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Hello, everyone. Welcome to today's Mask Man. Yesterday the mask man's ear was inflamed and he went to see a doctor so the program was not updated in time The mask person recent body's small indisposition is really quite many I as a result of the long-term massive speech caused my cheek to be a little arthritis Joking apart, arthritis in most people is knee and elbow, but in masked people arthritis is in the gills. Words speak too much my otitis media of the old disease has also committed a chronic otitis media fatigue a cold will fall ill otitis media well do not pull this my physical problems do not matter much Look at the mask first. The man's mouth is really open. A few months ago, the Mask Man suggested looking to Dogecoin for smaller plates and more flexible funds. At that time, the mask man suggested to buy something quickly and listen to the mask man's advice, and now he has earned at least three or five times. Dog B ushered in a wave of abnormal inflation a few days ago, and then a lot of people sent me emails in the mask person's mailbox Line.

I regret not listening to the mask person's advice at that time to buy a little bit, even if only a little bit, to win a good fortune. Now I have made money, five or six times or seven or eight times, right? Because I have received too much information, about the transfer of assets, immigration, study abroad, there are, many people ask the mask is now still time to invest in Dogecoin, how to operate? They think first, missed the myth of Bitcoin's wealth creation, this wave of Dogecoin's wealth opportunities can not be lost again. Because there are too many messages, the mask man will give you a unified reply in today's program.

Today we mainly talk about two topics and one topic. The illegal practice of betrothal gifts by women has further exploded, and the masked man will let everyone know how the living conditions of Chinese women will develop in the future through three real stories. Of course if you raise a problem you have to solve it The mask man will also give you a good way to protect your money and life in the middle of the program Then the mask man will give you a detailed explanation about whether it is a good time to enter the dog coin and when is the best opportunity to enter Before the good program starts, new viewers please click on the thumb-up at the bottom of the screen to subscribe to the little bell, so that you will not miss the wonderful program of each episode of the mask man. A week ago on April 14 the masked man said in the program that it was illegal to accept betrothal gifts And I predicted at that time that if a Chinese couple divorced in the future, they would have to return the bride price to the woman. Those who did not return the bride price would be arrested and imprisoned. To my astonishment I can't believe how fast the Communist Party is doing things I want to show you a video I can't see the speech provided Etc You see? The bride price of 40,000 yuan.

The woman doesn't want to return it. She doesn't want to return it. She will be arrested and taken to the detention center.

Damn it! It's too fierce. The masked man, my crow mouth, I can't believe how accurate it is. I can't believe how efficient our party is. I predicted it a week ago. In the future, if the bride price is not returned, she will be arrested and put in prison directly.

As a result, you see, a week later, the whole country began to get involved in the Cultural Revolution. There were a lot of things like the Cultural Revolution of couples, the return of betrothal gifts, and so on. Recently, they have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. Listen, the masked man will read us a few more cases. On the afternoon of April 19, at the Chuwang People's Court of the People's Court of Neihuang County in Henan Province, the case was finally finalized because of the lottery gift of 60,000 yuan, and the sentence was handed down. The 60,000 yuan case execution fund was finally delivered to the applicant. A three-year-old marriage property dispute case came to an end.

In May 2018, after hearing the case of property dispute between Lian Mou and Niu Mou in Neihuang County Court, Niu Mou, the defendant, was judged to return the lottery money to the plaintiff within 10 days after the judgment came into effect. Even so-and-so is the husband Liu is the wife continue to listen to travel after the expiration of the period Niu so-and-so delayed in taking the initiative to perform Liang so-and-so then applied for enforcement according to law During the execution process the executing judge served the execution notice the property report order and the property investigation to the executed person Niu Mou according to law Considering that this is a marriage and family case, if enforcement is easy to intensify contradictions, we should take harmony as the most important thing and try our best to achieve execution reconciliation. Executing Judge Chen Qi has communicated with the executed person Liu Mou-mou many times, explained the legal principle to him, and informed him of the legal consequences of refusing to perform the effective judgment. In the process of communication, his wife Niu also realized his mistake, but said that he had remarried, had children, and the family was not rich, unable to repay the case money, that is, the bride price money. As a result, the judge repeatedly applied for reconciliation of Lianmou, and finally, after unremitting efforts, the two sides reached a settlement of execution, the executed Niu Mou paid a one-time compensation of 60000 yuan to Lianmou, and Liang Mou voluntarily gave up other rights and interests.

On April 19, Niu came to the court at the first time to submit an application after collecting the bride price of the case indemnity, and gave the money to Lian Mou, and a marriage property dispute case was successfully executed and settled. The lawsuit started in 2018 and it has been three years now That is to say this matter has been delayed for three years and has not been implemented and the final judgment has not been finalized Why did it take three years to get to this point? Which brings us back to Mask Man 14. The state has now declared that it is illegal for a woman to receive a betrothal gift.

It is good in the upper level and must be very good in the lower level. The old people have said that it is illegal to receive a betrothal gift. The official press statement was that the betrothal gifts could be stopped within reasonable limits that is within the limits of what both the man and the woman were happy with rather than at the exorbitant prices they were charged The Civil Code, which was updated on January 1, 2021, has a clear rule on the bride price, that is, to stop acts of interference in the freedom of marriage such as buying and selling, and to stop demanding property through marriage.

Not only that the Civil Code on the matter of betrothal gifts are also subdivided there are three cases can be returned betrothal gifts According to the rules of the Civil Code, a man and a woman can request the return of the dower if they do not eventually cancel the marriage That is to say, did not deal with marriage to cancel, also can ask to return betrothal gifts. 2. After the marriage is cancelled, the two parties do not live together, and they can also request the return of the bride price. How can this be so convoluted? You get married and then you get divorced. Handle marriage to live travel after dealing with marriage to cancel both sides did not live together however also can ask to return betrothal gifts likewise How can this word be so fleshy We can understand it according to his meaning After the cancellation of marriage we have to live together If we don't live together we still have to return the betrothal gifts Do you have to sleep together with the divorced couple Maybe he has wrong words He may want to express that after divorce the man can ask for the return of the bride price Keep looking Third, because before marriage gives too many betrothal gifts, causes after marriage the life to be difficult, also can the reasonable request return betrothal gifts. In the previous summary, a big point is that it is illegal to receive betrothal gifts.

Then he added three details. Under various circumstances, the betrothal gifts can be returned. This is basically confirmed. In particular, these three points have been confirmed. In almost all cases the dowry is illegal especially Article 3 because the dowry causes economic hardship in the South what is called economic hardship Economic hardship is hard to define.

How can the man be in financial difficulties? Is having credit card debt a financial hardship? Do you have financial difficulties if you have a mortgage Do you have financial difficulties if you want to pay tuition fees for children Besides, the current economic situation in China, who is not difficult? Simply speaking if you receive the betrothal gift as long as the other party does not make trouble and the other party feels reasonable it will be all right If the parties think it's reasonable it's reasonable But if the other party feels unreasonable if you want to return the goods you have to return the betrothal gifts Do you understand So the lower courts will be cautious and they can boldly pronounce sentence On April 19, this matter must be resolved. There is no possibility of appeal. There is no possibility of luck.

If you do not retire, you will be imprisoned. Although you were sentenced in 2018, it has been delayed until now. You see, Xi Dadu has spoken. Although there are disputes in the middle, the defendant can appeal two or three times, right? So he was able to drag on for three years this year but now he can't drag on there is no room for manoeuvre So, oh, the woman really refunded the money. She refunded the money on the 19th. Otherwise, the end result would be the same as the family members in the video you just saw.

They were directly locked up in the Bureau. After they were locked up, they eventually had to refund the money. And you have to spend money to the police detention center to find someone to redeem people out right This is exactly what the masked man said The darkest hour of Chinese women is coming How dark it is Listen to the masked man I'll tell you a story next Forget it I will sing tomorrow as the truth With lyh on ai + a minute and a second did not get, sleep sleep You will others is good or see as long as you use with me to die will not retreat from the menstrual discomfort Clean is that only the return of the sign is enough to express love. Every day is the end to love each other.

Not a single email has arrived. Tears fell down. Ignore it. Others are good or bad, as long as you come with me bravely, dead have a not incisively and vividly, not happy, deep feelings, only recommend enough to express, meet enough to express you give me money back When you hear that, you should be able to guess what I'm going to say about the mask man. The news I'm going to tell you next is really sad and desperate. Be prepared It's too bad The masked man will give you a title first 17-year-old girl killed herself over a betrothal dispute you hear me Just listen to the title to know how serious this matter.

On April 20, a netizen posted that a 17-year-old girl was sold to a man by her family with a betrothal gift of more than 200,000 yuan. After the mediation of the divorce dispute caused by this matter failed, the woman returned to her parents' home, but the man came after her and asked for the return of the bride price. The woman's family said they refused to return the bride price, and then the girl was beaten.

In a fit of rage, the woman drank pesticide, and then, uh, died. In response to the 17-year-old girl's self-breaking due to the betrothal gift dispute, on April 21, a staff member of the Xinjin County Government Office told the Beijing News that a woman in Xingjing County did die from taking pesticides due to the betrothal gift dispute. The girl's body will be cremated tonight.

Xinjin county government office staff said that on the 21st, they received the Xinjin County Public Security Bureau report on the matter. According to the report, a girl of the Yi ethnic group in a village of a township in Xinjin County was born in May 2004. He married a man of the Yi ethnic group in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in December 2018. The man is 21 years old A few days ago, the two families of the man and the woman negotiated on the issue of withdrawing their marriage because of the betrothal gift. The man demanded that if they withdrew their marriage, they must return the betrothal gift of at least 150,000 yuan.

The two families failed to reach an agreement. On April 9, the Yi girl found the herbicide in the toilet and drank it, and her husband found it and sent it to a hospital in Xinjin County for treatment. After the hospital carried out gastric lavage for the girl the man believed that his condition was not serious and then took the girl home to recuperate During the recuperation period, on the evening of April 19, the girl's condition deteriorated, and the man sent her to hospitals in Ya'an City and Chengdu City for treatment. During his treatment at a hospital in the city of Chengdu the man decided that the woman had a better chance of survival He gave up the treatment took the girl back to his home and gave her a prescription of local medicine which had no effect Of course no effect you use local medicine can treat poisoning That's to say this man doesn't want this woman to live and treat a fart. He directly takes her home.

If she can live, she will divorce me. What do you want to save, right? You see, this people's hearts are unpredictable, this is what society, husband and wife should be together in life and death results. As a result they maimed each other You said it was poisoned and you didn't treat it in the hospital If the person's illness was not good you gave up treatment and took him home to die This person is certainly not likely to live poisoned you are not in the hospital you go home to him with what local methods Sure enough the girl drove off at 21:09 on April 19. On the evening of April 21, the girl's body was cremated, which was tantamount to a funeral, and the mourning hall was not placed much, and it was burned directly. At present, the man's family has returned to Xinjin County, Sichuan.

In response to the news that the girl was sold to the man twice by her mother for 200,000 yuan, the staff of the Xinjin County Government Office also said that they had not yet received the news. In the report of the Public Security Bureau the woman had only one marriage experience On April 21, Ms. Song, a staff member of the Women's Federation of Xinjin County, told the Beijing News that the Women's Federation has contacted the local public security Bureau on this matter. The public security Bureau has entered the investigation. The Women's Federation will actively help the girl's family after the investigation by the public security organs is completed. Look at the whole news report

hardly how to condemn the man even for the man to a certain extent to exculpate Generally speaking, if a man and a woman want to divorce because of emotional breakdown, the man will lose money and get back the bride price. The court also supports the man and agrees to get back the money. As a result, the woman has no money to return and is beaten. Then the woman drank pesticide in a fit of pique. After drinking the medicine, the treatment became more complicated and the cost was high. The man simply did not give it to him and sent it back to his home to die.

Then, as expected, the woman died. Then, in less than 48 hours, the woman was hastily cremated. Then the news bulletin said that if the woman died she would die and the man would be fine Back home the news was generally biased in favor of the south This is the proper humanitarian disaster 10 years Xiude with the boat crossing a hundred years to repair a total pillow sleep How could there be such a heinous thing? It's just money right Money can be earned when it's gone It's just a matter of more or less And this woman doesn't have to commit suicide for money right This guy's not a thing, is he? You forced me to drink the medicine. After all, I had feelings with you. You sleep with a man for so many days you don't sleep with a woman for so many days and then you let him die and give up treatment If it's not money, you won't drive people to death.

If there is a child, what do you want him to think when he is sensible in the future? Your father forced your mother to die and my mother was too cruel China's new cultural revolution is like this, husband and wife fight landlords fight tenants, people fight each other, until death. Speaking of which, let me tell you one more thing. Let's look at this picture This is the wedding of the hot female sea king a few days ago This thing is very mysterious the mask was thinking that it was so mysterious so fake and it was so strange that it could be so popular This matter has come to an end now and it is really for the sake of poverty Look at the key words in this picture, the second generation of rich people break off marriage, ask for compensation of 18 million yuan, apologize to Siying for crying.

This is the purpose of the Communist Party to hype this matter with rhythm. So you've heard so much news. Let's stop here and synthesize these information. Is this confirmed? It is illegal to accept betrothal gifts as mentioned in the program "Masked Man". After this betrothal gift, a knife on every woman's head in China binds and threatens women.

At present, China's divorce rate is very high, in order to reduce the divorce rate, then use betrothal gifts, if you dare to divorce, you will be pulled the list, or refund money, or go to prison, or die. The 18 million yuan betrothal gift of this female sea king is a warning sign for you. Tell you that the more the betrothal gift is received, the more miserable the woman will be. If she can't afford to withdraw more than a hundred thousand yuan, then she can't afford to withdraw 18 million yuan.

It's no use crying and apologizing We'll find a way After thousands of years of convention, let everyone forget that the marriage system is actually a system to safeguard male power. Women's physical weakness is doomed to lose the leading role of social productive forces after women enter the agricultural society. Thus, in order to safeguard the interests of men, to ensure the purity of the lineage of men, there is a marriage system. Women provide reproductive resources and men provide women's livelihood security To put it bluntly, the origin of marriage itself is a kind of transaction, otherwise, why there will be the existence of betrothal gifts for thousands of years? It's nothing more than a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer. The masked man's program can not only protect people's wealth and life, but also give you an idea about how to deal with the oppressed women at the bottom of China, how to return the betrothal gifts and protect themselves.

At the beginning the Mask Man said that we should give you a good way to protect your wealth and life otherwise in case these women in the news are either driven crazy or driven to death it will not be good As the Civil Code of the country requires that the dower be returned in case of divorce, It's very troublesome. It's very painful, isn't it? Women don't have eggs, but there are good ways. Women can also follow the law, don't break the law, keep the betrothal gift money, and be a law-abiding good citizen. A betrothal gift accepted before marriage also allows the man to write about the voluntary gift of property to his subordinates and never go back on it. And want to take contract book to notarization branch, had done notarization to had been saved later. That's right I'm not afraid of being chased to return the betrothal gift after divorce But when it comes to this, some people will ask, what if the man doesn't agree? If the man doesn't agree, the woman can also not marry, right? I think it is acceptable to a certain extent to receive lottery gifts and send red envelopes.

Of course a girl can't use this as a way to get rich The man can't be too stingy. After all, this woman needs to save some pocket money, right? I don't encourage women to get men's money in this way, but equality, mutual respect, mutual support, understanding and love are the real essence of marriage. Or the vast number of Chinese women, her way out is to improve themselves, study hard, improve their professional skills, so that they have the ability to live independently in society, have their own career, have their own economic channels, and even have their own independent residence, right? Stable source of income, get rid of the original family, including the husband's control over his spiritual and physical material. If you have financial freedom and autonomy, you will get divorced, and I don't lack your money, right? Most of the full-time housewives in China why do they have to be abused at home Why don't they dare to divorce One of the biggest reasons is that they either didn't find a family to support him or they couldn't live without this man There is no better way to survive Right It's not good to leave this man They have to make money They have to endure hardship and poverty for a long time Compared with the short-term pain of domestic violence in Eaton it's over In fact, Chinese women are domestic violence, Chinese women are materialized, its essential reason is that the social competition is not fair, the society can provide to women whether it is employment or welfare is very limited, women from men are difficult to survive, so women to a considerable extent will depend on men, he depends on men, he easily has no rights, theYou eat other people's food, drink other people's food and live in other people's houses.

Do you have any reason to force you to complain, right? This is the inner thought of many male chauvinist people. So women must be self-reliant, self-reliance, whether you meet the people who really love each other, choose to get married, or helpless single, you have the ability to take good care of themselves, to manage their own life, just like the mask person. I have always said that people who oppose the Communist Party and support the Communist Party, no matter what your political position is, you are strong. You have the choice, you have the sweet? You're the one with the objection right If you are ignorant and stupid, no matter which camp you stand in, the pro-communist camp or the anti-Communist camp, you will be fooled and toyed with by others to cut your leek in applause. In fact, China's women's rights is the difference between 0 and 1, not a woman blindly objectifying themselves.

If we do not solve the problem of women's competitiveness and employment, if women link their own life and death, their own interests and survival safety with men's gifts and men's interests, you will definitely be dominated by men. Slave owners, for example, controlled the clothing, food, housing and transportation of slaves. In the same way, a slave owner controls the life and death of his slaves.

But the Communist Party is very smart the Communist Party he knows the power of women so he has been suppressing women's rights so that women feel that their lives are not good men's problems not social problems Then he is guiding the interaction between men and women through the Chinese pastoral women's rights of Wenxuan not solving the essential problems such as giving birth to children children going to school children's health problems women's own health pension problems men's own health pension problems which should be solved by the society but he pushed it on men on women understand Let's think about it carefully If this woman realizes that there is a problem in the society then the woman will give her husband a nag You see this official the society is too dark the society is too corrupt If women fan the flames all day long it will lead to her husband and even her young and strong children They will think that their bad life is a social problem then women will incite men but also think that there is a problem in this society which is equivalent to women inciting men but also think that there is a problem in society which is equivalent to inciting men to revolt At the same time women can also incite their sons to revolt which is equivalent to a woman with at least three combat units So when we look at the totalitarian societies around the world they are trying to suppress women trying to suppress women's rights Because women have been fish, women have been biased, it can lead to family disunity, it will make the family appear a high degree of class, a high degree of ladder, male oppression, female oppression of the small. In fact, in Europe, a long time ago, as early as the Viking period, women have been militarized, at least in the military recognition of women and men have equal military status. For example, the shield of the shield of the Nordic war period, the Nordic God of war is also a goddess called Valkyrie, a female God of war. China militarized women thousands of years later Mao Zedong was the first to militarize women He proposed that women can hold up half the sky He also took these books about the Red Lady and the Army Swallow Spy right Let's pay attention to a detail Why did Mao Zedong put forward the idea that all women are women Why Because women have tied up their husbands and sons, women have a strong motivation, and this kind of thing can't be reversed, and men can't incite women to rebel, so real women's rights, it's a major obstacle to centralization of power.

Why do I say the Communist Party is very clever? It will lead women to fight men not to make women realize that there is a problem in society And the deformed materialization of women's rights in China will greatly reduce women's status, without solving the essential problems, such as unfair job opportunities for workers, poor business environment, poor benefits for corrupt officials, right? China is currently cutting services, insurance, sales, which will directly lead to poor physical strength of women, their living space will be more narrow. However, women are not very important to the Chinese Communists now. They can even engage in asexual reproduction, or some kind of surrogate egg supermarket. Even when the technology of the Chinese Communists reaches the point of directly cultivating artificial humans outside the body, don't talk nonsense about masked people. The Chinese Communists have actually been researching this technology. If you don't believe it, you can check it on the Internet.

But this technology is not mature at present and women will be more miserable after it matures As a unit of labor, women are inferior to men. What Xi Jinping values is industrial productivity, manufacturing power, right? As I mentioned in previous programs, the Communist Party of China is now vigorously cutting service industries, sales industries that can be replaced and automated. When these industries, women and these industries are lost, they will be more highly dependent on men. In order to stabilize these women, the Communist Party will also legislate, for example, not to refund the bride price, let your woman rely on the man at home, and then give birth to a child. You get it? You try to protect yourselves.

Men and women, when you look at a problem, you should look at the essence. Let me tell you something. Especially for women, you must realize that it is not this man who has problems.

Both men and women have problems. There are men and women in office. Of course, there are many men. The essence of the problem lies in society. However, after women have been fish, after women have been brainwashed, women will think that the country is good, the society is good, that is, you are a man.

Coupled with the prevalence of comparison, women are easy to see thieves eat meat, do not see thieves beaten, he will compare, think why you can not make money, other people's men can make money, right? The net is full of the video that what man shows off rich, the video that the woman installs force, the video with more powerful husband of the woman brag force her. Then the woman will point the finger at this man, and the woman is equivalent to helping the Communist Party to maintain the stability of the man, while eating the man as a supervisor. Although women themselves have no manufacturing industry and no labor force they can monitor men right He can blame men and he can't incite men to target the government Shandong men think that corrupt officials are not good, society is not good, inciting men to think that the Communist Party is not good, right? Ok, let's talk about the second topic today. Many people are waiting for the masked man. I will talk about this topic. Is it about dog B? After going through the super abnormal big rise, Dogecoin from yesterday to today ushered in a big slump, but this round of slump does not seem to be able to stop the enthusiasm of investors, from that year a joke will become the world's fifth largest encryption number B Today it has a market value of more than 300 billion yuan Dogecoin was first created when the price is very low, a far less than a penny, but this is far less than a penny dogecoin in a short span of 8 years has risen more than 600 times.

Quotes software shows that the dog B April 19 closing price of $0.37, which is released since 2013 or more than 650 times the miracle of myth, the currency is more than 300 billion U. S. dollars. On April 15, Musk tweeted a picture of a dog roaring on the moon.

That's why Dogecoin has gone through the roof. In the B circle the black topic related to the moon is the implication of the soaring currency price And Dogecoin went up 50%. On April 16 it ushered in 24 hours with an increase of more than 250% which is equivalent to 2.5 times the amount of money you invest in a day At that time, the highest reached the historical high price of $0.44, which was nearly 100 times higher than

the price of $0.0046 at the beginning of the year. It can be clearly seen that the dog B to achieve 500 & TILde; 600 times the super increase, but also the musk musk up constantly with goods.

Here the mask people want to tell you from the law of the economy itself dog B is not worth buying encrypted currency can this line enter in the end To give you a point of view I personally think that the poor people stir fry money to understand Poor talent fry B we are based on this point of view to think about a variety of digital currencies from the epidemic began to usher in the boom period in fact all this is due to the entry of the rich Why would the masked man say that? According to a set of data, the price of Bitcoin started from 2000 yuan in 2017 to 2020, and basically did not change. The rise and fall were all within this range, including Rebocoin and Ethereum. It was basically this trend. There was no big rise or big fall. But why did these currencies start to rise sharply since the epidemic began? It's easy. The masked man. I said rich people don't have to play.

You think if you are a real estate developer you casually develop a property a house sold is millions a property can earn several hundred million why do you rely on land sales to make money Similarly if you are a big boss of an international tourism company you can earn tens of thousands of yuan every day by contracting tour groups Why do you need to make money by selling land You are the boss of the restaurant chain such as what domestic small Yang Sheng Fried Pizza Hut you literally a shop a day turnover is hundreds of thousands not to mention all the chain added up right Why do you make money by selling land? You tell me why is this only in China Because of the forced control of the epidemic in China, the impact on the real economy and the real business is gradually decreasing. But the whole world is different. The epidemic has led to the collapse of many real economies in the West, and it is difficult for the real economy to make money, right? Selling coins is not a good way for traditional rich businessmen to make money, and it is the same all over the world. Cooperate with the government to develop a real estate railway or something and make a lot of money Right So there is no need for the rich to buy coins and there is a contradiction for the rich to buy land Think about it. The rich take the money to fry coins, who will help them when the richer people bottom, to help them pull up the currency, right? There is no bigger money to enter the B circle the rich money back and forth is still so much money right Step back to say, there is no more money into the B circle, is it just rely on the poor that three melon two jujube, you fry a few years or fry the poor, the individual capital is limited after all, right? You see, Bitcoin had gone sideways for years before the outbreak, right? But look carefully.

Is it because these rich people's traditional way of investing and making money is not very successful during the epidemic, so they entered the B circle, and these rich people entered the B circle, which led to the rise of the B price, and then retail investors followed Musk. Musk incited dog B, and Musk incited dog B's behavior caused a certain impact on the Chinese Communist Party's Bitcoin. Bitcoin has fallen to just over 50,000. And it didn't take long for the Communist Party to throw an iron fist at Musk. You see, Tesla recently had its rights protected, and it issued an apology.

Why because the Communist Party relies on Bitcoin and the Communist Party is the largest banker of Bitcoin Musk has diverted Bitcoin customers to Dogecoin and the Communist Party will not like it However, Musk is not stupid. He knows that Circle B has no production capacity, and this Tesla Musk, how much money can he invest in Circle B? Invest a few hundred million, more than a billion Musk to the B circle to invest a dozen billion, for him is only his one thousandth or even ten thousandth of one of the small money, but this money to the poor people of these coin circle but big wave big shock, right? But no matter who enters Circle B it itself has no production capacity it also has no liquidity Bitcoin can be a little better and has a certain liquidity right But even so Bitcoin went sideways for a few years not to mention all those other small B's with no liquidity right These big capitalists were not good at making money during the epidemic, so they began to inject water into Circle B with rhythm, attracting those retail investors who still had some three melons and two jujubes in their hands and had no place to make money. Then, after these small investors entered the market, the big capitalists would sell goods to the small investors, and their money would be cut off, right? As the epidemic recedes, the capitalists will pull the money out and do what they are good at and make money faster.

What to do is to do tourism what to do is to do catering You always have to finish mowing your leek field. But a monopoly type of what the real estate companies, electronics companies, software companies, travel companies, he made money is almost endless, right? And with the epidemic governments will also begin to impose control of the B circle Why is it that no regime, Communist or Western, wants money to go out of its control? Any bureaucrat he's living off the money of the regime Now the government doesn't control it Maybe some viewers have also thought about it Why did the government not control it early Why is it not controlled now Wait for the B circle to rise so much before control. I tell you now the government is not in control because of the wealth myth of circle B drawing a big cake helps the government to disperse the pressure of the people for the future and making money let the people have something to do during the epidemic have hope So these capital oligarchs are responsible for bringing rhythm. Giant dragon leek,

by the way cut leek, they also help the government to maintain stability, let the people sit at home to see the trend, communicate with each other online gossip, this is better than the people during the epidemic period, the economy is not good, and then they take to the streets, right? So the capitalists cut the leeks to this extent the government doesn't care in circle B because these leeks have something to do right They looked at the myth of Circle B discussed with each other drew big cakes with each other and looked forward to each other There is hope for tomorrow. Some people lose money, some people lose money, and some people make money. People are all like this. After he loses money, he won't be hurt. As long as he sees others turn around, he will be more excited, right? In fact, this is like a gambler, he lost all his money, he still reluctant to leave the casino or leave the mahjong hall. Will continue to sit there and see if they get it right.

In fact, these capital oligarchs and the government use each other, but after the epidemic, they will do whatever they should do, and the funds will still go back to their traditional industries, because this thing B has no productivity, and it has no value without productivity, right? So Musk is not stupid He immediately gave in to the Chinese Communist Party Why Because he knows that there are a lot of people who buy cars in China, who buy Tesla, right? And some other, uh, high-tech stuff. As long as you have substance, existence, The government can make money, the government has public power, he has public power, he can control the real economy, and there must be entities. For instance you build a building to open a shop to make a movie to give game to get a government to approve, is everybody also cannot bypass the past? The politicians and bureaucrats of other governments live on this How can they allow the existence of currency that bypasses the regime Now it is allowed because it has the necessity and rationality of existence and when it is unreasonable it naturally does not need to exist right So no matter how musk pulls dog B, he dare not really anger the Communist Party, because the real profitable market is in the hands of the Communist Party, a large number of Leek fields, right? The Chinese Communist Party also relies on Bitcoin to fight financial wars but the mask man I feel that since Doggie B has prospects the Chinese Communist Party may also keep an eye on Doggie coin After all, this plate is still small now, and it can be pulled higher. Do you understand? The game of Bitcoin regime the game of politicians and even the water inside Dogecoin itself is very deep but these do not need to consider we only need to know the foundation of these people's interests So the myth of Circle B sooner or later will fade away with the epidemic or the imposition of control by governments a little later But the myth of Circle B has yet to reach its climax before the end of the cycle. Doggiecoin is still very low do you understand So the capital comes back.

So before the capital comes back, the greedy capitalists will do everything they can to squeeze every last drop out of the capital market. Judging from this Dogecoin is still going up Because Dogecoin's recent fame has been played out coupled with the flexibility of Doggie B is still very large its water is still very small capitalists will not give up this market they will attract more leek admission Circle B is like this, the brother who comes in early comes in late. The timing is very important.

When the timing is right, you are the sickle. The timing is wrong, you are the leek, the world is so cruel, welcome to reality. The mask man's advice is that the next myth of Dogecoin is to break five or six or even break one dollar. If you can't pull the Bitcoin you can pull the small Dogecoin Recently, dog B, if you meet the low position, you can enter the low position, which is not much lower. The mask person individual thought that so long as B also has hypes the space the banker will not smash the plate inevitably too low let the plate be low to let the common people be sad the situation No need, if hit so low, then the B brand will be destroyed.

So I personally feel that if I fall below three I will be able to enter about two But, ah, the mask people tell you, do not go bankrupt investment, you use irrelevant money, their own can bear the money into gold just fine, investment risk right? Don't because, ah, it's not good to pursue a fluke and put your own life and property on it, right? As for the masked man there are more conservative people in the audience who are just looking for a safe transfer of assets Mask people also provide overseas accounts, that is to say, you can open accounts without going abroad, and then through some means, the money is transferred without loss. Many people have successfully solved their asset security problems through the mask man scheme. From my last program to the present, many people, er, including many people have sent messages and emails asking me, but I really have too many email messages every day, and I may not be able to read them.

If I don't reply to your message you can try to send more Of course the mask people are also here to thank those who trust me including many people who have successfully transferred including financial management to open an account abroad and move the money to an account abroad There are also many people who send me thank-you letters, and I thank you for your trust, right? By the way I also met some friends in the past two days who said that domestic control especially capital control is very strong and in some places you have to issue a certificate to withdraw cash or 20,000 yuan in cash So we advise you to protect your wealth and life. Men, women, especially women, now, including your future. I really talked about so many things in the news. It's sad. Because the masked man is also a family man. Why do I care so much about the future of women? Because after all, my child is a girl, right? Don't talk so much about personal privacy Let's talk about the transfer of assets including financial management in private Because some places involve advertising or some grey channels.

Ok If you want to get in touch with the masked man, there's a message in the profile section below the show that has the contact information for the masked man. Let's talk about these things in private. Including you.

2021-04-24 09:32

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