新しい自作キャンピングカーでの初めての車中泊最高過ぎた in 福井県 - VAN LIFE JAPAN 121

新しい自作キャンピングカーでの初めての車中泊最高過ぎた in 福井県 - VAN LIFE JAPAN 121

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Hey everyone, what's up, it's Bappa Shota The day has finally arrived Today we depart So we spent 4 days doing DIY The van is not 100% complete yet, we're still waiting on a few things to arrive When the van is fully ready, we'll do a van tour So today we are going to a new prefecture We have now been to 7 of the 47 Japanese prefectures And the 8th prefecture will be... So next we are going to... The Chubu (central) region of Japan Do you know where the Chubu region is? It's the first time I've hear of the Chubu region It's the central region of Japan Have you been before? I haven't Really? Will it be your first time? Yes My first time going there will be with you So which prefecture are we going to? That's the big question The Chubu region is really big So the first prefecture we will be going to in the Chubu region is... Fukui Prefecture We'll start from Fukui prefecture I don't think anyone guessed we'd be going there next I don't know anything about Fukui prefecture You don't even know where Fukui is Fukui is really hard to pronounce too Please try saying it It's really hard to say I think you need to practice how to pronounce it While we are driving to Fukui prefecture, let's practice how to say it Hello Fukui people, we are heading you way We're coming from Himeji Let's go Please can you drive Shota Let's go From Himeji to Fukui prefecture, it's 300km That's really far If we take toll-free roads it'll take 5 hours If we take toll roads, it'll take 3 hours 2 hours difference What should we do? How much is the toll road? Let me check It's 6000 yen ($60) That's insane That's so expensive Let's start driving on the toll-free roads and see how it goes After driving from Hokkaido to Kyushu on toll-free roads you said never again Driving the length of Japan on toll-free roads is a completely different story We drove the whole length of Japan pretty much I thought you were sick of toll-free roads 300km in 5 hours is possible What do you think? What a waste of 6000 yen ($60) You are such a strict bank manager Yes I'm strict But paying for toll-roads is a waste of money First I drive We arrived in Kyoto prefecture after driving along many mountain roads and stopping at many traffic lights There are many mountain roads between Kyoto and Fukui Are you doing ok Shota? Yeah I'm ok You were sleeping a lot No I wasn't When the camera was off 5 hours 15 minutes since departure We made it to Fukui prefecture That was a long 5 hours Next time please can we take the highway How's the weather? It's so cold Really? Fukui prefecture is so cold It's colder than Okinawa's winter Are your feet ok? I didn't bring shoes Do you want to wear your hiking shoes? I only brought my hiking shoes Welly boots? I thought it would be warmer Since it's cold, I'll wear my thick Abe mask (government issued mask) Roadside Station Wakasa Kumagawajuku Omakase Dango What does that mean? That pink dango looks so good The bank manager spends money easily on sweets Everyone watching probably wants to see what the dango is like since it's from Fukui prefecture You love eating sweets My Scottish girlfriend is searching for famous food from Fukui All the dango is frozen so you can't eat it Why is it frozen? They must freeze it They might have some fresh ones What is that? One of Japan's top 3 "kuzu yokan" Yokan What's that? Please try it It looks really big It's like konnyaku How is it? What's your rating out of 10? It doesn't have much taste This is actually very famous It's served to first class passengers who fly with JAL (Japan Airlines) Do you prefer this or normal mochi? Daifuku is the most delicious Please try it Shota I've tried it before and didn't like it I wanted you to try it Driving through Kumagawa which has Edo-era (1603 - 1868) style buildings This is Kumagawa town It's a really old town It's so cute Maybe they sell some of your favourite foods here They might have shaved ice There is a river here which contains one of Japan's 100 cleanest water I heard this spring water makes really delicious coffee Some cafe owners collect their water from here It must be delicious then This is Japan's second best water, I wonder where is number one That doesn't matter Thank you I wonder what Fukui is famous for? I've just been doing some research and Fukui has a really famous dinosaur museum Dinosaurs? Why is it here? Seriously? Let's go to the dinosaur's world So we have arrived at the dinosaur park Those men over there must be digging for some dinosaur bones I don't think they are Did you really think that? I think they are repairing something But this area has the most dinosaur bones It's so big, isn't it? The museum contains 44 dinosaur fossils and 100+ dinosaur replicas Dinosaurs lived on earth for 165 million years It's scary Humans are such a small part of Earth's existence compared to dinosaurs Before we start our trip around Chubu, I want to do one thing So now we are starting our trip around the Chubu region in Fukui prefecture I'm going to pray for a safe trip at this shrine The rock is huge I wonder why the shrine is there Behind the rock is a big mountain Maybe the rock fell down from the mountain Then it landed here and that's why there is a shrine Maybe when I'm praying the rock will fall down Praying for a nice trip I've prayed for a nice trip in the Chubu region Looking for an overnight spot We're going to today's camp site It looks great It's really green There are some other people This is a nice place since we can bring the van inside Where shall we go? Shengyuan Garden Campsite So we have arrived at today's camp spot It looks so good here It's great It's right beside the river, let's have a look You love flowers don't you Ruth? Look over here There's a river This campsite is great I can't believe it's free This is incredible There is also spring water we can drink So Ruth, how are the toilets? Well this is a free camp site so as expected the toilets are not the best Ruth's face looks sad I think this is drinking water So what are we cooking for tonight's dinner? I mixed up Japanese and English What? Before we start... Thank you We've gone from Orion beer back to drinking Nodogoshi beer Cheers Cheers I checked the weather and it'll be 1 degrees celsius here tonight That's crazy isn't it? That's so cold I didn't expect this weather My feet are so cold So for tonight's dinner, we are having mackerel sandwiches We saw a lot of places selling mackerel sandwiches Mackerel is Fukui prefecture's most famous food I was searching for mackerel recipes and mackerel sandwiches looked the easiest so decided on that Will it be a Scottish style sandwich? I already cut the vegetables Let's cook the mackerel next We'll cook it with some garlic We'll have stinky breath tomorrow Frying the mackerel with garlic Making our sandwich It's great We can enjoy dinner with this lovely view of the river Where's my beer? Stop it So tonight's dinner is mackerel sandwiches They look delicious Fukui's special mackerel sandwiches This is great Bon Appetit Ok let's eat the mackerel sandwiches It's heavy There were 4 slices of toast My sandwich is made from the old toast That's not important How is it? The mackerel is delicious Mackerel is actually really good inside a sandwich Greedy guts What are you saying? Big bite It's delicious You're fired Shota You only had one job Shota What? You were in charge of the bones You're fired What are your first impressions of Fukui prefecture? So far I think it's great I really like it Really? To be honest, I didn't really know what Fukui prefecture was like It's really green I've become quite interested in Fukui prefecture and I'm sure there must be lots of interesting places here There seems to be a lot of history There's lot of old buildings It's really interesting The weather has surprised me and there is still snow on the mountains around here It must snow a lot here in winter It does At that roadside station we went to earlier I saw photos from January, February and March and there was loads of snow Really? Yes That's crazy That was great, can you do the dishes please Ruth Washing the dishes is the worst job since the water is so cold Let's do rock, paper, scissors The normal one? Normal Recently I always win The water is so cold It's so cold Are you ok? It's like the middle of winter I've finished the dishes I'm freezing Now it's time to sleep Let's make the new bed and see how it is We fought a lot about the old bed since Ruth couldn't sleep Ok, let's make the bed Please can you make it Shota You are good at making the bed Ruth First let's put this wooden panel That's good Does it fit? It fits Next we need to put one more panel It's quite cold, isn't it? Next we need to use the table That's the bed made It'll be fine Next we need to put the cushions We're still waiting for the new mattress to arrive Please take care of the bedding Are you speaking to me in formal Japanese? Shota please take care of the dishes You didn't say it properly I can never made the bed properly It's better I stick to washing the dishes Time to sleep in our new bed I wonder how it will be? Goodnight This is great It's so spacious There is a lot of social distancing going on This is great Don't come over here Go over there I didn't spent 4 days doing DIY for you to sleep right beside me This new bed is great That was my best night of sleep in the van That's great We weren't kicking each other during the night It's great The DIY was a success

2021-05-08 03:00

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