The National for Sunday April 1st 2018

The National for  Sunday April 1st 2018

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On the. Sunday night the search for two missing boys in two provinces and the volunteers, who won't give up in southern, Ontario they're, seeking comfort and closure this Easter for the family of a three year old swept, from his mother's arms how, the family, is saying thank, you also. Tonight Sachs has been hacked and cyber, criminals, are selling credit card information online, and. 50. Years after the killing of Martin Luther King jr. Jesse, Jackson, and why a single, bullet couldn't, stop a movement the, National startsnow. While. Many Canadians, were spending time with family this holiday weekend, dozens. Volunteered, their time for, a grim task they're. Looking for the body of Kayden young who was pulled into a swollen river near, Orangeville, six weeks ago and, leaked alotta spoke, to some of the people who spent their day searching. I got. Four grandsons I can't, imagine what the poor parents are going through Ron, Duncan, is one of dozens of volunteers, who just won't give up we gotta find him for the mom and dad every. Weekend, he's brought his camper van to the different search sites packed with supplies for volunteers, searching, for Kaden young, the. Three year old boy was with his mother when their van was swept into the swollen Grand, River the, water toward, Caden, from his mother's arms. Searches. In the air and in the water turned. Up no sign of him volunteers. Now continue. To look. For. Weeks family, friends, and even strangers have. Signed up to help I am a mother myself and. And. I I mean I can just I can only imagine. You. Know the horror, of this whole situation and I want to help most, people don't even know each other I just come together to achieve, the same goal to, bring Kayden home people, are coming from all over the place it's, amazing, it's it's not just our community it's it's. Basically. Canada. Hundreds. Of volunteers, have combed through nearly 20 kilometres of, riverbanks, so far check in the area of Korea moving forward another.

Area Like anything right you gets discouraging, but you just got to keep judging on try. And do your best Kaden's, family didn't, want to go on TV today, but they did want, to honor those, search efforts, hosting. An Easter dinner for volunteers, who say more, help is needed, boots, on the ground, we. Need to, get bring Kayden back and until. Then they say they will continue to. Search, Nataly. Coladas CBC News near, Orangeville, Ontario. Any. Montreal the search continues, for a ten-year-old boy Ariel Jeffery kohaku disappeared, three, weeks ago tomorrow, so. I would like to. Say. Thank you for to everybody for the the effort that they're making and thank, you to the police for the whatever. You do to help us find my like, kids, area. Was last seen in a park next to the river police believe he may have fallen and drowned the. Family, though believe, he may have been abducted the river banks were combed again today on Friday police, brought in an RCMP. Dog which, can detect bodies in water as well, as a robot, from the Canada Border Services Agency, equipped. With a camera and. Rosemary. Over the past three weeks hundreds, of volunteered, to retrace. Ariel steps and canvass, the neighborhood okay. Let's move now to the US and how the president, spent the holiday e'en with a couple of quick and rather harsh tweets today Donald Trump threatened now negotiations. And he also changed his position, again, on the program that protects children of undocumented, immigrants, as Paul, hunter tells us Trump, squeezed all that in before church with his own family. By. The time Donald Trump headed into an Easter Sunday church service. It had already been, a busy morning he'd, been tweeting. That, Mexico. Is doing, little if not nothing at stopping people from flowing through that country and then into the u.s. caravans. Of him he wrote as they. Laugh at our dumb immigration. Laws. Indeed. Roughly, a thousand, migrants most, of them Honduran, are now moving, together through, Mexico, fleeing, strife, hoping, for asylum in the u.s. it's, an annual event sponsored. By a migrant, support, group Trump. Tweeted if Mexico, fails, to take action he'll quote stop, their cash cow, NAFTA. Adding, no, more daca deal, referencing. The controversial, law that allows the children of undocumented. Migrants, who'd come to the US years ago to stay in the country earlier, threats. To kill daca, have led to widespread. Protests. Mexico. Has got to help us at the border if they're not gonna help us at the border it's. A very sad thing. And a lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of daca and. What. Worth. Noting, that's not, exactly, true. Protections. Under daca are only, for those who've been in the US since, at least 2007. None, who'd, enter, now would. Qualify. Trump. Is threatened, daca before, but he's also suggested. He'd be open to compromise on it and it's, unclear. If Trump's now truly targeting. NAFTA, as well talks, on rewriting. The trade deal between Canada, Mexico and the u.s. have been underway, for months, random. Tweets or bonafide. Threats, his. First tweet. Of the day was less contentious.

Happy. Easter, he, wrote, Paul. Hunter CBC News Washington. Now. Some of trumps tough talk on immigration you heard in Paul's piece there seems to be having an impact the, number of people apprehended. At the us-mexico. Border trying to enter that country illegally has, actually dropped since he took office the total number of people arrested for trying to get across the border in 2017. Just over three hundred and ten thousand, and that is the lowest it's been since. 1971. A. Canadian. Company is at the center of a major data, breach, the, Hudson's Bay Company's high-end, brands, Saks, Fifth, Avenue and Lord and Taylor were hacked with, card numbers from potentially, millions of customers stolen. In the, words of a cyber security firm this is one of the most damaging attacks, ever to, hit a retailer. The. Hackers claimed they've stolen the data from five million, credit, and debit cards, and they put up just a tiny percentage of those for sale on the black market a stash. They call big, badda-boom, two cyber. Security, experts say dribbling, out a massive, hall like this is common practice making. Sure that the product that they have stays valuable, if they dump the whole lot of credit cards in, one go essentially, credit card companies, know which credit cards have been targeted, and therefore can go through cancel those cards it's a bit of a race against, the clock with these guys because of course the, longer it takes to sell the less it'll, be worth these, guys are known as Joe Kirsten, according. To one cybersecurity, firms, analysis, they or someone linked. To them gained, access to Saks Fifth Avenue and, Lord & Taylor's networks, months. Ago allowing. Them to lurk on the stores point-of-sale. Network every. Time a customer made, a purchase their card data was taken without, anybody, knowing many, of the cards came from store locations, throughout the United States and according. To the cyber security firm also, a few locations in Canada the. Parent company Canada's, Hudson's Bay wouldn't. Confirm whether Canadian, stores were affected, in, a statement HBC, said it's aware of a data security issue they, also said the customers, won't be liable, for fraudulent charges they're, asking customers to review statements. To flag suspicious. Transactions. And that as the investigation. Continues, the, company will offer identity. Protection services, to those affected that's, a fairly standard response, to a very common problem a 2013. Hack of target's, point-of-sale, systems, resulted.

In The fact of 14, million customer, accounts the. Worry from the experts in cyber security is, that lessons, are not being learned I think the biggest challenge for IT. System administrators, is that IT is seen as a cost, center, so. Essentially you try to keep costs low by you, know in some cases under staffing these areas if they view a breach. Like this is a very seldom, event that costs, him you, know just ten million dollars, or even a hundred million dollars, then. They're. Just going to say hey you know we'll we'll, roll the dice and take our chance if we have to pay, that little tax every, now and then more. Of the card numbers from this hack will likely end up on the darknet, and that, may leave customers, potentially, vulnerable for, months to come and. So. We reached out to Ontario's, former privacy, commissioner, and Kovu Qian who had a couple, of tips for all of us regularly. Check your statements to look out for signs that your cards may have been compromised, and if, you do find something report, it to the police file a report even, if nothing comes of that there's now a record which can help substantiate. Your story in, cases. Of identity. Theft and another. Story about technology, and your money more, than people are using those mobile, banking apps, they let you deposit, a check just by snapping, a picture of it but, the apps can also cause problems by allowing that same check to be deposited again as, go. Public so Rosa market Elly explains, it can lead people on the hook even if they don't use the apps. Yeah. We do one more these. Two have a lot going on. So when some of their employees catch the same paychecks, twice it took, a while for them to notice when, we were building the. Pub in the restaurant, and the, brewery we were wearing, a lot of hats and not having a full-time bookkeeper. We had to keep an eye on our accounts, at the same time as doing, everything else, the. One thing that I didn't expect that could happen, was. Having, checks, that would be cashed, twice. It. Happened, 17, times leaving. Them with thousands, of dollars in extra payments, their credit union didn't, notice, our, worst one we have was. Actually a stale dated cheque that, is over. Eight months old that, was cleared. The. Second time so there's a cheque that was deposited. At. One month and eight and a half months later it was deposited again until. Recently, all checks being deposited had to be handed over to the financial, institution, but mobile banking apps changed, that they, allow customers, to deposit, checks by taking, a photo with their, smartphones, and as that soars in popularity, so, do the risks most, double deposits, are accidental. According, to this bank security expert, we're kind of using 19th century technology, colliding, with our smartphones, and it's just complicated the problem is not the apps he says it's, the mix of the new technology, and old paper checks by, doing, one electronic, and one paper that can throw their systems off and make it much more difficult for them to detect or by doing it at multiple financial institutions, so you do need to make sure you're holding your bank accountable, and be very careful banks, give customers between 30 and 60 days to flag problems, with their accounts, so, if you're not checking your accounts, often you could be on the hook for the money when. The Martin's notified, their credit union they say they were initially. Told it was their fault for, failing to notice the problem sooner.

Were Eventually reimbursed. Roza market le CBC News Calgary and. If you have a story you'd like to see go public get in touch with Rosa and her team at go public at Its. No April Fool's joke Canadians, woke up to several new tax and fee hikes today and NBC. One of them makes, buying a high-end, vehicle, a whole lot more expensive sales. Across the province have quadrupled. Since 1990. Helping turn the Lower Mainland, into Canada's, luxury. Car capital, but could the tax increase, be the end of the road for drivers, with expensive. Tastes here's Breyer Stewart. At. The Vancouver Auto, Show the largest. Crowds gather around the most expensive, cars many, admire them very, few can't afford them so, this is a, Nissan. R35. Gt-r, JJ, do Becky is among that small group it was my 40. Year old midlife crisis car he. Owns eight luxury, vehicles, and is in the market for one more McLaren. Which could easily cost, a few hundred thousand. Dollars and that already steep, price tag is about to get steeper, because, today taxes, are going up on the most expensive, cars in BC, for, vehicles between 125. And. 149,000. It's going, up from 10 to 15 percent for. Those over. 150,000. The provincial tax is doubling to 20 percent it's a big. Substantial. Amount of money mark Edmonds sells Ferraris, and Maseratis he. Believes the tax will, deter buyers obviously. People who can afford our, level of cars have, the means to do so but. They didn't get, to have those means by being. Frivolous and silly so. It, might make them think perhaps, to do something else like, buy and register cars, somewhere, else since, those who are in the market for a Ferrari often. Have more than one home car, dealers believe it will impact the local luxury, market, which is in part fueled by offshore money, it's, not uncommon to see high-end, cars like this Rolls Royce on the streets of Vancouver luxury. Cars are big business in BC more than 38,000, of them were sold last year, but. Most of those sales will not be affected, by this tax as the government, has applied it to only the highest, priced vehicles, the, NDP is thinking of the many and not the few which is gonna irritate the few but they're not gonna get much sympathy from the many this. Car feels like a new car to me and, even, some of the few that.

Wished, It may make me think twice about getting certain. Types of cars but to be honest with you it's, just another number to add into the calculation, now. The, math will only change if you're in a market most, are left dreaming, about briar, Stuart's CBC News Vancouver. Now. If you can afford one of those luxury cars you could probably afford to fill its tank but that too just got a little bit more expensive for, many across the country let's, start in BC it's thanks to the first hike in the provinces, carbon. Tax in seven years that, now pushes the average price at the pumps there to just over one dollar 41. In Vancouver. It's even steeper at almost a buck 50 for Newfoundland. And Labrador has, the next highest price it's hovering above, 132. The cheapest gas this long weekend my home province of Manitoba, the, pump price they're just above $1, 11, maybe, almost back we, have a lot more ahead tonight on the national parts of the British Parliament date back more than 900. Years and apparently it's, showing, its age as MPs prepare to move out for renovations, we'll show you why it's in desperate need of repair but first a mind-reading, technology being. Pioneered, right here in Canada, so what, could it be used for and he. Was there on the balcony the day dr. Martin, Luther King jr. was shot I'll talk to Jesse Jackson about, the memories, that still haunt him. It, was an all fully tragic, moment, every time I'm near Memphis, the. Scab comes off in the soy steel wrong. There. Are a number of employee groups and other companies, hoping to emulate Lotus's policies, in their own companies, we, discussed having a meeting in January 19 in New York to network and exchange information and ideas if. Anyone is interested in more information about let me know the, objective, will be to explain, the goals of the gay and lesbian organization of, Bell employees, the, article I think the company is waiting just to gauge and see how progress, is made in this area. I'd. Like to see diversity. Training in the workplace I'd like to see spousal. Benefits for same-sex couples of course knowing, that you're in a company that respects you and, acknowledges, you it makes a huge difference you don't feel like, your. Family, is considered. Less valuable than everyone else's family spousal. Rights there is a social a social right it's a right to, to. Mcgrath, to support, the fundamental. Building block of our nation which, is a heterosexual. Family and that is that. On. A rainy evening in, Toronto, a small, group of employees Huddle's, to discuss the latest inequity. At work the, company benefit, plan. These, are professionals, from major corporations. Like Bell Canada and IBM. What. Distinguishes, them from a majority of their colleagues is simply that they are gays and lesbians, and they're, declared spouses, aren't covered, by their company benefit packages, the. Battlecry is equal, treatment it works regardless of sexual preference. Bell. Is not the enemy the enemy is ignorance Carl. Miller is one of the founders, of the gay and lesbian organization, at, Bell Canada in, the past year he and his colleagues, have repeatedly, asked Bell to extend the company dental, eye care, and medical benefits to cover same-sex, partners. Companies. Have been generally, slow to see the advantage, of extending, same-sex, spousal benefits. They, fear that satisfying. The demands of a few might attract more gays and lesbians, they. Fear the possibility of aids might drain the benefits, package, and they worry about public reaction. To their recognition, of homosexual, families, but. They can't escape the issue because today's companies, have become testing. Grounds, for society's, moral and ethical dilemmas. Some, make history dealing with these dilemmas others. Follow it's. An historic, day for, this province, and. History, in this case is being made on many fronts in the public sector Ontario.

Crown Attorney Michael leshner set a precedent, this fall when, the Ontario, Human Rights Tribunal ruled. His male spouse was entitled to coverage under, Lester's government benefits plan. Ontario. Didn't challenge the ruling so provincial public, sector employees, can, include same-sex spouses under, their medical plans, BC. And Yukon have similar policies. On. The National tonight we're tracking an old Chinese space lab that has fallen from orbit, it reentered, the Earth's atmosphere this, evening and mostly, burned up over the South Pacific, whatever, fragments. Were left appear to not have caused any damage on the ground. Some. Easter churchgoers, and Halifax is morning greeted by a shocked two parishes. Hit overnight by offensive, graffiti both. Were Catholic, churches they're about seven kilometers apart police, are, reviewing security video. Okay. So this next story it's gonna sound like something, out of a sci-fi movie, researchers. Have come up with a machine that can read your mind and capture, pictures from inside, your brain and it was developed in Toronto, cool, technology, yes but it is also potential. To help people with difficulties, communicating and, as, Christine Barack explains it. Could even help, fight crime. Okay. And hello. Can you please hold it. Our. Brains, are continuously. Collecting. Information so, in this experiment will present you faces, faces. Are pretty standard within. Fractions of a second, we register, skin tone gender, the shape of a person's eyes nose, and more. Your. Brain transmits. That information, as electrical. Signals, now. I have to make sure that we plug in. Researchers. Here at the University, of Toronto have, discovered, you no longer need an expensive, MRI, scanner, to access, them. Instead. They used a cheap accessible. EEG. Machine to build a portable translator. Of sorts. That's, able to convert brain activity, into pictures, I. Was. Pretty surprised myself when, I when. We found that it is possible to reconstruct faces, and it took me some time I don't believe, actually that it, is possible but the fact is yes. Wired. Up to an EEG participants. Like Tyler here looked at a collection, of faces for two hours. So. This, is a look at his brain activity in, this hour bits of information about the faces, that he sees exactly. Researchers. Fed thousands, of pictures into machine learning software as. Participants. Did the experiment. The software, began linking, facial, features to brain activity and, you. Can reconstruct, a picture from this yes correct, after processing, the data researchers. Showed participants. A reconstructed. Photo so just so I'm clear so, from Tyler's, brain activity, you guys came up with this yes. On. The left is the original photo, participants. Saw on the, right is a picture created. Using their brainwaves, and here's, another one in both cases they're, not far off from the original ultimately, we, are, involved. In a form of mind-reading, we're. Trying to understand, what it is that you perceive what it is that you remember, professor. Adrian Nestor, runs the lab he, hopes this type of artificial, intelligence may, one day replace eyewitness. Accounts, or look into the minds of patients, with severe, neurological. Damage, the, technology, isn't there yet but Nestor insists. It's coming, oh absolutely, I think it's a matter of when. Not a matter of. The, one thing people have always had, is the sanctity, and the, freedom of mind, this. Is the first time that freedom could be infringed. Upon this. Ethics class also at the University, of Toronto examines. Emerging, technologies. They've, been following a EEG mind-reading somebody. That's falsely, accused, of a crime, now. This is not now but in time ahead you. Could say well you know why don't you scan my brain because, in fact you can have a look and see, you know, what I actually, experienced. And so I imagine that even tapping, into someone's memory you can't necessarily. At, least at this stage be certain, and, those memories are actually really, he's right our thoughts, aren't black-and-white, images, of what happened, they're colored by our experiences. And bias it's perception, versus. Reality so. From a medical perspective it might be really, great but.

I Think it needs to be really properly regulated, I think there would be a serious problem if a company. Or an institution, asked, you for let's. Say like your mind, reading information, I don't know if they are you consent, would be a pivotal, issue in mind reading whether, it's law enforcement or, a job interview would. You be allowed to say no to. Simply, embrace all, new, technology. Without any sort of ethical parameters, I think is really. Foolish and, I, don't think I'm not anti science I would argue none of these students, are anti science REO. Researchers. Insist ethics, shouldn't, derail, discovery. But evolve with it and there's much more to come we wants to be able to reconstruct, images, based on what people think, and, not just what people see. Now. They're trying to extract text words from our brain would. Sound far-fetched but, it appears. We're. Already staring, the future in the face. Christene. Burak CBC, News Toronto. That's. A bit weird lots, more head tonight on the national this week marks 50 years since the assassination, of dr. Martin Luther King, jr. up next, you'll hear from a man who was with King that day I'll speak to Jesse Jackson about, being on that balcony and fighting, to carry on his mentor's legacy, and. We'll take you to Georgetown University an. Institution, struggling, to make amends for past ties, to slavery you'll, meet the school's oldest, freshman whose ancestors, were once, sold by the school. What. Do you think it would be to, your ancestors that you're here they are here sort. Of with me I get little whispers, in my ears and feel, hugs and Pat's on my back. Well, Peter this was day 24. Of chief Theresa, spends his hunger strike here, on Victoria, Island and for a few moments there was a sense of optimism that maybe, a solution. Was near but as fast as it came that, hope vanished. 24. Feels like 48, with the cold, in just about every, way. It. Is ritual, that passes, the time on Victoria, Island these, weeks of chief Theresa spence's hunger strike there.

Is Both the wood and the resolve it seems to keep up the battle. The. Morning walk with, a friend the, chief turning her back on Parliament, just across the river she sure it turned its back on her long ago a. Few. Flashes, of energy for supporters, around her and, curiously. A brief Dash for the door and a hotel she. Sworn off solid, foods but she's far from allowing, herself to be trapped on the I'm just gonna go over shower. That. Is the last cheap Spence was willing to say publicly, today in. Her absence the, crowds poured, in more, well-wishers. More of the familiar, supporters, bringing more supplies, and more, good thoughts she. Returned in time to thank them and then retreat, back to her tent for more meetings. All. Support. Is appreciated here. But what is clearly craved, is someone, or something, that carries a promise of change for. A few hours, change, seemed possible, word. Of urgent, invitations, sent from the Assembly of First Nations to, the Prime Minister and the governor-general to. Meet with First Nations leaders on January 24th, the, one-year, anniversary of the last summit. If. The Prime Minister said yes would that be enough for Chief Spence to, stop her protests, chief. Shan a Clio rushed to a meeting with her in the crowds thicken the. Idea of stopping and sounding good to supporters, who've become fully, fasting. Political, fasting, is not good if, the crowds had hoped for the meeting many, in the know said, they did not for. More than an hour and a half not a word then, chief, Clio leaving, in a hurry saying, excuse. Me here we're. Gonna have to jump in she expenses representatives. Far, from appearing, thrilled the. Letter that was sent from the AFN, today inviting, the prime minister to a meeting with the Chiefs is. That sufficient for chief Spence if he says yes to that that. Is that is not sufficient that just three weeks away but what she's saying is we want to meet there's an urgency that to this a life's are on the line so let's meet let's, meet in the very near future so. This goes on it is effectively, back to day one with all here just waiting. For an answer of some kind from the prime minister you, do get the impression though that behind, the scenes chief. Shan alio is pushing, hard for a compromise, it's just not working yet Peter. Dr.. Martin Luther King jr. the night before he, was assassinated, was. A tragedy that shook America, to its core but it couldn't stop a movement Wednesday. Marks the 50th anniversary of, King's death, and in Memphis preparations. Are underway at the National, Civil Rights Museum built. Inside, the Lorraine, Motel where he was shot one. Of the people with King that day was a 26. Year old rising figure in the movement his name Jesse, Jackson we'll talk to him about that shocking moment, in a moment and the struggle to carry on King's dream of racial and economic equality, but, first some, background. When. It comes to the u.s. civil rights movement, not many can match the resume of Jesse Jackson a commitment, to the struggle born, of an upbringing in segregated, South Carolina, suffice.

To Say I grew up on the laws of apartheid, in this country something. Within me told me that I. Could. Make a difference but from difficult beginnings he established, himself as a central, figure in American, politics, and culture, from. Two unsuccessful runs, to be the Democratic presidential nominee. To. The television set of the country's youngest. But. The roots of his activism, and the making of his reputation happened, alongside dr.. Martin Luther King, jr. at some, of the movements, iconic, moments, including, the, 1965. Marches, on Selma, where the American, conscience, was stirred and on, that fateful April. Day in 1968. Standing, on that balcony and bearing. Witness as an assassin's, bullet struck, King down in some, ways Jackson, himself helped, bridge the gap between that, era and the one assured in 40 years later with. The election of the country's, first black president few, are, better placed to speak about the legacy of dr. Martin Luther King, jr. he, spoke to us earlier from Chicago. Reverend. Jackson good to see you hello. Canada. Reverend. This Wednesday will mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of. Martin Luther, King you, had a special relationship with him of course you were there on that day maybe you could just start by giving us your favorite, personal, memory of him as a friend as an icon and as a mentor the day of his death we didn't. Win the day before the April 3rd really we. Talked, about this his family background and how they had come up through the rough side of the mountain so. To speak ask. Me to go to the church and I didn't feel like going really he came and that's not he gave the mountaintop. Speech. You. Said that. Is. He talked about things people could do he said, I'm. Not fearing any man. I've. Seen the glow in the coming of the Lord I've been in the mountaintop. We. Thought the reference was clearly, to the. Airplane, threat, the day before we, do, this thing with some indicator premonition.

It. Was very we heard those words before really, and. Then the next day of course it was an awful, the tragic, moment, every time I'm near Memphis, the. Scab comes off and the source still wrong. Wherever. Nab another came out and said get back my friend Maude you can't leave us now and we we. Said we stood that, transfixed. Really the. Picture and then I our hands I pointed toward the hill the. Bullet came from saying the police were coming up with drawn guns, bullet. Came from the other way so. I got up and right, wiped off my shirt and when, caught mrs. King. And. She saw him in the bed reading I said. Doc. Had been shot I think in the shoulder I couldn't say what I really had seen a, zombie. As quickly as I can get there of. Course a few moments they were pronounced, him dead there was a, tragic. Moment so much of the activism that we see today is, is from that legacy from the civil rights movement, from the assassination. From you. What lessons do you think activists and particularly black, activists. Have learned he, bequeathed to us the right to vote which we never didn't, have at, that time, blacks. Couldn't vote three, to five years white women couldn't serve on juries. ATL's. Couldn't vote the current board on college campus couldn't vote bilingually. That. Became a new force in American politics and, when the balcony, in Memphis. And Lorraine, hotel. Balcony. At the white house of Barack Obama stood forty years later four. Years in the wilderness. We. Never stopped working we never saw President Bush was never stopped building coalitions and we won, we. Did not give up we kept fighting poverty and we're fighting war, on poverty today and. Fighting in somaye sabalan said, today the, property base is expanding. War. Is expanding. And and. The gap between the rich and the poor is got in the water but he's enough about the legacy to. Fight back and we're still fighting, when, you see for instance the March that we saw last weekend across the United States but particularly of course in Washington. Teenagers. Fight, the NRA black. Lives matter another movement what does that tell you about how, the country is still. Now, it says the one bullet cannot kill a movement that I, our quest for dignity and decency will, not be stopped that. These young people are saying in, some sense hands. Up don't shoot vote. 18. Years now have to write the book there four thousand, four million high school seniors can register and vote, there. More, seventeen. That's for the one than there are seven to 1 theta one or. It, says that, those, in college now one, low tuition can, in fact fight back and books we're now marching. Suppose. Not just marching this treatment marching to the polls, it. Says we're doing it in a non-violent, way with choosing non-violence. Over. Non-existence, we're choosing.

Multiracial. Coalition's, as opposed to some form of limited. Nationalism. It's not about. Black or why the brown nationalism. Is about globalism, about learning to live together as. Brothers and, sisters and not die apart and foolish divisions, when. You see those above the rhetoric that is coming from the White House for instance public, discourse, what we saw in Charlottesville. Do, you feel that your country is better, off and it was or that there is still really a huge, amount of work to do a toggle. Off the soul of America fought. By hope and healing, aback, by hurtin eight the. Force of hurt and hate and not gonna win this fight we're gonna keep fighting I'm not look at your Prime Minister in Canada for example very. Young man who speaks. Glowingly. Of our hemisphere, or, the young leader. Of Mexico, or South. Central Latin America will winning this battle if. You were trying to swim today from Britain. To France. 30 miles it, is the distance is not dishes, to on the floor on the correct there's, a violent undercard in our country today but and yet somehow we see Americans, saying. Ban. Assault weapons with. Sin saying more background checks. We're. Saying let's live together as, brothers and sisters that there's a the. Thrust, forward is not going to be turned around we have the means to fight we. Have the motivation. To fight we're, gonna fight fought for, hope Reverend, Jackson a pleasure to speak with you thank you sir. Thank you and God bless Canada. 50. Years after King's death many african-americans. Still, feel the effects of exclusion, but. This next story is about a descendant, of slaves who's, coming to terms with her own place in history in a rather unusual way, our Ellen, Mauro met up with her. This. Is. The. Tiny, condo. Come, on in a, university. Dorm room is not where Melisande, short Colome thought she'd be living at 63. Years, old how. Dorm. Room space, well. At first it was very difficult. But. Coming to Georgetown was, about life coming full circle the, elite university, might not even exist today if it weren't for a group of slaves that included, short columns, ancestors. That. Is what drove the retired chef to make an unusual choice, leave. Her life and family in New Orleans to, become Georgetown's. Oldest, freshman what. Do you think it would be to, your ancestors, they. Are here sort. Of with me I get little whispers, in my ears and feel, hugs and Pat's on my back and, support, and.

This. Is certainly. My. Way of, paying, homage. To, my, family, and their sacrifice, and all of the, 272. People the Georgetown, 272. Their names listed, here. 272. Slaves, sold, to the deep south by Jesuit, priests who ran the school in 1838. A sale, that kept the venn struggling. University, afloat, it's, one thing to know well. My family, was a slave, they. Were enslaved, people, owned and sold my family, it's, another, thing to know who, those people were. And that, those people, were. The, Society. Of Jesus, they. Were priests, we. Have greatly sinned, now, nearly, two hundred years, later the, Jesuits, and Georgetown. Are trying to atone slavery. Remains the original, evil, of our, republic, an evil. That our university, was complicit, in the, university, has formally, apologized, and renamed a building, on campus after. Isaac Hawkins, the first name on the 1838. Bill of sale, Abraham. Mahoney right here he's your grandfather he, was my, three-times-great-grandfather. It's. Also giving, preferential admission. Status to descendants, like short Colome who, fittingly, is studying, history we. Owe something, to the people, who are who, were sold whose, bodies. Were the Capitol that, that. Allowed the university, to survive and ultimately thrive. But. Not every descendent and there are thousands, will want or be able to come to Georgetown and there's a debate about what more the university, should do to, right the wrongs of history I think, we as a nation, as a people as, a society as, a, world we have a lot of work to do, to. To. Make it better. Short. Colome says that's what she's trying to do and that uprooting, her life was worth it to honor her ancestors. Though, it's not always easy running. With a younger crowd and, the kids move so fast and, I was like oh my god how can I keep up but. I am. Second. Semester second. Semester yeah, only six more to go and. That. Means more time to get closer to her family's past as Georgetown. Tries, to reconcile, with, its own Ellen. Morrow CBC, News Washington. Up. Next on the National the Palace of Westminster has. Seen better days we'll take you underground for. Look at why it's in desperate need of repair but, first, as we go to break Christians, around the world have been marking, Easter Sunday. This, is a past event about, 2000 years ago but. It's a present experience because, each Christian, really in different ways experiences. The presence, of the risen Lord I, one. Of Toronto's oldest, cathedrals. That meant a full house for the noon mass the. Scene played out in thousands, of churches across Canada. La. Motta a meritorious. Area. At. The Vatican, Pope Francis, used his Easter address to call for global peace especially. In Syria and the Middle East he, also asked, his followers to end injustice in, the world. And. In. The UK the Queen and members of the royal family attended. Services, at st. George's Chapel it, will be the venue for Prince Harry's wedding next month to Meagan Martin they, weren't there today neither, was Prince Philip but William and his wife Kate his, third child is due soon made. An appearance. Go. Deeper on the stories of the day earlier in the day subscribe, to our newsletter at CBC News CA / the national the national, today will take you inside our journalism every, afternoon. The. Punches, were thrown in, Czechoslovakia. But. Their impact, was felt halfway. Around the world in, Canada, what's, your reaction to yesterday's international. Hockey, fisticuffs, fiasco. Today the junior hockey Donnybrook, was the talk of the open line shows from. Hockey coaches but we must remember. In. Hockey. Fighting, is part of the game it has been for a long time to, the mothers of young players. Cbc, sportscaster, bruce de bergen has seldom seen such an outpouring of emotion I thought that all of a sudden I realized what a deep sort, of strain, this hits and Canadian people that hockey touches, people like nothing nothing else I think, it's the one thing that we really associate, with our national, pride a hockey, fight of the Month Djoser lor the Devils in the light Bobby Bassett of the Islanders, in the dark violence.

Is Nothing new to pro hockey the, American, networks even assemble, special packages, of the NHL's, lowlights. Junior. Hockey is supposed to be different and generally, it has been in 1982. And in 1985. Canadian. Juniors won the World Championship. They. Had little trouble with the strict international rules, against, fighting in fact, the Canadians even won the Fairplay, medal, a couple of years ago. As. For yesterday, a legal, s'en Canada's top diplomat, on international. Hockey thinks, the Canadian players had no choice. It's a sad answer, to, a problem created, by, lack. Of self-discipline. Which is totally understandable I think if if my son had been there he would have jump the boards to help his friends if, there's one word that keeps coming up it's discipline, you have to teach discipline, to kids whether they're 14, or whether they're 20 for playing, internationally. They have to be disciplined they have to understand this these are the rules of the games over here you're. Not playing by your own rules anymore, as. The. Lights went out in Czechoslovakia. Yesterday, a new debate about Canada's, game was just beginning. We. Spoke to two of the Canadian players just after their arrival at Toronto Airport goalie, Shaun Simpson and defenseman, Kerry Hoffman, Shaun. Where were you in all the curfuffle I. Was. On the bench at the time Jim. Wait started the game and, I. Was, just watching the game and it all came and I just came off the bench what. Do you mean I just came off the bench I mean what goes on in a guy's head what do you see what, boils, out and why, do you move because, you you were programmed to not move out there right, I. Don't. Know it just we're. On the bench and we. See five on five guys, fighting on the ice and we see the other team leave their bench and, it's, just a natural reaction that, we, go out and help the guys in our team and stick up for the guys in our team and I don't, know you don't even really think twice of it it's just something you do how. Many we, each taking on Kerry I mean where, were you and did you get hurt I know, I didn't really get hurt. There was a one, time when there was I had a hold of two of them and then, but, then your players came on and you know helped you out so that was that was good you know there's always somebody there to help you out. Finster. Is falling, apart parts. Of that historic building date back over 900. Years so for the first time since the Second World War British, MPs will soon be moving out to, allow for some much-needed repairs, and, Artemis Degla got some rare behind-the-scenes access. Ahead. Of the multi-billion, dollar reconstruction. Above. Us is perhaps. Lewis area of the building below, one of the most famous buildings in the world few, people get to see this, part and perhaps. For good reason what, we got here is a chaotic mix of pipes and wires lots of different systems gas high-pressure steam water. High-voltage electricity, that really shouldn't be mixed, like this in the same location, so there is a growing. Risk of catastrophic, failure, tom, Healy's in charge of getting this place back to its former glory redo.

That Tangled. Cabling, fill, in the cracks in the walls and stop, the Palace of Westminster from. Slowly, crumbling. Well. That's kind, of already started what's. The water on the floor here there's a leak, of some kind the. Underground, hallways, go on and, on and, the further we go the more, trouble, we find that's quite a lot of corrosion. There and. So. As that builds up what's the risk with that the. Pond will fail so, eventually, it will start to leak. Ever. Since Parliament, was bombed and partially, rebuilt after, the Second World War there's, been a patchwork, of, temporary, repairs, done and now. Say, MPs, the World Heritage Site feels, like a building, site. There's drilling, there's, noise and. Also the other stuff you notice are things like mice, and, some people say rats even. In places where we're eating in order, to build on it then there's the fire risk, Henrik, Shona Feld studies the Victorian, era of ventilation, system, installed. After the last big fire destroyed, the place in 1834. It's, building, aging and see a mechanical. Plant becoming, more on unreliable. That risk will increase significantly. Hence. The need for a long-term, fix. Parliament's. Plan is to leave its well-known home for major renovations. In about seven years MPs. Will likely move to this nearby building, temporarily, the, project's, price nearly. Ten billion. Dollars, if. We try to stay in there I can, just imagine what will happen day, one people go I can't, hear myself think, and we'll have to say no you can only work at night which, will quadruple the costs and make it take far far longer so, we're on the roof now above the chamber of the House of Commons so, you can see a lot of scaffolding and hoardings back, on our tour we get a better, look at the cast iron roofs, that need to be replaced and that familiar, sight the, tower home to Big Ben nowadays. Not looking, like the picture on a postcard, the. Work on Elizabeth, tower as it's known was, so urgently, needed, that they had to shut down the, huge Bell inside until. 2021. There's. Work to be done all around, and Tom, Healy draws, inspiration from, an, ocean away our. Canadian. Colleagues have taken a rather different approach but they've been very successful so far and we're very keen to look. At what they've done and learn from them the difference, is this on Parliament. Hill in Ottawa, rehabilitating. The centre east and west blocks comes in three, phases, over several, years here, at Westminster it's, one big, building and one, massive, undertaking, this. Is a maple leaf made, from copper from the roof of the East block of the Canadian Parliament building in Ottawa so reminder that it is possible to get these big parliamentary, construction projects off the ground, for. A building the site of countless, tales, history. Will soon be made again. Thomas. Tagged with CBC News London. Lots. Of mention of Canada's, Parliament they're going through Renaud's of its own construction, is already well underway in fact MPs, will. Be moving out of the historic center block in just a few months. This. Is where MPs, will soon debate the nation's business inside. The West block what, was an open-air, courtyard is, now covered, by a glass roof, to become the temporary, home for the House of Commons starting, this September, that's.

When Centre block will undergo its own major facelift, set, to last at least a decade it's, all part of a 3 billion, dollar renewal. Of Parliament, Hill, restoring. And modernizing. These beautiful. Bearded, buildings, our. Cultural. Heritage, it's, the biggest construction the hill has seen in over a century since. The fire that destroyed the original centre, block in 1916. We'll. Be back in just a moment with tonight's moment. But, as we go to break remember you can get the real story from our journalists, all day long find, powerful. Images, on instagram exclusive. Video on facebook, and you can tweet us anytime at CBC the Nash. The. Beautiful, games beautiful. Beckham just made a beautiful, move, a. Decision. To head way west to, leave behind his, beloved, English, home and Spanish, soccer team and play, for Los Angeles. Expecting. Shock and horror not, a chance. That's. Probably, very good for spine I think the National RQ average will go up yeah. I think it's a great idea, well she wants to go so he's going. And. Forget, David. Beckham, has been a much revered, soccer star, and an adored marketing, darling, that, face, and his glam wife Victoria, what's the spice girl posh make, them Beckham package irresistible. And yes, those are the wax images, of the Beckham's as Mary, and Joseph and a nativity scene but. Soccer life hasn't been quite as smooth recently. The. Experts, here, and quite frankly there are a lot of people in this country who claim to be experts say. That Beckham, the player was slipping, and his skills on the pitch and needed, to do something. Beckham's. Leaving, going to LA what do you think washed, up that's. It it's all over I think, still. To where the LA Galaxy Jersey. Hill reportedly, be paid nearly three hundred million. Dollars over five years debut. Back and will probably earn in. A region of 50 times more than. Most of his teammates, if not more so that. Gives you a sense of the, scale of its deal that'll. Make for some happy times the log on to Haley yeah it's, been interesting probably, kicking line writing and trading off her first first, few days but the money the man himself says, has nothing, to do with it, I don't want to go out to America.

34. Years old and people, we turn him around so he was only going there to get, the money you, know it's not what I'm going out there to do I'm going out there to, to. Hopefully build you, know a club and a team that has, got a lot of potential, he, will soccer fans hope bring new life to the North American, game and to, the new soccer. When, a Toronto, team is a part of just, maybe a little bit of the Beckham brilliance, will rub off Adrienne. Arsenal CBC News London. That's. One of the best things about being me, really. To have the, following. Of so many kids around the world you know when I've. Seen, in Europe I've seen in in Asia and, different parts of the world but then to come to the, states and to see the, reaction that, I've had so far for, him not, just obviously, the the the older people and you, know the press that I've had but from from the younger people as well and especially you, know the girls and the boys that are, playing soccer, it's such a such. A young age so it's, it's an honor for me I feel honored it's, definitely about the sport it's definitely about the soccer. Obviously. It's also about me, being an ambassador it's. Definitely not about going, into semi-retirement. There's only people that have, been out there that have criticized, me, mostly. In Europe for, coming to a league that he's not as, high-profile, and also is not a level. That you know lolly Greece or the Premiership, is. So. No, it's definitely not about semi-retirement. It's about growing a league and being part of something which. Potentially. Could, could. Be huge and. I want to be part of that. On. The season finale of Dragon's, Den it's, the last chance to make a deal I need your expertise, look do the Dragons agree I disagree with all them. On. CBC. Presented, by Canada, Post. Here. Are some of the stories we're following this week on the national bill cosby's sexual, assault retrial, gets underway tomorrow in, pennsylvania, the 80 year old comedy, legend, is accused of drugging and assaulting a, Toronto woman andrea, constand, her, first, or his first trial last. Year ended with a deadlocked, jury this, time the judge has agreed to let five, other accusers, testify, against, him giving, prosecutors, a chance to portray, the embattled entertainer. As a serial. Predator Cosby. Has again pleaded not guilty. On. Friday, the former South Korean president Park geun-hye will, learn, her fate she's. Accused of taking bribes from business leaders as well as abuse, of power and coercion, the, verdict will come a year after Park was impeached amid.

An Influence, peddling scandal. Prosecutors. Are demanding, a 30 year sentence, and a fine of 140. Million dollars, she, has pleaded not guilty. That's. Right the Commonwealth Games getting underway this week on Australia's. Gold Coast, Canada's sending 283. Athletes down under competing. Against athletes, from 70 Commonwealth, countries and territories, the. Goal this year is to win more than a hundred medals, and finishes. One of the top three countries you, can watch the opening ceremony, live here, on CBC. Also. Ahead this week we'll introduce you to the next Canadian to go into space David's, a Jacques I got, a look at the intense training that he's undergoing as he prepares, for his mission on the International Space Station we, got to see Mission Control in action as well here's a preview. The. Challenge, for training astronauts, is how, to replicate on, earth thee out of world experience, of being in space. It. Means going underwater and. Entering. Virtual reality, for devid, sanjak, that means mastering, control, of the Canada, arm at the Johnson, Space Center in Houston. Amid. The mental and physical pressures, of getting ready for launch day he, says he keeps in mind the advice of Canadian. Astronauts, who, have come before him you, can do this, did, you ever have any go Shh, well I should eat stuff so. Show. Up study. And. We'll. Get better and one. Day lo and behold you, can do it so, kind. Of the quiet self confidence but the studious. Attitude. The, humble attitude, that, was always a good piece of advice. It's, not just the astronauts, here who are dedicated, and studious, this, is Mission Control for the International, Space Station and on, this afternoon, we saw a streaming, video of the crew, at. The, desks, a team of specialists. From a former astronaut, who communicates, with the crew to, a team that will work with sanjak on the Canada, arm including. A Canadian, aerospace, engineer, and mission controller, Kristian fat you'll when, I look at Mission Control it's such a story place it's a bit unreal for me to be so close to it everybody, they're so calm though those two gentlemen are just chatting with each other what. Does this represent, to. Me it just represents. Kind of the pinnacle of human spaceflight this, was the. Goal that I set my sights on as a young child to work for NASA to work in Mission Control and to, me it's a representation. Of an international, project of, the largest research laboratory, in the entire world but really off this world and. Just kind, of a tribute to all of the work and effort that has gotten us to this point. It's. Just a glimpse of what we saw Rosie, at NASA will have much more of my conversation with sanjak this, week coming up on the national it looks really cool it. Was felt yeah. And. Really, hard to get those jobs not that I would be able to or want one anyway North. Korea's latest hope high-profile, visitors aren't politicians they're actually pop stars and that is our moment of the day. Kim. Jeong-hoon along, with his wife took, in kpop stars from south korea performing. In Pyongyang. It's. The first time in more than a decade that South Korean musicians, went up to perform in the north.

More. Than a hundred and fifty musicians, are in the North Korean capital and after. The two our concert, Kim reportedly, met with some k-pop stars, backstage. So. Rosemary I know for you like I lived through this this, is a history question for you but do you remember the first western. Pop artist to play behind. The Iron Curtain in, Moscow no, I don't, know and as I said there's no reason for you to Alton surely you're very good with trivia, so you would know I go John in 1979. And when he got there he. Did a concert, and he noticed the people in the front few rows weren't saying anything turns, out there were communist officials, some of them even put their fingers in their ears but, he eventually legend. Has it won over the crowd you. Know why I don't remember cuz, I was three I know I and. You know what Channing is doing he's his TV kind of gone oh come on. That. Is a national. 41st. Good night good, night.

2018-04-04 11:36

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