2022 Honda Civic Touring Review: The Compact Sedan King has Grown Up!

2022 Honda Civic Touring Review: The Compact Sedan King has Grown Up!

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it's colin if i ask you to pick  one car for the whole world   that is easy to use for your grandfather good  for the car enthusiasts great and reliable and   safe for the first time driver that comes with  all the modern tech that you find in new cars   what one would you pick uh probably the honda  civic like that one yeah it looks about right yeah so here it is the 2022 honda civic which is  a global car now this year honda has designed so   no matter if you're in south america japan the uk  north pole or here like in newfoundland we are the   honda civic it's going to look the same in your  area so all new redesigned colin what do you think   i love it it resembles a bit of a baby accord  definitely toned down a bit but i really like   the way that honda went with this 11th generation  civic yeah so usually i do reviews by myself but i   brought conalon with me today because he owns a  past generation honda civic so it'd be great to   get his insight on how he feels now in saying that  as soon as we hopped in the car the first thing we   both noticed and especially him owning the last  generation is that the interior is completely   redesigned and almost nothing like we've seen  before in other brands so starting off this   review we're going to hop inside the brand new  civic and start off our review inside let's go all right inside the 2022 you hear the nice  chime that it neutral yeah so what do you think   i really like it it's so much more upscale than  the 10th generation civic like just sitting in   the seats on the previous generation the the civic  head leather insert interiors on the touring trim   this is fully leather it's bolstered well it feels  a lot more comfortable than my civic of course up   here we have a brand new vent system kind of the  honeycomb vent grill i like it it's definitely   different and eye-catching but i would not want  to clean it no i do not want to clean it at all   but it definitely is i've never seen it before  on another car especially in this class yeah i   like how they stretch it right across to it's  not just like a section of it it's right across   it really gives you that modern look and feel for  it for sure no for sure and i like this material   here you're not going to get any fingerprints  on this yeah they got rid of the piano black   there's a little bit up here for fingerprints but  like you're not going to touch and i'm not there   about the vent too much but like the getting rid  of it down here is a really smart smart option   yeah and i'm not too worried about the stuff  up here like ideally you know honda does a   great job with their buttons so the only thing  you're really going to be touching up here is   the buttons anyway and you do get a really good  sounding yeah click when you're turning the uh   the temperature gauges definitely gives you like a  secured that you're actually you know you're on a   specific actual temperature now i will say though  on the touring here it's all screened so nothing   actually lights up besides your uh your front your  rear ac and stuff like that but everything else is   light up so the car has to actually be on to see  anything on your center dash which is kind of nice   and clean looking for sure and on touring trim  we also get a wireless charger with some storage   up front which is awesome yep absolutely  honda's known pretty well for storage so   you know sizeable pretty sizable glove box here  fit a couple of our water bottles in there no   problem no tray for your chains and stuff that can  go right on top of it no problem absolutely right   so we got our drive modes here as well so we  have normal econ and sport mode um one thing   i did notice here so the sport mode is actually  in the drive modes um on the previous generation   you did have the s on the actual gear shift itself  not anymore of course and econ don't have a button   anymore either which is typical for honda but it's  actually in your drive modes as well and they also   give you the start stop button that you can turn  off and on which a lot of manufacturers don't do   but i'm glad that they give you two because i  don't like that feature personally no me neither   yeah um beyond that i i really like the simple  design layout here i like how the honeycomb grille   is not just a touring model it is on all the  models so you feel like you get a little bit of a   you don't get downgraded if you go lower and trim  by no means at all now the leather seats obviously   are for the touring trim um the other seats are  also very comfortable on the other ones that   we've had out moving on to the steering wheel here  which like feels really nice yeah it's nice it has   a nice thumb holding positions here weird thing to  note though that the heated steering wheel button   is on the steering wheel which i like but it's  it's kind of down low in that third i've never   seen a car put it there yeah it's kind of weird  they have room for it in other places on the wheel   they chose there in a big button which i mean  you can't miss it which is great but it's kind   of a different placement for sure standard on the  um civic we get the adaptive cruise control um we   don't have the honda lane watch system anywhere  we actually have normal blind spot detection   that lights up in your mirror lane keep assist as  well and honda's lane keep is pretty good i gotta   say even on the the 2021 that i drive right now  i'm pretty comfortable driving that on the highway   even if i got to take a slight turn the car will  usually take the turn itself so honda does a   pretty good job with the lane keep itself i would  assume let me get this out on the road it's going   to be a little bit more refined so i'm excited  to see if there's any real big difference there   yeah um we do have keyless entry and remote start  on the touring here as well the key fob is all   redesigned it's nice and thin and small it's a  lot smaller it's a good weight too like it doesn't   feel like it's plastic it feels really nice and  small in your hand which is great when you got   multiple keys on your keychain and we do have a  push button start up uh just behind our steering   wheel there it's not down yeah angled a little  bit more differently than previous generations   which i like because it's not it's it's out of the  way because yes and it blends in with that piano   black too yeah it's not for sure the overall i i  like the new i like it i like the simplicity of it   but it also has that modern touch that you need  for 2021 like honda does a great job giving you   all these buttons that a lot of manufacturers  won't actually give you yeah so you have this you   have simplicity with this um as well as a bit more  of a luxury feel of course on the touring trim   yeah and also note you got two auto down windows  and auto up windows on your driver and passenger   side which is a huge convenience when you're going  through drive-throughs and stuff like that i love   the auto window option now you don't get it on  your side but i get it on the driver's side which   is great but yeah no i really like the redesigned  honeycomb grille when they first launched it i   thought it grabbed attention right away because  it is a different design um look it it feels good   it doesn't feel like all the touch points in here  feel actually really nice for really a comic kind   of sedan that you can buy and that will it well is  the leading car in canada to buy and i can see why   and i think they did a really good job with what  they did with this redesign for sure 23 years in   a row is the best-selling compact sedan um and you  can really see why here yeah it's it's simple it's   economical it has that little bit of sporty drive  that you'd love to have um in an affordable car um   yeah so i'm really excited to get out on  the road and see what it's all about yeah all right so uh infotainment wise what what do  we what do we have up front here so up front   we have a 10 inch brand new redesign from honda  very responsive much better than last year yeah   last year's last generations infotainment  last generations was a little bit laggy   in almost all areas this seems to be much  more refined we have wireless apple carplay   and android auto on the touring trim seems  to work perfectly fine pretty simple to   connect i know some manufacturers have some issues  like how the screen is full size too yeah no   absolutely that's great for apple carplay stuff  yeah big icons and we got a good navigation here   we'll see how the responsiveness is when  it loads up let's slow the load up not bad   yeah yeah so it's nice easy quick to load pinch  zoom multi-touch display fills up the whole screen   which is great yep seems pretty good i like the  apple carplay and android auto and let's call and   play some music here now for us um we do have  a 12 speaker premium bow sound system in here   with a subwoofer um on the touring trim which is  fantastic sound the first time honda's actually   done that too yeah so good step in the right  direction especially when all of their competition   has been doing that for for a couple years now  for sure now it is only found on the touring trim   um so it is the top trim that you find on which  is expected that's from all manufacturers but um   if you're looking at the touring trim with the  other features and stuff you get with it it's a   nice add-on that you get that premium sound built  in with the apple carplay and android auto which   wireless with your wireless charger and stuff i  also like that the screen nine inches of course um   has a little curvature around fills up the whole  screen but on the side we actually have tactile   buttons on the screen so they're not passive touch  buttons or anything like that we have an actual   knob for our volume home button back button skip  track forward and back i'm glad that they gave us   the buttons and they tacked all buttons matches  down below with ac and stuff i i'm a big fan of   tactile stuff because it makes it simple yeah  no and again i'm gonna go back to honda keeping   things simple and easy to use like again you walk  into this cabin and there's not much of a learning   curve like the buttons are pretty straightforward  left to go a little bit cooler right to warm it up   um there's a dedicated button for your heated  seats with three levels of heat overall like   fantastic is what i like no no none of your  settings are hidden in the i o everything is   right where you need for simplicity it's easy  like you said when someone gets in this car   there's no learning curve yeah like someone who  has been driving their whole life can get in this   car and feel comfortable in it someone who's brand  new to driving can get in the civic and once again   feel absolutely comfortable at home yeah for sure  not a hard learning curve and everything's memory   touches within your reach it's it's a great  uh great design in interior for simplicity   and but yet leveling it up to the modern  2022 generation going in going forward for   sure now the honeycomb grille we mentioned  already um once again super easy to use hear yeah little clicks when they're kind of  centered in place yep but again again super   easy to use you can point what i like  about it is that i'm always finicking   with my vents to get the exact ac on my face what  i found about this is that with these toggles and   the silver yeah you literally just point the  toggle right at yourself and the air comes   right at you there's none of this trying to get  that loose you're trying to feel it out like you   can literally just point that silver right at you  it's almost like a target right at you and that's   super convenient when you're just setting uh ac  it's a smart design like i said before though i   do not want to clean all these little holes but  it looks good it looks really really good and   again it's it's honda doing a good job of just  simplifying not over complicating the dash like   like this is a different design i've  never seen anyone else kind of do this   but it's simple it's modern it's it's the right  direction good job honda for sure like vince   always got to go into cars and i'm always i  always like to look how vents are designed   because it's kind of just a hole that you got to  put into your dash but i really like how honda   streamlined it right across and made it part of  the dash even though all this space here you can   clearly see is not vent space at all you got one  over on your side one here and two for the drivers   and they continue it over past the steering wheels  here as well so that you get that seamless right   across and it just hides the vents into the dash  completely like it's not a cut out or anything   like that it just seems like it's part of the  dash layout for sure so i really like it um   beyond that now let's uh let's dive into the  digital dash that we also have that hana gave us   on this touring which is fully customizable  so let's uh let's have a look right there so along with our 9 inch infotainment screen up  front with awesome technology we also have a full   10 inch digital dash in front as well with awesome  technology and features too yeah no absolutely   and it's really interesting to see so we have our  apple maps actually connected right now wirelessly   wirelessly which is good but it's coming up here  on the digital dash so when you know we're going   through our directions it's saying you know where  exactly we need to go i actually haven't seen that   on uh on a car in this class so definitely very  interesting um so we can have lots of options here   i find this really interesting too so this  actually shows um who actually has their seat   belt on in the car again something i haven't  seen in the car we're parked up so we don't   have ours on right now as you can see two red  x's and if i do actually go and put mine on   it's pretty cool check mark yeah so we're good to  go we have passengers as well so it'll register   obviously when there's someone sitting in the  back um yeah and when the seat belt connects   turns green great safety feature especially  you've got kids in the back that don't want   to wear our seat belt and you're not sure if they  are or not absolutely so we also have our oil life   here our safety support and in the customized  display we can actually go in here and change   our gauges up a little bit so right now we have  a little rounded design but we can go from round   to bar and go and of course this is a bit of a  preference yeah for sure i'm around yeah me too   i like the traditional look of it now that is  cool it is definitely very cool yeah and again   i think it's just cool that honda just gives  you this this option and also it's cool you   get all the information on that side of the dash  as well but you also have a toggle on this side   you can change even more stuff over here as well  so this is where all our infotainment lives so we   got our radio control commands our satellite  radio usb bluetooth and what i really like   is that you can see your apple car play in the uh  in the screen itself as well so if you're playing   any music you can skip along and you can see it  in your center screen you don't actually have to   look at the the infotainment screen at all which  is a nice integration yeah i really like the full   integration with the maps the music and all that  um the other cool really animation that they have   is when you turn on lane keep assist yeah i love  this so you turn on lane keep assist on your wheel   a little honda civic civic pops up and the  really cool thing is if you hit the brake   the brake light comes on hit the blinker look at  that i just want to see if i open the door will   the door open i wonder i don't think so it does  it doesn't but it does tell you on that side with   a cool animation and i like how you could tell  that's a 2022 civic like they modeled the car   perfectly to that it's really cool the brake  lights come on we put on our hazards pretty   cool little animation um i guess it's kind of  like a little easter egg it only happens when   you turn on the lane keep assist you turn it off  it disappears again but still really cool pretty   cool um nice little feature i i will say the  screen is nice and bright i can easily see all the   information on it um in sunlight and whatnot and  i really like the safety feature with the with the   seat belt the seatbelts is a cool simple feature  that is like really uh it's simple but it works   you people who don't like wearing your seatbelt  we know we know exactly where you're sat to now   we know you behind the driver in the middle row  yeah you you you don't have your seatbelt on i   got you we got you it's it's it's a nice little  system like i said especially if you've got   kids in the back who might unlatch their seat  belt and you don't notice and stuff like that   it will give you uh that little warning so that  you know that you know everybody's safe in your   car when you're driving which is nice and ties  into once again honda's simple but safety design   it's great for first time drivers or anyone in  particular anyone it's a great little safe feature   more safety features the better we also got a  temperature gauge up front as well in our digital   batch which i really like to have instead of  having it on the screen like some manufacturers do   at least you can see it for a quick glance  right in front of you as you're driving   overall i really like it we still have our  fuel and our engine temperature off to the   side on little led lights flanking both sides  of the screen there easy clear to read but   yeah overall i i really like the digital dash that  they they put in this it's simple clean it's honda   absolutely for sure no that's cool let's uh let's  hop out and see what's powering this 2022 civic   all right so engine colin what do we have in this  unit cool so on this touring trim we have a 1.5   liter naturally aspirated four-cylinder putting  out 180 horsepower and 177 pound-feet of torque   paired to a cvt now i gotta admit there's no uh  hydraulic uh trunk lift hood lift but that's fine   because you're not going to really open the engine  bay too much no i don't think any really classic   car has it in this um so the engine is actually  paired to a cvt and there is no manual in the   sedan you'll have to wait for the hatchback to  actually get a manual transmission which is coming   which is coming yeah but on the base engine  we get the two-liter four-cylinder uh putting   out 158 horsepower and 138 pound-feet of torque  fuel economy is a little bit better it's still   very very strong honda does a great job keeping  everything so economical so on this touring trim   we have 33 mpgs in the city and 42 on the highway  which is fantastic very good yeah very very good   um and on the base trim with the 2-liter engine  we get 31 on the highway we're sorry 31 in the   city and 40 on the highway so still really good  we're up over the 30 mark for our uh mpg which is   great for uh a car of its size with the room  inside and the compact it's right in class   with the segment if not leading for sure a  little bit weird now not to see an engine   cover now if i yeah i know it's like most cars  now you're gonna see an engine cover but but no   they're saying here's all the hoses you  can see everything pretty much there's no   hiding of anything in the engine which  is like i said it's different but um   it it's an engine yeah don't think many people who  own the honda civics really gonna pop their hood   too much but there's the specs of this made it to  the cvt um and this engine is also turbocharged   i forgot to mention that so on the touring trim  we do get the turbocharger on the base trim we   do not yeah so this one gets you a little bit  more a little more oomph with that turbocharger   which is great so obviously the touring trim  is the top spec you get the leather seats the   upgraded infotainment the wireless carplay and you  get the upgraded engine sound system so it is the   top trim but i'm glad honda has different it from  the other trims including with the engine not just   your interior yeah you do get an actual different  feel and more horsepower more torque from that   1.5 liter when you get the touring option for  sure cool so let's close this up and let's talk   about this uh outside exterior all brand new for  the 2022 model year let's talk about the looks   yeah so what do you think first thing i  see is a baby accord which is not a bad   thing the accord's a great looking car for  sure um standard led headlights comes now   on all civics so even people buying the base model  still gonna get the led headlights up front which   is great for your visibility for sure yep on the  touring trim down here we have our fog lights one   thing i also do want to note there's a lot less  fake vents there are fake vents still on this   honda civic but it's a lot less honda's really  toned it down went a little bit less from the   a more mature look from the more juvenile look  from the 10th generation so for sure i think   it's yeah it's it's mature like you said it's much  more mature daytime running lights i like how they   swoop in and swoop down it looks really nice when  you're driving down the road i the big unibrow   look here really pulls the whole car forward  really aggressive look like how there's line cuts   underneath right here and even up on the hood good  lines going out very nice lines now this color i   love this is my favorite honda color really nice  more manufacturers use a color similar like this   i know subaru kind of has something yeah i like  it's just matte it's like got a little shine but   it's matte and it's uh it's great it's it's it's  a beautiful color it's a head turner yeah it works   sonic gray really works for this this car yep  um obviously isn't added price to get that that   color but i mean it's a price that i would add  because yeah it came over into yourself yeah so   the header side we got from the wheel perspective  we got 18-inch wheels um aluminum alloy with on   the touring spoke on the touring yep so on the  base models we have a 16-inch with different   designs now the touring design already i like  it has that little i do too you look home with   a little bit of black if you look at it first  it kind of looks like a five spoke but then you   actually have to look a little bit closer and you  got this little bit of a darker um alloy material   here to show the actual tent spokes in it which uh  which i really like and it ties together that's a   good job wheels yeah they do and ty's really good  job with your color it's really nice so overall   i mean it's it's up to suggestion everybody  has their opinions on what cars look like new   generation here definitely toned down more mature  but i i like it yeah it's growing on me more in   person than it did in the photos for sure it's  a car that you have to see in person to really   get um and this color really like i said sets it  off for sure i like the black trimming there's no   real chrome up front on this unit besides the a  little bit in the headlights and the yeah again   it's a lot more mature like you said like  it's the 10th generation had a little bit   more of a juvenile look yeah i really  think this but i think this fits yeah   this fits for any age group that you're in that  you fit like it can work for the young person   who's getting into wants a sporty look because  you can definitely make this look sporty i'm   excited to see what the type r kind of comes out  and looks like but if you want also just subdued   city hauler i mean it looks great for that as  well and absolutely and even on the sport trim   too so these wheels you still get the 18-inch  wheels on the sport trim but you actually also   get blacked out rims as well so that also  just adds to it you also have blackout uh   pieces on the front and the mirrors as well which  is great so that's the front and down side side   side a little bit more of a european design you  can definitely see they're taking some styling   cues from some european competitors i like the  the mirror color matched to our paint here on   his touring trim which nice we have the indicator  built in as well yeah and on the passenger side   like you mentioned before we actually have  just normal blind spot there's no sense   a honda camera there anymore so it's a nice  fluid now design you don't have that camera there   from the sunroof perspective ex and up you'll  get the sunroof as well so that's been pretty   standard on honda for the couple last generations  but definitely a good feature i like how we have   the shark fin antenna here really sporty look we  don't have uh just a little antenna nice so yeah   if we move down towards the the rear of the  uh new civic here um simple again like again   yes tone down for sure um tory badge here yeah  right side more chrome back here i find a little   bit more chrome we got that we got our sensors  here back as well but it's common on the touring   it's uh it's very all painted the same color  it's very simple back here one thing i will   note is that it does have dual exhaust but they're  hidden underneath the bodywork yep um on the sport   you'll actually get a single exhaust which is  which is good because i want to see it yes it's   great to hide away with the fluid body lines  here that they got i do like the tail lights   they removed away from kind of the the crab  claw appearance yeah from the last generation   much more simple we have our reverse light here  um in it with our turn signal and our daytime   running lights as well with the brake lights  really nice we do have our center brake light in   the window so it's not nothing on the back  here nice and clean overall i like the back   yeah it's it's it's simple it's simple it's nice  um still gives it that little sporty look um terms   of trunk space that we have in here let's check  it out so we have a few things in there already   camera equipment yeah so there's no problem  fitting any of the camera equipment that we have   with us today um spec wise we have 14 cubic inches  of space here which is pretty similar to the last   generation but again this is where honda really  gives you a little bit more than last generation a   little bit more than the last generation i'm sorry  but yeah this is where honda really knocked it out   of the park like you can fit a lot of stuff  in this like this is close to a camry i know   a camry is about 14.8 15. yeah so we're we're  there's a complex what could you fit in yours   say i can fit i have two baseball bags that i can  fit in here and i can also fit a small golf bag   so i mean that's pretty good for a a small  compact car as they put it like for space   we also have 60 40 seats to even give you more  room if you got nowhere in the back seat yeah   you see it's super simple you just pull these two  toggles and you push them forward and they are   down so you got more room to even store more stuff  in there the load space here is a little tight but   i mean there's no trouble to get stuff in there  this opens nice and wide it's deep it's it's good   we also have the rubber matting down below so  if your car does get dirty you put some stuff   in there that's a little bit dirty you can just  take out the whole mat later and clean that and   you don't get your carpets dirty which is a great  little add-on feature for sure but great trunk   space lots of storage for for the size of the car  it is so honda always does a great job with that so honda's always been famous for a sporty ride   even with their normal compact vehicles  for sure and this one's no different has   the struts up front for suspension multi-link in  the back to give you a really nice handling feel   for sure we have four disc brakes  all around um on this touring trim so   the last thing now to do is uh take it on the  road and see how it feels i'm driving first all right so driving the new 2022 honda civic you  can definitely feel the quality that honda has   added to this vehicle the handling the suspension  everything is finely tuned for this type of car   the wheel feels fantastic honda does  a great job with their steering wheels   road noise is pretty minimal pretty similar to  last generation might be a little bit better   the 2022 honda civic and i love it like i i mean  guys it is a fun little car to whip around town on   it's super quiet in here it's it steering  wheel feels fantastic it's nicely even weighted   it's comfortable and the seats hug you nicely  cvt transmission has a little bit of pep in   this touring trim uh with 180 horsepower as  mentioned previously so yeah it's a it's a   great you know commuter car but again it's  going to have that little bit of pep that   you know is going to beat the competition  for sure so i'm on a straight road here   um let's let's see how quick we can get them go there's 70 right there so not too bad  from a standing start it's it's pretty   good and i did that in eco mode so i mean  definitely has enough power to get you off   on the go on the highway and get around town  without any issues whatsoever there's like no   road noise to this there's you can hear a bit  of the cvt but this is such a smooth ride honda   i think has accomplished exactly what it needed  to do with the small refinements that it needed   to kind of improve from the previous generation  so handling and suspension probably similar to   last generation civic so honda does a fantastic  job with that but again just adding the   extra perks with the infotainment and a couple  added comfort features again this driving position   is great so we we took a long drive out here to  do this review and i can definitely see myself   you know taking this car all the way back um  to our home destination it's comfortable it's   quick it's it's a honda civic the digital dash up  front is easy to read give me all the information   i want and it's fully customizable like we've  shown before so it's a great little layout here   everything's within my reach the screen is nice  and bright and up high it doesn't extract my view   talking about view the visibility in here  is fantastic honda's done a great job   really tiny pillars here so you don't really  have a blind spot there we do have our blind   spot monitoring on this touring model which comes  standard across the whole range which is fantastic   but visibility is great out the back i can see  no problem for driving it guys i thoroughly   enjoy it no trouble road trips zipping around  town it's confident when you're driving behind   the wheel you feel solid as i go back and  forth here it is a solid solid kit to have   in your driveway for sure so definitely  recommend coming in test driving it   so uh colin's left to himself there now waiting  for me to get back and i was like i don't know   if i want to go back because i'm having a little  bit too much fun so um yeah i guess we have to   head back now and uh pick up colin because uh he's  waiting for us so let's head back and pick him up i really like it me too yeah i think honda  hit all the right things with this new   refresh generation and sticking to  the civic name of being practical   simple fun i mean home run so home run for  sure let's go for another drive let's do it bye

2021-08-28 04:07

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