A Day In The Life of a Local in Singapore!

A Day In The Life of a Local in Singapore!

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grass hello and good afternoon  from the wonderful singapore   today is a sunny day and i forgot my sunglasses  and did you guys hear something like this   obviously so nevertheless i'm gonna squint  the whole day we're now in a residential area   and we're going towards a hawker center  why so we have lunch because this is the   best place here you can have food in hawker  centers i already told you about them what they   are you saw the videos so now let's go to one  and have fun so as you can see guys apartments   residential complexes are like this big buildings  with lots of apartments and lots of space   for cars because more or less everybody here has  a car getting a car that was a little bit more   complicated you need to obtain a permit to get a  car and then after you obtain the permit then you   can buy a car and the permit is standard price 25  000 and the amount of permits is limited because   if everybody would have at least two or three  cars here in this small city it would be chaos   it will be overpopulated so that's why you have  to wait till somebody sells their car or decides   to go away out of the country and only then you  can auction and bid for your permit for the car   these guys they literally thought of everything  i mean you have here every building is numbered   and as you can see on the side of the building  you have place where you can put your clothes   and hang them to dry because the apartments are  not that big around here well it depends on your   budget but as you can see this apartment building  is huge going up a lot so yeah uh the whole island   basically because singapore is an island is  i would say 70 percent uh occupied by housing   and by this kind of apartment complexes and  you have the important sector in the center   the marina bay and the attractions the santos  island and everything else also you have a big   big huge huge botanical garden and maybe we  will go and check that out later and that's   it this is an island slash city slash country  yes and now we're going to the hawker center of   this apartment complex bill yes this apartment  building complex to get some food around here   because from what we understood from the locals  singaporeans never cook at home they always prefer   to go to the hawker center to have some food so  today we're gonna be just like the locals and go   and have some food at the local hawker center  for this apartment complex gigi found the cat   and the cat is confused look at that face he's  like what is happening why is somebody petting me you are hot as i've been told by michael  apparently we have arrived in the hawker center   and what i can see here a lot of shops  veggies fresh veggies and food and plants   and like daily things you can buy and like  a lot of miscellaneous things you need for   day to day life like food of course  you need food every day i don't know   what these things is like maybe for snacks  while watching a movie or something like this uh frozen seafood like if anyone wants  to cook they can come here and get their   fruit and veggies for the day for example we  have this kg is nine bucks nine singaporean box   corn 180 100 one dollar for the  carrots this is pretty interesting   this is like a very local  superman yeah in the middle of the   city in the middle of the buildings in between  the houses and all the apartment complexes   they have something like this all of them all  of them this is called the hawker center it's   a car yeah it's like everything together you have  laundry here laundry let me show you the laundry   like everything is in one place right because  if you cannot go all day like to the city center   so that's why they created a mini world here for  everyone for the for the residents so this is uh rice this is really cool small supermarket you  can find your like again everybody grew up with   a small supermarket near their home so instead  of going to the big shops and you need something   urgently you can come here and do it this is  the surgery clinic yes yes they have a dentist   here so basically you have everything you ever  wanted close to your apartment building so that   you don't have to leave unless you actually do  want to go to a big mall or to the big center   to go and have some fun let me show you some  other things hardware store bicycle repair like all the household items like  if something's great you can fix it   yes get a hammer from here exactly all the way  to the shopping centers like the viva one you saw and oh even the ornamental shells paintings   cool graffiti on the side of the wall one thing  about singapore that i like is the fact that   there's a lot of street art around here a  lot of cool graffitis and a lot of murals   and this i agree with and people don't paint  over them they don't vandalize them and they   don't tag them like everywhere else okay so for  washing your clothes here these are the options   you just pay it to yourself it's self-service  yeah 11 kilos five bucks yeah i would say decent considering yeah considering the fact that   you have a high salary when you live here these  prices are quite decent but even if you don't have   a high salary come on five dollars for cleaning  your undies and your t-shirts and your pants   i mean not that much and after seeing like all the  facilities this apartment residential complex has   it's somewhere near like 20 minutes far away to  the city center by bus you can find here a lot of   food stalls as well if you're feeling  hungry you need something to eat   just come here and get something to eat so i  don't know if there are a lot of one of these   a lot of these things over like there's one  over there and there's another one open here   so we're gonna try to find something to eat around  here before like for the breakfast lunch thingy   michael i think we found something this day oh you have also the exotic pets  area oh you're so pretty easy because you need birds you're good they're pretty loud should we go get some drinks or something uh  i'm gonna go get the drinks you settle down you   settle down i'm gonna settle and bring some corn  with me so we can settle down here yes thank you very nice people helpful smiling this guy  behind me he was like do you need any kind   of help for like yeah a little bit with the  menu and now we're back and i got some drinks   and some other drinks yes one is jelly grass or grass jelly drink  yeah and gigi has an oolong   tea yes and initially i got my i got  the tea for myself but that's how is it like water yeah see so i wanted the tea for  myself but gigi didn't like this one because   it's a little sweet so i know we switched and  i got stuck with this grass jelly drink but   i like weird stuff to try so why not grass  jelly good jelly and now the food is coming and we have our medium horphon beef thingamajig that looks like this what do you think it looks nice let me arrange here a little  bit of the scenery like it push going down the the aspects like its aspect  is not that like whoa i mean the color is kind of   weird but i think it's gonna taste good let me see  looks like this too you'll try it first michael   okay and uh the name of this you found it there  yes for fun for fun for fun not for fun for fun i don't know meat with gravy and with noodles baby basically one big fat noodle with a lot of  gravy and some egg somehow mixed in between   piece of beef veggies and lots of spices and it's  good so yeah let's dig in i couldn't have imagined   trying um i don't know food in between  the apartment blocks yeah in a market   such a local market this is interesting but  this is the people piece of beef i have yes take one of these spoons and you do like  the pasta you hold the spoon all the sticks   and you drop it on the spoon this is how the locals eat it i saw a lady and now  i learned very quick michael is a very good player   okay full direction i definitely never  tried this before in my life oh there's   like the noodles i hope you guys can  see the noodles are stick to each other oh wow wow they look good the beast is so   extended like they're have a lot of spices inside  i think it's a really well boiled kind of fish   yeah i don't know how do you  normally cook i have no idea oh thank you thank you okay okay we need to pay it  now yes so everything was   18 but for the whole food here  i'm going to show you in a bit we want to make some room on the table before thank thank you it's interesting   and in the meantime the lady came and brought  us the soup as well because you love soup   but i think it's too much food it is too much food  we have soup we have this thing oh my god 18 bucks   we're just browsing thank you where did you get there okay no no nothing i already put inside not that much you should taste it let's see your reaction i really like mine oh good better much better i  like it mine like this also it tastes like boiled   veggies and boiled um i don't know some  sort of fish maybe it's like basically   a hot stock with veggies inside and salad  and the guy was right the chilis are spicy i was not expecting them to hit this  past but yeah they are spicy okay this is okay this is good but we have this  huge of a portion of a bowl it's it's very   big and we have this one as well all of it  for 18 dollars yes pretty good daddy i think very good okay i'm gonna let my  colleague wipe away his tears man that that pepper is  spicy this one is the devil did you try it with um why do you think  i was crying did you lot of them inside   because normally when i put spicy food i  put i dump it first and i taste it later   not good don't do like i'm doing mmm ginger ginger yes don't do it like michael  guys taste it first a little bit   thousands of deals later look gigi this guy  has a lot of stuff that's cute that's the most   colorful thing i've seen around these buildings i  think it's a shop they sell garden opening things   because i don't know i don't think he's his house  i think it's his house if it's his house and   he sure is obsessed with all this  stuff yeah i think this is house okay some people have way  too much time on their hands   and they gather lots of things this is  so cool oh look this guy has a chicken oh no yes exactly i think there's a competition  this is like a private property yeah not bad   interesting and all this around me are apartment  buildings and all of them they're having their   laundry on top of one of these things outside  to hang and to get dried up by the sun   smart a few moments later we got inside the house  of a local person i wanted to show you some things   that just make sense so for example we have this  uh kind of door which separates the washroom from   the other spaces of in the house which is like it  can bend another thing very interesting was the   toilet and i'm gonna show you why so there's  a button here on the side that you can press it's doing its job and then you can use this  side of the toilet to actually like yeah wash your hands or do something and um this side  like flows the water into the basin that will   help flush the water when you're gonna press  this button so this is pretty neat another thing   is this for example this thing all of the  households here have these bamboo sticks   uh and these kind of like appliances which are  stuck like uh put on top of the of the ceiling   in order for you to dry your clothes because  outside is always human and also outside if you can see there's a rack where  you can store actually these bamboos   you clip your clothes with something like this and yeah you put the sticks outside on one  of each these rails it works pretty nice   i would say everybody does this you can say this  this this is the same principle and also like   the mob and everything else the hot air goes up  and helps the clothes dry faster so yeah why not the standard department here in singapore  looks like this you have a kitchen uh   where you have the thing the stove  maybe a washing machine here um   like some cooking space here a table  here a microwave a fridge and the other   separate rooms where you can do your stuff a  few moments later and also something that is   very special for singapore is that every one of  these residential complexes has some of these   places of worship so there are  buddhist temples towers temples   churches mosques for all the religions of the  people around here they have their own temple   in the small residential complexes even hindu  worshiping places you find and they look like this   not much just a small temple and a church and  a mosque which is i think behind over there   for all the fates of all the people i mean where  can you see something like this ever since the   chinese temple is closed we're going inside the  church because this one is open apparently and you have this nice white catholic  church and the saint theresa's center   and behind another oh a different kind of church  maybe a methodist church i know because here are   not only catholics here are also methodists  and other christian branches of religion and the world is actually very small i  met some nice guys from bangladesh here   working next to church very good guys enjoy and have a wonderful  day yeah thank you thank you thank you so   guys this was our adventure in the residential  complex one of the many of uh singapore just   like this one you have them scattered all over the  city slash country yes and as i told you they are   70 of the country is residential complexes  just like this one so i hope you liked it   and let's see you in the next video with more  information and more interesting things about   singapore right thank you guys yes  thank you like share subscribe comment   show us some love help us reach all the love a  good milestone okay see you in the next one guys you

2022-06-04 23:09

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