한국남자들이 미네소타의 매력에 푹 빠질 수밖에 없는 이유 (낚시외박 보내주는 쿨한 아내들)

한국남자들이 미네소타의 매력에 푹 빠질 수밖에 없는 이유  (낚시외박 보내주는 쿨한 아내들)

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Sup, guys? It’s currently 5:30am and I am on my way to drop Jin off at some random Korean guy’s house! Because, apparently, he and Jin are going away for the weekend for 2 whole days! Since Jin and I first met each other, I don’t think we’ve really ever spent that much time apart and definitely since we came to the US, Jin hasn’t gone away from me, like sleeping away from me, ever! And he’s never met this guy in person before… And they’re driving to a city that’s like 1.5 to 2 hours away… So, I’m a little bit nervous for him. This guy is Korean, but I think his native language is English so Jin’s also going to have to use English the whole time so… My baby! It's the first time I've spent a night away from Raye since I came to the US. I think she might be a little sad. I just know one thing… I have freedom for 2 days! I have freedom, too! We're supposed to meet him at 6am, but we're going to be a little bit late.

The guy I’m meeting today is a Korean-American that was born in the US. He’s crazy about fishing. Every time I check Instagram, I see him posting about all of the massive fish he’s caught. It’s probably out of your norm to wake up this early, right? Yeah…we don’t usually wake up this early, but I had to deliver this precious cargo to you. I know! I’ll take good care of him! I hope so! You guys will have a lot of fun. I have no doubts!

It seems really exciting! Yeah. It’s an outdoor trip and then just enjoying the area in general. You guys haven’t met before, right? You just messaged and now you’re going away on a trip? Number one…the first time we’ve met in person! But that’s how crazy the internet is, right? Exactly! You can just message a person and say ‘hello’.

No, it’s amazing! I think it’s awesome that you guys are… I don’t know… Going on an adventure. That you somehow met and now you’re going on this great adventure. I like it! So, just have fun, enjoy, and, hopefully, you’ll get a lot of good content! We will! So, let’s get on the road and enjoy! Thank you for dropping off Jin! Of course! Take care of him! Have fun! My husband… I like you so come back in one piece, ok? See you! I changed into the clothes that Andy gave me! Right now we’re driving to Mankato, Minnesota which is about one hour and fifteen minutes away. That’s about as good of Korean as I’ll be able to do. I didn’t expect that! I know! It’s pretty good! Your Korean is pretty good! But sometimes I mess up… So, explain what this trip is about… Ok. Every year in Minnesota there is a fishing event, the Governor’s fishing event, and that is the “opener weekend”.

In Minnesota, they pick a new area in Minnesota and they go and have an event in that city to showcase the city and the fishing! Our job is to show the outdoors, some fishing, food, breweries, and stuff like that… just to go out and have a good time while showing what the city has to offer! We got invited to it and I invited Jin! If you didn’t know, Minnesota is home to the Green Giant brand! Let’s go! Photo… Photo? Can you grab me a photo from over here? Hello! Hello there! We’re checking in. You are checking in? Yeah, that’s me! He’s the model for the cover! Can I get a picture? He’s quite famous! I was looking for it. I was like, ‘Where is it?’. Andy is quite famous in Minnesota. He’s the model for the Minnesota fishing license.

This is an event organized by the state of Minnesota, so there are a lot of sponsors. They gave us tons of free stuff! Suddenly it started raining so much! I think the governor of Minnesota picked the wrong day… I'm looking at the weather right now. It's been raining all day and I don’t think it will stop until we go to sleep tonight. It’ll be ok… We’re gonna have fun.

Yup. It’s still fun! We're at one of Minnesota's state parks! Because it’s raining so much I have to put on my raincoat. Ok. 0.4mi. It’ll take probably 10 minutes. 10 minutes! It's raining, but we're going to stay positive and have fun.

The waterfall is crazy right now because it's been raining so much... Scary! There's another waterfall about a quarter of a mile from here! 70 steps down, 70 steps up. That’s it? 70 steps? Only 70! What is this? I don’t know! People carved into it.

This is all handwritten by people! It's like Egyptian hieroglyphics… It says, “kids are so spoiled these days"! haha While I’m hiking in the rain, I wonder what Raye is doing at home. Ok… I came home, made some coffee, put in a load of laundry, and did some dishes and I got my face looking less tired… Princess, girl’s weekend, right? Girl’s weekend! Without Daddy! No Daddy this weekend, right? Just you and me! Ok! Time to make some tuna mayo for lunch! One of my favorites because it’s so easy and so delicious! We need some rice, Kewpie mayo because it tastes delicious, salt, pepper, sesame oil, tuna… we just got this one from Costco and it says they test for mercury so that’s good I guess… You can make this in less than 5 minutes. So you’re nice to me when you want tuna fish? I almost forgot the secret ingredient! (Msg) Most people are going to yell at me for this, but I studied biology so I have no prejudice against this… Mix, mix, mix! If I served this to you if you came over… It does not look appetizing, but it’s so delicious! Let me taste a little bit.

I put so much tuna so it might not taste that good. Hmm… I think it needs a little bit more mayo because it has no mayo flavor… This is my creation… Tuna mayo balls! And we’re done! Now I can eat! Yes! There are many places in the US where you can hike just a short amount of time like this and see amazing views! We came here to see some bison! Look at that! “Bison are Dangerous!” Are they really big? They’re really big, yeah. They’re probably 3x the size of a cow! They’re big! Now we’re entering this area. We were told that this area is a nature preserve to protect the bison. I don’t see any bison yet! You can open the window as long as nothing gets too wet! Bison! There are bison! There are bison over there! They’re just babies! So cool! Look at them! They’re so cool! Wow! The bison are right there! That’s crazy! That bison is only about 6ft away from me! It’s so close! It’s right next to us! Did you take a picture? Take a picture of it eating! It's so cool. It's eating... it makes a ‘chomp, chomp, chomp’ sound.

I've never seen a wild bison before. They're really big and scary! It was so cool! At US Costco, in the ground beef section, they sell bison meat and I know some restaurants also serve bison burgers. 1lb is about $10.

That thing was probably 300lbs! I've never eaten bison before. I’m really curious what it tastes like. Yeah! It’s very good. There’s not much fat at all! We're in an area now where we can watch the bison from afar! Bison Buddies! But, shouldn’t I be a Hanwoo Buddy instead? They’re giving us even more stuff! Love it! Do you work for the Minnesota government? Explore Minnesota! For the state for or less.

Our state tourism office! I do have a YouTube channel, too! Yes! Andy sent it to me! (There was a car coming…) Yeah…Andy sent that to me. I’m promoting Minnesota here because my wife is from Minnesota! Yeah. My business cards are in the car, but I think Andy sent me your email. Yeah. You have the email and the YouTube channel. Yeah! We’ll have to think about other stuff.

Yeah. I’m sure there will be more opportunities! Guys! I wasn’t really sure what I should do this afternoon after I ate my lunch. I was going to go to the gym, but it started raining really hard so I kind of feel like that’s an excuse to not go, but now I have another excuse to not go! Jin and I preordered the new Zelda game back in October and— it was just delivered! I’m gonna go downstairs and get it and I’m gonna sit my butt on the couch and play that for the rest of the day! Now, we’re going to go on a boat! To go fishing! Fishing... not just a boat ride... Fishing! Catching fish! He speaks to me in Korean and I'm speaking to him in English. We're having this interesting mixed conversation! Hey! What’s up? / How’s it going? Sorry! Sorry, I’m late.

You’re not late! You’re never late when you go fishing! You showed up! That’s the key! You’re never late when you go fishing! Today, this is the boat we’ll be using. It's scary... It looks a lot cuter than I expected.

I heard this boat can go really fast. 60mph? That’s what he says! Tears of the Kingdom! Look at that! Oh my goodness…I don’t even know if I can play! Oh no… Why’d they put it in this hard-to-open plastic? 10 years from now when I finally get the plastic off maybe I’ll get to play and I’ll update you guys then! Princess, it’s starting! Let’s watch! Let’s watch! It’s starting! Wow! The graphics look so good! I’m gonna end up playing all night. I can already tell! Who’s having the better time? Me or him? Me! No way! There you go! What’d you think? How…how fast was this? That was 54mph! He said there are so many fish here.

How do you know? I can see them! Those are fish? Yup! There’s a fish. There’s a fish. There’s a fish! They’re just stacked up in here like crazy! Look at them all! See all of those black shadows right there? Those are all crappies! We decided to trust the boat owner’s instincts and fish in this area! If you look at the water over there, you can see some fish! The motor back here is too loud so instead he is using this smaller motor. Wow. You have so many fishing rods. That’s nothing. That’s my small locker… He already caught one! What is that? A crappie? It’s a crappie! I can't believe he caught one already. One complete! Can we take a photo? A little sunny! He got a small one! What is this? There we go! You should keep that! Oh yeah. We will!

It’s so big! He got another one! It’s a small fish. How do you cook that? Do you fillet it? Yeah. I’ll fillet it. What does it taste like? Delicious! They’re delicious! Oh! It’s a big one! Oh…it’s big! You’re catching one a minute! I told you…this is a good spot! Yeah. It is! What’s the name of this fish? That’s a sunfish! He has big hands so it’s not a good comparison! It looks small. Don’t believe what they tell you about big hands… It’s not true! I have big hands, too, but… Compared to you I have baby hands! The boat owner said the world is so much better these days because you can use a GPS lock with an electric motor and it will adjust itself to the correct position...(like an anchor).

Suddenly, it started raining again so I had to put my rain jacket back on. At least I caught one fish today… haha Wait. First... I need to ask him about… gas money! I should give him a little.

Don’t worry about it! Do you mind if I give you some gas money? You don’t have to! No, I want to! That’s up to you, man. Are you sure? Your time…time is money! Thanks a lot! I’m glad you guys had fun! Sorry we couldn’t get some more fish! I want this to be a positive, memorable day! It was! You know what’s gonna make it better? If we get together a few more times and go fishing! Yeah! You let me know! When the weather isn’t like this…. Andy made a new friend today! A friend with a boat! I think they are gonna go fishing in that boat all the time! You’ve got my number! You bet I do! I’ll save it! When you have a free moment, give me a buzz! Sounds good! Alright! Take care, man! Bye! Andy, today was fun! Oh yeah. You’re welcome! You’re welcome! I had a lot of fun, too! So now we’re on our way back to Andy’s house and Raye will come pick me up! Hi! I’m Katie! I’m Raye! Nice to meet you! You’re so beautiful! They have a giant poodle! You cool with dogs? I love dogs! Yeah…he’s a gentle giant! Hi, buddy! What’s that in your mouth? Don’t put that in your mouth! Say ‘hi'! Say ‘hello’! Cute! She’s so beautiful! Did you miss Daddy? Kya, come check this out! It’s the mail truck! Here! Look! Kya, look! Want one? You want a bison hat? Do a boom! Does she know any Korean words? No, Sven knows quite a bit! I don’t know… Halabeoji! Halabeoji? Yeah! She knows some! It’s “habeoji’ not ‘halabeoji’. She is so cute! Kya, say “halmeoni’! Halmeoni! See? Say ‘annyeonghaseyo’! Annyeonghaseyo… She’s so shy! Hello! You have to remember that she’s only 2! 2 years old! She’s smart! She’s pretty sharp! She just turned 2… Other kids can’t even speak their native language. No! She can say things in full sentences! Full sentences! By the way, how was it… I’m not making fun of you, but how was it speaking only English for the whole trip? He spoke to me in Korean! Oh! Did you? I didn’t know if you spoke Korean or not! I can speak enough, but he said it’s like 90s style, but I don’t know what that means.

90s style?! 90s vibes… More like 80s, but… 80s style? Don’t laugh! Maybe that’s because that’s when your parents left Korea! Generation transfer! Style transfer! My grandparents…transfer! Because you leave Korea knowing the style and if it changes, you’re not going to change with it. Yeah, exactly! Anyway, we won’t take up the rest of your guys’ wonderful Saturday! Say goodbye! Bye! You’re so cute! Say “See you later!” See you later! She’s so cute! / So cute! Do you want one? Not yet… No, not yet. Maybe soon-ish, but not yet. We delayed it for a long time. We delayed it for a long time is right! It’s so interesting! Another couple like us! It’s not that common to see! Oooohhh Jin! You’re not wearing your seatbelt, mister?

2023-06-11 14:42

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