7 Days in the Most Dangerous Country in the World

7 Days in the Most Dangerous Country in the World

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welcome to Afghanistan the United States military  has begun strikes against military installations   of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan Afghans are  thronging to cell's airport their americanmade   weapons in the hands of Taliban fighter after  40 Years of brutal conflict the Taliban have   now gained complete control over Afghanistan  making it officially the most dangerous country   on planet Earth and I'm going to fly there yeah  sounds like a good idea if you ask me why why I've   become very interested in countries with a bad  reputation because I believe that a government   and its people are not the same thing and the  narratives of Good and Evil don't always fit   neatly over any country let alone one as complex  as Afghanistan it's been completely destroyed for   your gift you are two kinds money for the next  7 days I'm going to be traveling around this   country from the capital Kabul to the Taliban  headquarters where we get into a very sticky situation and I'm even going to try and make  friends with the Taliban yeah so we're going   to kill one of these goats and take it  to the Taliban and try and make friends   with the Taliban why is Afghanistan so  dangerous how is life under the Taliban   regime and what does the future hold for  this country on the edge of a humanitarian crisis keep in mind once I land in this country  I will have absolutely no help from the British   Embassy I am completely on my own so ladies and  gentlemen forget what you've been told in the   media because I am going to show you the real  Afghanistan welcome to Dubai airport my family   begged me not to go my friends told me not to  go but I have a gut feeling inside of me that   the people of this country deserve a voice and I  want to show what the real side of Afghanistan is   like and hopefully change people's perception so  kab hi Harry um just a quick message before you   go to say please please be safe um your dad and  I are really worried uh and we just want you to   come back in one piece um we love you have a safe  FL and um please keep in contact and speak when   you get back love you Afghanistan has been in  multiple conflicts for the last 40 years and no   foreign s has ever been able to win here because  of the mountainous and the strict climate here   as you can see looking at the window it's very  mountainous and very harsh so I can see why it's   been so hard to conquer this land it's almost  impossible to F we would like to thank you for   flying with us and we look forward to seeing you  again on our future flight switching over to the   iPhone now just arrived I'm like have my body is  full of adrenaline right now literally full got   to be careful of filming literally as soon as we  arrive all the women like have their hair out as   soon as we landed they will put on pabs and cover  their faces super interesting welcome to Kabul   Afghanistan I never thought in my life I would  say that sentence but I'm here I'm so happy to   be here behind me we have the I love Afghanistan  sign cuz I do love Afghanistan they were right   and if you can see behind we have the Taliban  Flags the infamous White Flags this is insane alumet it's good yes how are you you speak  English no oh I just arrived uh Afghanistan   first first time first day good to meet you thank  you Afghanistan zindabad England UK you okay nice   to meet you have a good day that's my first  experience meeting an Afghani person I'm like   super nervous to film but I'm just going to go  ahead and do it you can't stop me the definitely   Canam nice to meet you no nice to meet you it  was good just like a few hours from Dubai and   I'm so happy to be here so excited so we're just  driving from the airport to the guest house now   so it kind of feels like I've been transported  back a 100 years uh with like the way the shop   stores are laid out and the way the people are  dressed is so awesome um there are a lot of uh   security checkpoints which I'm clearly not going  to be filming but um it's interesting to see I   guess let hopefully keeping me safe this is  the the neighborhood we're staying in you   can see they're selling the kebab and the Red Bull  everywhere Salam alaykum you got security yeah wow   is every Hotel I'll have a security like this oh  okay well okay we've arrived at the Landmark Hotel Salam good how's my D it's good is this a  three star or five star five star wow only   the best wow I did not expect that the tour guy  booked everything for me so I didn't actually   know where I was staying and it's the safe one  safe yeah but this is what you get in Cabo it's   nice there's Wi-Fi there's a TV with the cab star  cable network we have a kettle but unfortunately   no coffees we have the pray mat and the direction  towards Mecca and then a nice comfortable bed and   a bathroom which definitely isn't five star  but I'm not going to be you know complaining   about this because uh because I wasn't expecting  five star so you know anything is a bonus but   let's just say this wouldn't be five star in the  Western World you know I'm just being honest so to   give you some context as to how the Taliban came  to power I need to tell you some history about   Afghanistan quickly the geographical position of  Afghanistan is one of the main reasons why it has   been constantly invaded throughout history from  Alexander the Great to Genghis Khan more recent   conflict started in 1979 when the Soviet Union  invaded Afghanistan to try and spread socialism   in the country tribal people rebelled against  the Communist party and they formed independent   militias but collectively they were known as  the mujahedin the mujahedin were able to fight   the Soviets for 10 years and in 1989 the Soviets  gave up and left muine Warlords began to fight   each other over power and the country was caught  in an allout Civil War eventually a small group of   locals had enough and they gained gained support  because they were able to bring peace in the area   of kaha this group became known as the Taliban  which means the students in PTO the Taliban   quickly took over the whole kaha Province and they  even controlled 90% of Afghanistan's territory   ruling until 2001 then the American Invasion  came as a result of the 9/11 bombings initiating   another long War due to Afghanistan's difficult  terrain and Us's mismanagement of the country's   14 ethnic groups and tribes it finally ended  with the withdrawal in 2021 war in Afghanistan   was never meant to be a multi-generational  undertaking an event that the Taliban used to   take over the country first up when I arrived  in Kabul I had to get the local dress this is   a shalawa kames every single person wears it in  Afghanistan so I got myself one to blend in and   I went out onto the streets of Kabul for the  very first time hey what's up what's happening   I bumped into these English boys yo the man the  myth the Legends here he is than saying you can   go with us let's go let's go can you say thank you  for having me in your country where are you from uhlan BR Afghanistan Afghanistan  Cricket England englishan cricket   them um they beat us in the cricket  all of my all of my da and my Persian   does not work they don't speak  any Persian or Dar no no oh my god um no I'm not sure I'm not sure it's me he speaks Arabic that's amazing  T speak Arabic that's so cool Uganda   can you ask them what's their favorite thing about Afghanistan is my favorite alhamdulillah  ald okay nice to meet you nice to meet you sh you can stay with us tonight wow thank you  so much I hotel we have a big place you can come   us ser that was my first experience speaking to  the Taliban and you guys see how kind they were   uh I'm just telling you the truth about how they  active with me maybe they were like that because   I was filming or maybe because they know I'm a  guest but uh they invited us into their houses   and stuff so you can't really get more hospitable  than that ABS here is already first day's already   got into a bit of trouble oh my God I was  filming uh myself of course yeah and then   tell I remember just came up to me he's like what  you doing what you doing what he just went crazy   luckily we had our tour guide next to us and our  tour guide like you know put him in checks no no   no he's not filming suris filming himself I was  just surprised my my heart was Bea my heart was   pounding bro they say sorry but at the end of  the day they did say sorry you know they did   say sorry they didn't mean it cuz they all like  I said you know allowed to film females there was   females in the truck and uh you're not allowed to  film females but they thought I was filming the   female but I wasn't so obviously they apologize  later on so yeah all right we're going for some food we got a guns on the entrance Salam alikum  how are you thank you all right well this is the   kind of luxury you can get in Afghanistan Alum how  are you good wow you have like MI6 he looks like   he's in the CIA he's like yeah we got we got  men coming in for Afghani food sh cool oh my God all right well we're walking into the main  kitchen now and the look at these pizzas let's   see the this is where we're going to put you come  come this is where you're sleeping tonight I'm   sleeping here wow how cold is it oh it com oh my  God this is not Afghanistan anymore this is this   bamey this is how C you have a lot of cheese man  a lot of cheese okay lock him in lock him in okay   shut the door shut the door welcome to Afghanistan  thank you it's good to be here okay on the shift   how many chefs do you have on one shift one shf I  am the chef like during during Service uh during   40 more than 40 would you would you like one of  us to become Chef why not Jo us join us join us   guys we and plus right table four table four  one chicken c one Italian yeah yes chef Che signat that's insane this is the this is  like the most typical Afghani way to eat   like they all sit cross-legged  and then they share the foods his wow he's making me look tiny and and he's  you're you're 6' to I'm 6'2 How tall is he yo   thank you very much appreciate brother nice to  meet you brother thank you for the hospitality   thank you so much nice to meet you brother  pleas we'll be coming back to Kabul later   but we're heading to mazari Sharif now  where I explore some of the markets in   this northern city and then we come face to  face and speak to one of the Taliban leaders   so yeah mazari Sharif the name comes  from Mazza means tomb Alum Shar means hello how are youman nice to meet you how are you nice to meet you nice to meet you Harry  my name is Harry I don't speak PTO English   and uh Tor Tor Tor Tor Dar Persian Tor  Arabic T Tor U Harry like Harry Potter   Harry Potter you know Harry Potter yeah yeah I  know oh you know nice what's your what's your job nice wow you guys have all different faces  like you you have like a Asian face you have   the Afghan face you have like a Pakistani  face yeah do I look do I look p no no no   me Amic American Oh I thought with my dress  I look Pasto okay have a good day boss have   a good day nice to meet you brother wow thank  you brother you wow these guys are so friendly   this is actually really cool area we've got the  pears over here the pomegranates bananas and then   rugs over here and like if you haven't noticed  already unlike some places in Asia this place is   very clean there's still pollution don't get me  wrong it's very clean okay we got to be careful   as we're crossing the road so as I was saying  before mazari Shar uh the translation is maah   means Tom and Sharif means respect I think so  it means uh people come here to be respectful   for the prophet Ali who is buried at the Blue  Mosque here in Mazar sh which we will be going to soon oh my God looks like you're putting  it in your eye oh so you have what does it do it gives you the the eyeliner yeah wow can I  try it yeah does he have it on no no so so it's   uh what's the material the material it's cold  yeah it's cold just for ice and Prophet Muhammad   before he did it means he used during the really  on the Friday prayer yeah so now we also so it's   not makeup it's not make for the ladies it's  makeup oh the ladies you use as makeup but and   Men also how many men use this not many men uh it  depends to the people okay I don't know how to do   it can you do it for me yeah I don't know how  to do I don't want to get my eye out just open I'm scared I can't do it try again try  again try again this is scary you can   take my eye out these eyes are precious eyes  open do I keep my eyes open no yeah eyes open yeah how's it look it's good is  it no do I look like a movie star now ah it feels so strange I got  to look at this I like I've been   in a fight I look like I've got two black  eyes wow okay maybe I keep the sunglasses   on from now on he really got me good it's  like he's playing a prank on me I've come   to play cricket with these uh kids let's  going and say hello Alum how are you good are just warming up just warming up can you ask one more thing can  you ask like uh what jobs they do you beat my team English okay afan by yeah yes Afghanistan zindabad and the kids go to school or no yes  okay okay perfect okay thank you guys nice   to meet youbye where can I get the um cricket  cricket top Afghanistan Cricket top he's saying   if you want to buy from me also no problem  Oh yeah double prize okay thank you byebye   bye-bye the one thing you have to be careful of  when filming is filming women you might be able   to see them in the background but I'm trying  my hardest that's why I'm not pointing the   camera forward because like you can you can  get into a lot of trouble if you're filming   other people other women but filming yourself  is fine so we're going to have a look in this   bizaar Alum this reminds me of uh the Asian  Pakistani bazaars you got like the the guys   eating their their lunch Alum and Afghanistan's  population is 40 million which is pretty big but   what's more interesting is how many different  ethnicities and how diverse this country is   there's like 11 different ethnicities and  so you can imagine how hard it is for a   for foreign country like the US to control  this area when they have no idea how the   different relations between each ethnicity  works so how are you oh wow you're selling women's good good good I don't know what he show Harry Harry Harry har Harry hello Salam Alum  unfortunately I can't buy any of your products   but uh I'm good I'm good I'm good this guy's funny  okay thank you brother I have no clue what he was   saying but he's a funny guy look at this Market  we got a man carrying a large pipe all the way through how are you good now sure ABD Harry Harry  nice to meet look look how big these cauliflower   is I've never seen cauliflower that big in my life  okay thank you nice to meet you look how friendly   the people here are if I said hello to everyone  I'd be here all day oh W getting some energy hello Alum look at this we got  a communist uh umbrella that is   cool a Soviet umbrella it's pretty  crazy to see the the kids working   under 10 years old they're still you  know working they're not going to school this is your lemon it's very good to Afghanistan zindabad  Afghanistan zindabad oh need more energy energy okay thank you nice to meet you look look at everyone's faces they all look so different he's from Africa okay let get is this it's camera go we're making a a blockade for the for the Tuk  we're making a byebye byebye nice move sorry   we're making a blockade in the road also like  I've just kind of trained my brain that you can't   really stay in one spot for more than 5 minutes  because you never know there's also like uh you   see Taliban in the the corner of your eye and you  have to be really careful they were actually uh   about to come and speak to me but they they  walked away for some reason I'm not sure why   unfortunately like I was saying earlier the fact  that there are young kids working I mean this is   not uncommon in most of Asia there are kids  working but the actual amount of kids working   in this market is pretty eye opening and crazy  for me to see but that just shows the economic   situation in Afghanistan right now unfortunately  the sanctions that have been put on Afghanistan   have only just affected the people they didn't  affect the government they've only affected the   people and for me it's important to know and it's  important to tell the world that a government and   its people are not the same thing so keep that in  mind all right we got another communist uh flag   here Alum how are you how are you chasti how are  you I'm good I'm good you speak English a little   little little little what's your job um was shach  I don't have any job no job yes you are looking   yes okay hopefully you find one inshallah I was  deported from uh Turkish oh really in this year   uh one years ago were you uh illegally were you  in Turkey illegally yes or legal legal oh legally   uh and after that I don't have any job oh wow just  uh what job do you want every every job it doesn't   have any difference any job yes I need job I need  for uh money yeah I don't have any home any house   uh if you need me you need me to buy you any food  anything I'll get you some food thank you you need   some food thank you so much you want something  yes uh I don't know what is the meaning of uh g   g yes uh I put to put to uh sand between uh spice  yes spice okay let's go I'll get something looks   like we're buying him something but I don't know  what oh we're buying him this yeah how much is that see so it's basically a swing for  his child 2,000 I've got okay it's a good   price for that yeah it's good price okay  the new one so this is for your for your   child yes how does it work ah oh it's  like a oh it's a it's a CO I thought it was okay thank you so much you're welcome  nice to meet you brother nice to meet you   hope your hope your daughter en right your China  YouTube this is the example of the guy who's just   transporting food we got a man cutting up the  ice here and we got a man playing Alum what's   that ice cream oh and this is the ice wow  this is insane you just put the ice on the floor it's insane so they  import the ice from somewhere else so this is the Blue Mosque the most  famous mosque in Mazar shareif as you can   see it's so beautiful built in 800 ad on  the Islamic calendar I'm not too sure what   that would be on the Christian calendar  but look at this place um can you ask   him his name n Omega cheers said Jamal sh  okay means you know when some people they   memorizing Quran and also say Jamal his  name so he he knows the whole Quran W how   long did it take for him to learn the Quran  and what's the reason why did he want to do this can you tell um thank you for having  me in your country and I'm trying to show   the world that Afghanistan is a  safe place and bring the tourists here I I noticed the hospital  hospitality is the best in the world zad thank you thank you so much so you're probably  wondering what life is like under the Taliban in   2023 so the Taliban rule is influenced by  a strict version of Islam from the paston   culture basically that means that men have to  grow beards if they can I can't grow beards so   I'd be screwed um music is banned TV is banned  and unfortunately the worst rules of the women   uh currently women over the age of 13 can't go  to school um they also have to wear a a cab or   a burka however I've seen many girls not wearing  that when they're out the reason why they cover   their faces is because the value of a woman is  increased when you can't see her that's what they think how is your English is good  yeah let's practice the English   what what do you want what job do you  want to do when you're older can you ask just he wants to memorize Quran wow does he know it sorry does he know it now  does he know the uh Quran has 3 uh2 or 3 for   um part just he memorized uh one part yeah wow I  would test you in two years he will finished can   you test him on it no I'm joking you want to read  some part of Quran you want to yeah yeah yeah do it wow some part ofr they memorizing would that be  like a call to prayer or no no it's not call to   prayer yet but people do the call to prayer live  like yeah it's life yeah so could he do that yeah   yeah for sure everyone can do that anyone can  do that oh okay awesome wow thank you so much   and what do these two want to do also they are  memorizing memorize some part of Quran but not   finished but now it's yeah can you get paid to  do that yeah for sure if you want oh really and   uh what's their favorite thing about Afghanistan  yeah he wants to finish Quran and then he wants to   be Mah it means M just calling for pray and then  they paying yeah wow yeah okay good nice okay and   just he wants to be a doctor in the future okay  good you'll be the doctor okay yeah thank you   so much I love you next up I'm going on a Afghani  road trip with my tour guide and his family we're   heading to the rural areas of Afghanistan which  is where most of the population actually lives   you can see the landscape is quite Barren you  got the mountains in the background and then   just like not much Greenery kind of like similar  to desert but not much sand just very Barren very   dry harsh conditions we have stopped on the road  trip The Afghani road trip because I have seen   something that I cannot believe so we're near  the Afghan usbekistan border and as you can see   this is the most Barren land but in the distance  right over there we have some camels a donkey and   a a farmer so we're going to be asking him some  questions is he like a farmer yeah it's a farmer   just uh actually they're transferring the bush for  sailing Bush you know Bush yeah this oh they sell   this they sell this because now it what for for  food for the for hitting hting yeah hitting the household also for cooking it's so Barren like you  can just imagine there's like nothing to farm here   I don't know how you can make money on this land  if you own this land is pointless he's coming here okay wow this is something  like out of a movie like I   don't believe it a man with a donkey and four camels wow what's his name nice to meet you and um what is what is he doing how long is the journey he's doing now 10 hours 10 hours oh my God that's insane  and uh what's it like to have the camels   like is it hard work are they hard to manage  or are they nice camels can I can I stroke it are you sure yeah what's his name oh my God and how old is he 27 27  wow so he's like similar age to me it's   like completely different lives that's amazing  wow thank you so much t t Okay so he's going 5   hours each way you see these two guys are  just catching a lift in the boot of a car   health and safety at its finest in Afghanistan  they're just they're just chilling in the boot   of the car look at this incredible landscape here  and this shows you how Afghanistan is impossible   to conquer no foreign forces have ever been  able to conquer this the British came in the   1800s failed the Russians came failed finally  the US came failed because look at this how   can you conquer this when this is not your home  country you know the people who live here they   know the mountains like the back of their  hand they also know the cows hello cow yes camera YouTube good um for for oh the cows  like the melon well I don't blame him this is a famous Buddhist stuper from the  fourth or the fifth century as you can see now   it's got the Taliban flag on top to kind of  show that who's in charge now and as you can   see this part here where they got the new brick  was actually destroyed by the Taliban um but it's   actually been it's been remade it's interesting  how it's 500 to enter so maybe uh $5 to $10 but   they've destroyed half of it they have rebuilt  it so they destroy it and then they make you   pay to go and see it that's interesting but no  at least they've rebuilt it Salam alikum hello   how are you I'm good I'm good what's your name my  name is nice to meet you you're going to the Super   yes you're from this area uh no actually we are  from another Province so come here visiting and   you you're I'm from englistan englistan oh that's  good you beat us in the cricket what Afghanistan   beat England in the cricket nice to meet you  nice to meet you too so uh who who are you who   are these people who you you here with uh de a  Collegian oh you're in the college yes I'm in   the college what are you studying I am studying a  law and political science faculty it is my uh uh   fourth class actually oh to finish your English is  perfect very good English but a little bit so why   have you come here uh I've come to no just to see  Afghanistan show show the people that Afghanistan   is a safe country and tourists can come and visit  here that's my I'm making YouTube videos so thank   you for coming thank you for having me okay  aan zindabad and what jobs do you want to do   when you're older what what job do you want to do  when you're older uh I want to become a politian   politician politician the future yes does that  mean you have to work for the Taliban no oh okay   you'll be politician in Afghanistan for my people  for your people we are so happy man as Afghanistan Asam oh that got them happy yeah  so um tell me your or maybe you can   ask your friends what is your favorite thing about Afghanistan theace okay good what's that peace security my this classmate he saying  that ancient civilization oh yes veryan it's very   secure it's I feel safe I feel safe may yeah  no no it's all good my classmate is so curious   about this what's your religion my religion  is Christian Jewish Christian Christian not   Jewish Christian English hello France from  France France I know the the language okay   good that's last question how did you analyze  the situation in um so that's a good question   like my family my friends told me not to come here  everyone tells me not to come here because they   tell they say it's dangerous here but I felt in  my heart I had the gut feeling you know the you   know the meaning the gut feeling I had I had the  gut feeling that this place is safe I spoke to   friends who come here before and they said it's  safe so I said yala I have one more question for   you um what what do you all think about the  Western World what do you think about the UK   you can be honest good or bad to be honest uh you  know your country is a country that is peaceful   country so we are also tired of being in a war  situation and everyone is and everyone dream   is is this that they one day uh uh they could  go in a foran country maybe Western Country or   United Kingdom yeah so for this reason it's I  think the most dream of and our youths do you   want to live in Afghanistan you don't want to live  the opportunity okay Mr if I find the opportunity   to leave my country I will leave really and  one day I will come come back again yeah okay okay whoa oh my god statue uhhuh oh okay I thought   maybe like AMA Bin Laden  used to hide here no hello sing alhamdulillah this is ancient history  in Afghanistan this is why people come   here this is why it actually attracts  tourism in Afghanistan because of the   ancient history this is like a Buddhist  Cave System it's huge and this used to be   a market uh 500 years ago actually  no sorry 1,500 years ago bin Kebab BR try again try again try again try  again bur bin Kebab Kebab B BM burin Kebab BM I don't know what I said the first time  next up we're heading to kaha which is the   Taliban headquarters this is where the Taliban  was was formed and this is where the leaders   all are there are Taliban everywhere and this  is where I had a very tricky situation this is   the Tomb of the former king of Afghanistan  over here tomb is down there but we can't   go in and then this is the mosque of the  uh the cloak of the Prophet muhammmad uh   which was brought here by the King and then  we have the Taliban here who have invited us overum I'm from nice to meet you har har this is maybe you're not a Muslim this   why here not giving okay no  problem no problem whatever you I answered his old question now he thinks he's  oh really I forgive him yeah this is you're the   and uh you can take pictures and thank you all  right well friendly Taliban this is the first   time in aan where I've had a bad experience um  obviously this guy the Taliban wouldn't shake   my hand um because I'm not a Muslim and although  I've been told to maybe tell people I'm a Muslim   but I feel like it's important to stay true to  who you are and uh it's important for them to   learn a lesson that Islam isn't the only religion  in the world and there are many other religions   this man um just invited me for dinner again this  is like the fifth time today today this happened   apparently like this is just extremely common  I was expecting with the past student culture   but not to this degree just so kind thank you so  much Manana you're very kind man every cloud has a   silver lining although I did have a bad experience  here that man and a couple of other people here   have made it better by inviting me into their  home so I want to make it absolute crystal clear   that I still do feel very safe here and I would  encourage people to come here even though it is a   little bit intense when I say a little bit I mean  very bloody intense next up we're going to head   to bamyan to speak to some women in Afghanistan  and also we're going to be trying to make friends   with the Taliban by buying them a goat and I  give a gift to the people of Afghanistan at the   end so this is the city of Screams in baman and  you're probably wondering why it got that name   it got that name because of the old genas Khan he  basically came here uh thousands of years ago and   basically killed over a thousand people everyone  who lived here uh cuz he was mad and so obviously   they screamed and that's why it's called the city  of Screams as you can see band is super beautiful   reminds me a little bit of Northern Pakistan I  know I people don't like me to compare two places   but it does remind me the Beauty and the nature  but what you won't find there is these Russian   tanks we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tanks because this  used to be the Russian base where they would fight   the mujahadin in the' 70s so this still works a  little bit so I'm going to take Aim tal should say that wow look at that here we go hey you are  shooting me Harry Muhammad you're dead be   careful also what is unique about bamyan is they  have a women's Market this is the only women's   Market in the whole of Afghanistan okay say  300 300 okay all right deal you have yourself a deal thank you for having me you guys are  probably wondering why I'm not asking some   very relevant questions to do with the  women here in Afghanistan and that's   because I can't so forgive me got to be  very careful about what I post because   I could put people in danger these  lovely ladies are making a dress a dress for her yeah she's also AER show no ma is ma nice very beautiful you make all you make this working very hard and it's just  amazing to see this I I kind of just   thought that no women could work but  it varies from Province to province   so it makes me very happy and I'm  sure it make everyone else very happy thank you thank you for having me and here we go we've made it to the Buddha  statues or what's left of them they were   destroyed by the Taliban in 2001 they used to be  the most amazing statues the number one thing to   see in Afghanistan and they were built in the 7th  century there's two of them but this one's been   absolutely destroyed by the Taliban I'm just like  it does make me sad and uh especially for Buddhist   people it must be so sad you can see they've got  the scaffolding that's basically just to keep it   propped up so it doesn't fall down completely  but yeah this is where the big Buddha statue   was and then the bu and other Buddhist things  are the opposite of Islam and uh uh it is not an   Islamic thing so so this they they are thinking  um Afghanistan is an Islamic country and we do   need Buddha this why they destroy the Buddha  here huh Afghanistan used to be great location   geographically for the trade the silk rad trade  through China and Europe and uh this is why the   Buddhists used to live here we have our little  friend here I'm interviewing him Salam alaykum that's my as you guys know I'm on  a mission to improve the diplomatic   relations between the British and the  Taliban so I'm going to buy them a goat   and then we're going to kill it sacrifice  it and eat it together first of all I've   got to find the goat and this is  the Journey of buying a goat in Afghanistan all right well this is sketchy hello buddy this isn't the Sheep I think is  too small but this is uh this is Afghanistan   life they're so cute and uh yeah so we're  going to kill one of these goats and take   it to the Taliban and try and make friends  with the Taliban cuz that's what we do in   Afghanistan he's got him Messi hello LEL  Messi so we're paying 4,000 for Messi   that's like $40 not bad at all actually I was  expecting it to be more like $100 thank you so much I'm good I'm good this is where  we're going to be having lunch this   is so beautiful look at this I did not even  think this is Afghanistan it's so beautiful   but yeah it's time for the goat to meet its  maker unfortunately um I won't be filming it   because YouTube will definitely remove the  video and this is the chill out area where   we're going to eat that's goodbye Messi  thank you for getting the number one goal   scorer thank you for winning the World Cup and  uh good luck on your on your move to America oh oh you guys are just like I'm the only one  that's like not find this hard to watch you   you not find this hard to watch have you  seen this many times yeah oh still oh it's   bad news guys I invited the Taliban they said  they were going to come and then after I've   bought the goat the last minute they've  said that they're not going to come very   unfortunate um I'm very disappointed  um and it I guess it says more about   them than it does about me but this is life  you can't get everything going your way and   uh uh yeah I guess you know I tried to give  them an opportunity to show the Taliban has improved oh so we have ourselves a nice little  Afghani feast in the middle of nature we have   some chai we have goat Mr Messi has been served  up we have apples and then vegetables chili and of   course the famous bread so thank you to the chef  over here for cooking you I'm sorry if we cannot   be better no no no it's perfect well I haven't  tried it yet but it looks good and uh yeah well   thank you very much for coming and joining us  thank you for having me thank you for putting   it on so basically Muhammad runs four schools  and he relies on the payment from the funding   of through himself and through other people who  give him the money and I thought it was a great   idea I really like the idea especially as the  fact that not many children are going to school   here like you guys have seen them videos just it's  just really terrible how like the kids the parents   don't even want them to go to school uh however  in this province in bamyan it's a lot more there's   a lot more opportunities and the kids are going  to school so I would like to I spoke to some of   my friends last night M and I'm still waiting  I don't have internet so I don't actually know   how many of them have said yes or no but so far  in the last 24 hours um we've been able to raise   some money so I'm going to give $2,000 thanks very  much and it may be a little bit more and of course   there'll be people from the video that will pay  so a th000 from me and 1,000 from my friends and   yeah very grateful thanks very much for everyone  who is just supporting these kids and just funding   for these Kats because this is the best help  for them yeah we can buy food for them but but   we don't want to Wi y there's a famous future  there's a famous saying in the Bible I think   thing it's in the Bible is give a man a fish and  he can eat for a day teach a man how to fish and   he can eat for a lifetime exactly yeah thank you  very much there's a lot I cannot say because it   puts people in danger that were in this video uh  it's an interesting Jer position where the people   of the country are so nice and even actually the  Taliban when you meet them are so nice but the   rules that they live by are unfortunately not  nice this video was mainly to show you that the   people of Afghanistan the 40 million people that  live there 99.9% of them are the most hospitable   in the world and I'm being deadly serious when  I say this I don't have any sponsors for this   video I wanted it to be the best video possible  and I obviously have given a lot of money to the   schools so if you'd like to support me please sign  up to my membership my YouTube membership I'll   be doing some solo podcasts some podcasts with  my friends and then also just like some behind   the scenes talking about what life was like in  Afghanistan and some maybe some secret parts that   I haven't told you in the video so thank you for  watching and I'll see you in the next video thank you

2023-12-05 23:59

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