2 Years since our last trip! | El Mar Resort | Girl's Trip | Travel Vlog

2 Years since our last trip! | El Mar Resort | Girl's Trip | Travel Vlog

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Look at the moon! Ramon's poop Wrapped in a leaf Sold in the market. We are on a little bit of a road trip! -Bea dahlink -Helllooo -Where are we going? -Um somewhere for lunch. I forgot. -Sea Salt Cafe, on our way to El Mar. With my girls! -I feel like Dora right now: "Dónde estamos..." (this is the most accurate description of my vlogging style I've ever heard) This certifies that this room has been thoroughly disinfected and cleaned. (no I did not notice the spider at the time).   We like the sound of that. But I'm a dirty girl I am leaving the audio in just for that! This is our room, this is our hot mama ready for her break.

- Oh the bathroom is so big. That makes me so happy.  - This is a bathroom? -This is a bathroom! -Why is it bigger than our room? Outfit for today Boom. Boom. (I don't know, guys.) Our fridge did not come fully  stocked. We brought our own provisions. The power of four girls. Right?! I feel like our snack bags  were heavier than our actual bags. We did better than the hotel! Alright.

We finally made it out to the beach. As you can see behind me some of us are napping, some of us are taking our outfit photos. I don't think I mentioned what it is we are doing here so we last minute decided to have a little bit of a girls trip. I hope you can hear me okay I decided not to bring the microphone  because I wanted to pack a little light for the trip. So we are here at El Mar in Sogod. It  is my first time here and I don't really have a lot planned but I'm gonna try to vlog anyway. So at least there's something new in the vlog.

Influencers spotted in the wild! You can find these  extraordinary creatures on land or in the ocean.   But be careful, as they can be rather  skittish. Here we have members of the tribe:   "Army". They traverse the vast ocean for  a precious few glances at their idols. -Please, please say it again.

- Look at the moon! Ramon's poop. Wrapped in a leaf Sold in the market And you have to say it in that way! Taught them how to play Exploding Kittens Ready? Ready? I'm sweating! Bei, look into my eyes. What are you doing? You're gonna shuffle it? Can I shuffle it? Can I nope my pick? No! -Your turn, Ma! -My turn? Are you gonna shuffle? (There's only one card left, the exploding kitten) I'm gonna skip.

-Ha?! So if I nope it and I have to get it... then I'll still die! -Yuuup She has a diffuse! You're so screwed! -Why? What will I pick now? Oh that one! -That's the only one left -It goes back... - Awwwwwwwwwww - Yeeeeeeessssss One more round before bed - Okay you have to draw two. - Noooooo I know what's going to happen!

- Because there's only two left? There's really no point anymore... Can i give you... Heh We're up early to look at the sunrise.  or more accurately they're up and  I'm struggling to look at the sunrise (slowly trudging to the beach) there it is we're almost there guys there it is Good morning. It is 10:30 in the morning now and I am gonna go for a run.

We just had breakfast we went back to sleep after um what do we do? oh! haha we woke up to see the  sunrise, which was kind of cloudy so we   didn't really see much so now I'm just gonna  go for a bit of a run before we go swimming. Oof this actually kind of hurts... oh no do some jump kicks Hahahaha I have a coach! Ok coach! Just a second! Reach for the sky! Alright, I'm done with my run   I grabbed the Pocari Sweat to rehydrate  and now I think I'm gonna jump in the ocean   these are my girls, with their red cups. I  don't even wait stupid duh here we go cheers! These are the girls, that's our little  spot and this is the ocean oh look at that Walking back to our room after lunch, where  we're stuffed. But what are we going to do? (lol I really am like Dora) No we're gonna have um  coffee and ensymadas cause I brought some and   might as well have a little bit of dessert Girl! It's gonna go in the vlog! Finally working out together at  the beach that's a dream guys Look at Bea in the hammock! You girls do you Here we see fitness enthusiasts in  the wild right in our very own Sogod!   oh it's a bit shaky but let's  hope they don't notice us it's the moon it's the moon the moon's  starting to come up oh it's so pretty influencers spotted in the wild they honor their god the moon. these primitive creatures, they do it all for the Insta! No, it was: All by my... all by myself!

OMG! I didn't say anything I just want this in the vlog Take a bow. No wonder why you didn't react! And she made me do it again! $#*!!@, ma'am Bea! We are going for a midnight stroll. Midnight.  It's only 8:00 pm! you can't see anything   because it's much too dark here but here we have  the influences outside of their natural habitat they may or may not be a little intoxicated We're not, sadly. Drunk on food! 5 34 a.m we're up once again  trying to catch the sunrise  

and unfortunately the sun is  hiding behind this big cloud   - Look at that shadow though! - Yeah it's like a ray That is so cool. Isn't it cool Who is Rah summoning today? Good morning The influencers are back in the wild this time they explore their  other lesser deity the sun   okay so first we thought that the sun was  over here because there was like a glowing   thing and the ray of light. Right? But now I  see like a dark orange thing right over there.   So I don't think we're actually gonna  see the sunset. I mean the sunrise.   Because the clouds are way too low and they're  blocking everything.

~It's just the two of us! Everybody else left. - Good morning. - They went back to bed. we're out we're holding hope but I think - I think we should just go back to bed. -I think this is it - At least the sea is pretty! - Goodbye Mr. Sun! We tried. Absolutely fascinating we appear to be  witnessing some sort of tribal dance. Row! Here we are! Specimen one and specimen two  meet in the middle to make conversation! **@# I zoomed in.

Spotted! Pad-fluencers in the wild. And their instructor. Ui. Bye beach! Bye El Mar! Bei, say goodbye! Wait, let me flip the camera. There you go! Bye beach we'll miss you! - Goodbye subjects! - Goodbye! We're stopping over at... what's the name? - Borussia. - Borussia for lunch because it's along the way.

Look at how cute this place is okay I'm gonna stop talking and just show you around  because I'm shy and there are other people here Hi Tita! This is my Tita Chuchi Bea, you want to sit there? You have a nice view to the garden? - Are you first timers here? -Yes! - Welcome - Thank you! (she is so nice!) I haven't eaten here since I was a kid, when you were still in Cebu. Oh yes, that was s long long time ago. You were really a kid! Please send me the photo. Okay. Spotted. Spotted.

Marzipan is an almond paste. Very nice. In Filipino dishes they have marial, but mariel is made out of peanuts right? This is made out of almonds. - Can I order this? - It's very good! Let's do this. 4 cups of coffee and 2 of these and 2 of these. It's really delicious, the best! Okay, and you want one cup of ice cream also? Where do you put all that? Who cares! We'll figure it out. Who cares! Hi! We have a visitor! No, no, no! That's RJ. Are you Bam? Hahaha did you make it here? Oh wait, I just announced that I want each of them  to give like a little bit of you know the best   parts and the worst parts of our little vacation  and so now everyone's gussying up for their  close-up.

Hi. Um, so what did I love most about this  trip? Well, I think it's mostly just getting to bond with my girls. And talking until our throats hurt.  Singing until our throats hurt. And swimming in   the nice blue clear waters. Because the sea is so  much prettier in the morning. I don't know, for me.   Um what else? Um yeah I think if I were to rate the  resort, it would probably be like a 3.8 to 4. It was  

a good experience there were some things I wanted  to change but nothing you know, earth-shattering.   That was a fun trip and I'd totally come back. Bye. What was your favorite part about the trip? Just hanging out with the girls.

Not thinking about anything, not doing anything. Um reading, under under the tree, on the  sand, by the beach. And singing, at night. By the moonlight (uncontrollable giggling) If Jackie shows the video, I'm so sorry. (If?!)

That's the highlight! That's it. What if your boss sees this? - Who cares! - Bahala si Batman! Okay it's their problem! B&#*@! The place is really nice guys, go there. Bye.

That was our trip. Those are my friends. I hope  you guys had fun. If I were to rate the resort   out of five stars i would give it a solid three  to four stars they definitely tried their best.   There's room for improvement but I can't wait  to go back! I'll see you guys all next time. Bye!   Subscribe to Jacklyn's channel!

2021-12-01 03:56

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