2 Gringos try Coca in Peru's hood

2 Gringos try Coca in Peru's hood

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one of the first things people tell you when you plan to come to cusco in peru is that the altitude is going to kill you indeed peru sits at an altitude of 3 300 meters and many a tourist succumb to this altitude and have headaches and have well acute altitude sickness problems however there is a cure for this one of the most famous drinks here in cusco is coca tea now i don't want to say too much because this video will get demonetized but it's a leaf that is used to make something else that people snort into their nose and it tends to be white so today it's completely illegal here and we're gonna go hunt for this tea because i've been in cusco a few days and i still haven't found it well max did you already find it no but this this sucks are you done that's like your fourth tank [Music] but do you know do you know where we can buy some coca tea [Music] yeah drink yeah it's another one in the in the restaurants or in the restaurant yeah yeah later the street you have your restaurants okay but do you want a cheaper price on san pedro market san pedro market oh they haven't got have you been there yeah we've been there before but you can get there [Music] and what what is your name wilson brother wilson wilson wilson you chris chris nice to meet you nice to meet you all right thank you better if you go to the market san pedro okay or maybe in the way the other street you have two restaurants okay you are gonna get pocalypse do they sell any like on the street if you can buy yeah coca leaves yeah uh the tea ah the tea yeah not the leaves yeah yes yes they taste in the streets they have they have but you can buy the the leaves as well okay america the united states united states do you speak spanish sorry thank you so much if you want to do to speak in spanish too let me know when we do the tour great thank you so much nice to meet you what do you think didn't they you want to buy these glasses over here is cool see if max is max is trying to pick up some of the ladies here he needs to get get a new skinny outfit he's got some vietnam money it's like thanks for that's your camera you're trying to take my camera well he starts telling me over there and he said 70. how long am i filming he's just 70. he says there no i mean he didn't recognize me i was like oh he said no to you he's okay no he was just thirty years i do twenty they are they are vicious here totally didn't go low enough yes oh this is your friend very nice though huh machu picchu how much i gave you 10 10 yeah maybe later now we're walking around today and did you make this yeah you made it make me my friend it's very nice here we will see you later now we are walking around we will see thank you thank you so much okay friend you want to buy cake okay no thank you no thank you no thank you maybe later i will see i will say okay yeah no problem thank you though next next time we will come back yeah we will look if we want to my name is roxanna chris chris yes perfect chris promise okay promise what time are you here telling me you're here okay what time thank you promise sam okay thank you promise okay okay thank you remember my name is okay i made my first promise in a foreign country sorry i didn't mean to make you think yeah i just spent five dollars and crappies max max felt like i was left out here he's like chris you have to spend some money too now i have my hands clean and i'm ready to embark on the search through san pedro market for a tea that i don't want to talk about max i think we need to give this tea a name so that i don't get this video demonetized what's a good name any ideas you look like you've already had the tea now you caught me off guard i'll think about it it's a good name i'm drawing a let's call this coca-cola this is the coca-cola hunt but a different kind of coca-cola red meat that's not what we want i'm gonna call it tea of the world do you have the wolves so i already said coca-cola but i like coca-cola of the wolves tea of the world tia the wolves what's the wall street wolves of wall street so okay wilson lied to us man that's coca-cola it is the real coca-cola hunt we're searching for well coca-cola and wolves of wall street the wolves of wall street are searching for coca-cola that's a better man wilson lied to us max i feel i feel deceited do you have anywhere to drink it here i don't know that's what she said [Music] well it seems like at least in san pedro market they don't sell the actual tea it's only the leaves so i don't know wilson wilson said that i could get something to drink there but so while we're walking here looking for looking for coca-cola as we have uh named it i wanted to tell you guys a little bit about what the leaves actually are so the way that they make that which must not be named is that they extract an alkaloid from it through a chemical process and that concentrated alkaloid is well that that white thing like sugar but also not like sugar if you know what i mean um and so in a traditional cup of cocoa tea roughly there's about like 4.2 grams of this alkaloid and like that's within the leaves right so when you boil down the tea you're not actually getting that much out into the water that you're drinking and just for comparison in a in a line of that which must not be named there's typically 20 to 30 grand uh sorry milligrams did i say grams before i meant milligrams so you would need to drink like five six cups of tea to even have start to have the same probably more to even start to have the same effect as well well guys i'm kind of at a loss where to go that's strange yes i guess this is a call for us hello oh we have to go to okay that street okay okay well that was convenient we just got a a tip from an anonymous must be one of you viewers looking out for me that we have to go to street something i can't remember the name of the street but that's okay because magically we will get there see alrighty we got directions max i got directions yeah and he seemed to agree oh he could read my mind i think he knows that that's what we're going to look for he seemed very enthusiastic let's go three i think he said three blocks and then turn right and it's somewhere in there it's a good sign there's lots of street vendors outside selling many many different goodies i don't know though we're getting to a more commercialized area of the city seems very busy [Music] this is the street that i was led to by my anonymous call i was starting to get a little worried when we were in that area with all of the nice shops and stuff but we ventured a little off the road followed his directions and here we are much much more local looking area you see little shops just in small little housing like places this one for well for random i don't know what that's for imprenta is that printing printing stuff yeah see and print a printing shop you have llama pack the path of the llama i think we're on the path of the llama the path of the llama is the way that you find mate the way that you find coca-cola the hot horn has a i wonder if they would have coca tears of music don't want to get demonetized hmm seems we have been led astray by that anonymous phone call nothing good no do they have any goodies here they have lots of goodies but i don't know if they have oh they have they have candy maybe i might have to try to try the candy first let's see who who's manning this stall whose stall is this i don't know uh [Music] wow we might have to just settle on buying some leaves and make it ourselves but he said one minute and she'll be back we'll at least try this candy first okay okay is wow that's one thing here the money especially when you get out into the local areas yeah once you get on to local areas as i was saying it's hard to use some of the bigger money even 20 soles which is only roughly like five dollars it's kind of hard to use you're looking at it like you know essentially it wasn't a real just just being careful she was nice about it but max what did you get over here orange juice orange juice have you given up the the coca-cola tea hunt are you are you resigning from the what was the the werewolves the werewolves of wall street yeah are you resigning yeah no it's just hot well i got something to tie this over this is some coco she said it was good i don't know if it's a mint just said coca well let's let's help that out can you hold this for a second let's help you out with something sweet and something that will uh make you fly high like an eagle coca cola let's put this here ready let's try this hold on oh i can't open it a little hard to open there we go all right guys i swear i have never done i don't even drink alcohol let's try this there's a lodging you don't bite it oh yeah you let it dissolve i like that i like to get right in oh that's pretty good that's actually really good i don't know if that's the taste of well these are just the taste of sugar pretty good it has a nice kind of league taste let's go share this with some friends no no i can't smoke it with those glasses is is is candy party max you want another one of these that's pretty good everyone's good he even likes it he's like give me one more you want to have one that's so good he's good huh yeah do you feel do you feel relaxed yeah he said it was good for the mountain of colors the color mountain he's like it's very good for altitude he said it's the same as the t so maybe maybe this will have to be enough let's see i don't know not every video turns out as you wanted to but we get some interesting reactions onward is let's pull out the withdrawal from my trust fund [Music] all right well not every video goes as you plan it guys um searched around but i think they only really have it in hostels and hotels they don't just sell it kind of on the streets as i thought maybe they would they sell the leaves but i don't really want to buy leaves and take it back to my hotel and try it's more the experience of being out and trying it so as the last this is this does not look great um let me give it a smell oh it's not even thank you max bon appetite it's actually kind of good that's actually kind of good kind of sweet tangy it's actually pretty good alrighty ladies and gentlemen starting to rain max and i are both kind of tired and just want to go and hit a coffee shop and do some work so maybe not a complete failure not a complete success somewhere in the middle but i hope you enjoyed that and buenos dias ciao you

2021-11-11 04:03

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