5 Days Living in Mongolia's Gobi Desert - A WILD Adventure!

5 Days Living in Mongolia's Gobi Desert - A WILD Adventure!

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this is the Gobi desert visiting here has been  on our bucket list forever but it always felt   like this distant far away land that was totally  Out Of Reach until we found ourselves unexpectedly   in Mongolia guys we have made it we're in  Mongolia welcome to Mongolia I just keep   saying that we're in Mongolia over the next  5 days we'll be hopping in a van as part of a   group trip to explore this incredible but rugged  part of the country I have literally squatted in   an open field and PE today because that's how  few washroom are here it's for sure one of the   hardest things I've done in a while we're about  to experience first hand what it's like to stay   in a traditional Mongolian gar it's actually  surprisingly really cool in here considering   how hot it is outside eat the food of the desert  so I got buuz which is like a very traditional   Mongolian kind of like dumpling thing live  out in the wild I actually slept good but   I'm really sore this morning feel like I slept  on a sheet of wood which is kind of what I did   and witnessed the most incredible l Landscapes of  Our Lives I feel like there's just like nothing   around and all of a sudden boom there are these  Cliffs so grab your camel and join us as we leave   paved roads behind in pursuit of the incredible  wonders of the Gobi desert I swear if somebody   was like a kilometer away and started whispering  it sounds like you could probably hear them it's   like watching a dog walking group yeah this is so  cool you got to come guys Mongolia is where it's [Music] at hey everyone welcome to the middle of nowhere  Mongolia I feel like we have properly come to the   part of Mongolia that I was so excited to explore  on this trip there is just like nothing but fields   and horses I really didn't know what to expect I  just expected I guess maybe a whole lot of Horizon   and that's exactly what we're seeing here M tell  me about the downside though over there all right   guys so the toilet situation if you come and  do this trip like be prepared bring your own   toilet paper there's a lot of squatters which is  fine everything's pretty clean um but yeah I also   have pee on the side of the road using this as  only my cover so you got to prepare yourself as   you can see there's not really any trees to hide  behind when you need to pee so legitimately like   bring a scarf for a shirt and like yeah that's  your cover over there's the out house we found by   this random gasoline station gas station in the  middle of nowhere guys I guess you can't really   call it a random gasoline station there is a bit  of a town over there but we have been driving for   a little while even though it's just day one and  the driving that we've done so far has been mostly   just through Fields Fields Landscapes Greenery  seen lots of horses and goats cattle but other   than that we haven't really seen too much out here  nope just La Stu it's kind of nice if you really   want to get away and go somewhere secluded this is  the place and just like that our tour to the Gobi   desert had begun the drive on this first Daye is  taking us 480 km away from mongolia's Capital City   Ulaanbatar before we reach the Gobi desert region  we drive through through the Mongolian step which   is an area of grasslands that don't seem to have a  lot of grass at the moment making our Drive extra bumpy we have officially left the road like the  Cave Road we're on what they call the natural   roads here in Mongolia which pretty much means  there are no roads it's like a washboard man I   feel like the landscape's changing already  though we're definitely getting like more   like Sandy deserty Vibes they slowly I feel  like we can just drive anywhere we can we   are yes we are how does how does the driver  know where he's going I honestly don't know   it's [Music] craing the Gobi desert is  one of the largest deserts in the world   spanning more than 500,000 square miles and  after hours and hours of driving to the step   we eventually crossed the invisible border  into the goby desert and arrived at our first   stop in the region which was more dramatic and  extraordinary than we could have imagined [Music] [Music] [Music] It has been a very full day of driving today yeah  but man getting out just like checking out like   where we've come to so cool feel very very small  properly in the middle of nowhere so the official   name of this place in English is white stupa  I can't quite pronounce the name in Mongolian   but it is basically just like a plateau that looks  down into this Valley that looks like it's like a   red almost kind of wavy looking Hills and I guess  this part of the world used to be underwater and   there are evidence of that uh around the area  but it's great to just look around from the top   of these plateaus because you're so much higher  than the rest of the Horizon you could really see   so far into the distance and what's incredible  is that it's so quiet here as well there's not   a sound I swear if somebody was like a kilometer  away and started whispering it sounds like you   could probably hear them all right we made our way  all the way down to the bottom of these guys and   and I are totally getting fairy chimney vibes  from cappadocia yeah in Turkey in Turkey yeah   this does kind of look like this although I will  say an awful lot less Alec I think what's really   impressing me about the whole landscape is that  these Cliffs it's only like appearing on one side   so you won't be able to see it from the opposite  side like if you're looking into the Horizon and   I saw a sign that said that during rainy season  Sometimes some of the livestock would fall over   the cliff they won't even see where the cliff  ends oh that or where the cliff start starts   I guess but um it's kind of neat seeing it  from the air we had the Drone up and you can   see how the landscape it looks like honestly the  entire ground just fell on one side and created   this Jagged Cliff like as if they were giant  continental plates it's really really [Music] neat [Music] looks like we found our home for the night  she's right there all right guys let's show you   our home for the night you can hardly see me there  we go this is a g a traditional Mongolian Ger   which is like um the type of house that Mongolians  still use today um the nomadic Mongolians this   house is actually meant to be be able to be moved  to a different location at any time um as the   Mongolians follow livestock all around the country  so this one has five beds in it cuz there are five   of us in our group here today M's all settled in  this is awesome this is the first time we'll ever   sleep in a g yeah I'm pretty strued about it and  we've got this for like the next few nights so   um yeah super cool first things first though uh  the bed is very stiff oh my God it's hard like   it's hard it's more than firm it's actually just  rock it's The Full Experience the Mongolian way   otherwise really cozy gr it looks so small and  squat from the outside yeah but inside actually   has a lot more room than I expected like you can  fully stand in this what else do you need there's   so much room for activities here they were also  telling us that under no circumstance should you   lean on these posts or the door frame apparently  that might topple the whole ger so something we   just have to avoid by the way guys if you are  watching this video because you two are planning   a trip to Mongolia soon and you're looking for  a tour company to book either this tour with or   something similar to this we booked this with  Four Seasons travel and so far our experience   with them has been excellent you may have noticed  in today's video that we have two guys with us   Nuyama and tuya we also have a driver with us Bata  and between the three of them we have so far had   an excellent time so if you want to find their  information we'll put it down in the description   box below okay so like our Gus are right here  right where we're staying tonight is just right   here and just in front of us there is a pen of  camels and then just look so cool so naturally   we have to go and hang out with them for a little  while they look so Majestic [Music] here we've   seen camels in real life but I don't remember them  being this big they've never been this big they   also got two humps which I think is kind of unique  they're both looking at me like who's this guy talking look how big his face [Music] is we spent the rest of the evening admiring  the camels chatting with the kids who live   on the property and eating spaghetti  with meat sauce for our first desert   dinner while making new friends with our tour  [Music] group we had a beautiful sunset that   was followed by an epic display of stars  passing over our ger as we slept [Music] all right good morning I'm not exactly sure  everything that's on my plate but definitely   egg definitely bread definitely  cheese cheese and some veggies we   slept okay I actually slept good but  I'm really sore this morning like I   feel like I slept on a like a sheet  of wood which is kind of what I did [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so it's kind of convenient  as we've been driving along back on the paved   highway there are a few of these markets along  the road it's kind of funny though they always   kind of say map kits all the time I think  that might just be just how the translation   works out or with the lettering or something  like that but map kit if you see that it means Market oh snacked up tissues Juice coffee  extra snacks all the Necessities for the   desert there's also bottles of vodka  there for like $88 so if you need   some alcohol it's pretty easy to find out  here and pretty affordable too ooho thank you a fun fact about Mongolia is that there  are only 3.3 million people living in the   country about 70 million livestock animals  that's roughly 21 times more livestock than   people through the window of our van we  were seeing camels horses and goats and   of course the Mongolian landscape wouldn't be  complete without seeing a Prius in the wild as   well after many hours of driving We Came Upon  This Small City where we stopped into a local   restaurant for lunch Miko's favorite meat eggs  and rice but I went for something new so I got   buuz which is like a very traditional Mongolian  kind of like dump thing it looks amazing ground   meat I'm not sure if it's like lamb or beef it  could definitely be mut in here tomato have B   it's good it's still really soft like the bottom  of the dumpling it's still really soft when it's   very salty so the onion garlic this really  good and I have like 12 to eat by myself   so they have served us some Mongolian milk tea  so it's uh very popular here in Mongolia it is   made out of milk tea like black tea salt and  water looks like more like a microwaved hot milk oh that's interesting is it it's not as  like milky you know it's not as thick it's   like almost like watery and uh very salty I  don't taste any tea in here appar it's very   big in Mongolia it's called milk tea but  it's definitely more milk and salt than   it is tea I think if I added like cinnamon in  it or something then I would probably love it all right we've been on the road another couple  of hours just driving and driving along these   incredible planes just like nothing to see  for ages and then out of nowhere we get to   the Flaming Cliffs uh which are stunning they're  mostly famous because they're a really cool um   archaeological site there's lots of fossils here  I guess what made them most famous is that the   first ever dinosaur egg fossil was found here so  that's pretty cool so this has been turned into   a national park and and they just preserve the  area and do lots of digs around here although   the cliffs themselves here are very beautiful  and really cool to look at I think what makes   this place extra special is a that there's  just so few people here like I think coming   to a place like this and having like 15 other  tourists is really cool and number two is that   like I feel like there's just like nothing around  and all of a sudden boom there are these Cliffs   Mongolia can do that for you yeah nothing  nothing nothing and all of a sudden amazing   something amazing although in some ways the the  nothingness itself is truly what's drawing me to   Mongolia right now I agree the expansiveness of  of of the Horizon and just the fact that we could   see so far I swear I can see the curvature  of the earth here from from here[Music] [Music] oh [Music] not a bad view hey baby yeah you guys want to  see the best toilet view ever come here so this   is the toilet right just PE here it's actually  not bad just really quickly it's a really nice   washroom is a really nice wash probably the nice  one we've had but then look at your view guys look   at this view cuz over there some camels like is  there more Mongolian toilet yeah I think if you   just had none of this and you just squatting  right there and just looking at camels that's   as natural as it gets it's as Mongolian as  it gets I've literally done that today so if   you come on this tour I have literally squatted  in an open field and peed today because that's   how few washrooms are here cuz there just are no  amenities like there's just nothing as far as the   I can see so prepare yourself for [Music] that  it doesn't look like it from the map but this   second day of the tour was the longest driving  day so we were very glad when we finally arrived   at our home for the for the night all right  tonight's menu is chicken soup and rice it looks amazing another meal with our tour mates  and The Surreal Mongolian Landscapes was   followed by a beautiful cloudy  Sunset before we tucked into   our ger to rest for day three which  was going to be the best day of this adventure good morning this morning we have got a delicious  breakfast of egg sausage on toast what do you   call this again it's like BLT oh BLT that's prob  how's your sleep um my sleep was actually pretty   good um except that I was hot oh it was hot  last night yeah it was hot so funny we packed   for so many um we packed so many thermals and  sweaters and long underwear and stuff going to   be so cold yeah we bought all this new stuff in  Japan to warm us up here in the goby desert and   it's just been so hot I think in the middle  of the night I went I woke up after used to   watchh them as like 2:00 in the morning when  you step outside the G it feels like you're in   a completely different role it feels like you're  a different planet because also the Stars like   the stars just like amazing here the stars were  so good the wind was just right and it was so   dark out here there's not a single point of light  it was tempting to sleep outside instead yeah it   it really felt like a different world yeah and  then you wake up and then you're like oh yeah   that's right we're still in a different world  this Mongolia before starting this goby desert   tour we had been warned by other Travelers that  the distances on this trip were no joke Mongolia   is a big country so to get from one stop to the  next always took at least a couple of hours but   we were rarely without entertainment running we  wouldn't see another car for 100 kilometers but   somehow our heads were always on a swivel as we  dodged horses camels goats and even the occasional deer while it's true there might be faster ways  to get around the country going Overland gave   us the chance to really understand how out  of this world the Mongolian Landscapes can [Music] [Applause] be [Music] we have officially made it to where we're  staying today this is our ger very similar to   other ger that we've been staying in the past  couple days but this one has six beds so it's   a little bit bigger it's got a little bit more  room it's actually surprisingly really cool in   here considering how hot it is outside we have  now also officially made into the Conor and L's   National Park which basically means we are deep  into the Gobi desert it's just incredible being   here we were driving for a couple hours today  um but we actually got in to our campsite now   around 1:00 which means we'll have lunch here  and basically spend the rest of the day here   well I officially feel like we are definitely in  the desert the sand is just like popped out of   nowhere it's like driving driving driving and it  still looks like desert but then it's just like   Dunes these Dunes I think are considered like  the singing Dunes when the wind goes a certain   way through them they're supposed to sing I'm not  hearing them sing but that's what I read which is   really cool this place is so expansive I it's  really hard to tell when you're in Mongolia how   far distances are like you can see for so long  and you're like oh I could probably walk there   but like it could be like 40 km you know like  it actually might be a really long way so the   dunes they're massive I can't tell if they're  like a 20 minute walk or like a 3our walk one   of the big activities we had on the schedule for  today was cam riding which is a really popular   thing to do in this area however based on our  own experiences with the tourism industry and   camel riding around the world we always choose  not to ride camels in this case the Shepherds   had already herded the camels to our ger so to  not let their efforts go to waste our group chose   to enjoy the gobi with the iconic two humped  camel in a way that we all felt comfortable   with camel and I going for a walk in the goby  desert it's definitely a unique experience a   very unique experience I got to say this is  the first time that we've ever walked like   a camel as if it was like a dog like as if  we were walking a dog to like a park [Music] yeah how do we look I think we make a cute couple  although I think he needs he needs a bit of a   grooming yeah you know his skin feels a little  like he's got eczema I think he's a little on the   dry side apparently this is the time of the year  where the camels are losing their winter fur yeah   so they all look a little bit Shaggy mhm I didn't  know but the humps are actually full of fat so   that's what they use as their store I thought  they was filled with water I know but totally   not true it's full of fat so they can go many many  days without without food it's like watching a dog   walking group yeah dog moms in La casually walking  our camels this is how we do in Mongolia you know [Music] C [Music] all right so next up is we're finally going to  explore the giant giant Dunes the thing is they   look big but they look even bigger when you see  the actual people on the de and you see how tiny   they are they look like tiny little ants that's  how you know it's massive yeah this going to be [Music] tough it feels like every  step I take up it's actually just   effectively half a step because I slide  down a little bit so close baby all you   have to do is go all the way up there oh my  God this is always so much harder than it looks that's where we started I  cannot believe we're up this high   already but we have still so much more to [Music] go it's for sure one of the hardest things I've  done in a while but Nicole is already up there   and she says the view is so good it better be  worth the view you guys it's so good come on   honey drum roll please it's honestly so epic  how epic is this like it's so good this is so   unreal is it worth it it was so worth it but I'm  wondering if anybody else brought a tripod or is   it just me that's so bad just got this like huge  heavy backpack of electronics and it's this is a   freaking hard height this is absolutely screen  saber we have to we have to stay for a while   guys I'm setting this as my yeah we have to the  colors this is definitely one of those screens   that comes up on like Windows you know like  definitely screen saver of the day it is so good [Music] 0:25:57.680,1193:02:47.295 [Music] [Music] [Music] so just like that all the tourist  cleared out which is all of like six people   from Korea they're over there but we have  this sand dun to ourselves so we're just   hanging out taking some photos feeling lucky  it is really really gorgeous here and the sun   is coming down like the dunes are beautiful  this is what you come to Mongolia for yeah   the place to yourself you have a whole and  as far as the eye can see on either side Mongolia but seriously Mongolia actually you know  what's kind of interesting I learned that only 5%   of the Gobi desert has sand dunes so it's like  hard to get here like it's really hard to get   here which is probably why there's just not  a lot of people here yeah I mean definitely   hard to get look look at where we started over  there somewhere I think I could probably there   we go get a little bit this is so cool you got  to come guys Mongolia is where it's at looks   like cotton candy over there I the clouds  are so straight it looks like a second R be ocean waking up next to these huge sand dunes  was a pretty epic way to start day four even   though we've been in the Gobi desert for  days now being surrounded by Dunes just   made it feel more real to chop it off this  ger site was so quiet besides us the camels   and the family that lives here there was just  this adorable puppy as far as the eye could see as magical as this spot was we had  another destination to check out that   turned out to be totally different from our  previous stops on this tour through the Gobi [Music] [Music] so after quite a bit of driving and some  lunch we are at our main stop for today this is   the Yol Valley and Yol I think is the name of a  bird here but this Valley has this Trail right in   the center so now we're just walking the valley  and I think we got about a 3 km walk ahead of us   and hopefully we able to see some rivers and  maybe maybe some snow they say um I'm really   excited for it because it's a beautiful day and  I love this change in landscape from where we   were yesterday at the Gobi desert it's not much  Greener and more mountainous and there's a lot   more Wildlife again like as we're walking you  could already see some wild horses on our right   that is just walking with us so yeah hopefully  we'll have a great walk so I think it's been 4   days since we've seen natural water and out of  the middle of nowhere water starts right here   this is where you come if you need to survive  I guess all right so from horses now we have   cows and then over there they look like they  almost look like Yaks we passed many Yaks as   we followed the stream of water further into  the valley the pass through the mountains got   narrower and narrower until we eventually came  to an area with a layer of snow and ice Mongolia   gets very cold Winters filling the Yol Valley  with snow and in the narrow Caverns that don't   get direct sunlight it's possible to find snow  and ice here year round you'd think in a desert   we would not come across snow or ice and yet  here it is like you just can't get away from   it you know I really feel like we're in Canada  right now between the Rocks around us like the   mountain faces the crispness crispness of the  air that's uh breezing over the ice it really   feels like Canada except for the fact that there  are Buddhist prayer flags hanging on the face of   that wall over there so that's kind of the tell  tell side that we're not in Canada is somewhere   completely different and we saw Yaks coming in  and we saw Yaks so yeah once again not Canada   but it is uh it is giving me that [Music] feeling  well the valley was beautiful but we have made it   to our last G site of this whole trip and we are  going to round out our trip by learning to play   the national game of Mongolia yeah wow can you  show me again which one is it uh this one is a   horse horse ankle oh this one is a camel okay this  one is a sheep this one is coat goat oh okay wow   they all look the same to me we discovered the  object of the game is to get to the end of the   ankle bones that one to do that you roll four  ankle bones and depending on the way they land   you get to move spaces forward it's pretty cool  it's nice and simple nice and simple it turned   out the game of Mongolia is essentially a dice  game but instead of dice you use polished animal   bones because they're easier to find this far into  the [Music] desert definitely the weirdest thing   about this game is I smell the meaty bones there's  a there's a definite Aroma in this room I'm like   meat even though these have been cleaned they look  really clean we didn't quite understand all the   rules nor could we really tell the bones apart but  somehow rolling animal bones and sharing drinks   with our new friends and a g was the perfect  way to cap off the final night of this Mongolian Adventure good morning everyone it is the final  day of our tour and that means that today we are   driving 650 km all the way back to Ulaanbaaatar  it's going to be a super long driving day there's   really not going to be a lot for you guys to see  so we're going to put down the camera and enjoy   the remaining time that we have here in the  Deser once again we booked this tour before   season's travel we've had an absolutely amazing  experience with them exploring the Gobi desert   if you want to see this tour or any other tour  that they offer around Mongolia make sure you   check out the link in the description if you  enjoy this video make sure you hit subscribe   and come along with us for the next adventure  here in Mongolia thank you guys so much for   watching see you in the next one also okay if  you look at the camel like straight on from the   nose forward does this not look like Sid from  I from Ice AG okay so my camel's name is Sid   because I swear from straight on we've decided  that camels camels look like sit from Ice AG   hting there for oh I know this part now yeah  to dve you have to put this at the end of your   video no you need to put Mongolian Road singing  your [Music] int this is like not even Africa

2024-03-06 15:13

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