A Day Like This Could Only Happen In Salvador Brazil | Things To Do In Salvador Bahia Brasil

A Day Like This Could Only Happen In Salvador Brazil | Things To Do In Salvador Bahia Brasil

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the Capa is from Salvador white people practice yoga  I don't see you black people practice yoga today we going to try finally try this  uh fried [Music] cheese my flip flops is going   guys can I get them what up what's up what's up  guys I want to show you this Airbnb I'm staying   at uh not not the Airbnb but just the area I'm  staying at I'm right in front of the lighthouse   super crazy area if you in Salvador make sure  you get something in this area get something in   this area cuz it's besta you could be beautiful  beautiful city I'm loving it today is going to be   a short video I just want to walk with you guys  to this other side of the uh other side of this   neighborhood called Baja hang out on the beach  show you the Vibes over there A lot of times you   guys seen me come out here to the lighthouse  it's cuz I'm right right uh right next to it   and I usually go to the beach down there which is  uh the beach of the port they say and this beach   over here is called the beach of the lighthouse so  we going to check this out catch a Vibe got some   things on me and we going to just you know do what  we do you know let's do check in know all let's do can you tell the history history  history of the cap uh this story The   Capa is from Salvador with my ancest  uh the energy is prar Capa is here in   Angola I came to do this movement  after now it's up movement right here have to do a move with  me and uh you are here [Music] play come on play [Music] [Music] fore oh yeah [Music] 0:02:59.760,1193:02:47.295 [Music] to [Music] [Music] more [Music] just got [Music] [Music] CA more Beau mind emotion and body and because we need  for all the time in your life after to do movement here [Music] than go no jump go yeah [Music] go [Music] [Applause] four six nice [Music] seven [Music] after the dra here and here one two 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 Str yes good job look your legs movement yeah I can't [Music] speak [Music] creation this because it's different a  lot of people for white people practice   yoga but I don't see black people  practice yoga yeah true and yoga   is similar the animals yeah yeah yeah  energy and I creation afro yoga okay so   guys go here for classes you can find him  at afro yoga Brazil yeah afro yoga Brazil   on Instagram and I'll put his Instagram  here too and Adrian Lazer okay the [Music] coat Ando Lazo all right so follow these  guys on Instagram when you and Salvador   make sure you see them all right guys  so this is kind of the thick of it over   here today the beach is pretty packed you  see the lighthouse over on that side you   got your lenders regular Coco vendors  um um way more restaurants over here nice little police station over  there if you need help let's see   so far they kind of chill with the  with the aggression it's kind of surprising on the other Beach once  you once you uh once you get to here   it's over they on you they start offering you  all these things oh I got CH I'm better let's see got the camera out too we going to see all right guys I find a little  spot it's a nice little cool beach I   like where uh the sun is position  it's not like beaming down on you find a nice little area to lay my my  joint all that lay my little joint out right here next to my folk you guys can see today I'm on got the  Army joint on me looking like I'm ready for   combat you guys probably see my other videos  I'm always talking about about how it's just   interesting how much A Hustlers these guys  are man they they Hustle Hard Out Here man   and everything could be used it's like uh  your Miranda Rights anything you say but   also anything you wear could be used against  you so of course you get a little they get a   little thrown off with they Cena color but they  they skinning everything from if your feet is   your feet is done to uh the type of things  you have on your head he guys this beach I   like this beach it's a big it's a big big beach  it's way bigger than um the one the other side   of the lighthouse um way more calm though way  more calm you guys probably could tell from   the other video you seeing me out here it's is a  way more chill Beach not as many vendors they did   come up to me and ask me if I wanted to cheer  I said no and that was it they a they haven't   bothered me so far so we chilling here man it's  a beautiful day it's no uh what you call it's no   real it's overcast so that's that's kind of be  my better today and that's it man be out [Music] here right guys the hot cheese you see you [Music] see out watch out [Music] [Applause] do po  no no po po PR G all right guys so today we   going to try finally try this uh fried cheese  super popular out here everybody get it my man   I just gave him some change um bringing  me change back right now but we going to   try this once he get back you got to hurry  up and eat it too cuz it like melts off the stick M it's super good oh wow put some oregano on it  it's like a mozzarella cheese this is [Music]   amazing he put the sweet sauce on it this is  really good I was not expecting it to be this good M this delicious he makes it in  this this canister fulled with cold it's amazing do not skip this you  may want to skip it cuz it's   a little different than what we  eat in the US do not do it it's good [Music] guys so I'm just here man just chilling  about to head back in a little bit but I just want   to talk a little bit more about you know uh Gringo  prices we got to cut this out man we really got to   stop being so hard on foreigners let's just take  the whole you know you know isue trying to cheat   me out the way I'm just bring it to New York in  New York let's say you got somebody you want to   do a errand for you right you got one of the the  kids on from your neighborhood that you want to   run to the store or something when they go to the  store for you don't you always give them a little   something so if what you want it cost $8 don't you  leave them with $2 you know or what you cost you   may give him $5 you know to go buy something and  if it cost $5 don't you give him $2 on a side a   dollar on a side we got to stop this narrative  that every Foreigner is trying to cheat US for   example on the beach right when you on the beach  you're paying a premium to get the items on the   beach you could have went to the store before you  came to the beach but our mindset is oh I seen a   I seen a a beer in the in the the store for my  bad guys I'm looking at the water it's getting   it's getting dangerous close to me I might have  to move up St but our mindset is well I seen a CA   or I seen a beer in the supermarket for three h  I seen it for three um rails in English and this   dude try to sell me the beer for six he that's  double all right first of all it's a120 it doesn't   hurt you but of course we stand on American  Pride we stand on our pride that's not the   price and you're not going to cheat me okay cool  but where's the price of him going to get that   bringing it to the beach and having a hustle some  of these dudes are unlicensed unauthorized and   they putting their freedom and Jeopardy to earn  so any business you got the original price and   you got a markup if that and if that's the case  then Walmart is a criminal oh this one going to be good My Fit flops is going guys can I get them I don't know they may belong to the they may belong to the beach all right guys my bad I don't know how  much did I got caught in a video but the water   came and spped off everything bro it took my flip  flop I had to run and get those my keys fell out   I had to run and get those I'm just glad that uh  it didn't stay with the SE um but anyway like I   was saying guys um just keep that in just keep  that in mind you know these guys are actually   doing a job so it's going to be some type of  markup when it comes to Walmart and all that   we don't get on there tell about it so let's be  a little more open-minded when it comes to uh   people trying to make a living now on the beach  or anywhere any tourist area now that's not to   say that you should should let people play with  you CU don't let people play with you for example   some people are just playing the oloom drums and  he Tred to ask for 50 uh hey that's $10 I'm not   tipping anybody $10 you know even on 42nd Street  they don't expect a $10 tip I would say keep it   between $2 to $4 on tips which is 10 or 20 High  don't tip more than that for me if you love the   service if you thought this was amazing it was  lifechanging go ahead tip them what you feel   like but and then they going to pressure you  as far as people pressure on you don't fall   for that bro like stand on your circle use your  mind if some if if you record somebody for 5   seconds that doesn't mean that you owning $50 or  $100 you know use your mind and always walk away   if you need to but for the most part Brazilians  are sensible in that reason they won't you know   get out of here and just be be sensible back and I  think it'll work out for you but just as a rule of thumb just as a rule of thumb make sure you  don't um make sure you don't um you don't   record or do anything you're not willing to pay  for just a Ru Dev all right guys hope you had   fun on our little journey today I certainly  did I check you guys later remember this is the something like that I hit you guys later what's up guys if you like the  shirt you see me wearing in this video   or any of my other videos check out the  description box below to get [Music] yours

2023-12-24 12:08

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