Welcome To The PHILIPPINES!

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For all your bike care needs, come to Tat  Bike Service. This guy will help you out. Hey, finished. I appreciate it.  Everything is taken care of. All right, guys, maybe that's where  I should just start the video. Uh, welcome to the Philippines. Welcome to   Cebu. Today we're going to get  out and do a little test ride. It's Sunday. I'm going to leave for the bike tour.

Hey, good morning. Hello, hello. I'm going to  start the bike tour on Tuesday, and so I was   thinking, you know what? It's probably a good  idea that I do a little test run on the bike. Oh, oh God. See, can't get up the hill.

Make sure everything is working. Hey, so a few things have changed. My  setup right here is a little different. I got a few new things.

This whole unit right here, this thing in the  back, I was able to put on my handlebars cuz I   have a new navigation thing that  I'm going to test out this year. Hello everyone. So nice, nice here. Also, this gear shifter right here is new.  It crapped out on me last year. I had to buy  

a new one in the States when I was back home. I  just got it replaced when I was in South Korea. But when I was riding my bike, it still wouldn't  work quite right. The guy back there, Ti Tai,   tuned my bike up a little bit. He got me working. So now the plan for today.

We are going to get some food first. Then we   are going to go over to Mactan Island  and explore over there a little bit. It'll be a good 50-60 kilometer ride today.  Should just test the bike out a little bit. I haven't been on it in a couple months.  Just making sure everything is working. Hey, hey, how are you? Oh, one shot, one shot, one shot.

Hey, oh, oh, that's a little far. One-handed. Oh, one, one, one more. One  more. Let me get a little closer. Hey, there it is, there it is. You want to play? Maybe  next time, maybe next time. I got to go. Appreciate it, guys. Honestly, that's what I'm going to  love about the Philippines and touring.

So the plan is to go from Cebu to Manila. I came to the Philippines last year for around   three weeks. Rode a scooter from  Manila to a place called Zambales. I just love this country because it  loves basketball. I love basketball. I love this game these kids are playing. Throw your little sneaker and  try to hit the—okay, your turn. Oh, almost.

Throw your flip-flop, knock the can over. CH Garage, appreciate it guys. So that's where I came first today. I went to CH Garage and asked them  if they could work on my gear. They're like, "Actually, we just sell products.  We don't actually fix them or do any maintenance."

That's why I went to Ti Tai. Okay, I think we're good to go. I think I'm ready for a little  bit of a small road trip. Let's do it. First things first, let's get some fruit.

Is that a goat? Yeah, it's a baby goat. Wow. How much for the bananas? Eighty pieces? Eighty. I got some baby goats. Okay, I don't want to upset the mama. Sixty? Sixty, okay.

No plastic. Thank you, sir. Salamat. Really haven't had anything to eat today,  so some bananas will tide me over for now.

That's a river you do not want to go swimming in. Oh wow, they have a—okay, yeah. Is that a pig? He has a pig.

Oh man, I think I'm going to  really enjoy my new microphone. I can step away right here and you can  still hear me. I can just talk normally. That was a good banana.

I love bananas in Southeast Asia. Wow, that is a big pig. Man, crazy. Wow, can I see? Yes, sir. Yeah, it's okay? I want to see this. The pig.

It's huge. Sir, I have some dog. Ah, you got lots of doggies. Wow, that is a huge pig.

Crazy. All right, salamat. I feel like you're going to see a lot  of crazy things while you're here, Nick. You better get used to it.

I don't know, I just want a little  bit—like a four or five-piece—250, 250? Okay, can I see? This is what Cebu is known for. Oh, take out the bone—I don’t want it. All right, my first taste—like  turkey. Good. Yummy, yummy,  

yummy. What is this? Rice? Oh, this rice. All right, that was pretty  tough. All the videos I've   seen online show it as kind of crispy, I think. Sour? Oh… bloody soup? No, thank  you. Maybe just a small taste? Yeah,   just a small taste. One, one, one. Yeah,  one is enough—that’s more than enough.

Bloody soup—this would be the  first time I've tried something   bloody. That sounds terrible, but it's true. So good. SM—pretty good. You want some? No, thank you. It's good. I mean, it's very good… no. Okay, I think it has intestine in it. Intestine,   blood, blood intestine. Yeah, intestine. Okay…  not a huge fan of it. I mean, it's all right.

Are you making fun of me? Like, "Oh yeah,  say it's good, but you don’t want it." What about this sauce? For what? For the meat. The sauce   has alcohol in it? Yeah, that whole street back there—nothing but   lechon places. Probably should’ve waited  before stopping at the first one… oh well. All righty, so over here you have Cebu  City, which is on the island of Cebu,   obviously. And over here, you  have Mactan and Lapu-Lapu City. What is this? A house? A  White House? Abandoned? Empty? Wow. Can I see? Can I look? No? Okay, just from the front.

Crazy. It’s like a hotel… is it not a hotel? It says I can’t go in, so I  won’t. But that’s pretty crazy. Is it a hotel or a home? These are connected? Yes? Okay, so right over here,  there’s a place called Bigfoot. Empty. Empty. Wow. Crazy.  Very interesting. Thank you. Wow, huge. Look at that. Look  how big it is. That’s crazy.

So, my first major stop here  in the Philippines—Lapu-Lapu   City—named after this guy right here, Lapu-Lapu. This is the guy who killed  Ferdinand Magellan in 1521. I always thought Magellan was the  first guy to circumnavigate the   globe, but he didn’t quite make  it—because this dude killed him. So, I was reading… Magellan landed on  a couple of different islands further   east in the Philippines. Then he  went to Cebu, where he converted   about 1,800 people to Catholicism  and baptized the chieftain there.

Then, he tried to come over here  to Mactan, where this guy lived,   and impose his influence—but  Lapu-Lapu wasn’t having any of it.   He and his warriors were able to defeat  Magellan and about 60 Spanish soldiers. Actually—no—there were 60 Spanish  guys fighting under Magellan and   about 1,000 warriors fighting with  Lapu-Lapu. I got that reversed. Magellan thought his firepower and superior  technology would overpower Lapu-Lapu,   but that didn’t happen. And this  is where Magellan met his end.

Like I said, I always thought Magellan was  the first to circumnavigate the globe. His   expedition eventually completed the journey, but  he didn’t make it—because this is where he died. Right here: "Lapu-Lapu—on the 27th of April 1521, Lapu-Lapu  and his men repelled the Spanish invaders,   killing their leader, Ferdinand Magellan. Thus,  

Lapu-Lapu became the first Filipino  to have repelled European aggression." Wow. Here’s a depiction of what  that might have looked like. What a scene. How crazy would it have been to  have video of that? That would’ve been wild. Magellan was Portuguese, but the Portuguese king  at the time wouldn’t grant him the rights to do   this voyage. Everyone was going east—around  South Africa—but Magellan wanted to go west. So, the Spanish crown funded his  expedition, and he went west.

Oh, and I learned this too—Magellan  actually named the Pacific Ocean. He   called it Mar Pacifico, which  means—I think—"peaceful sea."   Didn’t know that. Magellan named the  Pacific Ocean. That’s kinda cool. But yeah, this is where he died.  This is where he met his end. Well, that was the main reason I came to  Mactan. Now that that’s out of the way,   we can just kind of slowly  make our way back to Cebu City.

That’s electric. I think that’s electric. I need to Shazam that tune, though—I  like it. I like it. Thank you. Have a nice day. You too. It is hot.

And my pale ass is getting red. Put some  sunscreen on—but always, always a little too late. The last place I want to check out  is called Magellan’s Cross. And,   just like the name suggests, it’s a  cross that Magellan brought over in 1521. Then, right after that, I guess he went  over to Lapu-Lapu—or Mactan—and got killed. And then, you know… that was it.

All righty, one last thing I want to do today  before calling it a day—I want to get a jersey. Man, I told myself when I  came back to the Philippines,   I wanted to get a Dallas Mavericks jersey. That way, when I’m traveling and want to play  some basketball, I’ve got a jersey to wear. So that’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna try to find a mall around  here—there should be one—and see if   I can get a nice replica Dallas Mavericks jersey.

That’s the plan. So, I found a mall. This guy right here is gonna watch  my bike for me. I just parked it,   locked it up—let’s go see if we can find a jersey. Very sweet. Very, very sweet.

All righty, so I struck out on the NBA jersey. And it is just crazy down there. Way too many people.

So, I’m calling it a day. Gonna  head back to my place and relax. Let’s head that way. I’m in disbelief. What the hell? My brother just sent me a text: "Did you just see that trade?" With angry face emojis. And—well—the Dallas Mavericks  have traded Luka Dončić.

So there goes buying a Luka  Dončić Mavericks jersey. Are you kidding me? Luka—a Laker? I’m sure a lot of y’all don’t care,  but man, that is very disappointing. In the moment here—this is one  of the most stunning trades…   one of the biggest and most stunning  trades in the history of the league.

So, that’s gonna do it for this video. Just about made it back to my place. Man, I’m super bummed—my favorite player on   my favorite team got traded to  the Lakers—a team that I hate. Oh man, that sucks. But anyway, if you made it this  far in the video, I appreciate it.

Hit the like button. Subscribe. The next video will be me heading out of  Cebu—or Cebu City at least—and hitting the road. I’ve got a couple more days here. I’ll probably get this video out  tomorrow—hopefully, I can get it out quick. Then Tuesday—start the real  vlog series: Cycling to Manila. Thanks for watching.

Hope wherever you are, you’re  doing well and staying safe. And I’ll see you guys in the next video. Peace.

2025-02-05 00:00

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