded, this fascinating, interview for, our patrons and we'll publish, it on our patreon, page shortly. It. Had been a memorable time, with Adrian and Janine and we wish you both a speedy completion. Of the good ship Kyra. Later. That evening zyre, and I were treated, to a lesson on how to prepare cracked, conch, and we. Discovered, why it is the delicacy, everyone, raves about but. That will, have to wait for another video. Well, everyone we hope you enjoyed this episode we'd. Like to give a special thank you to our patrons, it's, because of patrons, like you that make our productions, sustainable. So please if you haven't already consider. Becoming a patron for as little as a dollar a video and become, part of the lucky fish story, feel. Free to question, and comment and give us a like and sub below, until. Next time thank, you for watching.

2019-04-06 22:19

Show Video


Anyone know what that mystery nut is at 08:59 ?

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2732330726780529&id=100000108858584 Hey Stu, tell Zaya to check these guys out mate awesome band ! The Hu....on YouTube and facebook

Thanks Stu. That has set me up for the weekend. Feel great now. Have you seen Blue Planet Live? People in the water with the sharks in the Bahamas. It's good to be reminded that they are not pets. Your guests experience with catamarans, especially wharram's, reflects many others experiences. The soft ride of the veed hulls seems to reduce seasickness. Btw. Don't volunteer to bowl at cricket.

Great to hear and thank you Barry. Yes, the vee'd hulls! may not be the most efficient vol vs drag ratio but what price comfort? Will check out Blue Planet, thanks for the tip

How do you get fresh coconut from the tree...send up the Mongolian girl. Zaya is invincible, she can do it.

At 4:22 why is that guy holding a hammer?

+Peorhum that is strange hahaha, just looked out of place.

That had me wondering too. Didn't look so good with him holding the hammer with the turtle near by...looked like he wanted some turtle soup. Maybe turtle have a dark side to them and you need to arm yourself with a hammer when around them. Little knock on the shell to make them behave.

Stewart did you get the part for the 2nd outboard ?

Yes, not in this vid though... we ordered it in Georgetown and when MiQ Bohlin joins us in a vid coming soon, we learn alot more about CDI units. In the meantime, if you have one of these ouboards, a spare CDI is a good thing to have. They just fail, no warning, but not too hard to diagnose. Thanks for the question

!!Super Rich!! You Guy's are Super Rich , with a super YACHT !!

Thanks Brian. Luckyfish is blushing :-)

Not sure if its the same species but if it is then next time, take care. Along the coast at my son's eco-lodge in Ghana, there are small palm trees that look very much like the small ones you were walking through - not the cocoanuts, but the ones with the fronds that splay out and trunks that are twisted rather than curved. They have spines on them that are quite poisonous - not to be messed with at all.

Hi Stuart, love the vlog. I’ve been following for a long time and wondering about your thoughts about your Takacat? I watched your vlog about it, what seems like years ago, but two questions for you. 1) does it hold up to the test of time as a great lightweight and compact tender solution for your needs and cruising grounds, and 2) how would you compare it to a full inflatable with inflatable keel and floor that would cost half as much? My last question is a reflection that a Takacat 300 Lite or Sport retail for $3000 Canadian while a 300 inflatable with inflatable floor and keel can easily be found from various well known brands for around $1500 Cdn. I realize the other benefits of the Takacat regarding, no rigid transom, slightly lighter weight, etc, but is the premium price worth it in your opinion? Loving the vlog and fair winds.

Lets have a quick reality check. No need to work. And enough resources to fund a yacht and sail round the world. Right? And you have the bare-faced cheek to ask for money. I call that ugly. Rude. Exploitative. Self-centered. An unbelievable sense of entitlement.

Woooooa! why not tell the world what's really bugging you?

Hi from NZ

Hey Brian, hi to Godzone country :-)

when trying to get the coconuts you should have been think rugby

Damn. That's what was missing

You got a bunch of lovely coconuts each of them lined in a row?

I could learn to hate you :)

+Yves Lemoine Its a Yamaha 2 stroke 5HP which is plenty. The Taka planes well and is fast enough to scare me when on my own, and plenty of push when loaded with people/provisions etc. I doubt the 3HP would get you on the plane but if that is not a biggie then that motor would be adequate too of course. I think they rate the boat up to 8 or 9HP but that would be surf-racer stuff! Good luck

Luckyfish Gets Away Thanks Stew, very helpful. Last question, what size motor do you have on it and are you happy with it?

Hi Yves, yes the Takacat is lasting well, no manufacturing issues and withstands the punishment. We love the lightweight and front mounting when snorkeling, off loading etc. Not sure about how it compares value wise - it was the only tender with cat hulls, high pressure floor when we were shopping. Weight was the biggest consideration for our boat - we cant carry alot of weight aft. Hope that helps, Stew

+Luckyfish Gets Away Lets focus on facts rather than motive. Do you need to work? have you bought a yacht? Any inaccuracy so far?

+Ian Simpson you have told me nothing about yourself so all I can do is guess. Where are you from? What do you do for work and for leisure? I'm curious to know more.

+Luckyfish Gets Away Your suppositions about me are guesswork. All I have done is describe your behaviour on the basis of evidence that you present. I think your adventure is a brilliant thing to do. But to ask for money to fund yourself - not others - , the opposite.

+Ian Simpson Well, you might surprise me by being a selfless person, but your attitude suggests otherwise. Bitter people pre-occupied with other folks lives are generally self-absorbed and insecure. You don't seem to be a person of a generous disposition. Do check out our Patreon page and read the comments there and from viewers here also. We love what we are doing and are grateful for the support we receive from thoughtful people who would like to help us continue publishing. We would like to publish videos full time but of course that is a way off, so I must get back to my paid work back here in Mongolia. Where are you from Ian?

+Luckyfish Gets Away You haven't quit a job: you have merely changed it. You ask the general public to subsidise you. The evidence is here for all to see. And how do you know I don't spend my time giving? You have evidence of that?

Yeah. Worked, saved enough, bought the yacht, quit a job so I could help others, now helping others follow their dream. And, as is often the case when you give something you receive more in return. The world is good like that. You should try it.

Ian's sure got a lot of sand in his vagina for someone with nothing invested in the channel. Ian, why do you think that Stu should pay $1000s of dollars for camera and audio equipment, laptops for editing, sim cards for uploading these videos and spend 40 hours an episode working on them, just so you can be an asshole in his comment section? None of that has anything with making good decisions in his life so he's able to own a boat that you are clearly jealous of. Besides the fact that he didnt ask you for a penny. Nothing like the sense of entitlement one gets from free content, is there?

The woman was bitten by the nurse sharks because she got in the water with them and flailed around like injured prey. It was entirely her own fault and to be expected from these peaceful sharks.

+Luckyfish Gets Away Don't put your energy on this account. It's just an internet troll that wants to upset and start arguments :) To compensate for this guy I can say that I really like the content!

@Per Moberg - thanks very much. I actually enjoy the troll. Great sport.

I think you have me all wrong. We are one of the good guys mate. If you want to vent on commercialism and branding there are plenty of other places to go. Not here. We provide these videos to show what is possible on a fairly budget end catamaran and are a pretty lonely voice doing it. Most catamaran "branding and marketing" is high end and way beyond the means of most folks. It skews the mindset and makes folks think you need to spend your whole life working and saving before following your dream. We're trying to balance that narrative. We also turn away offers for affiliate links and other commercial co-operation because, lets face it, any recommendation from us would be conflicted.

+Ian Simpson Lots of excuses for bad behavior, but you didn't answer what I asked you. And no, I didnt see him asking you for money in the description. Maybe he deleted your name before I looked? I did see he offered some additional content to people who help him pay for the filming and production of the videos.

+Luckyfish Gets Away I am not the person asking for money, or trying to promote my brand.

+Josef '... didn't ask me for a penny...' Read the author's own video description. '....clearly jealous....' Evidence? '.... sense of entitlement one gets from free content...' I am entitled to very little, except what I earn. I agree, what I have to say isn't pleasant. But I'm open and honest - that I see things a little differently is challenging. If the author doesn't want to be challenged, don't ask for money. It might, just might make some people think about the duplicity of, on the one hand claiming that the owner has made enough money to afford not to be able to work and sail round the world, and on the other ask for money from viewers. Let me be clear: the challenge he sets himself is an excellent one. Life affirming, hard work. Very valuable. To be able to do so is a great privilege. To do so based on the lie that he has made enough money to do so is unfortunate. He's either made enough, or he hasn't. And if he hasn't, well that speaks for itself.

Not to take away from anything in this video, after having watched only 15 seconds. You mention bathing in the glow of the "super rich" of which I am not sure you have a proper understanding. Most of the people you have contacted in every port you have visited don't have an understanding of your grade of super-rich, as the fact is that, to them, YOU are "super rich". From what I have seen in all these "yacht-y" videos, is that every single one of them is a throw-down toward the people who actually live in those places, which people often call paradise. Let's be truthful. No one is going to live the life you are living without $100,000 US CASH - IN HAND. Even then, it is going to take some effort, and money to make a "sea journey" possible. I'm not saying that you are "super rich", but to most people - like 98% of all people on the face of the Earth - 100K US "cash in hand" is well beyond even being conceivable to most people - Without a lottery win. Some day, a REAL honest-to-goodness poor person will post some videos for the poor of the Word to know it is possible to travel the Earth as a poor person, just because someone should show poor people that it is possible to get out of poverty - against all odds.

Its all relative, and semantics of course but you are right to keep all this grounded in reality. Check out "The Kindness Diaries" a doco series made by Netflix but available elsewhere.

"Shit darling, they are on to us! Run and hide...."

Stu, you rich billionaire bastard oligarch you! Hailing from a culturally homogeneous country, flaunting your funny accent to seduce a meek Mongolian woman, sailing a boat inspired by the Polynesians, designed by an Englishman, and built by a South African – you know nothing of the world! Having hardly ever set foot outside your doorstep, your only experience of a “foreign culture” is that tasty yoghurt with your morning gold flakes. All the assumptions I’ve made about you are true, saw that in the first 15 seconds! So narrow in your outlook and oblivious to others' plight, unlike me. The human-interest you display in your videos are probably with paid actors, so I am going to wait for a REAL honest-to-goodness video, not this unrealistic fakery you are forcing me to watch. How dare you display a warmth and interest in other people and your surroundings? I don't want to hear your opinion or any jokes in your videos, you yacht-y types are all the same. Wharrams are the pinnacle of excess and avarice! Your goal-setting, can-do attitude, and hard work doesn’t fool me; all your riches fell into your lap, so you can afford that exorbitant, totally unrealistic yacht. With no planning whatsoever, you have probably stumbled across Luckyfish, and decided to take it for a jolly. Paying others to do your maintenance and dirty work, you peddle an improbable and impractical lifestyle. And now you are only helping the one or two souls who watch the Youtube, showing only them how achievable the dream is. You were definitely birthed from the deepest, darkest, hellish, corporate chasm; the standard-bearer for that hideous black nature of commercialism - marketing slick corporate agendas ad nauseam.

+beta1618 How exhaustively correct you are, brother. How little do you know how close to truth you are to reality, with only an hour of creative writing. My only question is who's paying you? Because I could use a cut of that.

+los tit it's never too late to join an argument, you just restart an old one! appreciate your comment.

I wish I'd joined in this argument a month ago when it was HOT. As far as I can tell you can watch the videos without paying in the same way you can listen to buskers on the underground without paying. OK, buskers place a hat on the ground to catch contributions but they don't strong-arm you into donating. I watched this episode for free and 'subscribed'; that's my choice. If I were to pay I would need to see a lot more shapely bottoms underwater to consider it value for money. I'm over 70 and, after a lifetime of 'working for the man', my wife and I have only just started living for ourselves. I wish I could have done something like this in my 20s but I didn't have the guts and just envied those that did in the same way I guess Ian Simpson does. If you can 'live the dream' and you can find suckers prepared to help fund it, more power to your elbow.

+beta1618 At 71 years old, thanks for the "young man". NHS orange: water in first then the sugar. But it still tasted like shit! Nice that you nearly felt moved to tears at my mother's attempted suicide. I must say it kinda put an 'edge' on family life for a few years as we never knew what dear old mum would have in the oven for us when we came home from school. As a lifetime socialist I too believe that, "... no man should own a Rolls Royce before everybody owns a pair of shoes..." but in that scenario every redundant car worker and boat-builder walks around bare-footed. I suggest you watch a little more television where every other programme makes a feature of unashamedly flaunting the REAL assets of the super-rich. Recently watched a programme about Saudi Arabian princelettes racing their Lamborghinis and Ferraris around the streets of Chelsea just for the craic. Better targets for your angst every day on daytime TV.

Steady there fella, you nearly had me in tears. How the devil did you “dilute” that thick gloopy NHS orange concentrate with sugar!? Christ on a bike, your gnashers must have taken a beating. Lost Tit, now I suggest you read this branch of comments, then think about who our channel host is, and his background and presentation style on his Youtube videos – a bit of context, young man. Perhaps then the penny will drop for you, and we can get you back to being called los tit. If not, I then gladly accept your unintended compliment that keen satire is a wound with a touch that is scarcely felt or seen.

Ric Gaston "... just because someone should show poor people that it is possible to get out of poverty - against all odds... ". If you know to do it why aren't you making that video yourself?. OK, if you can't afford a camera (you obviously have access to a computer) give us the text version. Like you I'm posting for free and the world is waiting.

+beta1618 I can remember a time, and not really that long ago, when you had to be 'comfortable' to afford to buy orange squash rather than dilute your baby sister's NHS orange concentrate with a little sugar. I remember a time when you ate chicken once a year at Christmas and when my mother stuck her head in the gas oven because she'd spent the rent on food for 5 kids (my big brother pulled her out). We wore hand me downs and second hand clothing and wore socks on our hands in the winter because no one I knew could afford gloves or mittens. We were always hungry, ALL the time, it was relentless. Not starved, but always hungry. There were only 2 fat kids in the whole of our school and I suspect our teachers would have needed to look up the word 'obesity' in a dictionary if anybody had ever used it. But hey, I've never felt the need to bitch about what others have or had then, but then again I'm not a member of the 'entitled generation' that seem to do nothing else.

@los tit it's never too late to join an argument, you just restart an old one! appreciate your comment.

@Ian Simpson Lots of excuses for bad behavior, but you didn't answer what I asked you. And no, I didnt see him asking you for money in the description. Maybe he deleted your name before I looked? I did see he offered some additional content to people who help him pay for the filming and production of the videos.

@Luckyfish Gets Away I am not the person asking for money, or trying to promote my brand.

@Josef '... didn't ask me for a penny...' Read the author's own video description. '....clearly jealous....' Evidence? '.... sense of entitlement one gets from free content...' I am entitled to very little, except what I earn. I agree, what I have to say isn't pleasant. But I'm open and honest - that I see things a little differently is challenging. If the author doesn't want to be challenged, don't ask for money. It might, just might make some people think about the duplicity of, on the one hand claiming that the owner has made enough money to afford not to be able to work and sail round the world, and on the other ask for money from viewers. Let me be clear: the challenge he sets himself is an excellent one. Life affirming, hard work. Very valuable. To be able to do so is a great privilege. To do so based on the lie that he has made enough money to do so is unfortunate. He's either made enough, or he hasn't. And if he hasn't, well that speaks for itself.

@Luckyfish Gets Away Don't put your energy on this account. It's just an internet troll that wants to upset and start arguments :) To compensate for this guy I can say that I really like the content!

@Ian Simpson you have told me nothing about yourself so all I can do is guess. Where are you from? What do you do for work and for leisure? I'm curious to know more.

@Luckyfish Gets Away Your suppositions about me are guesswork. All I have done is describe your behaviour on the basis of evidence that you present. I think your adventure is a brilliant thing to do. But to ask for money to fund yourself - not others - , the opposite.

@Ian Simpson Well, you might surprise me by being a selfless person, but your attitude suggests otherwise. Bitter people pre-occupied with other folks lives are generally self-absorbed and insecure. You don't seem to be a person of a generous disposition. Do check out our Patreon page and read the comments there and from viewers here also. We love what we are doing and are grateful for the support we receive from thoughtful people who would like to help us continue publishing. We would like to publish videos full time but of course that is a way off, so I must get back to my paid work back here in Mongolia. Where are you from Ian?

@Luckyfish Gets Away You haven't quit a job: you have merely changed it. You ask the general public to subsidise you. The evidence is here for all to see. And how do you know I don't spend my time giving? You have evidence of that?

@Luckyfish Gets Away Lets focus on facts rather than motive. Do you need to work? have you bought a yacht? Any inaccuracy so far?

@beta1618 At 71 years old, thanks for the "young man". NHS orange: water in first then the sugar. But it still tasted like shit! Nice that you nearly felt moved to tears at my mother's attempted suicide. I must say it kinda put an 'edge' on family life for a few years as we never knew what dear old mum would have in the oven for us when we came home from school. As a lifetime socialist I too believe that, "... no man should own a Rolls Royce before everybody owns a pair of shoes..." but in that scenario every redundant car worker and boat-builder walks around bare-footed. I suggest you watch a little more television where every other programme makes a feature of unashamedly flaunting the REAL assets of the super-rich. Recently watched a programme about Saudi Arabian princelettes racing their Lamborghinis and Ferraris around the streets of Chelsea just for the craic. Better targets for your angst every day on daytime TV.

@beta1618 I can remember a time, and not really that long ago, when you had to be 'comfortable' to afford to buy orange squash rather than dilute your baby sister's NHS orange concentrate with a little sugar. I remember a time when you ate chicken once a year at Christmas and when my mother stuck her head in the gas oven because she'd spent the rent on food for 5 kids (my big brother pulled her out). We wore hand me downs and second hand clothing and wore socks on our hands in the winter because no one I knew could afford gloves or mittens. We were always hungry, ALL the time, it was relentless. Not starved, but always hungry. There were only 2 fat kids in the whole of our school and I suspect our teachers would have needed to look up the word 'obesity' in a dictionary if anybody had ever used it. But hey, I've never felt the need to bitch about what others have or had then, but then again I'm not a member of the 'entitled generation' that seem to do nothing else.

@beta1618 How exhaustively correct you are, brother. How little do you know how close to truth you are to reality, with only an hour of creative writing. My only question is who's paying you? Because I could use a cut of that.

@Yves Lemoine Its a Yamaha 2 stroke 5HP which is plenty. The Taka planes well and is fast enough to scare me when on my own, and plenty of push when loaded with people/provisions etc. I doubt the 3HP would get you on the plane but if that is not a biggie then that motor would be adequate too of course. I think they rate the boat up to 8 or 9HP but that would be surf-racer stuff! Good luck

@Peorhum that is strange hahaha, just looked out of place.

Trolls gonna troll. The patience in many attempts at common ground and conversation says all we viewers already know, Stew and Zaya deserve a look and a thumbs up

It's painful watching you guys deal with the coconuts!

Hey Ian, take a nap or something ! This is what he chose to do after working all his life. Maybe if you applied yourself a little more you could too, instead of knocking someone else. Not easy editing videos and trip planing to interesting places. That is what people are donating to him for, beats the hell out of what's on cable TV people pay for. Don't like the videos then don't donate, but don't piss and moan about it either way. What makes you think we care what you think of it any way. Get a life !

_The path to excess leads to the palace of wisdom_ William Blake Allegedly (how would I know?) there are web cam girls that can make $100..$200 for a few hours work for just taking off and putting back on clothing whilst looking sultry. Should we rage against them because they can make more in an hour then most of us are going to see in a day? I know a couple of super hot, super cute, Romanian women that are earning senior management / director level kind of pay - easily six figures - for camming and online modelling. Fair play to them. The internet is an awesome medium to make money; crypto currency trading, match betting, selling on Amazon / Ebay, programming / web design, Patreon, Facebook Advertising, web cam modelling, online borrowing and lending. Nothing stopping any of us (at least in the developed world) from going for it; dropping out of the rat race and just living an alternative lifestyle.

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