A day before my birthday here in Rio De Janiero, Brazil.

A day before my birthday here in Rio De Janiero, Brazil.

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I know, right? I'll Show you my POV men whatzup, Yeah, you too. That was going to brother love in International. And they saw way more love than out in America on American hate here. Everywhere I go in Asia. So love, guys. It's great. Bonzo Right?

This is real men, you know, everybody on the set. Duchovny saying, That's Oscar night. where you from? england bro. I from america nice bro, but I'm here.

We are. We are. We are. Simon I got his heroes back on Monday night. Know how Scranton You know and you can never mind I'm not by and so wrong he also said last year I saw Sandy he got to see us say I didn't even know my name. I mean, I believe in on memories. You have a huge hair on my back, what the f*ck men.

Thursday here. yeah, I don't know why I liking drinking yeah.. Yeah, low. Low. Yeah, partly. Also, were here Acai da Barra in Brazil.

And if you all know me. Everywhere I go all around the world, I'll make sure I get me some Acai. So, in Brazil, you know, where Acai. Flora says and thrive. So we excited to have some real Acai out here in Brazil. My first I've got some pistachio mix with.

So it's going to be it's going to be a lot of memories get it. is will be out here in Rio de Janeiro. You guys. So acai, what is it like in this movie is only right when.

We get a reaction to this that. Tastes very fresh. For what we say in the Philippines.

We say, "Lami kaayo" this is very delicious. "Lami Kaayo" guy. Everywhere I got. I got to learn that languages because I think here specifically so when it my first learn is word is "Bisaya" and I learn Spanish and i got learn Tagalog and I learned Portuguese and of course my childhood language as well. So all of those parts, it was just was something that was part of our family.

I'll be set for life and I feel like I've done everything I can put. But there is a new place that I wanna learn that language. So I got lots of work I got to do in the end.

I got lots of work and you get the Rosetta Stone, right? I need to enjoy my Acai. This is life men. The Airplane is taking off, you know, like I said, my run turns into like, a whole exploration. So I went out to the beach, are able to see a little bit of the beach, you know, I was able to just take me and just sit there and allow God and the universe just flowed through me. I just was able to reflect a little bit.

It was very beautiful. As my favorite sound. Is the waves crashing against the rocks. So for that we went and got some Acai on my run and I've been able to just see the whole naval base. You know, there's a naval base, you know, all along the coast of try to understand, I'm kind of debating whether or not I go more towards what I'm looking to go tomorrow.

What's prettier in here on the inside? You know, last time was a great time. But for my birthday, I don't really see myself wanting to go back there. I really want to just no, we'll see, though. We'll see, darling. See, I would love what decision I do want to make it.

I also have all my stuff still in the hotel and is also what like to cause I do want to go shopping for my birthday of the big game as well. I want to put together a fit. I want to get a fair as well too for tomorrow.

So when I do go to the christ statue, you know, I'm able to go ahead and, you know, be fitted. So you get some birthday plates and stuff and then be able to post. But I'm excited. I'm looking forward to it.

Let's see what else got playing the game. What's been shopping Got to move hotels right now about it eat you know it's got some hotel you know it's kind of a buffet style we got to find it on top of so they got the bags are being like really you know we got potatoes you know a bunch of good goods, some beans on all of my beans. Maybe you don't know.

No, you know, you know, I love my pasta. Some pesto costs going to do every time. But yeah, man, I'm excited for today.

So here goes all the Navy stuff out here. We'll be all surrounded by all this Navy stuff as well. Is beautiful, man From Syria. Kamara you are. You want to take the day? That's too much.

That's going to be so much so, you know, you have like, yeah, let's get back to my role, get back on Google, know how to do you know, to go to put to do good good, good good. The aesthetic are crazy men. I will say that really what I love the most about being on the scene, everybody out here, all the vendors, everybody grinding, man, I'll look for handouts, but this is going to let me see all this coconut water stand It is the people I know.

Me man, I got to get my coconut water Thank you we sip also coconut. it's true. Let's take it out and see how this our work up here. Two

very, very beautiful man. This one of a kind. So let's check out what's going on over here.

This we were last night. Louis Hardy. You get ready for the evening. I know what time it is.

Monday, a little bit. So I'm ready to hotels. You all know me.

I typically will work tomorrow in the morning. I'm going to be going to the east side. And from here, man, prior to the most half of the blessings and just getting us this far and just to make it this far and to see the world, you know, for what I have this year, being 24, Credit Gotti world and give you guys an inside of my vlog.

I've always wanted to vlog and just give you guys, you know, a day to day with everything that I have going on. I've always said since a young age, my life is a movie and I believe it truly is. So people are enjoying this movie. We're out here in Rio de Janeiro, the hit the beaches and stuff here a little bit. And then tomorrow first thing in the morning, I'm gonna head back the big Christ towards everybody. Sees being out here first thing in the morning.

I'm going to head there as soon as I open up and may a man I'm truly honored and just grateful for all of us to come in and you know, all that has already presented. So so we hear about the check in about it, go into the hotel room. So I'll see all the room.

All right. For me. So it is September 3rd and it's 7:30 p.m. right now. I'm headed to go out and I'm about to go to the beach, walk along the coast.

Basically, there's a lot of restaurants, there's some shopping place, some we go shopping. Still haven't gone yet. Need to go still for the bird.

They fit and they probably to go get some good dinner, some really good dinner. So first of all, hit the mall. I'm always going to the beach after the beach or you'll get some food. After we get some food, you know, keep walking around, see if we run into anything. If not, you know, just go, you know, reset and chill at the beach and stuff.

But yeah, I'm excited that tomorrow is going to be a beautiful, beautiful birthday. I have amazing dinner tonight. You know, like I said, I'm going to try to get some sit down foods and good foods and better food. But

tomorrow is really where I'm going to, you know, do my thing. So I'll see you very soon. We're going to be outside tonight in the city. So see us. Let's go, man.

It's my birthday. Well, I says. thank you brother like, My God.

yeah, we've got to go. And it is really bright, though, and all. We got to check this out, though. It has to be that I did it with this one Caesar dress and they just did something. And they did something like, my mother, a lot of is down there. I see also a lot of going, my goodness, it's on their own.

And we are live in Instagram and we are live in IG say are there's similar and we're at the photo shoot so that's my dessert photo to see where to sit on all of these. And then all these yellow or all of. These all our after. Eating pie, the best vegan food I have never had. We got to go and we bout to walk to the mall because I want to take out this strip. Everything along here.

And they live on this and people can understand. People see now when I was talking about me going shopping this honestly more what I was looking for, loved pop up shops like this. And it's my type of you're always going to find so far I got the Brazil gear not really looking there right now Brazil gear make it a search to go for big brown no grow and a family but I don't know. Not really going to spend money on that right I like that bag I you it's tough. So I think man it depends on which it is who selling the.

Condo to set them up. I said the anther Cinquanta three and then. Okay so say this again. 70.

Okay so she says she makes these some on support as well. Yes I do that one and this one two. here I got to support me.

Got to support, Got to support man. Yeah, this was more so what I was looking for. So we hear you got a little bag. Yeah. Yeah. This survivor out here support, local support local. Always such a beautiful artwork.

You know, I've done well. I hear that. I laugh. I know. Antonio Cuevas. what country? where your family? My family from I'm indigenous to the Americas and my father's my dad, my compadre is from Mexico mix Monterrey. And.

He said, yeah. For this is your face is different. This one is nice. Yes, You neighbors. Thank you for. Possible short and nuts.

Yeah, Thank you. Can I wear. Thank you.

I got a big head, they got this. Thank you. I thought that. She and then I think it's it's it's cliquey.

Yeah. Yeah. So thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Take care. Good night. I need my stickers here, man. I need Get up out of here.

I spent all my money. I need to get up on out of here. If I spend all my money, they say, Yo, keep your hands on this because somebody will try to snatch it up. I'll be down some money to do that. I mean, nothing that was successful shopping day. I didn't get to make it to the mall, but I Shees..

we still out here, man. We are so going through this little market it's market was a vibe. I like this market probably even more than I like that one out in Thailand or any of those other places. Bring in a little slice, a lot more expensive. But that's all she wrote. Man, that was a long strip of market and shopping, man.

But now we got some more, you know, got to make sure I don't spend all my cheddar out in the shopping place, man. But somebody ever tried it out? It was. I do some I not just on the side There's some more Thai on and how I hated them. If they don't want a good kid they were no they would have no was covered. We also had a thing we got out of nightmare.

I got You want to say what I said to you too? If I say hello? My name is Elliott. You come back precisely by the. Yes, we go if he's allowed. Yeah, Yeah. I love Beautiful in the bay.

Everywhere you look, man. All over again. Brady. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I love it. I already did There. Nothing he ever did.

It was like it was a cigar, My brother, man. Still the name now? he's tough, Antonio. yes. Clean his work is beautiful. Thank you. My birthday is tomorrow. To my birthday. It will be on you three days.

Your present doesn't bother first crazy. You were going for the yellow Suffolk. Machine here.

So tonight was a success for Sure. Granted, we did spend on it. See that we withdrew all that money off him.

We withdrew 800 of their currency was worth. He got out to about 160 USD when I've spent it, all of that. But you know, we gave out like a hundred to different savages, you know, some people playing music, etc.. And so the rest got in shop in 150. Awesome food. All in all tonight was definitely a great night.

More than worth it, you know. So. Yeah. See see below different you see they give but yeah man we all saw it night. We got to hit the hotel again. See how soon there getting all right. I mean, I'm ready to relax. I'm ready to just sit back and to just catch of.

I mean. my legs are. Did. Well, what time is this? I mean, my birthday is my birthday.

And 30 minutes, 36 minutes is 11: 24 birthdays and 36 minutes and I don't know where to start, what to say. You know, I definitely do want to say something to everybody. My man. Life is great. Life is what you make it, to say the least.

I'm so honored. I'm so blessed. I'm so grateful to have made it this far in life, in business, you know, with all that I've accomplished, even prior to business, it was sports, You know, it was honor. It was greatful, you know, for all of my ancestors.

Always watched over me, always protecting me. And, you know, every. Trial and every tribulation has helped mold me and saved me into the individual I am. And then the resiliency that's within me, I'm truly, truly honored, you know, life has been nothing but, you know, ups and downs and through it all and through the midst of it, you know, I've been through the highs of the highs. I've been through the lowest of the lows. But through it all, you know, I remain grief when I remain, you know, just full of so much so much more ambition just to keep doing more.

I don't even know if that makes sense. But you get it. We get it, right? Yeah, man.

Honestly, I'm just. This year's been tough to keep your up. This year's morale tough.

It definitely was a year that had been, you know, hit me by surprise, you know, specifically 2024. But through it has also been hard. The biggest and most amazing times and moments that I've created.

So I know that through it all, there's been so many learning lessons. You know, I've learned so much myself, you know, just being able to just get in tune with and just dive more deep inwardly that, you know, I've done all in a work in this year. I will say, you know, I can definitely do and get back to my meditations in my yoga, you know, but I feel like I've just been flowing and even healing in some of the other ways, you know? So are they going to know what to say? What was great for me at the five and I think for everybody to support me was believed in me. Maybe to myself. You know, I made a post early on Facebook. You know, they get some means, you know, for never giving up on the you know, for always just pushing to do the best that I can be and never comparing, contrasting or being in competition with anybody or anything, but just trying to be the best me, you know, for my family, my loved ones, for those around me, for my younger sibling, siblings, for my nieces, for my nephew.

You know, I just think myself was always sort of me and, you know, I think those that helped, you know, and now that helped me keep my head in line, you know, in times where I may have not always been in line. But I'm honored, man. I'm grateful.

You know, this time here, Rio de Janeiro alone has been truly healing and therapeutic and very beautiful. But all in all, I mean, I'm just grateful, was grateful there were gratitude. But to get some rest, just chill for a little bit. But my mind's and the sun.

God. There for you. hey men its September 4th. Today's the is a day, you know. So we're going to start for you men. Good, good, good, good, good. its my birthday turn that summer day to its my birthday its my birthday,

2024-09-29 09:49

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