Youth Summit: How Does the Future of Europe Look like & Poetry Slam

Youth Summit: How Does the Future of Europe Look like & Poetry Slam

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osce's perspectives 2030 initiatives two years ago we came together to discuss the very same question how does the future of europe look like what should just do about it how can we affect the future and how can we actually affect the high level decision makers to make some change in both local or in national level and i would like to just talk about first about the perspectives itself it was an initiative made by the osce but it wasn't limited just to it because at that time slovakian delegation had a special care for it and later we had a very good collaboration with the friedrich herbert stephtung so it wasn't just an international organization who helped us we had both local and obviously think tanks helping us so it was launched in 2019 and there were initially 20 experts and it aimed to integrate used voices and in the end we as you can see now here we were at 20 experts from all parts of the osce area as you know like the oasis motto is like from vancouver to vladivostok so it's quite huge geography that includes many young people as well actually i believe it's the it's the largest youth population member organization as a population per se so our main goal was to produce a paper in the end that i will mention about like what the challenges are and what we saw as the future of the euro so later on that paper was presented in the youth forum and it's still a basis for or osce's used projects uh in in in different delegations and in the swedish chairmanship and albanian chairmanship as well during last two years so what we discussed that's the main part of my uh presentation for you so how we see the future of europe how it looks like so we had like five main topics discussed i i will go topic by topic so uh building peace was obviously one of our priorities during that discussions as we know there is a increasing problem of frozen conflicts in the area especially in europe as well so these conflicts are all uh actually blocking use in some ways to develop so there are some mandatory services of military in some countries where the youths are actually limited to develop to go to for example universities they need to first serve and then go so these conflicts are actually limiting the development of some use and obviously there is always constant threat against peace that's another aspect of this problem about the new technologies we also discuss the new technologies about the future about the digital transformation especially of the european union and the european continent in general and ai and the ethics that it brings because as you know like major problem in the world not just in europe is used on employment in currently in pandemic in in college 19 situation we also saw that the first ones who lost their jobs they were youth youths were working part-time who are actually being in in their jobs for a short period they lost their jobs so we've discussed that if the european union continues to fund the ai and the digital transformation what will happen to the people who are actually working now in the sectors so transformation for use is also necessary not just one signature to to develop like our technology but we should also consider the lives that we are affecting and environment and energy i believe it touched in the previous sessions as well i will not go very deep into it but obviously the energy the clean energy the future it's all because of uh the the youth so the main point that we discussed in these discussions it was uh if the politicians or decision makers are taking the decisions justifying it like you know we are doing it for the future for the youth why there is no voice that youth can use use you know their potential you know why we don't have anything to say if they're saying that we are doing it for you they should be us to say some things as well so that was the main part of that of the project itself and rule of law especially i want to talk about this one because we discussed it before with the pattern as well uh rule of law and security and human rights together there was a main uh main challenge in front of us and what youth can do directly is actually affiliated with these two so uh we can say that there is uh increasing increasing and very very uh i would say unfortunate uh radical right and other mass movements around europe especially so europe's future is actually uh is getting built on unfortunately with the populism that affects directed use the those organizations are directly targeting the youth which are unemployed which are actually having let's say they're born broken between the state and the establishment so they are very easily are becoming radicalized so we saw many european young people are actually going abroad going out seas to join uh illegal organizations or are joining in europe illegal organizations and creating a huge gap in between the state and this rule of law and also breaking down the security kind of protocols so uh this is a huge problem but the problem is not lying just in the use as we say it's it's it's because of the uh the failures to achieve the good governance especially i want to talk about uh some of the activities of my colleagues during this uh project as well uh as uh as an example maybe what youth young people can do in their in their local communities for example we had a we had a colleague who actually initiated a very good uh literacy media literacy campaign in his country i believe she was from netherlands so uh that campaign was targeting the guys who are between eight and sixteen so from the secondary school until the high school so those people are actually given a professional education by the media professionals who taught them how to use social media and general mass media because you know the fake fake news are one of the biggest problems so it doesn't affect just the people who are adult it's also affecting the young people so actually education we are saying yes education is our future education is a must you know everyone needs to go to school everyone needs to read the news or informate itself but it's not limited that way because there is huge problems with the information where it comes from and how clean it is so literacy was one of our very very priority during this project as well so these were the problems that we touched upon in a short manner so i would like to kind of conclude the presentation main presentation itself and if there's a question that i can answer in detail i will i can proceed into that thank you so much for that very short presentation very um you've run very quickly through it thank you so first of all i want to ask all of our participants do you have any questions or also remarks um because this is obviously this is a contribution by other youth who have you know thought about these different topics and you might have thought yourself on these so just share whatever you'd like to share yeah we can i mean if there's a for example question about uh how international organizations especially like the the supporters of this project as well how they can affect uh because the main question in our in front of us it was for example like we are young people we are young people in our neighborhood how we can uh affect those big organizations yes that's a very big problem especially even even for us even for us young professionals who are working in this sphere it is a big problem but it's possible through some uh through some local organizations as well i mean if anyone has a question yeah i see this as a question so maybe we can answer that yeah but he met you you can just okay you're used to it by now so i'm curious what steps have you taken already in order to introduce these new technologies in local environments and also what steps have you taken in order to educate young people overall you should just fight this misinformation yeah so basically what steps were taken after this project was first of all this type of paper for the first time took into the high-level meeting to the ministerial meeting of osce it was in 2019 december in slovakia actually it was debated in during the attendance of the foreign ministers of all member countries so and they found it logical they found it actually implementable as well because you know it's it's very difficult to get their anonymous agreement and without their anonymous agreement it's very difficult to actually achieve something that's why while we're discussing uh these all five points uh reverse we had like that kind of strict perception that we need to agree on some things that can be actually acceptable because you know we could have written down until 2030 we will eradicate all the problems in environment you know it's impossible to achieve obviously and also uh there were a debate about you know a quick transformation because of the climate crisis because we also uh had a parallel meetings with the paris peace sorry paris this environment agreement and that's why we also thought about like if today all non recyclable energy shuts down what will happen to those millions million young people actually who are working in these sectors so it needs to be considered as well also you know like pragmatism is very important and now currently osce is initiated academy on the basis of this perspective 2030 initiative and they are continuing to educate those young people who can actually go and be a leader in their communities you know so it's not very possible to take directly this paper immediately to the you know millions millions of young people who are living in the area but it's at least possible to take to those specific selected you know young professionals or young leaders who can actually make change in their neighborhoods or environments you know i don't want to give like directly reference to greta turmberg but there are lots of greta turnburgs around i mean we don't see them in different sectors but i actually met them like i met one girl who was in initiated not energy but like education initiative in one village of moldova so she is actually becoming successful by just affecting 20 people that's a huge number for a girl who is like 13 14 years old and if everyone could have done such thing and i believe uh i'm not saying like the big organizations are very willing to directly contribute to it no if there are still problems to achieving surpassing that bureaucracy but uh i guess it's possible if you go enough if you show them this project actually works or this project actually is also should be profitable because we are living in a such economic system that unfortunately if it's not profitable they're not applying it i'm very well aware of that so pragmatism is also a must in this kind of issues thank you thank you very much and also i have one follow-up question and what ways you educate people um so uh as i said like the education uh is uh is varying hugely because we are talking here not about like just one person we're talking about the geography who is like almost 305 billion and more than 30 countries so all these people are getting different educational systems different hours different everything especially when pandemic came out we didn't you know in this paper there is no uh word of pandemic because that time obviously whoever knew so everything's transformed education transformed to the digital one and everyone is just online like taking the classes so we thought how we can transform it and in academy it's also debated so i think uh it's it's possible through you know like this digital transformation digital transformation is a must to educate so now we saw that there is actually a problem people to access internet in most countries there's a problem to access to laptops so if you want to give us education we first need to you know solve other problems such as technology itself so after that i'm saying like unfortunately we need to go like from top to down we talked how to go to down to top and from bureaucratic measures it's really difficult so from top to down like to go to this all young people like who are in the communities and i didn't know personally two years ago but there are actually lots of them a lot of them trying to to make some changes through different ways to educate even there were there was a guy who actually got the kids from the streets who were going into drug problems by just organizing them a football championship actually they succeeded and now like i believe it was like 90 percent of those kids are going to schools so education yes but uh how to educate them how to give them opportunities are the first questions needs to be solved okay thank you thank you very much thank you sorry sorry i'm hearing background noises are you also hearing them oh no it's better okay yeah uh yeah sorry for that just thank you very much um for this very brief discussion of your paper because i think we should have probably included you in a bigger session because we could have discussed on this for 90 minutes and longer and but i think it's amazing how you and your other colleagues um like the group of people you were together with put this together you know yeah so is there a way that we can read it anywhere can you share it with us sure of course uh it's uh it's on the oasis website uh available in three languages i believe english french and georgian if i'm not mistaken and uh it's really it's very short it's only like one page per uh topic because we thought that if we want to achieve something we cannot write down like long statements who is which is like impossible to read you know as a official document so it's very easy to read and also as you as i mentioned that it was a huge achievement that actually 20 and 22 and there were two more additions achieved actually such kind of thing because we were completely from different backgrounds different backgrounds different nationalities nationalities there some of them are actually in war you know there are some states so uh despite that we sat down and we actually produced some paper which is almost touching every aspect that can be a problem in the in 2030 except the pandemic because we obviously couldn't foresee that but i believe uh this paper can be added if there's any other questions or any other kind of proposals that can take it to osce or to other places i'm always reachable you can find me by my name in in everywhere so uh you are very welcome to write me in in the future as well thank you so much i'm sure that people will actually take the chance to do so um i'm very sorry that i kind of have to cut this off here right now but we already have other people joining us for the poetry slime session and i know that one of our artists will have to leave in time as well um but thank you so much again for sharing and i will definitely take a look at the paper especially since you said it's rather short again yeah so that's just a great opportunity to thank you thank you for inviting so sorry for late joining but yeah i i think it was it was pretty fun it was it's okay you managed i mean perfect time management thank you so so much thank you very much stop sharing your screen yeah sure thank you because as i can see we already have the our next two people we have louisa and we have can you please help me with your name frey face yeah um so in swedish you would pronounce it um but it's difficult to pronounce in english so frey i think is the easiest frey is swedish okay i will try to do so just because you two have just um entered and i think somebody else has already entered as well who's probably here to watch you too um we are live streaming this on facebook is this okay for you okay also with like your pictures on it and everything um so i'm super excited to have you two with us today there were some changes we were supposed to have another person who's just dropped out today and i think isabella do you have a person joining us as well is the person already here yes the person is already here that's great i'm so excited to hear that so we will start with today because you will have to leave again soon and let me just uh introduce yourself very quickly so frey was born in 1996 outside well sorry outside of copenhagen and is a danish swedish spoken word poet based in malmo in 2017 they won the swedish national poetry slam championship and went on to win the following european championship in brussels belgium play writes and performs in swedish and english and has performed in several countries conferences events and festivals since 2016. they also make fanzines and i think you will have to explain to me what that is and their preferred themes are lgbtq heritage activism and history women gender and sexuality biology handicrafts and working class perspectives play has an academic background in heritage and conversation conservation studies and is currently attending the write-in program at i will not be able to say this correctly it's groups paul pogba scholar which i think is kind of a in german we would say folks who shooter probably so kind of a school for the population so yeah the floor is all yours i'm so excited to have you thank you again for joining thank you um so i could just say a fancy really quickly is pretty much a magazine you make yourself um so it's very nice and very available for everyone to do um in whatever ways they want to either do digital or you know a real physical one um thank you so much for having me um i will perform a poem for you in just a second i just need to preface this poem because i wrote this poem um a while back and i quote uh ursula kale again uh if people know about the science fiction author um but i realized after performing it and after writing it that i actually misquote her uh which is terrible uh it made me very ashamed but so what she actually says is we'll need writers who can remember freedom she does not say we will remember the writers who wrote about freedom which is what i'm gonna say in just like five seconds um so here we go you know the late science fiction author ursula kale again said in her acceptance speech for the lifetime achievement award the medal for distinguished contribution to american letters at the national book awards in 2014 she said this quote which is we will remember the writers who wrote about freedom the room which i ride in is getting filled with water which is stressful you know and we are just born into this we were put in this position by the actions of those who came before us and who prioritized in a certain way and we are just trying to fix it while keeping our heads above water at the same time and it is stressful you have an entire generation of young people who are all born into this cynicism and cold-heartedness and yet you see us and we are just tearing down so much of your previously established framework while being beat down repeatedly and as a result we are burning out and now i think we can finally say that we have felt although it feels like we are dying which is the situation we're in right and i do think that we were brought up in a time where compassion wasn't really a given naturally but then again i'm not sure if it ever was through the development of western human society some things may just remain a constant but i do think that we were one of the first to actually show vulnerability be it negative or positive emotions and it is a stressful situation because it is held against us so often that we are too fiery or show too much sadness and i have definitely been clocked as that and they often call it a youth thing you know so take your tremble and breathe through it carry it with you it is a strength and a weakness don't let it get you down don't let them use it against you stand up tall we may look strong in a cradle of arms when it all becomes too much you are a life boy for anchorage when our legs fail when the ground feels too shaky we take care of each other it is essential the foundation at the heart my legs often feel too weak as if the nerve fibers were severed from my spine non-responding that is when we carry each other each person a crutch to take one step at a time we will remember the writers who wrote about freedom the dismantling often begins in art caught in the single pixel of a one by one square in the crossfire between what leaves the body and what they understood at the time and there is not enough time for our bodies for this planet when we are alone it is impossible to uphold oneself stretching out each square millimeter to our fingertips it takes a village it takes a pack no person is an island it takes a flock you said build bridges while you built walls in the world became a lot colder while you staged united fronts a collective humanity huddling together for warmth is difficult over barbed wire utopia doesn't mean paradise it simply means place that does not exist dystopias were supposed to be portrayals of imaginary societies would never reach it seems adults donate allegories we the children of this unstable generation born in uncertainty are fed the production of dystopias to make us unwilling disable the possibility hinder the change of us ever imagining any other reality that there could be other options isn't it disgusting degrading that it is easier to imagine the fall of mankind than to imagine the fall of capitalism like the divine right of kings so you name the futures we strive for utopias reducing us to dreamers naive children who do not understand that what we are working towards is unrealistic not possible when utopia simply means place that does not exist which doesn't disprove doesn't disagree that it will not be reality it only proves that you are afraid aware that we are throwing off your balance that we have seen through you as of right now a world not going under is a utopia so you belittle it utopia to disarm our disruption the belief we carry in our tired arms of this world is outside not here but possible within reach what we grasp may be on paper numeric numbers integers signs but they exist the greatest gift you gave us was communication your downfall and rise you can cheer on how the internet made us docile lest you forget that the revolution will not be televised that daddy darwin told you that we will be the child that kills its parents the truth is scary it is hard being told you have done wrong it is easier to continue digging the grave how do you beg for forgiveness when it is not in your genes i refuse to believe you were born this way there are songs in the back of your throat that you have forgotten one song it is just a question of when they became lost i reject the explanation that humans are by nature greedy and self-interested it is a bad excuse for maintaining yourselves repackaging a continued production calling it something new i swear it is still broken and it is when you turn the lights off you notice the difference the most it is easy to marvel at the fire when you won't be there what does the crack matter to those who will be gone anyway you laugh brave we cannot keep quiet out of necessity we do not have the choice of not caring we cannot choose indifference in action you see us for runners fighters still we stand we are expendables still we rise the world has a high turnover of us and that's fine we have come far enough for your biggest threat to be young girls writing speaking breathing whose mere existence frightens you i believe that says a lot more about you than us are able to have hope in these times it is not ungrounded optimism to those who ridicule indifference is a certain kind of privilege going in the strangest of flower beds that we could never foster at some point we became your playground monitors taking the consequences of adults it takes a certain kind of child to carry its parents i am sorry if you find that disturbing we had to take the skeleton serving your time i am sorry if we cannot mask this grief anymore feel free to discredit that we have been load-bearing in this catastrophic failure of a frame we could never be opportunist the way you were brought up instead we have been clinging on clawing so many of us never forgot where we came from sacred acts passed down generations they never lost their meaning we go on strike you say it doesn't matter that there is no impact the numbers say otherwise the lies say otherwise justice says you are wrong sooner or later you will be alone in this so put your money where your mouth is put your words into action step down from your pedestal put your feet to where you actually stand give us access to the rooms you have locked us out from stop calling it a youth thing our goal is not idealistic founded on childish hope it is simply incompatible with your system with your design what is the space that remains after your structure becomes unstable docile bodies pliable what did you aim for but failure there is no give no compromise it is not too late to remember muscle memory is a wonderful thing your voice box is just sleeping your breath requires more support hear the song quietly rise deep from your bellies listen there is still time thank you thank you everyone's clapping i don't even know what to say that was amazing really thank you so so much uh yeah does anybody else want to say anything just wow yeah that's kind of how i feel too i'm sorry for steamrolling you i apologize for that but what sorry i'm sorry for steamrolling you i apologize it's okay i think we can all handle it but this was so amazing so i've never been in a session like this where you know people share from their art or anything like that um but it's it was an amazing contribution and thank you so much for joining us here today thank you i will stay for just 15 minutes more so i can take part but other after that i will leave so i'm just gonna say bye now um so that's great would you be open if any of the participants have any questions for you right now definitely definitely okay does anybody want to say or ask anything i want to say that i'm just amazed you are very articulate you your message is amazing and i wanted to ask you how did you achieve such a fluency when it comes to talking in english and also how are you able to intonate your poems in such a way that we are captivated by them thank you um i think with the language part i'm bilingual um so i think that kind of made it easier for me and my mom's an english teacher um so that helps as well um but english is neither of my mother tongues um so i just think it's the education and just my brain being really lucky with that i think with the intonation um experience but i would also like to maybe say that it's a bit of like being able to manipulate stuff which is terrible i don't like kinda know how to kind of intonate but at the same time i also think a lot of a lot of times like with this one i am uh on the verge of crying every time um so it's it's a bit of both i think acting is great i can't do acting though um thank you thank you for your answer yeah thank you any more questions i guess everyone is still in awe one more thing if i can how did you start with the writing poems so this is actually quite this is a funny story or i don't know how funny it is but um i've always been writing a lot of text in general um and i remember in middle school we were like we had this task where we were going to write a poem and i was like oh my god i got this i got this so right and i write what i thought was the best poem ever i was i mean i was like 13 14 probably and i was like this is this is you know some really good quality um i've been reading a lot of classics and it was i don't even remember what the poem was about um i remember there were birds flying and i think it was supposed to like symbolize i don't know having a bad day and just being sad and i handed it to my teacher and then when i got the grading it was not great um and the teacher even said like yeah i didn't understand this poem i actually had to talk to another teacher who also didn't understand it so we're giving you a c um and after that i was like i'm never gonna write it for him in my entire life again um which didn't last apparently since i'm here um and what happened was that when i then started um when i attended high school um i attended they're not only gone for me right it's for everyone yes i'm here i don't know oh no oh i probably shouldn't swear sorry okay i was gone oh no when did you last for me but only for a few seconds um okay great so you're yeah you were talking about your high school high schools okay great so yeah i was i studied music um and i also attended classes classes with people who are studying just art and one of my classmates there uh kinda i don't know how she started but she was like hey i am doing this poacher sam thing do you not want to join i think that you write stuff and she was right i did write stuff uh and so i attended her i think it was an open stage actually but it was for just like poetry slam or just like spoken word in general and i read my stuff there and after that it was just kind of like a big you know snowball just going off and i started competing in poacher stamps and uh what was it like two years later um i won the swedish championship um and then also the european one so i just yeah i see the little like party thingy just like it's wonderful i really like the emoji thing where you can respond it's lovely um but yeah i think that was just how i started and then it just kind of took off but it took a lot of a lot of evenings of just competing and writing and also listening to other people i think what was really important for me was that i had a community and the community was really important to me because i was just coming to terms with my own gender identity and stuff like that where um kind of just having the coaches and community was really really important for me because it was the one place where i felt i could actually express myself um otherwise in like a society and in like social media which was very much silent at that point i think and now i'm here which is wonderful and thank you for that before i forget can we like follow you on instagram or anywhere yeah um so my instagram i'm really bad at social media um but i do have an instagram it i very seldomly post but you're welcome to follow me anyway um and it's it's i'm just gonna invite it in the chat because um it's swedish uh otherwise i have a website um which is um my name dot s-e um you can also just oh no it doesn't work because you don't speak swedish i'm just gonna write it in the chat as well um so it's just and there's an english tab for that after you go to welcome if you want to listen to my phones i have a soundcloud which is also linked on my website um you can also find me like i have a an artist page which has not been updated for ages um on facebook which is just my name and um i should probably update it now since you're all asking about this i will do that but that's that's it i think okay thank you yeah you know social media has a lot of power it does which is great but also terrible yes no thank you so much for sharing that because i'm pretty sure that many people will start following you after this session it's wonderful thank you does anybody else have a question if not then i would say that's okay we could go over to luiza if you feel comfortable with that there is it yeah it's kind of weird you cannot like go on the stage now but i think once you say something you will actually pop up on the big screen for everyone so also welcome to you louisa um i will just shortly introduce you as well louisa grew up in berlin german capital for those of you who don't know and spend a semester abroad in brussels during school which i think is very interesting and then went on to explore the world on a larger scale living and or visiting india malaysia benin ghana and ecuador she studied economics and business economics at the university of maastricht and yeah just doing those studies realizing that the social and environmental impacts didn't have much space in what she was taught she left formal education and economics behind and spend the next years in the german climate justice movements organizing grassroots groups facilitating plenaries joining campaigns initiating sorry initiating house projects and communities this journey and the personal as well as systematic and structural violence she witnessed during these years have led her to peace and conflict studies as a lens on social transformation and that is what she's currently studying at the university of vince brooke and i'm excited because peace and conflict studies is a great subject i'm also studying it and today she will be sharing a poem uh of herself that came to her last fall when starting her studies she was wondering what peace building actually meant what was important in this field and basically what made us all human so luisa luisa i'm very excited and the stage is yours thank you um yeah i feel a bit intimidated as you as you heard as well my my subject is not so much art but more like social transformation and activism but i want to share that poem anyway because um yeah for me it it really answers that question what is peace building to me and i think it's still like even when i reread it today i changed some things because also peace building for me as a student of it and as a i would say practitioner in a way it keeps on changing and it keeps on being different every time i look at it in a way yeah and if you if you like i also invite you to basically just listen to me so you can even if you feel comfortable close your eyes or just lower your gaze and let the words yeah just come through your ears and not so much through your eyes as i feel this is more important it's called peace building is peace building is relationship building it is holding space for your grief and pain it is deeply listening to the stories of suffering and the wish for revenge justice and retaliation peace building is to listen sit still be there wait peace building is to act and mediate peace building is to find solutions peace building is listening peace building is offering yourself as a vessel an open and empty base to be filled with the tears and the horrors peace building is to let these tears flow through peace building is to be there grounded present loving peace building is to allow the rage and the anger to flow through compassionately it is to stay put and act it is to know the timing for both it is to know and feel the difference peace building is to create safety amidst the storm it is to be prepared when it hits it is to practice practice practice peace building is to be grounded stand tall and be flexible building needs you to have traveled the undergrounds it needs you to know yourself it needs you to have room it needs you to be stable and compassionate it needs your whole being peace building is relationship building it is trust building there's grieving it is to re-enter life again and again it is to see the beauty and hold the vulnerability it means to feel the wounds and let them go peace building is trauma healing it is nervous system regulation it is self-regulation and co-regulation peace building is joy and fear it is day and night peacebuilding is more than just policy making peacebuilding is the everyday encounter with a stranger it is beauty in action peace building is tough work it is soft work this feeling and weaving the fabric of life peace building needs you to show up and be seen it needs you to be there to be present peace building is an art form it makes us human it lets us connect to life and live peace building never stops peace building is what i embody and live thank you thank you i'm just trying to wake up and get a focus again that was so amazing thank you it's actually it just gave me so many thoughts just from listening to these very short sentences you know like there are so many things to discuss um and i think a lot of people will agree with me especially if you are already focusing a little bit on the peace building sector or anything like that so that was great thank you oh okay bye veronica thank you so so much for being such an active participant just seeing that on the chat right now and thank you for hosting to see you sometime soon everybody hopefully so does anybody else have a question or a remark if not can i maybe ask you a question so just because you said like this came to you when you started started studying so did you already [Music] write poems before that or was it just like okay i'll just do this it just comes to me well i do write for myself mainly and there i do write a lot but i think this is pr yeah probably the first program that i actually share with others um yeah and it's also yeah i kind of wrote it it really it was a feeling that's also why i said it it just came and i wrote it and then now i'm revisiting it and changing it slightly but it feels less like me thinking about it and more of me just writing it yeah yeah that's cool thank you yeah does anybody else want to share anything um because if not um i know it's a lot right now a lot of different things but i would actually like to share a video with all of you um from from one of our activists from myanmar that was also part of the session taking place in the afternoon i don't know isabella was just talking about the that session before everything everyone else joined and i will try to share the video with all of you because she's also shared something with you um but i have to try to see how it works first yeah i don't really know and um actually so maybe one of my dearest co-hosts could help me for a second uh how to share a video because i know that jake did it earlier but i think that was online so that might have been easier and i have this as a file can you maybe open it and share your screen louisa does it work and then you just have to share the sound um wait a second yeah sorry i was stupid because i thought i had it opened but i didn't so now you should be able to see this here right yes um but now it's still because that's not the video the video i just had the video it was just here okay sorry because the problem is when i click on the video then um it will start like immediately yeah but it should be okay you just pause it and then uh when you start sharing your screen you can start okay no now now i have it sorry i actually did close it before okay sorry now you see it right yes but you still have to share your sound and then you'll be fine it should be on the top i think um oh yeah i see okay sorry everyone this is my first time sharing a video okay liberation number two a page was turned and there begins a new chapter oh should i call it a long nightmare country under siege people in chains hell is dragging us from below deeper and deeper how could they a dawn on february 1st in disbelief in disgust time flies days pass without us noticing look around the 360 degree of piling bodies empty dining tables and said goodbyes hellhounds take our cities monsters in green rage on still spring flowers don't ever wither hunters have been turned into ashes and yet we rise like an army of penises spreading our wings far and wide sinking the sound of liberation air strikes explosion storms of fire in red and in fury and yet we fly for we are dragons made of flames spreading our wings far and wide rowing to the sound of liberation in scorching sun and drenching rain in forest smokes in rivers of blood we dance and dance weaving off flags spreading our wings far and wide dancing to the sound of liberation time flies days pass we resist none of us forgiven when day comes the nightmare ends when spring finally arrives we will let flower blossoms in fragrance in color in shape the way they want it free dignified with absolute freedom and liberation bomani february april 21st 2021 thank you well yeah we can thank her right now but we did earlier when she sent it to us and did anybody else except for isabella that's in the session right now also joined the session on myanmar in the afternoon i think scott you wanted to uh tell us about it right yes yes yes yes it was a great session uh they were really brave and coming they talked about how they communicate how they're organized i found that especially interesting uh it's not everyday you to hear the inner works of activism uh we imagine of taking action but we don't know really like the logistics the integrity the small actions you have to take and we got like really clear insight on that um so it was highly interesting for me on that part and they also talk about the situation how the with the targeted sanctions and how they are not enough and i am i never knew i understand that there was a military junta but i never knew the economic power they had in um in myanmar and how that's how they hold hold to power so they really highlighted on that aspect and that was highly interesting also thank you yeah thank you for sharing because um i think in like putting together a youth summit like we did for this event today it's just so important to include current issues that people are facing and i mean right now with the situation in palestine of course you know if we would have known earlier we would have tried to include something on this as well just to see okay there are these very very urgent situations and hearing about ways that maybe we could also act you know like how we could actually also stand up in our countries or in our cities for the people in countries that are far off so yeah i really hope you enjoyed that session would anybody else like to share something at this point if not yes i'm sorry yeah i think i'm gonna read also a poem and um so i'm very honored to speak after those three poems i just heard i don't usually present for anyone it's just something i do for my hobby for myself um i wrote it actually four hours ago while listening to the summit so uh i haven't practiced it enough and it's quite a fresh ideas in my mind and i wrote it under the inspiration of the summit so it's gonna be really really off the cuff poetry in some way um i really enjoyed it in general this summit i got really inspired so so here goes um here goes nothing i hope you enjoyed it it's called young time uh it's quite an allegorical poem it's a conversation so yes here he goes um are we young forever don't get excited said time give me a few seconds and i will make them years you see my little one now is your time that is what you have that is what you have young is what you are as my arms turn around the clock and you see the rain fall from the occlusion apoca sky it's easy to think we have to wait for time but now you are the brave of heart we the young time are the hopeful ones we are the relentless we are the risk takers we are the peacemakers we are the evers clamors visual fighters loud speech writers we are the bold not all yet we are the world it's changed forever well my new one i was told by time that today is your day to shine said history with a taunting yet comfortable smile after looking back upon long past nightmares remembering long dead fighters celebrating brave action taking visionaries and never forgetting the everyday common decision of good change is still here with us but don't take it from me you can you can ask her yourself change do you ever age you see my brave one i don't count as time does nor remember his ass history tries i am as old as a seed and young as a willow tree i am here for you to take me by your arms and make me young as you are for you are the brave for you are the young and then and only then you are the change that does not age yeah so thank you very much for letting me present this here thank you wow you just wrote that today that's i mean that's amazing thank you so so much i love it thank you no thank you for letting me be here thanks may i react of course i think you should share more of your poems with the world they are too beautiful to be kept for yourself yeah i agree i think you are talking but you are muted scott yes sorry i'm having some audio problems i i i thank you so much luis for that i i only share with friends and family i come from a poet family my grandmother was a professional um what they i don't know how to say in english the clamador is that someone that that goes around and it's known for the same poetry in public spaces so i grew up without area and for me poetry is just something you do every day not something is meant for a big stage in some weird way just something useful um yes uh for me thank you very much i'm honored to be here really you thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has contributed and participated are there any questions remarks just anything i mean we can open up the space for any topics you might still want to talk about since this is kind of the end of the summit today so this is your space i do realize though that especially for the people who have participated in many sessions today it was probably quite a lot and as i've already said we all have to let everything settle in and yeah we have received a lot of food for thought i think yeah but well i'm very happy that all of you joined us today yeah so if there is nothing anybody would like to say at this point i think we can also close um i do want to say something i am extremely short um because every time at the end of the session i would say um thank you for everyone for participating and this was incredible but at the end of this session i actually want to say a huge congratulations to you luisa rafaela hannah jake and everyone taking part in the organization of this incredible summit i know how much you work i i was next to you and working every day being annoyed frustrated then happy and again frustrated with the organization of this event i know you loved it and hated it at the same time but i know you love it more and i'm very proud of you and fantastic work thank you so much thank you yeah actually i really have to say um yeah the last days of course um it was a bit uh it was very tough but um just this event today made up for it 100 so thank you and of course thank you to everyone else and if i may i just want to i would just agree with anything that you're saying right now because uh it was a love and hate kind of relationship with this event but at the end it was definitely worth it and i'm so glad because so many people join and the discussions from the beginning until the end were completely worth it they were just amazing and i hope that everyone here felt the same way so thank you so much for for being with us today and for all of your hard work to the team thank you yeah thanks rafaela um who else is still here hannah jake and florina would you want to share something as well are you done with talking for today maybe just very quickly because i joined the team the team late and um but i'm just so glad that i managed to join for a couple of hours and it it did let me forget my like my health conditions for a couple of hours so it just i really really enjoyed the and like this was such a nice ending i think with the poetry slam now so thank you for that it's just beautiful yeah thank you since you actually brought these two awesome boats to us maybe i can echo everyone's comments um this summit's been so diverse uh we've talked about so many different issues so many different topics and met so many different people from across europe so even until the last second and this has been the session itself and been excellent hearing from everyone from across europe as well so thank you again for everyone who's taking part as well in this summit i really think it's really important as well to bring all these voices together and to amplify those so thank you again thank you thank you jake so if there is nothing else i would actually leave it to florina our um zoom manager our communication manager um to maybe say a little bit without something yeah so um i mean just to tie to what everyone has said already but to point out the fact that um when people hear summit you know people think like oh u.n or you know eu or all these other big organizations and then we come here and we see fellow young people uh which is putting their heads out we're just trying to be as normal as as real as possible you know tell it like it is type of thing and i feel that alone is so powerful um in terms of trying to send a message across that actually young people are the future of tomorrow and it's by a small incremental um steps like these that um you know that perception is made a reality and so i just want to thank you guys for opening this face up to you know to the whole world literally and um for allowing young people to to show their perspective their voices and hopefully charter a new path forward for all of us i i think that's something the world doesn't appreciate enough about youth and i just want to you know put that out there thank you so much for sharing that because that was our aim you know like being a group of young people trying to put something together of course with the help of some older people but they are necessary we have to learn from them yeah so thank you your turn if you can hear me because i usually have the problems yes um first of all i'm very happy to to see so many people actually staying until the end because i know it was a very long but inspiring day i'm really sorry for not seeing me so much but unfortunately i got the second dose of the vaccine yesterday and it basically killed my day but i was happy to be here with you and get from your energy and from your inspiration and actually made me feel better and i had the opportunity to to see us before in the european cafes but not so many so i'm very happy that you were also involved and you shared your opinions and i hope you in the end you got some inspiration from from everything and i hope tomorrow i'm gonna see more from you like i'm gonna see campaigns everywhere i'm gonna see you involved in new organizations because in the end i think this was one of the main purposes of our event to inspire more youth to get involved in the in shaping the future of europe therefore i'm very happy that you are here and hopefully we are going to start changing the world tomorrow i mean not tomorrow from tonight why not so not flirting at five minutes ago [Laughter] thank you so much thank you thank you okay well i'm wishing everyone a wonderful evening or a day or wherever you might be and please you know let everything settle in that you've heard today and then take it into action so if you thought about doing something today because you got inspired write it down immediately so you don't forget about it thank you everyone thank you everyone and bye

2021-05-28 11:25

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