A Local Journey Through Latin America S1 Ep 02

A Local Journey Through Latin America S1 Ep 02

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foreign as we move throughout Central America there are still a few countries we cannot miss they are rich in biodiversity and fauna which attracts foreigners to experience eco-tourism join us in this local journey through Latin America [Music] thank you [Music] telling us about Nicaragua is it's cell moved from Nicaragua to Canada when she was just a little girl but even though she moved quite young its cell still preserves her Nicaraguan roots and traditions [Music] I'm from Nicaragua it's right at the heart of Central America that's where it is I was born in what they call San Carlos Rio San Juan right at the border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica the river divides both countries Nicaragua has 15 municipalities and two autonomous regions which are in the Atlantic coast the capital city of Nicaragua's Manawa [Music] there's quite a few ethnic groups in Nicaragua there's um of course kind of like here in Canada you know natives some are descendants from the Aztecs and then we have in the Atlantic coast there's different groups there are seven indigenous groups in Nicaragua these include the Navajo who live in the center and north of the Pacific region of Nicaragua others include the shadow Tega misquito sutiyaba Rama mayanga and kakaupera who live in the Caribbean coast of the country [Music] and also blacks who came during the slave trade when the Spaniards came a Nicaragua there's we speak Spanish primarily but also English in the Atlantic coast again they speak English Creole they have the accent same as the Jamaican English just like that and then they speak Native Native languages like countries currency is but of course the American dollar is also used all the time so they usually have so much so much cordless but then they usually ask to be paid in American dollars Nicaragua has many dishes but it's known the most popular one is El nakatamal which is a different version I think all Latin countries or most Latin countries have a version of the Tamal made of corn but Nicaragua is called nakatamal we also have another popular dish you can find it at any park or Market wherever you go it's called bigorong which is made of cassava with pork rind and then cabbage salad on top and today my mom will be making a cacao so it's a cocoa drink that has quite a few ingredients so beef the night before you have to make a big bowl with some rice in there with cloves cinnamon and of course the cacao or cocoa this drink is very popular during for example on the December 7th we celebrate Immaculate Conception so people do the rosary at their homes and people comment that's one of the drinks that they served it's very popular also during birthday parties any special location you will serve this drink [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] these are rosquias they are made in Nicaragua they're straight from Nicaragua actually they are made of corn and cheese and they put a bit of lard in there so that's why they taste good because they're not really good for you but they taste good because they have a bit of large and it's very popular you have it with your black coffee in the morning you actually can dip it in the coffee and you have it for breakfast with a cacao a lot of people eat it like that too [Music] we have a huge celebration on December 7th again La Purisima Immaculate Conception everybody makes an altar at your house at the porch most homes in Nicaragua have a porch on the outside and then they make an altar and they put the image of Virgin Mary and people almost like Halloween where there's a tickle trick in Nicaragua you come and sing songs for La Purisima and so then you people get treats and a lot of the times you they get a glass of cacao La Purisima is the patroness of Nicaragua so most of the countries cost like 80 percent so they will come and celebrate yeah [Music] okay so you have your beautiful mom with you today yes can you tell us what she's wearing well my mom is wearing one of the traditional dresses in Nicaragua it's actually made in Messiah where we have descendants of the Aztecs so they're very good at doing all this kind of work this one is it's worn this dress is worn almost on a daily basis some people I wear it on a daily basis if not for special occasions for celebrations especially in September which is um Independence Day kind of think it is September 14th 15th it's the national um days of Independence in Nicaragua and so um usually people wear this we have another one that is called uh we peel and it's very elaborate more so than this but this is more popular the the other one that we peel is worn only just for like folkloric presentations when people are gonna dance in that but this one is for everyday use and as you can see it's got a lot of embroidery and people do love the huge flowers the bright colors that's what people like the most and in Messiah they have a huge Market It's actually an Old Colonial building where they have made it a market and people from all over the world come and buy these kind of things as souvenirs foreign [Music] [Music] beaches their beautiful tropical country there's been a new influx of people who like to go obviously to um the beaches but not just to swim but also to do some Echo um what do you call it ecotourism it's it's known for that also if there is a volcanoes they you can go see a huge volcano in a city called masaya and they think which is not good that's the entrance of Hell which is kind of weird but a lot of people like going there and you can see the lava flowing it's a very active volcano it's active all the time so people go there and they they see the lava and that's very popular for all tourists there's a lot of Canadians who go there actually also it's um you can go to one of the huge volcanoes in nicara when you can it's called el ceronegro and you can actually slide all the way down from the top all the way down and it's almost like when you go sliding here on the snow over there you go and go all the way down from the volcano I wouldn't do it myself but people love that it's actually on YouTube and um they think it's they think it's very nice to do it mostly Echo tourism though and the beaches and sun yeah Nicaragua does have a slogan it's called the land of lakes and volcanoes that's what it's called wherever Anika goes outside of Nicaragua that's what they say actually it's on shirts [Music] um Antonio Arriaga Valdez is the honorary Consul of Costa Rica in British Columbia Ariaga is going to introduce us to Costa Rican culture and highlight the importance of biodiversity in the country [Music] my first and last name is Antonio Arriaga Valdez what we do as an honorary council is to be a bridge between this case Costa Rican British Columbia a bridge can be used in both sides with a purpose to help one to each other and the Consular Affairs will be a passport could be documents could be business could be tourism Costa Rica located in the same continent American continent always called America from Alaska to Chile and we are in the center we call Central America in Central America at the end we have Costa Rica we are between Panama and Nicaragua is where we are located the capital city of Costa Rica San Jose Costa Rica is divided into seven provinces which are then divided into 81 cantons that are then divided into 478 districts people from Costa Rica living in British along with around we are around 200. the population size in Costa Rica is 5 million inhabitants foreign they are different ethnic groups in Costa Rica we have the scholar in Canada First Nation where aboriginals in Costa Rica comprising around 114 000 people or 2.4 percent of the population these include the uetas we have mestizos the majority we are mestizos then we have Europeans we have people from Asia and of course we have from Africa besides Spanish Costa Rican second language is English is teach everywhere in Costa Rica it's I don't say compulsory but it's something that the people wants to learn and the teachers want to teach the Costa Rican currency is the cologne like Cristobal Columbus is colon and it's the bills are very very colorful by the way they are made in Canada can I have one of the best production of bills around the world we have the Morpho butterfly have a monkey a white tail a deer environment from the fauna we have in our builds mainly the Costa Ricans come to Canada brings the friendly approach to the environment because we grow with that principle the environment is very important so that's what we bring to British Columbia Costa Rica known for different dishes but mainly is what we call the gallopinto is a spotted Rose Roost and also the Casal a merryman and we have some other ones that are based beans rice vegetables that's our staple food can I ask which was your favorite Costa Rican dish a good very good question for me is arroz con pollo roscompoyo is chicken with rice but every person has a way to put a little things different and that's what I love and I love that one prepared by my wife one of the country's most beloved meals while revealing what this dish means to him uh my name is I am from Costa Rica I cooked Gago pinto and pico de gallo on the side so for the beans we use garlic onion bell pepper some oregano I actually added some chili peppers so it was a little bit spicy so the beans it's usually around three or four hours to cook because you cook them on a slow cooker so all the flavors mixed together and then for the rice it's like onion and garlic [Music] for the pico de gallo we use tomato onion cilantro olive oil salt um and then use the plantain for the plantain slices [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah so you can find it anywhere in Costa Rica uh we eat it all across the country it's very popular everywhere you go you'll find it for breakfast lunch or dinner with plantain or with chicken or pork or so yeah basically you'll find it anywhere and you can actually even find it at fast food restaurants uh just because it's the typical thing there to eat so it brings back memories of back home of my childhood and my grandma my mom we used to eat it as I said multiple times during the week so it brings back memories from back home yeah for sure my grandma was the one who thought me uh how to cook well I really just watched her and then once I grew you know older and I had to cook I just mimic it and it turns out pretty good [Music] [Music] I it's probably my second one because my favorite dish ever is ceviche but that's like we have it all across Latin America yeah but that would be my favorite one but Gayo Pinto is up there with them it's really good [Music] our national dresses in Costa Rica are based on the history the Spanish influence but what we have I want to show it to you this is this one is a paint in a National Theater of Costa Rica in 1890 and have the ladies who are working in the coffee plantation a happy moment for the Costa Ricans to do that with the dresses and those dresses are the base of course each province has their own dress is basically the same with the colors or maybe some decoration and the hair or maybe something develops but basically this is the way where we have where country is known for different things but I will emphasize just in three of them maybe more one is that the Army was a abolished in 1948 so we don't have an army well known for that also the country is the 25 percent of the national territory Costa Rican territory is a protected area also we have in the 0.03 percent of the surface of land and we have the 25 percent of the foundan Flora the biodiversity of the world so this is well known for that we believe that happiness is important but happiness is something that is sustained you have inside the First Coast Costa Rican Constitution was after the Independence was not Constitution was called pact of Harmony because that's what we believe and that's what the people likes everywhere to be in harmony I will try that our tour of this beautiful countries has not ended in the next episode we'll take a trip to the Caribbean where I know some of these countries will bring a little warmth into your home in this local journey through Latin America [Music] foreign

2023-09-24 01:22

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