️The REALITY of when you want to splash a SAILBOAT in two weeks #188

️The REALITY of when you want to splash a SAILBOAT in two weeks #188

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So where is the panel? Where is the helm panel? It's not here yet. Finally! But not!! I'm Roberta. And I'm Duca. And together we are on the mission of bringing this sailboat that was neglected for over 22 years back to life. So, don't forget to subscribe and to join us every Monday for a new episode. Made possible by you!! Thank you patreon.com/oddlifecrafting

Just so you understand... For the next few episodes, like two three maybe four, we are just getting everything ready to set sail, to splash the boat and to set sail. So that means that sometimes we're gonna go back and forward in time   and it's not gonna make linear sense. Sorry for that.

Sorry for that but that's all for one good reason: we want to splash the boat as soon as possible. So today we're gonna do? A lot of things. Let's go inside and we're gonna explain what we're gonna do. We have a list of things to do that we need... It's too much, yeah. It seems like a long list, but it's just a lot of tiny things.

And one of these things is to... By the way this is the new prop. That we need to install. That's on the list . But I want to do something else today that I've been postponing for a long time and it's something really really simple to finish. So we're gonna finish it today. I don't know if you guys remember but here is our centerboard hatch.

We need to replace only anode we didn't replace when we replaced all the anodes last year. Now we have the new one. This one goes right there. It's hard to see but you're gonna see me just, you know, stretching and doing some gymnastics and that's all you can see. But that's the way it is.

So the anode is there in place. I don't  know... it's tough to see but it's somewhere. It's upside down. Yeah, somewhere inside is the anode.

We know is not clean around,   but the contact in between the anode and the centerboard is the screw. So the screw is directly to the metal of the boat so it works. Here as you can tell the barnacles didn't do a huge party as the rest on of the hull. But anyways, just in case we decide to apply any extra paint here we're gonna leave this unscrewed.

We're just gonna leave it in place until we finish the treatment of the bottom of the boat and we're gonna go to the second task of the day. The next one I think... Switch for the battery.

I think we also can do this this week, at least screw this in place. Let's do this now. This one now? Yeah. We change plans all the time. We decided not to screw this in place but to glue this in place.

Yeah, it's gonna be easier because we would need to screw it from the back   and we have no space here. It's gonna be a huge problem. And now we need to wait for this to dry. It's gonna take a little while. We're just gonna sit here, like...

No. Next I think we can do this. Yeah. Hope for the best.

That's pretty good. One more task done. Not 100% yet. We need to do the wiring. We need to create new wires for that. So before we can close the battery compartment we need to run, finally...

We said we're gonna run this like three times already. This is the NMEA 2000 that's gonna go from the  nav station all the way to the engine room. And for that we need to go through a conduit that leaves there and go underneath here to the engine room.

And with the battery in place it's gonna be worse to do that. So we're gonna do that now. So now we have the NMEA2000 cable here, that's enough to bring all the way to here. From here we split, it goes to the helm... It actually dies here.

That's the end of the line. That's the end of the line for you, my friend. But this is gonna be sitting here for a little while. We're not gonna do that right now. That is just to get this ready. Now that means we have everything we need to go underneath.

Let's keep going. Now we just connect the negative, that's here... to connect it straight to here. And then from here we connected it the battery. And this is the negative from the other battery, from the house bank. And this is for the positive from the engine.

These are solar panels coming from one panel... From one group of panel and from the other group of panel. And we are good to go. And just like this another puzzle is solved.

This battery is not gonna go anywhere. Now... But, just in case... we're gonna put another one... Like these ones on each side just to make sure it won't slide this way and another one right in front to make sure it won't slide this way.

And then there is no way this battery can move. And now that's all in place we need to do the other batteries because we have another, I don't know, six batteries. 6 batteries to go. It's a lot of work. Simple thing but really important because in case the boat, you know... How you call? Lean? Heels too much to one side or in case we flip the boat this won't go anywhere, because now it's locked.

It's pretty good. I like it. Long time we don't see you, my friends. What to do now? That's a good question. It's so good to reuse things.

The idea for the lithium batteries is to use these supports that came with the solar panels but we used another one. So we are reusing this. So this solar panel supports are used to hold the batteries in place. That's pretty good. I'm glad we saved them on the boat.

And now one more time this multitool saved us. It's so quick to use this. Yeah. So that's a win. Now we need to do here and there and here. So, enjoy the music.

So this is gonna be double, we're gonna have two of these here. And we're gonna screw this to here. And we are planning on have something on the back as well, but this is for tomorrow. Are you ready? It's time to start, you know, assembling the cockpit.

Finally. Finally back. I'm not sure if it's gonna fit but we're gonna try our best. We did a modification on these pipes. It already doesn't fit.

We need to sand a little bit more here. But we need to try it in place. It was impossible to know exactly if it was right or not. We were postponing putting this in place because we knew that we might need to do some modifications.

Yeah. It's just, you know... We just need to do some... give some extra sanding here, but we'll do that. One out of four. Win. That's a win. Great. That's good. So that means we just need to grind these two a little bit.

It's not much. I think it's much better than I thought. Great. One more job checked soon.

Not check yet, but almost checked. Now let's go inside the boat because we have some other things to do. Welcome home. I need the tape measurement and a line, a string. Yep. This rat nest? Yeah. Come with me.

There's one more thing that we did that we mentioned a long time ago that we were gonna do but we've never showed you and it's here already. This is the support for the dinghy. But I think it's not on the right position. So we need to measure   because we need to try in place to make sure we can give the finishing. Right now the welds are just tack welds.

So we need to make sure this is right so we can finish the support. This is where the dinghy is gonna sit but I think   it will need to be a little bit more over this side. We'll check this. What's the idea? The idea is to measure the centerline of the dinghy and make sure that when the dinghy is here it's not gonna hit this. Because it's really close to hit this. So basically this string is the center line of the dinghy that's gonna sit there.

So here we have exactly 60 centimeters. A lot of space. We have 98 centimeters. As you can see one of the tasks we have for this week is to wash the deck. It's terrible. It's terrible, but it's gonna be good, just when it's done it's gonna be good.

So now we need to go to the dinghy and measure the center line of the dinghy. Let's go. Here is where Frederico is since we got the boat out of the water. (Frederico is our dinghy's name) And that means we need at least... I would say 85 or 90.

That's the real color of the dinghy. I think it's dirty. This is the real color. At least 170. So 85 is the minimum minimum minimum. So, 35 to 40 towards the other way. And the conclusion is...

We need to bring the support 30 centimeters this way. So that basically means that the center of the support,   the center line of the dinghy needs to be around here. So if the center line of the dinghy is here   we're gonna be really close to the spray hood and that's really good, because we're gonna have more space for this line that I don't  know the name in English.

We can write it somewhere.   *this is not the real boom vane, it is just a mockup. So we're gonna have more space for this and we are also not gonna hit the stay. I think that's perfect. The only thing we need to find out how to  do is how to weld a support that's off center.  It's  gonna be a little bit tricky but... The welder can think with us. We're going to talk to the welder today and then we're gonna show you the result. Because I think it's gonna be really good.

*Sorry for the constant noise of this episode but this month we have a lot of neighbors at the marina Fingers crossed. That's it. It fits. That's pretty good.

We're gonna do the rest just to make sure we trim a little bit.   But we don't need to show you, you know, all the details. It's already fitting so...

You can already walk on, that's good. So we're gonna move to something else. Let's do something else. How it's going? It's almost there.

We have all the supports ready. I'm just screwing little blocks on the sides. Just like this. So they won't slide this way and then this bar is gonna compress them with a little piece of gasket on the bottom, just to give some tightness. And this is gonna hold it in place, it won't move. Trust me. It's not gonna move. And these batteries are really light. These batteries are only 15 kilograms each, instead of 25 as it was the old ones.

So it's pretty good. I think another half an hour and I'll be done.  You can check that and then you come back this is gonna be ready. I'm gonna check this one I'm gonna take this out and check if it's glued in place.

Bad news. What is bad news? Ii'm joking. It's pretty good. That's not nice. I was scared. I'm like: what's the problem now? We don't need a new problem right now. I caught you. That's just perfect. I really like the result.

I'm gonna show you the batteries ready because you don't need to wait half an hour, right? I can do it in half an hour and then... After two days. That's pretty good.

Check this out. We have rubber in between just to make sure it won't slide. Even though this seems like it's thin this wood is just solid, really really really strong wood, it won't go anywhere. And this works all together, so it's not like... you know? And we have like some blocks in between,  to make sure the batteries won't move this way. We also have one here, one there. Here we also have one... a bar. We have these blocks screwed to the wall to make sure it won't move this way.

And here and there on the back. Here have a block on the bottom, on this bottom on this bottom   in here with rubber everything it tight in place. There is no way... We can flip the boat upside down and the battery is gonna  stay where it is. Now all we need to do to finish the installations we need to create one more wire. This cable is gonna connect the the switch, the battery switch, to the battery.

The negative from the engine is already on the switch. Now I'm gonna connect this one and with this one connected I can connect everything back to the battery and we are ready to  finish the engine and to start the engine. I mean, we need to install the pedestal, we need to install the steering wheel. Baby steps. We're getting there.

Now let's do this one. That's really thick. Back with the big gun. You can go.

Just a tiny bit more. And we're good to go. Strong woman. By the way, I'm a captain now. I got the result, I mean it's not official yet.

But they got the, you know, which questions were right on the exam.   And according to that I have 25 percent more than I need. So if even if they put my grade down I'm a captain. I'm a captain.

I'm your captain. Odd's captain. Yeah. I'm Odd's captain. The problem about this kind of wire that's too thick is that we need to crimp the terminal on the right angle, right? On the right side otherwise it won't turn.

That's a really good step. For now we're gonna leave as it is. All we need to do is to connect the positive and the negative of the battery on the engine. We have two cables on the engine room, we just connect them to the engine and then we can go to the water. The battery for the engine is working. We have the negative switch, we have the positive switch.

The only thing is not gonna happen is the alternator is not gonna charge the lithium batteries. Because we have Battle Born lithium batteries and we cannot charge with the alternator as it is. We need to install this piece and this is gonna manage the battery system when energy comes from the alternator but we can do that when we're on the water.   We don't need the alternator right now for the house batteries, we have sun. When we go to the water with time we just connect it. It's just a small device. We just run some wires and we're good to go.

So basically we're trying to fix a old problem. Remember when we install the entire exhausting system? Here we used to have a curve and then the hose would go on the top of the drive shaft. And it was way too close. There was not much space in between the drive shaft and the hose   because this hose is really thick.

So we decided to cut this connection and extend it.   And now this extension is gonna go over the shaft and this has the internal diameter of the hose.   The hose is really thick, so we gained a lot of space. And with this I think we're gonna have like... One and a half almost two fingers in between  them. That's 100% fine.

We need to have at least four millimeters I think. It's gonna be good. Good. Now the worst part is to install it. We can do it.

Let's try it and see if it works. Two smashed fingers. Two closer fingers. Is it good? It's perfect.

Another thing we need to do this week is welcome Paul and Heid and Franny's Garage to our Patreon family.   And also to thank, Gary, Rufus and Stephen for the donations thought our Paypal. So thanks so much guys. Another thing we need to do is to lock the freezer in place. Because even though it has four screws here in front we need to lock this on the back otherwise it can twist like this.  So this is the task now. Yeah.

We're gonna just slide it forward a little bit and then you hold the freezer in place I'm just... I'm gonna screw two little blocks of wood on the side, so it won't let the freezer move. I mean, it's supposed to be just like this, that's how it comes from the factory. But, you know, just in case... It's a sailboat, we can move a lot and, you know, be... Best safe then sorry. Better... I think it's better safe than sorry. You got the point.

I'm gonna try to pull this by myself. Let's see if I can do it. So what we're gonna do is to screw this on the sides   That's just perfect. Check this out. We have... I don't know if you can see it, but right down there we have a locking mechanism, another one there and in the front part. So that means that it won't go forward backwards and sideways. Now... We can go sailing now.

That's pretty good. What's happening there? It's time for some organization. This is too messy. We are gonna find a way to store all these cables inside of the nav station. Because... the nav desk. Because here is just too many wires for one place, so we're gonna create a huge hole here and create some space to organize inside.

Oh! Sorry camera. So basically, we're gonna create a hole and put most of these wires down, organize them and then bring them back. So this is gonna be clear, less wires. Too many wires right now.

But to do that we need to organize what's what. Finally. Now we have plenty of space. And we need to round the corners, right? Yeah. We have way too many wires around to leave here.

So now we can organize them inside and then bring them back, right? So the organizer of wire is gonna be inside the table and if we want we can just create a division. Because we don't need such a big table, we have other places to store charts if we need. They say that the pronounce is chart. Chart. It's because in Portuguese we say chartplotter. So that's why we say chartplotter.

And English is not our mother language, you need to understand that English is a second language. Whoever say we say something wrong should try to speak Portuguese once at least. It's hard. We don't need to pronounce it exactly perfectly you just need to understand. That's it. If you understand we're happy with it. If... We're never gonna be perfect. No way. I just don't. I don't even want to be perfect. It's fine. You're perfect for me.

Thank you. It's hot. Don't burn your finger.

It's a thick nav station. Thick. It's hot. This is gonna be really round. No wire is gonna get hurt, not in my watch. That's pretty good. One more task done. No, not done yet. We need to organize the cables now.

All set. The hole is there, some cables here, some cables there and now we are re-routing the cable to install this there. This is gonna be here now. This is the monitor for the inverter charger. And mostly we use this just to turn on and off the inverter charger. So here's a really good position, next to the 12 volts panel. And if we need to see any other information just, you know... put your head down a little bit and you can see it. And most of the information we have here we're also gonna have on the battery monitor, that's gonna be on the panel. So, it's gonna be all fine.

And if we turn it off by mistake there is no problem. Yeah, it's just a inverter charger. And you won't do that, it's just you, know, deeper than this. It's going to be fine. I just want to organize these cables because I don't want to see them. I want just to leave them inside really really organized. That's good.

So wire is here. We just need to create the hole and to connect it. We're gonna do that tomorrow. We still need the blade for the  multitool that we broke ours. We ordered a new one.  Sorry for the messy episode but... Yeah that's just the way it is. That's real life when you want to splash a boat in two weeks. That's our goal. If everything goes according to plan and if the   weather collaborates... Because right now we are basically ready to start painting the bottom of the boat but we need like four or five days window to paint the boat.

And if the weather helps on the 21st of this month (JUNE) we're going to splash the boat. I hope you're right. The messy episode is because a lot of little tasks along a big  refit you'll leave for later leave for later.   But they're important to do before we splash, so that's why we're just like doing, you know,   tiny little things that even though they seem just nothing, they're really important. Actually we are really excited because every single task that we completely we got like:  Oh! We did it. Finally. It's really cool to start something in one day and finish on the same day.

And now we're, you know, starting this kind of tasks that it's like you finish two three tasks every day and that's really really... It feels good. It feels really good because every time we complete a task feels like we are closer to the water. And we are actually really really really closer. We just need a little bit better weather, that's all. But next week... we're gonna talk about that next week.

See you guys next week. See you next Monday. See you next Monday. Join the crew

2021-06-18 16:56

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