5 Day Nakra to Mestia Trek | Svaneti Transcaucasian Trail, Georgia (Silent Hiking + Guide)

5 Day Nakra to Mestia Trek | Svaneti Transcaucasian Trail, Georgia (Silent Hiking + Guide)

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] so [Music] [Music] yeah snickers [Music] hmm [Music] hmm so [Applause] [Applause] you ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign so so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] that was our necrotime trek so we're here in mestia right now in sunnetti which is in northwestern georgia we did our trek over five days we spent four nights in guesthouses and one night camping at coraldi lakes but if you're a fast walker you could do it in four days uh lots of people do um just doing guest houses along the way you don't necessarily have to camp we have written everything that you need to know about this trick in our blog post the link is down below in the description so if you're looking to to do this trick yourself do read that it's got all the trail notes and it's got tons of practical info and everything you need to know basically to plan your own trick but we will tell you some bits and bobs about it now yeah so this is actually part of the trans caucasian trail the tct uh it actually starts a little bit further west than accra in the place called chuberi and you can do that as one day hike to nakra although it's quite long maybe two and then it carries on from messiah to school as well so you can do a big long hike or you can do parts of it yeah um so lots of people do carry on from mestia here onto school which is another four days which is what we will be doing next but for now we'll just tell you more about this one so yeah we stayed in guesthouses along the way um you can get all your food at the guesthouses so breakfast and dinner they can make your lunch box if you need for the trail as well or just you know snaffle some bread at breakfast something like that it's what we usually do it costs about 50 or 60 larry per person and then usually for dinner bed and breakfast which works out about 16 to 19 dollars per person yeah so it's not an expensive trick to do it's not expensive to stay here there's no permit fees or national park entry fees or anything like that that you have to pay on top so it's a pretty good budget hike with lots of nice scenery as you've noticed okay so we'll give you a little bit of an outline um of the actual trek itself uh sort of day-to-day details and so on day one um and day two if you are a fast walker could definitely be combined into one day but we wanted to stay over um in kitchikaldashi and just take our time on it yeah we always like to take our time and as we're filming and making notes and taking pictures and things like that we don't want to have the stress but if you're not doing all those things it's very easy to combine those two um into one day one for us we started a nap for a guest house uh i think there's only one guest house in the village it's a nice village uh a nice guest house yep so we left there and then it's basically a bit of a climb up to a forest aid pass and then down through some sort of abandoned villages uh and eventually on to kitchikaldashi where there are only two people living and they are actually the parents of nino who owns the guest house in napra guesthouse so that was quite nice stayed with the daughter and then stayed with the parents um it's a homely place it's uh it's more like a homestay than a guesthouse really that one but they're super friendly super welcoming crazy old school spring thing under the mattress that was really really saggy but yeah the hospitality hospitality was made up for this slightly really friendly old couple so we left there the next morning uh complete with kachikudi from our host packed it off with us day two we went from kitch kaldashi to is a collection of villages so it's not actually the name of one place uh it's a number of villages and that's sort of the general name given to all of them uh it was just another kind of nice day there's you just walking through fields and villages and kind of taking it all in we had to be a nice rest stop where we had some good views um launched by the river where we munched down yeah that was a nice spot mostly it's a bit of up and down throughout the day but there's no dramatic changes in elevation and it's not too long a day either it's quite pleasant yeah so we got to kind of lower its eddy area and we were planning on staying at the hammer guest house as far as we were aware that's the only one in the area but when we got there in mid-afternoon desperate to stop and enjoy the sunshine uh they weren't receiving guests at the moment and we were like oh no we're gonna have to camp and uh we had to carry on up the hill looking for a camp spot and then suddenly saw a sign for a new guest house a rather an old house which has just been turned into against this uh so i was pretty delighted about that they are the last house in upper its area so we actually kind of ticked off a little bit of the distance from the next day which is the first big wow day day three you head up over backy pass and when you get to the top you've got these amazing views of mount ushba all the way down to missouri village where you're headed that day and yeah it was it was really spectacular so again we had some catch poori that we'd been packed off with from our guest ice for lunch and yeah it was just another another really nice day around the mountain descended down to missouri and this crazy aggro dog just came running at me from behind out of nowhere and and attacked me it tried to bite my leg in the end all it got was my trouser leg and ripped a hole in it before i swung around with my hiking poles and scared it off but yeah that was a very narrow uh escape it was quite a small dog it just looked like a bit of a we'd call a raj in glasgow a bit of a raj that was uh not very pleasant so beware of the dogs in the villages here uh anyway we got to the guest house that we wanted to stay at again she wasn't accepting guests at the moment um and then pointed us in the direction of a place that is accepting guests uh which turned out to be great so we stayed at the peak missouri guest time we had an amazing view right from our bedroom window of mount ushba and in the end we stayed three nights so on our second day we did a day hike to uh sugra waterfall which was really nice we were expecting a bit of rain the day after so we decided just to hang out one more day have a little rest why not um in the end rain didn't materialize but it was good we had a fine day to catch up on a few things exactly and then on uh the next day it was from missouri to karolyi lake where we were camping uh that was the biggest day of this trip you go up over googly pass it was about a 1400 meter climb up got a little bit tiring towards the end to have to see um but again amazing views from the top and uh a bit of a bit of a steep descent coming down there's like a gully with a stream that you have to kind of clamber down um it wasn't as bad as i'd imagined in my head from reading some trail notes it eventually ended up at kerobe lakes which you can see from the past and it looks really close but it's quite a few hours still to get there with an hour-long uphill quite steep uphill climb right at the end of what for us was an 11-hour day many people just do missouri domestic in one day which is entirely possible you need to be going a faster pace than than we were um to complete the distance but it's entirely possible yeah and if you don't want to carry camping gear the whole way that's what you would have to do is go all the way down to mestia and miss out coralie lakes but yeah we wanted to camp there got there at sunset so didn't really see much that night but we just hung out the hole the next morning um around the lakes taking in all the beautiful reflections of the mountains had a little wander along a side trail to fetch some water yeah it was nice and the last sort of three hours descending down to mestia is half on road half on trail a little bit steep at times through the forest and then you emerge just in mesti are surrounded by these amazing swinety towers which i absolutely love wandering down on cobbled coupled roads into the town yeah it was a really nice entry into the town the last bit just before we got there was quite steep and quite tiring uh and hot and sweaty because you're getting lowered down but the entry into the town made it all worth it yeah so we are here now we are staying at the mushkidiani manor which is very nice place by the by the river uh you can hear the river at night just lulling you off to sleep owner is really friendly speaks a bit of english and we are just going to stay here for a few nights really there's some museums to explore we're going to do some day hikes and just chill before we embark on the next part of our journey everything else all the information about you know guest houses where we've stayed uh detailed trail notes with things like trekking distances uh times packing lists stuff like that how to get here how to get away all that jazz is in the blog post or on our website our gpx track as previously mentioned as well so all practical information is there so do check it out if we have forgotten anything which we probably have it's in the blog post if you want to get in touch just by sending us a message please do or let us know what you think of the video if you liked it give it the old thumbs up leave a comment and if you haven't subscribed already go ahead and do so we really really appreciate it and don't forget to hit that notification bell so that you are notified every time we uh release a new video we don't have a set schedule so it's uh it's always a little surprise when you get that little little bell ringing on your inbox hopefully when this one comes out there'll have been a steady stream by that point who knows it depends how quickly i can edit these all um yeah so thank you for watching hope you've enjoyed it and we'll see you next time see you next time thanks a lot see you bye so [Music] uh you

2021-08-18 05:41

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