1vs1 SURVIVAL CHALLENGE with only a BOTTLE & whatever fits in it???

1vs1 SURVIVAL CHALLENGE with only a BOTTLE & whatever fits in it???

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Miggies! The miggies... the first midges of the year have come out... ohhhhh..! [coughing] a mouthful of flies.. ouwe (=dude) Isn't it 'being cozy'? Not too shabby!, when you're doing a bit of surviving Yess! Right, time to get my cover element Gappie? (slang for 'dude' in Dutch) Nalgene Bottle Survival Challenge! I'm excited! Everything... that fits in here... I can bring

Let's get the stuff! Hardest thing to put in here now would be a cover item, I'm thinking... let me look for something! I know this is ambitious ahhh... snowshoes? well? No... haha Fishing kit maybe? No chance on that one. I have to come up with something else... Are we going to start? (dutch) Are we going to start? (dutch) Ey cheers oldie (dude)! good stuff man..! 10 years of patina, man good stuff! Okay, so it's late of course and a new location never been here before no looks pretty cool very cool! but we have no idea where we are no you seen a fish already Dylan? A monster that's in it River ends here. There is a bit of a lake...

and then the river continues... and then there's like a little peninsula here uhuh with no sort of houses or paths or whatever Are you confident with what's inside of it? You're happy? we will see tomorrow haha, ''we will see tommorow'' okidoki! I guess we get on yeah oh and we have camera bags of course, that's not included and I have dog food in there yes and a foldable bowl for the dog fair enough Dylan and camera stuff... We learned that from the first survival challenge. To at least show it...

yo! okay let's let's get crackin'! Joehoehoe! Quite the area going on here... is it time to set up camp anytime soon? an hour ago! And have you seen a good spot? why do you think I'm still moving? ooooh... Or you think I'm trying to... like sort of... get rid of you and then double back and go back to the smooth spot or what? Haha, I don't know No, I'm just scouting Yeah i think any time now we can just decide it's good here This looks pretty epic man Huh? This looks pretty epic man man I think this is the most beautiful forest we have been here in Ireland Imagine the whole country once upon a time almost look like this...

Fish potential there is it? Yes, I think so Rock base on the side of the river Yeah, anywhere at all.. We're sort of a tail end of the peninsula, anyway Yeah, I'm happy here man. I'm settling down! I think you might... you might have a good point Look at all them bluebells man It's epic isn't it? super sick! beautiful beautiful man wouw! I sort of feel bad walking through them now Yeah there's no need to i'd say no Okay, I don't think I have any time to waste now...

ah this is a good spot huh? Yeah... claimed! oh... booger! Are you serious? I think so... Folks we got shelter! Julius has struck gold! Okay, nice one! I shall be in the area somewhere... I'm gonna find my spot It's gonna be one of the other trees falling down, haha! [whistling] wind from that side... so ideally... something sheltered from there

let's see... Will this do the jobby? I'd say this might do the jobby little sort of wall behind you block out the majority of the wind thick hedge behind it... no widowmakers Should be good. Should be good! Yeah folks, most important thing... the bottle Okay, shelter! all right it's gonna be my spot..! Jäger's spot is just over there.. he started digging himself in for the night

Julius is about 20 meters over there. He's already mad started... you can't even reach him anymore like: ey ey...

he's just... in the zone ummm... I'm gonna start with laying a bunch of bedding down I think Yeah go from there Isn't it ''being cosy''? I think that'd be the quickest natural barrier I've ever made. I put my sticks sideways...

That is definitely not as sturdy in the long term, but it definitely saved me some time here. Big time! So I think that is already good enough at the wind block Are you stripping all ***** rocks from moss? Yeah not all of them, definitely not! Haha, some of them. No, but what other choice have you? rake a few leaves? That's the fine line between living in nature and conserving it... It's time for one of the other survival basics... Time to take the bottle..! Nice bed Dylan! that looks comfy! this is only the chair...

the bed is going next to it... This is like day camp you know Ooooh! After that I work on my night camp you've all the time for all that? Ooh yeah! sure, I told you my shelter is like you know, roll out, pitch up! wouw! Put & pitch! wouw! Jees, it's comfyer than at home hah? Bit of rain in the air mate! I know, the moss, you wouldn't want to be... sleeping on moss without a cover in the rain You'd be sleeping on a sponge Okay, a little more Look at that! Poh... What a beautiful place! what a beautiful place Yeah the moment is here folks...

ohhohh!, what have we here... ta-dah.. yeah a little snack now.. let's start with a little snack! I jammed it all full with nuts, so i did. I'm gonna have to get everything out because what I need is on the bottom Okay, I think I have enough huh? haha Time to open my bottle..

I think the biggest challenge is gonna be a decent shelter. Like it's not gonna rain not much, but temperatures are below five degrees celsius so... it's gonna be cold at night and like you don't want it to be the usual tactic of... getting so much firewood in, for the whole night trough... you know, it's going to be tricky so that's going to be like the.. sort of the hit or miss factor on this trip, but... Here we go guys, survival out of a bottle! All right, a few more items...

some knives... So we have the sort of the five c's of survivability: So that's cutting tool. That will be easy enough. I have this guy... and this guy... you have a saw on this as well, so... that would be a good one

They don't... they don't fit. So that's out. I can bring little ones too, but I think I have... you know there's no point skimping on cutting tools, because, it's gonna make things easier omnomnom! Man, it's a hustle getting all this stuff out of here.. Okay! let's get on with this thing. Fishing time!

look at that... It's like a drug dealer or something. Lot's of baggies, haha! Okay! Keep that with me. Hey, what have we there..? Doing a bit of sawing...(dutch)

Oooh! what is he up to? I'm going for some hazel Okay, good luck man..! Hahaha See you in an hour..! Ooh, more of my nuts.. ahah... Cutting tool! Just my bushcraft knife...

Ehhh, maybe without the sheet... Nope! Yeah it's a pity now, I don't really have the kind of knife size that would perfectly fit in here ahaah..! The one and only swiss army knife. A gift from Felix Immler I'm afraid we have to do with the little pocket knife... but hey, it has a lot of tools First job, cut a bit of line... Right...

ah there's some rocks too... and worms... wooow! wow! big one! I need something to put these in... A jacket pocket Right, time to get my cover element This is going to be the trickiest thing, because obviously, large area, of any type of fabric... it's going to take a bunch of space. I have this poncho..!

I mean... it's a ***** poncho in a water bottle, haha Like that fits in there nicely I don't know how I'm going to roll this back up again Reflects 90% of your body heat. You'd be golden! So it's 150 by 250. That's in centimeters So this is actually a full thing.

Usually I don't like these things because they're like... super flimsy... like one-time use kind of deals, and like...

If that really is all you have then maybe you should reconsider your uh... you know.. your.. a few things in life A bit low now... Yeah, we need to find worms somewhere...

no luck? no luck I'm not having any luck as of now What is going on here..? Hey, I feel ashamed man... Haha! bringing this thing..

It's like the worst, plasticity... Yeah, but that thing doesn't even... that seems to be not the most budget kind of... Yeah, it's like the one above I see, well... I give you friends for getting this one

Yeah, nice one! It's going to be toasty! I don't know... we will see... How about you? You must have caught some fish since? No.. we need to find worms somewhere... I already have a hand full No? Yes! Really? Yes, you wanna see? Noo! no no no no no no no no, where did he get that? don't be looking at my stash now..! No no no no no no... Hey..!

Hey, it's my food man! Ooh.. haha What is that? A snail Can I film that? No! Oh, j***** Ahahaa! The challenge... Now, third time is the charm..

That'll do nicely. And now... I need to find some pebbles, really... Where will I find pebbles? Then what else? cordage? I suppose... Got our famous paracord... and this stuff is like bank line

Uhhh, yeah that will do. That is super tough So I get like five meters of that I think that'll do me. Maybe I have a little bit of like natural stuff too... Natural stuff that you can use for fire lighting as well, you know. I think I'll go for that bank line anyway. I'd say that will burn too. Let's try that... Yeah that's golden! Right, so I'm grabbing the corner and rolling it...

like a few times... and then you grab your cordage... and then it sort of anchors in there, you know.

And then you can bring it out Haha, super ghetto.. I might just go over that again later on, but... first I want to sort of lay it out It becomes a bit more... a bit more sort of manageable Ooh, ooh, ooh... Ah, ***** ****! The worms... where are the worms?

You're kidding me..! You gotta be kidding me... It's too dry here.. tiny one... that's the first I found... Not going well...

we are in the right spot smallish worms, smallish, only smallish... It's a problem... Oeioeioei...

Yes! Yes, finally... Yeah, just hit the jackpot folks! Okay, that is enough for today. Look at this..! What a beautiful place Oeh... Wow! I'm messing ouwe (oldie/dude) ...

Will it be a bit better? It's gonna be nice guys! Getting there.. These are saturated, they're fairly smooth so.. I wouldn't be worried that they will puncture it this is one of them yokies... Yeah I'm not completely filling that up something like that let's do that properly now...

Yeah, I think this needs to be longer... because it seems to be quite deep here oh gosh... I already lost a worm there.. That wasn't too bad now Yeah I guess I'm gonna lock this off here now, for the time being... and we get some other job done

Cozy-cozy, in there.. Yeah I would call that a finished shelter. Hmm? All that remains now is a fire, and some dinner... Fire first! Somewhere there probably How are you doing Jäger? hmm? You're having a good time? You're just waiting for dinner time too, aren't ya? Not too shabby Oehooh! big one! yeahhh..! More firewood..!

Sun sets in an hour... might just change my mind... Go fishing for a bit first Plenty of wood in here..

Just getting the closest stuff before Julius gets to it. Haha! hihi Starting to get hungry though... All right, I think I'm okay... I might get a few more big pieces. Just in case it gets fierce cold at night and I'm able to put some things down... you know, that's gonna make a difference 'better look at it than look for it', as they say.

Might all be a little overkill this, but... Still be cold with this? should have stayed home... Sun is still so high! So much time... I had no idea.

Some honeysuckle somewhere? I have seen honeysuckle earlier... I don't remember where now... The best twigs..! only going for the best. All right, get my fishing stuff ready. So the fishing kit... It doesn't take up any room and it can give you food

There's actually everything I need on here I cut off the handle of my hand reel, to save space, so... I have to make a new one... That took some doing... I'd say it took at least 20 minutes. you made a nice hobo reel, didn't you? Well, it was the first piece of firewood that was available I think I regret not having a proper float. Because you can gage the depth You can measure the depth to the bottom Oh, I see what you mean What kind of depth are you? Anything in here, that can be interesting? Yes! I think this is cool! I'm going to take this That'd be handy... give me a little bit of a drink

Sorry mate! Scaring the fish away... Haha... It's not funny man..!

Maybe you should saw the stick off? Haven't you a nice saw there? Yes! that were all the fish gone... maybe Jäger can help you... Jäger catch my... hook. Ohhhh... Yeah, after all that man, lost my hook... It might be in the stick No, I checked.

Well, that was a right disaster Ooh-ooh-ooh... Well that was the biggest waste of time... after all the effort... shorting out the line... It was like, five casts... and then... hit a branch... get snagged... try and grab it... grabbed it... lost the hook... so that was it...

big waste of time. Anyway, let's fill up the water bottle. It'd be nice to have the fire lit before it's really dark and you're hungry too, yes I know, I know you're hungry... you want food let's get water first, yeah! go! I just saw an otter... I saw an otter guys!

You see that? Okay, here's my water bottle... Then I found some birchbark. That's nice! That's gonna be tinder It's been dry lately so the ground is... like you can get dry twigs and all that

you know, so it shouldn't be too bad finding fire lighting materials, might come in handy I also found these like paraffin blocks of firelighter. They come in like these standard survival kits I had this for like 10 years, never used it... because again it's like this it's like... that's really all you have and you really have to depend on those kinds of things... you should reconsider what you're doing.. That doesn't smell very flammable.. then we have 'combustion device'..

I can bring some matches... or... ummm, fire steel I can also bring, but...

you know a lighter is sort of smaller and it's... In a way it's handier you know, it's just that straightforward flame straight away. what is this stuff? Hooh You need half a lighter to light it... Not good, is it? Soo.. all right so my little toggle, with the rope on it, so you can dunk in the toggle...

and the toggle will go like this and you can fish out your... your hot water without touching it. because those things are pain when they're hot, haha.

Snowshoes would be nice... Don't fit! Poncho won't fit... Flashlights, not going to fit... I do have two that will fit! This is sort of my camping trip flashlight, that will fit, but it's quite heavy, quite bulky...

Uhm, so I think I will go for this one. It's like a little pocket one, single double-A battery. This is nice! It means I can go in the dark. I don't think Julius has one of these... so this is gonna give me a little edge, which is always good You know, even if it's dark, because it's guaranteed to be dark and we're not gonna be finished with everything.

So this might come in handy and I think I'll bring that! Okay folks! It's about to be dark... It's redemption time! big time! Haha It has nothing to do with food... Dollar store redemption time... you remember that one? Well if you do, you probably know where I'm talking about! Good night! I'll use this as a bit of a blanket... It has all to do with this jookie... Pah-dam...

Fenix! I'm very happy with that! It's really handy. In the outdoors at night, being without a flashlight... Hassle!! A light, having a light is great, but... we're gonna get more from this than just light also gonna get warmt from it...

Yes, I'm confident! I'm a bit tense man... Check out part two! I seen a spark... You sit in the bushes, like that...

haha and then they all come and then you go: 'thehhhh' Weekly uploads on the Smooth Gefixt Friday! It's time for plan B! What's plan B? Also, check out our similar ''Dollar store survival challenge''! Subscribe for more survival content! and we see you on the next one!

2021-08-01 10:48

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