100 Hours in The MOST Dangerous Country For Women - Afghanistan

100 Hours in The MOST Dangerous Country For Women - Afghanistan

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I don't know what I can and can't record yep so  here I am about to walk into a room with almost   50 Afghan men in the most dangerous country for  women in the world. Since the rise of power of the   Taliban, after the US withdrawal in 2021, the rights  of women have been further stripped from them in   this country. "every moment you feel like you're  in a prison" "we can't talk we can't do anything"   and just days ago a law preventing women from  speaking in public was passed by Taliban officials   women's rights are under threat in Afghanistan  new so-called virtue law which prevents women   from singing or raising their voices in public and  in a time where traditional media and politicians   are committed to making sure we all hate each  other I decided to spend 100 hours in Afghanistan   as a woman to try and understand what life is  like here under Taliban rule is there more to   the story of constant negativity that we've  been fed our entire lives and will these men   I've never met be hostile towards me as a woman  understandably my loved ones are just as unsure   as I am we're going to Afghanistan why would you  want to do that you might get killed over there   and at one of the scariest times in the Middle  East in recent history airspace closures could   mean my flight out of the country in 100 hours is  cancelled Israeli Prime Minister is like Buri the   war cuz Iran just closed all their airspace so  this is bad I have a long journey ahead of me   before I can find out for sure because I'm not  just flying in and out of cabal I'm crossing the   land border on foot from neighboring Tajikistan  and I'm coming face to face with the Taliban in   the process I changed into suitable clothing  hopped on a bus in the official no man's land   between the two countries and stepped foot on  Taliban controlled Afghan soil and was immediately   told not to film and there I was inside the  most dangerous country in the world for women Afghanistan thank you first time out in  Afghanistan okay this is this is crazy   I don't have words just yet I'm still a bit  like trying to figure out what I want to say   and what how I want to act and stuff in public if  you've seen me before I'm usually quite loud but I   can't really can't really do that here I I don't  feel like I'm cat just yet even with just a few   steps into this country I feel the stairs from The  Strangers thank you Salam Salam it's obvious that   this is not normal here we stand out like sore  thumb they're all staring oh my gosh our guide   Marty brought us to a private area in this local  restaurant to separate women so we're in like a   room and what's this this is tea this is tea okay  I I love coffee I'm a coffee drinker but people in   Afghan sound like tea right I'm really sorry but  especially in these places if you ask for coffee   they will ask you what is that that's crazy tough  week for you I'm going to have a tough week tough   100 hours while eating my first expectation of  Afghanistan was challenged I was approached by a   local woman my age who dropped her face coverings  hugged me and welcomed me to Afghanistan remember   women here are not allowed to show their face  in public and just a few days ago the Taliban   rulers set out new laws stating that women are  now not allowed to speak women have borne the   brunt of the taliban's repressive laws and have  been stripped of all human rights which made this   interaction all the more surprising wow I I just  met a lady and I spoke to her for ages but she   didn't have I can't take videos of ladies so I  didn't take a video of her but I just went and   took photos and she was so nice all right back  in the car for another long hours drive couple   hours and yes we're still drawing eyeballs so  like Curious aren't they we headed to the city   of misari shareif with our first stop being at a  market to get a real taste of life in Afghanistan   without the filters of international media the  plan was to buy some local clothes to help keep a   low profile from any one who may have a negative  reaction to us being here including potentially   members of Isis who the Taliban are trying to  keep away from foreigners in this region this   is actually crazy there's people everywhere I'm  I'm speechless a little bit because I'm haven't   figured out how I should or or will act here  yet I'm kind of a mellow down version of myself   with how loud I'm letting myself be and things  like that but then also I'm just still not 100%   hi Salam Alum Hi how are you good how are you  that was friendly at this point even with a few   friendly interactions I was still feeling unsure  but the search for clothing continues if you   would like to buy from here or from another shops  here then you can choose the shops by yourself no   we'll shop with your friend we'll sh with your  friend thank I at this stage still felt on guard   and uncomfortable being in this environment  but I remind myself to give these people the   benefit of the doubt to come without prejudice  or judgment regardless of what we've heard about   this country Michael's getting his his dress  he's picked this green color just like straight away he was saying that we're their guest and we  don't need to pay but we're paying so that's wow   that's some Hospital isn't it thank you nice to me  wow that was so nice what a lovely men that's so   sweet we next tried to find clothing for me as a  woman but there's just a small selection of off-   the rack clothes without much size Choice other  than the blue burer which has become synonymous   with women in Afghanistan which is available  everywhere in abundance so I couldn't find any   uh dress for me but Michael has his bag of fabric  someone's talking to Michael to Afghanistan today   first time Michael's talking to them yeah you you  have YouTube yes what's the name uh aan Mike uh   in this now does anyone annoy you or disturbed you  no no no we've had a great time so far I'm here to   help you thank you that's call everything do you  have do you need just tell me when I went trying   to thank you thanks fan Mike nice to meet you I'm  you too what a lovely fill wow we've honestly had   really really friendly experiences so far um  with some little friends yeah I've got some   friends Michael had a very smooth time finding  a Tor and fabric to make his local clothes and   I'm feeling uneasy as I'm stuck with one AER to  wear for the whole 100 hours in this country I   decided I needed some time to decompress and rest  from what turned out to be a hectic day honestly   that was so hectic when we had first arrived  um from the tajikstan border and crossed into   Afghanistan I was so scared I couldn't film it  the Taliban literally told me not to film um   but we got there and when we were getting  our visa on arrival at the border they we   walked into this room when it was our turn and  there was just the Taliban with like AKs like   it was insane and I know that there's like a  different element as a woman I was like am I   meant to be in this room like do I have to what do  I have to do and it was pretty nerve-wracking at   the start throughout the day it's obviously been  really crazy but I do feel a little bit better   than I did when I first got here this morning  we just got here and it feels like I've done so   much but I've done like so little so if you don't  know you can't film women here so it's making it   a little bit hard and I guess a lot of the things  I want to ask I'm not going to be able to not on   camera at least but I'm not going to get anyone  into trouble or or risk anyone's anything just by   trying to post a photo on my YouTube channel so  well that's it for tonight I am exhausted but I   think we're going to do a lot more things tomorrow  and then after that get ready for Kabal good night a day into this trip and I'm already  grateful to have my gu with me Marty from let's   be friends Afghanistan cuz it's not necessarily  simple to travel freely here life in Taliban   controlled Afghanistan as a tourist domestic  and international means checking in with a   Taliban every time you enter a new region to gain  permission and a permit along with handing over   all your personal details in order to move freely  in the area we've spent a lot of time in the car   over the last 24 hours of being in Afghanistan  um which gives me time to just kind of view the   world as we drive past it and and what it's  like here and I just see lots of hardworking   people there's kids working as can't be older  than some of them 8 years old um they start   really early um don't really have a choice  and yeah it's crazy looking out the window   and seeing all these people's lives with with  me here we stopped at a street vendor for some   water and a young boy approached begging for  help and money much to the displeasure of the vendor this is the unfortunate reality of life in  Afghanistan as poverty is impacting more than 90%   of the country's population thank you oh it's so  hot righty I'm sad like I can't help everyone you   know we've been through this multiple times in  uh you know needs help yeah exactly it it's good   to help them but yeah it's hard to help everyone  exactly and I the thing I noticed about that is   the little boy selling us the water he was telling  him to stop and to leave me alone so we're not   religious if someone asked us cuz when we travel  lots of people ask us what religion we are and we   say like nothing is that bad to say here or would  it be better to say we're Christian or um no it's   okay is it strange if we said nothing it's a bit  strange but it's getting up de yeah true it it   gets a little B bit time until the people open  their eyes completely yeah where are we we are   in front of the nine pillar mask or and the legend  it's here that I'm having my first understanding   of the complex and often misunderstood history of  the people that live in modern day Afghanistan I   arrived at what's known as the nine pillar mosque  a 5,000-year-old ancient site that predates Islam   as a religion by over 3,000 years it these mosque  destroyed with the KH this is one of the key sites   of a pivotal moment in world history the invasion  of genas Khan who massed the people of this region   and wiped out 75% of the dominant kmian Empire  that stretched from Tran in Modern Day Iran to   summer count in modern day usbekistan leaving the  site two men on a motorbike were following us I   noticed a large gun strapped to them but I thought  only the Taliban were allowed to carry weapons it   turns out this is our protection as we move around  in this region these Taliban men were here for us   we explore the remains of the ancient region  of bulk which was once the center of Buddhism   philosophy and arts learning about history tells  a violent story of conflict and collapse I mean   this is where Alexander the Great once was after  he invaded Persia in 329 BC from early Islamic   conquests to British and Soviet interventions  the country has seen frequent upheaval the   Soviet Afghan war in the 1980s and the rise of  the Taliban in the 1990s further destabilized   the region despite attempts at rebuilding the  taliban's return in 2021 highlights the ongoing   challenges and violence in Afghanistan's history  the Region's ongoing struggles are deeply rooted   in its historical conflicts and shifting religious  influences So might's Gone to look at our permits   and submit them again it's like the second or  third time today and it's midday actually pretty   crazy how many times we need to get checked in per  committed and and stamped and all this stuff I'm   so glad that we are on a tour where with let's  be friends um I'll link it in the description   bar below I'll talk more about it later on one  of the reasons or one of the like positives by   going with a tour guide especially like here  like we wouldn't know what to do I think if   we were by ourselves so you can definitely you  can come by yourself it's just like a I think   it would be a very different experience I have  not felt unsafe yet if that makes sense even   though I'm uneasy I'm not I'm not comfortable  I'm don't feel unsafe I hope that kind of makes sense good to go yeah uh because of the escorts we  have to leave a copy of this paper for the escort   since the Taliban regime Rose to power again they  have been quite fond of cameras and attention   which has sparked controversy now there's a  strict rule of no media Direct directly with   tourists it's been thought that this recent influx  of Tourism is portraying a misleadingly positive   image of the country thereby diverting attention  from ongoing human rights violations and that   influencers must refrain from creating a distorted  narrative that suggest normaly and safety for   all Afghans this was not lost on me and there are  many things I don't agree with but I know that I'm   here to learn and document the lives of the local  people of Afghanistan we've just gone to have some   late lunch in that restaurant but I didn't  really film anything because there was women   um and you can't film women and they were without  their faces covered to eat and things like that   oh oh These it's breaking my heart these  kids have to do this from so such a young age you want to help everyone yeah you can't  though can you no it's very different such a   cultural difference um obviously to I'm used  to I didn't want to film them didn't feel right   but yeah is is this the Blue Mosque U this is  the par musk yes this is a very biggest this   is a very biggest mus and beautiful cool got  a gathering I didn't realize I was listening   to Marty talk about the mosque and then  I look over there and there's just kids   around us so cute they're so friendly smiley  yeah this is really good that there are like   kids are learning learning and they're talking  in English English he was really well spoken   that a very bright future I'm very happy with  this we headed out to pick up Michael's local   clothes and finally both dressed like locals  we made our way to the shrine of haat Ari   believed by Sunni Muslims to be the tomb of  Ali the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet   Muhammad disputed by Shia Muslims who believe  the resting place is in Iraq the shrine and tomb   was built after a dream of a local religious  leader in the 1100s who believed Ali revealed   himself to the holy man and told him that this is  where he was resting the giant structure you see   now is the reason this city is so important  to Northern Afghanistan while it's beautiful   to be here I noticed I am the only woman thinking  back to our time waiting to enter I had noticed a   woman outside crying I realized now that this was  because they are not allowed to enter and feeling   uncomfortable to have the opportunity that other  women didn't and having an encounter with a man   whose wife was denied entry I requested that we  make our way to the exit only to be stopped by   a friendly local with a message for the world  the foran peoples uh think which Afghanistan   situation is bad but not Afghanistan now have a  good situation all of the foran countries people   can come in Afghanistan and they can see the  uh good side scenes in Afghanistan like of Maz   like of nuristan and at the last you're are so  welcome Afghanistan people is so hospitable pups   uh and your welcome Miss and Mister thank you so  much thanks thanks for you I'm Doctor I'm jie so   than nice to meet you nice toet we had nothing but  really nice Hospitality here and I'm getting like   kind of emotional about it because I feel like I  was scared and I mean rightfully so in a way but   no one showed me the opposite there's men walking  around with guns and that's hard to be that's   confronting and it's hard to see but everyone's  being so nice everyone even me as a woman um say   hello to me uh Salam I've I've not had anything  negative yet and everyone's been so hospitable   and welcoming very welcoming more than I would say  99 or any% or any other the countries that we've   been to so far especially the young boys like this  um like this they're very interested and a lot of   them actually wait for me to say something before  they do which is understandable but even just   walking down the street here everyone is uh very  receptive even if sometimes they can't be to me   which is totally fine but very friendly the next  stop was a shop that has been run by one family   for Generations I'm told this is something I had  to experience all right we're out to get ice cream   he asked us actually do you want to go to a fancy  place or a not fancy place and we're like not   fancy we're like all these like fancy restaurants  we've been going to not my thing I want to from   here on make this more of a like you know local  experience no women around no cool I first made   sure that I saw no women so I could keep filming I  was invited to be showing how they make their ice   cream known here as Shak Shak sh they make this  by pouring milk into these copper pots that is   submerged in ice they shake it to allow that milk  to freeze against the sides of the pot this ice   cream is different from in the west and it's  often flavored with rose water and cardamine   oh my good oh wow it's really sweet I've never  tasted anything on this before it's delicious and   this is popular right very popular very popular I  can tell do you like it yeah yeah yeah Marty was   starting to open up to us and it was here that  he invited us to something seriously special uh   there are ladies that they don't like to record  when whenever they go out then you can record   okay okay you tell me you see we're in Afghanistan  during a heavily religious time I traditionally 40   days of mourning for Shia Muslims the 40 days of  celebrations for Sunni Muslims in modern mazah e   Sharif where there is a mixture of faiths it has  become a community event and time for togetherness   with one family in the community choosing to host  and feed the entire neighborhood on a night by   Night basis tonight it's Mar's uncle's turn and we  are lucky enough to be invited to be part of this I can't believe I'm invited into the house okay  okay come inside as I was with Marty and Michael   and women and men are segregated in Afghan  Society I wasn't sure where I would be placed   for this event it was here that my expectations  of Afghanistan were shattered once again as I sat   with Michael in the men's area and I was greeted  with a smile one by one by every single man that   entered they're just happy for me to be in here  I I didn't expect that the bo just welcomed you   they said welcome I'm didn't expect that I'm in  a room with males right now and you know people   have told you me that that's not possible what an  honor I'm I'm sure this is definitely not normal   I think the thing that gets me the most is like  you have to be accepted right but I'm sure if one   person didn't you wouldn't be Al so that means  everyone is which is pretty awesome MH I'm in   a room with about 50 ask men if there was ever  a time to feel intimidated it's now but I'm not   my God they're walking in not expecting a  female which is totally white and then not   expecting probably a white they see a forer and  fale a female such AOL can I know where we from   Australia Australia both of you yes yeah jichael  what's your name m I never could have expected   this this is a reminder that you never really  know until you experience it yourself and my my   new friend shares why the Afghan people have  been so kind to us they're so kind friendly   yeah it doesn't matter that they are Foreigner  or they friends they think that it's a human   and they should be kind with each other as it's  thing that's so important with Afghan people when   I go to different countries and I put you know  videos on YouTube I always ask the people well   yes if you could tell the world anything what  would it be especially coming from Afghanistan   is there anything you'd like to tell the world a  message to the world my message is is this to be   friendly and friendship and this the only thing  that you shouldn't forget it is to be kindness   kindness is thing that never lose itself between  the people if you have the kindness and the   honestly beside of uh kindness it would be nice  of the people that they have good relationships   all over the world and especially between the  society that they live yeah that's a good great   message thank you thank you you're welcome  the most welcome got me a little emotional wow thank you for being so friendly you're  welcome most have you ever tasted this food   no never so what do you think how would this  would be like egg like egg yeah no I think   it's more than the eggs more than egg delicious  oh it's delicious yeah okay this rice with the   milk with milk with milk yeah and always sheer  bran sheer bran yes and it's a famous food of   Afghanistan and also it's so tasty tasty yeah  and I like it is this your favorite food yes   it is it's really warm it's it's literally like  like a rice pudding but a bit more if you can see   a bit more like gluttonous glutenous glutenous  gluttonous that's me glut is um and it's really   good with the sugar I like it with the sugar what  really really good how do I say uh delicious Kush   Kush K Kush feel like a local now and I have a new  friend this is a reminder to never judge a country   culture or people from what you hear in the media  or news as it's never a true representation of all   the local people lovely I'm just stewing on what  he said upstairs I'm like I'm emotional about it   it's like I don't know I I felt very apprehensive  the whole time I've been here up until tonight   and this is really broken down like I don't not  mean to be corny but it's like definitely broken   down a lot of barriers or like Sears that I had  we were invited into another room to sit with   other men from the neighborhood including one  of the most respected men the leader of Faith   or better known as a holy man and once again we  were welcom is very welcome to our house this area we are very happy from the Australian government  and the people of Australia and the everyone who   are from Australia we we respect them and we  are happy from them a thank you as this holy   man spoke to us he shared his gratitude  and respect to the people of Australia   for taking on so many refugees that escaped  Afghanistan after the Taliban Takeover in 2012   many of whom would have been targeted  by the group we could feel his warmth   and kindness in every word when he  when he talks to me I feel what he's like thank you I did that really badly I think  it's okay you know that's not be our Al it thank   you he shared with us his message to the  world which is simply to be a good human   and to remember that all the people of this world  are like brothers from the same family we all like   brothers the same we are all hum and we must need  respect to each other and kind to each other yes   yeah Afghanistan is the most friendly so far yeah  I'm very glad that we're here yeah yeah and we   all continued with playful jokes and laughs with  full hearts and full bellies it was time to return   back to the hotel but not before we were welcomed  Again by the woman of this house thank you so much   thank you she is the Lady of this house  yes and they're very welcoming you to this   house tell her it's a beautiful home  beautiful t t thank you bye goodbye goodbye they so lovely what a great night I've been on guard  since we got here I've been watching how I act   how I look how I speak what I do and what  kindness um we've been shown we've only   been invited into someone's home a handful  of times traveling and this was one of them   I didn't expect it I definitely Blown Away  with the hospitality from the people here   coming up to us in the street I feel like  after today I feel a lot more like I can   like relax and and and and maybe be a  bit more comfortable for the first time   almost ever I wasn't comfortable as soon as  I got off the plane and if you've watched my   videos before I'm comfortable as soon as I  get off the plane um but here not so much um   but now I feel like I'm halfway into this trip  and I think the second half is going to be even   better I mean I don't know that I'm not a fortune  teller but hopefully maybe you'll get to the end   of the video and you'll be like it was worse you  tell me on that note I'll see you in the morning today would begin our epic 12-hour Journey from  mazah to the capital city of Kabul said to be   the most dangerous city in all of Afghanistan  despite only being 400 km apart this drive   will take most of the day due to the extremely  poor conditions of the roads in this country   but before we set off a local stopped and gave  us a gift a a gift yes oh you don't need to do   that oh for me are you sure thank you it's  beautiful look once again astounded by the   kindness of the people should we live now Bal we  started our long trk towards cabal first headed   to the ancient region of Summer gun but just as  we made it to the regional border yet another   checkpoint so Marty has just gone and registered  us again I think arriving in this town there's   a lot of like stopping and registering and our  passport Sports and checking and this at pretty   much every stage of the journey so it's been a  lot after traversing winding mountainous roads   lined with shops filled with fruit and items  from locals we arrived at an ancient Buddhist   stupa this Monastery including two temples was  carved entirely from Bedrock inside is a maze   of indoor caves including a bizaar from the  5th Century where it was one of the world's   first instances of trading currency there is the  last shop which look looks almost like oval they   were selling there the expensive items like  joies expensive stuff what's this flag this   is the flag of our government now which is Root  in the holy word of Islam Muhammad everyone who   who read this uh sentences the holy word they  become a Muslim right okay yes goodbye thank   you goodbye we say goodbye to our escort  and we were on the road again stops bye   some melon I think moving into Kabul today tonight  we're going to be doing more of getting some more   street food things I think I love doing things  like this buying local melons local food local   drinks are you bargaining for the price yeah yeah  because you know when they see some uh some person   which is uh they know like their situation is a  little bit better their economic is better they   they put bigger price uhhuh because we are passing  all to this road and they think like these people   is coming only one time and they are going and  gone yeah I start there was uh he was saying 170   for each for each yeah stop yeah then I paid the  520 for four of them for four okay as I sit here   in the passenger seat looking out at the beautiful  and misunderstood country of Afghanistan I noticed   that I feel much different and more relaxed than  I did just a few days ago we just uh got stopped   for a check by uh the Taliban and lowkey one of  them was like super super friendly he was smiling   and he um like bent down to like say hello to  me like multiple times and he was like saying   our last names and then at the end he was like  uh come with like take me to Australia he was so   funny he was like joking with us I think like in  those situations like some comic relief for me is   like very important it's uh it's confronting but  he was just super friendly conflicting experience   it's really far from what you heard from the media  yeah he was just happy to like talk to us and like   he just kept literally looking down to smile at me  like the whole time definitely not what I expected   and yesterday when I asked your um I think it  was the the wise men in your community what   his message was um to the world from Afghanistan  what would be your message my message is don't   trust on the medas see Afghanistan by yourself and  see what is reality in Afghanistan yeah yeah has   a CO you're welcome at this point we're more than  halfway to Kabul we stopped for a delicious lunch   enjoying each other's company and getting some  drinks from locals for the road all right let's   start the 3 4our trip to Kabul look at all these  mall look at all those chickens we should have   said that at the SAG oh puppy sag sag animals go  fun oh sorry this was seriously the most goat I've   ever seen what a wild adventure this has been at  this point Marty and I were really getting along   sharing our goals and dreams what's your dream  with uh YouTube uh To Be A Millionaire no no I   mean I mean million of subscriber would creating  content for YouTube make you happy of course   also to support the village lives the cultures  I will show everything in my channel actually   it's my dream to be in USA USA yeah America I  really like to to live in Australia mhm and uh   I I want to go to us because it's really easy  to improve there yeah you told me yesterday or   the day before that you used to do sport right  yeah but you can't anymore you don't um actually   yes I don't because I have to work and I have to  support myself my family it was my dream to be a   champion yeah the boxing champion of the world but  nowadays I have to work to serve for for my family   if that be possible then if I if the situation  get better my my life situation then uh I will   do with sports and I would try to do everything to  get the champion of the world you were telling me   as well that it's really hard for you to be able  to do the things you want like you want to go to   America or Australia actually you know this that's  because of our passports you know we because we   are originally from Afghanistan and uh in anywhere  we go mhm they don't accept us so you're you're   kind of like not stuck but yeah you're here you're  here yeah yeah I'm still trying to to get to my   dreams m my wishes but uh let's see what the life  supposed to be how does it make you feel well it's   it's very sad for me like uh the thing that I was  dreaming about and my life is going to opposite M   it it's really sad but I was 100% sure that one  day I will get the champion of the world but   unfortunately everything went the opposite and uh  I couldn't so for now the only option I have is to   to work and support for my family this is life  you know we have to we have to do good works to   to have job to have income to support ourself if  you want to continue our life if you don't if if   you don't do good works then there will be nothing  for good life we have to do good works these words   become from my heart you know these are just  like the parts which I lost my dreams on this   way the I had I had had these feelings I had these  words I had when when I become a champion I will   share these words but I couldn't still I'm happy  that I can share this words that's your the most   important thing is like uh to be a good person  a good human if we don't visit again at least   there be should there should be good memories  from today yes yeah while a beautiful drive it   was also a rough one this is the reality of roads  in Afghanistan a road trip like this is usually   a rest day but this is exhausting just being a  passenger we have to navigate some of the most   dangerous driving conditions passing trucks  with the drivers sleeping and resting under   them waiting until 6: p.m. when they're allowed to  drive again and make the roads even more congested   and dangerous as night began to fall after 12  hours of driving we approached the outskirts   of cabal knowing I would be exploring this  Infamous City in the morning good morning Jamal   the first day in cabul and it is here that life  under the Taliban in the city becomes much more   real but before we explore we must have a favorite  from this city the local breakfast snack balani   I love the food from here honestly I really  like it it's basically just like breads with   um some meat sometimes and vegetables and some  places do them better than others my first F my   favorite was still probably the thing we had on  the first day if you like coffee like me you're   going to have a hard time in Afghanistan I'm not  going to lie it basically doesn't exist um but   there's tea everywhere so I've been trying to do  tea mixed with like red wool they have like some   energy drinks it hasn't hit the spot for coffee  so I can't wait to have that when I leave I think   I'm happy withdrawals um but the tea is everywhere  and it's nice tea it's green tea or black tea as   we fuel up for the day ahead I feel nervous but  also excited as I know I'm about to see the real   Kabal up close our first stop was the barber  Garden the resting place of the former mugle   Emperor who once ruled but it was the gesture from  this boy who keeps the tomb clean for tips that   touched me the most literally the first person in  Afghanistan who reached out and made a physical   connection with me in his thanks oh he shook my  hand cop a oh thank you hi hi hi hi back in the   day uh women used to be able to come here but as  of now with the new regime um women aren't allowed   in here so uh I'm the only one and I'm sure I'm  getting looks being like why are you allowed in   here I'm sure Salam everyone is being so friendly  as usual um but I'm really really really really   want to get out more into the market we're going  to a market later and I really want to do that so   it was time to enter the famous bird Bazaar a  rather interesting place for a tourist as it's   known to be exceptionally hectic and busy in one  of the most dangerous cities in the world I'm good   how are you but oddly as we started exploring the  market it was surprisingly empty but we could hear   something over a loudspeaker it turns out it was  time for Friday prayer they're praying down here wow they're praying down the end there so  we're going to head back it's like cut off   the entire Road it's crazy we feel a  bit sad there in cages but things are   different everywhere you go right oh wow  there Birds everywhere this is this is crazy this is great I'm just Hi how are oh hi  thank you good much to our surprise regardless   of what we have heard we actually felt quite  welcome oh T Australia Australia Sydney why Australia can eat tea tea is  good yeah oh for me yeah give tea   oh thank you jie we have to move on oh  we have to okay for me when I travel I   always just accept the invitation  and I think here I am forgot hi Salam welcome Afghanistan oh T thank you thank you  so much decided to get his hair and beard trimmed   by an Afghan Street Barber and naturally a big  crowd formed around him much the displeasure of   one man who is enraged at the idea of us showing  the bizaar stating that we should only be showing   the rich parts of Afghanistan this was quite the  contrast to the rest of the locals who were very   kind and respectful some guy tried to like talk  to our guide and he was saying why are you only   showing the bad parts of kab why are you why are  you not showing the good parts of kab and I have   so much to say to that because that makes me so  frustrated I'm not propaganda for your country   this is what it's like for most people and that's  the life that I like to show real life these are   the real people of Kabal and like we're showing  how lovely and nice and friendly they are don't be   the one [ __ ] that's not you're the person that  made it made it look bad exone of these people   did exactly my point as I was about to say you  are that person who then makes a place look bad   not the nice people that are in that place does  that make sense anyway kind just if would like to   oh yeah maybe I'll try some that just one just  one just one uh Yak that's a one yes B this is cooln oh it's good it it's  like sweet yeah how do I say delicious K how old is he 18  years old 18 yeah wow that is   really cool good job I've got a lot  of friends having thank you so much T delicious bye bye s so we're going to leave all the information for  let's be friends Afghanistan in the description   below make sure you check them out and when you  come to Afghanistan definitely go with them um   especially for your tour well for your tour it's  been um a great experience so far full of happy   emotions after being so welcomed by everyone  in Kabul we spent the day with Marty and Jamar   enjoying their company and meeting some fruit  vendors before retiring back to our hotel for   the last night in Afghanistan that feels good  we come back it's time for bed but I wanted to   say thank you to let's be friends Afghanistan  because I feel like they've really given me   the opportunity to sort of break down maybe like  preconceived thoughts I had about Afghanistan or   like I had a lot of hesitations and and I think  rightfully so if I'm being completely honest but   if I'm also being completely honest having the  opportunity um when let's be friends Afghanistan   invited me here um having that opportunity  has really changed a lot of the perceptions   I had in my mind about Afghanistan and about  the people here and about all of that so I am   super grateful that I was able to come and see  it for myself and see how welcoming the people   are here even to most of them anyway to a woman  oh that's a hard bed good night wow this bed is   really hard the final day was a peaceful one we  awoke before the crowds and sip tea at the Blue   Mosque of Kabul taking in what really is is a  breathtaking sight before making the ascent to   one of the highest points in the city formerly a  massive Afghanistan flag this is now replaced with   a Taliban flag to reflect the current leadership  and it is a pretty good place to end my time in   Afghanistan my time in Kabul it's been a really  interesting trip and a really really good one um   once in a lifetime and what other place to end it  in I was again approached by a polite human being   looking to make a connection brave enough to  just say hello just like I was which thing you   like which thing I like the food the food  food yeah the food yeah how about you the   culture and that too yeah and everyone's um  very friendly what's your name Jersey Jersey   Val yes yours my name is Muhammad saki Muhammad  saki thank you for speaking with me thank you so much thank you so much you are wel thank you so  much nice to meet you Afghanistan is a land of   contrasts it's confusing and this trip well  in some ways it left me with more questions   than answers not all are in agreement with their  government but all are being punished as a result   the amount of comments I've received on videos  about other Muslim countries telling me that I   wouldn't last a day in Afghanistan whilst I never  believe the hype it did leave me wondering what   kind of people these people were friendly  people who want the same things out of life   that you and I want in this country one  of the most dangerous and unstable places   on Earth I was met with nothing but love  and Hospitality if people under this much   stress this much pressure and with this many  obstacles in their life can open their hearts   to someone so different to them and make a  connection so can all of us and with this   experience fresh in your minds I hope you can  walk away from this feeling inspired to learn   about the people who are different from you  it may be scary but it's worth it I promise

2024-09-20 10:09

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