The Anunnazi Connection FULL

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Last. World war was, not simply, a war far between the Allies and axis. It. Was part of an ancient battlefield of a galactic war. With. The Anunnaki sponsoring. The Nazis, and. The platings, on the side of the American and British Empire. Far. Once again for control of planet Earth. While. Using its unsuspecting, armies. As pawns in their interstellar, conflict. The. Conventional, view of the outbreak of world war ii is. Wondering which Germany, and Japan just. Happened to emerge as fascist, military, superpowers. At the same time and. Decided. To join forces and take over the entire world in. This view it is coincidental. That Japan will build an imperial, fleet and become, an invincible, naval power and that. Germany, would simultaneously, develop. A fearsome blitzkrieg. Capable. Of using coordinated. Air and ground forces, even. At face value, this hypothesis. Seemed, absurd, to some. Such. Grand historical. Coincidences, rarely occur and, usually, turn out of the result of malicious, long-range, planning and, that. Seems to be the case with world war ii, now. A growing, group of researches, into, the circumstances. Of Hitler's, rise to power. And. The, sudden coordinated. Emergence, of militant. Fascism, all over the world. See. The roots of World War two in an extremely, new and more disturbing. Could. It have been decided. Well in advance at, some very high level that. Japan, will take over Asia and Australia, while. Germany, and Italy would divide up your Russia. And, North and South America, the. Following. Scenario. It is, argued, is the once hidden a true story hope, World War two. After. World War one at the, end of 1919. X, corporal. Ad of Hitler, met, Dietrich, Eckart in Munich. A cart, was a sophisticated. And wealthy, publisher, he. Was also an occultist, in the highest circle, of the Thule society, an esoteric, group, founded, in Germany, in 1918. He. Had been a student of Russian metaphysician. Guard chief who. I suspect was. A new naki because. Of his admiration for. A cot, Hitler, joined the society the. Thule, society, held regular, seances. During which the attendees, reportedly. Communicated. With demons, and attempted to invoke the Antichrist. During. One such session, a cart, believed, that, he was told by his spirit, guide that, he would have the honor of training, the corn in great one the, incarnation. Of the Antichrist. He. Soon became convinced. That Adolf Hitler was the chosen one and he, took him under his wing there. Can be no doubt that he had trained. Hitler, in techniques, of, self-confidence. Self-projection. Persuasive. Oratory, body, language, and discursive. Sophistry. Using. These capabilities, Hitler. Became a powerful, speaker, able. To mesmerize, and excite vast audiences. He. Learned to start his speeches softly. And then, build to a peak of pretended. Frenzied, fervor accompanied, by a animated. Gesticulations. He. Also developed, a hypnotic, power over, individuals. A. Cart. It is reported. Also passed, on to Hitler all his occult knowledge of, ritual, and sexual, black magic, according. To Trevor Ravenscroft. In the spear of destiny regarding. The practices, of the thule society, indulgence, in the most sadistic richens. Awakened, penetrating. Vision into the workings, of evil, intelligences. And bestowed, phenomenal. Magical, powers, and the, completion, of this training, Hitler, claimed to be born anew, filled with new strength and the resolve he would need to carry out his mandate. Eckhart, died three, years later in, 1923. And reportedly. Said on his deathbed follow. Hitler he, will dance but, it is I who have called the tune I have. Initiated him, into the, Secret Doctrine. Opened, his centers of vision and given him the means to communicate with, the powers do. Not mourn for me I shall have influenced, history, more than any German, the, following year Hitler, dedicated. The second, volume of his book Mein, Kampf to, it cut egg, hearts, claim that he had given to Hitler the means to communicate with, the powers has been interpreted to mean that Hitler, could now solicit, advice from those same entities, that Hale astir Crowley, referred to as the secret Chiefs since. A cart was basically, a disciple, of Crowley, who, was also a new naki, Crowley. Who, was sometimes, referred to, as the Great Beast was, the head of the infamous, occult organization. Order, of the Golden Dawn in, London. In. Late. 1919. The, Thule society, became more political. And was, instrumental, in, starting the, German Workers, Party under. The leadership of, fearless, Karl Harrer in. 1920. This, evolved. Into the National, Socialist, German Workers Party. Commonly. Known as the Nazi, Party, drawing, its membership, from the top echelon of the Thule, society, including. Rudolf. Hess Pine, Rock Himmler, alfred rosenberg adolf, hitler these great, aryan leaders, really. Look, at these people none, of them have blonde hair or blue, eyes these.

People, Were brainwashed, by, the a Nanaki, and some. I suspects, were a new naki hybrids. In. The. Gods of Eden William. Bramley says, dot, the Thule was a society. Of assassins it, held, secret, courts, and condemned, people, to death it is, likely that many victims, murdered, by the district. Command, had been condemned, earlier, in the secret courts, of the thule the conception. Of the swastika, flag, adopted, by the Nazis, is attributed, to dr. rich, Crone a member, of Thule but. Hitler's occult training, was not yet complete after. The death of a cut as if on a schedule, another, even, more powerful. Teacher came, into his life Carl. Harsh otha, was, a 54. Year old professor. Of political science, at, Munich, University. When Hitler entered, jail in, 1924. While. With German intelligence in Japan, before the war harsh, affair had been initiated into. The ultra, secret Green, Dragon, Society one. Of only three Europeans, to have ever been granted. That honor there. He was taught how to develop, the mastery, of the etheric, body or, the time organism. This. Training apparently. Gave him precognitive. Powers and, he was able to predict, the dates and exact, times, of enemy attacks the, number of casualties and, bombardment. Patterns, while a general, during the war we. Now know this as remote viewing, consequently. House, offer emerged with an illustrious war. Record, and became, well known throughout, Germany, ouch, offer like, egg heart was, convinced. That he had found the savior, of the German, people that he had been seeking pouch. Over subsequently. Visited, Hitler frequently. In his plush, cell at the Landsberg, fortress, with books and papers, under his arm. Helped him to write what became the Bible of the Nazi, movement mine. Camp, virtually. Dictating, long passages. House, offers domination. Of the entire philosophical. Basis, of the Nazi, movement was, solidified, when he founded, the luminous, lajjo of real society, in Berlin, in 1920. This. Eventually, became the inner circle, of the Thule, society, and reportedly. Attracted. Members, from other occult, movements. In Europe as well as from Tibet Japan. India. Kashmir. Turkey. And salon it's, most, inspirational. Book was the coming race by Edward, bulwer-lytton a, story, about an underground, utopian. Civilization. Where the inhabitants flew. Around in silent, wingless, vehicles, powered.

By A force called Vril hence. The name of the society. Ouch. Oh fine knew a great deal about life, on Atlantis, almost. As though through personal, memory, he. Taught Hitler, that the Aryan, race was genetically, developed, by the gods of Atlantis, in preparation. For the coming disaster to. Be a new master, race afterwards. He. Claimed, that the Aryans, were given higher consciousness, and, the Faculty, of logical. Thought instead. Of just super, memory as with the preceding, sub races, on Atlantis, he. Convinced, Hitler that the pure Germans, were descended, from this civilization. From Ultima, Thule sometimes. Called, hypo, Bora and were, meant to be the nucleus of the new master, race how. She ever, believed that this race a variant, supermen, survived, the Atlantean, upheavals. And still existed, somewhere underground, in Tibet or the Gobi Desert and, he convinced, Hitler to try and make contact, with him. From. 1926. Through, 1942. House, affair organized, annual, German, expeditions. To Tibet he. Apparently, succeeded, in making contact. With an underground, civilization. In, Tibet known in occult literature as, Agartha. Sometime. In the early nineteen thirty it. Is known that housed over Metsa, monks, from this underground, city and, enlisted. Them in the Nazi cause some. Literature on this subject describes. The monks, as adepts, of the dark side they. Came to Berlin and set up a community, they. Were later joined by, members of the Japanese green, dragon, Society, at the invitation, of house offer in the, secret, meetings, of the Vril society, attended. By harsh otha, Hitler, and the key members of the Thule, Society, a very, talented medium. By the name of maria orsic began, to get psychic, transmissions. In an unknown language which. They were eventually able to decipher, as they. Continued, it was determined that the messages, were coming from two planets, in the older Burren system, comprising. The soumarin Empire all, debryn, is a huge, star, in the taurus constellation. Thousands. Of times larger than, our own Sun about. 65. Light-years. From Earth, the. Information channeled. By orsic claimed that the soumarin empire consisted. Of an Aryan, or master race. And a, subservient, slave race and that the Aryans, colonized. Our solar system, 500. Million years ago when the Alder burned system, became uninhabitable. When. They eventually reached, earth, they, founded, the Sumerian, civilization. According. To Peter moon in the Black Sun as they, continued. To study the transmissions. The, Vril society discovered. That the ancient, Sumerian. Language. Was, identical, to that of the older barons and that it was also similar, to the German language. Whether. Or not they materialized. In the flesh in the inner sanctum, of the Vril society or. Met with the Nazi leaders in the underground, city through, the mediation of, the Tibetan, monks there, is no doubt that house / and Hitler, at least, met. With the you Burman sure Superman in, a, conversation. With hermann rauschning the. Governor, of Danzig, about, the possibility, of creating, a new, advanced. Species, of human, through breeding Hitler. Said as reported. By Rao scanning, the new man is living amongst, us now he. Is here, exclaimed. Hitler. Triumphantly. Isn't. That enough for you I will, tell you a secret I have, seen the new man he. Is intrepid, and cruel I was, afraid of him, Samuel. Mathers the founder, of the Golden, Dawn had, a similar encounter in, a, manifesto. To the members in, 1896. He, wrote as, to the secret Chiefs with whom I am in touch and from whom I have received, the wisdom, of the second order they. Used to meet me physically, at a time and place fixed, in advance, for. My part I believe they, are human, beings living, on this earth but, possessed, of terrible, and superhuman. Powers, I felt. I was in contact, with a force so terrible, that I can only compare it to the shock one would receive, from being near a flash, of lightning during, a great thunderstorm. Wonder. Weapons could the secret Chiefs or supermen, have been, extraterrestrials. Perhaps, currently. Living on earth or elsewhere, in light. Of subsequent. Developments. Such, a conclusion seems. Not unreasonable. Possibly. Because, of this contact, with Hitler the Nazis, were to acquire, scientific.

Knowledge And weapon technology. Is far beyond, anything previously, seen, on earth the, weapons, became known, as the wonder were for wonder, weapons, this. All seems especially, remarkable when it is understood just, how much the Nazi, inner-circle detested. Science, and book knowledge and embraced, psychic. Information and, ceremonial. Magic instead. According. To Peter moon as early, as 1919. The, combined, fuelie and virile societies. Began work, on a time machine which, was completed, in 1924. And, taken, to a hiding place in southern, Germany, this, early, development, it is said, resurfaced. After the war and was continued, thirty years later as the Montauk Project in, an underground, base at Montauk, Point Long, Island, where ex-nazi. Scientists, were, assisted, by, extraterrestrials. And it, was the Vril society that. Reportedly, developed, the first anti-gravity. Craft the. RF said one as early, as, 1934. The. Society raised its own funds for this development by soliciting, donations in. German newspapers. This. First model, crashed, and burned. But the rfz. 260, feet in length flew, quite well and was used as a reconnaissance craft. And so, it came to the attention of, SS, chief Himmler, by, this time, Hitler, was in power and he turned the antigravity, development. Project, over to the SS, to, develop directly, with the Vril society, he. Himself was, more interested. In conventional. Weaponry by. 1939. The. SS, had developed, the RF z5, which, was renamed, to become the famous Hana by a two-man. Craft, about. 35. Feet in diameter powered. By attachment type, Elektra gravitation. Motor called the cola converter. Purported. Plans for Hana by either motor it, was claimed converted. The Earth's gravitational. Energy into, electromagnetic, power. The. Nazis continually. Improved, on the Hanabi model. Culminating in, the hand of a three late in the war a huge. Craft. 200. Feet in diameter the. Hannibal 3 it was said could, reach a speed of, 24,000. Miles per hour at an altitude of, 15,000. Feet and could carry 32. Passengers, but. Strangely, the Germans. Were never able to adapt these incredible. Flying machines, to conventional. Warfare it. Is suggested, that they couldn't train the pilots and, that, the craft were not maneuverable. Enough to engage fighter, planes, in dogfights and, that, they couldn't be used as, bombers, although, they could easily reach, the u.s. without, refueling. The. Nazis, chose to focus instead on von, Braun's robotic, rocketry, believing. That they could so frightened the civilian, population. Of London with their v2, flying, bombs, that they could precipitate a mass movement to surrender as history. Makes dear, they severely, underestimated.

The Legendary, British stiff, upper, lip the, Nazis, also pioneered. Jet-powered, propulsion. The. First jet fighter plane. In the world the, fearsome, Messerschmitt. Me-262. Could. Easily have, turned the tide of the war if, it had lasted several, months longer, German. Scientists. Were also working on development, of nuclear, weapons long, before, America got, into the act, nuclear. Fission was discovered. In 1938. By, Otto Hahn, and Fritz Strassmann, at, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, in. Berlin, the. Germans, were producing, heavy water, in the morgue Norway. In, 1943. In preparation. For using, it to refine plutonium. But, Hitler and Albert Speer scuttled. The program, after chief civilian. Nuclear, scientist, Werner Heisenberg. Failed, to sell the project as a feasible, way to win the war Allied. Soldiers, discovered. A uranium base, two nuclear, reactor, underground, in hey Josh. Heisenberg's. Hometown, and several. Thousand, pounds of uranium buried. Nearby the. Consensus. Is that Germany. Would have developed the bomb before the u.s. if, it hadn't been for hitters poor, judgment, in scientific. Matters, and the sabotage, and heavy Allied bombardments. Of technological. Sites although, some think that Heisenberg. A former. Protege, of Nobel, prize-winning. Danish, physics, Niels BOA deliberately. Diverted his, research, away, from weaponry. Strange. As it might sound the case could, be made that German, advanced. Scientific, knowledge, and, weaponry, was supplied, by extraterrestrials. Somehow, connected, with a purported, underground. Civilization. In Tibet. Exactly. How this information. Was conveyed is not clear, but, some argue that the connection, was established through. The mediation, of Carl Hirsch otha, and that, a group of monks, from that underground, Tibetan, City came to live in Berlin, to assist with Hitler's war plans. They. Were, reportedly. Known, as the Society, of green men there. Is some evidence to, suggest that, this situation. Evolved, to the point that aliens, were actually, working shoulder-to-shoulder. With. German, scientists. Hitler. Envisioned, a new world order to, last a thousand, years with. The help of architect, Albert Speer he, designed, grandiose. Buildings, and the monuments, to accommodate, his new one-world, Aryan, civilization, to. Be supported, by the slave, labor of the inferior, races. However. It now, seems that this reputed, alliance, with, extraterrestrials. Was a marriage of convenience since. Apparently they had a similar goal and indeed.

May, Have been using Hitler, as some kind of straw man to facilitate. Their intended, takeover. Of the planet. If, all that is true it puts, the European, war in a totally, new light just, one piece in an elaborate, worldwide. Campaign. Of alien, design, which, included, the participation, of Japan in order to control, the Seas from. This perspective the, outbreak, of the world war 2 can be viewed as a push by the extraterrestrials. To impose a fascist, dictatorship of, the entire planet, under, their control if, that. Is the case it appears, that the planning may have begun in the early years, of the 20th, century, and that Hitler's. Rise to power was coordinated. With Mussolini's. In Italy, and the emergence, of Hideki. Tojo in, Japan, such. A scenario, would, help to explain, many strange, similarities. Between the, three fascist, movements. Especially. The militarization, of, the governments, and the imposition of elaborate, and sophisticated. Propaganda. Machines. Propaganda. After, all is nothing, more than a form of national mind, control, and we, suspect that, the aliens, are very skilled, in these techniques. At. The. Close of World War, one, in 1919. Under, the terms of the less I treaty Germany. Was allowed to keep only, 100,000. Men in the army and 15,000. In the Navy they. Were not permitted to have submarines. Or military, aircraft, this. Situation. Remained, basically stable, for the next fourteen, years until Hitler came to power in 1933, and. Then in March, of, 1935. Instituted. Conscription. And renewed, military, training, in open violation. Of the treaty to achieve, the extravagantly. Ambitious. Goal of world conquest. Germany. Would need a bright new army of young ruthless. Efficient. Well-trained. Stormtroopers. Numbering, in the millions in. 1933. That seemed, like an impossible dream, since, the army, then consisted. Mainly of. 100,000. Aging, dispirited. Veterans, of ww, I and some, raw recruits, it, seemed especially, hopeless. In view of the depressed, economic conditions. In Germany, at that time yet. In September. Of the very next year six. Months, before conscription. Began at the, nuremberg nazi rally of. 1934. 160,000. Stool with german, soldiers, with backpacks, and rifles, stood, silently, at attention in precise, ranks, as hitler Heinrich. Himmler and SAR chief Victor Lutz walked down the white centre aisle towards, flaming. Columns, bordering, a gigantic, wreath honoring, German, soldiers, killed in battle. This. Fantastic. Scene was captured in the now famous, documentary, triumph. Of the will by legendary, film photographer.

Leni Riefenstahl. Where. Do those. 160,000. Perfect, young soldiers, come from in October. Of, 1935. Hitler, supplied. The answer, to that riddle when he made public, that he had kept 21, infantry, divisions, under wraps in, 1934. And he, announced, that they would now become the core of the new German, army, the way macked. So. That's where the. 160,000. Came from but, where did the 21, divisions, come from an infantry. Division, can be as many as 20,000. Troops so, it seems that somehow Millar magically, got his hands on an instant, army of about. 500,000. Soldiers with, no explanation. Of where, they came from or how they had been trained. He. Announced, also, that an additional, 21, divisions. Would soon be added one. May be forgiven, for wondering just, how was it possible for all, this to be accomplished, only one year after Hitler, became Chancellor. Of Germany now. That we have evidence of, alien involvement in, the war preparations, a, startling. Explanation. Presents, itself, it, is now believed, by many that the aliens, have mastered. Cloning, biotechnology. And in, fact that the small gray et's of abduction, fame are clones themselves. Could. It be possible that, Hitler's, alien, friends, presented, him with a ready-made million, man army of, clone stormtroopers. We. Have already seen that the planning, for world war ii probably, began in the early part, of the century was. Hitler's, army, secretly growing, up in spaceships or, underground, cities, even as real soldiers. Were dying by the millions on, the battlefields. Of Europe. Perhaps. George Lucas, knew more than is commonly believed, when, in, 2001. He. Wrote episode, 2 of a Star Wars saga, titled. Attack of the Clones, when. It comes to fantastic. Possibilities. For the Nazi, ety connection. Though, that, is only the beginning an artsy, moonface according, lo Vladimir, turski. The, Germans, succeeded. In reaching the moon sometime, in, 1942. And established. A base on the dark side. Tarczewski, is a controversial, figure in the UFO, community but. He has impressive, credentials, lai. Is a Bulgarian born. Engineer. And physicist, and reportedly. Is conversant, in English, Japanese. Russian. And German in addition, to his native Bulgarian. And is therefore uniquely. Able to do research in, all these languages. He. Says the, Germans landed. On the moon probably. As early as 1942. Utilizing. Their larger exo-atmospheric. Rocket. Sources, of the Maya and Schriever, type. The. Schriever water turbine, powered, craft was designed as, an interplanetary, exploration. Vehicle. It has a diameter of 60, meters had, ten stories, of crew compartments. And stood. 45, meters, high, Tirzah. Ski claims that after establishing the, initial, surface based they tunneled, underground, and by, the end of the war there was a small Nazi, research, base, on the moon. The. Free-energy touch, in drive craft, of the hole neither one and two type were, used after, 1944. To haul people, materials. SiC, and the first robots, to the construction, site he, claims that the moon has an atmosphere water. And, vegetation, and it is possible, to get around without, space, suits, despite. NASA propaganda. To the contrary. If. Tersky, is right it seems reasonable to suspect that, the aliens, played a large, role in the Nazi moon adventure. Well, obviously this. Fantastic. Accomplishment, would have had little wartime, strategic. Value it should be remembered, that in. 1942. The. Germans, were supremely, confident. Of winning the war and were projecting. Their space-travel, conquest. Plans. Well, ahead into. The thousand-year. Third Reich. Complex. Scenarios. Arguing. For consideration, of alien involvement, in, the politics, and Wars of Earth among. Those offering supposedly. Detailed, information. Concerning the. Extraterrestrial. Intervention factor. Typical, is someone, called Branton, all, we know about him, is that he claims to have been abducted many, times since the age of 12 and that his information accords. With Davidic, and some other such sources. The.

Following Is taken, from Brandon's, material. A. Formal. Treaty was executed. In 1933. Between. The Nazi Bavarian, intelligence, agency, which, eventually became. The SS. And the graves an alien. Race living, in underground, bases, in, Tibet and elsewhere in the world, facilitated. By the Thule, society, the. Greys are said to be from Zita to Reticuli. The. Greys in turn, it, is said a subservient. To, the reptilians, and are, believed to be implanted. With biochips to keep them under control, they, are mostly a cloned race having. Lost the ability to reproduce, the ins ago due, to radioactive fallout. From, nuclear, wars on their home planet. There. Is a group of about 2,000. Original, gray prototypes. From which the clones are copied many. Abductees have, commented, on their robotic, totally. Unemotional. Behavior, the, reptilians. Are a fierce. Tyrannical. Race from alpha Draconis, sometimes. Referred, to as reptilians, because, they are human-like, in basic, form but, their skin it is claimed is scaly, and their, faces are lizards like with vertical, slit high Bulls they, are up to eight feet tall and very strong. They. Are considered, by some, extraterrestrials. To be master, geneticists. But, others claim that they have watched many of their genetic, experiments. Their. Most powerful, capability. Is mind control and, in, this they are considered, undisputed. Experts, this. Accounts, for their ability, to shape-shift or, to take on a human, appearance because. They can plant that illusion in the mind of the observer. They, are in league with other reptilian. Races, from Rigel, Orion and Bellatrix. Orien, together. They are referred, to as, the Drake Orion, imperialists. And have, taken over many of the star systems, in the 21, star cluster, in this section, of the galaxy. Comprising. The Draco, Orion's, slash gray Empire, the. Drake or aya Knights are referred, to as. Interventionists. Because they boldly seek to enslave other, races. Like. The fascists. That they sponsored, they are cruel and merciless. Their. Ancient enemies, are the humanoid, races from, Andromeda. Arcturus. Lyra, the Pleiades, and Sirius, the. Main, Pleiadian, faction, is from the planet Hera, circling, the star Tecate, one, of the Seven Sisters, taken. Together this. Group of civilizations. Comprises. The Galactic, Federation, the. Dull universe, is also part, of the Federation, the Federation, races. A non-interventionist. In that they believe deeply, in freedom, and will, never try to influence, or persuade, other developing, races, or to block or violate, their right to make free will choices and, in, fact, they, seek to assist in spiritual. Development. The. Federation, forces, on earth are based under, Death Valley and Mount Shasta in California. The, star wars began, when the draconians, attacked, Lara and the playa DS, Branton.

Says The, stories, that contactees. Tell of the devastating. Battles, and galactic, massacres, in almost. Every, case initiated. By the collectivist. Interventionist. Reptoids. Graves. Between. The two galactic. Superpowers. Are integral, although, controversial, elements. While. The Drakkar graze it, is claimed gave, the Germans, fantastic. Weapons, including. Jet propulsion. Rocketry. Television. Guided, missiles. Anti-gravity. Aircraft, nuclear. Technology. And possibly, even a cloned army the Allies were not completely, without alien. Assistance. Deities, it is said gave, the Allies one, man Nikola. Tesla, it, was dazzla according. To this line of argument who, first saw the promise, of radar, in 1917. And was, instrumental, in, its development, and use in the war. Consequently. The, British and the US had sophisticated. Radar, defenses, deployed, early, in the war using Tesla's, patents, while, the Germans gave it scant attention and, it was radar, that won the Battle of Britain, Tesla. And Roosevelt, met in 1917. When FDR, was Secretary, of the Navy and Roosevelt. Was very impressed, with Tesla's, genius in. 1936. According. To some reports, he, put Tesla, in charge of the invisibility, project. Working, with the Navy in. 1940. As the, story goes they. Succeeded. In making a ship disappear, in the Brooklyn Navy Yard whether. Or not invisibility, was, secretly, used, in the war is unknown. Tesla. Also invented. It is claimed particle. Beam weaponry, which he publicly referred, to as the death ray it was, not it seems. Developed. Soon enough to use in the war but, satellite, based versions. Have since it, is believed become. Potent, weapons, in both US, and Soviet Arsenal's. Tesla. Is also, said to have been offered a large amount, of money to go and work for Germany. But that he refused, and that he remained an American, patriot to, the end. Tesla. Often made mention of his off planet, friends, say, some, sometime. In the mid 30s, they say he, arranged, a meeting between Roosevelt. And Playa daeun representatives. Which, supposedly. Took place on, a ship in the Atlantic with. In the alien tracking internet. Community, it is believed that some sort of agreement came, out of that meeting and that a federation.

Representative, May have consulted. At the Pentagon, for most of the war. Sometime. In late, 1944. The, story goes when. It became apparent that, they had lost the war the, Germans, moved the main components. Of their anti-gravity. Aircraft technology. And their top scientists. To their subterranean, base, in the Antarctic, called nukes cabin, land which, they had been preparing since. 1938. It is, suspected that an extraterrestrial, base. Had already existed the, and that, it was inhabited by their compatriots. The, Drake or I nights. The. Germans, had been assiduously. Patrolling. And defending, the sea lanes to Antarctica. Since early, in the war as they moved men and materials, there anew votes they. Stationed, their largest battle, cruiser the, Graf Spee, off the, coast of Argentina, sometime. In, 1939. And they were known to be sinking, even merchant. Vessels, sailing, in those waters, if true. This, might explain why. The Allied armies, found, only superficial. Remnants, of flying disc development. As they over ran Germany, and none, of the important, scientists. Coudn't. Arctica, have been the destination of, the so-called lost battalion. Of. 250,000. German troops that could never be accounted. For could. These have been perhaps carefully. Kept and maintained, clone stormtroopers. To. Be used as genetic, prototypes. For the new wave act. By. April of 1945. The European, war was wounding down as the Allied troops converged. On Berlin, at that, point it is claimed, all, the antigravity, technology, and. Scientists. Had been transferred. To new Sh woodland, it, was from the damned Arctic, base that the Germans, decided to launch a mission to Mars jointly. With the Japanese. Vladimir. Tears easkey says according. To the authors, of the underground, German documentary. Movie, from the Thule, society, the, only produced. Craft, of the whole neighbor 3 type the, 74. Metre diameter naval. Warfare dreadnought. Was, chosen for the most courageous, mission, of this whole century, the, trip to Mars the. Trip reportedly, took almost eight, months because the large Andromeda. Type attached and drives were turned off immediately after. The escape from the Earth's, gravitation. And the ship coasted. The rest of the way in an elliptical orbit. Turski, believes that the crew probably numbered, in the hundreds. The, huge, craft, crash-landed. On Mars in January. 1946. Severely. Damaging. The touchin drives and making, return, impossible. But according to the documentary the. Crew knew from the beginning that it was probably a suicide mission. Turistic. He says the, radio message, with the mixed news was received by the German underground. Space, control, center initial wooden landing by their research base on the moon. Evidently. With, the war on earth lost the, axis, partners, decided. To position, themselves off, planet, in readiness for the next round and the advent. Of the Fourth Reich all, the chroniclers, of world, bought who agreed that the German soldiers, were very tough, and courageous and, almost. Robotic in terms of efficiency. They. Obeyed orders without question. Even, in the face of certain death, as the. Blitzkrieg, rolled over Europe they, could do no wrong it.

Was Their insensitivity. To, human suffering, that made the atrocities, in Russia and the concentration. Camps. The. Einsatzgruppen, were. Taken from the ranks of the way maxed possible. Maybe. Though. It wasn't, that they were sadistic. Maybe, they just didn't care but. On the, other hand they, showed no resourceful. 'no swear, as the British and American, soldiers, could be relied, on to come up with ideas even, in the worst situations. Ultimately. The. Thinking, soldier with, a heart prevailed. Apparently. The, moral of the story is, if you, expect, to win a war with an army of clones. You better have someone with great intelligence, directing. Them and Hitler, just didn't fill the bill when. It came to intellect, he, was no match for the combined, brainpower of, Franklin, Roosevelt. Winston. Churchill, and an allied army of, citizen soldiers. From free societies. And. No. Official of my administration whether. His rank is higher low. Civilian. Or military, should. Interpret my, words here tonight as an. Excuse to censor the news to. Stifle dissent to, cover, up our mistakes or. To. Withhold from the press and the public the, facts, they deserve to know. But. I do ask. But. I do ask every publisher every. Editor and, every. Newsman in the nation to. Re-examine his, own standards, and to. Recognize the nature of our. Country's, peril in. Time. Of war the. Government and the press have. Customarily joined. In an effort, based. Largely on self-discipline. To. Prevent unauthorized, disclosures. To the enemy in. Times, of clear and present danger, the. Courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment, must. Yield to the public's need, for national. Security. Today. No war has been declared and. However. Fierce the struggle may, be it. May never be declared, in the, traditional fashion. Our. Way of life is under attack. Those. Who make themselves our enemy are advancing, around. The globe the. Survival, of our friends, is in danger and yet. No war has been declared. No. Borders, have been crossed by, marching troops. No. Missiles have, been fired if, the. Press is awaiting, a declaration of, war, before. It imposes, the self-discipline. Of combat conditions, then. I can only say that no war ever posed a greater, threat to our security. If. You are awaiting, a finding, of clear and present danger, then. I can only say that the danger has, never been more clear and its. Presence has never been more imminent, it. Requires a change in outlook a change. In tactics a change. In missions by. The government, by, the people, by. Every businessman, or labor leader, and. By every newspaper. For. We are opposed around the world by a. Monolithic and. Ruthless conspiracy. That. Relies.

Primarily On. Covert means, for expanding. Its. Sphere of influence on, infiltration. Instead. Of invasion on, subversion. Instead, of. Elections, on intimidation. Instead. Of free choice on guerrillas by. Night instead, of. Armies by day, it. Is a system. Which has conscripted vast. Human. And, material resources. Into. The building of a tightly knit, highly. Efficient, machine that, combines. Military. Diplomatic. Intelligence. Economic. Scientific. And. Political, operations. It's. Preparations. Are concealed. Not published its, mistakes, are buried not headlined. It's. Dissenters, are silenced, not praised. No. Expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed no secret. Is, revealed it. Conducts the Cold War in short with. A wartime discipline. No. Democracy would, ever hope or wish to. Match. Nevertheless. Every, democracy. Recognizes. The necessary, restraints. Of national. Security and, the, question remains, whether. Those restraints. Need to be more strictly observed, if. We are to oppose this, kind of attack as, well. As outright invasion.


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