Zach Binges Every Dolan Twins Video For 24 Hours

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With. 225. Videos, and over nine point four million subscribers, Ethan. And Grayson the Doublemint, twins are, among the most popular creators. On YouTube I've, never watched them before today. I am, going to watch every single video, the, Dolan Twins have ever made. This. Is binge watch let's. Get doping. We. Didn't really calculate, they have 225. Videos, they average 10. Minutes each fuck. I'm. Gonna start with their most recent video to get a little taste just to nibble on those Dolan's and then we're, gonna go back in time start, from the beginning, watch every single video in order let's do it this came out a few days ago it's called our mom controls, our YouTube channel this video is 24. Minutes long the, audacity, to, release, videos, over 20 minutes long we. Did a lot, they've. Got some good frames, I've seen them trending and like our mom controls, YouTube channel for a day yeah that's great I'm interested, I'm hooked let's do it I think is it really so much about YouTube video idea. Not. Before just a good thing to do I needed, a pedicure so, they're going to get a pedicure if they're. Gonna be doing multiple things they're burning through concepts. Don't twins get pedicures, great video you should just do that on its own have you guys gotten pedicures, it's. Delightful. Dough, in fact born. December, 16th, 1999. In, luck they're 19 years old oh. My. God they're so they're, so successful. They. 13 years old when they started, let's. Move on shall we hi this is their first video ever the blender, challenge, oh my. God they are babies. This, video we're. Gonna need a table. Okay. They, seem very, Jim. Carrey influenced. Like they just watch Ace Ventura for the first time and I like let's make a YouTube video. The. Video has been playing 15 seconds, and they've corrected their hair about four times their, hair is amazing like, we should acknowledge it, they they're blessed, follicularly. The last this, one is taped. To the wall prank. That. This is mean. Where. Is the mother that I saw in the previous video though, in fact did. You guys know oh thank. You well is that all for me did, you guys know that if Ethan wasn't a YouTube size vine star he wouldn't be a dolphin trainer. Laughing. Challenge rule soap. But we didn't realize that a cord ran out of memory, anything, too much I'm learning this about the dorm twins they take at least a minute and a half to start their videos it's just that I'm kind of saying what's up I don't even care what this big. Back. I'm. Back in line, fold, make, up challenge. Are we dumb for having two cameras cuz, they just punch in on the wife like, I can be over here no, I can be over one, camera long need we're doing a scripted video now ring, ring ring this, is a Content, evolution. Everyone. Buckle up the Dolan Twins have changed their content, on June. 16, 2015. Something. Changed. 2015. This is what scripted, content was, crushing. On YouTube. Rainbow. Milk Jam rainbow, milk challenge you think anyone's gonna vomit yeah oh. There Wow. The. Food coloring was a good idea my kind of girl heart, faces, ooh. During. Evolution and. August 11th of 2015. Wow August, was busy for them the, first introduction. Of the phrase were, back we're, back we're, back, we're. Back we're, back we're, back boy. This, is where it started. This. Video is reheater. Comments, club with Keenan JC. Dolan. Evolution. This is their first. Collaboration. With, a major youtuber. Sorry, my brain sputtered, there. I. Think. This is like a kind of scripted sketch. Scripted. Into. It they're making jokes, there being heightened versions, of themselves love. It next video. Look I'm gonna be real I'm not gonna watch every minute, of every video but I'm gonna watch enough enough to get the point I think at some point I'm gonna start losing my fucking right now my arms challenge mousetrap. Edition, three, two. One, she's a hungry goat Oh God mousetrap, I thought they're gonna be playing the board game mouse trap. No. No. No. No. Oh. I. Just, I'm, reaching, I'm hitting a wall over here I want. To enjoy it but I'm noticing that they're using the same song in every video, it's, them talking, we tell each other that they're stupid they, say you're stupid no you're stupid and then they slap each other, see and then they start yelling it's.

Funny That's. Funny, my. Brain is just being like fuck it just let go to. Help me watch some of these videos please, welcome in his try guys channel debut Sam, come. On in Sam although, you know technically, this isn't my channel debut, because they was well, everyone thinks I'm the delivery guy from Olive Garden. They, was never like properly, mentioned. That like I work for you guys so they're just like who's that guy, Sam. You and I almost look like we could be brothers or maybe twins yeah so this is like our doan moment yeah weird, boy. We're, back can. We do it wait, can we do it wait don't shut up you did it wrong you do that so no - shut up wait. We're. Like January 19th, 2016 this is right around or right after that vine shutdown oh then reg doodle videos they're gonna show vines or they, just gonna play the videos that I've already watched I will be furious. Oh my god oh no it's like super old videos, look, at their eyebrows are the same so there that's like natural, eyebrow, oh that. Makes me really jealous it. Really does, alright bye am i this. Is Kim they're best friends tell them apart, I can Grayson. Ethan Dingle. Jake Paul. Where. Did you come from oh my. God. Dolan. Duh. What. Have I been calling it. No. No Dolan, has. Anyone been paying attention to, anything I've been saying. This. Is the original, wisdom. Teeth video. Dude. Hi being. An idiot this, is so funny what, huh. Great. Mousetrap. Wake, up prank. No. No. Who. Sleeps without blankets. Rus. Weep baby cry sir we've. Been listening to the same song for about 40, videos now and I'm losing my fucking mind. Dudududududududududududududududududududu. Let's. Go they're on tour. They. Went on tour, I'm. Gonna go on tour. That's. How memories are made, whoa, look. At all their fans oh shit, they did a live show. That. Was cool, Cameron. I stand. She gave us you got respect. What's. Up guys we're back and we're the Dolan twins and. You're. Watching. Can't. Even pay attention anymore. Different. Type of parents, a sequel. To. Their seminal, hit different types of teachers, if, you recall. Holy. Shit you guys we. Are at video. 154. Which means we have officially, done, 100. Dolan videos let's do a little stretch break for, you watching at home you can do this with us reach up to the sky little. Cactus arms back, fuck. It's. Good to stretch, we're. Back types. Of students, a a, sequel. To, their seminal, classics, types, of parents, and types of teachers. What. We do miles how do we get the energy back. Alexandria. You want to watch some show. Please. Welcome to. The Dolan, dome, Alexandria. What. Happened his hands you. Know I missed that but it's been broken for a few videos now they haven't acknowledged, it since, them facing their biggest fears, what's your biggest fear butterflies. Okay. Butter black I'm, sorry, that's. Not an answer I anybody was expecting. It's. A true phobia I'm gonna go ahead and say I don't care about this video anymore why butterflies. I said nightmares when I was younger that these, huge butterflies, would come and suction in my face and then I couldn't breathe them that I would wake up not. Being able to breathe and be terrified, I'm just like crying and that, happened over and over and now I'm just really afraid of butterflies. Well, thanks for coming Alexander. Alright, this is called Ethan gets his wisdom teeth removed, classic. This. Is infectious, this is impossible to. Not laugh at. It's. Funny because he's high energetic, but also he has goz in his mouth so he can't really talk. They. Got a warehouse, I don't know warehouse don't, evolution.

This, Is they got a warehouse they're changing the look they're gonna unveil a new set let's see it. Let's. Get a warehouse. Tryouts. This. Is football, challenge, with Odell. Beckham, jr., shut. The fuck up I am a huge Odell feign if they got O'Donnell in the video for real I'm, gonna lose my mind. No. Come. On, what. I have, Odell in a video I don't, even have Hotel on the Giants anymore you got traded this. Is like a totally, new era of dolan videos they've got this little mystery. Warehouse. That they're playing in ooh, hashtag. Ask. Ethan, and Grayson number three I've watched the original because, I've been here since the beginning what have you been doing I don't want to do this anymore part, of the reason we chose them is because they had like the least amount of videos of people we were looking at right this. Can't be a series. We're. Gonna keep it going I'm not giving, up and to, help me keep this train of rolling please welcome miles, boom, Senor. What's, up donation. Welcome, to the Dolan pit miles I'm so happy to be here yeah no miles have you ever watched, a Dolan video I have, watched a, couple Dolan, videos because, I Stan, am a Chamberlain, and so, yeah, so I've seen a couple of those I don't mean to be. Too self congratulatory, but I think that we have the same eyebrows you. And them yeah. Yeah. Yeah I mean you wish man I heard him on to me I look at their forehead, and I see, my I bet it's, gonna. Yeah. Pretty good that's pretty good oh this, is draw my life this is also I love this time I don't have yeah, I love these two we're gonna learn a lot about them we've, been together since the womb and maybe, even before that depending, on a food returner or identical laughs so they've known each other since they were sperm that's pretty cute that's crazy, yeah I'm done with this you're. Done you don't want to learn I want to see the boys in action all right miles buckle, up this is types of youtubers, ASA equal, to their seminal, classic types. Of teachers types, of parents, types of students, types, of. Drivers. Drivers. Even. Watching, what's. Spinning guys I'll bet. This. Is a great, show, chopping. You boys. Off what I'm. Gonna think about that later today, what's up spitting guys on deck is, really. Funny. Alright. Thank you my girl. We find the camera alright bye forever, bright. Tan challenge, let's see that bod there.

It Is wait, 2017. There. 19, years old now that was two dairy-oh. There's still, 17 reacting. To our makeovers. Get, ready because, on. November. 7th. 2017. YouTube. Changed, forever James. Charles. Dolan. Twins the, collab of the century, we need, makeovers. Because my eyebrows, are wow, do you think when they did this they knew the, history that, was being made. Wow. Five million subscribers took. Them how long. Duncan. A whole birthday, prank, is he gonna trap his brother in a hole. Oh. That's. Good, oh it's, time to be honest it's. Hard to make. A comedy, video or a happy video that people are gonna laugh at when, on the inside you feel like just, like breaking down since, I'm admitting, that there are videos that they're not, happy. About and, then, I still feel no to release it which is that's really real we don't we can't afford to have a terrible, day there's real anxiety behind, making videos especially people. That are this young and feel like they have this much pressure to deliver every, single, week March, 27th. 2018. The. Dolan twins announced a break we're, gonna need to go away for a little while. On, May, 1st, 2018, boom. We're in the modern, era of Dolan. Twins and that's, their logo and for the rest of time all of their videos will have the same thumbnails. You. Don't believe me take, a look and it, doesn't, seem to matter now I'm height I hope this house tours like, their old house tour which was like funny let's move on to the future. Okay. Calm down, my. Boys crazy, they, turn their house tour into, a robbery, scripted. Video sketch. Guys. I'm, so, team Dolan right now it's crazy. Dolan, history, January. 19. 2018. The, first full, appearance of. This. Sister, squad at, least on their channel I don't I don't know who did it first I don't care the research I can't, imagine baby someone elses bite marks this. What. An unlikely, quad. They're. Like The Avengers we're like wu-tang, we're. A group that breaks off their. Individuals. That come together. Quince. Which lies for a day I actually, don't my like it I don't mind I don't mind mine either yours is actually really cool I'm jealous they just got tattoos, as an addendum, to their twin switch lives videos, these they just burn in through content. That's. Don't do, let. Me consult for you guys I'll. Leave I don't. Need this I'll. Come to you yeah. I don't need this life it's too much stress. Sister. Squad this is them getting hypnotized. This is a 14, million view video one of their biggest you're. Sitting in a freezing cold chair, it is freezing your bottom I want to do a video. We. Should get hypnotized, are, you got any time I make a new video now are you guys gonna be like you know that others that they did that I know. You know because I watched you watch all their videos home. Stretch guys we're, doing it I feel like we've been on a. Journey. And I want it to end but, I also don't remember what my life was before this and I don't know how I'm gonna go back to it, this is best friends by, each other dream, gifts, featuring. James. And Emma oh my, god I'm so sore. Oh. My. God has it been nice. Brand-new. And. It's customizable. I think the bobbin. I'm. Happy they found each other like. No matter what happens ups and downs, they had this time in their lives together. We. Have only five. Videos. Left it's. All right with you I'm gonna try and save. Her this moment we've. Been on such a journey today, learning. About the Dolan seeing them grow from the, little babies that, they were into, really, full. Form, fully. What. Does let's. Watch these last videos shall we we're. Going. Undercover to see what people really think about the Dolan twins how, do you how do you feel about it so many of their youtubers. Know. Getting. Our futures, read by, psychics, we, do. Automatic. A channeling, medium. Making. My brother think, we got kicked out of the house it's not it's, not working for me. I, don't, know if that's gonna work to be perfectly honest twins, impersonate, each other for a day I'm, kind of happy about this because I got some good, ideas. Right now go through my head feel like they've made this video at me. Alright, the, final video on our journey, you know what. No. I'm. Not gonna watch this video so. There's still a little bit of mystery left in this world what did I learn I learned that. Some. Ideas. Are good on paper, better. Than an execution. I'm. Talking, about this one not the dough into it I'm not I don't think every videos for me but, there is a lot of stuff in there that is really hard to not laugh at I still, think they're best video by far was the wisdom teeth removal if you're gonna start with one that's the one I'm gonna say I think, they're worth the sub they're funny guys if you like comedy vlogging, you're gonna like what they, give you I I'd my brain is really sputtering, here uh-huh.

Doing. History, on. This day, I. Watched. Every, video on the Dolan twins Channel. This. Was fun it was also a nightmare, who do you want to see me binge next please comment below I'm not positive, if I ever want to do this again.


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