【4K】China is INSANE! 100 German Gen-Z First Explore China

【4K】China is INSANE! 100 German Gen-Z First Explore China

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formula one fan I have to take pictures sorry there huge display for Germans how is ice cream is it good? is it like Germany or better? better! hi my name is Jan i'm 24 years old. And i'm Vanessa i'm 25 and we are right now here in Shanghai it's the first time pretty awesome to be here it's really really hot here and the traffic is also insane and we are here during this summer school and we are here for four weeks first we go to the bund. skylines it's really awesome i tried to zoom in it's a little duck over there i really need to take a picture and then we are going to the Yuyuan garden even it's crowded i feel safe Wechat is absolutely necessary when you visit China tastes really good our next destination the tailor market. looks good

looks like a motorcycle rider right yeah Roger roger Roger and Djokovic Djokovic i want to learn a bit more about China explore China and Shanghai and get to know the culture and we want to vlog that and show you our experience of Shanghai hi welcome my name is Jan and my name is Vanessa so right now we are gathering up these two buses behind us and we are going into the city the first stop will be the bund the second stop will be the Yuyuan garden and then we are going to the sewing market follow us come on going to the bus right now we are on the bus and we're going to the the bund first stop. pretty excited about this first time seeing the skyline of Shanghai what do you expect about skyline oh i expect this to be very crowded i'm really curious how much people there will be and if i will be a little overwhelmed i'm yeah i'm a little curious right now we want to talk about our expectations and why we are doing this summer school summer school it's a four weeks program here in Shanghai we have like 100 students we are two of them the summer school is a program for German students all over Germany and it's four weeks long so we have four weeks here in Shanghai we have different lectures so some about economics some CEOs are visiting us and giving some lectures pretty excited about this so now we just started our journey and we're traveling to our first destination the bund Chinese it's pretty awesome i can't realize that right now here in Shanghai it's pretty big it's really awesome if you look outside you can see all those big buildings it's insane it's pretty cool they are golden houses they are skyscrapers the skyscrapers are so big now we just arrived at our destination at the bund so we just arrived here at the bund and first impression is pretty hot so like area in Shanghai it's crazy hot i regret a little bit that i am wearing black same it's really really hot yeah and the traffic is also insane yeah so there's so much cars yeah lot traffic and i saw there are like different license plates for example the green ones are only for electric cars and the blue ones are for normal engine cars so that's pretty cool and there's the first view on the skylines it's really awesome oh look at the tower over there oh yeah wow that's really cool cool it's really shiny yeah so this was our little first see peak of the skyline off from high it was pretty impressive we are really a big big group and now we're going up to the stairs and then have a better view of the skyline let's go for it nice weather here pretty hot but nice why is nice are you excited to see skyline of course i am yes nice i really need to take a picture it is less crowded than i thought wow it's not crowdy at all but it's pretty hot so yeah the people are waiting until the night because now right now the sun wow yeah the heat and the humidity is crazy it's really insane wow there are really lots of boats there's a duck oh there's a duck over there wait a sec trying to zoom in it's huge oh yeah it's huge and also kind of cute you don't have an umbrella that's maybe the first lesson of Shanghai yeah take your umbrella today is my first day seeing the Shanghai skyline like in person i've seen pictures from friends who've come here before what i'm really excited about is the evening wait until the LCD displays and lights turn on on the buildings gotta be a great view this is the skyline and hey Hey Issac what do you think about the skyline because i've never seen such a huge skyline Here at the Bund. it's pretty famous it's pretty stunning the skyline it's huge it's massive it's so cool yeah these ships are quite old but it looks funny with the new buildings in the background yeah true and there's a duck oh there's a little duck yeah i try to zoom it's a really big duck oh i try to zoom in not that familiar with the camera there it is it is a little duck over there and these ships they are really long and huge as you can see like this ship for example is like almost at the level of the river so that's a little bit scary but look that they managed really well with the skyline these boats it's pretty awesome there's so much skyscrapers around here i wonder what this is looking like in nights what do you think is lighted up all everything it's really colorful and also very shiny yeah for sure i think it's really more crowded i'm really surprised how less people are here right now i know i think at night when it's really cooler yeah for sure so it will look really nice and i think there will be more people over there here are all the new skyscrapers over here that's pretty cool but also around here i haven't thought about this these are quite old buildings looking like a little bit like British or French so like the Roman empire yeah a little bit like Roman empire yeah that's true also the clock looks like British the clock looks a little bit like Big Ben like Big Ben trying to zoom in for you yeah the clock looks a little bit like the Big Ben that's that's cool that's that's quite funny so right now we're leaving this beautiful spot we both pre decide to see this again by night hopefully we can but i'm pretty sure we come back and now we are going to the Yuyuan garden i hope it will be colorful that would be really nice i'm looking for some crazy flowers maybe some flowers do you think they are flowers oh it's like a park. i don't know i don't know but i'm excited about to see a little bit more about it to the bus again and so yeah see you there yeah see you there bye bye so ice cream is quite hot here huh it's really hot here it's insane to be honest sweating as hell also how's ice cream is it good is it like Germany or better i would say better oh it's actually better it's better right it's really good yes hey thank you for we're still on the way to Yuyuan and it's a mixture of old buildings on this side and the other side there are a lot of newer buildings and i think it's a good mixture between it French are like skyscrapers in the bank area so i like the mixture here very a lot they are the new buildings talked about He is trying to do some stunts so we discovered also something new here in Shanghai in Germany the cables are not allowed to hang in the air they need to be underground underground or like little bit protected so that's quite unusually yeah that's so many so many so many scooters yeah crazy but i think that of them are electrics so you don't hear the sound of the engine so i think that's pretty nice i haven't thought about it so i thought it's all like with fuel engines but sincerely they are all electric that's pretty nice i think it's also very good for the environment we saw the bund it was pretty nice the skyline pretty amazing also pretty hot but i think it's like everywhere here so now we're going to Yuyuan Garden we're excited about this oh yeah on the flowers about the green area want to see about this how this is and right now we're like in a pretty authentic street it's like everywhere on the side there are some crazy shops with some Chinese letters and i have no clue what they're about but but it's pretty nice and over there it's our group we're gonna join them now it's really a huge group but it is more crowded but yeah also to say even if it's crowded i feel safe so i'm wearing my back here it's always on my back but i don't feel like getting robbed or some else i feel feeling pretty safe there's a lot of police around and also the cameras and because of that i'm feeling pretty safe so let's be cool but it's also a little overwhelming because there are so many people you can't walk fast because everywhere people and it's also very very loud for example now right now there's job that they're making some rich bands i guess these are cute little pandas the house is looking very very nice it's so cool. a lot of food around here also oh i saw this a lot of Chinese people are using this maybe i'm getting this because it's incredibly hotter it's crazy nice spot right now we want to try milk tea that's pretty famously in China i'm excited about how this tastes and also very needed because it's very hot and i'm dying of thirst yeah we are quite thirsty and also what's quite especially in China you always order everything on your phone so you need an app and then you can order it on the phone it's everything is one app that's quite nice but also quite confusing sometimes because you can search in your context for a store and then you can find the store and order a coffee that's super crazy everything works you can also pay with this this app it's insane it's pretty convenient it's like all apps we have in Europe in one app yeah insane and you always in Germany we like to pay in cash because like old school you can feel the money you know what you're spending yeah there's absolutely no cash no cash. it's all online

if you want to pay by cash people are looking like why are you paying cash what's wrong with you so wechat is absolutely necessary when you visit China so that's big big recommendation do you want ice or no ice ice ice yeah definitely ice and less less sugar no sugar sugar sugar okay yeah also if you have like sometimes the menu the menu is nearly almost every time in Chinese so you need to take a picture and like Google translate that translated you the menu but sometimes it's just like i don't know some weird stuff it's kind of adventure to order something you don't know what it is yeah we take a little rest now and drink some water and wait for our juices search for places in shadow now we experience them a bit further and now we want to search for the Jiuquqiao Square it's really nice here there are so many little shops i think you can buy all of the stuff yeah sure and there's a lot of food you can buy food on every corner we see oh that looks really nice oh there s lots water that beautiful garden it's really pretty and you take a picture yeah i have to take pictures it's really peaceful it's really peaceful look at this building wow beautiful isn't it yeah it's very beautiful you can't forget this city here is crazy statues are nice with the water these are new ones built up in the old style so but it seems pretty old for example this house is completely empty now it's crowded now we're trying some Chinese special trying to order now right now excuse me would like to order tangbao tangbao two one now paid everything with the phone again hopefully it was the right thing communication a little bit difficult Thank you now we got the ticket i think it's fresh maybe here we go oh thank you like a straw so that's also it's bubbly hahaha ah to stress just a little bit oh it's so scary it really tastes like maultaschen really yeah like liquid maultaschen no way yeah try this yeah you need to draw it a little bit okay i try it again as well be careful it's very hot oh really yeah like Liquid maultaschen and this is liquid yeah oh that Liquid it's like a little bit more like stuff in there but tastes really good it tastes nice yeah yeah it's really nice as the German would say you can eat it! it's a compliment so we just ate tangbao was really really nice so if you're ever in Shanghai or China you have to try this. delicious yeah now we are making our way to our milk teas yeah i think they are ready by now yes let's try these are some kids playing around there wow this street looks awesome to mention it's quite clean around here so the streets are not that dirty or something like this it's pretty clean it's pretty nice and also there are a lot of Trash cans around and some bins you can throw away some Trash like for example empty water bottles you don't have to look around for ages to find something there's always around the corner a Trash bin so now time for milk tea, our order number is 388 so we are now going to pick that up perfect thank you yes you got it yep that's my one nice hey first sip ready what a fail oh you know that i'm not living here long enough so in germany you don't have like plastic straws anymore so i'm not used to this this isn't work i have also no idea how to open these it's like just like this ah okay okay got it now quite complicated now now i got it. now putting this straw in here now let's go let's go. that's insane it's super refreshing wow this is really nice is it good or nice okay yeah it's really nice it's like really nice lemon iced tea with green tea but it's perfectly mixed it's perfectly mixed it's really really good i really like it i'm not type of tea guy, but this is crazy i'm gonna order this a few times here nice is this a small this is small you got a smallest one yeah big stroll no no no this oh this oh that's a small one okay there is three straws in one never saw that before. Crazy

this kind of straw can make the tea flavor more strong more flavor it's really really good you never tasted in Germany no never never before i know green tea and also lemon tea but something like this we don't have Germany like this i like flavor of the tea pretty awesome this is really good really good thank you for recommendation can i try that's intense right that's really intense yeah i think yours is really good you know right yeah it's crazy now we're at the bus again now we're back at the bus and on the way to our next destination the next destination will be the tailor market i'm very curious about that from because i like cloth and i'm curious about how it will be he is making funny faces yeah how will it be to bargain do you call it bargain uh negotiate uh how to negotiate because yeah like in Germany we don't have much of negotiation so yeah i'm really looking forward to it and yeah maybe we will see nice clothes we just arrived at the tailor market you can see it the entrance and the back and now i'm really excited to get in there let's go now we're ready to go in they're very colorful and they have really nice dresses for womans but i also like these suits looking pretty nice i have to feel this how do you call that i have to feel the suit to prove the quality but wow this feels actually nice wow it's cool also they're making trench coats that's nice maybe getting yeah me too. for sure for sure so let's have a look around and get inspired and then maybe get the measurements and then go for it yeah so we just got the recommendation that they're here the kingsman tailor like the movie so we have to check that out if it's really the kingsman it's really big i hope you'll find it too yeah we are right now on the third floor and everything is full of tailors and it's pretty insane like really insane the suits are looking amazing you can choose um which color which inlay everything and i really really like it. i'm going home for sure with at least like i think four or something like this suit not suits but but shirts and nice pants so yeah looking forward to get some. i would love to see you in a dress like this so some traditional stuff but i think it would suit you yeah but i don't think at least you should try it try it once you should try it once i should try it okay looks nice let me check it out come on hello from German yes i'm from Germany yes hi nice to meet you have you come to visit or business trip i just visiting visiting yes we are at the tongji university for four weeks yes yes so i'm just looking around yes like how do you call those this is kuffling kuffling yeah wow they're beautiful pretty nice can you give me a price range around about a hundred and two hundred depends. some like this choke you know you can see this nature shook this is the more expensive one okay yeah and like this metal is a so so price hundred and like this depends wow pretty cool yeah nice so even you have French style shirts yes you can have those like this wow so cool thank you so much have a nice day no that's all right thank you just looking around so thank you sorry but thank you so much thank you bye bye yeah it was nice meeting you bye bye all those people are so polite and they know everything about suits so and i know nothing so this is the perfect place for me to be in can you show me do you have a sample just if you have picture i can make it for you not only here okay so you can make something oh something like this yes yes yes yes easy yeah very similar oh that's very similarly similar this design you can do it with this leather like something like leather is there okay let's just try it once so guys now we're here trying some leather jackets what's your name sorry i'm Sally Sally nice to meet you Sally thank you so much you're welcome i like it okay alright i try a try that's good yeah looks nice looks good a wear leather jacket looks good yeah look like a motorcycle rider right yeah yeah oh that's cool hey i like it it feels nice and you can choose different as lamb skin or goat or cow or sweat yeah oh okay okay nice wow thank you so much thank you so much thank you very much you're welcome i hope to see you again yeah for sure for sure thank you thank you thank you very much i don't ride the motorcycle so you don't no i do it's really fun you should try it yeah i should those guys trying to search for a new suit that's a nice coat i really like this one that's nice i think i will get one of these yeah you can make it dim yeah it's really nice I have many colors let me show you we're only staying for a few minutes we need to come back at other time give you my card thanks if you want to make come back this i have many style i have many pictures show you oh that sounds nice and the many styles many fabric can make you a new one thank you very much yeah yeah like this this is like i think i like wow i like this one more that is also cool yeah and they also got so i think like this i like skirts yeah skirts are cool yeah but we didn't find. the kingsman

there we go we found it we found it original Are you from tongji university? tongji university yeah very good i'm officially a kingsman yes Are you German? there's Oliver. no recommends some stuff here so now we just had a nice chat with Oliver yeah they gave us some very good advice and explained a little bit the difference between Germany and China it's pretty amazing so they got something like Amazon here too however it worked kind of differently yeah so it's like super modern so if you like anything like whatever like even this camera we are filmed with right now you can take a photo and then then just scan it and the shop is like offering you some different options about this camera like even like attachments and new batteries and stuff like this this is pretty pretty cool and then you can just buy it and like i don't know like one or two days it will be delivered to your place. it's super insane and this is also working with like groceries and stuff what really amazed me was the time of the delivery because in Germany i think you can also get stuff in one or two business days with Amazon yeah but not in like an hour and here you can order something and you will get it in an hour hi hello i think we got really lost i have no idea where the exit is it's insane especially like these lights they are so bright it's like almost like hey hey hey Roger Roger and Djokovic all these superstars huh and this one cctv oh yourself oh congratulations so cool yeah so much have a nice day did you take my card no yeah i take your card come on for free for free for free only need one only need one only one right that's right that's right thank you so much sir you're welcome thank you nice thank you bye bye bye bye see you we got the exit wow what do you think about this market it's insane i really really like it i think it's like a good idea that all those sellers are combined so you can choose which one you like and they're always competitive but not that competitive and you can choose every tailer is a little bit different and that you can go to one store okay and this is super right now you get like all those options is amazing if you want to get suit in Germany you have to go to this store this store this store and this is at the other end of the city so this is super complete yeah and at the beginning i was a little bit overwhelmed because all people at the shop do you want do you want to buy this and do you want to buy this and we we got this fabric we want to touch it and i didn't know how to respond but i think after a while i get i got used to it yeah and then i learned to say no and they're still friendly if you say no to them and yeah it was really nice to see all this different styles at the German mall i guess you you got one um one store for one style i guess and here you got like so many different styles in one shop it's really amazing and as well i think all those people are very polite they're trying to sell you stuff of course because they have a store they were really nice for example like this last guy just just said hey watch for free i was here and just wanted to show me a picture and show me the picture and was like really nice just said hey take my card and come back if you want to and was really polite so i really appreciate that but yes was very very nice i hope you guys enjoyed our small trip around Shanghai and see you soon see you soon see you soon bye bye bye hi welcome my name is Jan i'm 24 years old i'm right here in Shanghai with Vanessa i'm 25 we're right now here at the Shanghai metro station we got a nice trip plan today so we first go to the metro and drive from the metro to the which center say it again first is Jingan temple i think it's pronounced like that yeah first we're also we've got to try some hot pot and yes then we will explore the night life yeah i'm pretty looking forward to that so i'm German i like classic German i like drink beer so let's try out some Chinese beer and like the party culture here it should be crazy so i'm pretty excited to check that out yes alright then let's go into the metro station with us over here you can buy some tickets and here is a security check i'm not sure if we have to go that as well or not but that's not like that in Germany you just go to the train station and take the train so that's the first step we got like the security guys here show them the QR code and now we got the checkpoints scan the QR code with my phone worked out and well nice we're inside of the metro station that was pretty easy the metro is arriving so right now we're inside of the public transportation hi okay we arrived by our group that's nice i hope you don't get lost again it's also written down in English so you're always able to read where you are and where you have to get out so that's pretty nice that's that's pretty nice i'm not that tall but i can just perfectly hold on this issue Germans obviously and i can't even touch like the roof pretty quiet inside so the people are not that much talk let's go outside right now we are on the way to another the metro station i guess where you travel to the destination yeah a lot of cameras in Germany there cameras as well but here you can see everywhere cameras um i'm not feeling uncomfortable or something like this because it's all for safety reason and i know that in China there are more cameras so i'm totally fine with that but that's you just recognize it yes you found some guys now we're looking for the exit so we just arrived at our last stop with the metro station and now we're going outside i think we have to scan the qr code again then we get charged for the ride um yes i hope it hopefully it works out so i'm pretty sure it's getting quite crowdy at the high times when everyone goes to work i'm pretty sure it's pretty crowded around here i think we created our only rush around you yeah true just because it's getting hotter so everywhere is AC even in the metro but now as you can see we are right now outside again and it's getting hot again but to be honest the heat is not that bad because the last few days it was way more hotter some people are playing music across the street so we just arrived at the temple went out of the metro station now we are in front of it and it's pretty huge it's looking amazing like here is like the normal temple and down there are shops like modern shops little bit uncommon but looks nice smartphone is super super important here so you pay with that you can order everything with this and for example if your phone is out of battery we have these cool things here and you can just rent power banks so you just rend it take it out get it via wechat and i think you also got like an option to well i can't find it so if your battery is dead you're down in China i guess but um before you run out of charge you can rent one of those charge your phone and then there everywhere around here are the stations like this you just can rank it to rent it take it out charge your phone then give it back in another station so that's pretty nice so you never run out of battery that's so cool here taxi driving is so super cheap for example when i i don't know like the taxi in Germany for like fifteen minutes it's about fifty euro and that's insane if i right here like for fifteen minutes it's maybe even one euro or sth like that so it's super cheap here so i totally understand why you use the DiDi car to get from one point to another and i think it's so beautiful because there are so many lights on the skyscrapers and there are huge displays i will show you there's a huge building and there are so many lights in Germany i don't think that will work because for Germans it's very important to save energy and i don't think the population would like so many lights however it looks really really cool so we just discovered i think like a public concert or something like this just next to the temple someone singing here is quite nice we are now going to the hot pot restaurants pretty excited about this also what's not the same in Germany is like this sign here it counts downwards until it's getting red always know oh i don't have to rush because the light is going to red like two seconds or something else it was a big crossing huh yeah that was a big really really big country yeah what's pretty cool about this is that it's like a mixture of new modern technologies like with those apps and these QR codes and stuff like this and then you also got like these traditional temples everywhere and i also saw some people praying so that's pretty cool they're quite traditional but they always like trying to improve theirselves and their culture and their community hey what do you think are you excited about the mala pot the hot pot yes is it the first time you have the hot pot it's my first time what do you expect of the hot pot i expect good food good food yes what do you think is inside of the hot pot will it be spicy i hope so i hope so yeah i really like spicy yes what about you bro a lot of meat i want a lot of beer big beer da(big) beer i don't know da big today and actually today we had really nice Chinese lesson and our teacher was really interactive so i asked them what is big beer in Chinese yeah actually i forgot but still i remember big and small da is big, xiao is small so only da is important because beer is important it's nice eventually i'm really happy to be here right now walking to the hot pot i'm very excited yeah me too i bet there are big differences we will take you with us and we're gonna show you how the club looks inside i bet it's big and bigger than in Germany for sure so yeah we're excited about this see you see you these cars are driving and i don't holding my mic or something it's quiet here i'm often surprised when i see a car because at home i hear them coming i could also text near the street or yeah think about something however here is it often that i don't hear the cars coming and then i look up and there there's a car and i'm surprised and scared i would go ahead when i'm not being careful i have to take a picture i'm a formula one fan i have to take a picture sorry oh that's super cool and i'm just like saw some like this i'm an absolute fan of like like some skater wear and of course of course the formula one so i just had to take a picture so sorry for interrupting yeah German cars i'm a car guy sorry beer and cars the traditional German here I am we just crossed the street and arrived in a park and we heard it's pretty common that in the evening the people are here putting a music box in the park and start dancing right now there are some couples just dancing they just stop i can show you they dance like traditionally like in Germany or a little bit different i have no clue it's like a dance from Europe from China or something like this but it's pretty cool i'm really into dancing that's pretty cool they meeting there and doing their hobby outside that's pretty cool we got that also in europe yeah i don't see that that often yeah especially not in like small parks like this this park is not that big but they are like doing it here in small parks in Germany feeling there are playgrounds for kids and there are families and sometimes some young people drinking or picnicking there but not that many older people dancing together so that's i guess something a little more Asian culture i wonder if it's only a generation dancing here because i don't see any young people maybe it is also what i recognize here are a lot of people so China is a very big city and so it's at some place it's really crowded and the people are not they don't fear to touch you and it's i had it often that it just really bumped into you and it's just normal it's just in europe if you would bump into some of you you would think you've got a problem or something like this but here it's just totally normal they don't say sorry or anything they just keep walking so that's something i never i didn't expect like this but it seems to be a pretty normal around here i think it's also the reason of the gates outside the metro because i think if they are so much pushing you need gates to to save the people from falling into the metro ground under the train so there are gates which only opens an area of the door to protect you from being pushed on the train yeah and the trains are always on time they also can recycle trash or something like this there so i think that's also like a very very good thing so i think we should do that in Germany as well so it's way more than we are again at the random square here and it's all lighted up skyscrapers all around they're all blinky and shiny there are some lights pretty cool and also what's quite funny it's such a modern city but there are like telephone cells so how do you open this you can't open it because there's like a motorcycle in front of it but can look inside of it and i guess they were working they still working i don't think so they also talked about some looking like telephone cells where you can smoke and i don't think that's the area maybe it's a real old telephone cell yeah maybe maybe they're just not using it anymore and yes but i think now we are just arriving at the hot pot so our group is just going to the right into that mall or restaurant we're gonna see what we are both very hungry so i'm hungry okay see you Vanessa eat something bye bye and we just arrived here in the restaurant okay and now we can pick our foods in this tablet and order the soup and all the ingredients mount soup inside of the soup and so that's what we do right now there are so many options for the soup base oh like thousands of options like drinks as well that looks interesting should it be boiling this is i think they're starting now and these are spicy one there some chilli inside so we start with the sauce so you got the soup and you do your own sauce so you mix it together with all these ingredients i will start with peanut sauce just a little bit i start like a little bit not that much just that i can just do it again or like do something else and improve it some vinegar i'm gonna check on this i have absolutely like i'm not a professional so i have no clue what i'm doing right now but hopefully it's delicious gonna do some chilli let's try this not too much hopefully i won't die and do we is there some soy sauce oh garlic no no no garlic for me today oh this i guess no this is i have no idea what this is but it's like sauces of meatballs i don't want to try this this green pepper vinegar soy sauce is this maybe what's in here don't like that smell but i guess was that yeah why okay i'll try just something about this and my sauce is finished nice these balls i think they are beef meat and they're grey it's a little bit suspicious i'm really excited or afraid of how would they will taste i'm a little bit afraid actually it's really hot just do it first try it's hot it tastes exactly like like the ikea yeah i told you okay i think it's great you can eat it it's safe yeah okay i will i will eat one more see why this protection is really needed they are getting souvenirs we are getting some souvenirs cool dance changing faces all the time it was pretty cool never saw that like this just refilling our soups the color changed they're all now all in the same now we ordered special noodle the Kung fu noodle vegetable yeah yeah this one please thank you sir that's quite funny you never find whatever you put in in the soup so you are always just fishing around with the chopsticks that's pretty nice and also good practice if you want to learn how to eat with chopsticks this is a good way to learn it because these noodles are very slippery you have to try to get it out of the soup hi so we just ended the hot pot it's really delicious we both ate a lot it was really nice a lot of meat a lot of vegetables a lot of spices but really really nice i enjoyed it yeah very good news i'm not hungry anymore yeah so hungry hungry English she's not hungry anymore so that's the perfect occasion to go now owls party a little bit and explore the nightlife of Shanghai so we're both excited yeah Abdu are you going to dance in the club no okay Amos shooting star are you dancing in the club tonight yes sir yes sir my man and now we are in the club oh okay nice that's new i think we get scanned we were getting scanned i think that's promoter oh that's cute what is going to check was like red lights and stuff and i don't know i saw whippy i don't know what's going on here so i think we got like an ip i just found some friends okay you looking good thank you thank you it's going on YouTube yeah what's up yeah we are still waiting i think everybody has to sign something to get in and yeah i hope it will be not so long i just got in it's really noisy but the beat is quite nice let's think about our day like we started with the metro station that was pretty cool i liked it it was pretty easy with the QR code and alipay and stuff so we got everything through these two apps like alipay and wechat so it's super easy it was super nice i think the metro station was like more crowded more loud more loud from outside on the train from the inside the people were very quiet very quiet everyone is listening to their music no one was really talking really cheap was like yeah we drove like 17 train stations and it paid like 1euro 50 or something like this so the next stop was the Temple the Temple was pretty exciting because it was dark and it was just glowing and this modern skyscraper and the technology and the then the fancy lights it was quite interesting as we said we like the mixture like the modern culture and mixed with like the older culture was pretty nice yeah also the traditional food hot pot yeah yeah the hot pot was pretty nice i think i think it's sad that we don't have that in Germany or Europe because you really eat together you are not eating together only you are like really cooking together and like chatting with each other was really nice it's a very social it's a very social way to eat yeah it is and also you gotta choose from one hundred or thousands i don't know side dishes what you want to eat that was really nice and now we are here in the nightlife in Shanghai the music is good the people are all dressed up everything looks nice and yeah we're having a great time right now thanks for watching we had a lot of fun we're gonna explore three more weeks Shanghai i'm really excited about this i can only recommend come here visit Shanghai is totally different for everything that you know so join us join join the summer school and explore Shanghai bye bye let's go let's go let's go

2024-10-05 10:14

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