4th of july michaels birthday and new years eve

4th of july michaels birthday and new years eve

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While. We watch. We, focus. The goal by coca-cola, the. Less is fire for some fireworks. That's, right. Tonight. Hi. The, plants coming back they. Got that lights on this man. Oh yeah. Put, the hyper magnification, on and, take pull it back to come in. There's a world war two planes. One, of them doesn't have his lights on. My. Ticket. Yeah. That's, cool right yeah. Let's. Audio. It's. About 8 o'clock now buddy no but it could mean. We, got here early right right. About. One hour they start shooting fireworks. Oh boy. We're excited. You. Roll like a. Hippie okay. What's up no thank you I was gonna get any. If, to dinner for the next week of course life. Bottom. Folk, songs are coming here. I see them. What. Are you eating now the. End of my Stromboli. And. Oreo cookie. Yeah. Son. Which, I was on that boat. Well, we, can get on that boat. Angel. What, we can get on that boat. Okay. That's. All not. Even appear. The. Way with coke okay. Yeah. That, means you're. Back. Where. Haha, there your husband mother. The. Planes. The. Plane the plane. Oh, there. He goes folks. As the United. Nations building. What. Has been a lot of accidently, because, the war the Gulf War. Desert. Storm war. Parade. Recently. The. Parade of operations, well the blank but that laying the blame. World war ii glance. Being a little nippy out funny. A. Lot. Of people gathering we got a lotta mother a little, bit out of her now where, they set the fire. There's. The FDR, beautiful. Car. Now. Just Peachy no, one else allowed. That's, what I call living. I. Know. We'd welcome eternal. Thank. You see that boat remember. Today's date 1991. July. 4th one. Day I will have a boat like that. Why. Doubly watching this comedy 60, state I've never got that hope he. Ever has. All right so my neighbor got violently. Oh. Right. R1. Yeah. I'm. Smart. Okay. Bye. Guys. Yes. Huge. Let me bring you face down haha yes. We're. Following. Your finger, right. It's like right across it it's right behind my cell where that cell moves right, behind that door. Try. To sell blows right behind those. Bars. And it's not from rinsing. Oh that. Thing is in the yellow over there that's. In what a bridge over that it's lit up yeah that's the bars where the fireworks gonna be I. Can't. It doesn't send me family the city. Doesn't. Say I can't talk through here and maybe it does. Yeah. I think it's the BART you're right that's world of Bart's enemy, okay, we've got a good seat then knowing. I'm. Sure looking honey I'm sorry I'm slow too good beautiful sailboat what. Now. I have you, what. Do you we, you're. Getting cookies. For. Reals. You. Run it by it. Oh. Yeah. See the bite now the boss is America, you're right, yeah. Barely, seekers go behind that Island but it's an American. Oh. Enjoy, yourselves. Life. The riptides, another party book. And. Now they will take a party ball next year. The. Virgin. The. Blind Bergen. Planned a library. Now better. We, go, away. Not. Margining it was later bro. They're. Shooting red wine blue water I see, it now too. Thank, you. That's, really cute right colored, water. Gone. A little of boats a lot of boats someone. Ergo, blam blam. It's the upstream. Let's. Say. Oh. Yeah. Everybody's, coming down here cuz they know it's where the fireworks. What. This. Family. Buddha's little ball in this little ball it's, so we're looking for what is that what. Is that look, at that. What. Is, it allows, boat it's. Like a little Volkswagen. Look. At it and. If it smells look like that it's you it. Is really cute. It's. Like a floating living, room.

Don't, Sorry. More, bugs. It's, another one there's another boat down there spring but it's not color water just brain. Call, it want to spill down here worry. Starting. See, how many people here it's nine 20s with about five and sports started. Dean. Okay, finally. If it starts. The. Bridge, show. You all the people were here. Is. The FBR drive. Over. By. Queens. But Britain, secret first you look very, simple little people I'm up. One. Abreast it fourth. Of July. Any. Minute now it is. In. Place right now. All. The boats there. Any. Minute now this guy's gonna light up. They're, all about. But, it. Oh, I. Just started, all. Right. There. It is the beginning I official. Wow. Look. At it close. Wow. Gorgeous. Someone's. Got the music on. Yeah. Yeah. Let's, see what you take a little while. Beautiful. Way. To see, them again coming right at you. You worry. No bags. Like love. I could. Happy. Birthday, America. No. Those, were not perfect. But we are the greenest country. Working. That, wouldn't big of a radio. Behind. Next. Year will bring. Background. Noise. Look, laser light someone, felt lazy laser lights on the left. Shooting. Across it. Three. Oh yeah. Relays. And whites. The. Laser the place that laser gun shooting out. Oh. A. Giant, smartphone in the bottom right that's going. Good, close-up, on oh stop the way. Right. Why stuff. Larry. No. That's. Not a dick all right fellas. What's. Her name. Whitney, Houston. That. Was right there. That. Was right there. When they get to. That, monkey boy. Good. Times good. Another. Fourth of July comes it goes Big. Apple. And it's done a lot of work here for the construction of it. Their high birthday boy. Sara before I'm. Hello. Might. Be hatred. Then. 13 in a couple days. Yeah, yeah, Mike, did hey, was that something from mind itself Mike. Big skies with. Why, am I. Oh Mike. There. We go see, that tsk over there that's, worried that's tickets. Take, me. Right. No rush. All falling so you go straight I'm tying this thank you go ahead go, to 44th, you, can read the sign, what, street is this no. Idea well check. I, said. I get busted come. On walk sir down oh it's a couple blocks gets the more luck. Oh pineapple. And a sewer cover something, LM doing. See that's when they wait on line for the tickets. The. Broadway. Shows the. Discount ticket that's where our Esther went this morning our, tickets. Hey. What does who asked the works no, good. I'm gonna take you right on a corner. Like the Godfather 3 is excellent. Excellent. It's, not as good as you have to be 1 & 2 first, well did she want it - no you never see one - oh Michael. You talking about classic movies. Telling. You I have what I have 1 & 2 i doing, then. Get. A job. No. Hey. That's, a nice hotel to marry at the new Marriott what. Judis, hotel I'm looking at right there it's. Got a restaurant at the top and spins around, it. Actually turns as you're, eating that and distill it short long huh. That's, one ugly face. Like, father like son. Hey nice watch it goes. Real, real. Poochie's I think. Something. Nice take a picture. This. Time spur has changed so much my since I was a kid probably. Wouldn't, believe so, much stuff like. China, new exchange it's not like when I was your age just. Like a big deal for me to come to the city. You if not me was okay one out. Done like a big deal the cameraman's. Come on go ahead of me thank, you oh come. On just one up no. That's. Are, you ever going to do this report when we go to Puerto Rico if you're not gonna be another camera. Huh. We're not in Puerto Rico well. We're. Supposed to be doing the documentary how, we're gonna do it you, have to be able to be comfortable. Wait, unless hood it was boarding. His 45th. All, right we're going on walk walk, oh now I am gonna make walk I don't. Care you all right okay. I'm not afraid I'll show you, yeah. All right then take it home you don't bump into anything, oh yeah, you gotta keep looking. You got to be able to use one on I. Watching. A road in one eye you do something else not you, back. My head, yeah. So over here I think it's gonna ride on the left alright. Humming. Chord you, try. The other one. They're, these religious guys they like they. Believe Jesus was black. Basically. They believe they've taken your money. Wanna, pretzels only want a slice of pizza we. Want a hamburger how later huh, later filet mignon all, right. That's. Sick I give. Up. Famous. The ether or it's like. And, murderous sunny or you just want to walk run. Away. There's big panoramic. Forget, one is that he's quick to see grandma a little slow with dad. I know. There's a purpose, you know. Thank you pictures, everyone, and you have, not. I, realize. My. 20. Years what we looking for this and say do you know, glad.

Get, Took these pictures, and. Saw me I don't think so and so on an ugly face mine. Big. Buildings, so. Big. 43rd. Look. At him. I. Feel. Satisfied. Sounds. Good right. Let's. Convert, the. Waiters are pitchman. I'm, sorry, I couldn't. Hey. Go. Like, Buddy. Holly is. What we're gonna go say, alright. Still, do it. There, it is solidarity across the street. Those, oh it's, there. One of those fly-by-night. Jobs you know any that. Really what it is be honest with your Mike he's one of these groups hi. How you girls doing good. I don't like that. Basically. What it is is uh they. Went through a trip off you, know it's buddy hi on, buddy. I think. What they are is. Moslem. But. They're not real moslems they're just, like a fly-by-night, mob, they. Ought to seek or something I didn't, know deadly. Yeah, that's cross. Is, body. Holly, from. An. There, you go live. I'd like to play Mike good. Like Buddy Holly yes, so now you like plays right I know what a musical is about right yeah, hot. Stuff, okay. Now. We've seen your clip at night that's great at night right. Don't everything on the thought. See what I got mine. There. You go I don't even that form informal Foreman that's why you got goodbye. He's gotta make a living. Beautiful. So I think about New York Michael is on 24 hours a day. Oh yeah the Iowa. Time. 5:56. Might. The holiday. In this brand-new. Donna. Let's go wink at the camera wet, okay. All. Right my turn ready yeah, right let's go but you go yeah, walk. Still, dry. So. Next time. I'm. Trying to get tickets will go to see Miss uh maybe. Let's mess it up, yeah. Or. Phantom of the Opera we're. Gonna take a while it takes a few months porting get tickets all right it's. Worth it. We're. Ready to eat it oh yeah oh yes. Check out the fool. Here. She. Were here oh yeah, I wish I was here too. I'm doing. I'm, gonna join you. Oh. That's. Our vessel. I'm. Barry. Cranking. Or, just a photographic. Oh. We. Got your picture thank you very much. Yeah. Oh. Yes. I remember, oh. We. Never showed you those I have them. No. You look, you look good girl. Oh we. Give out plenty of hope the holler it's going show those pictures around. Call. Me. Let. Me get a magnification. On this one, what senator Thomas it oh boy. That's. Ticket that won anything. Happy. New year. Yeah. You're. Ready. You. Heard a girl, he said 5. 5. Minute. There's a contract. You're, being seen around the world I want you to know. Here. That'll. Be talking at me. - why - 40-bit. Was. One day. When. I'm 80 years old would we looking at this same man wasn't that antique. Hello. That jump. There'll, be 3d, live playing. In front of you by that you know we're. Your players, OC. Remember we used to watch this junk on TV. Okay. What happened, here somebody. Bumped, into the car where's, the car. What's. Going down the, block there. You. Know what I say. It's. We're. Gonna head to that church I'm not totally picked for church don't, you not. Just for the people the perfect after car yeah, kiss. It I, said no Carter such as people coming out the car, yeah. You. Know guys I told no one and then nobody next to my car. Police. Say she is a la vie from upstairs but I said my beeping wall then as soon as she said and my beeper went off see. My Bieber takes a certain amount of seconds before. Okay. Excited. Over Eddie's car is. Saved. It's a. By. What. Are you doing, sneaking. For the base. We. Have no idea. I don't, know why everybody runs away from your life. Running. Away. Smoking. All the way. By. The time I do, miss. EMS. Corner. One now, no. I the dope, in your town. Laughing. Hey. We. Got a cry she. Misses, 1990, you should bring it back.

This, Is subway she goes we're a. Like. You. Everybody. The. Baby.

2019-02-23 18:59

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