[Music] [Music] yeah yeah what's [Music] I after C Central Drive we going to a 30 minute break stop at the City View shopping center we have 30 minute cop in Center that is where you'll be able to buy freshments and you'll also be able to utilize the restroom within the city of De places of interest that you can visit as you around here in the city of De as well as activities that you can enjoy as you around here in the city of De so the to is there to give you an overview of what is happening within the city of De and also the swimming pools are open for public they T an entr if you are visiting at the retail K fing pool the city of De uh this is a C that has two names it has an English name as well as a Zulu name an English name it was name in honor of me it is the Africans followed by the Indians and the kalak and then the thir Community it is the white Community currently we are driving on a stretch of the beach F area which is popular known as a golden mile the reason why the stretch of the beach area is known as a golden mile it is because of the SE because a super say this no the sea water night and then return back to the ocean they to put the SE as well inside the container whenever they are fing the sea water so these guys that are carry empty containers of water they utilize it to F the water and sell it to the remember we have places that are in Africa where they don't have where they don't have the sea water so when they come here in the city of De they buy the sea water to utilize B at their home to cleanser themselves to chase away the bed evil the bed lab the bed CES as well all right look carefully on the second distance of the SE on the far left side you see that they are floating red on his neet if they c a shot on this neck they don't kill it hospital this is a public hospital this is the second s of theing Hospital the first site it used to be located in Victoria embankment which is currently known as mag Avenue the building is no longer being used but the pl to Children Hospital the building Ser as part of our national monument building to own the SE find on the there is the Dolphin Stadium whereby the dolphin is taking place three times a day by The Dol are showing us their skills creativity how they communicate with the local sh and the spinner sh those are some of the sh marine and also get a chance to see different types of fishes water Turles as well as other Marine pictures that exist in the ocean so they're located there the SE section now we join the King Avenue the King Avenue is taking us straight to the main entrance of marine here the main entrance of marine this big do of the Big Shar piece which is called by the Megaladon the Megaladon was once a Shar piece that was existing in our ocean all right the green and the White Pass there a pass there behind us that is called by the people mve transport it's one of the main cheapest and the safest public transport you can use as you around here in the city of De until late times at night there is a bus that only operate is within the city central building which was later converted into the hostel of the rway work currently it serves as an office apartment of different of small oranization terminal which is recently constructed terminal we still going to S as we drive through around the point of area SP all right on the left bottom we have the educational institution those are some of some of the places that you find around the are there is the point paring the point ofing on the3 to receive an over ucation died on the 11th of February same day it n Mandela was also released in prison on the 11th of February so his house there is a museum it is now Museum be taking through it's part of also route we find M gandi house M gandi guy from indan op newspaper so his house has been ConEd to where you find with k k who granted him a 25 M strip of land along the coast so trading course which is currently known as de har or as de P by that time who by De Port divided into different subsection car terminal The Passenger Terminal de coner terminal and the Bay Head those are the subsections that are located inside here they pump the C from here all the way down to the B area this already to keep the level balance inside Port mention on the left side across we have those white in the brown Tower isical terminal located acral was officially open last year by the president of the repblic of South Africa in the month of November thisal number of interational as MC the theol as well as other notable interational was builted in the year 1914 located here in our left so it was builted in4 even today the public restroom uh the building that you see here on the left hand side uh the vintage cloting shop as well as the logistical company offices it used to be the first fire department as well as the metrop police office that emblem it is the old DE emblem the current de emblem it is shaped like an umbrella but is the old emblem all right ladies and gentlemen I'd like to take your questions and comments all right on the left side across we have the blue building the Blue Roof building that is called by the king Warehouse one of the trans private property that build with back T it it wasting zort so it's a wasting zone for import as well as export so called by the de roro terminal renamed this is one of the been rened as well was one of the ladies that mared against the building in the year of 1956 during the time of the upper era so the street was Nam after was part of an so the street us to be known as Victor so now by she was part of the the group of the women that matched to building at in the all right our right there is the ring restaurant on top of the building the second to building there is an Italian restaurant uh that's where you can sit dining and be able to view or get the paranomic view of the city of Deon which is called by the so enter those visit the rary rest on the left hand side across the colorful painting building that is the b art center one of the art center located across on the left that is where can watch live performance theater that is where can by painting art and Tru item there is a pile Art Center which is located across on the left hand side the trim building here on our left with the Red Roof that is called by the port natal Maritime Museum so that is the sh that is going out on the is supported by those red and the black white Bo supp them by thep Bo they expecting the to go out to the if you can see the ship is traving between the mar those right in the mar they to you lat I'll explain to you those M them by the ball all right here on our left we have the man on the heart called by King remember in 1910 in sou Africa we used to have four provinces now in sou Africa we have nine provinces in the of 1910 we used to have four Colonial provinces the tap Colony the Nal Colony The canval Colony this man on the hor man to escape and the by the hotel this used to be the gentleman's club back in the days this is where gentlemen used to meet and two things are only related to genten so the building from the part of the oldest buildings around here in the city of De the building has the Victor on the left there is the point or the point there is the home point from corporate yard private yard yard it's called by the point G club or the point located our left this is where ENT the de and the life you'll find it inside you find providers for it entertainment for located inside here de port de Port is one of the place of interest that you can visit around city of De it forms a part of the attraction within the city of De and our right this is the de High Court which is other Renovations here on our right hand path which is called by the weding station there at also places Lon those are the place that are part of the South stand foral go they coming from we as the province weing from the new res place now we no longer going to have n so the registration now will end the end now we are driving on the stre 12 by the street us to be known as Street uh this is a street which is dominated by our brothers and sisters from Nigeria M City Central we start from the beginning of the city central all the way down to the are the the hill is there is up the on theology located as and inun all right as we crossing the street if you looking on the right you can see it goes all the way down to the beach par area which tells you how long is the street so these two Crossing Street are the oldest and the longest street the city C my left we have the old Cemetery known as The W cemeter the Muslim Community located inside here the old DE Cemetery which is also known as the West stre cemeter located here on the left AC on our right the r building called by the same American church this is also known as the mother Church from the part all the churches within the city central this is one of the Roman Catholic Church called by the St U inside here find the get of traditional medicine there the M Market between those two traffic lights on the left there traditional medicinal Mar on the left side is can traditional medicine all right this whole area is popular known as the maret to the number of maret that are found around this area the popular known as the market and our right the te building this is called by the Victoria Market the Victoria Market is a popular St for local V as well Asal V the Victoria Market a popular popular it's a popular SP where you find ril that are selling different types of spices different spices their for in India so get them near the Victoria market so that is where sp sp for cing the best and carry B uh the spice for car you can get those SP as well as for international Vis all right questions where the back questions here questions questions take break no question all right ladies and gentlemen I'll be back after 4 minutes I just going to take ack all right here on our right hand side building with a gold D at the Top This is called by the Juma M which was B by Abu Baka it used to be the largest mos in the Souther hemisphere a the street us to be known as the commcial street along the street you'll find fabric lated R ret during African out we find those rils along the street which is called it used to be known Asal stre all right ladies and gentlemen now we're going to be passing the that used to be the city central train shop that is where train us to be se you see that white pole with theed red and the green light that us to be the train traffic control the workshop is a very popular spot within the city central technology the cre building here on our left it's known as the set Square this us to be our town hall before the open so now it's the biggest original post office from the part of the oldest building within the city of G as we are turning on our right we have the alen pant Square World Square Garden at the alen pant Square World Square Garden you'll find the stage of que Victoria the stage of the first Prime of Nal including the Hall of Honor located in B in Norther is for the D City Hall serve as an administrative for city mayor here the marathon Race y Muse Museum then the I was constructed as an in Ira as well as a Convention Center in 2007 the ACC was renamed as in Chief Ali complex Ali was one among who received the PE Nobel Prize and also he was once the president of the African Congress the the IC has the capacity of taking up to 10,000 attendances has hosted number of remarkable events such as the C 17 the world economy Forum one in the township ofu disclos 8 the year of 1998 for with white stone and then they will qualify the temple that is where will have they will hold their congregations on every Saturday all right Al anyone right we going straight to the right here now right side the are traveling from here the city Victoria we those out from and we'll also be able to use the restroom so we are taking a 30 minute break so please guys return back in time so oh this is messy we're going to be joining with entry ent3 is the K on the far left hand side right R it is the market which is a traditional medicinal Market theed are the city C also those to is where we St that ised out from the count the whole area the botom is popular known as the market of found this area whole botom the part of the that are located on our left hand side looking at the very farest end they on the very farest end very [Music] school around here in the city of De and also the part of the most expensive School the city of so the school is called by the clion school so this is a private school which only take Bo it's called voice supplies the morning res around [Music] that [Music] [Applause] they said here our right inside [Music]
2024-07-07 21:32