09/04/18 Joint Committee Meeting

09/04/18 Joint Committee Meeting

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It. Is, 5:17. And this is the beginning of the codes fairgrounds. In Farmers Market Committee, is. Tuesday. September 4th, 2018. We. Are hosting this jointly, with convention, tourism, and public entertainment facilities. Council. Lady hurt do you have a quorum. And. We. Have a quorum as well. These. Are the exact, same things, on both so, the way we're gonna play this is we, will read the caption we will have discussion, we, will have a vote from the codes committee then, we'll have, a vote from the convention committee first. Up on tonight's docket resolution. Rs 2018, 13 28 councils, councilman, Shulman and sledge an, initial. Resolution, determining, to issue general, obligation, bonds of the metro government in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed 50, million dollars do. I have a motion and. Do. I have a motion from convention. You. Should be on. Yeah, well let me, any. Questions. Hit. Your button and you'll be open in the queue. Is actually in. Telecourse. It, seems that Public Works is. Debating. This exact same resolution as we speak. And. We don't have a letter. Can. I move this one to the heel council we're, gonna move that to the heel. And. Gilmore. Is not in here either and. Actually. We'll go to Bill's on 3rd Reid will move the first two to the heel. Bill. BL 2018. 1289. Sledge, and virture, council, lady virtue are you willing to carry this up councilman, sledge is back in the room. With. That said let's go back up to the beginning beginning again. Back. On resolution, 2018. 1328. Which. Is. Basically. Obligate, or determining. An issue to determining. To issue general, obligation, bonds of the metro government in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed 50 million dollars I already have a first and our motion and a second, councilman. Sledge. Okay. It. Won't let me do it. Councilman. Sledge, okay. There you go and thank you chair apologies, um so, the the bond resolution. Basically would, it would issue 50. 55. 0 million dollars in general. Obligation bonds, to be split evenly between infrastructure. Pertaining, to the stadium, and infrastructure, and new improvements. To the, fairgrounds. That of course will be added on to, 12 million that we put in and within the well. 2 CSP, cycles. Ago I guess you would say and. I. Would ask that you move brew. Any. Discussion. All. Right, let's. Have a vote, raise hands please on the, codes fair and farmers market committee all, in favor. All. Opposed. Raise. The hands please. Yeah. Anyone. It. Passes three-to-one. And. On, convention. You. Should be you. Shouldn't be on. Is. There is there, those. In favor of this, bo, this resolution, for. The convention, tourism, and public entertainment facilities. Please. Raise your hand. All. Opposed. Are, you not voting council davis. Can. We have those hands again please. Thank. You. Bill. Passes, what five four zero against. All. Right next, up. VL. 2018. 1289. Councilman. Sledge and councilwoman. Virture approves. The demolition, of certain buildings and structures necessary for, the construction, of a new major league soccer stadium, at the fairgrounds, nashville and amending. Title 5 of the metro code to impose a privileged tax on the sale of tickets to, events at the new major, league soccer stadium, do. I have a motion. Second. And. Do. We have a motion from Convention, and tourism. Councilman. Sledge Thank. You cheer up so I'm gonna ask that the committee if they would mind moving the substitutes. In your packet and I can give an explanation if you like. Do. I have a motion to move the substitute. Any. Discussion, on that I. Can. Explain so if that's all right so substitute, is kind. Of a kind of a compromise between what was it initially. Offered. And in counts like Gilmore's, legislation. Which regards, ticket tax so what, I am proposing is, that we, have sort of an escalator, to get us from the 175. It will start out with in. The lease up, to eventually, $3, that is to address concerns, which I think are very valid regarding. Long term maintenance at the stadium and what. It also does the reason it does this is because there is a you know agreement, between the team and the league regarding, the ticket tax and this fits within that agreement as well so trying to hit that Venn diagram and that asks for the, committee's. Support. Questions. From either committee. And. With that let's have a vote on coats fairs in farmers market, all in favor say aye raise your hands. Any. Opposed. Raise. Your hands. 1. 4 2 1 motion. Passes. All. In favor from convinces, in tourism raise your hand please. Any. Opposed. Thank. You. Yeah. All.

Right Brings us the bills on third reading idea. Chair, I think, that. Was the substitute, and I call I'm sorry that's okay and I've actually got two amendments I want to offer on behalf of colleagues if that's okay please go right okay so a, in, your packet is from counsel Allen it, the, the main intent here is to ensure that we, are not tearing. Anything down in the demo that's currently, being used we're, going to be used in the general operations. That, is council 80 Allen's, amendment, I viewed as a friendly amendment and, I would ask for the committee's support. And. On. First, amendment. Any. Discussion, from, either committee. Pride morning, Thank. You charity I do, want to just say I. Guess, for the our, listening, audience and, yeah is that I think, majority, of the members in here were in the Budget and Finance where there was a lot, of discussion. About. These these. Resolution, and these bills so I just. Don't want to give off the perception, that we're not thoroughly. Interest. Or had been investigating. The. Contents, of the bills just a lot of men were, debated. Out in the first and budget finance thank, you thank you great, point councilman. Any. Other comments, or questions. All. Right. This. Is on the vote for the amendment correct. Yeah. I'm M&A, codes. Fairs and farmers market, all in favor of amendment a raise, your hands please. Fine. All, opposed. There. You go. This, is from Inman a, on. On, bill on bill 1293. Or. 1289, excuse me I'm sorry. No. 123. Councilman. Sledge, okay. I also have we, are on 1280 and I. Was, going to say I thought we were. Okay. We're, okay with them in the aid of. Commission, sorry yeah. This is this is to vote for a member a bill, 1289. No. That was for the substitute. Yeah. We've substituted 1289. This. Is the vote for amendment a to, the substitute, of 1289. Everybody. Understand what we're voting on, and. And. I remind the public that, yes. This was heavily discussed in Budget, and Finance this, afternoon for hours so. If, the. People wonder what we're voting on this pretty much without discussion, it's because we're all kind of as councilman. Pridemore so. Beautifully. Said we're debated out. So. Codes. And fire codes, fairgrounds, farmers market voting. On amendment. A to. The substitute, of bill 1289, all in favor. And. Conviction. In tourism all in favor please raise your hand. One. Two three four all. Opposed. Councillor, coming like you're voting is. That, a pause. Thank. You. It's. Like magic microphones. Up here okay. You have an amendment bead well. Actually comes but Friedman has an amendment B but I offer it as well these, bills we are these amendments excuse, me can, be offered. Parallel. In this committee or any committee but I will have to request a suspension of the rules to marry the two on the floor. Amendment. Be, basically. Explicitly, says that no. Demolition. That would disrupt the regular, operation, of the fairgrounds would occur prior to October 29th. That, is explicitly. To my understanding to, make sure that people understand, that the all-american 400, and the big, October, flea market would not be disrupted both demolition, I would ask for your support. Any. Questions, or discussion from, either committee on amendment, B to. The substituted. 1289. Mr.. Davis, Thank. You mr. president, um just for clarification for, the folks in the audience and for back at home just. Because this passes, that our main does not mean they will pass on the floor is that correct sir you are exactly correct this is nothing but a recommendation thank, you sir. Anyone. Else. Anyone. From convention, tourism. All. Right, codes. Fair farmers market committee all in favor of amendment B to. The. Substituted, 1289. All. In favor raise your hands. Any. Opposed. And. The recommendation, is to pass. All. In favor from convinces, tourism. Entertainment. Fulfillment facilities. Thank. You very much. Okay. So now, we're on pardon. Oh. Any opposed and the convention tourism. Now. We were on the, bill as substituted. With amendment, a and B and I, would ask the committees to make motions for approval and thank you Cheers do I have a motion as amended, and, substituted. Any. Discussion. And. Do. I have a motion from Convention, and tourism. Excellent. Thank you very much and. My being legal here counselor. Good. No. Discussions, no questions. All. Right as, amended. Through amendment, a and B as substituted. Bill, 2018. 1289. Codes, for a farmers market all in favor raise your hands. All. Opposed raise your hands. Thank. You very much. Those. Members, from convinces. Tourism. And entertainment, for facilities. On. Substituted. Bill with, the proposed amendments, a and B all in favor raise your hand please. Any. Opposed. All. Right. Now. I believe my skipped one here twelve eight twelve. Eighteen or twenty eighteen twelve ninety-three. And. Eric. Is not here so we will move that to the hill, now. We are on bill 20 18 1291. As amended. Councilman. Sledge council, lady virtue and Councilman bene declares.

Property, Surplus, and approves, the execution, and delivery of, a ground lease between the Metro Board of fair commissioners, and the Nashville soccer Holdings development LLC for, the construction, of a development, at the fairgrounds, Nashville. Do. I have a motion. Councilman. Sledge, thank. You cheers this. Has a light filed amendment, them we'll, just briefly describe, that. I would ask for your support, on the, light fowl amendment, is solely to give the legal, description of the area, that was being leased. We. Actually had this added administrative. Late last meeting but there was some question, about if we need to go further than that and so out of abundance, of caution that is what this amendment is is. On your desk in the white file packet and I would ask for your approval. And. Just, for legal sake do I have a motion to, move this forward from convention tourism and public entertainment. Okay. Any. Discussion. No. One. Any. Discussion, from convention tourism. Like. I said I remind the public we've. We've debated, this quite extensively, she. Counseled. Me Sherman. Thank. You mr. chairman. Yes so this was debated actually, there was some discussion and I think mr. Jameson had to read some of the legal description it's, just getting illegal to it's just the legal description of the property it's it's making sure it's right thank, you thank. You. With. No one else in the queue codes. Fares farmers market committee all in favor as. Amended. Bill 1291. Excuse. Me we're on the late filed amendment aren't we pardon. Me we're voting on the late filed amendment, to bill 1291. All, in favor. Any. Opposed. Same. For conventions, tourism. And entertainment all in favor please raise your hand. Any. Opposed, no. Thank you. Now. We are on bill 1291, as amended, codes. Fares farmers market all, in favor raise your hands. Any. Opposed. Alif. Enough. Conventions. And tourism all in favor please raise your hand. Conventions. And tourism would you all please raise your hand, councilman, Davis. Scott. Thank. You any. Opposed. Thank. You very much. Okay. And. We're still missing Erica. Councilman. Cooper would. You step outside and grab council. Lady Gilmore, oh. There. Are two bills on Convention, and tourism that are on code so let me give, this mic to you. Thank. You, we. Have resolution. Two. Zero, one eight one, three, egg zero councillor Hall. Though. He is sponsoring, the bill so I need him to. Is. There a motion to approve. Councilor. Hall please. I'm. Sorry this is to request that the Metro Sports Authority, national, soccer Holdings, development, and the, mayor designate, Metro Council, District one as the, location for, any practice, facility. Eventually. Constructed, for use by the proposed, Major. League Soccer team players, council. Hall. We. Did it okay, Thank You councillor. Any. Questions. Okay. Simply, this is saying, that. I have, an abundance of land, in, district, 1 and that. We would be inclined. To entertain. Conversation. About place in the practice, facility, for, national, soccer and thereby less in district, 1. In. Any. Discussion, on their castle. I'm. In, support. Of any, sports. Facility. Placed, in district. 1 because. Someone, North South Nashville neighbors, have been forgotten and. They also need sidewalks out there god, bless you thank. Ya. I just is this a I, don't, see the full, language, here, but is this basically, asking. For consideration. Or. Is it actually because, I'm sure that there's all kinds of places across Davidson, County they would also like. To be reviewed, I fully. Support anybody's. Effort, to ask, for a recommendation. For. Requesting. The. Opportunity, to submit. The. Benefits. Of being in one district for the other but I'm not quite sure how, this resolution how, it would be binding or not binding or how that would work. It's. Actually it, is the non-binding resolution. But in, terms of consideration. For the district, that's simply, to counteract. Some of the negatives. That we've encountered in terms of, economic. Opportunity, and so. After, going through, repeatedly. Conversations. And, looking. At most, recently, the fair housing assessment, we're, looking at placing, some things in the district that would serve as an economic catalyst. For that community, and so this gives us an opportunity to, get. Some infrastructure, and development in that district, that we could build off of I. Think. That's I think that's great but, I would think that Old Hickory would also be interested, in I would think that there's other places around town that would, also so I'm just wondering if we're gonna have a whole, bunch of resolutions, about. Consideration. I'm just I'm confused by how. This.

Resolution Is necessary, for a, very. Valid. Effort. For. Consideration, to take place mr., Jamison could you give us some clarification. On this because it does say designate. Which, is a binding. Statement. A word or is it not. It's. Non-binding. Can. You can you explain, elaborate, because. How. Is, it not binding. So. This is merely requesting. And requesting, is kind of a magic word and resolutions, that this is not a, binding. Manner the council only acts to, bind either. Speaking. Through ordinance, or when, allowed by state law or contract, to. Enact, something by resolution so. A resolution, of this nature is non-binding on, the body. And. It would simply have a. Suggestion. Or recommendation force. But not a binding effect I. Guess. I don't understand, so why doesn't it read this is just a recommendation or. What's, the purpose of going, through it if it's not going to be, a. Commitment. By. My guests I don't want to speak, for councilman, Hall but when the day comes should there be a need for a practice facility, and he has a resolution, from this body that's passed by 21, members that, might be considered a strategically, good place to be if you're vying to be the practice facility, location. Okay. Are, there any other questions. Thank. You mr. chair mrs. chair I, definitely. Appreciate. You I. Just. Wanted to come and support. My colleague, here on. On he, does have an ample, amount of land that's in this area. Why, not Bordeaux, now I know the. Hickory, Hollow award not necessarily, Hickory Hollow the other parts, of the area that our Councilwoman. Just spoke about, they, they have areas as well but, why not Bordeaux, now what not in our, community. We, deserve. It this is our time we, have been in continuous, conversations. With the the, ownership about, that I know I have. Why, not and this is the time and I I, give all kudos, and everything, to the councilman, for. Coming forward and also just taking it to another level and I. Will do my part to make sure and, to. Push to see make sure that this happens thank, you. Any. Other discussions. Thank. You I know in committee so thank you chairs for allowed me to speak Gottesman. Halls fighting for his district and I appreciate, that and I'm supportive, of this resolution, for what it's worth um floor. Thank. You chair um I also know I'm not on the committee so so thank you for for recognizing, me. Do. We even know where the. Proposed. Practice. Facilities. Will be or. Okay. So yeah. In. District 1. A. Chair. Chair in all seriousness while, I'm asking is because. More. Often as it relates as things, have progressed. With, this deal we. Find out information, after. The fact, so I'm asking the question, as a matter of record has. It already been determined, where. The practice facilities, will be to, your knowledge I don't know who can speak to that because. If it has although. This is an on in resolution. It, ultimately, means nothing. Anyway if. It has already been predetermined. And. I support the councilman's, efforts, for. District one. Council. Hall it. Has not yet been predetermined. We have multiple. Locations that are under consideration. Fortunately. For us as a district, again, having the abundance of land but also. Expediency. In terms of access to downtown and, interstate, access gives, us the affordability, where we have multiple locations that we can choose from but there, are a few that have specifically, been looked at or being considered. Cheryl. Let me clarify my question that this would be more for that for the administration. Or someone that can speak to as. A relates to conversations. With the team that many of us have not had privy, to has. It already been predetermined. Are. They evaluating. Land. Availability. Countywide. We've. Had similar questions, as it relates to determining. The location of, the MLS stadium period, over, in councilman, sledge district, so what why I'm asking is because if, if we can prevent from, having another conversation as, it, relates to. Inconsistencies. Or in consideration. As. It relates to fairness in, determining, where a facility, should go that's, why I'm asking the question, and Thank. You councilman, Hall but you can't speak for what, the team is gonna actually decide. To do that's. My question chair, thank you so much we, appreciate that. And that's the reason why I deferred to our. Legal. Representative. To speak to, that so. Based. On the information that, he provided I, believe. Okay. Mr. Weil sure. Thank. You the the team has not yet even really begun the consideration, just to be on the record and very clear, the, team view that that would be putting the cart before the horse, but, and so they have not really even begun preliminary analysis of, where, that might need to go they're focused first on, gaining. Approval of the stadium, and then they'll turn their head to to.

Focusing On the practice, facility. No. Reason. Wants to speak do you want to speak counsel lady I. Just. Because I opened up this kind of worms I just I just wanted to say that I appreciate, all, this information, and it was information that I needed and I absolutely support. Mr. Hall's effort, in this regard thank, you. Any. Other discussion. There. Being none all in favor please raise your hand. Any. Opposed. Thank. You very much. Yeah. I mean councilman. Syracuse. This. There's. Another. Bill. Bill. Two zero one eight one two nine three council. Lady Gilmore, amends, title, five of the Metro coal to impose a privilege. Tax on the sale of tickets to events at, the new major, league soccer stadium. Is. It. Okay. Is. There motion, I'm from Baltic. Okay. In. The discussion, council lady Gilmore. Thank. You madam chair so, we have two bills on the floor I had. Put. My bill forth, sometimes I think councilman. Sledge and I will, make, a decision by. The final or reading we cope when it comes before the full committee tonight and just to share the only difference between is his is graduated. So. Graduates. Like six years goes. Up a certain amount it goes up I think about 50 cents or 25 cents each one whereas, mine just goes to the the maximum of three dollars we can do 10% by the state we, have the same idea in mind we just need to come together and, and, merge the bills or even either either cosign, on his bill or he cosines our mind and I'll mend it but we'll get it worked out. By. We. Have the full council I don't know what happened while we didn't talk to each other but anyway so, we'll, get it worked out though so I just asked the council members just let us work it out don't try to pull any bills until, tonight. So thank, you well the bill that he sponsored. Passed, did, you want to move you I do want to move my forward that's what I'm asking for that that no one stop or not support, my bill now I will I will take care of it by the time it hits the floor thank you okay thank you any. Other, questions.

All, In favor please raise your hand for convinces, in tourism. In. Their polls, thank. You very much. Codes. Has the exact same bill, is. There any further discussion on codes. All. In favor. Any. Opposed. Bill. Passes, and I believe that's it, oh. You got one more. There. Is a substitute. Bill. 2018. 1295. By Councilman, O'Connell. It amends, the metro cold section. 1308. Zero four zero. B6f. To. Add symphony, place and the John Seigenthaler, pedestrian. Street. Bridge to the designated, rights-of-way, upon. Which street vendors shall not be permitted to operate, within, the. DC's, DTC. And CF districts, subject. To the limitations, of chapter, 1308. Is. There motion yeah. Councilman. O'Connell. Any. Discussion. All. In favor please raise your hand. Any opposed. Councillor. Davis are you voting. Thank. You. Seven-four-zero. Against. And. With that said codes, fairs farmers, market, and Convention and you don't. Yeah. We got that one and, convention. Tourism is now adjourned thank you. This. Has been a service, of the Metro Nashville Network if. You would like to see this presentation, again or, for more information, about this and other programs visit. Nashville, dot. You.

2018-09-07 07:05

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