A Guide to: Upper Nidderdale, Yorkshire Dales

A Guide to: Upper Nidderdale, Yorkshire Dales

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The, rivers of the Yorkshire Dales normally, give a name to that Dale and it's, no different here on knitted ale the river need flows down it it means bright, shining water we're. Starting at the top of the Dale at middles more and travelling all the way down to pay tree bridge the market town for the area near. Middle small other two reservoirs, at the top which you can walk around and if, you're consuming a bit more exciting. That's how seeing gorge and its water based activities, or something. A bit more sedate bird-watching. On Golf Lake Reservoir and if industrial, archaeology, is your thing there are the remnants, of the old lead mines or if, you're interested in art there's a spectacular. Sculpture overlooking. The last working quarry, in the area it's, all here and more, on knitted, ale. You. Openid, Adele isn't quite in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, but. Since 1988. Has, been a designated. Area of outstanding natural, beauty. It's. Easy access father main road the, be sixty to sixty-five that, runs between Harrogate, and grassing ttan a pate, Lee bridge. From. This market town it's 30 miles, or 21, kilometers, to a valley head of the river Ned Valley. Head ends with various know through roads all, traffic, has to pass through Lofthouse where. We're starting to. The, left is a village, school. And. Where the red mini is coming down but, is the road from Assam we'll, be looking at there a little later on. Now. Note the brown tourists, sign that, points right to go to the reservoirs. And. Take. The permissive Road that belongs to Yorkshire water it's. Almost four miles or six and a half kilometres, up to the reservoirs. The. First buildings, are that of a volunteer, fire station, the. Road is open all the time along. Here and even beyond the reservoir, War our farms, and houses. The. First part of Road was a track bed of a railway line that was you to carry building, materials, of the construction, of the two reservoirs at the top of the valley. The. Valley here is all, limestone. The. Infant river need is over, in the trees to the right there's, a pothole where. The water has eroded along a weak fissure, and the water when, in flood drops, down to underground, caverns, and reappears, further downstream, here. The railway veers left previous. Blocked up tunnel on a lower, gradient, going through tunnels, and cuttings, whereas. The road starts, to climb quite, steeply, in parts. The. Railway was constructed. In 1904. It. Came up the valley from the main railway line at Paisley Bridge and there, were stations at waffle bath wait and Loftis where, the passenger, service ended, passengers. Were able to use a line until 1929. When. The reservoirs, were completed, in 1936. Was, dismantled. As. We climb up the valley we leave a limestone behind. And enter, millstone, grit country, the. Reason why their reservoirs, were constructed, so high up as the, more solid rock can contain, water. 1,200. People worked on the project over a 32, year period. They. Lived up here where, temporary, village was built. 65. Bungalows, for managerial, staff whilst. The laborers lived in 10 hostels, accommodating, 50 each there. Was a school a cinema. And a small hospital, all, of the services included, hot and cold water inside.

Toilets, And electricity. They. Were much better than those who lived in the nearby villages. Up. Here, you can see in the distance great. And little wound side on the water shop between knitter, Dale and Wharfedale the. Waters draining this site formed the river Ned although. They can't be seen as it flows through both, angam, and scar house reservoirs. There, are two reservoirs. Although, Angra miss harder to see as it is an abend at the top of the valley they, were built by Bradford corporation. And, the water was carried over vadik's and through tunnels, to Bradford 32, miles away water. Takes 8 hours from, here to, get to Bradford. Scar. House is a large river - in fact it's double the size of anger on the, reservoirs, are around 120. Feet deep or 36. Meters scour. House covers, 173. Acres, of 70, hectares, and holds. Two thousand, two hundred and fifty million, gallons, of water the dam, wall is 233. Feet or 71, meters high, and all built in a Scottish baronial style. Even. Though it's out of sight of Bradford itself but, the city fathers wanted, to impress even, if only for themselves when, it was opened. As. A four mile six, and a half kilometre, path around scar, house and, in the carpark, our information, board a toilet. And the, seasonal, cafe. So. Now, let's turn around and, go back to the main road. From. Here we're, going to turn right to middles, more suddenly about a mile away or one and a half kilometers, but it's all uphill. The. Economy, of middles, more largely, Searcy estate that managed to grouse more just beyond the. Known has around 40 permanent, residents, and for, the first time in over a hundred years its population, is growing there. Are also working farms here for, about 30 in this part of the valley but. Village sits on the platform, that divides a knit Valley at the right to that of a house seen Valley at the left. You. First see the Methodist, chapel on the right was, built in 1890. It, became redundant in, the 1980s, has now, been converted, into a house. To. The right where, the house is being built is the cup of laying down to the church some. Chad's the. Church dates from 1866. The. Parish up here is called stone back up but, today is part of a parish of urban mazzard which is to the north, the. Preaching, cross could date back to the seventh century a sin, chant was the Bishop of Litchfield, in Staffordshire, between, 664. And 672. And. Is said to have preached deer was, found in a churchyard in, an early 1900's the, view from the churchyard would, be very different just over a hundred years ago girlfight, reservoir opened, in 1894. In the, very background are wind turbines, that were built in, 2007. Along, the Harrogate, to Skipton Road. This. Was a blacksmith's, cottage, and there's, a stone trough nearby, the. Crown opened, as a hotel in 1818. Before. That it stood just below, what's, called the king's head and then the license, was transferred, to here the. Building attached to the right is a former, post office further. On on the right is a middle more Institute, in fact two buildings, built in 1869. The, high one was the village school and the lower one used for social events and night classes. The. Barn just, after that is used by the gamekeepers. During the grouse shooting season and more, new houses, are being built at the bottom of the track that leads to the Moors. Let's. Return down the road and go see the geological, feature of house seeing Gorge. Housing. Or bleh Shore Gill as it's sometimes known is a tributary, Vallot of an ED and in the Middle Ages the land was split between by land a be around, 40, miles or 64, kilometers, away to the east and fountains, abbey 20. Miles of 32. Kilometres to the east in fact, stone from here a limestone, called, glacial marble, was used to build the Abbey this, valley was created by a glacier that, cut down through the millstone, grit to the limestone base let's done beard the owner of house team gorge the, story. Well. I walk down through the fields of middles more to house team gorge now this is the point where the infant river need carves, a spectacular. Ravine through the rock I'm, joined by the owner Stan, beer now when I first used to walk here many years ago we always just refer this area obvious.

Reasons, As Little Switzerland but, can you tell us exactly the. Geological. Origins of this place, I'm. Stone was laid down 350. Million, years ago on, the acquaintance, on the equator a long way from here run away from here finally. It's moved, speed, of a growing fingernail, so. If you don't put your nails within 50 million. Years you look, this. Full. Of coral, you. Can see crinoids. And brachiopod fossils. In the ground you. Can pick up. Coral. In. The stream bed. The. Page. Structure, that was here a lot of it. Dissolved. Before the, Ice Age intertubes, and, completely. Submerged. Caves. Of water when. The ice age came it cut through, the. Lower level levels, of these and it let the water drain out and, then it's formed other. Cave systems, lower down with the erosion. Sort. Of getting the rose and a lot of paint comes off the Moors that's. Acid against the, alkali. Lying. In. Cities. All so, they could come here and obviously just to marvel. At the geology but they're all sorts of practical things you can see here in a day out as well aren't they what if what can I do well. The. Geology. And. Corner. Our Marvis, but we also do. Activities. For. All. Age groups the, schools, are coming for years doing. Upselling world walking we, throw the door over the general public can we do up sailing Georgia. Walk in here for art. Paving. Both. Worlds, the limit, so, a full day before we descend, here. Thank. You very much indeed, well this river the made it runs in the news and the news runs, into the harbour street but out to the North Sea now. Let's return to loft house like, all the other villages on the valley they started, life as Granger's sheep, thumbs to the Abbey's and that's, how it got its name two-story. House. The. Golden Age of loft house was when the reservoirs, were being built there's. A railway station here, so, people could travel to and from Paisley bridge indeed. Catch, a train to there and travel, further afield. Meant. That the pub the crown not, only server construction. Workers but also most visitors, who could now come quickly and cheaply at the dáil today. It's those locals, as well as those on nearby caravan, and camping, sites. There's. Also a memorial hall to those who died in World War one at the top of the carpark is a former, rehearsal, room of the loft house of Middle's more silver band were folded in, 2017. And the former drinking, fountain, has also been remodeled, into a War Memorial. The. Road through the village which can be gated at the far end leads, to masam about ten miles or 16 kilometers away and, was only tarmacked, in the 1950s. From. Lofthouse there's, a two and a half mile or four kilometer, gap before, the next villages, bow, wait and run scale the, river need is on the right-hand side the, rivers 59 miles of 95. Kilometers, long and joins. The river who's that nun Moncton, near York. After. The dissolution of the abbeys by Henry v8 in 1539. He, sold the lands off eventually. Came into the hands of a York family in 1774. Who, held them until 1924. Just. Before the bridge over the mid is a turn to the left that gets the hamlet of Bath wait add range to Fountains Abbey of over. Metal row comes to a dead end it continues, as a drovers, road where, woolen pack horses were, taken over to fountains abbey.

The. News Li one of the properties, was the Methodist, chapel and natal been converted, into a house. Returning. To the bottom of the road with crosses, in it bridge and are in random skill as it name suggests another, sheep farm, this time belonging to buy land Abbey. The. Large village Green has a fountain, an animal, water trough the, former york arms looks across the green many. People used to head here as it was an award-winning, restaurant, including be michelin-starred. Under, chef Frances, Atkins, but, closed in 2020. The. Adjoining building was once a village school. Further. Around in the corner is Rams, guild studio, the, working studio, of artist, Sarah Garth who, also sells, traditional, crafts. Also. On the green is the War Memorial and, across, the road is what looks like a chapel but, is in fact the parish rooms the, church is just around the corner on the road out. It's. Modern, vast, estate was built in 1842. And funded. By the York family and is dedicated to some marry. But. If you go around the back you can see the remains of a chapel built in the 12th century by the monks of Island Abbey. Gelfling, reservoir, is two miles long and that the Ramsey Island is a small car park and picnic spot and. If. You cross the road there is a viewing platform to, watch the birds on the ings. And. Was completed, in 1901, as a compensation, reservoir. Its, job was to regulate, the flow of water in the river need because at that time water. Was taken off by aqueducts to meet the needs of the city of Bradford and all that of course before they built scar house and anger and reservoirs, now, it was the woolen industry in, Bradford, which needed so much water sadly. Today there's not much of that industry left apart from a few specialized. Textile. Products, the. Winding road hugs the edge of the reservoir and just, past the end there, is a turning left over, a narrow path off bridge to the hamlet of woth. Roth, is an Old Norse word for, Ford that runs alongside the, bridge the. Packhorse bridge was built in the 16th, century and, has to be widened, nearly 19th, century as it wasn't wide enough for the farm carts, in order to avoid a long journey around especially, when the water was deep they, took the wheel off the cart and ran the axle along the parapet. Surprisingly. There's a pub here the Sportsman's arms, however. It originally. Was a house woth, grange and converted. Into a pub in 1910. Emerged. Behind, a pub is a former, mill, records. Revealed that there was a corn mill here around 1500. But. In the 1770s. Knitted. L became a major center, of flax spinning, and this became a flax mill was, in operation, until around 1840.

When, Neseber, Unbounce lee then became the center of the industry, in Yorkshire, was. Rebuilt, in 1880, and became, a corn mill once again. Further, along the road is this tiny Methodist, chapel squeezed. Onto the end of a row of cottages in 1859. From. Five walls of an equal length and this lesson 25, square foot inside. This. Very narrow road continues ahead, of the side of a valley to Paisley bridge but, we're now going to return to the main Valley Road we're. Now heading for Heath field on Foster Beck and the lead mind that once dominated industry. Here since Roman, times. Many, visitors come to Nadal's do so to walk along its miles of paths the. Most notable, being the knitted elway a 53, mile or 85, kilometer, long, distance, footpath, that starts at Ripley, just outside Harrogate. Develop, one side of a valley and goes down the other. The. Prosperous, led mine is on the knitter Dale way it, can also be reached by path from a flea bridge or green Howell Hill the. Circular, walked about six miles or 10 kilometers, or you. Can ask it whenever Caravan, sites here to leave your car by the end of a track leading to the mine it's, about a mile or one, and a half kilometre, walk on a track, that is fairly flat. The. Romans mind for Galena the or of lead in this area as they used it for water pipes then. In the medieval period the Abbey's did so too they. Needed vast quantities, of lead for their roofs was. Still in demand in the 18th century still. For roofing material, but also for ammunition. The. Lead industry in Yorkshire came to an end in the 1870s. But. Some minerals are being reclaimed from the spoil heaps since then. The. Prosperous, mine is just one of several mines here but, the only one that has been conserved. Up. There on the skyline, that's, the village of Greene how near. Where we're going to finish this journey. Now. We're, heading to the principal town of the Dale Paisley. Bridge. After returning for main road with passing, foster back mill and, the bridge in this. Also is a flax mill that produced linen and was built in 1864. So. Much of the story of knitted ale is about water it's no surprise therefore, to come across a splendidly. Preserved, waterwheel, like this at the old foster Beck mill near, paint Lee bridge now. This mill has had various manifestations, after. It stopped being a mill it became a pub and now it's been turned into flats, but, at one time there were mills like this all over, yorkshire, they were situated. Next to streams, which drain the water from the hills which, provided the power for. The mills and, the, license was transferred, to the former mill managers, house and the, mill converted, into flats. And. Usually pate, Lee bridge wasn't mentioned in the Domesday book of 1086 a, book, produced for William the conquerer to let him know about almost every village in England and their, assets. Painted. Bridge was first mentioned in the 12th century of pathway, break the. Path bridge in the forest clearing. At. This Junction we meet the grassing, ttan to Skipton road it, meets on the 18th century bridge over, the river need to, Turnpike, roads toll, roads one. Coming from Ripon, in 1751. And the other from Nazareth, in 1756. Just. Over the bridge it's where the railway line crossed the, railway came in 1862. Was. Paid for by ver Metcalf family who owned the Glass Houses flax, mill complex, a little lower down and a brewery in the village itself. Line.

Closed In 1964. And the goods yard is now a carpark there's a sculpture by Joseph hatin on the former, turntable. Showing, those who shaped the day of a monk, a shepherd, and a lead miner. The. Village is really one long street rising, up the valley side, there. Are little slides roofs off it on the, left-hand side just beyond whether heads butchers established, in 1876. Is Kings, Court a courtyard, of shops. The. Country where shop cyclin. Was, once the king's head the. Crown beyond was rebuilt, in 1767. As, an inn and post office from where goods were carried, then. On the left is a top at hotel built. In late 18th, century as, a star in clothes. As a pub in 1983. And is now a tea room come bed-and-breakfast. Note. The steps Beach would help keep the feet dry from the dirt of cattle, coming to and from the market. Then. We come to the oldest, sweet shop in the world and, is validated, so in the Guinness Book of World Records. Even. Though the sweet shop dates from 1827. The, building is dated, 1661. Hello. Now. As mentioning humbugs just now do you have any we do. Right. Say no more I got to make a choice I'm like enough just a very, little packet or the ones with the toffee Center please. Golden. Humbugs all right listen. I just want you to know this is for me it's not for the birds. Nobody. Hank you've ever stayed torched. A pound of us. Thank. You very much indeed. We'll. Be coming back down along the side street above it the. Pate leak lub our right has a date zone 1664. Later. Became the pub of Metcalfe's brewery, but had joined it nearly. 20th, century in the conservative, Club which, it still is. Then. At the top left, is the fox's, head well this. Axis turn on the rippin road further round but, was moved here in the 1970s. But, canopy dates from 1852. Carry. Straight on up the street road called old church lane, some. Mary's was first mentioned in 1321. As a Chantry. Chapel to Ripon Cathedral. It, became disused. As it's, a steep 404. Tour 122. Meter climb up here and sink, cuff boots was built in the town in 1826. The. Tower. Was added in 1691. And in, 1720. For the body the church was reconstructed. It. Was continued. To be used after, 1826. Indeed. Burials. Still take place appear, in a new churchyard. Locals. Had a strong, affinity with Church hence, it was never knocked down. Let's. Go back down onto the road above the oldest, sweet shop called Church Street. What, has been since 1968. The home of the patron Dramatic, Society was. Originally a primitive, Methodist, chapel and built in 1859. The same, year that the Odd Fellows, Hall next, door was built, which. Was a friendly, Club you paid money in to provide income in case of ill health or, accident, and could, socialize here. Further. On on the left is a former courthouse, and original. Police station, built in 1897. The. Court closed in 1995. And out in the junction the road right is Tawaf and up the steps is the church this. Is some tough births the church that was built in 1826. To replace some Mary's. The. 15th century spell is presumed, to have come from Fountains, Abbey the. Latin inscription says, some, Peter pray, for us. If. We. Head straight across, the road at the junction, we come to the former workhouse that was built in 1863. And in use until 1925. People. Who were poor ill or old was sent here even, children they, had to undertake hard menial, tasks in a very strict environment, it, is now been knitted L museum, and opened. In 1975. It has a large series of rooms that look at local life crafts. Industry. And recreations. Are scenes in shops and workshops. Behind. Are a series of art workshops, which are generally open to the public including, the studio sculptor, Joseph hatin alongside. Those, of working artists including glass blowers, a ceramicist. Jewellers. And an, art gallery. Now. Let's, move down King, Street it runs, parallel to the high street, we. Have the police station on the left behind the Old Courthouse. Opposite. Isn't cuff but school that was built in 1875. Likes. Car house reservoir, it too is in the Scottish baronial style. In. 1948. It became a high school but, when the high school was built in the village in 1981. It continues. As a primary, school. At. The bottom ahead our flats, that now stand on the former railway and, the road to the right Millfield. Street has a building, called the Coco house this.

Was In essence, a temperance, hotel that. Opened in 1879. As, a cafe, where, there's somewhere to socialize, that wasn't selling alcohol, also. Included, a Mechanics, Institute when, night classes were held for. Coco calf it didn't last long in 1893. In the Liberal Club and since, 1966. Has been a social club. Now. If we turn right we're, back over the bridge. Just. Over the bridge at left is the entrance to bewdley park the, hole that stood there the home of a York family, was demolished in 1925. The. Lost agricultural. Show the season is held at pate libre j-- it's, the knitted I'll show it. Takes place in bewdley Park as it has done since the very first show back in 1895. Indeed. The park was bought by the society in 1925. Here. You'll find some of our smaller, animals, as well, as those we all loved dogs. And probably, the most goats, or ever like the meat in one place. They're. Also attractions. In the main ring this. Year it was Cossack, riders who entertained the crowds. Once. The show is over we'll be time to start planning all over again for next year and wondering, what new challenges there will be to overcome. But, it's cannonballs that we come to see and they, always have the last word. We. Passed the end of the road but leads up the Dale. And. If you take the left turn as a road begins to rise this, takes you to Beulah which, was mentioned in the domesday book the, road goes past the agricultural. Market, and just, through the village tucked away is pure. LaGrange Chapel that was built in 1494. By Marmaduke, Hubie the, abbot of Fountains Abbey from, 1495. To 1526. It. Was a chapel, for the monks that lived at the grange that, once stood behind the chapel after. The dissolution the, chapel, uses, a house and from, 1678. To 1831. Was a school. 1965. It was restored and returned, to use as a chapel, on the, exterior east wall is a Latin motto of Marmaduke, UB it, translates, as honor and, glory to God alone. The. Road through Beulah is an alternative, and we're going to follow later on climb, steep leopard grit stone outcrop, called guys cliff, and, on top is a rock feature called the Crocodile, Rock not. Named after the Elton John song, though, from. Here you'll see a short walk away York's. Folly, in. The late 18th century when trade was depressed the, York family employed, workers for a shilling a day 5p. Approximately. Four pounds, in today's money to. Build a folly on top of guys cliff, originally. It had three arches, but, one was hit by lightning in, the late 19th, century and, collapsed. The. Road up here goes, to hilltop villages, lower down knitter Dale but. We're heading on the steep road out to pate Lee bridge up Greenhow, Hill the robe at least aggressing, turn and the Dale's auto oddly, on the outskirts, of Leeds it's, three miles five, kilometres, to the top a climb, of, 1380. Feet or 420. Meters to. One of the highest villages, in Yorkshire Green hell. We're. Almost here, above, a prosperous, lead mind seen earlier. As. The road flattens, out look, for the signpost, that cold stones cut there's, a small car park opposite. Here. There's Tov gate lime kill only a few steps away from the car park which. Was built in the 1860s when, there's a huge demand for lime not, only as a fertilizer but. Also for mortar, during the construction boom in Victorian, times and was, in use until the 1890s. Coal. Was brought up from the railway station at Peyton bridge by steam-powered traction, engines what, else could get up that hill at that time carrying such a quantity. The, cold was packed in the bottom of the kiln then lime stone chips from the nearby quarry put, on top by a crane tipping it in it burned, at 800, degrees and, the, lime powder.

Quicklime, Collected. At the bottom was dug out and loaded onto carts. Behind. Is a gate and a broad footpath, that climbs the hillside, and, looking up towards the summit there you think what earth is that it looks like a sort of what a series, of stone, circles, but, in fact it's a sculpture it's, called cold stone cuts and it's by the sculptor Andrew, 7 it was completed in the year 2010. I think we should going to have a closer look. When. You get to the top it's like I don't know what rarely perhaps an Egyptian, or a Mayan, temple does, this sort of narrow, ramp, and apparently when you get to the top you can turn left or right and then go on to a viewing, platform and, the views really are spectacular. Over the whole of knitted ale. One, thing you don't expect, when you get up here is this dramatic. View of the last working, quarry, in knitted ale the splendid reminder, of how so, many people in these parts earn their livelihoods over. So many years. The. River need flows southwards, from here first above Harrogate, have been enters a spectacular. Gorge at knaresborough before, flowing across the veil of yoktan de Moncton where, it joins the river is about, 10 miles from York we're, always adding new content to our site so to be sure to look out for adjacent, areas, such as the visitors guide to Wharfedale, so. Thank, you for watching and hope to see you again soon. You.

2020-07-21 23:58

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