A Surfer Returns to the Beach

A Surfer Returns to the Beach

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Living. In the white sounds like a dream but in fact it's a reality for over a million people they call this place home. Ho. I life is a homegrown real-estate brokerage, that helps people from all walks of life connect, with this island paradise I, love, that I've never seen that before the range of properties in Hawaii is huge, from, $10,000, pots of lava to, $250,000. Starter homes these, 10 million dollar plus mansions, oh look, at this kitchen. Huge, here. It's definitely, not about bedrooms. And bathrooms, it's about, the lifestyle, oh wow, look at this this. Is perfect, this is how I like. My. Name is Eliza and, I'm keone and we're, looking for a house in East, Oahu I. Was. Born here in Hawaii I've been here my whole life, I grew up here born and raised on Oahu on the west side currently we are renting a three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath. And there. Are five of us so it's a little crowded, we. Have a lot of toys a lot of beach toys and, each. Toys are big, how, we got no. 3040. Surfboards, to find a home for I've. Never lived too far away from the beach, and I, was lucky, enough to make surfing a profession. I did that from when I was 17 to 24. It's. Still important, part of my life and, I like to share that with my family and my kids I still, get to kind of live the lifestyle and get in the water quite a bit. The. Ocean, and, everything Hawaii, has to offer it's a perfect place to live, and grow up and raise. A family. Jolyon. Eliezer meeting, with David buck hey. Old, friend of theirs and an agent with wildlife to discuss finding a new home in East Oahu what. Can we help you find here we. Are looking, for four-bedroom three-bath and. Prefer. A very child. Friendly neighborhood, because. There. Is a teenager, in the house and. She's gonna need her home bedroom and then, the two younger ones are, a girl and boy so. It's kind of hard for them to share a room okay. Maybe. A yard maybe, a pool. And. Maybe, close to the other yeah walking. Distance. Requirement. So we want to keep it under a million. The, major islands of Hawaii are the Big Island Maui Oahu and, Kauai Oahu. Is. The heart of Hawaii and home to over 85 percent of the state's population. Honolulu. Is the most developed region in the Hawaiian island chain it's this dense urban area. With, a pretty impressive skyline, and over 470, high-rises nestled. Between gorgeous, green volcanic, mountains and crystal-clear blue water a Wahoo. May be developed, but, it's really a naturally, beautiful island.

Family. Homes in Hawaii can be found for as little as a hundred thousand dollars however, East Oahu were keone analyzer are looking is one of the more expensive areas, around and, that's due to the fact that there's limited inventory, larger. Lot sizes, proximity. To downtown Honolulu. It's, also got access to some of the best beaches around there, are definitely more affordable areas. In Hawaii but, keone and Eliza have a 1 million dollar budget so that should give them access to some nice options, down there in the East Oahu area. Today, I'm really excited we, have three great properties we're, gonna be showing lies and keone. The. First property is in Kalani key estates. It's. Got this treetop, canopy when you drive in and, it's, just real lush, and green. It's. A fairly spacious home at 2700. Square feet I think that Kalani key home is perfect, for keone Eliza it's just about everything that they're looking for this, is a great location because, our, schools, are right there, it's right off the freeway so I really, love this location it's really convenient it's real peaceful and, if, the kids wanted to you know ride their bikes it's it's there's not a lot of traffic it's in town but. It feels like we're, in the country well we have here it's four, bedrooms two, and a half baths this one's priced at one one do, we have a yard there. Is no private, yard everything. Outside of the your walls are considered, common, elements so, you. Don't have to maintain, the landscaping. Association. Fees are $900. A month okay. The Association, dues were a little much for not having, a yard. Already. Here we go. Place. Is, completely. Remodeled, as you can see yeah it's really nice I love the flooring Wow this would be, referred to as the great room. You've. Got a nice open kitchen but. As you come in you'll see they didn't, spare any detail, here granite. Counters, stainless steel, appliances. I love this kitchen a perfect. Layout. But. As you could see it feels like you're in the treetops here just. Peaceful. And tranquil well, I think it's great they take advantage of the natural trade, winds and. Looks. Like they'll blow through the house pretty nicely in, afternoons, when the trades kick up. Well. The house was, well, thought out the, position, well with a lot of cross, ventilation in, there there's a lot of good points to taking, advantage of what Hawaii has to offer weather wise.

Nice. Open. Deck. Yeah and. You're underneath the canopy. Of this nice monkeypod, tree here, really nice I stay in the shade most of the day as the Sun goes over, correct. Yeah so you won't you won't get the hot afternoon yeah I loved, how the monkeypod. Tree just, came out over the other night, offered, some good shade in there. There. Was a beautiful, view from the lanai it, felt like you were in the trees. Here. Is your master, Oh. Your. Own private dick kind, of up at the top of the valley, here it, is so that's why it's just so quiet all yeah at least I think since we've been here all we've heard is the birds right yeah, seems. Really safe back here if, the kids are down there playing you got a great. Vantage point yeah get. Out of the creek. We've. Got the nice walk-in, closet. Wow. Space. Yeah I want to see that crawl space. Might. Be it'll fit a 20 or 30 surfboards, up in ya. Little. Bonus area. As. We come back you'll have three. Bedrooms for. The kids. Catches. They will be sharing a bathroom the, bathroom will pretty much belong to the 14 year old girl and. Finally, another, great, indoor, outdoor space, it's nice it feels like you're indoors but it just got the screens totally, screened in bug, free I love how there was the lanai on each level the kids had their own deck. Area and playroom do you think this will be a big enough yard for the kids we. Are close to the neighbors I like. To the yard, leave surfboards, all over the yard at times. Appreciate. That I'm having trouble with, $900.00. Association. Fees and I don't have my own yard I. Could. See that the yards common area would be a constant, struggle to keep our our, area to ourselves, but. There was a lot of neat places in the house. It's. Really nice. Turnkey. We have to do much at all yeah. Move. In and be done but. Would. Be great to see what else David has. Shoot. Down the canal hook all right you're on the ocean, you. See access, I think you just cast your line right up here and get some tilapia. The. Ocean teaches you a lot. Patience. Humility, respect. But, it's very grounding. The. Beach is a great outlet for the kids and. It's. Great exercise to, be in the ocean. Being, in the ocean and playing in there it's amazing. Sure tires them out they come home after a day at the beach and they're ready, to go down. Good. A healthy way to spend your day. Right. Now going to take Joanie analyzed left to seek gateway Peninsula, it's. A marina front townhome which I think to be right up their alley it's. Priced a 959. Thousand, which keeps us below their budget of 1 million it's. Three bedrooms two and a half baths so it may be lacking the bedrooms, that they're looking for but I think it might be a trade-off with. The lifestyle, and proximity to the water. It's. Gonna be a little bit further drive, from, town. And from schools. But. What you really are gonna gain here is access to the water marinas, need you can't, see the ocean but you're on the water which is kind of neat yeah this is just under mm. Fairly spacious, although. We are gonna sacrifice one bedroom it is this one is a three-bedroom two-and-a-half-bath. Okay. This, will give you the best perspective here on the corner you just shoot. Down the canal hooker, right you're on the ocean okay. You. See access, pretty, easy access, I think. You just cast, your line right up here and catch some tilapia. I'm. Easy catch yeah. The, Marine is cool yeah. Nice to be on the water even, if we aren't, beachfront. But you have access to the ocean and the cool thing about the, boku al marinas you can paddle. To shops, and restaurants. So. Now why don't we go take a look inside all right so. You come through this gate oh, ha. Once. Again another great room that's got a lot of multi, uses yeah how big it is so cool. Put a new tiles. New. Windows, got the newer upgraded. Jealousy, windows. It's. A nice breeze that comes in good. No trades, fluoride and very, nice. One. Good thing was open floor plan I thought they did a great job opening. It up to elements. Outside, look. At this kitchen, Wow. Obvious, where the focus. Of the house is the, cellar here is a kitchen designer and they, spared no expense, I love, this counter, cool-looking, backsplash, yeah, it's, been a good deal of time in the kitchen yeah I don't know. Be. Good the kitchen will work great the, kitchen it'd be a happy place and it'd be really easy to get, everything done and feel, like you're part of the family in there. Here. You have your master yeah. You. Get a little bit of a view of the water right here oh we're. At the end of them yeah we. Have to see this bathroom they put the same amount of detail that they did in the kitchen here. And. Check. Out these built-ins. On. Both, sides, oh nice. Wood paneling.

Between. The bathroom in the kitchen you don't need any more house. One. Difference about what we've just came from is this, one's only gonna have three. Bedrooms, yeah so, this, is gonna be bedroom number two. And. Then right, around the corner here we have bedroom number three. It's. Kind of tight on the second floor I just think it's. Might. Be hard I. Don't. Know if that's an option for us at this point just because we're. Too restricted, with the three bedrooms I think, we can find four so I want to continue to look. The. Next property I'm gonna show you lies on keone is on Neihu place which, is in Aina Haina it's the largest property we're seeing and. It's actually, got four full bedrooms, three full bathrooms, it's, got a covered patio and it's got a big, backyard for the kids to play in and a cool-looking mango tree great. Wonderful there's a park yeah, there's a street I like, the neighborhood is, it close enough the, walking distance yeah, with. The park right there and it being pretty close to the beach but it, was jackpot, it's a four, bedrooms three baths and it's, just. Over 2,900. Square feet under roof this, one is priced at a million $2.99, over. I feel, you're gonna really see. The value okay, all right we'll see and you're. Also not gonna have the maintenance fees like some of the other properties right okay all right wanna take a look. This. Place is just all the separation. Of space. I. Believe. So it's. Attached, it's, probably, one of the more unique privacy. Type of partitions, I've seen the thing is when we walked into the main room you, don't see bedrooms. I didn't even know the rooms we're back there they're really neat flow and it's a really cool feature I really like that so. As we get back here you've got two different bedrooms I thought it'd be perfect for IVA. And for, Kauai yeah. Good. Face room this. Would be the coolest room in the house I would, think so just the way that the trade ones would be coming through yeah oh these are great windows. Another. Bedroom here also already, got the built-ins. I really. Like the layout it seems like it gave everybody a lot of space it's. Separated. Everybody, enough so it would be quiet enough when people wanted to go to sleep. Already. So, here you have your kitchen. It's. An efficient, workspace it's. A little small. But. It's a nice space that's efficient, it, was a very practical layout, with the kitchen sort of being in the center or it's just an ideal place for entertaining. And I really like that. It's. The biggest selling point here it's it's nearly, quarter acre okay. This, is great for. Entertaining it's a great outdoor, lanai space you've. Got a big. Yard. For the kids to play in yeah, this. House was, actually. Excellent. In terms of the. Amount of space we'd have for the kids I already see the master yes, alrighty, oh. Wow. This is face up, yeah, yeah. There's enough room for a, home office in here oh yeah. You. Could put about three or four master beds in here. The. Master bedroom. Closet, and bathroom, were. Amazing. Is huge yeah big. That's. A big giant. Room, you. Know it opened, up they had the French doors going out right to the to. The yard and the patio and the lanai so that. Was nice. So. In addition to the flat. Quiet street this is a community park one of several in Aina Haina but literally, I lived in Aina Haina for 13 years before I even knew, about this park yeah, it was really quiet just kind of tucked away back here here's. Your backyard if. You're if your own backyard wasn't big enough yeah, wow. This, is great. This. Is amazing, for, two little kids would, love this I thought, so yeah it, might be worth a little extra, being next to a park on a dead-end street walking, distance to the beach for, the big house this house was, actually. Excellent. In terms of the. Amount of space we'd have for the kids but, because, the price point was so high we, wouldn't have anything extra to to. Add to it I. Think. It's time to take, everything into account price, location. All. That now we're just gonna have to think, about which one we want the best and, go. For it. You. So. They're. All nice, what. Do you think Lonnie inky Hawaii, iki, was probably, the, nicest in, terms of the, remodel, yeah, definitely. Turnkey, beautiful, floors I love the kitchen I love the three stories, every.

Floor, Had that aspect, of treehouse. Yeah beautiful, and I took. Advantage of everything that Valley, has to offer my. Problem. With that is that there. Was no yard no, yard we just have to keep it real clean so we share the yard with neighbors. It'd. Be far. From the beach we'd, be meeting. Rides to. And from the beach up. And down the hill with a skateboard, yeah. But. I was my I don't know, he's my favorite and turns out the house and the space itself. Okay. So the conduit gateway Peninsula, on, the water could, build a dock yep, make, it easier to perhaps it gonna both could get a little boat zodiac. Yeah the house is built around the kitchen big, spacious, if someone would have to sleep in that kitchen. Small. It'd. Be pretty small for us and, there really was no yard Yeah right. Beyond. The water maybe, now we're I, think we crossed that one off, okay. So, no marina. So. That leaves us. I. Like. That place felt like home yeah, and. All the necessary. Requirements. 4-bedroom. 3-bath, flat. Street, walking. Or biking, distance, to. The ocean 10-minute, walk to here yeah. Here's part. How's, that yeah, living, right a car thank you right yeah the backyard and, the kitchen was so much smaller it was the probably the worst kitchen in a, way that we had seen yeah. Malon kind. Of maxing out on price yeah. That's a little over budget what we would have for, any. Type of remodeling. Between. Kewanee iki and, new. Who plays okay. Gonna. Have to be one of those other two they're both nice, let's. Tell Dave. Hey. That's. It good. All right have, you had some time to talk and, think. About it yeah I have. You've. Decided yeah. Yeah. It. Came down to Kalani. Ikki and Nate who plays. And. We, debated. But. Dave. Who plays Hey yeah, Ida Heine come, in the valley Valley, I think that's a good choice this should they do they just had so many great, things about it all right so many intangibles. Proximity. To the ocean the. Park yard. Four-bedroom. Three-bath, no. Common area our own area it's, a good decision, yeah it's just sad some. Intangibles, the other places didn't have alrighty. So I've got some work to do so let's, go see, what we could put together all, right all righty Hey. Keone. Analyzes, offer of 1.28, 5 million was accepted, by the seller. We. Couldn't be happier with the place we got it's gonna let, us take advantage of everything you love so much about Hawaii, the weather the beach the, space we've. Got it all I can see this being the last movie. This house just perfectly. Embodies, our lifestyle, and what we're looking for in a house all along. You.

2019-03-11 12:12

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