Should All Pro Cyclists Use The Same Bikes GCN Tech Show Ep 23

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Welcome. To the gcn, tech show this week we've spotted some new arrow bikes we've got fast wheels tubeless. Wheels and, we're gonna have a think about how these new racing, formats like the hammer series my affect by tech yeah, could. It be a big difference bait, who knows anyway let's find out we're gonna talk about it make sure we hit the thumbs-up button let's go. Right. On top tell, me what, is hot in tech this week well John I spy with my little eye something beginning, with n b, and. B yeah. New bikes o new, bikes. Yes at, the critérium, du dauphiné e bora, hands grow and quicks their flaws arriving. What looks to be a brand, new era bike from specialists it, looks different from the current venge it has wait for it disc, brakes and the head tube is too, narrow for it to be a non-arab. Like so could will be a brand new venj disc yeah that's about time actually here's their spokes but you, know there's. Nothing wrong with the current one but anyway interestingly. The, you see eyes list, of approved frames and force hasn't been updated for a couple of weeks so, that bike isn't on there so, i'm gonna keep a close eye on that because well it's always good isn't it to find out at least an indication. Of what's coming in the future and speaking, of what else is coming in the future there's, a new bike and from Trek or at least what looks being you buy because also, spotted at the critérium, du dauphiné a are. The riders of Trek seeing afraid of on board this oh. Yeah. I mean that, looks very much like it could be a brand new track Madone disc, exactly. A trek medon't disc, so, there we are so it does keep, the same lines, basically in same shape, more. Or less doesn't it the current mode oh yeah. I think John, it's really exciting to see two massive. Brands coming to market, potentially. With, arrow dislikes, yeah I do like and, also interesting, is the underside.

Of The top shape of that bike appears, to have the ISO speed basically. Vibration. Damper doesn't it so I want you can adjust its, me to make it a little bit stiffer or a little bit looser. Yeah. And that's actually you saying to me the early that's in a different position yeah. Yes and rather than use ones yes rather than it being on the C tube it's been moved onto the top tube which is really interesting now we haven't managed to get up close, you. Know ourselves, but I have been looking around on a few different forums, out there and there are some spice shots or fan, shots basically and it's, called, what. Apparently people think is the Madone 9 so there, we are and it that one if you look really really closely, it's even got a sticker on the seat tube of the, you see I approve frame but it's not only you see I approve list so it looks like maybe the person who updates that list has gone on holiday. Yeah. Yeah, seriously. Sighs yes, pull. Up us I'm gonna stop just that there's got some new handlebars, on there as well so remember, the old integrated, one one piece yeah this looks to be a 2-piece set up okay so I wonder. If it's similar to what I saw on a Arvin a-team I think it was where you, can actually extend the, handlebar, sorry. Rather extend, the stem to make it a little bit longer and reach yeah. Because previously, on the Madone the frame. For, seat, to seat, post obviously and the handlebars and stem were, a unit, right yeah so if, you wanted a 14, centimeter, stem and 42. Cents we had there was one piece and there wasn't really much room to change that without buying, a whole new thing so yeah, maybe you create, your adaptability for the riders too yeah and I wonder as well if those handlebars are actually a bit like what we find on some bellows where, they're arrow shapes where they are definitely area shapes at the top but, they are mounted, using a traditional. 31:8. Stem. I don't, know I can't, wait to get closer and look at this because it's I'm, just bubbling. With excitement basically. God calm down. Anyway. We'll have some more tech for you later on. Within, Pro Cycling John I think you can now ask the question of how. Much is tech affecting, the sport so, it does a big, team with a big budget big. Sponsorships. And the best equipment and access to the best information about. That can inform their choices on using that equipment have, a huge, advantage over maybe, a smaller team with less of a budget or a rider, on a smaller team who is really, fast but you, know doesn't have access to same equipment yeah. Now we've got thinking about this due to the, inclusion in, this year's Tour de France of a stage which is just 65, kilometers, in length and, the, riders, are going to be gridded, in such. A way based, on their overall status. In the race which. Could possibly. Leave team leaders, isolated. As are away from their team so, essentially, making the racing, possibly. A bit more lively because there's going to be no cohesion, available, right from the start yeah, so it's a really interesting one and it's perhaps something, that may be there. We say equalize. This thing so if your domestiques, on that stage are in 50th overall your. Team leader might not see them so, you're potentially, removing the team advantage so stage 17 is gonna be fascinating to watch but. Back, to the tech side of things it got us thinking about it because in sports like Formula, One there's. A move towards having, standardized, equipment so, Formula. One has a tire sponsor, every team in Formula, One has, access to different.

Tires By. This manufacturer. But it's down to the team which ones they choose to use all, of the tires it's a different compounds, and stuff like that which you can tell from different coloured sidewalls, and all these times have a barcode so the organisers can check up and make sure that everyone is using the mandated, equipment, yeah now could this work then in, Pro. Cycling I think it could and, I think it would be quite interesting if they did that as well therefore, eradicating. That problem of maybe, team. Having, some artists, and tires made for a special event and then also removing. The possible, negative comments. From armchair, fans who say. When a race is won on a particularly, wet technical, descent or in the case of Perry Roubaix for instance where it's, always, talked about the tire choice there basically, no one at home can say well it's because they're on the best tires in it that's why they won, you imagine being a slightly nervous descender, as a rider you certainly, lose the excuse, of my tires, aren't as good this year but no I think it could be really interesting just. Kind of technological moves. Like that and the other thing is that if all of that becomes centralized, we might as fans get access to more statistics, we might know the tire pressures and the tyre compounds that the riders are using does. It take, no to be fascinating, yeah I reckon as well we would start to see team, cars with, an unbelievable. Amount of wheels, in them because, I can just imagine it carnac one team seeing another team using some tires and thinking hang on why. Are they using those tires, today yeah well while a, yellow bar toke today yeah and then suddenly you see them all stuff at the side of the road and stopping around it just be interesting. To see who. Knows maybe we will see it and, not directly linked, but this next one was, brought to me basically by an idea from Adam Hansen who actually said he would get rid of feed zones in professional, bike races these speed zones. They're. Just. If. You're into forces, in today's society would. Never pass Health and Safety Act. They. Are dangerous, yeah, that's certainly an unorthodox. Idea. But it, maybe does raise a few interesting points because you, know some teams have the budget and the staff to have helpers. Positioned, on the roadside every 40 or 50 kilometers so about every hour of racing, and other, teams just don't, and probably never will yeah, so it brings me the question really should, riders. Be self-sufficient, in, a race so. Started the race basically, they have to take all the food they want with them for the day on. Now and, if they do want more food they. Have to stop roadside. At a shop, for some food bear with me it sounds stupid but this is minimalist this is what rises in the Tour de France and other races historically. Used to do it wasn't it there's like a very. Famous photograph of riders essentially, almost. Going, to shop and just smashing. And grabbing but we don't write us to do that but I think it would be. Interesting. For Pro Cycling to see how riders then would start to conserve their energy and, also, would. Teams. After a stop actually start, working, together with, other or with the peloton take advantage, of that if a very, strong teams stop off it cetera so who knows if John Cannings ruled the cycling world and this was to happen and I think, the chance of John rule and cycling world and also there's nothing but both quite slim not going to happen not gonna happen i-i've, got questions about how would that happen so, you know would it be a move towards, top two bags and a triathlon, please no yep. Would you you know some massively, Aero try bikes actually have storage. In them and we see that on some ebike so you know it's this video Steve I'm a mbn you, know some of you bikes have storage like a rain cape or so-and-so would ride as that should be storing food in their bikes as. Like a technological. Solution to John's, presumably. Quite harsh potential, rule yeah. Or they start wearing ruck sacks and riding along like a mountaineer. Or something because they get through a lot of drinks, and bars, and gels don't they again you know like not totally, clear to this but the rucksack point is quite an interesting one because we, saw they, were actually, outlawed. In road racing at one point because Frank Schleck used, one, on, his, stomach in a time trial which filled the Aero void between his body and his travels yeah people. Have tried all these things in the past and, they get back and so don't worry you won't be stopping off in a supermarket, for your Anjali's. Not John, will not be running the world like, anytime soon.

Power Meters so. I'm. Not sure that I totally, agree with this train of thought to be honest I know that there are many cycling fans out there who believe that before the advent of power meters and riders. Been using been training for a long time but it's maybe only in the last 10 15 years that, they've become light enough for a whole team of riders to spec them in feel that they can use them in a race without being a disadvantage, so, fans believes it because riders have access to absolute, performance figure on their handlebars, that's. Kind of taking the panache out of racing personally. I feel that that sells the previous, generation of riders a little short because they were likely more calculating, than that and I. Feel, it sells this generation, a little short because you, know they I think they kind of do ride with panache and sometimes, if you feel good you just got to attack yeah, I mean I'm I'm sort of in really, the same camp as you are with that so when, I was a kid watching Pro by tracing every single attack you sort of amazing and yeah they did have parametres, and it. Wasn't just donald feel obviously they you know they knew, what their bodies were like and how far actually they could sustain these attacks. For but, still, ultra, impressive, is when you see a team riding up a mountain eight riders in a line riding. Full gas knowing, that they've got this amount of what's basically. Left in their tank until they blow and then the next guy takes on i still, think that makes, by tracing super, interesting, definitely. I actually I've, got a question what do you think is the most influential, bit of tech, in. Cycling, the. Most influential, bit of tech in cycling, I would say. Gear. Levers its, diameter it's gotta be the power meter I'd say gear leavers combined with brake levers that's new thought yeah in the car yeah am, i right am I wrong pammi or Gail Devers or what, when. You were a kid watching cycling, was it in black and white because, we've got some shots of Matt in black and white I see why yeah because you know you're quite old with when you're kid you called no I know we didn't have TVs when I was a kid then. What. Do you think I am now moving on from that there was actually, talk about one bike brand sponsoring. The entire, world, tour so making it a completely, level playing field I guess as, well as getting themselves a hell of a lot of publicity I mean, this is really what happens with Kiran racing in Japan so all the riders that they do use standardized. Equipment, so nobody has significant. Advantage over the other one yeah. I, honestly. Really, liked that idea for like one racer year I think imagine how cool it would be if like you, know pick, your monument maybe it's Perry Roubaix maybe he'll Lombardi oh maybe it's Milan San Remo all the teams all the riders on though on the start those races are on the same bikes same, wheels carnage everything, like that however, I think as someone. Who really loves bike tech it would give me serious cause for concern if that ever did roll out to the entire season because, what. I think you'd find is some. Of the smaller brands that we love some of the meat even the medium-sized brands might, actually start, to kind of suffocate. From the lack of publicity and slowly, fade away yeah, be a real shame actually not my personal point of view I don't think it'd be a good idea I mean. We've not even touched, yet on team. Vehicles, chefs, dare, I say race radios. Ah this. Breaks one bye oh no, I mean it is a world, of tech out there isn't it it certainly is so let us know your thoughts should you, know should cyclist ride on standardized, equipment should. Power meters be banned like how much influence, does tech have over the results of the bike races that you and I love to watch we're, going to have a poll as well and. The poll question is should there be one day one, major race in the year where, all the riders are under standardized, equipment it's up there I've really am I supposed to yes yes yes, what what bike would you choose and what race that, it had to ride on because, steel black is like so cool so yeah just steel down shapeshifters, toe clips. Right. And Jon what is hot in tech this week it's been a big week because we're getting closer to the tour that's a big races yeah lots of racing going on well first up I spotted, Vincenzo, Nibali at the prologue of the cry to him to donate and he was using this, he was using a TRP. Front, brake instead of using a Shimano direct mainland's, on his murid a bike there that's, an interesting choice to make I mean it does have an aerodynamic, shape to it doesn't it it does remind, me as well if they all Campagnolo, Delta, brakes which well, they were pretty.

Heavy And it, won't hatch that good it's stopping you, they did however look, seriously, cool and they have their rightful, place in like cycling's. Design. Kind, of water flame, something. That ice why john was a new helmet from Mavic on the heads of the venom concepts even the Criterium, did donate, looks really cool in my opinion yeah now there's no information is there now on the website right now anything else yeah but. Yeah I do, like a helmet no I think that one looks fantastic. Big thumbs up from me and then, if we go over to the hammer series in Limburg, I spotted, the team of aqua blue sports and if, you may remember they use the bikes of 3t, so they're the ones with a single chainring won by yet, you remember no oh and disc brakes however. In, this team time trial they were actually using last, year's sponsors. Bike so that's Ridley, and. Well, the. Reason being three teeth and actually make a time crop bike so those Ridley's they were kitted out with -, -. Chain rings and also, normal, brakes there - it's. Interesting isn't it because 3t that that, bike they do ride on Norway the Charlotte is a. Aero, bike, isn't it you know it's an area won by bikes sure, they could have hacked or budged it into a TT setup but anyway some. Interesting, news there yeah, I think that you said the objective word, there is they would have had to have hacked or botched it so maybe the TT bike was just the better and the easier solution yeah, another. Thing spotted there John on the bikes of track Sega Frodo so we're actually using a pro. Try spoke front wheel now, generally, we see them go for Bontrager front, wheels from, the TTS, from their sponsors although Pontiacs. You don't make a tri spoke for disc so, naturally, they're gonna have to go away from the team sponsor, for that but, yeah I haven't seen another try spokes before no no if I was them I'd probably remove. The decals, so basically it matched up with the rear wheel because those disc feels they used do if I have Bontrager on them so I just put some bonds rate the decals on the front but, maybe just maybe there you have a separate, sponsorship, deal for Tom troves who knows who. Knows and, you are a perfectionist I am, buta. Old I had a close look at this picture here from the Sun Webb giant development team and it's interesting see this rider at the bucola diliman is actually using, the first edition. Of the george di2 group set so that's what ten years old name and also on an old giant Trinity frame there now. Before, you go also what well that's ten speed so there's not really a, huge amount of jewelry success, knocking around there but do you know what I think is absolutely brilliant about this it's the fact that those riders, if they progress on to the next stage, you know the next level of development essentially. They're going to get themselves Tom. Newman and replica bike aren't they so it just goes to show you. Don't have to be the greatest get, the latest but when you do progress you are gonna get the greatest cycle, really is true but it's quite an average motivational, quote though isn't it yeah it's a bad quote, from me yeah anyone.

Related To that seems guy have, launched, an initiative much like we did at the 2011 Tour de France where they backed the World Wildlife Foundation to. Try, to eliminate the use of single-use, plastics, on the team so, they've got I've totally redesigned Jersey it's, particularly noticeable that it has a massive, thing is a killer whale or an orca on, a vacuum it I think looks really cool definitely, a standout on the peloton yeah now some of you will remember I think was back in 2011, at, the Tour de France when Team. Sky do the similar thing with a World Wildlife Foundation, so, they had a green white and black jersey there and that's certainly stood out now apparently, as well the team are actually going to take to the team presentation, of the Tour de France wearing, jerseys, made out of actual recycled. Ocean, plastic, material, so I think that's a brilliant, place get, the pun there to, actually, make. A bigger awareness, out of an issue which could affect what is going to affect our futures, in it let's face it if we don't stop using this single-use, plastic, so I doff my cap to you Team Sky yeah. Sorry, I was just recovering from your pun John but again. Moving away from single-use, plastics to carbon. Fiber wheels so zip has announced a new, and, updated every, popular nsw, range, of wheel services 303 the 404 and the 808, so, what they've done is they've increased, the internal rim diameter, of the wheels so, it's got up to 19 millimeters, meaning that it works really. Well with 25 millimeter tires and works really well aerodynamically, as well with those tires the wheel, tire interface is actually particularly important in aerodynamics, plus. A really, cool update you don't see very many full carbon tubeless. Wheels in the oven now and you, can do that now so you can use them to bus or tube whichever you prefer, good work from zip and sticking with it I've also just. Announced basic they're going to be launching, some new 303. 404, and 808, fire, cress wheels - they've been busy over there haven't they they certainly haven't I think the really cool thing about those, wheels is the technology. The showstopper, technology, that gives us a very very nice sample in the break if you've seen any of my pro bikes I love, a good free hub sound think noisy bikes can be quite cool provided, it's not noisy, and broken it was like meant to be noisy and meant to give a cool sound yeah. And also, intact John our colleague Katherine of course was over the, dirty cans of 200ml gravel racers, and Katherine has a bit of an update so, we're here with FSA and we've got an updated, Metron, 60, bar which is due for release in 2019. So, as you can see we've got a flat profile, across the front rather than the 10 degree sweep of the 5d model and also, a few interesting modifications. To the shape of the bar not only to make it more ergonomic, but also a little adjustment to account for the fact that a lot more people around running, hydraulic, disc brakes now cheers, Katherine and it's good to actually see those handlebar seeing the light day because we saw sonic, operator using them back, 20-17, cry team to donate and also the Tour de France so, I'm looking forward to seeing those hit the shops yeah I'd be very cool finally, for tech news or extra, tech news because there has been a heck of a lot of it this week there's. A very cool collaboration, in the works between. Red bull racing and BMC, bicycles, so they're going to look at electric, bicycle, technology that's all we have at the moment but I think those two companies combined could turn up something here, those it's two combined that is gonna be almost, like the Masters, of like this tech wizardry.

I'm. Really intrigued anyway more tech next week. Wall. Of fame, time, and last week we inducted, the Reynolds, five-three-one, tube, set that was used to build literally, tens of thousands, of bicycles all over, the world and this, weekend let's go aerodynamic. Let's go high-tech let's, go fast, let's go flashing the, disk will indeed. So the disk wheel is an aerodynamic, often. One-piece, construction that. I think still looks fancy compared, to many. Wheels today there's. So much going on here that is actually there's, a lot to discuss, so there's, different, constructions, different, materials and just different, appearances yes, now these, are actually used for the first time racing, in, 1984. Which shows how I would actually they are and. That was my Francesco, Moser during his hour record, attempt, and he successfully broke it now interestingly, those, disc wheels back then were literally, a one offs being, made probably using quite rudimentary methods, and made of, material such as wood or in fact aluminium. Yeah so safe to say things have changed a pretty significant, amount since, then especially what's the big players in the wheel game got involved Mavic, for example had a maverick comet, disc and the, comet actually had weights, that you could add to the spoke, also around the edge of the rim there's like slots basically to increase, the flywheel. Effect of having a heavier disc wheel and then, you, had Campagnolo, we've had the Ghibli disc wheel which had an iconic, shield, logo on yeah. Well. Yeah then I mean basically technology. Of manufacturing. And materials developed. And then we've got the likes of this now I mean this believe it or not it's actually 20, years old in fact over 20 years old so carbon fiber is now, commonly used material. For disc wheels I think they still, look so, advanced, people always say you know those solid wheels that people ride around on you know this is people who aren't heavily, into cycling, they instantly, recognize, and then they yeah, I think one of the coolest things you see is very occasionally, in time, Charles when they're flattened optically wonder you'll see people use disk wheel front and rear yeah that'd be, honest. With you fills me with absolute horror, when I see someone using a front this wheel and doors, I think. It's cool anyway we need your suggestions, for next week's tech, wall of fame so do leave them in the comments down below. Bike. Of the week time and last week we had three bikes beat develop all of them belong to Chris Froome and all of them celebrated a Grand Tour victory, mm-hmm, and the winner was. And I said you didn't predict this person or a drum roll or not yeah, go for a, and. The, winner was Chris, rooms red of well turbo always 38 percent of my I didn't expect that did you fair, enough it's a nice bike yeah, and Brent yeah red cars apparently go faster so do rate - who knows yeah they certainly get more folks certain, around here right, so sticking. With red bikes I'm gonna. Put together two bikes this week so that, Trek, that we've spotted so. We don't know much about it so that's really all. We can say against. That specialized, that we've spotted so. You. Know what to do boat, up there that's the drill and we'll with a red bike win our red banks faster bike of the week spotted, edition yeah this is very special. Right, then time, for that favorite, time of the week for many people out there the bank vault where we rent your bikes nice, or super. Nice, let's. Go John start off Rob first up there is Philly, pyat and this, is he. Actually described this as his midlife crisis, bike, it's a Kent Eriksen it's a size sixty. Five centimeters. Because, Philip is 2. Meters and 3 tall and from Austin in Texas, it's. A super nice for me John straight off the bat I like, the fact that it's my custom, made presumably. Titanium, bike yes well manufacturer, the. Build looks really, good and I, have, never seen a bike that big so super. Next. Up it, looks like it's a super nice then what unfill eat I didn't get to have a say on that one anyway next, up, Mikko.

Joel Cannon from, Helsinki, in Finland a canyon. Air road, tell. You what I will imagine Finland, to be just snowing. Well. Clearly it's not so nice not, saying so I think that's super nice what do you think. Right. Okay, we've got Sebastian, Boris and this is a 1993. Steel. Olmo. And this, is in Bucharest, in Romania, looks like a cool road to right yes is. That a couple of old izo star water bottles, on there there's not much seeping, out is this that is that the original build, so with those sto lose oh yeah it's got Shimano. 600. The trickle all edition so yeah that is the original, Sebastian, you, know what it is super. Nice. Right. Stefan, us lamp, Reedus of Pyrrhus, in greece sorry if I've messed up everything in the present, us. Throughout I think I got grease right anyways that's, a tricky Monda ALR, nice-looking. Box down there isn't it. And. That it's been taken is such a one look at the, blurs. In the background it's a super nice photo is it soon on I like vice versa. Yeah. I, think for, me actually it's, just, nice yeah. I'd like it to be miss very nice elf oh yes very nice not general super, next book right, final, one in this week is from Timo Lorenz this is their Scott's eyes and they're, from Hannover in Germany, I am. Gonna go for a night alone job yeah it's a nice bike. I think. Location, could have been better, shadows, in the background, and such, but yeah it's a nice bike Timo John, how do you. Submit their Bible, right they need send them into the email address on screen right now and tell, us about the bike yourself, and where. You come from - that would really help so, that is it for this week's GT on tech show it is yeah I always get sad this time week anyway, we really want to hear your thoughts on our lead story and all the elements to our show so make sure you comment below make, sure you hit the thumbs up button make sure you share this video - yeah and what other video should the viewers go to that school or I think, they should check out oh, the. Latest GCN tech clinic where we answer all the problems and queries that people have out there that way there's a link to that on the screen right now there's also a link to the gcn shop which is one of the best ways to support the channel and there's, our logo on screen if you click that you can subscribe yeah then you can look just like last and I.


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