What are the Cutting-edge Technologies for Use in the Classroom Presenter Teresa Castro

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helping me answer questions if needed so here we  go so I'm in um I'm in PowerPoint but on the cloud   version just like in google you have google slides  and things like this this is the cloud version of   PowerPoint if you're not familiar with it so  I'm going to go ahead and go to present live so if you've never heard of this before  present live is awesome because you   can actually follow along with me in my  presentation so if you have your device   you can take your device and you can uh use your  camera feature and you can take this QR code   and it will bring you to my actual presentation  that you could follow along with me   and if you need the link I'm going to go ahead  and put it in the chat right now for everyone in case your your QR code isn't working and you  can follow along with me and the great thing if   you notice as I'm speaking my closed captioning  is happening at the bottom of your device   and you can also change the language to a  different language so I'm speaking in English   but whoever's viewing which is you you  can change it to Spanish or whatever   you need so just think of how useful this is  when you're with your students or when you're   with other colleagues and other people who may  not understand you with your first language right   that's pretty amazing another tool also at the  bottom of your screen if you're following along   is a little you see the little happy face those  are your reactions so if you can click on that   give me a few reactions right now so I could see  them actually coming through perfect I love it   so you can see from my screen that I see those  reactions coming through so feel free to send   me reactions throughout I love it I see some  reactions through zoom either way that's great   okay so we're going to go ahead and continue so  I'm going to click on show slides and this brings   us back to our slideshow but now you're actually  following along and the great thing is as i go   through my slides you can go back to slides that  I've already covered so let's say you want to go   back to another one you can do that you just can't  go ahead from what from where I am okay so let's   go ahead and begin innovative technology for the  classroom so let's establish our purpose before   we begin um our purpose here today is to examine  evidence-based practices and I'm going to give you   access to a curated list of technology resources  that I put together with some of my colleagues   and some of my classmates when I was going through  additional certification and we're also going to   learn tried and true tech used by teachers today  and we're going to organize them in build deliver   assess and support technologies in all those areas  we also wanted to be clear about our non-purpose   here don't expect to be experts at the end of  this session because even I'm not there you don't   expect to learn every great tech tool in existence  because I'm sure they're being even invented as   we speak right now and don't think that you  need to forget everything that you've learned   or been practicing you don't have to throw out  everything that you've learned we just continue to   learn new things okay here's a great quote that my  colleagues and i love to use and technology will   never replace great teachers but technology in the  hands of great teachers is transformational and   I'd like to think that that is why we're all  here today we're going to learn how to use   this technology not for the sake of technology  but to help deliver instruction to our students   and my name is Teresa Castro here's just  a little something something about me lots   of things that I've been working with and  I'm not going to read all of this but um   I've been I thank you for the reactions I've  been a technology TOSA or teacher on special   assignment for seven years now and before that I  was actually in the classroom I taught every grade   in elementary and I do love it I miss the kids  especially right now and so those are my expertise   at the moment so now that you know a little bit  about me I'd like to know a little bit about you   but before we get to that I want to show you our  Padlet so if you're following along with me you   just click on that and it brings you straight to  our Padlet but if you're not following along with   me I'm going to put it in our chat right now let  me go ahead and grab that and put it in our chat   and again if you can't access this for whatever  reason please feel free to put your questions in   the chat and we'll try our best to get to them but  this is a great resource for you and also for me   so as I present today feel free to go through  this and fill this out the very first column   is for things you learned or would like to try  we'll revisit that at the end any questions you   have can come in here and since my partner is here  if he knows the answer he will answer them right   on the spot hopefully and um suggestions and  resources I know a lot of you are in school we   have some experts in here i can already see feel  free to add any resources in here that you think   are really useful and that would be great for all  of us we continue to share so please feel free to   use this document right here this Padlet okay and  we'll revisit that at the end all right our next   thing that we're going to do today we're just  going to go right into it we're going to go to   our poll if you've ever tried poll everywhere it's  been around for a long time you can click on it   and if not let me see oh actually you know what no  just kidding that's not where we're going you can   click on it I'm going to go ahead and go to this  next slide and you could type this in at the top   this poll everywhere in your browser and if not  I'm going to grab the link for you right now oh I see people already responding thank you there it is I have so many tabs open here we go   so just so I know um who my audience is today  because it helps me to tailor a little bit of   what I go over today so I see a lot of us  are mostly in pre-k decay and some of you   might actually be looking for positions you're  not sure or you're just starting your teaching   journey so you're actually not sure but you have  a preference maybe so great so this is also a   great tool to use while you're working with your  students you can you can ask them questions on   what you've been going over anything like that  this could be very useful lots of things okay just gonna give us a moment to do that thank  you okay so I'm going to go ahead and move on so for the next one um actually let's see what  time it is right now okay for the sake of time   what we're going to do is I'm going to go back  to this one I actually want to ask you some words   with technology to demonstrate pull everywhere  but for the sake of time we're going to move   on and come back to it if we can if that's fine  with everyone all right so as promised here is a   curated list of technology tools and I'm going  to click on it so you know what you get so if   you still have access to this presentation I will  not delete it you can go back to this at any time   I'm going to click on that and this is a list  that we created with my colleagues and also with   my classmates when I went through different  certifications and is organized by the ISTE   standards which is the International Society for  Technology in Education if you're not familiar   on the left you can click on the individual  ones and it will bring you straight to them but   if you go through there's just so much in here it  would take months to go through everything lots of   different tools and it tells you um a description  ways to use it are they free how much do they cost   and we have people in here all the time adding  things so every month or so I like to go through   and clean it up a little bit so if you want to  add something please I have I I've given you   edit right so you can go there and you actually  add things as well and you can see that some of   these are incomplete so probably this at the end  of this month I'll go through and clean this up   and make sure that they have all the information  that's necessary so this is just an ongoing living   document so feel free to access it and add things  to it okay so there's a lot of things in there   all right the next one right here this is called  blooming apps this is a wonderful resource   I'm gonna go ahead and click on that so this  wonderful lady called Kathy Schreck I'm sorry if I   said that incorrectly what she does what she  did she went into um blooms and she found all   of these apps all these great resources and  organized them according to bloom's taxonomy   so if you're familiar with it then this will  be super useful for you so this one is for   iPad apps these are the different apps for the  different sections of bloom's taxonomy right here   so if you're ever wondering you need something  for creating you can find like this is Canva   lots of different things in here okay there's  also for android apps as well these are actually   clickable icons so you can go to them and actually  click on them and go into these tools so if you're   ever stumped and they're trying to figure out  what to do with your class personal project   this is a great place to start online tools as  well we have a lot of teachers using spark video   and things like that of course our zoom is here  lots of different things so this is a great   resource for you to find tools as well all right  so before we actually start getting into most of   our tools we want to talk about our foundation  of course Maslow before bloom and I know a lot   of us have heard of that before before we go to  bloom and we teach them all these amazing tools   we have to make sure that we are Maslowing right  that we're making sure that their basic needs are   met so that they're able to use these tools  to receive the information the instruction   that you want to provide okay so with the regular  master we talk about providing their basic needs   in life to make sure that they're ready to receive  your instruction right here is is a version which   is for technology so we want to make sure  that their basic technology needs are met   before we add on all these other exciting things  that we're going to learn today so I like I always   like to use this example because I was in a I  was in a class of kindergartners on the computer   and it was we think that our kids know so much  about tech which is true I mean if you've seen   kids these days they know more than we do right  um but but we always assume that they know more   and there's this kindergartner who was using their  mouse and they were pushing their mouse all the   way on top of their seat mate because they didn't  realize that you could actually lift your mouse   in order to move the cursor around and it was the  cutest thing but then it reminded me oh that is an   explicit skill that I need to teach I didn't teach  that basic skill and my partner also mentioned   even just telling them what it is some students  won't know what a mouth is because they're used   to those touch screens and everything so making  sure that those basic needs for tech are met   before you throw these wonderful new tools at them  that knowing that helping them to navigate through   them okay so also giving timely feedback making  sure that they're growing um in technology and   in their in your instruction for them okay moving  on so this is also John Hattie's visible learning   research so I like to call this getting more bang  for your buck and these are a lot of great best   practices um with our kids but what will give  you the most back so this is something we like   to refer to as we're doing plans along with our  colleagues as we're doing units and lessons and   things like that um homework is great but it's not  up there right what are things that are feedback   is something very powerful that you want to  embed in what you do in your instruction direct   instruction is very strong as well so anyways  that's a great resource for you to go back to   and last but not least before we begin um we  always want to keep the end in mind as we go   through and choose our technology because we don't  want to use technology just for the sake of having   fun with technology which technology is super  fun but we always always want to keep in mind   where are you going what is your end result and  then what is the evidence that your students are   going to show you to show that they've actually  accomplished what you want them to accomplish   and then how do we get there what's your learning  plan how do you get from plan a to plan b so   that's what we're going to be going over today  so we're going to start with building content   and this is really simple these are just resources  to help you actually build your content and so the   first one we're going to go over as requested  we are going to go over Canva first I know a   lot of us have heard of Canva before Canva not  Canvas that's a learning management system Canva   is something that a lot of us have been using for  infographics things like that you see posts online   on Facebook and everything so let's just go into  it so there are different types of accounts for   Canva but as soon as you are a hired teacher you  actually get a free account so if you didn't know   that some of you might actually be teachers here  and be paying for Canva not realizing that you   have a free account so um I'm gonna go ahead and  click here and show you you can go into Canva   fill out this information and then you'll get  approved and then you get your free account   okay so if you didn't know that keep that in  mind that you can have a free account for Canva   okay here are a lot of things that are provided  for teachers I've been using Canva for years and   didn't realize that there are also things for  teachers in here I was using it for social media   didn't realize all of this great stuff so we  have lesson calendars um education presentations   virtual classrooms especially right now as we're  distance learning a lot of teachers were making   virtual classrooms from scratch and they didn't  have to do that if they knew that they had this   resource there are tons of virtual classrooms in  there that you can grab and you can personalize to   fit your needs okay Canva is also for our students  you can create classrooms in Canva where your   students have access and they can create their own  graphics and things like that as well for whatever   projects you have for them so just so you know  that's not just for you but it's also for them   as well okay so I'm just going to go into Canva  really quickly to show you here's a basic account   so if you haven't upgraded your account yet this  is a basic account it's pretty um self-explanatory   here you can go into your different types of  posts you can search for what you're looking   for let me try to show you one that is a teacher  one here's a teacher version right here make sure   here we go so we have education presentations  education infographics English worksheets the   list goes on and on and on and even from here see  google classroom headers all those great things   we have some ready to use here I wish I  had known about this a while back as I was   making everything from scratch you could  also search for what you're looking for   okay and you can also you can see right here  I have teacher sharing team you can share with   your colleagues as well so you could share your  graphics with one another or things that you found   you can bring them into a collection that you can  share together okay all right so here we go so   this next one slides carnival all this basically  is is um a place where you can get templates for   PowerPoint and for google slides let me go  ahead and just show you what it looks like   so you can go into here and these are just great  great templates where you can start the template   that I'm using today this is actually from size  carnival all they ask is to give them credit so   and your last slide just make sure you give them  credit and there's tons of things here you can   even search and since I'm a technology TOSA I  often go to technology and I search for things   this is my favorite one this peach one right here  so when you click on it you go down to the bottom   you can view what it looks like there are 30  slides in here that someone took the time to   create all these beautiful slides and a lot of  people give me credit for my slides and I can't   really take credit because I tweeted from here you  can download it as PowerPoint and you can also use   it as google slides and what it does it creates  a copy for you so as soon as you bring it in it's   yours and now you just alter it for whatever you  need okay very simple simple to use and I've been   using it for years i love it this next one is  slides mania it I'm not going to go into it but   in essence it's the same thing you can go in  there for google slides and PowerPoint as well   okay and down here there you can  get some additional graphics and   emojis and things like that at Flaticon and  Freepik so just a lot of resources for you to use   okay so now we're gonna go into delivering  content let me check on my time I think I'm okay   all right so just so you know the next two  sections which is delivering content and assessing   content they really can be used interchangeably  so whatever we go over delivering content it could   most likely be used as assessments as well  whether it's formative assessments or your   culminating tasks and also our assessing content  can be used as checking for understanding as you   deliver content so just so you know they  are interchangeable we have organized them   though anyways so this first one is resources for  delivering content so I know some of you may be   familiar with these things Meerpod, Peridek,  Flipgrid, but before we begin I'm going to   take you into another tool in Microsoft just  so you can see it it's pretty amazing and it's   called presenter coach so I'm just going to  escape out of this presentation really quick   right here rehearse with coach just prepare to  be amazed because when I saw what this did I was   I was my mind was blown okay so what  presenter coach does it allows you to   rehearse your presentation and get actual  data at the end so this is great for you   if you have a presentation to do and it's great  for your students as well as they're learning   and trying to work on their speaking skills and  instead of talking about let me just go ahead   and do it so I'm going to click on that I'm not  going to do this because I don't have a camera   but you can show body language feedback if you  have I'm using my camera right now for this   presentation but if i wasn't here I could click  on that and it'll actually give me feedback on my   body language as well which is amazing um so I'm  gonna go ahead and click on rehearse with coach   and down here at the bottom right you'll see  where it says start rehearsing so I'm going to   click on start rehearsing so here we go so as  I'm rehearsing it's actually recording me and   at the end it's going to give me feedback and  I'm going to show you what that looks like so   as that's happening all in the background oh it  can you can see it's telling me right now that   I'm speaking too fast so you could you could turn  that off as well so that um you don't see those   on the side as you present and it says try not to  use too many m's okay I got it so let's continue   all right so near pod a lot of us have heard  about this this was requested in our last one so   Nearpod is a great great tool you can you don't  have to start from scratch you can use your   existing slides and things like that and use  these to make them more interactive with the   kids you can review their work you can have live  participation you can have them do it on their own   if you want or you could do it with them you  can convert pretty much anything your PowerPoint   google slides PDF YouTube video everything  and there are also lessons in there already so   even if you don't have anything yet you can go in  there through their library and find things that   teachers have already created okay  like I said there's live participation   where they're following along with you and  you're controlling which slides they're on   if you can also do student pace where they can do  it on their own entirely so they can go as fast   as they want as slow as they want and they can  do it when they're not with you and in front of   the class as well even if the students don't have  devices they can follow along with you that way okay so I just talked about Nearpod but  I'm actually going to spend more time in   pear deck right now so I'm going to bring it into  paradigm which is very similar to Nearpod but I   want to actually show you how to use it so let me  grab it from another screen there we go all right   okay so here I am in um in a google slide that  I already have created I actually borrowed this   from another teacher just a regular google slides  and what I did was I added the pear deck add-on   right here so if you don't know you can  get add-ons and you could search for them   and right here is pear deck and  I already have it installed okay   so once I have it and the same thing goes for  Microsoft PowerPoint so if you want to do it in   PowerPoint on office 365 the cloud version you  could do it there as well okay um so I already   have it on so I opened paradigm you could  see it's already on over here on the right   so here I am in a regular oops there it started  again so let me just start at the beginning so   over here on the right you can see different  tools so i can take any of my slides and I can   have it interactive I can have it do text choice  number website draw draggable so I'm going to let me just choose one for you so this one right  here so drag icon to precipitation stage so what I   did was I took that and I chose draggable and what  it did is it took my regular slide and it turns   into a draggable so I could choose the different  colors things like that I could add other dots if   I want them to identify different things and I  would update slide and now when my students go   on they can click on that and they can drag it to  the different spots okay they can you can also do   multiple choice number all of those things and we  can also work with templates i know we don't have   much time so I'm not going to go through all the  options but another great thing here is you can   go through your template library and this is  for free by the way um you might like in our   district we do have an upgraded account but  most of this is for free that you can use on   your own you don't need to pay okay so you could  have different beginning of lesson things during   lesson end of lessons you can click on that lots  of different pre-made slides that you can use   okay also for social emotional learning especially  as we start bringing our kids back to school or if   you want to check on how they're doing we do use  this a lot so i have one here for example so you   just click on it and it just drags it right in and  you can drag it wherever you want so right here   if I were to show this to my students they would  be able to show me how they're doing here so I'm   going to go ahead and demonstrate that to you I'm  going to start this lesson and I'm going to choose   instructor paste you can choose whichever one  you want and I am launching the presentation   right now so this is what you would do  with your kids you would launch this   you can grab the link or you could tell  the students just to type it in I'm going   to put the link here there you go all right  so if you would like to in the chat you can   go into the link if you would like to go into  it and once you go into that then we can see I'm going to wait for a few friends so we have  seven we've started eight I'm gonna wait for a   few more before I start and I'm gonna open it  in another screen so I could see what you guys   are seeing perfect I see a few more coming in  and that's Peary by the way as we wait this is   their mascot super cute all right so I'm going  to go ahead and start the class so here we go   so here I am controlling what you are doing so  we're learning about the water cycle this and   that this and that okay so kids what you can do  you can actually drag icons here I'm going to move   on to the one that I was talking about earlier  so we're not we haven't learned anything yet   so we don't need to type yet but like this  one drag the icon to the participation   precipitation stage so students you can go  ahead and experience that dragging the icon   and then for me from the teacher end i can see  the choices that you've made on the dashboard   which we're probably not going to have time to  get to today but just know that it's there okay and then this next one so I  could see right now the students   putting it in drag the icon to the precipitation  stage I'm not quizzing you I believe you know it   are you just having fun with the circles I'm  not sure all right so let's go to the next one what is filling your bucket stay and what is  draining it let's do this one and let's do   one more and then we'll move on okay  so here this is a this is a draw one   is you can draw something if you want to um  if I were making this i probably would have   made this a type one so you could actually  type but it's entirely up to you all right   let's move on to this next one I'm sorry  that I'm going so quickly there's just so   much I want to share with you and I know our  time is limited together so let's do a stress   check I think we all really need this right now  right so zero is I'm in a good space and I can   focus and 10 is I can't manage my emotions or  behaviors right now so let's go ahead so wow   okay so I see a lot of us in a good space that's  great some of us are a little bit in the middle   so this is a great check for you and your  kids because I know as we're teaching them   if they're highly stressed you're not going to  be able to show they're not going to be able to   get your instruction out there the way you want  to so we really want to make sure we're taking   care of their emotional needs as well right okay  so let me get out of this I know that was fun   okay so since I went out I didn't this was I  didn't want to do this yet but you can see this   information right here I didn't want to do this  yet but I did get out of the presentation so the   rehearsal coach that I showed you earlier where  it was listening to me and giving me feedback   this is the type of data that you would receive  so I talked for about one minute and 52 seconds   before I left the presentation it gives me my pace  so I was talking at about 148 words per minute um   fillers it noticed that i did use um a lot so  it's giving me the advice maybe you should try   not to use um okay sensitive phrases if  I use some words that might be sensitive   to people it would tell me here and it will also  give me suggestions on what I could say instead   um repetitive language I didn't repeat things a  lot so that's great my pitch I had a low pitch   so maybe try increasing my tone that would make  it more exciting so as I was rehearsing I could   use it so just think of the possibilities  here not just with you but for your kids   as you're trying to teach them speaking skills or  even us right we hate we hate speaking in public   but if you want to practice you could do it here  and I remember I used to practice in front of pets   and my family and now I can use this as well so a  great tool okay so let's go ahead and go back so   here we were in paradise so we finished that our  next one is flip grid and so some of you may be   familiar with that if not I'm just going to show  you what it is so let me just go into Flipgrid   right now it's a great way for students to respond  to your prompts using videos and they have a lot   of freedom to edit and things like that and um  please ignore I'm sorry someone's entering my   house and they can also respond to one another and  you can give feedback as well as teachers you can   create rubrics anyways before I can I'm just gonna  I'm just gonna play it so this is um a session   i was doing on college for somebody hi my name  is Josiah hi my name is and these are some pros   and cons about social media some pros are that  you can share life with your family and friends   uh keep contact with people so it's just a video  that they share and the kids really enjoy it and   they could respond to one another as well  and let me just go into actual here we go   so we have our group so think of your groups  as your class so you may have different classes   and you can go into your groups and you can create  a topic and your topic is more of a lesson okay so   I'm just going to create one right now so you  could see I know this is super fast but this is   being recorded and please you will be able to  email me at any time I will help you if needed   so in your topic in your topic or  lesson you would give it a title   I'm not going to go through all of these  things but just know you have a lot   of options in here okay you can click on  more options and if you're wondering you   know I'm kind of afraid for my students to do  videos I'm afraid of what's going to be in them   you can also make it where you have to approve  them first before they come in before they appear   for the rest of the class okay so you can have as  much control as you want and another really useful   um thing down here is providing feedback you can  create your own criteria for the students so as   you watch the videos you can give them feedback  on the different criteria maybe it's eye contact   their voice I don't know whatever whatever you're  working on at the moment so it's really really   great for you to use okay all right so the next  one let me see my time I think that might be okay   this one p-h-e-t or I like to call it Fet I'm  not sure if that's really what it's called but   I like to call it it's just another great resource  that I wish I knew about I saw a teacher using it   a science teacher and I was like wow I didn't  even know this existed so I didn't want to go   on through this without sharing this with you  so what it is I'm gonna go back a little bit   it's interactive simulations and this is really  great especially as we're distance learning and   we can't get in there with the kids um you know  in person how do you simulate things of course   we can go to videos but they can go into the comp  steps as well different science things here I'm   going to go into chemistry this is my favorite one  just because I could stare at it for a long time   and this is the different particles feel free  to be relaxed right now remove the divider and   I'm sure this goes with a lesson right this  is not just a stare at but just imagine if   you were teaching this content how powerful  this is with the kids to demonstrate how   this interactive simulation right here  okay pretty awesome tool I just want to   throw that in there so that you had it okay  so let's go ahead and resume our session all right let's continue all right so assessing  content again this is interchangeable with what   we just went over and whoa I know this is a lot of  information please don't be overwhelmed right now   if I would ask you how stressed you are you  might have been all the way to 10 at this point   but we just wanted to make sure you  had this information there are tons   of tools we wanted to throw in here but  these are uh the best that we've seen   lately that we've used we're not going to go  over all of this pull everywhere you just used   it earlier Padlet you're probably using it right  now if you're throwing in your ideas or questions   Mentimeter, Kahoot, Quizlet those are all  great things you can click on these links   and it will bring you straight to  their site so you could explore more   um but what we're going to spend more oh I see a  lot of reactions in here yes a lot of us have been   using these right I'm going to go into quizzes  right now so let me go ahead and get out of this   all right so my um partner has been so gracious to  share with me his quizzes that he's been he also   he also teaches for john Hopkins and so he shared  with me his quizzes that he's been using with with   them and it's great so I'm just going to explore  a few things here I'm going to go to explore   and he's using the free version so you  know that this is what you can use for free   and you can search for any topic so any topic  maybe you're teaching science and you don't   want to start from scratch you can go into science  and see what people have already made and you can   reuse them can you imagine the possibilities you  don't have to sit there and recreate everything   okay and you also have your library so items that  you've created and things that you've also used   is in here um you can go on the right  you have your different he has it by his   classes his different classes the different  collections so you can click on it and see   what you've used for your different classes  and you can see he's teaching Spanish there   okay also this is very powerful that he shared  with me and I was like whoa that's so amazing   um your reports as well so you can  go into your actual assignments   and from here you can see of course who  did it and you can go into the questions   and you can see how they did in every question  just think of how powerful this information is   now you know what your students really understand  and now you know what you need to revisit   things that you have to review or you may know  maybe you know those students that need some   extra help and those who are ready to move on  okay so this data is very very powerful okay and   I think that's all I'm going to go over in here  we're going to go ahead and do a Quizzy together   just for fun okay so while we're here so  you can click on my let me resume session   you can click on my link right there or  I could put it in the chat let me see   if i can find the link for it here we go I'm  gonna put in the chat right now for everybody and we're gonna do a Quizzy and my partner made  this so if it's super hard we're gonna we're   gonna blame him I'm just kidding I don't want  him to leave the meeting all right so here's   what it looks like on my end so I'm waiting for  participants to join so go ahead and click on   that in the chat and let's get some um people  in here and hopefully I'm on the right one   i practiced this earlier and I was on the wrong  one that's what really happens sometimes right   all right everybody so I'm gonna  go ahead and click start good luck seeing the in your content and  gamify your class you've heard   of that so I'm gonna stop  talking because all right I'm gonna give this about a  minute or not even 30 more seconds oh wow I'm gonna get this right now so first place Sandra congratulations  can we get some reactions for Sandra all right good job and it shows you who who'd give  perfect along oh here here's your data as well   very cool okay so let me move on let's continue  with our I'm going to mute you Mr. machinist I'm   sorry okay okay let's move on so just imagine  the things that you could do with your kids   we've all heard about gamifying your classroom  and just being able to bring that content in a   way that's more exciting for your kids and the  competition too is super fun so all these tools   will do that for you but i hope you enjoyed that  as well so I'm not going to go into the rest you   can go through that at your own time all right so  supporting content so we went through all of these   parts our last part is really some tools that can  help support us so we couldn't really find a place   for them so we just kind of group them together  here at the end I'm going to talk to you a little   bit about immersive reader epic and overdrive  and I'm going to start backwards actually I'm   going to go over overdrive first if you haven't  heard of overdrive or the app is also called Sora   it allows you to borrow eBooks from your library  so if you have a public library around you they   could also be using an app called overdrive that  allows you to borrow books digitally okay so   instead of talking about let's go ahead and  go into it let's see if we can find it here   here we go okay so here I am in my  overdrive so you can search for books   and what's great about this is that   in our district we also have overdrive in our  district so these are books that our district   has purchased we also share with laco as well so  our students can borrow these books it's just like   a regular library they can borrow them and when  they're done they return them or they just expire   and however however much time you've set  so if you set it for two weeks three weeks   and it just goes back they don't have any late  fees or anything because it just gets put back   into the collection okay so there are some options  that you can have here when you teach the kids how   to search for things different levels I know a lot  of us are using maybe accelerated reader or things   like that and it has different reading levels so  you could use this to search for different levels   you could teach your kids how to filter through  that so that they're not overwhelmed with all the   books that you find we have lexall here as well do  you want books to show only if they're available   if they're if you want to check that that's fine  or they can leave that unchecked and if they find   a book that's already taken they could be put  on the waitlist for it and then they'll get it   when it becomes available for them there's also  read-along books so for your students who are just   emerging readers they can go through those books  and they'll actually read along with the students   so they could find those I'm just going to click  on search here here we go and then they can just   borrow so if they find a book they like they  can just borrow it they can read a sample   it's up to you and your district however many  books that they can have but again even if you're   not part of a district yet this is something  that they could do with their public library   so if you didn't know about it I would reach out  to your public library and get your account for   sora because a lot of books that we love to read  you can actually do it for free you don't have   to buy them anymore you can just borrow them from  your library okay all right so I'm gonna move on   all right so an epic I'm not gonna click on epic  in essence that's the same thing it just has tons   tons of books and also activities for the students  to do my daughter loves epic every day she's on   there um she's doing reading she's also watching  videos and doing lots of activities in there so   if we have time we'll go back into it but i  wanted I wanted to make sure we had enough time   for this last one and this is immersive reader  you might have heard of immersive reader but   if you haven't we're going to demonstrate  it today it's just an amazing tool that   your students can use independently to access  whatever instruction you're trying to provide   sometimes we have those students who are  struggling because they might be language learners   or maybe they're struggling readers or they're  emerging readers and the content you know of   course we differentiate for our students  of course we do that but sometimes we need   even more than that and this is a way for them to  differentiate on their own without you needing to   do anything really and let me go ahead and show  you what that looks like so I'm going to use um   Microsoft let me see I'm going to use edge  and there's a reason why I'm using this   so here we are on just a regular article on the  internet and what you could do is I can enter   immersive reader right here so in google you can  also do this in google chrome with the extension   but here it's already built into edge that's why  I decided to use it so I can click on immersive   reader and see what happens it took all the text  on this regular web page and it brought us right   here and there are some tools at the top so if you  click on read aloud the students can click on that   and it will actually shark lagoon witness some  of the most legendary and enigmatic animals   sharks you can also choose different voice  options you can make him go faster slower you have   Microsoft David you could choose someone else if  you want a different voice okay all right let me   close out of that we also have text preferences  as well so you can adjust the different size   okay um text spacing you can increase that so  you can see there's a little bit more space   between the words and the lines as well you could  change the color you might have those students   have a hard time reading in certain colors so  i know a lot of students do prefer like black   for me as a student if you chose this i wouldn't  be able to read it so you students can choose   this on their own you don't have to stop your  instruction you give them the assignment and   they can do this for themselves okay this next one  is one of my favorites this is grammar tools you   can select syllables and it'll break your words  into syllables right there you can do your parts   of speech here nouns you could choose different  colors if you want oops ah where'd it go verbs   adjectives this is great for our students  especially who are learning the language   who need to find those nouns and identify them  and those of us who are teaching writing this is   great we want to spice up our writing how do we  do it we can find our nouns we could add other   adjectives or we could search for adjectives and  find different adjectives that that authors use   so lots of different things that we can use  here and you can also show the labels as well   and again this is not a text I created this is  something on the internet you can do this on   anything it could do this on something you created  or you could do it on something that's from the   internet as well okay oops let me turn that all  off just for the sake I'll just leave noms on for   now so reading preferences so those especially  when i used to work with kindergartners first   and second sometimes we do our reading and it's a  little bit overwhelming for them to see the entire   thing so oops let me click on it and so you can  have line focus so they can actually go through it   by line two lines three lines and they could do  their reading that way so it's not as overwhelming   as they're trying to read whatever  it is that you have assigned to them   okay you also have picture dictionary which allows  them to to click on a word and then they could see   a little picture so let me see  I'm going to click on zebra   and then there's a picture of a zebra so this  is also great think of those language learners   who don't know what these things are this  will really help them as well so they can   go to shark and it shows them a shark here's  one of my favorite favorite features down here   translate and this is useful not just for the  students but for you when you try to communicate   with parents or if you need to create some sort  of correspondence this will help you so you can   choose whatever language you want I already have  it on Spanish I could translate the entire page   and here we are and I could turn that off and  bring it right back to English okay and so   from here i can also do my picture dictionary  oh wow now I don't know which one to choose   is there shark oh no well  Ricardo now it's in Spanish no don't make me look for it  okay well take my word for it so   when you click on it it will show you the English  and it'll show you in Spanish as well and you can   listen to the pronunciation too so for those  language learners this is a great great tool   okay so we didn't want to miss that so let's  go ahead and go back now to our presentation   immersive reader is actually built into things  like edge and it could be brought in as an   extension like in chrome um but Ricardo if they  were to use it on their phone what would they use uh oh that's a good question if they're  using anything office 365 it's available   in there like water and if you're using like  the edge uh browser it's also available there   we put up more info on the chat right now for them  yeah there's an actual app that's not immersive   reader that's a translator app so Ricardo is  going to put that in the chat once he finds it   but if you're in anything that's Microsoft  whether it's word PowerPoint immersive   reader is built in already so you don't have to  worry about um getting an extension and things   like that but it's already there but that's a  good question so Ricardo will do that for you   all right so we're coming near to the  end I think I went as quickly as I could   and what I'm going to do now is I'm going  to go into our Padlet and see if I have oh   I don't have questions there i assume that maybe  my partner has been answering them on the slide   on the chat all right so before we end our  session let's just kind of regroup and think about   what is something that stood out to you or  something you would like to try for today   so we're going to go back into our Padlet we're  not going to go to the first one we'll go to the   second one the same pad that we were on before and  let's think about things something that maybe that   you'd want to try so here in this first column if  you go ahead and add things that you would like   to try in here I see a few responses let's go  ahead and go back in there and add a few things   so that we can share those experiences with one  another I'm going to put that back into our chat   right there oh perfect paradigm  immersive reader wonderful I love that so I'm going to look at the chat  over here because I don't see questions here   but I do see some of them coming in the chat  I got him Teresa oh you do okay thank you so   my partner is putting in he's the pro at finding  resources so he's going he's answering those on   the chat which is good because I only have two  minutes left okay so I uh before I wrap up I do   want to make sure that I go to the very last  part so thank you so much um you can find me   if you have my presentation here castrocorner  gmail.com mylinktree I do give credit of course   to whoever made this beautiful spy dick and that  the very end before you go before you go thank   you so much for hanging in there with me I know  I talked super super fast all right just so that   we don't miss this part um if we can please  oops this didn't that's not the one I wanted we'll just stay here then all right  so um please use the QR code to submit   any feedback or evaluation or you can go to  this link right here which I will also paste   in the chat well Teresa thank you  so much for all of your expertise   unbelievable the wealth of resources you prevented  to present it to us today and um like we've said   this um webinar or this meeting was recorded so  students will be able to go back to that through   our website and able to think through some more of  your slides and look at your resource links etc.   etc. so so grateful that you could be with us  today and also want to take an opportunity to  

the students thank you for joining us and  we hope that you've had a good day and that   you've learned a lot um and that I wanted to  make one other reminder that San Diego canyon   college has a course called proficiency and  educational technologies for teachers it's an   eight-week course and it's completely online and  I put the title of that in the chat you could if   you're interested in expanding your skills based  on some of the things you heard from Teresa today   that's a really great class any of you can take  because it's online and it is CSU transferable   thank you so much for joining us today this  is the uh end of our conference and um we're   like I said we're just so grateful that we  were able to share all of this knowledge   with all of you and encourage you on  your path to becoming a future teacher


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