2018 Maryland Gubernatorial Debate

2018 Maryland Gubernatorial Debate

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It's a reach for more, free. To. Be more. The. 2018, Maryland. Gubernatorial debate. Recorded. At the studios of Maryland, public television and, broadcast without, editing, in its entirety. Welcome. Everyone to the Maryland gubernatorial, debate. I'm Jeff Salkin at, Maryland, Public Television, joining, us in the studio here, are the two leading candidates, for governor the, Republican, nominee incumbent, governor Larry Hogan and, the, Democratic, nominee Ben Jealous, today's. Debate is being produced live to tape meaning you will see it in its entirety with no edits and no stoppages. We'll, get first to the opening, statements, each candidate, will have 90 seconds. First, to speak is mr., jealous thank, you. Hi. I'm Ben Jealous I'm the former national president, of the n-double a-c-p. The. Dad to to Maryland public school kids and the, song of to Maryland public school teachers whose marriage was against the law here. Fifty-two, years ago because she's black and he's white. I'm. Running for governor because I, have, a vision vision. That comes out of my experience, building. Small businesses, into big businesses, across our state and across. Our, country, a vision. And a plan a plan. To, make sure that we finally, fully fund our schools keep. The broken promise, on the casino. Money make. Sure our teachers are respected, and paid better a plan. To make sure we finally get health care costs truly under control build. A system that's sustainable, and. Make sure that no one's driven into poverty just for using their health care and a. Plan to get our economy going again and do, what I do every day build, a more inclusive robust. 21st. Century. Economy. Now. Folks will tell you that the things that I want to do are hard and they're. Right nothing. Worth doing is easy I was. Named, Person. Of the Year by the Baltimore, Sun, because. In one year I led the successful effort to abolish the death penalty while. Co-chairing, the successful, effort to pass the DREAM Act well. Helping. Pass marriage equality I pull, people together to get big things done that's. Why I've been endorsed by the teachers and the nurses and business people all across the state I hope, to earn your, vote too mr.. Hogan well. First of all I want, to thank the sponsors, of tonight's event. And I want to especially, thank all of you for watching at home. Four, years ago, Maryland, was way off track and heading in the wrong direction, we, had lost 8,000, businesses and, a hundred thousand jobs after, 43. Consecutive tax, hikes that crushed our economy, I decided. To step up and try to do something about that I promise. To put Maryland on a new path and we, have done exactly. What we said we would do we've, cut taxes, tolls and fees four, years in a row by, 1.2, billion dollars we, put all that money back into the pockets of hardworking, Marylanders.

Retirees. And small, businesses, and back into our growing economy we. Now have more businesses, open and more people working in our state than ever before. In the history of, the state the. Economy, is turning around and we're investing, more record. Funding and education, record, funding and transportation. And in, cleaning, up and protecting, the Chesapeake Bay we've. Made tremendous progress but. There's still a lot more hard work to be done that's, why tonight I'm asking for your vote so, that we can keep making progress keep. Moving forward, and continue. Changing Maryland, for the better. Gentlemen. Thank you let's introduce the four reporters. Who will be asking the questions, tonight from the Washington, Post joining. Us is Oviedo Wiggins, Pamela. Wood from the Baltimore Sun, from. The Hagerstown. Herald, Mail Tamela, Baker and from. WMDT. Salisbury, Ryan Eldridge. Like, to thank those four, organizations for. Participating. Also. Our other partners, including, WBAL. Baltimore. WJLA. Washington. WY, PR radio and the, League of Women Voters, here's. How the questions will work each candidate, will get to respond to each question we'll, alternate, the order the answers, will be 60 seconds we'll have time for 60-second. Rebuttals, as well, I should, know that while this debate, began, in an unusual, manner it was negotiated. Directly. Between the campaigns, in a bilateral agreement. Now, that we're on the air or this is a production of Maryland, public television and, the, reporters, and. I are under no restrictions, whatsoever in, terms of the, questions, that can be asked. Let's go first to. From the post. Governor. Hogan, although. The economy, has rebounded and, wage. Growth remains, stagnant in Maryland, many, people across the state have not seen their paychecks grow. What. Specific, policies would, you enact to, grow the private sector, and to raise wages well. First of all wages. Are up in Maryland all across the board up 9% so, that you're, not right on the facts there of Vita but look I have my entire focus, of my governorship. Has been to grow the economy to put more people to work and. To turn our economy around wages. Have grown at every level more, people are working my first year as governor more, more people we hire got more people hired than any, other time in the past 15 years we've. Continued, to have more people working at. Higher salaries, and we're going to continue the only way to do it is to continue to grow our economy continue. To get small, businesses, and big businesses, to grow and hire more people and we're very proud of the record we've got it's we've, got one of the best economic turnarounds, in America, mr.. Dallas yeah, actually I think that miss Wiggins, is right under facts governor you know I think we have the lowest. Job growth and lowest income growth. In the region that's not true if we had the job, growth of Virginia. Sir we, had the job growth of Virginia. We'd have 40,000, more jobs right now here's. The punchline sir Virginia's job. Growth is lower than the national average Sally. Just shown there's 49. States with a positive, outlook. On, the economy, for this in this. Country that in the next year we're not one of them as a. Small, business person in this state I've, put together a plan to make sure that.

We, Put. Our government on the side of small business people that we back, the state's entrepreneurs. We, take the office of tech. Transfer out, of the Department of Commerce we put it in the governor's office because. Unlike, you sir didn't return Discovery's, call for four months I'll, be actively, involved, in building, a more inclusive robust, economy, every day mr., Hoge let me just say that sounded, really, good but not a single word that you said was true so. We went from losing a hundred thousand jobs to, gaining a hundred thousand jobs we had some of the fastest. Great, job growth in America we, went from last place in the mid-atlantic region to, first place just, last month we added in another 8,000, jobs and broader unemployment, rate down again to, four point two in. The when you keep talking about these things that you don't know where you get these talking points from but they're absolutely false, look I'm a lifelong, small, business man spent my entire life in Maryland. Running. A small business it's the reason I ran for governor because I was so frustrated with what was happening the state that I loved that I spent my entire life here was way off track we have grown we have more businesses, open in Maryland ever before in history, small. Businesses, are growing like crazy we, have we're number one in America and startups we, created more jobs in, the first year than they had done for, 15 years they hadn't met that mark so, I don't know where you get these stats how. You play with the numbers but of my four year record is clear we've led the nation we've. Increased. Jobs increased. Wages and you, just can't keep making up these stories 60, seconds mister jealous governor. Please you can go to Ben Jealous calm all the reports are they're not gonna go to bed all the facts are there and also, all of my plans are there what I actually tell the people say I'll do I will do something I put a plan there it's. Transparent, the pay-fors my staff doesn't have to walk things back like you say Oh we'll give someone to a tax cut but we don't know how we're gonna pay for it and your staff says it's aspirational. Governor. The people of the state deserve, to have a plan to move forward you. Don't have any plans, we've. Before, to one of the fastest rates in America your. Only plan is to double the state budget and increase taxes, by a hundred percent and you're not honest enough to tell people each taxpayer, and Maryland's gonna have their taxes go up twelve percent under. The O'Malley administration they, raise taxes, on the average taxpayer, forty eight hundred dollars. It nearly, crushed our economy, it cost us 8,000 businesses than a hundred thousand jobs I can't imagine what. Would happen under a plan like yours last what it's not going to be friendly to businesses. You. Know what convinced. Me to. Advocate. To bring medicare-for-all, to our state I tried, to move a factory, here. To South Baltimore from, northern, Canada and the, deal fell apart because. The. Cost of health care in our health exchange, it's kept surging, under, Governor Hogan up 120, percent in four, years. That. Company. Ended, up moving, to Toronto because, they could, not come into this country because the healthcare costs keep surging that. Would have created 300. New jobs in, South Baltimore where, we need them sir. But you have no plan you just put in a one-year, fix we can't run businesses, not knowing what's gonna happen to our healthcare costs a year to year, you're. Choking small businesses, because you won't lead on health care because you won't stand up to the pharmaceutical, companies I put a plan out there to bring our pharmaceutical cost down you could have put in place four years ago sir well. I'm gonna move, on here just because it will be back to health care I'm sure and I want to get all the reporters, on the air Pam wood from the Sun this question goes first, to mr. jealous on, June 28th, five of my colleagues, were murdered at the capital newspaper, in Annapolis, by, a man who had a legally, owned gun, and on Thursday, a person, with a legal gun opened fire at, a Rite Aid warehouse, in Aberdeen, killing three co-workers, Wendy.

Rebecca. Rob. Gerald. John. Sunday. Brynn, drah and hayleen are far, from the only Marylanders. To, be killed by legally, owned guns what. Can you do to, prevent these kinds of killings in the future, my. Heart goes out to you and you. And your colleagues are heroes, I know, what it's like to work in a newsroom that's been attacked the Jackson Advocate newspaper was an editor when, I was young was attacked before and after my tenure there I know how we were on pins and needles all the time. We. Have to, act. With courage and my heart goes out to the right aid workers and the students had great medals who I was they asked me to meet with them I met with them and. I'm. Oddly proud to receive it an F rating from the NRA because of my lifetime of standing up to them and I'll continue to do that as governor we. Need to make sure that we stem the flow of illegal guns, into. Our state we, need to close the ar-15. Loophole. But we also need to make sure that we treat this as the public health crisis that it is there's a public, mental health crisis and we have to make sure that people get the mental health care that they need Medicare, for all also, means mental health care for, all and in our schools we don't need more guns we need more social, workers and psychologists. To work with young people who are experiencing, a mental health crisis, as well. Mr. ank you for your courage, well I my. Heart, was broken that day I this. Is our hometown newspaper, in Annapolis, I was, on the scene within five minutes as they, were still taking people from the building and I was thanking our police, officers, who responded, so quickly and so bravely and there's tremendous cooperation, and coordination between, the city of Annapolis Anne. Arundel County police the. State Police and the Sheriff's Department. More. Lives could, have been lost had it not been for the quick, response but, yes this is a tragedy, that we have to continue, to do everything we can about I also was down, in great mills immediately, after the shooting there I've. Long been a strong. Supporter of tougher.

Laws, To keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and people with a criminal background. We. Have made, it even tougher with legislation, that's going to take place next week seven, days from today we, sponsored, red flag laws to. Make sure that we can have more of an ability to take away guns from people that are mentally ill I also, are passed, tough mandatory. Sentences, on people that commit crimes with a gun it's, tragic and. There's no easy answer we have the toughest gun laws in America but I've moved to make them even tougher and to try to make, sure that we cover some of these loopholes now, would it have stopped this tragedy, at the Annapolis Capitol, I'm not sure but, it certainly would give us better stronger. Ability to keep the guns away from somebody like this in the future and. This is a tragedy, that we're gonna have to keep focused on I. Put 200 million dollars into school safety to add more, school resource officers, and mental health counselors, to try to find and address these problems before they before, it's too late. Mr.. Hogan your time is up let's go next to Tammy Bakker of the Herald mail. The. Division of Corrections spends, millions every month because of a lingering shortage, of staff at state prisons, correctional. Officers, are forced to work long hours and there, are safety concerns as well the, state has taken steps to try to recruit more officers, but the union that represents them, says it's not enough how. Far are you willing to go to fill those positions well. You're absolutely right we do have a staffing, shortage, and the entire state has been working hard to fix that but let's go back to the root of the problem the, previous, under the preview administration, gangs. And, criminals, were running the entire state prison system we. Said we were gonna come in and clean up the entire operation it resulted, in 139. Indictments. Of correctional, officers other people working in the correctional facilities, and the people they were coordinating, with in the private sector we, decided, that we needed to make sure we had background, checks and lie detectors, and make.

Sure That we weren't hiring more criminals into the system and that's what we've done it's, made it more difficult to fill these positions we, need to pay these positions, better well, what we've done to help recruit we, put signing, bonuses, we gave them we'll pay for theirs take care of their student debt up to $20,000. We've been having, a major marketing, campaign to address them we've been hiring more people but, under my opponents, plan he, his plan it's the only place he wants to cut he wants to fire thousands, of correctional, officers Public. Safety officers and put thousands, of dangerous criminals out on the streets. Sure. The first. Of all governor it's not the only place that I wanted cut I've put a bigger tax, cut on the table than you ever have actually put a proposal for it on and that's, to cut our sales tax, and. I've put. A plan on the table based, on my work working, with. Bipartisan. Leaders across the state to shrink prison, said something a way that's smart and safe gets more killers off the street, stops. Our bloated spending, on our criminal. Justice systems, I simply want to bring our incarceration rate in line, with states like New Jersey where violent crime is down as opposed to being up here on your watch sir. We. Can't be safer we can't be smarter but when we do that we have to do it with working, with the officers, when I rolled out the criminal justice strategy, for the n-double-a-cp I had, every civil rights leader you might expect I also had noted, Republican. Leaders and the, president, of the largest Corrections, Officers Union in the country standing right next to me we. All want, to be safer, we all want to make sure we're spending more and more in public higher education and, not. Mass, incarceration even, the officers and want the kids to have a better deal when, they go to our state's public. Universities. And that's what's at the heart of my plan is, shrinking, our prison system in a way that makes us safer saving. Money and sending those monies to our public. Colleges. And universities. So that we, also end the massive student debt crisis. Mr.. Jealous might not be aware of what's, been happening here in Maryland but we actually passed the, most intensive, criminal, justice reform act in the generation, and been praised by almost, every single elected, Democrat in Maryland we've reduced our prison population more. Than the other 49, states were, number one in America and reducing, prison, population, we've reduced it by nine percent we've. Gotten rid of all the people that were simple, possession, misdemeanors. And other things he, now wants to take another 30%, of the violent, criminals these are murderers and rapists. And repeat. Violent offenders and put, them back onto the streets, it just is absolutely not. Some of your proposals. Are reckless. But this one is downright dangerous, and it. Doesn't make any sense whatsoever, and we're. If. We were to let fire, thousands, of public safety officers, and put, thousands of violent criminals on the streets that's going to help you lower the crime situation I just don't think that makes sense governor from, Willie Horton to Donald Trump your party plays by the same playbook, we, see it on the hateful ads that you've been running now for months you try to scare people sir because you don't have a plan and when you don't have a plan wait wait wait I just said our plan was recognized. As the best in America we've, already that was a Democrats, plan that was passed that, you had to sign because there was a super mode you know that's not true.

Reduces. And work very hard to get everybody as. This, happened so many times here I mean earlier, you were talking about guns. And you've got seem to forgot the fact that you bumped that, you mock the idea bump stock that's not build and then you say oh no you like that immediately the day after the shooting and unless you, said making that no there was a we can go back and play the tape on that one but on this issue sir, I really take on bridge I've had two family members shot in Maryland in the last 10 years one in Howard County one in Prince George's County and on your watch murders, are up in our state forty two percent as of. Today excuse me revised down 34, percent, in the 23, counties, outside the Baltimore City and more than 50% when you do include, Baltimore City I've worked with Governor deal I've, worked with Governor Schwarzenegger I've, worked with the mayor of New, York City as president, of the n-double a-c-p to, put through strategies, that make us safer they make our prison system small and for you too just to suggest that. I would allow violent, crime out early, is straight, out of the old playbook it's from really Horton to Donald Trump that's just nonsense look, it's right on your website you, want to reduce the prison population by, 30% we've, already reduced it at a higher rate than any other state in the country you, want to cut the this, the major, cut is the only cut in spending you, want to cut 660, million dollars, out of public safety that, would fire two or three thousand, public safety officers, that's not going to help violent crime now let's talk about the situation of violent crime and how that plan would help and how what we've been doing might help Baltimore, City first of all we had the worst violence breakout in 47, years forty, eighty nine days after I was governor I brought, in the National Guard 4,000, members of the guard a thousand police officers and I've been there ever since trying, to back up the city we sent in five hundred state and and, federal law enforcement officers, into the city a couple of months ago serve, 14,000. Warrants arrested 500 people and took 260. Of the most violent, repeat offenders off, the streets, we then passed a comprehensive crime bill through the legislature, which they supported, our plan that, while, we've already lowered, sentences. For smaller offenses, on these repeat, violent offenders and, the people that are shooting people on the streets of Baltimore and elsewhere they need to do time and, that's now they will starting. In October one week from today last word on this mr. jealous absolutely. Sir. From Willie, Horton to Donald Trump your party I don't have anything really, important or governor. I've given you a lot of respect I would simply ask for that for the same sir from. Willie Horton to, Donald Trump your, party plays by the same playbook, you lie and you scare people I have not said anywhere, that. I would do what you are suggesting what, I have, said is I would do what I worked with frankly, governors have more courage than you Republican, governors have more courage than you to. Help bring their prison systems in line. With. States like New Jersey where crimes, are one in America, it. Doesn't say. It's not going to be true police force, and Donald Trump don't have much to do with this please, stop no, sir that is the playbook, that you're playing by have enough lighting, subjected, to two months of your ads, trying to scare them they need to hear that sir they're not my ads but I think they're completely factional, it's on your website when it's my time do I get to speak or. Responding. Alright. Next question, Ryan Eldridge this will go first to mr. jealous mr.. Jealous the. Question is the opioid, epidemic puts, a strain on law enforcement medical. Personnel, and our, labor force in addition. To other things we, can't deny we need to fix we need fixes, I want. To know where the state can, get the money to pay for treatment, options or facilities, that are sorely needed in places like the Eastern Shore and across Maryland. Let's. Play the tape on this my. Opponent. Ran. For office saying. That this was an emergency, in December, of 2014 he, said on his first day of office he would declare a state of emergency. He, then didn't do it for two years what. Thousands, of our neighbors died, deaths. From opioids, under his watch are up a hundred and sixty percent, the. Leaders of our state I had, a plan to fund. Crisis. Response centers ten of them across the state, he only punted. One it was in Baltimore and that one's been underfunded, were there rationing, the life-saving drug naloxone. And. People. Are dying because the the the. Doctors. Say we just don't have enough for, the city he now.

Says. That he's gotten some money from the federal government that's great but what should we have done in the meantime this. Is why we have a rainy day fund if this was a natural disaster we would have used it right away, then. You go and you sue the pharmaceutical, companies and you. Win back the funds you. Hold them responsible they're. Not funding my campaign like, they're funding his campaign I, have. No problem, taking, on these companies. Suing, them and making, them pay for, the. Pain and the havoc that they've wreaked in our state. Well. Look I when. I was running for governor four, years ago as I traveled around the state I went. To every single community and everywhere I went I said I said what's the number one problem facing your community and they said heroin, and opioids it surprised, me quite frankly we. Promised, when I was elected I promised, that we were going to focus on this problem because it had not been focused on before people. Were sweeping it under the rug. Immediately, after becoming governor I, lieutenant, governor Boyd Rutherford took chair the heroin and opioid, emergency, Task Force which, went around the state and got input from people all across the state we. Then implemented, all relates 36, recommendations, of that past things through the legislature, did the things that we could do through, executive order, I became, the first governor, in America, to declare a state of emergency on, this crisis, because we, you know where we were losing more people than. Shooting, and traffic, fatalities, added together so I promised, to do something about it first one to turn it into a state of emergency we invested, six hundred million dollars in state money we've gone after it from every direction from prevention, to treatment, to interdiction, and to, stopping the crime and the dealing of these drugs now it's, a terrible crisis, we were one of the only states to bent the curve downward. On prescription, drug. Opioids, on prescription, opioids on heroin. But, we have this new synthetic fentanyl. And car fentanyl, that's, 50 times stronger and more deadly we're, now fighting that one as well but for you to try to use the deaths of these people these 2,000 Marylanders that die if this is tearing a part of families. And communities from one end of the country to the other I never, go talk in Washington because, I don't think they ever get anything done but they asked me to come down to speak before a Senate committee because, I'm a nationally, recognized, expert on this subject. And. You, know I went down and testified the Senate has now passed a bill we desperately need, federal funding to assist but it's going to take the state the feds and local governments, all working together. Man. I. Have. A cousin who's in rehab, for heroin right now. I. Said I have a cousin who's in rehab, for heroin right now all, right this isn't about real. Life this is about real family sir yeah I know I've sat with 13 year old girls in Talbot County Byrd three classmates, in the, 12 months before I've sat with pastors, in Baltimore City who, feared that they're saying up there their high school reunion will, have to be at the cemetery cuz they burned so many classmates and, for you to sit here certain so justice about politics this is about lives and to.

Say That you did a study when, the Democrats gave, you a plan and you, refused to champion it we, needed those ten, crisis, response centers all across our state this entire time sir and you have not led I get. That you're an expert, but we needed you to use that expertise, on day one and you wait, until something like day 732. Declare, a state of emergency why, odd neighbors died and, that is not leadership it is not acceptable, and don't tell me this is politics this is about people in lives okay we were the first state in America to declare a state of emergency, I know it's about lives I'm the, one that brought this issue to the forefront we're now nationally, recognized, as the leader in America, on this subject yes. People are still dying and it's tragic and I lost my first cousin to a no heroin overdose myself, but, to get up here and talk about I'm responsible, for the deaths of these people. I. Was the first one in America we, started it low three weeks after it, was two years it's. Not true we've, done a lot it is a tragedy, we've made great progress on, certain aspects of December 2014, when, you would take office in January in February I. Started, to heroin, and. Two. Years you're just what you studied it what well Democrats had a plan that's. Not true and let me address your other made-up story about the ten centers. We've doubled, the number of treatment beds and, we've spent more money this the Center in Baltimore City we increased, from two million to five million we've made in a lock so available, everywhere across the state and it was the state legislature. Your friends, the Democrats and the legislation, that cut that took the wording out for those ten centers not me I had nothing to do with that I thought it was you. Said to know, the, governor controls the budget now we know that's not true we, make suggestions, and then the legislature moves the money around what they know the center's that next, question Pam, would goes first to mr. Hogan the, Baltimore region lacks, a comprehensive. Mass transit, system and many people believe this, holds back the city and its residents from economic, opportunities, please. Describe what your vision is of the importance of mass transit and Governor Hogan specifically. Can, you please explain your decision to cancel the red line project, I, have, invested, more in transit, than any other governor in the history of the state we. Just put up a proposal that we finally got Virginia and DC on board to save Metro we're moving forward on the five point six billion dollar Purple Line project in. My, plan is balanced, we have 15 billion dollars in transportation.

Improvements, We put three billion dollars into Baltimore City we revamp. The entire transit. System in this where we just were recognized, and won a national award is the best revamp of a transit system but, the redline is something that I know your newspaper, and others have criticized us for it's, something that in. The Washington Post editorial board said, it never made any economic, or transportation sense, whatsoever, which, is why Governor, O'Malley didn't do it for eight years but. We've we've done everything possible moving, forward on the top priority, projects, in every single jurisdiction, across this across, the state we, put more money into transit, more money into roads because, traffic, congestion, and getting people from where they live to where they work is critically, important, and we're going to continue to do so. Sure. If. You take Larry Hogan's, approach. To, transit. You turn it on its head you get pretty, close to mine he, wants us to have, big. Fancy privatized. Lanes, for rich people that you could pay $45. At peak times to try to get on there like they do down in Virginia, when. He doesn't want to do is invest more in mark invest more in Metro make it run. More often. And longer, and extend the lines up and for the Baltimore, region he killed the red line we had 900 million dollars, worked for ten years of people of the city people the region, to get that going and you took it away sir and you, hamstrung, us in the city in the county I was with people in the chamber in Anne Arundel County, and they're. Upset over it you. Get on the bus in Baltimore, said you know the last time you were there and you asked folks and you say you, know five. Years ago, how many buses did you take one how many do you take now -. How, many did you take then - how many do you take down four and their time with their children gets eaten up because it's doubled, their time I was with an eight-year-old boy in the McCulloh homes housing, project when my mom grew up and, I said what do you want the next governor to know and after he told me it seemed too many dead men he said fix the bus system because this one broke it my. Mom and I used to have to walk two, blocks to the bus station now we have to walk six then, somebody chimed in and said and the only people of profit of the criminals who prey on us in the next four clock blocks, a reminder. That public. Transportation is, often, a prerequisite, to good public safety again. We put three billion dollars into transportation in Baltimore City we've, revamped the entire bus system it's working much better for most people. The red line never made any sense to almost anyone and most, people in the state were totally opposed to it I would invite you to ride the bus in Baltimore City with me I was there when we opened the entire city you know but I mean just just just casually, walk through and ask people it's really quite, amazing and you, said it's about education you say about transportation sir, if we have. Record funding why don't we have record results we. Do have record funding but we'll get into that in the next question next question from Oviedo, Wiggins goes, first to mr. jealous mr.. Jealous both, you and the governor have said one way or another that, where. A child lives should, not determine their destiny. Despite, that Maryland has one of the sharpest, achievement. Gaps in the country MSDE.

Statistics. Show that 45%, of students, who, don't receive free. And reduced meals are, proficient, for example, in Algebra, one meanwhile. Only 13%, of, students. Who come from poor families are. Proficient in the subject, what, three concrete. Actions, would you take to close the achievement gap, and please, be specific, absolutely. And thank you for that question over. The last four years our, schools have fallen. In the national, rankings every year Governor Hogan's been in office they've fallen from first to sixth and what. Has he done he's toured the state with Betsy, DeVos and, sent, millions of dollars to private schools in the form of vouchers while cutting. Funds for our schools almost. A hundred million dollars and now we're seeing the, fruit of that the majority of children in our state are not proficient in reading or writing. Or math. The. Best way to close. That achievement gap is to make sure that there's a high quality, teacher. In every classroom and, that's, why I have, proposed. For us to, increase. Teacher pay twenty-nine percent over, seven years so we can recruit, and retain the best teachers in the country we, also have to make sure that every child shows, up to kindergarten, ready to learn and that's, why we need to have universal full-day pre-k, I proposed, that in, to pay for it by legalizing. Cannabis for, adult, use and. Finally we have to make sure that every child comes. Out of our schools ready, for a career. Not just for college it will also keep more in as they can see how school adds, and when, I'm governor we will make, sure that we put more vocational, education, into our high schools giving every child a path to, a rewarding, job. Not. Just to college because we know many of them decide that they won't. Ever get there and they drop out earlier. Well. I believe very strongly that every single child in our state deserves. Access to, a world-class education. Regardless. Of what neighborhood they happen to grow up in and, that's what we've been focused on for four years why, we put twenty five billion dollars into K through 12 education no. Governor in the history of the state has ever invested, more we, went over and above the, legislatively. Mandated formulas. And put more money in spite of declining. School. Populations, because. We think we need to reinvest in our kids I've, also proposed, a lockbox to make sure that all the casino revenues go directly 4.4, billion dollars more goes, into the schools mr.. Jealous wants to take one hundred percent of that casino lockbox. Money and use, it he says he's going to give teachers at twenty nine percent raise that would eat the whole four point four billion dollars, up I think, we do need to pay our teachers better but, four point four but he has nothing to do with teacher salaries, the governor they don't work for the governor there's these are local employees. That work for the local school systems and he has no ability to deliver, on this promise whatsoever.

But, We're gonna continue to fund education we're, gonna continue to try to make improvements, I have record funding in school construction we, just opened five schools, in Baltimore City just within the past two weeks we've built 2028, schools there, 124. Schools across the state we're, trying to get our teachers better we've lowered class sizes four years in a row I know, some people in some places we've got to still work on it what the average is down to twenty students 20 point four six students per classroom and let. Me go back to this often-repeated, phony. Story at the Baltimore Sun it totally, says, it's false, Martin, O'Malley the previous governor, cheated. On the test scores it's, it's everybody, it's already been investigated he. Didn't include, special-needs. Kids or kiss for, kids that had English, as a second language and. As a result he, inflated the numbers much like Prince George's County just did by cheating 5,000, kids and and giving, them higher grades and he should have gotten when, I first week I talked about this all during the last campaign we're not telling people the truth when, I searched the game we adjusted the, real numbers down to six we. Didn't bring the schools down from number one to number six they never were number one we were just the first ones to be honest about so we are six in the nation number. One in the nation in Howard County number three in this job we're gonna fight so we get every school system up, to par yeah the governor. Went to two minutes and 45 seconds, and never told us what his plan was because he doesn't have one. Governor. If. We don't have record if we have record funding why don't we have record results if we have record funding school. Kankan construction. Why were the kids freezing last one or why were they broiling, this this. Fall why do I is a public school parent have, to carry in jugs of clean drinking. Water be. Afraid my child drinking, out of the the. Water fountain, why are kids crammed into trailers and now they call them learning college cottages, but they're still just trailers. We. Can, do much better by, the, schoolchildren, of, our state it. Means sir that you've got to be willing to lead that you've got to be willing to put a plan out there I've put my plan out there it's all on my website I've, explained, how we will get the teachers raises you should look, into it happy to help you on that one they need them now not just when I'm governor but. Sir let, us be you know really really, clear here. Our. Kids suffer. When our leaders don't lead you keep sending money to private schools in the form of vouchers and, you, know touring around with Betsy DeVos and. You. Don't put a plan on the table she asked you for a specific plan, please tell us what your plan is okay, great well thanks there's a number of things I'd like to address in that let's, talk about Betsy, DeVos first, Betsy. DeVos is the Secretary of Education she, came out to a school in Montgomery County to read books, to kids I sat, there in a first-grade class and read books, to kids I've been with the last three education.

Secretaries, Two of them under President Obama one, under President Trump we, weren't gonna just tell her she can't come into our state to read with kids that's about as far as the connection goes the. Voucher. Betsy, DeVos trump, voucher program wasn't my idea it was Mike Bush's idea he worked it out with the teachers union was passed almost unanimously by, Democratic, legislators, I had, a proposal that would, give tax incentives for any donation. Of an, individual, or company that donates to a public or private school the, legislature, shot that now they switched it to, scholarship. Programs, for needy kids I went, along and signed the bill but it wasn't my bill and it's not the Hogan DeVos voucher. Program it's the Mike Bush bush DeVos program, all right so now, it's been three and a half minutes and you asked for very specific answers how to close the achievement, gap, for kids who are in schools with great, fruit let me create the free and reduced lunch from Western Maryland to the Eastern Shore what's. Your plan sir so I don't know if you know how the, education, system works in Maryland I know you just recently moved here from California may, be different there. Here. Started, ten years ago you never came to meet with me I run the only Baltimore, office in Silicon Valley based firm you think you might reach, out sir other. Governors, did and I would have been happy to help, you but when you you know if, you're not familiar the, nation's largest civil, rights organization. The n-double-a-cp is headquartered, in our state, I know I think, let's. Get the last word on this and then we'll move on I lost. Track of even what the heck we were talking about no Lancer oh so look why, why isn't it why isn't it here's. The plan teachers point here's the plan lockbox he was rated it like my six-year-old rates a cookie jar for four years in a row that's why the teachers never the legislature, makes the final decisions, on that I'm gonna pretend, like they had endorsed you does, that endorse me because I meet with all of them okay won't even nearly every other Union and the state has endorsed me and thousands. Of teachers are supporting me as well but let me talk about so that local school systems, make all those decisions about us how to spend money how to pay teachers what to do with the funds we provided, the record funding and Peter Franchot and I the Comptroller, have been pushing these local school systems, for four years to, take care of some of these issues and some of these problems but they're completely unaccountable, so I have a plan we're trying to get we're now the second, least accountable, school system in America because of actions by the legislature, not by me we're trying to make yeah, I want to be number one in accountability we want to get these local school systems we want to pay the teachers better it's, outrageous, and disgraceful that, after we gave them 60 million dollars in Baltimore City that they weren't able to fix the air conditioners and heat but, that's not the role of the governor it's the local school board all week and gentlemen we need to move on Ryan, Eldridge, has the next question. It's. My understanding that a beacon quarterly, trend study suggests, the Eastern Shore has yet to recover, from, the most recent, recession now that was about, a decade ago it's. Alarming when you take a look at the numbers Somerset, County, still has an unemployment rate at 7.2. Percent and, others in the area are still well over five percent pair, that with the labor participation rate, which is also low in the area according to this study and you, have a recipe for disaster if, we have another downturn how are we preparing ourselves for, another. Downturn in these areas and how are we working to. Lift these counties, specifically. Somerset, County out of poverty mr., Hogan first so Thank, You Ryan we. As I said earlier you know we've turned our economy around and, unemployment, is down statewide, down to 4.2 percent, but I've said we're not going to rest until every single county. Has met gotten. To that point we, are down in Somerset County ms down from ten to seven ten point nine down to seven every single one of our 24, jurisdictions, has more jobs less, unemployment and, our labor participation rate, is the best in the region and one of the best in the country but you're right that's why I passed the more jobs for Marylanders Act then I got the legislature, the Democrats in the legislature get on board with me because, there were certain areas Baltimore City the, lower Shore, of.

Western, Maryland and Prince George's County that weren't seeing the tremendous, gains and jobs that the rest of the state was and. So we passed the more jobs for Marylanders Act which will incentivize businesses. To, go into, those areas where we need jobs the most and we'll waive state taxes, for ten years for those businesses to encourage them to come in we've, got now I think 2,000, jobs hundreds. Of different companies that are taking advantage of this and that we just passed the more jobs for Marylanders to act. To and this past legislative session which hasn't even taken effect yet but I've spent as you know tons of time on the Eastern Shore I promise. When I was running for governor that I was going to not, ignore any part of the state and I've been to every single County on the shore multiple times and we're doing everything we can we're bringing high speed internet down to Somerset, County and we're. Working with their economic development folks sure, we're gonna tell her they all get more jobs for jealous, the. Governor's had for years and, when dead, last in the, region and job growth and was dead last first in income, growth and there's. 49 states with a positive, outlook for their economy, and we are not one of them and, part. Of its dragging down to Eastern Shore, the fact that our state, on hole, under his leadership has held back on the, Eastern Shore we. Need to make sure that. Every. Kid who wants to go to a, community. College can, go for free and every worker wants to retrain can retrain, the governor's, worked. With Democrats to make for something we need to do it for everybody we. Need to make, sure that young people when they find a job can get to the job bring on demand technology into public transportation, so, the vans can go point-to-point, route because buses, going in straight lines won't, work in most, areas, we. Have, to make, sure that workers are also paid a fair wage for a fair day's work we've got to raise the minimum. Wage, oftentimes. In coastal communities quite. Frankly rents are high because you have to compete with tourists, and we. Know that in our state we're the most expensive state to try to rent a one-bedroom, apartment on a, minimum. Wage job will take 101, percent of your income and we also have to stand up to Donald Trump as Governor Hogan failed to do every time you try to assault Obamacare, because, in many of those counties, the health, care industry, is a major employer, and if it implodes further, as it would have done this. Fall a temporary, fix and. It would definitely do Trump is successful, and what your party's trying to do to our health care system, mr. Gela. We. Can go back and forth I just want to say we have about ten minutes left in the Q&A I'm. Going to get a little bit more serious, about enforcing, the, does that whole string, of things not.

Like. We talked about 49,000. We've had one of the greatest economic turnarounds, in America we're leading the region we are unemployment. Is down employment is up there's more businesses more jobs we, already passed the promised act it'll allow the people that get that we're in need to get you to attend Community College for free I'm proposing, expanding. That to four years as, far as job training and workforce development we're again a national, leader we, just reached the point of 10,000, apprenticeships, we're putting more money more, funding, more effort and to try and teach people the skills that are needed because we could hire another 80,000, people if, we get them trained and up to speed and with, respect to the Trump and Obamacare look, I've came, out against the house plan the Trump plan and the Senate plan I've been standing up because. Washington, has failed Bart both parties, failed the, democrats and the republicans so. We took it upon ourselves to try to address that directly right. Here in our state just, a week ago we we stopped 91%, rate increases, and we're gonna have for the first time in twenty years our, largest insurance. Carriers lowering rates and for the first time since Obamacare, passed ten years ago every. Single insurance rate is going down in our state sure time mr. jealous last word on that yeah. Might. Go down next year after going up four years in a row so it's gone up ten years the surging surging a hundred and twenty percent you take credit, for our economy being slightly better years after the end of the recession in some places not all is like, taking credit for that poor the Sun rising sir let's run on your record not on mythology, we, have the lowest job. Growth in the region we have the lowest income growth, in the region if we had the growth of, Virginia. We would have 40,000, more jobs right now, 40,000, more jobs right now their, growth is below the, national average if we had the income, growth of Virginia, the average worker right now would have eight thousand dollars more in their pocket if we had the income, growth of Delaware, that the average worked right now to $15,000. More in their pocket over the your, time in office. Tammy. Baker has the next question is just like you're living in a dream Tammy go ahead I'm. Gonna draw back. If I could to those parts. Of Maryland outside, the population, centers that Ryan just alluded to these. Counties, have, some of the state's highest unemployment rates, they have a higher percentage, of children in their, public school systems who do qualify for free and reduced meals they've. Historically had, fewer opportunities for. Economic development and. Sadly. They, seem to be posting, some of the higher overdose, numbers. They. Also have fewer resources for, dealing with all of those things, over. The next four years what. Will your commitment, be to those Marylanders. Who live outside the, Baltimore Washington Metropolitan, Area and please be specific if, you could will. Make sure that all their kids can go to a, good school and get a great education by, finally fully funding, school stopping, the two billion dollars of underfunding, budgeting. Our schools first, keeping, the broken promise on the. On. The casino, money we'll make sure that all of them have health. Care that nobody has to line up for free dental tater at a amphitheater. At six o'clock in the morning, bypassing. Medicare. For all we. Will make, sure that we, grow in all regions of the state by bringing, universal. Broadband. We. Will make. Sure that we hold on to the jobs that are there as, far as the health economy by defending, Obamacare from the Republicans attack again, and again and again, going going. Further and we. Will make sure that we bring big data into, AG hubs and build 21st century, AG hubs that help, our farmers get ahead of the ravages of climate change, so that they can anticipate what, crops what, livestock, will flourish better as our climates change and. We. Will make sure that we solve the public transportation. Conundrum. By bringing on-demand. Technology. Into vance and move them point-to-point just as we do it on the eastern will, do on the Eastern Shore we, need to be doing in Western, Maryland. As well sure, your time is shot if I may we'll be back to it mr. Hogan well. Four years ago, when I was running for governor we, visited every single corner of the state and I've done, it ever since I became governor I've been all twenty-four jurisdictions, and I can tell you that the people in Western Maryland and the people on the shore who we were just talking about really. Felt for eight years that they were being completely ignored and neglected and, forgotten and, I, promised, that we were going to just turn that around completely that no longer were, those areas, of the state gonna be left out that's, why I focused, almost as.

Much Time there as I have anywhere else in the state I've. Been to Western Maryland more times than any governor in history the state I've, been there more than people the governor, that was from Western Maryland we, brought in more transportation, money more education, money more Community Development money we've, got projects, for the redevelopment of Hagerstown Cumberland. Frostburg. We, just built and I just opened a new school, in Allegheny, Allegheny, High was the oldest school in the country and in the entire state 93, years old we've got a beautiful brand new school but, there's no question that they have issues and problems that are facing them that other areas, of the state do not have I'm very familiar with it we're going to keep working and continue to invest in Western, Maryland and the Eastern Shore as well Lori continue yeah the Mars one go back to something earlier, the. Governor, is lying again saying I just moved here from California. Sir. Let's. Just talk for a second all right I was. Named Person. Of the Year by the Baltimore Sun five years ago because, of my leadership and civil rights in our state my. Dad was one of the few white guys to go to jail repeatedly for tea separating lunge count lunch. Counters in downtown. Baltimore my mom sued Western High School for Girls when she was 12 so, she could desegregate, when she was 15 my, grandma is a proud 101. Year old retired, Maryland, social worker who helped train Barbara Mikulski, my, granddad came here to work the B&O Railroad went, on to be a probation officer and there are P O's ones who have endorsed me who I'm fighting for that he. Helped. Train who are still on the job today if. You're wondering why I didn't grow up here sir it's because my marriage my it's because my parents marriage was against the law in 1966. They fell in love at school teachers at Harlem Park junior high and they, had to leave I was. Sent back here every summer because this is home and, I've come back here every chance I got because this is home I'm, fighting for the promise of our state which my family has fought for since, at least 1941.

I'm Proud. Of our history in the state I'm proud of my history in the state and I want what you or anybody else lie, about Who I am or where I'm from well, first of all mr. Jones I have tremendous respect. For your life story and what your parents had to go through and. I, wasn't trying to in. Any way disparage, them or or what you went through growing up it's, just a simple fact that you registered. Here for the first time to vote in 2012, and that, the first time you ever voted in the gubernatorial Democratic. Primary was for yourself you, were living in California, even when you were the president the n-double a-c-p in. Baltimore City you tried to move it to New York and you lived in DC. So. I mean, I it's, the. Fact that you haven't been here I know you've spent a lot of time I admire your service at. The n-double-a-cp I respect. You for that but, you just don't know the Maryland issues because you haven't spent enough time here and by the way I was, the Maryland, of the Year by the Baltimore Sun and four years ago but. Gentlemen. We have something in common we've for one more question from, Oviedo Wiggins. This. Is a very concise, question, you. Have a minute in the Oval Office with president Trump what, do you tell him, well. I you, know I would tell him that he's. His own worst enemy, and that. He should stop tweeting and. That. We don't need this kind of device divisive. Rhetoric and. I would tell him that he needs to get his administration, focused on the problems, and the people out there that need help I, did. Not like, this one one thing that Mister jealous and I have in common neither. One of us endorsed. Or supported, or voted for Donald Trump he likes to bring his name up a lot but. I've stood up time, and time again I led, the fight and when he tried to cut Bay funding I would tell him that was a mistake we got the Bay funding back in I stood, up to him on daca I stood, up to him I was the only governor in America to withdraw troops from the border when he was separating, families so. There's not a whole lot of things that I have in common with the president but. If I had a chance to sit down with him I would just it's. Hard to put. Into one minute all of all the advice I would try to give him it would take longer than that we, have one. Minute for your answer on this and then two closing statements, you.

Know I've had one minute with him I would say to him that I won't aid and abet him the way that our governor has our governor sent troops, to the border to enforce, his policies, before he pulled him back our. Governor, gave. Betsy DeVos tour, of our state and then. Parented. Her policies, and millions of dollars of private schools in the form of vouchers while cutting funding to public schools as our, students performance, has fallen and our. Governor, AIDS, Abed Donald. Trump on issues of how. We treat immigrants, in our state all the time he. Wouldn't even stand up to the Muslim. Band when a four-year-old was. Caught in the middle of that so. I would tell Donald, Trump that. The, days of the governor of Maryland aiding, and abetting a strategy and everything from the Chesapeake Bay to immigration, have ended this. Is now a civil, rights leader as governor and I suspect, that might make his blood, pressure, rise gentlemen. We'll have 90 seconds for each of you to give closing, statements, the order was determined randomly at, first to speak as mr. jealous, thank you. What. Are the people want Barbara Jordan asked they. Want an America. As good as its promise and. What's the promise of Maryland, the, promise of our state has always been, that. This place would be place. Where it's a little easier for your children to achieve the, American. Dream and a, little easier for you to not, worry as you, approach, your golden, years that your life will turn into a nightmare. Let's. Talk about the state a promise. Of Maryland under four years of mr. Hogan our. Schools have fallen from first to six in the national rankings health. Care costs, have surged she said we might get a little bit of a discount next year but the last four years of 120. Percent choking small businesses, driving. Families into poverty. Our. Job. Growth is so low that were dead last in the region and job growth dead last an income, growth if, we had the growth of Virginia, right now we would have 40,000. More jobs and their, growth is below, national average, and we, are not safer, murders. Are up. 42%. In the 23, counties and when you factor in statewide.

And When you factor in Baltimore, City up more than 50%, we. Can do much better I. Have. A plan to restore the, promise of our state to fully. Fund education and, keep the broken promise on the, casino. Money make sure teachers are respected, and paid, better to, pass Medicare. For all to. Build a more inclusive and robust economy. Like I do as a tech investor, every. Day sure your times you know this raise the wage. To $15. Your. Time it's an ending mass incarceration, vote. For me thank you well. First of all I want to thank our, moderators. And our sponsors, tonight and I want to thank all of you at home for watching. Four. Years ago I stood, on the steps, of our historic, State House in Annapolis and, as. I was giving my inaugural, address I said. Let's. Not have the divisive, 'no stood. Our nation, divided, our state I said. That I wanted to try to bring people, together to bring and, usher in a new a new era of bipartisanship. I said, I wanted to seek that middle, ground where, we could all stand together I think, people today are fed, up with divisive. Rhetoric and, extreme. Politics, I think, we're actually setting an example, for, the nation about, what can be accomplished, when, you put aside the. Party politics, and the divisive, nasai think, we're getting things done Maryland is in a much much better place than it was four years ago on by any standard, whatsoever, we're, making a lot of progress but there's still much. More work to be done which, is why tonight I'm asking, for your support so. That we can continue to make progress continue. To move Maryland, forward, and continue. Changing Maryland, for the better thank, you, early. Voting starts so, one. Month from, tomorrow. This would be a good time to update your registration, and remember, you can see a replay of tonight's. Debate on the, websites, of our partners, not only MPT. Org, but the Washington Post The Baltimore Sun The, Herald Mail WMDT. You. Tube and pretty much everywhere, else thanks to the panel thanks to the candidates thank, you for watching for all of us at Maryland public television and have a good night.

This, Program, was made by MPT to, serve all of our diverse communities. Here's. A brief look at state. Circle, what's. Your best advice, current. Technology, somebody, has an emergency they called 911, how. Can they help the. Dispatcher, help, them. That's. A great question, the first thing that we're gonna ask you and every Center is gonna ask you is what, is the address of your emergency, we. You need to know the caller needs to know where they are don't, assume that we know where you are and many and, many times more, often than not we really don't know where we are because, we're following our, GPS. Device. That says hey I'm going from point A to point B it's, a place I've never been before I don't really pay that much attention to the address anymore I just go where it goes me too tells me to go and I walk in the building but, do you really know the address of where you are so, it's really about taking the time to be mindful of where you are and know, your surroundings watch, MPTs. State, circle, Friday nights at 7:00, and on-demand. At video. MPT. TV. This. Is member, supported, Maryland. Public Television. Tonight. On M.

2018-10-01 12:40

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