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waking up early tomorrow we got a big adventure  in store we're headed to the top of the volcano   the highest point in the country in a four-wheel  drive truck starting at 4am we gotta hit some   groceries on the way and get some sleep yeah big  day tomorrow well we're all ready for tomorrow   getting up at 3 30 a.m to take this jeep up to the  top of the volcano here we got some camera gear   some warm gear and they're gonna provide a lunch   and hot chocolate and stuff coffee  goodnight see you in the morning thanks good morning we're heading up the tallest mountain  wow it's pretty early we're off to a really early   start but the driver says it looks clear out so we're  gonna head up the tallest mountain of panama oh we got a bit of a jeep situation oh toyota so here's the entrance to the  national park we're getting checked in   temperatured up time to head up the mountain so this is a toyota land cruiser prado and they replace a lot of suspension parts oh my god oh oh my god we're almost the top taking a quick little  break here but you can see the towers up there   and it's been a hell of a ride this has been  insane this guy really knows how to drive feeling   good hands awesome sunrise colors over here hey oh  my god we're getting some pink action over there   we did it you live up here man are you insane we even got wildlife on this tour here   beautiful sunrise up here at the towers costa rica  over there the pacific coast the car that could wow what do you think emily so this is a little optional side hike up here  10 minutes up to the highest point we're gonna   go take a peek feel that sense of accomplishment  of getting to the highest point in an   entire country which is probably one of the best  countries to do that easily because the highest   point in panama is still just 11,200-ish feet you  can feel the lightness of the air here i thought   we were there but i think we're about halfway this  is epic i have wanted to get up here the whole   time since before we even left costa rica was  dreaming for weeks about getting up here somehow   oh so glad we're up here this  is getting a bit steep here choose your path wisely huge rocks the  whole way and there is surprisingly   some life growing so you can see from this  point there are a bunch of craters up here   and the last eruption this one got blown  out he said but this used to be a lake oh man this is it don't climb the cross the sign  says but look at this oh my god oh clouds are just whipping about this is the most beautiful sunrise i can remember loving it that's just amazing  beautiful beyond belief and there's the caribbean from one point  seeing both oceans from one point up here through the clouds there definitely water islands yeah the driver was telling us  how the coast comes closer here   and the country's skinniest point would be  over there where they built the panama canal we got little birdies up here what's your name there's Volcan and that's the trail you hike  up from that side beautiful there's a clear view of the caribbean over  there with bocas del toro and the other islands you can see the lights of the town  where you take the water taxi over i could just imagine how amazing it would feel to  reach here by foot 6 000 feet elevation gain on   the trail as well as nine miles round trip  that's from the volcan side obviously the   side we went up is a four wheel drive road we  weren't super interested in hiking up a road   on the other side they required a guide anyway  ninety dollar guides we thought well   if i'm gonna have to pay money to a guide let's just take the land cruiser   this has got to be one of the best things  you can do in panama and the company we   went with is called beyond adventure i hit up  a few companies this one gave us a good price   he said normally it's 120 i'll do it for 90  for you one of the most epic mornings on record whoa thank you guys for coming up  here and everything you know wow what an amazing place we have i love it  here we made it to the top of the top with our   buddies such a fun day such a fun night such a fun  morning what is it i don't know it's tired up here look at the clouds coming down it's amazing just  like ghosts coming from the mountain it looks like   a smoke like just a wispy cloud yeah and that  bay over there is where boca del toro is that's   where we're heading always nice to spot the  next adventure from a mountain we did it buddy unless you want to do something  cooler than that okay first yeah what are you making over  here ham and cheese sandwiches nice just my normal breakfast in my normal spot  well i think our time is drawing to close up here   at the top of the highest point in panama but  it's just been epic and halfway there this is   going to be a wild drive down i miss you not to  eat too much but that hot chocolate and sammy   really hit the spot and it's just incredible  there's not anything around as high as this such an awesome time up here it's time to go  down we have some hot chocolate and some sammies   hopefully they don't react badly oh my gosh this is wild that's the road so  we broke down we're not gonna make it down   just kidding just need some power  steering fluid from the other guy there we go well done they say this volcano have seven craters  but the main thread or the main vein   is the one i showed you oh and then alll others  are all the veins so when they explode they all explode there''s obviously some more craters wow  and that was 500 years ago yeah about 500 years okay that's it these guys are crazy oh my gosh that's higher whoa we just slid around in there wow wow we have made it back to the van my little  guy has been given some breakfast and so   is my little lady over here such an  amazing day and it's only nine o'clock so this door handle hasn't been working for  about a month so getting in here removed   this pocket here already some screws see  if i can get this reconnected in there   but Curt's here for moral sport hey if you  guys are worried about danny fixing this   door don't worry i'm here to coach  him out and sombrita's watching as well dang thanks a ton to Curt because we were able  to get in here and reattach the door handle   so now a bit of reassembly but i'm sure  they would have charged me like 100 bucks so   not bad okay moment of truth  with the left hand hey hey so we just got to put some  stuff together heck yeah   we've been walking around the van a million  times wow you want to try it again emily   look it oh thank you Curt  thanks for the help oh no problem okay good morning so one last thing we're gonna  check out in boquete is the geisha coffee so we   haven't heard about it before we got to boquete  but this is like a fancy fancy cup of coffee   and we're really excited to check it out so yeah  we'll see what the cafe we picked out has to offer   yeah this was a pretty sweet little camp spot  here twelve dollars a night at malu not bad at   all because they had good wi-fi shower potable  water we just filled up again and yeah curt and   snow are right ahead of us and we'll go check  out this coffee yes it's gonna be a good morning so he's gonna fresh grind up  some of the geisha coffee and   i can even i can already smell it it smells  delicious and we'll have a pour over so   you can taste more of the floral notes  why not hopefully we'll see what it is wow very nice got our own little  pot of coffee to share   wow i'm excited i love coffee i lived in  seattle for four years and we're big coffee snobs   up there in a good way even in Spokane they're  pretty into coffee we don't drink starbucks  if you want to i don't blame you there's a lot of little coffee shops there okay i can just smell the coffee and already  be happy feel awake this one smells super good wow super it's it's got a lot going on in  there you know i'm almost more a fan of like   an espresso these days because the pour over  tastes more like tea you know and this is like   it's got a lot of flavors in there i can see why  to an expert this would be something special but probably not my favorite haha oh no   what do you think emily wow yeah it's i  think it's really good it smells chocolatey   yeah it tastes a little chocolatey yeah it smells  very floral it's nice i like it yeah tasty it's   pretty fancy i like it more for you yes yes and  apparently nomadic movement is making this coffee   now i don't blame them because this is a good area  to grow it and it was judged the number one coffee   at auction some of this per kilogram went for over a thousand dollars so it's pretty good   well thanks for checking out boquete with  us we had a great time in this area but   it's time to move on and to curt and snow  thank you so much for helping us get monetized   yes thank you so much we'll see you  guys next time thanks for watching bye

2021-08-18 11:54

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