What Should You Upgrade Next On Your Road Bike GCN Tech Show Ep 24

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Welcome. To the GTN tech show coming up this week we tackle that age-old question, what should your next upgrade be, we take a look at an unreleased, bike currently been raced on the world tour yeah and one that isn't being race to the world tour because it's an e-bike the focus pair alone squared plus, we have three drop Barbara off-road bikes and we also hit. Our new presenter, Chris with. A cheeky little tech quiz first question Chris what do you think of the color Celeste. Right. Before we get on to what is hot in the world of tech this week let's have a quick introduction to one. Of my new presenters this is Chris Opie, a pro. By racer until Primos last week I guess well. Then there's no assurance that, you know your way around a bike so let's establish that quite quickly Chris are you fussy, about bike, setup yeah you know I am, particularly fussy yeah I like my brakes to be wearing, right in on the the reach, adjust and I like the pads not to contact the rib until pretty much the levers hitting the bar really low engagement I like that never gonna rub the rim on the on the brake pads, I also. Like my saddle to be air misses slightly tilted down at the front yeah 750. Millimeters. From Center the bottom bracket to the centre. Of the saddle I love, my bars to be as low as possible, stem well, pretty much as long as possible but proper. Pro by racer that'll change me in a few weeks you know begin, to retire more and more right. Then what about your favourite piece of tech now, I'm torn on this one it's it's quite, tricky actually this, breaks on a road bike because who, doesn't want to stop better faster, more control that's valid point but the one I'm gonna choose is tubeless I've, run two bursts on my bike for the last 18 months and I don't, carry pump or two with me anymore alright and, you, can run though pressures you got more grip you got a smoother ride it's, win-win I can pretty much I can pretty much hear people, writing. In the comment section already that it's definitely gonna kind. Of cause with a control see there right, there what about a. First. Simple one arrow or lightweight arrow, every time true. Sprinter there and then finally she's.

Gonna Get on this one what. Is the. Coolest bike, of all time now, that's tricky I'm gonna have to induct, two to this one because I love. The 2005, quick step time VXR that they would've ridden throughout all the classics that ya know I know the ones black one with the white the red yeah yeah okay that is very cool lovely geometry, or and. For me this is probably the one. Arches the 1998. Bianchi, the Pantone a road to the jira and tall double oh yeah interesting. That is a very cool bike but, what color is it Chris is yellow but, predominantly, Celeste you, choice is there Chris I think a lot of people probably nodding in agreement as, well we, have one more chance to check out Chris's tech relent shells because your to product onto the wall of fame as well which I'm particularly excited about so. Stay tuned for that one a little retro edition from 15 years ago but before that from retro detector future tech there. Were two new, bikes at the khatoun indeed orphan a the traditional, Tour de France Walmart race the trek, Madone. Disc and these specialized bench discs there's also been, a new Ridley that's been spotted, hidden, underneath, this special wrap they're, simultaneously managed, to scream Hey look at me but then I'm, cool that because it looks absolutely amazing. Now. Just like the trek and specialize that this too has an integrated one-piece. Parts to him with all the cabling, seemingly, hidden away in there so the whole thing looks super neat and presumably, prettier oh yeah they've also updated the forks as well yeah also more Aero but, furiously, they've gone for rim brakes I'm not discs yeah that is interesting isn't it now, a lot of people I think are probably gonna be tempted. To say that, actually. All these Aero bias is starting to look just a little bit similar and it's true because, there is definitely like a a really clear Aero, silhouette. Emerging. But I think, it's worth pointing out that bikes. Have always looked quite similar, and perhaps we've been sport over the last 20 years as manufacturers, of covering grappling, with carbon, fibre and we've been true to all these kind of wacky designs and.

Now They're just honing back in on one just, like in the era of round steel tubes and Double Diamond frames I mean the bikes look pretty similar than it well presumably there, can only be one fastest. Design and since everyone's, trying to increase the aerodynamics, of their body maybe, they'll all end up looking exactly the same all a little bit Formula, One guys, cherish isn't it there can only be you two thought one, fastest. Aero bike what. Camera hey. Maybe it could be two like totally different ones, and they're just as fast as each other you bet you've gone through the drop, sea state when I've gone for the. Whatever. They tell when they come there yes specific, Aero bikes for specific weather conditions, that be worse than bottom bracket standards Chris oh I, can't think of a fear for, blacks that look similar then to one that is strikingly. Different and it's better say it kind of polarized, opinion, when it was launched it is the canyon in flight, cyclocross, bike although. Now I think it looks permit amazing in no small part down, to Mathew van de poele riding once so bloomin, fast. The 2019, range has just been released including an, aluminium one. That joins the party yeah. It's from, a that's my boy maybe something, for you that's like one bite you know me too well Chris alright now when catherine was over at the dirty kansas, she got a great look at some hot new tech there you may have seen the video that we released last week but, anyway one of the bikes in particular was, a prototype. Version, of the salsa, warbird, ok so this is now the fourth generation of that venerable gravel. Grinder, now looking more like a man to buy than ever you gotta say but, we will leave it to katherine it to talk you through it we're, here on the south first and with one of their latest prototypes, of the warbird now, it's really gone next level in terms of technology, on the gravel side here we've got a dropper seatpost suspension. Fork and the ability to fit only, three bottles in the frame but also underneath and potentially, on the other Forks as well I. Don't. Know about you side but I love. Nothing more than new kit and equipment sometimes when, I'm at my bike by myself I find myself thinking about little upgrades, or big upgrades that are gonna completely, transform my ability on the bike yeah to Vette I think we're all guilty that I say yeah I once, briefly considered, running a single speed instead of one by yeah, and then Farm Estate I decided that that was bad I did but other things as well like you. Know tread, pattern on your tires or tire width would that transform. The speed up a drive across like a should I buy new sunglasses I, think. Some people in fact most people would say you should probably definitely find, you something yeah. Alright fair enough anyway, it's endless where do you go well, that is true actually and the, cool thing is is that an upgrade, to your bike can, actually, improve your ability, on the bike whether it's making your bike lighter or, making it more comfortable or, making, it look better because obviously we all know that. Has a positive effects on your riding ability as well absolutely, you know what right, now if I could change one thing it'd be my brakes your. Brakes my brakes, I don't know what I've done wrong if it's me if it's the fact that I've not set them up properly yet but they squeal like a large bus on a back what. You did sitting there I'm, probably just gonna change the pads change the compound something softer something, quieter I, I. Said. On record Chris, a few weeks back that, that I didn't, think that you should upgrade brake pads mm-hmm, but I mean what do I know they were talking point that I reckon we should have a test Oh future. Mini idea with testing brake pads to feather if you go down the hole braking route I think, there, is a strong case to say actually upgrading, tires will, be good too if your brakes are performing, better than, having a wider tire gives you more grip you can also therefore run it's softer, as well and you, get more comfort, and potentially, you get more speed over rough roads as well and then you could get mega wide and you can ride your bike off-road that's an upgrade you get an entirely new bike for the price of two tires new, buy new sport maybe, we didn't cross the line somewhere, back there okay yeah maybe that's too much without great sometimes, the best upgrades, are the, simple ones for, instance the feeling of a new saddle one, of the most important contact points on your bike yeah unarguably.

There's Nothing worse they're sliding saddle. Sometimes. As they where they just start to you know dip in between the rails and you find yourself slowly, getting cradled, and they love this poorly, sized sagging, saddle, weight. You say that and I do understand. But. And this sounds like a confession that Chris buck quite, like the feeling of a sagging sale and. That cradling, sensation, as long as it's my bum that, has made it sag in the first place then. I'm happy it's like it's you know sitting in an old saddle it's like pulling on a comfortable pair of jeans I'm, not sure I agree with that yeah I always found myself sliding, further and further and forwards on the saddle the more worn it became for the very reason that it was just horribly. Uncomfortable in the middle well, fair enough each their own really comes to saggy saddles or not how. About bar tape okay. Now we're on the same page, fresh bar tape you, could have softer. Or grippier. Or. Just a different color keep. It fresh keep it clean either way it's gonna change the look and feel of your bike yeah. You'd struggle to say that it improves the performance they, may think well, if you can grip the bars better do you feel more confident in the corners when you're sprinting when you attack it says a man with biceps, three times yeah. Fair enough all right if you've got massive guns then yep potentially new but I say it would be a good one but, I tell, you what they although. You know passage great cuz it's cheap as well that's the important point but but actually sometimes the best upgrades, are the most boring ones as well are they certain new, cables, new, brake cables nothing, beats good shifting yeah, exactly, new gear cables to revolutionize, your shifting you brake cables get a better brakes instantly. And, then you chain as well get a more responsive, bike potentially, if you let it go to find money to refresh the whole drivetrain but that too would also boost, performance even if it doesn't change the look of your bike your point will feel nice - right that's an upgrade for me nothing, beats the feeling, of smooth, peddling.

With A new chain yeah that is very true so, you've. Fixed all the bits that are wrong in your bike where'd. You go from there well. Yeah that's an important point isn't it I reckon you can't start thinking about upgrades, until. You buy actually works properly, so yeah let's say that number one the best upgrades are fixing your bike until, you get to a point and then. For. Me it's probably time and, wheels actually, I think they're, not in significant purchase certainly wheels aren't but, that. Is definitely two things that, can totally change the way your bike feels and also, change the way your bike looks what's, your the better you, could go from silver and aluminium wheels. To black. Carbon wheels and all of a sudden your bike looks like a completely different bike. And, you're gonna be lighter and if saving weights your thing latex. In your tubes that's, true vemma the best value, upgrade, you can make - bike - safe way to 20 grams 20, dollars roughly, yeah I reckon if you can find a cheaper cheap latex inner tube you can definitely do that and yeah it makes it the best way also, here's, another sneaky one lightweight. Brake cables and gear cables or the outers obviously your stove weight on your cables, themselves that would be a disaster but the out is quite. A bit weight saving not very expensive color-coded, or black black. Yeah. Remember. The knock-on ones that ended years ago yeah I'll beat ya now you're pretty cool although, you know what, even. After all of those things we've just listed perhaps, the single, best thing you could do to improve your bike to upgrade your bike we'd just be to keep it clean proper degrease proper. Real, and, away you go it'll feel like new and it will last longer - I'm, grinning like a Cheshire Cat, because I didn't have to say it this time there's. A man he knows this caught keep your bike clean and it'll feel amazing look after your bike and it will look after you that's where we go yeah, thinking, about catch phrases I reckon. There's going people in the comments Chris who quite, rightly are gonna point out that well-worn, phrase don't. Buy upgrades, ride upgrades. Wrong nearly I'd guests attributed, to eddy merckx I can't imagine any works I'm saying that first his bites were picked out and secondly be a weird knowledge of American English when they ride up grades but. Anyway that's, beside the point.

The. Thing about that phrase right is that don't disagree you definitely should ride up grades but. You can't do that all day you, get tired so what do you do when you're not riding up grades, you, think about, upgrades, and that's, why it's okay so, you do both not mutually exclusive ride, upgrades and buy upgrades it's. It's, important it's win-win exactly. Right, now on that slightly bizarre labored point at the end do make sure you let us know in the comment section what you think about this what is the, best upgrade, you can make to, bike and. What it's gonna be your next upgrade, you're gonna make to bike we've super, Institute to read all of those get, involved. Right. Let's get back on to some new tech shall we firstly, you've got to give a little shout outs, to canyon SRAM the coolest, team in pro, cycling, and fair. Play to them they've changed that kit design and they still look flippin cool so wearing a limited edition number, for the Tour, of Britain or the women's tour rather which is taking place in the UK at the moment it is going to be a limited edition kit, and, it's designed to draw attention into the RAF of women's 100 that's, taken place in September but that really is cool kids are it is great knit and sticking, with rapper and cool kit if we can for a second they've recently released. A criterium, clothing which is an iridescent, oil, slick color no, I saw yeah with reflective, dots no less I like that thumbs up from me yeah me, too cool right. Say what I also like is the look of this new, BMC. Just, released it's called the road machine X, and, it. Is an evolution of their Road machine but with added cross, ability. Now, if we are gonna look at our gravel spectrum, I'd, say this one probably falls right, down the middle so it's got clearance for 34, millimeter, wide tires to plenty for going off-road but. Not super. Huge extreme. Gravel, tires slash mountain bike tires and also when you look at the geometry on paper at least you'd, think that that looks quite nice and agile, they. Like a road bike you know what I like about it is that it's got a nice long reach on it but. With a view to fitting a shorter stem yeah to keep it nice and tight and responsive kind, of like how a motorbike, to settle these days okay can, we mention that in here, yeah. We can meta meta bison here it's also got an animated frame just like that Canyon in flight we were to remote earlier on and indeed just like that Canyon in flight aluminium but it too has a Stram apex, 1by drivetrain, on there in all that looks like a pretty good-looking bike to me and you know what else I liked about it is that there, seems we no mention, of gravel, in any of their marketing material for it yeah, not, quite Oh full, paragraphs, in gravel, adventures oh man. Sorry, one mention of gravel us so, cliffs from gravel - another buzzword though now and that is e bikes, we, were taken, last year at Europe right with the focused, project Y series, that was what. Debuted concept, 'add and we weren't the only ones in fact because it actually want a euro bike award I seem to remember at the time but. Anyway now something has made it into production and, it's called we focus, para Lane square, so it uses the German, made fatso a motor and battery system, which. Is particularly. Impressive it can, be completely integrated into the bike look and it's also remarkably, light as well yeah, the battery of the motor themselves, anyway 3 kilos bringing. The total weight to a tiny. 13, kilos for a fully fledged e bike yeah it's about 400, watts at. Your disposal 250. Watts for over an hour off-road. And anything. Up to 25 G's an hour you'll have that assistance which actually. Is you, know let's go into some off-road yeah you're gonna be shifting some gravel, drifts maybe yeah. Well bare mind so the parent Lane I think is the same as the ordinary pallet you can only squeeze in up to 35, millimeter, wide tires on there that's. That's probably perfect, for gravel drifts I guess it's gonna take you you, know to terrain that you couldn't on a normal Road bike yeah absolutely cool yeah yeah fair enough to say well yeah that one looks particularly interesting actually right, now before we leave new, tech before this week we want to give a cheeky little shout-out to, our.

Mates Over at wahoo again if you saw GCN show you'll be familiar with these it's a limited edition element. Bolt colorway. Right so first of all we've got this lovely, little lemon-lime, number, particularly fan of that one poor. To, go it might I'm familiar in the show. Black and red and white yeah, nice cool. Watch. Did you say kids mommy, oh yeah. It's. Time now for the. Wall of fame, last week John, and Tom inducted, the, disk wheel this week it's over to Chris one, side this week I want to put the one piece bias them in there yeah, more specifically, the Cinelli integrator, which was made, in the late 90s early 2000, yeah it wasn't the first one piece buyers tend to be made but in my opinion it was definitely, the most iconic I, think, you might be right to be fair it was perhaps. The most iconic and also perhaps the heaviest as well 570. Grams is apparently 400. Mil long stem and thirty-nine. Point 5 centimeter wide, bars so. No light weight and it it looks quite you, know well. It looks like so you might find in a rally car at best and perhaps on the back of a tractor at worst but nevertheless there's some kind of beauty in the, functionality of that yeah baby isn't it it was a bit over engineered wasn't it for, a bar instead well, yeah and unlike these from Brit Lane bikes they were also available in, silver which is perhaps a little more fitting with the era from which they're from yeah, the year of one-inch steel, tubes and dodgy, internal cable routing yeah, okay, maybe we ignore. Those two design flaws for, the minute yeah she nearly also introduced, a slightly. Crashed, neural stem sticker at some, point for those that really want to liven up their cockpit like, a mario Cipollini I guess yeah just just like that really yeah bars were first. Produced in the late 1990s. And kind, of disappeared quite quietly in the early 2000s, yeah but single, piece bars and stems may they have come a long way since then the gathering popularity. Certainly, a lot lighter you're looking at what like three, hundred and something. Grams for a similar sized poster, pretty, much half the way these days yeah and so. Many different designs, and shapes and sizes there, is something for everyone I used to shy away from one, pieces thinking. That I actually liked. The adjustment, of two piece and, now I think they're great, there. Is it I've one, piece is stiffer it's lighter and I think it actually looks better I think it looks better yeah, on the right kind of like I'm. Like I'm getting a carbon. Bike but yes but on there a bite yeah, all good trends have to start somewhere they did indeed and this one started with those, there we go then Cheerilee integrators. Onto, the, GCM, water phone that was good one make sure you get involved in the comments obviously, we value your input onto, the wall of fame is that we've rather, you suggest them but anyway, given in the comments and tell us what you think needs to go up next week. Right. Then you ready for the, results for, bike of the week this, is that pointless show you better drumroll yeah. I thought it was like an appropriate well, it probably is actually so last week we, asked you to choose which one you.

Prefer The new. Trek. Madonn we think it's a madonnas it hasn't been released yet versus, the new specialized, bench, we think it's avenged it hasn't been released yet now. Drum, rolling you ready mate. The. Winner. 55%. Of the vote is. The, track live there, we go so yeah clearly that mega, downtube, decal, the, red is, what's winning people over so the discs definitely well, yeah but then this breast eyes got discs - wow, that's, a good point yeah so it's the paint job no both of them mega fight personally. I've been off the track a she I think. Arbor - it's just got you know the big tubes the picture you've big stickers that's what everyone wants yeah that's the bling looking boy right there what are we going on this week Chris this week we've got the canyon in-flight versus, the BMC road machine X now, I so - actually. Relatively, reasonably, priced bikes for once up to. Two, vote between both aluminium, frames both surround apex worn by with discs which ones are gonna be pretty versatile vice - yeah absolutely. It's. That time of the week again where we go to the bike fo you've, submitted your pictures and we give them a super nice and a ring of a bell oh nice. It's not a thumbs down base it's really nice but anyway right Garnett who's up first first. Off we've got Remy from Vancouver. Canada, he. Submitted us his. 2015. Felt, AR frd with. Some pretty sweet components, in, his opinion well. I think in my opinion to actually look at laughs you've got SRAM. Is. That eat up no, no minute whoa wait, a minute. Oh hanging over this yeah I've just he's, got a Juris but that's a SRAM Red Team, set parameter ah. Lena. Had some serious Watson Vancouver, that looks like one tasty race bike as well yeah that's sorry, I'm just like this that whole kind of like you, know mix of SRAM and Shimano, which is kind of like it's just make. Me feel a little bit uncomfortable I, mean. I love the colours personally I love the purple decals, on the wheels I think it looks pretty cool deep aggressive wheels as well to go over the area frame I'd I'd like, this I'm still. Struggling plate this is this is red chain set on a Jurassic, quick bite huh. It's. A nice one for me so a nice. Not a super nice well. Yeah, I mean it's, struggling with the mix you, are struggling to and the bars in the background if you cover into the bars there'll be a fantastic photo yeah, I do felt like I do really love the bike jokes aside about mixing. Us a doof it's actually great but you're right it's a it's, a it's it's a nice it's so close to super nice but it is a nice I'd ride it though yeah I by the way he also says consumer. You might pick a couple of fun that water bottle is grossly garish, compared to the rest of the bike but he's saying that it's an, actual team sky water bottle they've kind enough to give him at Abu Dhabi and it gives a little more motivation when, he rises which i think is super cool, but. Not super nice sorry Grammy give. It another go mate give another go alright next up we've got a Swift, Ultravox, tie now this one has a really tragic backstory actually, ever since and by Mohammed prac from South Africa so, we really feel for you Mohammed but. Anyway glossing. Over that this is a Swift with a very, special. Paint job I'm a big, fan of that, and I love the build on this so Schramm ready tap, with. An actually black chain ring on there which they look bling don't they that is beautiful yeah yeah epic we also things it, handlebars. And stem that's. A proper, bling that isn't it you know what I like most apart, from the colors which are a reminder. To him of his wife and his son is the.

No Cables, you just looks so neat having that eat up yeah it does look good the net what were you thinking is that a super, nice or a nice I for. The color scheme alone I think has to go super nice really, it's quite rare to see a custom. Painted bike these days you don't see them all the time and those, colors on the gray background they worked really well for me there. We go ring the bell. It's. A super nice right there next up we got this from Rob. Odie's. This. Is saffron, HSS, steel race bike so that's a custom builder, based in the UK Steel's, real it is indeed and that, is a beauty, hand-painted, by Finnish profit London we're told so, there we go and I'm quite famous, climb in the UK that looks a bit like Box Hill to me I believe it is but a drop you. Can tell, this in the UK is this a famous climb and yeah it almost looks like it's at sea level yeah, but. It's not raining so there we go right. What do you think about this one Chris well I think it's quite you need to sit still bike for a start I mean I know there's a bit of a resurgence still Israel, but, that. Paint job is quite, striking is beautiful, isn't it it's a break from the norm these days of the dark and somewhat. Subtle paint jobs yeah the only stands out and with the white stem as well quite throwback to the early 2000s. I tell you I do love a, stem, is custom painted same to the rest of the bike that's, what we got in there we got zero HDI too we've. Got I just think that's cool ash isn't it parameter as well yeah, saddlebag. No. Well no I'm telling it detracts from it no way, it fits fits with the steel frame for, me I like it it's a super nice ring the bell slide. There. We go super. Like - super nice ease one nice what's coming up next this. Is, Jerry. Siemens, specialized, Roubaix on a cloudy drizzly, ride the. Other morning in Bellingham. Washington I, tell. You what that is Judy isn't it is look. At the way the clouds are hanging over the mountain that's pretty. Spectacular. Yeah first first impressions, this is a beautifully, proportionate, bike and one particularly sight about so that it looks so amazing and we've, got shallow, aluminium. Box-section rims which is great yeah, it just looks really classic, but yet it's it's awfully not because it's a specialized Roubaix so we've got those like deserts elastomers, in there but I think it looks great, well they've been around for a while now they have yeah but it just looks cool yeah and John Kelly's favorite color in the bottle er hi. Yeah oh we're jarring. Slightly, with the bar tape may. I you've you've drawn my attention to now confident, in it yeah, it's cool I like that I like the misty backdrop. Hmm. I think the Armco is, subtracting. A little from your bike I think if you'd had no, arm Kerry in the background you know the guardroom, yeah are. We asking for we saying it's a nice and a resubmission needed, I think, that bike in a different location with, that bottle when John's here it would be a super nice yeah, there. We go I'm really sorry we're not gonna ring the bell right, next we've got a bikes and invite Enrico catch here and he started, his email with I know nobody, at GCN loves the celeste color of Bianchi, but I won't give up and, we're not say we don't love Celeste it's just it's just John that it's, not I'm a massive, fan you, say but anyway here. Is a Bianchi. Especially. Simmer in celeste fluro, matte which, which, maybe john would like actually anyway. Full cap on yellow chorus, group set bore at 150. Tubular, wheels and this. Was taken in switzerland. On the brown egg a two and a half kilometer climb with 12 cent average gradient and, he says that that is why the chain is on the small chain ring which, is otherwise a folk park in these in this neck of the woods fair enough excuse, their I think is it's, a beautiful, bike there I'm not gonna lie Celeste fluro Matt is, quite, a color and those specialty swimmers are Megan. Are they you know what I've not thought about it recently but deep drop handlebars like you've got there they look so cool all of a sudden you see so many compact bars these days for guys that just want to sit in the drops real quick and easy that's, me well, I love compared for us functionally.

They're Brilliant but sing, deep, drop bars like that it just looks so cool you think it's definitely a dream drop part well yeah okay, are you attempts to give it a super high something despite the fact that it's changed on the big ring despite the chain despite, being and I think, you're in like the 30 or the 28 in the back as well I don't. Know it's quite cool I like this one um I'm not a big fan of Celeste you know but when it's that in your face you can't escape it and maybe maybe, be in that bold is actually pretty cool. Ring. The bat chop the bike. Super. Nice right, then last up we, stay in Switzerland actually. We've, got this one from Fabian, from Bern oh I wonder, Fabian Cancellara do you think yeah well I mean he's riding a Morita so it could well be anyway. No marina suck across 6,000, currently with road tires I'll. Take your shifting and. I. Think, it's a Kulak you buy and I particularly, like, the effort you've gone to you with your photo which looks cooler, than that you've either gone wet feet wearing, boots or, you. Can, just swim really really well you're half way through a river here yeah it's, time, I taught my for effort yep, I think that looks proper cool you know and it's. A crazy photo and the bike looks fantastic, in it yeah top, marks Fabian you'll, soon learn a lot from your time spray yeah for sure this is enjoy. Reaches. Across 6000 super, nice right. As always thank, you very much for, the, submissions. That you sent in for bike volt this week we, have enjoyed going through all of them and even if it hasn't made it onto the show please, keep trying if, you want to send us a picture then the email address is on screen now well, that's pretty much it from us here this week do, you want to tell us what's coming up on the show I can, indeed, mate so on Saturday, we have our customary Pro bike this week it's yen Sid van Rensburg Cervelo, then on Sunday we've got a mega, unboxing, which I'm particularly, excited about went I'm very. Excited yeah Monday's maintenance video is gonna be a nice one back to basics, nice and simple is how to fit a tire so maybe not one for most PC on the tech show but still an important. Skill and someone needs to show you how to do it in the first place and then, on Wednesday, it is a ask GC anything nice, there, we go right thank you very much Chris for your first GCN, tech show some. Cracking, entries in. The Wall, of Fame there and also still. Still impressed with your call us by to all time so there we go and I see everyone else will be as well so, yeah big thumbs up and if you want to watch another video right now make sure you check out Katherine's tech, from dirty cancer, as well gravel. Tech there, we said it thumbs. Up and subscribe.


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