15 | MYANMAR TO UK on Motorcycles ( MOTOURLOGUE ) :FINLAND 02/02

15 | MYANMAR TO UK on Motorcycles ( MOTOURLOGUE ) :FINLAND 02/02

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Life is not just full of dream Men live to see their dreams come true To pursue a path which you passionate about, you need brave decision, diligence and commitment By enduring these hardship From Myanmar to England there are two young men who toured the world on bikes We were in so focused in driving and my tyre was broken But, there was internet there So, we stopped, broadcasted live and had some chat with people from Myanmar Minglabar, everyone this is our first live broadcast After riding for 30-45 minutes Sai's tyre was broken again Now, we are trying to inflate some air into the tyre and fix it It's cold 10 degrees Ok, we got it, we got it now When we continued we got pretty late to the destination we have past the midnight And the hotel told us to give them a phone call if we are going to make a check-in after 9p.m. But, we were so busy focusing other things and couldn't make the phone call When we got there, it was over midnight and we couldn't do anything There was nobody at the reception And the hotel was locked, no guests and we couldn't even go in And we had to find for another hotel Each hotels are a hour distance apart We had to travel on motorbikes around the neighborhood The same happened at the next hotel nobody came out We tried knocking ringing the bells We tried call the numbers available But, nobody was picking up And that night, we drove for like 2 hours more and slept somewhere available we were very tired anyway Good morning We slept at a hotel by the highway. Ok, we shall move on. Now, we are going to the town which is a birthplace of Santa Claus At a city called Oulu ummm At Oulu there are friends of brothers from Mikkeli They have introduced us ahead we will meet them and It is very likely that we will move on after And we saw two cars by the road and we stopped and are checking around While we were at Mikkeli Pyae Phyo Aung recommended us a town and told us to pay a visit if it is on our way And the town was very interesting it is the place of origin of the tradition of Santa Claus Rovaniemi is located at northern Finland and 6km(4miles) away from Artic circle And an economic hub of Lapland region During the World War II many parts of Rovaniemi were destroyed by the war And now, it is a sophisticated and a busy town Let's see who they are going to meet at Rovaniemi, the village of Santa Claus Mingalaba Mingalaba It is starting to get cold when we arrived, huh? The climate here is always cold Cold all around the year and seldom hot - We are lucky today that there is sunlight today The time we got there was a bit awkward it was in the evening It's neither the time for lunch nor dinner But, they have already prepared meals for us and waiting and we were very happy There were even other people who brought more food and waiting for us Where will be your next destination? North You mean the far north? The border of Norway and Sweden? - Yes, we want to go to the top Oh, I see. That is a very popular destination, too. There is Tønsberg or something at the northern part of Norway I have forgotten the name - It very cold there Hahaha, yeah You are going to have to wear double, triple layers of clothes Now we are what? Four..

Fourty eight degrees We will go down from here and go through there We will go to Stockholm And after going to Stockholm We will cross the bridge Yeah From the bridge of Stockholm we will enter Denmark We will be there below briefly It all depends on how much time we have, actually Sai and Aung visted the Santa Claus village on the Artic circle with the help from Loikaw thar Artic circle is the latitude circle at the north of equator At Rovaniemi town the Article circle passed through the Santa Claus village and the village in Lapland region is a popiular destination for visting the Artic circle Let's pass the Artic circle with Motorlogue How should we call it? This is the place where Artic circle passed through The line of North Pole passed through here We have to leave our motorbike at the entrance Wow People step on that line and make wishes Mostly Chinese and Japanese and there's the line with its indication Is this the line? - Yes Now, I have seen it This is the line Here is the line, do you see it? The line This line, here - Is it the one? Yes - Isn't it another line? It's the line - Where's Finland indication? We can just take a photo of it - You wanna test it? We never even thought that we will be here We never did See you on the line, haha From that line, London is not very far 2,260 km Santa Claus village was founded since 1985 and Santa Claus was the person who really existed The climate is cold and it is mostly snowy And there is nothing to do for the children during the snowy weather, there were just snows everywhere And there was one person Who dropped presents at the doorsteps of the children in order to make them happy It's not about expensive gifts It's just that he gifted children to make them happy They explained us when we visted there how that culture originated from that place There are even his descents there But, yeah, we don't know how they are related anymore So, the thing that we have believed to be a folklore happened for real and we felt a but emotional We saw it with our own eyes His name was Nicholas And then English adpated it into Santa Claus So, that tradition started from here - Yeah it started here And all those gifting They are now heading to Norway from Rovaniemi, a place where they gained a lot of new experiences and friends When we were on a highway we noticed that There were deers crossing in front of us on the highway Both me and Sai while talking to Sina we saw them crossing and We have never seen them roaming around the road and it is a white deer And what we did was turned off our motorbikes Let it drift with its own speed and stopped the motorbike We just wanted to observe them without disturbing We were afraid that they might run away I think these are the mother and an offspring But, I took a video of it Later, we found out they are called moose One-third of Finland is located at the North Pole and there is no sunset for 73 days in summer and No sunrise for 51 days in winter The weather is warm is summer and freezingly cold in winter The temperature in summer is 13 degrees centigrade and Can drop up to -13 degree centigrade in winter We have to warm our hands Even the engines cooled down instantly We can even touch it For my glove I put it there, as soon as I put it on it will feel warm The time is 11 p.m. here accordingly, but... With motorbike ride and wind Now, it's 11:15p.m.

There will be no sunset tonight It will be bright all day Even brighter than yesterday What happened to your tyre? Oh, no. It's terrible. Where did it come from? I got lucky The back tyre, the back one It's almost worn out 1 or 2m at most No, not even 2, only 1 Before crossing the border according to the distance, we will have to spend one more night in Finland We saw a resort like a ski resort When we arrived there, it was 12 a.m. midnight Since it is midnight, we didn't want to wake up other people and We just drifted our motorbikes on downhills and pushed and walked through That day was very memorable for us we have experienced things we have never seen before This is our room We will take a room for each of us This is toilet Bathroom There is also a sauna over there There, at the corner They also have a washing machine This is Sai's room He looks sexy in his thermal leggings pants Since it is going to rain we need to wear something that is rainproof This is how Sai organize That is how I systematically organize - You are doing whatever you want to your own motorbike The tyres are getting pretty much swollen I hope we can make it at least to Germany So, for two of us for now to the far north of Europe we will travel as far as we can with the motorbikes Today, we are passing to Norway we are heading towards Alta And yeah, we continued our ride We barely noticed the borderline between Finland and Norway It is a small path It doesn't even look like a pathway to a city A mere small road - We are at Finland for now If we go from here we will arrive at Norway This is the signboard of Norway A very humble one for a country Even the signboards of the countries look very ordinary In winter, there is snow everywhere and we saw along the way there are crossings for skis Skis have to cross the road from that side of the road to another side from the designated poles The area of Norway is 148,747 miles square with the population of 5 millions and it is the second least populated country in Europe. Sweden at the east side and Findland and Russia at north eastern side as neighboring countries and Skagerrak strait at south Oslo is the capital of Norway and 70% of the country is mountains, coasts and rivers and is a very beautiful country Let's tag along with them to see what kind of new experiences are yet to be encountered in Norway When we arrived Alta the first thing we have noticed is that we have lost communication again When we arrived Alta town center, we stopped by to buy SIM card First of all what we wanted to do was exchange currency But, what we learned there at the first instance was Every banl branch in the town are not allowed to do currency exchange anymore except for the specific place in Oslo airport - No cash-to-cash exchnage - Yeah no cash-to-cash exchange and they don't use cash, according to them Until that time we were just using cash And we tried to take out our cards But, we have forgotten the passwords of our cards since we haven't used it for a long time We had to inquire the passwords fo our cards and we went through a lot to get money just to buy a SIM card Things went well when we got our SIM card As soon as we got our phone we had to find where to stay via Google and Finally, we settled at a place called Alta campground or something We have decided to stay there for a night because there were things that we wanted to do Unfortunately restaurants are pretty expensive there And we decided to do some grocery shopping and cook our own meal at the camp site Seems like it is going to be our dinner It's 22.2

22.20? It doesn't sound so bad Today, we are at Alta city of Norway umm We are now in a bit of a trouble since we cannot get access to cash and looks like we will have to cook our own food Sorry, it's more like peeling than cooking Because we bought banana We are looking for instant noodle Hey, over there. Is it? Yes. We are so happy now No, it's not - But it looks like it - It is, but very Norwegian It is very European instant noodle They probably have that's all they have Let's look around more Now, we have arrived at the camp that we will be staying for today From Alta it's located at a 4 miles distance. We had to take 10 minutes break. Even though we made a booking there was some errors and went to another place When we arrived at Alta camp site We had to negotiate a bit because we had no money and cards weren't working properly Fortunately a person working there Like a manager he knew there were such similar cases and he helped us exchanged money with his own personal cash Only after exchanging money our problem to pay for our night's stay and the journey for tomorrow was solved Yeah, and he even looks like Stallone He's from Bulgaria, I guess So, this is our room for tonight We had to shoot outside because the inside is too small Yeah So, anyway We'll unpack We can park our motorbikes at front And there was a group busy with their fishing rods and We even approached them and observed While have a conversation We found out that They are hobbyist Salmon fishermen who fish Salmons from rivers and creek as a hobby And in order to fish, I learned from them that - They need a license for that - True, they need a license and there are various kinds And it also depends on the amount of tax you pay For some license, it's like for example, if we are going to fish We have our own individual license like 3,000 euro for each etc.

Another thing is, we only had one license for both of us so it means that I have to wait for my turn while he is fishing and he does the same vice versa This is how I understand Sai even made a joke to them We cannot fish at the same time He jokingly asked them to feed us some fish If they catch any And they said they can't They said they can't eat the fish even after catching them and they have to release them again They can weight it and take photograph, that's it It's more of a hobby thing The river we are at right now It is the most famous river in the world to fish for salmon Fishers around the world even from India came to fish for salmon And they also have a quota for each year to catch, so.. They made it quite neatly This is um... They can catch fish differenly according to the course of the river, I guess When they catch salmon from the another side of the river All of the suits, boots and even fishing wire used at another side of the river Including these boots and pants they have to umm Disinfect them Disinfect them by a disinfectant Dry them and Go to another side Even the fishing wire even the fishing wire Very systematically they have to preserve the culture of salmon fishing And for us on that night We had sashimi with soy sauce and Did we have kimchi at that night? No, we didn't have kimchi at that night Maybe a soup - Yeah, we had a soup. And a banana for sure. - Nevermind We had a pleasant dinner -Soy sauce and - Soup Wow, you are really showing your skills Tomato soup How long did it take? Soy sauce and... Like 2 minutes Soy sauce sashimi and salmon I will grill it We were eating it raw earlier And we have noodles here They became stiff again because it's cold here It's good - Good -Ok You can grill now No, no, don't flip it No, no, flip only after it's done Otherwise, it will stick - The pots and plates are so pretty Let's dig in I'm hungry Now we are trying to sleep at the first night of Norway The time is around 12:30 a.m. now

We have posted update on our page as well Nordic something? Nordkapp? Nordkapp We will go to an edge called Nordkapp I hope the weather will be fine This is how we are sleeping right now I am taking the top bunk Mr. Aung Kyaw Win is sleeping on the floor Our room kind of smells nice because we fried salmons a while ago They also asked us If we want blankets sorry bedsheets, we know better now We answered yes yesterday when they asked us if we want extra bed sheet and They charged us extra It is different now I put on my singlet and We also brought a blanket This blanket is a souvenir from Aung Kyaw Win's India trip I put it on now For Aung Kyaw Win he used his t-shirt as a pillowcase We are going to sleep now I'll sleep as quiet as I can I'll try not to feel hot Ok Goodnight -Goodnight -Goodnight

2021-01-18 17:35

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