3 days in Japan's Secret Paradise

3 days in Japan's Secret Paradise

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[Music] good morning good morning from oina in southern Japan yeah it was a we took a 3-hour flight from Tokyo she he yesterday it's actually quite far away from Mainland yeah about 3 hours you said was it um about 3 hours yeah but we're on a little island now it's actually big enough it's not little yeah it's a first day we got in really late last night but we're going to be heading to an island now we're just going to get on this boat I'm going to to Shiki to Shiki we have no idea what this place is going to be like we only heard about it maybe about 4 days ago of the guy we met Scott we're going to board the boat now and it's about maybe 70 minutes till we get there and we just got a day pass so we got from 10: p.m. to 4:00 p.m. [Music] thanks okay so we're here and now we're trying to figure out where to go I guy just said go this way to the bus and we can get to a beach oh yeah look there's a few buses here I don't know where we're going I haven't a clue usually when you get to island you can rent like more Peds and stuff but don't think you're able to do that here they strict in Japan for tourist renting motorcycles and car you need a special International Japanese license so we didn't apply for that obviously cuz we were what a week's notice coming here exactly but we do have an international license but it doesn't work here yeah it has to be a special Japanese one speci just to let you know look there's a bus here we just go to a beach that's what we want to do anyways Drive our beach please I have a feeling this beach is going to be absolutely packed everyone is queed up to go to the beach [Music] all the coins Julie I need change thank you I'm trying to get rid of my coins all right let's go straight to the beach oh my God it's so hot it's lovely isn't it I don't know is it life I missed this I need to get a tan there only so much you can take of this all right we got to rent some smirking here I think Daniel's just going to smarkle today and I'll wind our stuff I honestly I'm not ready it hasn't even been a month yet I'm just going to have a bit of a break s cing that the water is I don't even know how to describe it very blue very very blue holy [ __ ] look at that that is insane this our little spot right by this see I probably have to go in because I'm going to get so hot that I'll need to co down so I might go in I actually haven't been in the sea since the thing I'm just afraid [Music] afraid Daniel's going to snorkel now I'm not going to bother for obvious reasons we're not allowed to talk about it anymore Daniel said he he has to wear life jacket as well normally he would doesn't cuz he's a badass it's compulsory but we might see a turtle we'll see I don't know giving you cleavage huh giving you cleavage dou these all right see you in a bit bye byebye I'll just relax here don't think there's much to see here I went out as far as I could there and it just one fish and a piece of like dry Coral so we'll head in now and get some food still really nice the water is so blue and it's lovely lovely temp right we're going to head and get some food now when we're driving in we seen this cute little food truck so we're going to go there get some juice and we see what they have smoothies and the whole lot yeah do you have any food no no food you want to get a juice so on then we can get food somewhere else [Music] it's so hot it's like being back in the Philippines I wasn't prepared for this I'll try this juice anyways cheers oh cheers oo that's nice pineapple juice is nice I don't like actual pineapple that burns my Tong my Tong Tong I went with a mango shake delicious all we're missing is a bit of food all the food was sold out yeah I think all we had seven or lawon this morning imagine I know we were going to wait till we got here for breakfast but oh Julie's gone Johnny please please please what happened where is it what's gone I can't do you I just need go into a box J's petrified of Anton that moves or touches her that's not true I don't like insects insects you like they do dog I don't I like them oh my God we're leaving in less than half an hour that's good we're not good like I'm I'm actually hungry yeah might wait to we're back in OK hour I seen a restaurant near us with KATU Katon that's what I really like it's a pork cutlet with egg and rice and a sweet sauce it's quite filling yeah I like Ramen too I love ramen just we've been eating it every day for the past 3 weeks yeah we a lot of ramen so I need to eat something with rice today mhm yeah the food in Japan's so good hi guys it is day two we're going to downtown Osaka and we're going to shop we're not in Osaka you okwa oh God they won't begin oh I'm confused we had a nap and I'm not fully awake but yeah we're going to go shopping no we're not going shopping we're going out now we're going to get some food we're actually going to go to the restaurant we went to last night after we came back from the island but um yeah they really it's nice and nice little Lo Daniel's deep voice do it isn't we went to this restaurant last night that I found why am I wearing sunglasses inside one second I found this restaurant yesterday a family run restaurant with nice Japanese food that I found well done it's not a restaurant we were told it's called a shakran is I sure that's the word think so shakan it's probably not the right word probably not the right word but yeah we go there get our bit and then we going go for a walk around OK downtown Nota not Osaka J going to go shopping no shopping look how messy Daniel is look at this this is Daniel oh yeah we'll show your accommodation as well while we're here oh my God I I was organizing clothes but most is Dan why don't you just show them later yeah it's I'm not it's an absolute mess out we go Julie looking good Julie this is the place now it's actually very hidden so we'll put a location pin in the video so you can find it but food is absolutely amazing I got katsu or kutsu katson it's one of my favorite dishes and some miso anyways I'm going to enjoy my food I don't eat much I eat like twice a day starving that look real though we're always so busy like we don't eat M look at that egg it's not plain either it's not just fried chicken and rice or pork actually they put a sweet sauce and caramelized onions it's really nice can't actually get this really anywhere else I don't know really I love that I'm Pro with these anymore AR amazing we don't know we don't know what yeah it's called it's called a champon Makita M I'm way too hungry to spe it's called it champon MAA start never had it before but it's a I think it'sh they gave Danel food cuz it's rice I have rice too oh yeah that's loveely jelly going to eat bye we're in downtown now I think this is the Main Street High Street it has everything how do you know it's called downtown because you looked it up on maps it's not called downtown okay Dan you lied to me so it look like a downtown road I don't know main area the main area there's so much cool little shops like this and souvenir shops so we have a look around we came out in the evening cuz the sun was unbearable today it was like 35° but it felt hotter and so it's around half 6 7 now Sun's gone I can't I can't do the Sun at 12:00 when camera yesterday we got so much sun as well we were kind of tired today and we had to upload a video so yeah we're a bit late now but yeah so I like this time it's nice and cool now and that's when everything kind of opens as well really night life Comes Alive yeah d [Music] I don't know why but this I've never been to Hawaii but it feels like I'm in Hawaii J's been to Hawaii and she keeps saying it's nothing like this bro no I didn't say nothing like this but you mean you said it's not I don't know I don't know just from watching like Hawaii TV shows and stuff like that it just looks very similar to here and they all wear a Hawaiian shirt at work as well I don't think so you want think so I don't know Hawai is its own thing you I know yeah but I'm saying it's just I get you but no yeah know y know y know look look donkey donkey donkey D get angry if I go in there so I won't go in there or will I if Daniel finds something to do for half an hour I can like go into there it's like a mega mega mega skin care makeup souvenirs anything actually you might have a look they might have different things in here cuz it's not Mainland Japan it's ok they might have some different things so yeah I will have a look why not I'm going to have a look in donot sometime because I might have different things to Japan mainland we're still in Japan no no the mainland like Tokyo and that like might have a few different bits here no you do you huh okay fair enough we're very tired d just had a coffee in Starbucks to see if anything will happen but we're still like zombies we're on we're on low energy right now but we're going to head down just look Street just up here and we'll have a look at that and get some treats I actually want to try something when we're here it's called blue navy it's an ice cream chain but everyone Blue Seal oh sorry Blue Blue Seal you have an Army Navy Army Navy I'm thinking of but it's a blue seal and it's like an ice cream chain I really want to try that looks really cool cool cool man tomorrow we're going to the beach though so that'll be a nice day so we got to sleep early for that just going to go for a little walk tonight and get some treats I'm so full still oh but I need to fit in more if I can Danny definitely be all right Danny why you make that face that me what do you say about me I said you can definely put more food into you yeah there's an Irish bear as well I want to try P this spam flip flops they love spam here you can get you can buy spam t-shirts t-shirts wallets cups everything but it's like their breakfast here rice spam egg it's actually quite nice we had it every day since we were here Daniel's too bossy said I can't cross the road you can't jwalk we have to walk to the top of the street to get to there because you can't jwalk on oh [Music] yes I want to do those but they didn't have the date that we wanted because me and Daniel don't plan where we only know where we're going a week in advance though that's why everything is worked out I love the way everyone just Ducks here it's also my friend Isabelle's birthday so happy birthday we're eating a crap for you happy birthday Isabelle this is the number one seller I just went with I think it's salted caramel and okoa salted cookies and that's what it looks like let's see what it's like yeah nice right I'll scof this and then we'll go for a pinty [Laughter] Guinness no way what are you doing take a big bite no lovely when you put everything together like how F ni to me we made it to the Irish Pup so Daniel's going to see what the Guinness is like if they have it I think they do they have a sign let's [Music] see we're on good [Music] start some tun in here yeah we give it a taste all right so we're going to try split to G that's what we do back get the between [Music] there oh you drank too much you meant to spit it here not bad though not the worst B I'd say compared to stuff we have back home it's about maybe 5 out of 10 said like you get that back home in Ireland you would that kind of standard like that's good not [Music] bad not bad we see you tomorrow we'll see you tomorrow at the beach byebye byebye okay so it's day three and today we're just going to explore naha Beach and all around that area and there's meant to be Little Island we can go to for Sunset and we'll watch that there that's pretty much it it is very hot so we stay going yeah let's go very hot there is other beaches up the island that we could have went to but to get there it's going to take maybe about an hour to 45 minutes and it's just a resort and the beat so when we travel we really like our own transport like our own car or motorbike but um just so you know if you are to Japan you need to get a special International Japanese license you can't just use the international license you know the main one use around the world but there is a special one here so I'd recommend to get that because yeah it's just much easier having your own transport definitely yeah that's the one thing we're missing out we just having our own transport to get around the place but yeah it's a really nice Island so there's still plenty to do here we'll head to the beach oh Julie look at him cool statues they're like something everywhere yeah they're really cool there's one there and then there's another one one there like something you see in B aren't they don't the dragon kind of statues look cool you need to get a towel for your head why am I sweating you're starting woo hot Julie's going to go back and get a bikini because they have the whole area Ned off so it's pretty safe there'll be no sea creatures and it's actually a nice Beach the water looks really blue and there's a cool rock formation around it so definitely go back and get it Julie yeah I just see I don't I normally don't like um beaches that are you know by airports and ships and cities and stuff but this is really nice lovely Beach it looks clean and everything so I'll go in wait I don't know if I will go on go back and get your stuff anyways and I I'll get a spot over here I'll be you'll see me anyways I'll be somewhere around here I you need to get us two towels anyways yeah I'll meet you here so okay bye-bye all right I'm going to go straight in I have no idea where Julie is she has my phone as well so I can't even contact her but she's gone out nearly an hour and her hotel should only be about maybe 10 minute Uber so I wonder what she's at I'm absolutely bak and hot as well and need a drink and I have no money she has everything so I'm just out here getting absolutely toasted it's actually a manmade Beach as well the San Anon goes down about maybe about maybe that much a few inches and then it's pure concrete I had to come into the shade but she just literally came when I was in the shade it was hard to get taxi and a notification came up saying it was a busy time but taxi drivers kept driving away like on the map you can see where they are but they kept driving further from where I was so I just had to keep getting loads but that's why I'm an hour so I just literally came in I got absolutely toasted I had no money to get a drink or anything give water yeah I bought you for curry sweat and oh Jesus give me that please I tell you I was hallucinating nearly with the heat right there's water in there oh my God here yeah not the clares I need to cut down that stuff Min no I are mini they'll be good for me so sorry oh my God how's the water lovely what you said there's jellyfish or Swim inside yeah how do you know if they jump over the jellyfish can't jump you don't know like with the waves standing what if it was wavy last night and they came [Music] over I'm absolutely toasted so we're going to go for a little walk and find some of a bit of shade and maybe get some drinks and food Julie stop feeding the pigeons give me one actually you said you're on a diet I'm going starting now I'm telling you oh we we were just talking to Samy and Julie and we're like we just we missing a bit of like structure and fitness and routine we're just absolutely exhausted yeah but we're probably going to do month and B in a few weeks so that's going to put us back but see I don't eat I don't eat bad food like for dinner I really healthy breakfast healthy it's just I love snacks I love crisps little fizzy drinks in between which I need to stop everything else is fine you know we eat good D we don't oh no I'm not saying we eat bad but it's just no but like we don't go for McDonald's all that we go for like a healthy Ramen over McDonald's oh I know that but I'm just saying we're bad for the treats like if we see Mochi or some kind of treat we have to get it like we can't just walk past it as you can tell from our other Vlogs like we just eat but and now we're eating crisps I know oh are they still begging off you m here you go oh my god look how much pigeons there is now oh Jesus Julie pigeon lady fun fact pigeons are domesticated they hang around cities to eat our scraps cuz that's what people bred them to do during the war cuz they didn't have phones back then so people would use pigeons to send messages now we abandon them that's why they're begging for food so if you ever see a pigeon don't be mean cuz it's our fault like this that is a box jellyfish hold it that's the one that got you that's the one that got me oh my God that makes me feel sick look at it look at it do you want to see it now it's actually healed up quite good it goes all around the back as well no that's my warrior scar first drunk second third you have to walk around it no I I tried I tried to figure it out right we do it all together there straightforward instructions just here I think what you have to do is you do infinity8 then you walk up to the temple and do that so we did Two bows two claps I done one bow two claps one bow I didn't do the two with the star so you have to do it again Julie do I yeah you have to do it again I did a oh no I did do two I did do two well I copied you I just thought it was [Music] one do that Rin your mouth don't put it around your mouth rinse your mouth don't put it in your mouth oh my God you don't put the water in your mouth you just rinse it like that wash your mouth did you put inside your mouth actually Garg like M [Music] wash we're not going to that Village for Sunset it's going to cost us €34 to get there yeah it's quite far we thought it was closer and we want to go for Sunset and Sun's about to set so we just thought it was closer no point paying 40o just to see the sunset this Vlog as well I I just came here to go to the beach and relax I didn't really we haven't really explored much to be honest but I'm happy what we've done nice and chill and yes if we had a we had transport we could be doing more but I think see we got a bus the other day and we were on it for like an hour just to go 3 km you know took ages so there are trains so we can get I think the trains are only in the city though from airport to like City Center we need to think about what to eat Subway behind us I'd have Subway let's get a Subway we didn't go back to that beach at all we just seen a park across the from that Subway we went to we actually got Subway didn't video in there the our last meal in OK and I was a Subway but I've seen a park across and it's really nice and we have this one right in front of us and there's planes going by and boats and everything it's really nice our flight is at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow so we have to be at the airport for for 8 latest so we have to leave around 700 get up for 600 yeah no problem so we have to go home soon and pack but yeah it's it was really nice to have a break from the city but now I can't wait to get back in the city again I'm I'd stay in the beach all day I love the beach you just want to go shopping I want to stop vlogging now just enjoy the sunset so we'll see you in the next one guys dad said he Sicky he do want to just I just want to watch this and enjoy it bye-bye byebye [Music]

2024-07-20 10:47

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