(Bermuda culture and Tourism) Pt 2

(Bermuda culture and Tourism) Pt 2

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welcome to Black conscious Nation The Awakening today we have Brother Dean of to the top shuttle service here in Bermuda Bermuda yes and he's going to share a lot of information about his business and about beuda who we are as a uh people of the African diaspora Brother Dean please yes yes so I just wanted to touch base on a little bit of our history you know I was telling the brother here that um Bermuda and America have a long history uh back in 1609 well first of all I run a mini buus service here in Bermuda in duckyard we do tours the mini buses do tours it's $10 per person per hour now a five hour tour will get you from one end of the island to the other and back and in that tour you'll get to see one of the features is our old town of St George was established in 1612 now in 1609 then Virginia were was being established in America they had were having some problems they were running out of supplies and things like that so England sent a fleet of ship uh they ran into a 4day storm the lead ship had an Admiral Sir George Summers on that ship and on the fourth night of that storm they thought they were going to sink but they spotted land so the Admiral commanded the captain to run that ship around they went they went as close as they could to Bermuda and ran ground that was on at the other end of St George they came ashore they got so close to the that everyone survived so for the next 3 months they used supplies from their ship and supplies from the island and they yeah they made two more smaller ships the deliverance and the patience they stuck those ships with supplies from Bermuda you know we had wild hogs we had fish we had Turtles things like that and they sailed on to Virginia they reached that Community just in the nick of time they had actually started cannibalism so they were saved from supplies from Bermuda okay 199 they did what with kism oh yeah that Community started to eat each other they got desperate but they were saved by supplies from Bermuda okay so when those guys sailed back to England they let England know that that island that we call the aisle of devils is not such a bad place after all climate is nice they have food there you know maybe you should think about sending a community there right so in 1612 England sent people here to establish the old town of St George they said that there were no people here wow but it's believed or been confirmed that peacot Indians were here most likely Africans were here as well but we do have descendants of the peat Indians and one of my friends has told me that his great grandparents had told him about the fact that there were Indians in in St Davids it's called that area of so you know they they told England that that place the aisle of devils is not such a bad place uh they used to to call us the aisle of devils because uh back in those days sea farers were very superstitious and at night when you sailed past Bermuda they'd hear a lot of screeching and screaming and they belied that there were devils here so Bermuda was actually used as a marker when you sail from America to England or one of those places down to the Caribbean when you spotted Bermuda you had a general idea of where you were on the planet and how much further you had to go but nobody really wanted to come on the island you know so me as a pre-teen they taught us that uh that screaming and screeching was our our national bird the kahal which is a a nocturnal bird flies at night make it was hearing the thousands they said that that's what was screeching and screaming but there are others who disagree they say that that was people when they saw the ships going by they do their little little war cries or whatever to scare them off so put the fear got him Macy yeah yeah yeah brother Dean yes sir do you have uh contact information we get a hold of you of course you can contact me uh at 1441 79922 it's Dean to the top shuttle service in Bermuda awesome hey we're back on um black conscious Nation with Brother Dean and we are riding around uh Bermuda and we just getting the tour what's going on what is it like to be here and this the demographics so I will be sharing some things with you here and there so stay tuned black conscious Nation The Awakening and and since the eclipse we've been having extra low tides you know it's not usually so low but so since since about a week or so before the eclipse and right up to now we're still having these extra low low tides called el Harbor it's a beautiful area especially during the sunset as you see it's protected from the open ocean it's a perfect place to Mo your boats that's El Harbor theud Triangle Bermuda Triangle yeah well the Bermuda Triangle is actually a vast area of ocean when you just one tip so the other tip is U Miami and the other is quo yes so they didn't want to name it Puerto Rico triangle and they didn't want to name it Miami triangle it Bermuda Triangle yes we're going to stop there and and get a closer look and we'll also feed the fish so there's that brick work if you look out of your window and look straight down at the roadside you'll see that wooden section this young man's just opening the bridge yeah okay no it's breams it's bream call them breams yeah little feed and frenzy there okay just throw a piece out there for I gotta talk to them where are they they're not piranas they just fish look I see them I baby you know oh no you don't oh no you don't oh look at them what kind of they're breams breams b r e beautiful yes okay oh my Lord you so I'm gonna I'm G to show you how the Bridge open so there you have it good it was designed for the Mast of sailboats to pass through okay I'll tell you more when we get on on the bus point now it's not used anymore because of because we have so much traffic and it's not needed anymore because we have all the motorboats but it's still there it can still open and it's called Summer set Bridge Tree that is for the um the S padow just pass some of those Soo meow is uh uh the the berries from that are good for men uh to help with prostate issues yeah so saw P we have here as well okay guys here in Bermuda we have no large wild animals we don't have snakes we don't have deer we don't don't even have squirrels in our trees are the birds frogs lizards the insects and we also have little land crabs but that's about it the large animals we do have are horses dogs cats cows chickens things like that but there are no large wild animals here the Gibbs Hill lighthouse um it was erected in 1846 it has 185 steps so we're not going to try to go up there at one point it was the tallest um cast iron lighthous in the world it still functions you know the light comes on every night it shines out you can see it about 20 something miles out yeah oh yeah see over yeah there's the there's your cruise ship there in the distance yes about our electricity we have an electric light company that's Central to the island they have three huge diesel engines that spin generators create our electricity and that sent throughout the island via these overhead wires you'll see now that's just one way we generate electricity another way is we incinerator are garbage and the heat from that flame spins a turbine alternator that creates electricity so the incinerator plant is run off of the electricity generated from burning our trash and the excess electricity is then forwarded to the regular electric light company and that too is sent throughout the island so there's two ways uh we also have the solar panels you'll see some solar panels on people's houses on their roof and also some businesses okay so there are three ways that we generate electricity diesel engines sell our power and we burn our trash widest point is about 2 miles our population is a little more than it's about 70,000 locals we have our own currency the Bermuda dollar it's the same value as the American dollar however our smallest bill is a $2 bill and we have a $1 coin each of our bills are a different color and each nomination has a picture of something you would see on the island we are a British we are a British dependent territory we're not a British colony we govern ourselves although Britain appoints a governor the government is made up of local officials and we run our own Affairs we have a two-party system each party decide who their leader is going to be and on Election Day the country decide which party are going to govern that party that wins the election their leader becomes the premier so America says President we say premere but this is an oldfashioned tank here it has the voted top it goes down maybe about six feet or so you know um so yeah rainwaters collected in here now this voled top keeps a pocket of air above the water and that helps to keep the water cool yeah so in the old days before Refrigeration your mom will take all the ingredients for Jello put it in a bottle glass bottle top on tight tie some string to it lower it down into the tank and when you came back home from school you had a treat some Jello As a treat you know uh but now and and back then we used to dip water with the bucket and rope pump room pushed into a pressure tank yeah and then when you turn on your fausset in the bathroom it flows yeah but um yeah that's that's the vaulted top okay yeah man it's plenty of water in there it's fresh and clean you can see a root from one of these trees has come through so it's kind of growing in there root if it was sunny you would see in clearly you know so I heard this rain water top of the roof it goes down roof gutter pipe yeah way down into this tank yeah wow said this is pretty much the structure of all in right now with water it's the basic idea yeah this is how we catch our water fresh water we don't have a problem with air pollution so we use the rain water as our fresh water yeah that's our freshwater Source we don't have any mountains or Rivers but rain is our source of fresh water yeah so we don't no Town water nothing we have piped water like I said we have a reverse osmosis they make fresh water out of the sea water and they pipe that through the island in certain areas but most people catch their water like this and that's what you fresh your tall doesn't take your bath with the water yeah yeah we use we use it for everything man we we drink it as well yeah so this is a piece from the the aloe I just picked and peeled that away and there's the gel right there I mean it's good for you it's it can stain white clothes you know you see how slimy it is it tastes kind of bitter I'm used to the taste so I don't mind it but um yeah it can cut you got cut does that's what I was just for burns you know you can oh right there for burns um I have a friend who who touched a a hot piece of reinforcement Rod burnt his fingers he was in pain he used a piece of aloe and he was like ah like as soon as he it soothed it it soothed him and of course it's good for um uh Sunburn and things like that pain on your skin helps to heal we used to do even the IIs I just want to touch again about the part about our ancestors how they used to go into the uh in the bush area in the bush I'm talking about they go in there find the bushes where they find herbs and they come uh find whenever there's an ailment in the family or in the village they brought something in they crunched it up or whatever it was sometime they bought it and they gave it to the person who was in need our ancestral knowledge is so powerful what do you have to say about that yeah well you know I was sent a video just yesterday of a lady who is said to be 141 years old she looks good you know the the interviewer asked her what do you think has helped you to live so long she says well I live off the earth I uh pick my herbs according to the Moon I live with the moon you know I pick my herbs according to when it's a full moon and things like that she says she doesn't have anything wrong with her no sugar no high blood pressure she's never had a heart attack you know she looks good man she she's 141 a Jamaican lady she's got a Jamaican accent anyway yeah you know and she she said that there is an herb that can cure you know a different herb for any type of disease you you you may have and so that's what she's done she said her doctor told her in 2002 that she had cancer and she would have 6 months to live and this video is recent so she said she just killed herself she said she don't believe in no cancer she said that people are born with cancer cells so everybody has cancer but when you got when you're in the right frame of mind and you know how to live off the Earth yeah you can heal yourself man most of it is in your mind can heal yourself yeah yeah and it's to the point you said U we going back to our ancestral knowledge again I heard you say she pick stuff from According to the Moon U we traditionally when we look back in our ancal knowledge you go to the pyramids you go inside they show all kind of an analyics about what they did and how they did it yes and it's strange because when the colonizes came forth It's my knowledge of black conscious nation that when they came to colonize they seen the they said it was barbaric what they seen But now in the 20 21st century you what we did they bought they marketed and it they they extra extradite the information and the materials from the motherland and they Shi to other countries yes to uh um um GMO it so they can reproduce it in Mass forms that's not I believe in as black conscious nation and it's a fact and they can't refute that yeah it's definitely a fact because the thing is we as black people have always been accommodating kind invite people in we teach you good knowledge some other people if if there's something good they try to figure out a way to monetize it and that's the problem you know we we know how to use natural things from the earth they look at and say how could I make money off of that you know so they dilute things they weaken it down we use the pure you know and so that's a difference between us that's one of the differences we we know how to live off the Earth and and keep ourselves healthy yeah we're not trying to monetize that we we share it you know muda tree here you know Bermuda CA it's a beautiful wood to work with it's hard to work with it's a hard wood it's not like Virginia Ceda vermuda CA has a lot of knots in it but it's a beautiful wood we make beautiful furniture out of it and also it's very aromatic so what we sometimes will do is take the saw dust put it in a little sache and hang that in your closet and it discourages moths things like that so they've been doing that for Generations as well but yeah that's a a specimen of the Bermuda cedar tree awesome all right black conscious Nation this is the final take we're gonna say we appreciate you so much we thank you for listening thank you for being with our tour guide our brother Dean he has done great work in educating us as a people you know if you ever in uh um uh Bera don't hesitate to touch him Reach Out him doesn't matter if you're not Brother Dean tell us about yourself and your contact information so guys I'm Dean my business is to the toop shuttle service uh I can be reached by telephone at 14417 n922 if you want to send me a WhatsApp message that's even better you know uh so I'm glad that I got to meet brother Hill and share some of the knowledge that we have regards in black history in Bermuda uh so here we are at Beautiful War Long Bay beach it's our second most popular beach in Bermuda um again we wish you farewell and also we want to invite you come to Bermuda we are about a two and a half hour flight from New York and Boston and we're a beautiful Cruise of as well so take care much love blessings to you black love and black [Music] oh a [Music] [Music]

2024-05-28 01:51

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