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welcome guys I'm back in China I'm so excited  to be here but more importantly I'm excited   to be here in Chengdu somehow on our first  trip we just missed this city and I don't   know how we did but we've got an epic 3  days coming up exploring this beautiful city so welcome to our first spot here  in chenu we're about an hour outside the   city we have just arrived at Panda Valley  this is one of the famous places here in   Chengdu so we have just arrived at the  pandas and I think they're just around   this corner it's literally just in front  of me it's actually so close look at this very so our first Panda of the day is a  6-year-old boy and it's so funny he is   literally just sitting on his back eating  bamboo can't get over how funny the pandas   actually are they literally look like the toys  you buy in like the gift store like down there   they're just brilliant they're just like big  cuddly animals we've got another panda look   he's just sleeping there they're so relaxed  so the panda behind me is called Chang Lang   and this was the smallest Panda to ever be born  it was actually only 42 grams which is about a   third of how much my iPhone weighs like pick your  phone up and think of a third of that weight and   that's how much this Panda was when it was  born Chong Low was actually the run of the   litter when she was born and if she was in the  the wild she would not have been cared for here   in Panda Valley they're not just keeping them in  captivity they're trying to train them up and make   them semi wild so that one day hopefully that  they can go back into the world and live their   normal free life but if it wasn't for all these  programs the giant pandas probably would have gone extinct we actually just passed the giant panda  reintroduction and training area so this is where   they try and teach the pandas to actually one  day go back into the wi but it is very hard to   reintroduce them to the wild because obviously  they're very used to being fed here in captivity   so there is a lot of worries that if they do go  back in the wild that they might just starve to   death so there's actually two types of pandas  the giant panda ones the really famous one but   there's also the red pandas and that's where  we are heading right now these ones I think   are a lot smaller but I think they look equally  as fluffy and cute let's go have a look we have   just entered the free range red panda area so the  red pandas can literally explore this whole area   wherever they want they could even come just  on this path which is pretty cool I don't know   where we're going to see them but they hopefully  will come out at some point hopefully not hiding away oh it's actually so red pandas just don't get as much fuss  compared to the giant pandas but they are   honestly so cute and it might actually be one of  my new favorite animals just the way how small   they are they look super fluffy just like the  Giant pandas and their faces almost look like   they're part of the cat family I don't know if  they are but yeah oh wow there's another one   over here it's just climbing through the trees  so a lot of the red pandas are found in like   the mountainous areas so in the foothills of the  Himalayas and also around this province as well   so red pandas actually have nothing to do with  giant pandas and they are completely different   species and they also eat a lot of bamboo and  their diet is supposed to be 98% bamboo but   obviously back there they were eating some apple  which is probably a very nice treat for [Music] them we have just entered our next spot in  the middle of changu and it's this beautiful   Scenic area and I think in a few minutes time  we're going to be able to see some Chinese folk   music now I never saw Chinese folk music on  my first trip so quite excited to see it here [Music] the instruments make such a  beautiful sound and being surrounded   by all these trees and this beautiful  Chinese architecture um in this area   just like adds to that atmosphere Chinese  folk music takes a [Music] turn 1 2 3 4 [Music] okay that was so awesome so  after the music we were able to try   and like play the instruments and  that like violin kind of thing was   incredible you have to be so delicate  on all the strings because a slight   different movement and it makes a completely  different sound very confusing but yeah good [Music] fun this beautiful Scenic era is  actually a thousand years old and it used to be   a private land a private park it wasn't  open to the public but it was owned by   the government and the government were able to  come around and just relax in this beautiful [Music] area we have just arrived at the Jinsha  site Museum and I'm pretty excited to   be here cuz there's something here which is  famous all throughout China and it's pretty   impressive let's take you in the Jinsha  site museum is a famous area known for   its ancient artefacts which were buried on this  site over 3,000 years ago but only found here   in 2001 with more artefacts being found to this  day these relics were buried by the ancient Shu   people as sacrificial offerings in this Relic  s they found over 10,000 artefacts and Relics   obviously it didn't used to be a building it  used to be outside so the first thing found   in this area was actually elephant tusks  and they were found right here they found   the elephant tusks and they thought what else  could there be the elephant tusks were found in   2001 when they were doing construction here  and that's when they stopped the construction   and looked for other artefacts and Relics which  could have been in this area so all the elephant   tusks they found here are all over 1.6 M so these  elephants were almost as big as like mice they   were absolutely huge so this section which they  dug up over time is the most famous because it's   where they found this gold mask and some other  gold relics as well we're about to enter the   exhibition Hall and the reason that this Museum  and this site is so famous this what we're coming   up to is one of the most famous artefacts which  was found and the most famous gold mask in all of   China so just 2 months before this whole museum  and site was opened they found the gold mask and   it was M found in February 2007 if you want to  think of it like this it's almost like a little   natural wonder they just don't know how on Earth  they made this with such basic tools 3,000 years   ago and as you can see from the side it is so thin  and they just have no idea how they made this mask   so this gold artefact which was found is the Sun  and Immortal birds and it's actually the symbol of   the city of Chengdu and apparently you'll see  it all over the city over the next couple of [Music] days we have just arrived at Jinli  Street and this is one of the most popular   and famous tourist streets in all of China  so let's go have a look and see what we can   find along this street so we've just seen like  this sugar painting stool and I'm going to spin   this and we're going to see which one which animal  she's going to make for me what's that bird a bird okay so this is the sugar painting which that  lady made and it's obviously my name if you   haven't already subscribe to Joel friend's  YouTube channel but let's try some of this oh it's really hard it's very sweet pretty good so I've just sat down I'm about to  do some ear cleaning apparently it's very   popular here in changu and maybe I'll be  able to hear a better after it let's have   a look I think this lady is going to help me  feels like someone's like touching my eardrum   feels so deep it's such a weird feeling this  like cotton thing they put in your ear really tickles it's a very weird sensation it's like  a drill or like a rattlesnake in your ear but   it's actually quite comforting you guys know  I love coffee but look at this they've got a   robot coffee machine in here look at that so  it's robot Barista let's have a look press   this or as we're in chendu we have to do the  pandas the robotic Barista has begun look at   him move here we go the final result I think  is coming oh wow look at that got pandas on   top of it that's amazing changu definitely has  a much more relaxed feel to it compared to other   cities that I've visited in China before changu  is like a lot more relaxed the people seem very   chilled out and just like taking their time no  one's rushed it's a Saturday but everyone's just   chilling out in this beautiful little tourist  Street everything in this city has a panda on   and I kind of love it I mean who wouldn't  like pandas I've just ordered some fresh   pomegranate juice quite excited for this I do  love pomegranate I haven't had it in ages as well we've got that there we go a Chengdu  pomegranate juice oh it's actually quite   bitter but does taste pretty good  very refreshing even though it's   quite cloudy today it's still like  pretty hot it's probably like 28 29° good morning guys it is another day in and  around changu and this morning we've stopped off   at our first spot at an ancient town so we're  going to show you around this place show you   the culture so the history of what China used  to be like many years ago it has unfortunately   just started raining but this ancient town is  called l d and it actually means in English   um to drop your belt and apparently there's a  fairy tale that the emperor of the land dropped   his belt here and that's why this ancient town  is called lord die I've come 5 minutes outside   of the ancient town and we've just seen this  basically fortified Castle um this is called   a t Lao this is where like 800 people or lots  of people used to live um as a way of basically   protecting themselves from like Bandits and  Rob and yeah let's go inside and have a little look so here we are inside of this T and this  is where loads of people used to live look how   incredible this place used to be so the reason  this Castle is round is because it helps them   to protect them from robbers so there's no weak  spot on the walls and Through the Windows and   stuff they used to shoot arrows and shoot  guns so the people who used to live here   are the hacker people and they used to do all the  activ in this building so you know any religious   activities all the cooking all that kind of  stuff is all done in this building so that   they're always protected I've only been here in  chain do a couple of days but there is honestly   so much to do and see around and in changdu city  if you don't know already you can actually come   to a city like changdu for up to 144 hours which  I think works out as like 6 days of travel so you   can come here Visa free you don't need a Visa  or any paperwork beforehand and you can come   see see this beautiful city and yeah check it  out and see beautiful spots ancient spots like this a little sneak preview you're going  to want to see the full reveal very shortly here we go this is the reveal I've  got like makeup on my face I've never really   had this before but I'm traditionally  wearing apparently what like the king   would wear in this traditional Tula  pretty cool hey what do you think   about the outfit please let me know  in the comments I think it's pretty cool so I have makeup on my face I've got this  earring but only on one of the ears I've got   this very impressive what would you call this  hat hat a cool hat ring ring hat and yeah this   kind of big heavy traditional wearing so  we've just come up to this place where   they make like this traditional dessert  and apparently it's kind of cool the way   they make it w that's crazy wa very good so that  was a crazy little thing she like bounced these   balls on this Hannon kind of looking thing  and made these like rice ball things so I'm   going to give them a little little taste oh  they're all gooey I don't know what this is it's very squishy it's like rice or  M together on top of these they have   like brown sugar and like a sesame seeds  on top so that's kind of the flavor you get we have just come further inside the city of  changu and come to W Jang low Park but it is very   rainy and quite stormy here today um but I think  we're going to be amongst a Bamboo Village and   apparently this was the first Suburban Park in  all of changdu so let's go check it out this is   one of the types of bamboo and look how tall  it is it is absolutely huge so apparently in   the right season this bamboo can grow up to like  half a meter a day so you can almost possibly see   it growing on like a good weather's day which  is pretty crazy so Chang duu is quite a warm   City it can get very hot in the summer but this  Garden this area is a lovely place to come when   it does get really hot because you can still be  in the shade but still be outside in the [Music] nature so I've just moved to  another part of the city now   we're in the central part of changu  and we're about to do something very   exciting for dinner uh can you guess what  it is it is very famous here in chain de if you haven't guessed already I am having  hotpot this will be the second time I've   ever had hot pot and if you remember that  last time I was in China it didn't go too   well but this time I've got some Chinese  guides and it's hopefully going to be a   lot more successful here in changu we're looking  through the menu at different things and already   there are some weird stuff in the menu like  last time but I actually know what it says   this time cuz it's an English menu look at  this pork brain I'm not sure I'm going to   have that I'm being very brave and I've  just ordered duck tongue from the menu so   stay tuned for this this is what it looks like  when it comes and we have to cook this another   one brazed Pig intestine I don't know about you  but that doesn't really make me want to have any dinner I don't know what you're saying but it  sounds really good okay thank you and here it   is the dreaded duck tongue I'm not sure I  want to eat that but I'm going to have to   for you guys here we go we now got all our  food and we can actually cook the stuff so   I think we're going to start off with this  beef and this sign says 20 seconds so that's   how long we need to cook it for I want to  try some chili too okay let's go for chili   let's be B do I just leave it in there yeah  leave it there for 20 seconds this is the   beef is it is it definitely cooked you think  definitely yeah okay and do I dip it in this   sauce yeah sure sure okay I just yes totally  move it around MH first bit of hot pop some beef M you can really taste like  the corander and stuff garlic but   it's not actually too spicy at all like  it's actually really good we're putting   the duck tongue in the spicy one and  I'm going to try it very soon [Music] wa [Music] woo woo he just hit me in the face some wild  stuff goes on in this restaurant in changdu   you're just trying to have a hot pot a man starts  changing his mask then throwing noodles at your   face pretty crazy here we go it is time to  try the duck tongue I'm really not looking   forward to this what does that look like to  you I don't know what it looks like but it   looks like some weird animal thing but I guess  it is a duck tongue do I mix in here yeah yeah   and do you like the taste of this definitely  really yeah do I eat this bony bit the whole   thing if you can just bite true it this is  bone though right it's soft bone like this   soft bone so you eat the soft bone not me oh you  don't all right I'm going to try the sof a bit I think that's not soft M it's like a jelly  like um M Jelly texture like really imagine   eating like cartilage or like your ear that's  what it's like eating it but like it's wrapped   around bones so which is really crunchy which  isn't the nicest feeling the noodles which the   man was dancing with and basically made and  then put in the hot pot have are ready to eat   and they look incredible they look very well  obviously they were made here and he stretched   them but look how good these look give them  a taste do I dip it in here a little bit a   little bit okay dip it in the sauce which was  made for me they taste Super Fresh and really   tasty it tastes more doesn't even taste like  a noodle it tastes more like a like a dumpling   the outer edge of the dumpling or something  that is the end of that great Hot Pot session   definitely more successful than the first one we  did in chong ching let's go so after the hot pot   we have just come out to the center of changu and  look at that there's a big panda on the roof of   the shopping center honestly the weather hasn't  been great today but that's because it's coming   towards winter here in Chengdu but in the summer  it will be so much nicer anyway guys thank you   so much for watching this video here in changu I  hope you enjoyed it this has been a great City to   come visit as I mentioned before they do have the  144-hour transit Visa so you don't need a proper   visa for China you can just come to Chengdu  for a few days and see this crazy beautiful   city thank you so much for watching don't forget  to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video

2024-10-11 04:33

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