100 Places You Need to Visit Before You Die. United States Travel

100 Places You Need to Visit Before You Die. United States Travel

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Do you have a bucket list? I've had several in  my life, a life experience bucket list a career   bucket list, and a travel bucket lists I focus  on the travel one these days more than any of   them actually I threw one of them out the one  I made when I was 16 I got rid of it when I was   like 20 I opened it up one day started reading  through it and I'm like why did I ever make this   12 of the 15 items on here include the word  cheerleaders I thought it was a little creepy   so I threw that one out and never looked back  what is going on everyone welcome back to the   world according to briggs and our list of  100 things to do or see in US before you die   that's right we're doing a list of 100. it's a  long list it's over 30 minutes and it's gonna   be a little faster pace than normal or we'd be  sitting here for like two hours this list has 100   of the best things to see or visit in the united  states i've always been a little surprised that   people don't realize what an amazing tourist  destination the united states actually is   with this list i hope to spark some interest  in some of these places we're coming out of the   pandemic and this summer might be a great time  to go see some things as you watch the video   count how many places you've actually been to or  visited and then in the comment section let us   know what your final count was have you seen 10  of them have you seen four of them have you seen   50 of them let us know and maybe even include  what one was your favorite, okay this is a   long video so let's get going with 100 places in  the united states you should see before you die number 100 sequoia in kings canyon national  parks in california the sequoia national park   is america's second oldest national park  and was established on september 25th 1890   king's canyon was established in 1940 the  two parks are side by side east of Fresno 99 the grand canyon it's a majestic 277-mile   long canyon with the colorado river  flowing right through the center of it 98 devils tower national monument in Wyoming this  stands 1267 feet tall and it's located in the   northwest corner of the black hills it's actually  declared a monument by Teddy Roosevelt 97.   pearl harbor's national memorial in Hawaii  everybody knows we're attacked by the japanese   during world war ii and it was one of the worst  attacks this nation has ever seen you could   still see oil oozing from the engine rooms of the  sunken ships 96 the san diego zoo it is home to 3   700 animals and more than 650 species. I've been  here like four times in my life its a great zoo

95 the international spy museum Washington dc  it is exactly what it's called a spy museum   very interesting 94 Williamsburg Virginia  it's colonial capital of Virginia and   internationally known for its restoration  activities and recreations of 18th century America 93 the rock and roll hall  of fame museum in Cleveland   i will be there this summer this  place opened on September 2nd, 1995.   92. Biscayne national park Florida this is  one of the least crowded sites managed by   the national park service it covers a total of  172 000 acres and 95 of the park is underwater 91 yellowstone national park wyoming this is  one of our best national parks been here two   or three times in my life one i kind of just  drove through but two times i actually visited   it's amazing go there see the geyser see  the buffalo your life will never be the same 90. the winchester mystery  house san jose california   this is a weird place it's worth  reading about but it's better to go see 89 the wright brothers national memorial north  carolina this is a monument dedicated to the   wright brothers and their first flight everyone  thinks it was a kitty hawk it was actually down   the road a bit at kill devils hill not kitty hawk  this is the first federal park to have a permanent   public structure the monument was built in 1932  88 the plymouth plantation massachusetts this   is where those first band of english people showed  up they called themselves pilgrims and they showed   up on the mayflower and they landed at plymouth  rock it's pretty neat they have a little village   set up like it supposedly was back when the  pilgrims were here i went there i was young but   i remember going this is a nice place to live i  wouldn't mind living here it's kind of interesting   87 niagara falls new york more than eight million  visitors explore niagara falls annually a lot of   people think this is just one big falls and  when you get there you finally realize that   it's actually three waterfalls niagara falls  just kind of refers to the whole area there's   bridalveil falls horseshoe falls and american  falls 86 thomas edison's national historical   park in new jersey the area includes dozens  of buildings that supported edison's research   into electricity photography motion  pictures chemistry and other things   85. Boston common this is the oldest park in the  u.s existing since 1634. in the colonial days,   it was actually a cow pasture and a British  encampment for a while but it didn't start   becoming a park till 1830s when an iron fence was  put up around it 84. mauna kea hawaii mauna kea is  

the best astronomical observation facility on  earth the observatory is used for scientific   research and it's the largest facility of its  kind it's one of six volcanoes that form the   hawaiian islands and it's the tallest mountain  on earth it's actually 3 600 feet taller than   mount everest but much of it's underwater it's  also about a million years old and the last   time it erupted was probably around five to six  thousand years ago it's considered dormant now   83 hollywood california hollywood california is an  illusion it has reputation it has an aura and has   a mystique that's hard to find these days but it's  still there you have the famous hollywood sign   which kind of brings a lot of people in you've  got the hollywood walk of fame things like that   there's just a lot of nonsense that goes on around  it but if you actually study and learn where you   want to go see things in hollywood famous mansions  things like that it's very interesting and it's   really a good time just stay out of the tourist  stuff 82 nashville tennessee this is one of the   cities you need to visit at least one time in  your life there's this vibe you get in nashville   that is very unique elvis presley recorded more  than 200 songs at rca's studio b there's still   a string of christmas lights on display that  were hung when elvis couldn't get into the   spirit to record a christmas album apparently  they were trying to record it like august and   you know no one's really got the christmas feel  in august so i could see where the lights came in   81 the statue of liberty and ellis island new  york harbor the statue of liberty was gifted to   the u.s by france in 1886 and it's 83 meters tall  the same man that built the eiffel tower built   the structure his name was gustav eiffel and it is  one of the most photographed statues on the planet   number 80 the brooklyn bridge not too far away  from the statue of liberty you have the brooklyn   bridge this is iconic it was officially opened  on may 24th 1883. the Brooklyn Bridge was the   world's first steel-wire suspension bridge and the  first things to cross it were roosters they sent   them across to make sure it was okay i don't  think roosters were the best plant maybe some   cows or horses or something like that they're  a little heavier but they sent roosters   79 staying in new york the met the metropolitan  museum of art in new york city this opened on   april 13 1870 and it's amazing there's a lot  of history in this building the museum is the   home to the world's oldest surviving piano dating  back to 1720. even if it's not your type of thing  

definitely go by and see this 78 the golden gate  bridge san francisco if you've never seen this   thing in person i would suggest it it is amazing  it was completed in 1937 and it's 1.7 miles long   originally it was supposed to be painted blue with  yellow stripes to increase visibility for ships   and things like that but when the steel arrived  it was kind of this burnt red color from the   primer and the architects decided that color was  fine and they just kind of stuck with it in 1937   it cost 50 cents each weight across the bridge  roughly the equivalent of about 18 bucks today   it took over 30 years to remove the lead-based  paint from the bridge yeah so back when they   realized lead paint was really bad they had to  strip the bridge and it took 30 freaking years   77 kennedy space center florida this facility's  primary function is the nasa's base of operation   when it comes to rockets and launching things  for pre and post launch most famously it was the   launching point for the apollo moon missions and  for the space shuttle most the time its secondary   function is for public education with its exhibits  displays and history of space flight and travel 76 everglades national park florida the  everglades national park is home to one   of the largest wetlands in the world it  has plant and animal species not found   anywhere else on the planet it was  established on december 6 1947 and   it is home to an exotic population of animals  alligators manatees hawksbill turtles watermax   sends coral snakes the list goes on there's a  lot of weird stuff going on in the everglades   75 the monterey bay aquarium california i love  this place one of my favorite aquariums it opened   on october 20th 1984. the first time i was there  was a year later 1985 and it was amazing then   and it has done nothing but get better they  have a million gallon open sea exhibit that   holds yellowfin tuna large green sea turtles  barracuda sharks and giant ocean sunfish 74   monument valley arizona and utah you go see this  one you got two states to choose from this place   is known for its cluster of vast sandstone buttes  the largest reaching 300 meters about a thousand   feet above the valley floor this valley's been  in so many movies tv shows and in print it's just   ridiculous any western from the 1950s seems  to have found their way to this it was neat   73 carlsbad cavern national park new mexico it  covers a total area of 46 000 acres and there   are 117 known caves in the park the big room  as they call it in carlsbad is an 8.2 acre cave   there are 17 species of bats you could see here  72 canyon de shea national monument arizona for   around 5000 years people have made their home in  these sandstone canyons they're often referred to   as just one canyon de shea but there's actually  several canyons here families do still live here   that's why access is limited and visitors are  required to have a guided tour in most areas   of this national monument it's very interesting  71 mount rushmore national monument south dakota   mount rushmore isn't the only thing to see in  south dakota but it is by far the most popular   mount rushmore was named after new york attorney  charles e rushmore who had visited the area in   1885 while on the visit he asked to guide what  the name of the peak was the guides well we don't   have a name for it it's just an unnamed peak so  they named it rushmore after him he later donated   five thousand dollars to help get the mount  rushmore project started ninety percent of the   carvings were actually done by dynamite it wasn't  like a guy out there with a hammer and chisel   70. crater lake national park oregon this one is  amazing to see it's one of those places if you   just sit there and look at it for a while you'll  just i don't know it's just it's a weird feeling   looking at this thing if you know the backstory to  it and how it was created it's even more amazing   first of all it's the deepest lake in america it's  actually 1943 feet deep the lake's water comes   directly from snow or rain whichever happens which  we get a lot here in oregon and there's no inlets   for the lake there's no like little creeks going  to it or anything like that this is a mountain   that had its top blown off in a volcanic eruption  the story begins with the volcanic eruption it was   so serious that scientists estimate it was 42  times more powerful than the mount saint helens   eruption in 1980 but so it turned this uh giant  mountain into pretty much a cup and water and snow   just accumulate in this cup and we have a lake  it's pretty interesting number 69 a mississippi   river cruise the mississippi river is long enough  for you to take a cruise on it's actually the   third longest river in the world at 2 350 miles  the cruise industry has broken this off into   three sections each section takes about a week  to cruise or you can knock them all out in one   big three week trip and it's worth it 68 mackinaw  island michigan mackinac island is a summer resort   island in lake huron it's right between the upper  peninsula and lower peninsula of michigan this   is a great place to visit in the summer winters  can be sketchy at best it gets pretty cold there   67 the corn palace south dakota yeah that's a real  thing the corn palace i don't get the attraction   i mean it holds big dances proms graduations  things like that meetings whatever stage shows   it's just kind of strange but a lot of  people really like this place they go to   it i've made fun of it before on my channel  and people always correct me and say what a   neat place it is i gotta visit but a lot  of people do that's why it's on the list   66. gettysburg national military park pennsylvania  gettysburg is the most famous battle of the civil  

war thousands of union and confederate soldiers  clashed on some really hot july days in 1863.   the park includes over 6 000 acres of land 1300  monuments 400 cannons and 140 historic buildings   everyone knows about gettysburg and if you're a  history buff you already know this is one of the   must-see places on your history bucket list 65.  martin luther king's national historical park   atlanta this is the hometown of the late  martin luther king the 10 block area around   auburn avenue is one of the city's most  visited sites showing where he was born   lived worked and the church where his father  grandfather and him were all ministers   64. black heritage trail boston usually whenever  you hear anything about black heritage trails or  

anti-slavery movements it something to do with  the south you know the underground railroad   something like that but boston had an anti-slavery  movement that was very important to this country   63. puaco petroglyph archaeological preserve  hawaii this one's on the big island and it's   pretty impressive they have over 000 ancient  petroglyphs that are carved into the lava rock   the true meaning behind all these carvings is  unknown but generally it's believed that they   were to announce the birth of someone important  whenever they carved a new petroglyph in these   lava rocks 62. coney island new york city coney  island started off as a seaside resort in 1824   at some point it started to turn into  amusement park but not just one amusement   park there's people that own different parts  of it and it's just this big thing anyway it's   home to the famous cyclone roller coaster  and it's been in too many movies to count 61 the franklin institute philadelphia the  franklin institute in philadelphia pays homage   to the city's native son benjamin franklin  one of the greatest americans of all time   it was first opened in 1824 60 the alamo san  antonio everybody knows but in case you don't   the alamo was the site of the battle that took  place during texas bid for independence from   mexico all defenders were killed but within six  weeks santa anna president of mexico was captured   and he basically signed over texas to save his  own life the original alamo was actually burned   to the ground in april of 1836 but was rebuilt  in 1854 number 59 victoria clippership seattle   you can ride this high-speed catamaran  from seattle to victoria british columbia   in three hours it's obviously because the pandemic  been docked for a couple months now but it's a   pretty fun trip actually any ferry you get in the  seattle you know puget sound area is a good trip   58 the national air and space museum washington  dc this is the world's largest aviation and space   museum it is also the most visited museum in  the country with more than 8 million visitors   every single year it was opened on july 1 1976.  you could see the enola gay bomber who dropped   the bomb on hiroshima also charles lindbergh's  spirit of st louis and the wright brothers flyer   57 daytona beach florida daytona beach runs for  23 miles on the florida coast it is known as the   world center for racing and it's also known as  the world's most famous beach since the 1920s   they used to actually race nascar on the beach  this was way back in the day but they still did it   cars are still loud on the beach but it's pretty  slow you got to go like walking speed almost   56 alaska marine highway this is basically  a ferry system that currently extends across   like 34 3 500 miles of scenic coastline and it  connects 30 different communities it started   1948 through 1962 they kept adding things onto it 55 dinosaur valley texas this opened up in 1972  in 1909 george adams the young man found strange   three-toed tracks in the limestone bed of a river  turns out these were dinosaur tracks left in the   mud well the mud turned to rock and now you got  these really cool footprints all over the place   it's actually quite impressive 54. lincoln  heritage trail kentucky abraham lincoln lived   in kentucky for the first seven years of his  life and this is kind of stuck with the state   for some time now on display is a replica of the  tiny cabin where he was born among other things   53 the kentucky derby everybody knows what  the kentucky derby is and it's quite a party   the race is nice too but most people go for the  party the fastest winner was secretariat in 1973   52 the fort worth stockyards texas everybody  knows where fort worth is it's just west of   dallas it's part of the dallas metro area fort  worth became a boom town in the 1890s because   it had the southwest's biggest livestock market  because of this it also got the nickname cow town   51 white mountain national forest new hampshire  and it's also in maine this is one of the most   beautiful forests this country has to offer  i mean maine and new hampshire they just got   beautiful landscapes this area was heavily logged  back in the 1800s and they've made a recovery   since then it was established in 1914 when they  acquired 7 000 acres for thirteen dollars today   it has an area of almost eight hundred thousand  acres in new hampshire and western maine 50. ash  

teak island maryland this island is best known  for its herd of wild horses it's pristine beaches   and it's got a really cool lighthouse it's 37 mile  long barrier island located on the eastern coast   of the delmarva peninsula facing the atlantic  ocean the island was originally going to be   made into a private resort in the 1960s but  it all came to a screeching halt when the   locals were a little angry about this  the people kind of shot this idea down   49. the orchard house concord massachusetts this  is a very interesting place this is the home of   louisa may alcott she wrote the 1868 classic novel  little women she is the first american woman to   earn a living as a writer they have open guided  tours daily except on a few different holidays   and it's free 48. alabama's civil rights  sites they have numerous historic sites   throughout alabama paying tribute to the brave  men and women who have fought for civil rights   it's a big part of american history and  it's something you should probably see   47. cahokia mounds illinois these are really  interesting i first saw these on a e with some  

show called ancient mysteries with leonard nimoy  these are earthen mounds built by a civilization   that they figured disappeared a couple hundred  years before columbus ever set foot on the united   states some of these mounds are just a couple  feet high but some of them are as tall as 100 feet   the historic site sits across the mississippi  river from st louis covering about 2 000 acres   46 notre dame stadium indiana yeah  this is where the fighting irish   play and it's an amazing place  to see a college football game   i think most people feel this is the  most historic football stadium there is   sure if you're a college fan from someplace else  you're going to think some other colleges better   but i think most people would consider this to be  the best place to see a football game 45 mall of   america bloomington minnesota this has been the  largest mall in the country since forever it's   not going to be the largest much longer in 2023  it looks like miami is going to have one that's   going to beat them a little bit and since malls  are disappearing this one might be worth a visit   44. mark twain's boyhood home and museum  hannibal missouri this was the home of   samuel leghorn clemons better known as the author  mark twain but he lived here from 1844 to 1853   43 the hoover dam arizona and nevada it's right  there on the border this one i've been to and   the day we were going there i was like why are  we going to see it damn this sounds stupid and   i got there i was impressed it's not the largest  thing i've ever seen but it's just kind of strange   being in this valley and how tall it is and it's  just it looks like this big perfectly smooth   slab of cement from the outside very interesting  and the history of the place is incredible 42   cedar point amusement park sandusky ohio  self-proclaimed roller coaster capital of   the world this is a must visit for roller coaster  enthusiasts if you're a roller coaster enthusiast   and a hardcore one you've been here already but  if you like roller coasters this is a good one   when it was first opened it was just a public  bathing beach and it's also a little haunted   they say there's a ghost that lingers around the  carousel 41. apostle islands national lakeshore   wisconsin this is a group of 21 islands and a 12  mile stretch of coast on the mainland it has more   lighthouses than any other site in the national  park system with nine historic lighthouses   on six different islands visitors can hike paddle  boat it's got a lot of really cool stuff to do   here it's one of those places you go on a nice  summer day 40. the art institute of chicago  

the art institute of chicago was founded in 1879  and it is still going the museum contains more   than 300 thousand works of art 39 wrigley field  chicago yeah staying in chicago wrigley field   this is where the cubs play it is known for its  ivy covered brick outfield wall giant chewing   gum businessman william wrigley jr bought the  cubs in 1921 it was named cubs park from 1920   to 1926 before renaming it to wrigley field 1927.  if you want to see a baseball game this is one of   the best places to do it 38. american museum of  natural history new york city this is one of the   best museums this country has to offer probably is  the best it opened in 1869 it used to be located   in central park when the first exhibits opened in  1871. this is an interesting fact about it in 1964   more than four hundred thousand worth the jewels  were stolen from the museum 37 independence   national historical park philadelphia this is  where the constitution was debated and written   out and it was also signed here the park  represents the founding ideals of this nation it's   also got the liberty bell so that's something neat  to see 36 alcatraz island san francisco california   everybody knows about alcatraz and they've had  some movies about escapes they had here it first   opened its doors on august 11 1934 this was also  when the first prisoners showed up 35 national   museum of the american indian washington dc this  is a newer museum it was only opened in 1989   it houses permanent and temporary exhibits  that showcase the diverse heritage and history   of the north and south american indians this  museum is the largest of its kind in the world   34. newport rhode island in 1657 newport rhode  island operated the first ferry service in the   nation this is an old colonial place and it has  more colonial homes in use than any other location   in the u.s and yes it is in rhode island most  people seem to think that the only city or town or   anything they have in rhode island is providence  there's more to this state than just providence   33 denali national park alaska i'm  not really doing this list in any   kind of order but i think if i was this  would be at least in the top five denali   is amazing it became a national park on february  26 1917. and it's basically centered around mount  

mckinley actually it's native alaskan name  is denali which denali nashport you get it   32 yosemite national park california just an  all-round beautiful place like half dome is   there you have yosemite village which is kind of  neat to see then you have yosemite falls which is   really an impressive waterfall it's the highest  waterfall in north america and the fifth highest   in the world acadia national park maine so this  is a national park that nobody ever really talks   about i've been here it's kind of cool i mean it's  not up there with yellowstone or yosemite but it   is definitely a nice place to visit acadia is the  fifth smallest national park in the united states   30 the rocky mountain national park colorado  if you've never seen the rocky mountains   this is a good place to start seeing them the  rocky mountains have an average altitude of 8   000 feet the mountain range stretches over  3000 miles and covers six different states 29 the wave arizona the wave is a sandstone rock  formation located in arizona near its northern   border with utah the wave is so well known amongst  hikers and photographers that they actually have   to limit the amount of people that go there they  have a daily lottery system used to dispense only   10 next day permits in person and 10 online  permits so basically 20 people a day get to   go check this out with a guide 28 the iowa state  fair the very first iowa state fair was held in   fairfield iowa between october 15 and 17 and 1854  it's the single largest event in the state of iowa   they get a million people a year from all over  the world to come see this fair iowa of all   places 27 new orleans if you watch this channel  long enough you know that i always say go visit   new orleans stay in the french quarter be careful  and don't go too far out it's a pretty dangerous   city the french quarter is definitely something  you want to see new orleans in general it's nice   place to see just be aware where you're going  new orleans was founded in 1718 and the first   community was nothing more than a trading camp  on the curving east bank of the mississippi river 26. salem massachusetts salem is famous for  burning locals when they thought they were   witches back in 1692 this was a big thing as  a kid i was scared about it to watch too many   movies about this but the burning didn't stop  there the actual entire city was burnt in 1914 25 glacier national park montana this park was  established in 1910 glacier national park covers   over one million acres currently it's home to 26  glaciers but the numbers are shrinking down from   150 in 1850 they've only had 10 bear attacks in  the history of the park oddly enough two occurred   on the same night miles apart both victims were 19  year old females that was 54 years ago this august 24. las vegas nevada of course you have to visit  las vegas nevada at least once in your life it's   known for its gambling and its shows and all that  but these days it has so much more to do than just   gamble and drink there's a lot of great shows  a lot of activities to do there it's a fun town   23 the columbia river gorge oregon the  columbia river gorge was created about   40 or 60 million years ago the columbia river  is the largest river in the pacific northwest   and the seventh largest in north america the river  flows from british columbia through the state of   washington forming much of the border between  washington and oregon before it finally gets to   the pacific ocean near astoria oregon 22. atlantic  city new jersey there's not a lot of things to see   in new jersey not a lot of reasons to go to  new jersey but atlantic city is worth seeing   they've got a great boardwalk and the world's  largest musical instrument it's a massive pipe   organ with over 33 000 pipes inside it 21.  seattle's gum wall people have been sticking   gum on this wall since the early 1990s it's about  50 feet long and it's just covered with gum they   tried to clean it in 2015 they ended up removing 2  350 pounds of gum and it took them over 100 hours   to clean it and they just started right back up  after it was finished it's located right outside   the main entrance of pike place market i was  just there like two weeks ago it kind of smells   number 20 the fremont troll seattle washington yep  we're staying in seattle the troll was created in   1989 and it's this like sculpture underneath a  bridge looks like a troll they kind of had this   art competition to revitalize the underneath of  the bridge because it was just a dumping ground   for everyone's trash and people sold drugs there  so they did this it's kind of nice now tourists   go there ever since the bridge was built in 1932  and the sculpture was inspired by the folklore   billy goats gruff it's kind of weird when you see  it though 19 the great smoky mountains tennessee   the great smoky mountains are estimated to  be around 300 million years old that would   make them one of the oldest mountain ranges on  earth the mountains are officially entitled the   salamander capital of the world they have  a lot of salamanders there in case the   salamander capital of the world didn't tip you  off the great smoky mountains are beautiful i   would suggest anyone in the tennessee area just  go see them there's about a thousand miles of   trails in the park for hiking and mountain biking  number 18 orca island washington this is located   in the northwest corner of washington state in  the puget sound the island's got a population   of just a little over 5 000 people and it's only  57 square miles their orca here all the time you   can see them but if you really want to see orca  out in the waters off orca island go between   may and october during the salmon run you can  see all the orca you want and this is worth it   17. disney world orlando florida who hasn't wanted  to or been to disney world or disneyland i grew up  

near disneyland in southern california and walt  disney world in orlando is so much bigger it was   opened on october 1st 1971 with just one park the  magic kingdom now they've got all kinds of animal   parks and everything else like that this is like  one of those once in a lifetime trips you got to   take your kids on when they're you know under  the age of 17 and they can actually enjoy it   number 16 the puget sound washington now we're  looking at the whole puget sound not just orca   island or seattle this area is mostly cold and  wet which means it's also green and beautiful it's   one of my favorite places to go up near seattle  just anywhere around seattle i love it up there   number 15 highway 101 oregon california and  washington this is the greatest road trip in   the country i think in the early 20th century it  was almost impossible to travel along the oregon   coast unless you had a boat because many of the  small towns weren't connected they had no bridges   you had to go inland and then come back and it  was just a nightmare the highway was created   after world war one when oregon voters approved  the construction of bridges and roads all up   the coast california did the same thing number 14  arches national park utah more than 2 000 natural   stone arches can be found in this park from a  distance they sort of look fake like someone came   in to make a sci-fi movie like star trek and just  kind of left them there the natural formations are   a result of temperature changes sweltering heat  to freezing to thawing rain snow they've shaped   these for thousands of years the tallest arch is  the south arch of double arch which is 144 feet   number 13 taoist pueblo new mexico these adobes  were built with mud and straw like all adobes   are and they have sheltered native americans  for nearly a thousand years the taoist pueblo   today appears pretty much like it did when the  spanish explorers arrived in 1540. it is one of   the oldest continuously inhabited communities in  north america number 12 pike place market seattle   washington this is very interesting place in  1907 when it opened the city council members   idea was to cut out the middleman so you didn't  have any i don't know like major chains coming in   to basically take the fish from the fishermen and  then sell them to the public and take their cut   they wanted the fishermen to sell directly to the  people or other farmers or farmers whatever they   just want to cut out the middleman the iconic neon  sign was installed in 1937 and the first starbucks   ever was opened here in 1971. number 11 millennium  park chicago illinois millennium park is pretty   much in the center of everything in chicago it's  not like the center of it but near the loop where   everything is going on it opened on july 16  2004 it's a 24-acre park that replaced which   was a just a desolate area of railroad tracks  parking lots and homeless people and everything   else like that it went 340 million dollars over  the original budget and it's where they got   that big silver bean that chrome whatever shiny  bean check that out if you're ever in chicago   number 10 grand central terminal new york new  york grand central is one of the world's largest   busiest and my favorite train terminal this  place is chandeliers marble floors marble walls   it opened back on february 2nd 1913 back when  they made beautiful buildings worth keeping   for a hundred years they don't make them like  that anymore as you walk in there's a massive   golden clock that's estimated to be worth about 20  million dollars you can take private tours where   they'll tell you all the secrets and show you like  hidden staircases and underground rooms all kinds   of cool stuff like that number nine portland  headlight portland maine this is probably the   most iconic lighthouse we have here in the united  states it's photographed all the time and if you   ever pick up a postcard from new england it's  chances are it's gonna have this lighthouse on   it george washington actually commissioned this  lighthouse in 1790 designed to tower over the   light keepers quarters in fort williams park  number eight diamond head state monument most   people don't realize this if they haven't been  to hawaii but they see diamond head and they just   think it's like a peninsula it's actually a crater  you see it from the sky almost looks like crater   lake without the water there are great views from  the top of diamond head the military realized this   back in the day and they put a bunch of lookout  towers up there bunkers from those military   days are still at the top of diamond head you can  hike up there it's only 560 feet above sea level   but i will tell you this it is always crowded  there always seems to be a whole bunch of people   up there so trying to snap a perfect selfie  at the top of diamond head might get tricky   number seven philadelphia city hall philadelphia  pennsylvania this city hall doesn't look like it   belongs in the us it looks like very much a like  1600s european building to me it's just gorgeous   it's the largest city hall in the country in  the tallest masonry bearing building in the   world it's currently the 16th tallest building  in pennsylvania a lot of history went on in this   building and it's definitely worth a visit number  six south beach florida when you think of miami   you think of south beach that's the beach that's  in all the movies and all the ads it's gonna   be south beach it's beautiful the art deco it's  amazing the people here are beautiful so if you're   a little bit older like myself you might feel  out of place hanging out at the beach here but   if you're younger this is a great place  to be seen and it's a beautiful beach too number five times square new york city times  square is probably one of the first things   that come to mind when you think about new york  city more than 50 million people visit this area   every single year it used to be kind of gross  back in the 1980s it was filmed with like adult   theaters and stuff like that but it went through  a revitalization in the late 80s early 90s and   it's really nice place to just least see once  touristy obviously it's a neat place to see   number four blue ridge parkway it's in virginia  north carolina a lot of people say this is the   best road trip in the united states i still think  the 101 along the california oregon washington   coast is the best one but a lot of people say this  is the best it's not just the drive either it's   beautiful scenery hiking trails all over the  place the entire parkway is 469 miles long   and the speed limit is 45 miles an hour it'll  take you 12 hours of driving with no bathroom   breaks no traffic no road delays no stop and take  pictures 12 hours to complete the whole thing   number three death valley national park  california california has some serious extremes   death valley is one of the hottest places on  the earth and it actually holds the record for   the hottest temperature ever measured it is 3.4  million acres death valley is also the second   largest national park in the united states and  it's got over a thousand miles of roads to explore   a lot of them are dirt roads but you can explore  them i'm not a desert guy but i've been at death   valley more times than i can remember and it's got  a certain beauty to it uh just make sure you got a   good cell phone on you get stuck down one of  these dirt roads and you don't have the right   supplies you will die number two route 66 this is  the mother of all road trips it starts in chicago   illinois and stretches all the way to santa monica  california at the santa monica pier actually this   route is what brought so many people to california  back in the 40s 50s and 60s this is how all the   wannabe stars got to hollywood back in the day  there's a lot of historic and weird things along   this route i don't know if anyone really does  the entire thing anymore it just seems like one   of those things you'll do parts of it that's  about it i tried one time i didn't make it far   we had a whole plan of three four days of doing  it we made it to the second day turn around came   back to california and number one alaska yeah  the entire state is something you should see not   just denali there is so much to see in alaska you  won't know where to start my suggestion start at   the canine peninsula hook yourself up with one  of the many guided tours of the state you will   see bears moose whales lakes glaciers waterways  and just it's an amazing state most of this state   is untouched it's just there as it probably was  a thousand years ago alaska has around 100 000   glaciers and more coastline than the rest of the  united states combined it's also the only state   to have coastline in three different oceans the  arctic ocean the pacific ocean and the bering sea   all right that's our list i hope you guys  enjoyed it it was an extremely long list   i wanted to do this to see how it would work  out let me know in the comments section below   how many of these places you visited  what was your final total and what was   your favorite alright everybody have a great  day be nice to each other and visit america

2021-05-28 17:26

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