ಅಜ್ಞಾತ ತಾಣಗಳ ಅನ್ವೇಷಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ.. Subrahmanya Trails On KTM 390 Adventure & RE Himalayan - AnnyArun

ಅಜ್ಞಾತ ತಾಣಗಳ ಅನ್ವೇಷಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ.. Subrahmanya Trails On KTM 390 Adventure & RE Himalayan - AnnyArun

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Good morning. It is Sunday today. There was no plan so far. One of my friend is coming.. Been to Subrahmanya trails last year. Planning to go to the same side.

My friend called last night and said he will also come. So going together. There is no proper destination as such so I kind of hesitate taking new people with me for rides.. Since I wouldnt know their interests and most of the time there wont be any destination to the places I ride.. If there are not worth the places to see, then we would just be roaming here and there. Last time I did one trail towards Subrahmanya.. Just random routes.. Let's just go there and then roam around Hope its okay right since there wont be any destination.

Thats alright Ride at your comfortable speed. Don't stretch. We reached Uppinangadi.. This is one of my favrourite hotel where you get Kalthappa, a mangalore dish For those who come from Bangalore, this hotel comes on the highway After Shiradi ghat There is a small bridge here and you see this hotel on the left. Highway Hotel. On the left side. Its also on the google maps.

Ask for 'Kalthappa'. Its a famous dish from Mangalore I also love it They will serve it with fish curry or chicken gravy Its really nice. Now lets ride to Subrahmanya trails Let it rain please! And its raining! Its slippery Locals were looking like where are these guys going to! No network right? No Jio network, no Vodafone too! Finally its raining We were kinda sweating it out Usually I don't ask for directions in the junctions.. Because we cannot explain to them that where we are going and whats there to see.. They will wander why are these guys going there and what's there to see. ..then they will get suspicious and its time of the covid as well. Especially when you wear all these gears and ride..

Last year when I used to ride with gears the people who were sitting outside used to go inside seeing me.. ..seeing some in PPE kit has come and they will take people away! Today I am riding with Santosh We are engineering classmates from 2008 passed out batch of Malnad College of Engineering,Hassan He is from Automobile and I from E & C We met recently at Rider Mania in Goa He also came riding so thats when I got to know that he rides as well. So we came together. This is an offroad trail leading to.. ..a temple at the end of the road. A temple to worship Daivas, a custom here in Mangalore There is nothing much to see there but the road leading to it is very nice. Because its covered with trees on both sides..

This is the rain trails.. Like I usually call one of my series.. After that we will try to explore places around This is the temple I mentioned.. Daivasthana This is the end of the road. Work is still going on..

Not sure if the bridge is strong enough.. Last year it was Too big fishes.. This place in middle of Sullia, Madikeri and Kumara Parvatha If we try to cross this, we will loose our bikes.. There seems to be some place on the other side. There is a route. Is there any inner route here? None Any different route from here? some inner route..

There is no inner route.. Where are you coming from? from BC road So you thought you could go Madikeri via this route? No not to Madikeri. I came here last time. So just came to see again Till where you came last time? Until that last temple That's on the same route Yeah we went till there.

Is there work going on for the temple? BCroad? You came last time? Oh you remember? Last time when I came, I made a video Did I meet you there last time? That bridge and all were there.. The road keeps on going.. Last time I didnt come this side.. Lets see where this goes. Raining again.

We saw two guys in bike somewhere behind in middle of forest And when they noticed us, they looked away standing there. It looked bit suspicious My only fear is this.. ..going in search of unknown lands is that.. ..if there is some illegal dealings might be happening inside a forest and.. ..and if I go infront of them suddenly with camera ON.. ..then things may go wrong. aand its raining Looks like we came to someones house Someones house here.

This is one of the disadvantages of ISOUL There will be a nice trail like this but at the end it will go to some private property Anyway the route we came through was really nice. It rained, offroad trail was nice.. ..we had our fun so lets go now. This offroad keep on going. Really nice. Offroads like this is really fun to ride. Its not slippery plus views are nice Road is super nice right? Hope this doesnt goes to someone house too? I am sure it will go to someones house again! Lets find out I am sure it is going to someone's house. Wonder who builds house in middle of the forest like this.

Its nice. I like them people whoever they are Where does this road go? This road is not good.. Thats fine with us. Its too steep climb and also muddy road We will ride carefully You cant take the bike. Is it? It also rained continuously for the last 3 days.

Is it? There was another road behind. Which is better for you to take. We will see how far we can go. If we couldn't, we will ride back. Sure. rain.. rain.. rain.. rain.. When we asked earlier, they said there are no inner routes..

However we took some left turn and kept coming until we met this guy here.. ..he said there is connectivity to the other side but you cannot take the bike on this road.. ..because roads are all gone. We are kind of reckless.. If we tell them we will go on this route only, then they will feel bad that we are not listening to their advise. so what I usually say is this.. ..that we will just go ahead a bit and see. If we couldn't go, then we will head back. Usually we could do it, however what they think is that..

..we are from city, and these roads we cannot ride.. ..and we ride only on good roads.. ..also these bikes are too big for the road is what they think. However this is what we want. However we cant tell them that.. ..we need the offroad itself to ride. They wouldnt know if we can ride in these roads or not So we kind of convince them and take the roads. Go straight here, you will find a school and take a left there. Not sure where it goes, we are just going ahead.

Does this road go? We are just roaming around villages.. I see you both are together Yeah. Two of us. We went towards Panne earlier. Just looking for places.. Is this a leech? It was on my helmet This is a leech. But a small one.

It was dancing in front of my face. See it became big now I don't know if there are more How did it get on to my helmet? Is this the first time encounter with leech? No not the first time Then not to worry. come. It should rain like this. Fish tempo is coming.. We have come to the end of the road. It leads to an estate at the end there. This was a small waterfall here. Don't know the name. Should look it up on maps later.

There is nothing much to see here, but we wanted to come till the end of the road. Someone suggested a trail near here. So we will try that trail before we turn back. They also said that its tough trail.. Not possible to ride. We will try out anyway. Its not like we have to finish it anyway. We will go until where we can go. Not sure which one to take here.

You can hear sound of dog barking below. So there should be a house. We will take the road going up. But that road is closed. Its not closed. Just a tree fell down. There is little space on the side. Lets check it out anyway Let's go ahead.

Is this the trail for sure? You cant see any trail here Lets find out. You go ahead. Can't cross here.

Look at your one half. Full mud I think it will be like this only even ahead. With trees fallen everywhere. We cant ride ahead.

Tree has fallen down here as well. We cant see the ruts on road also due to thick grass. There are huge gaps on the road at places. I think due to rainwater flow.

Its difficult for just the two of us. Probably we can do it if there is a group like last week. For the next time.

Tree has fallen here. And rainwater created pathways on the road.. ..our situation is like this now.. We don't need to wash this now. We just need to ride in rain. And it will all get washed. We are cleaning in this stream.. It should rain like this..

Where does this road go? Don't know And this side? There are few houses this side. This doesnt connect to Sullia-Madikeri road? I think you lost the road and came here. Is this a dead end of there is road ahead? There is just a little road that's it? And this side? Just a few houses.

Sister, Where does this road go? It goes to the river And that side? *village name* Does this connect to Madikeri road? For that you have to go back. Or to Sullia? You can but now you cannot cross the river. Oh it goes via river? We are just trying to go via inner routes. You have to go back. Should we return back now? Shall we just go around before we return? We will go until the river. We will just go until the river and come back.

This leech is so nuisance that.. ..its here on my forehead. Hope there is none inside the beard. You can go this side. Lets go this side and see whats there. go slow..

MTC was ON Each saying differently. They said there are no road. Yeah I had my doubts so I came ahead. We decided to go back at the water crossing because.. ..the lady we met ahead said there is no road ahead. So if there was rain, and the water level increased by the time we come back, then we will get stuck on the other side. We were about to return when that fellow came and said there is a road ahead and we can cross. We were thinking there is not much rain earlier and now we got loads of it.

We are still not sure where this road connects to main road or not Completed 19,300kms.. There is no fish. I can make an omelette for you. ..fish got over. We wanted to eat fish badly It was there but got all over.

We ditched 3-4 hotels for this fish meals Today's trail is over now Almost reached. Today it was entirely 'In search of unknown lands'.. ..there was no destination in mind. I thought ill get disappointed but didn't. We had really nice trails and water crossings.. ..had really good experience, even locals helped at times.. ..by suggesting routes. We havent used maps in this ride at all. Last time when I checked, it was about 97,000 subscribers on the channel..

..lot of you are supporting me. Today 'Mad in Kudla'(Arpit) gave a shout out even though we never met before. Lot of you are encouraging people to share and reach 100k Even though I don't usually ask to share, you guys are sharing and supporting the channel Really thanks for that. I think mine is the slowest channel to reach 100k I guess. I am still fine with that. Though I may not get the numbers, I have met some amazing people via this channel.

People who contacted me via this channel Amazing riders and some really nice personalities. I did not start this channel like a 'youtube channel' but more about the compilation of my riding videos. Thats why if you notice, I am still not comfortable enough to speak in front of the camera. ..I am trying to improve. But the more crux of this channel is to go in search of unknown lands.. and capture how I experience those unknown lands as raw as possible..

..and present it to my viewers. Thats the only goal of my channel. Thank you. I read all your comments. Also I try my best to reply. If I ever miss to reply, please don't feed bad.

Thank you so much for the support. In search of unknown lands will continue..

2021-08-05 18:58

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